---------------------------------------- |context> => |context: sw console> title |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-1> => |text: can we hedge a basic income?$> title |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-4> => |text: Basic income should be a hedge to the market.> body |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-4> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income should provide a parallel system, an alternative to the market. Basic income should be outside of market funding mechanisms. Simply put a basic income on the Fed's balance sheet, at zero cost to taxpayers, and direct the Fed to maintain purchasing power instead of price stability, maximum employment, and moderate long-term interest rates. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-6> => |text: \n\n\n By dualizing the equation, you can throw out constraints. So you end up with something like, you're going to make money no matter what happens, your only limit is how much you can borrow to fund the hedge. The matrix approach lets you predict everything and figure out a solution vector that will make you money in every case. You don't have to predict and use possibilities, as your naive comment indicated. You predict every outcome, and your hedge makes you money in all cases.\nGoldman Sachs had mortgage-backed securities and hedged that with insurance. They made money in all outcomes. AIG had a problem paying off the insurance policies so the Fed stepped in with unlimited liquidity. Goldman Sachs got its money, the hedge paid off, just as it would have without a crash.\nThe private sector has a win-win scenario with hedge technology. They will create money to make money no matter what. We must realize this and stop thinking that someone has to suffer because of a financial crash. The market doesn't think that way. AIG is still around so even not being able to pay off on your insurance policies matters. The Fed will create money.\nConclusion: we can also create money for a basic income and insulate social services from whatever games traders are playing. They'll be fine; and the basic income will be fine no matter what. There is an emergence in hedging that lets you win no matter what happens. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-12> => |text: \n\n\n http://subbot.org/coursera/financial_engineering/yields.png\nThe market price is different than the actual value of the cash flows from the underlying mortgages. When the market price is greater, money is created out of thin air. Traders bid up the prices of assets, independently of the underlying real value of the asset. Bonuses and salaries are paid based on the notional amounts, and converted into public money to buy houses and yachts and other conspicuously consumptive items.\nIf the value of the asset is bid down, you are hedged with insurance or other mechanisms. You still win.\nIf the market is going to carry out such shenanigans and call it "wealth creation", why can't we simply create public money for a basic income and call it "providing for the General Welfare"? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-7-19-234228-393-14> => |text: self-serving is THE basic income for capitalism> body |comment: 2015-7-14-153547-300-23> => |text: \n\n\n Govt should give me some land in the desert and enough money to set up a structure to house and feed the birds, and pay for vet care.\nYou should quit and get a basic income and do some good with your life by stopping the evil that you perpetrate every day at your job for Evil Corp. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-14-153547-300-28> => |text: \n\n\n Put a basic income for the world on the Fed's balance sheet, so it costs zero taxpayer money. Direct the Fed to focus on purchasing power rather than price stability. The Fed can automatically supplement incomes as prices rise, and we can denote debit cards in units of purchasing power. Simple math: if incomes go up in lockstep with prices, purchasing power remains constant, as the lowest form of the ratio: if your income to prices ratio is 3/2 today and 6/4 tomorrow and 12/8 the day after, your debit card units are still three and the prices you see are still in the ratio 3/2 to your income. Inflation disappears.\nThen you challenge ppl to innovate on their own, disruptively. Or they can still work if the want to. More freedom, more choices, less suffering. General Welfare improves and living standards rise faster than the market alone can do it. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-14-153547-300-26> => |text: \n\n\n It isn't my fault, nor anyone else's but your own, that you failed to do due diligence in selecting an employer. If you worked for Ignorant Motherfuckers and Evil Corporations that is on you not anyone else. I suppose you did that because Evil companies were the only ones that would accept a drug addict as an employee. So jobs are not the problem, rather, YOU are the problem for seeking employment with and working for and therefore supporting Evil Corporations.\nYour new found idol, Eliot. He works. He has a job. He doesn't have any problem with it. He works to destroy Evil Corp. He supports himself and doesn't wait for Government to provide a Basic Income. He is very good at what he does and takes great pride in his work. He is aware that Ignorant Motherfuckers and Clueless Cow-orkers attempt to manipulate him and control him but he uses his skills to protect himself the best he can.\nI know you idolize the idea of Eliot. A coder who uses and fights Evil. But if a person like Eliot existed he would not give you the time of day. He would hack you and expose you and leave you with your mouth hanging open wondering what in the hell just happened. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-13-184131-204-16> => |text: \n\n\n And the Dems already have a Democratic Socialist so what would his platform be? Expand marriage rights to the prepubescents? A chicken in every pot and CP on every Mac? You know he has spoken against Basic Income and Legalized Marijuana so he wouldn't even support your favorite causes. In fact he has argued against nearly every policy you have put forth. \nI would not have a problem with Ellen running as the Republican Vice Presidential Running Mate. It would just give the Democratic Candidate better chance of winning. Just as effective as running 'I can see Russia from my House!' Palin. Ms Pao could sue Boehner for Aggravated Sexual Obese. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-11-12550-4727-26> => |text: \n\n\n You could listen to this thing, or just knowing that it exists and makes enough money for her and her team to live comfortably... for saying what sounds like common sense... but people buy it. \nIt should inspire you, rather than cause you to worry.\nI mean, all you say, to me, are opportunities, not threats. Especially since so much stuff is just a credit card click away. \nI get that you want a "job for life" but the world shouldn't work that way, only did for a few people for a select time. If it did, it would be indistinguishable from slavery. Who really wants to be a slave? \nYou can, however, be a "firm for life". Whether you have lucrative employment contracts to support that firm (as Linus T. does), or many customers, many contracts, and keep growing... you should be able to do it once you decide. \nYou said you had to use reasoning to figure out how to work... figure out how to sell your ebooks, or some other product. For example. \nYou have skill, experience, supportive family, and lots of unemployed people to hire as office assistants or editors or whatever your "weaker" areas are, so just make up your mind and do something.\nIt is harder to start than to continue.\nYou could even try part-time work, if you want that, but I take it that you think you're smarter and stupider than everyone at the same time, so the best thing to do in that case is likely to just focus on things like contracts and products, and then work on selling them, since it will avoid comparing yourself to others.\nEventually you could get better but having income related to effort, rather than gifts or basic income, helps a lot, even if it is not sufficient, because it is easier to expand existing streams and learn how to ship by shipping.\nSo, I think, instead of complaining so much, try stuff. You might fail, but so what? Who really quits if the first compile fails? \n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-7-9-10728-67038-9> => |text: Solution: basic income and 3D print car challenges> title |comment: 2015-7-8-13921-93304-8> => |text: You mention Basic Income way too much> body |diary: 2015-7-7-19528-67157> => |text: I expect a global meltdown around September or October of 2015. That is when the bond market shit hits the fan. \nI expect US debt to be downgraded yet again, from AA to A or BBB.\nCan't afford to pay our bills we just print more money and cause more inflation. Once the minimum wage is $15/hr prices will be so high cannot afford to live on that. Will push for a basic income and either not get it or the money paid to basic income won't be livable.> body |comment: 2015-7-5-193237-0380-56> => |text: \n\n\n Rand Paul is good on civil liberties but uninformed on the economy and how banks create private money all the time. Before the Fed, banks regularly had panics which were due not to any physical scarcity but to the inelasticity of the money supply. The private sector tried to solve the problem with clearinghouses but that put private citizens such as J. P. Morgan in charge of extending credit in crises like the Panic of 1907. J. P. Morgan didn't want to repeat that role in future panics, because even he recognized the conflicts of interest involved. He was in a position to help his friends and hurt his enemies. The Fed is supposed to be everybody's friend.\nIn the Federal Reserve Act the ability of the Fed to loan to individuals is mentioned several times. We should exploit that provision by having the Fed loan to each of us, if we want, at negative interest rates. Such a negative-interest-rate loan from the Fed would be one way to fund a Basic income at zero cost to taxpayers. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-5-192830-1966-14> => |text: \n\n\n I like to tweet them on Twatter. Sometimes they respond like Edward Harrison of Boom Bust on RT had a Basic Income guy on after I tweeted about Basic income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-7-4-2911-74942> => |text: We can each be defined to have a "direct obligation" to the United States, so this section can be used to create deposits for individuals; thus, a basic income, funded by the Fed, at zero cost.\nThe Fed's got this ability now. They should do it.\nThey can set interest negative (like the Swiss and Sweden are doing), so ppl get paid to borrow. Free money, financed by the Fed. Indexation fixes inflation, because we can have debit cards do a simple reduction of the ratio of income to prices; so that the reduced fraction, the purchasing power, doesn't decrease. 2/4 = 4/8 = 8/16 = ... = 2/4 is what you see on your debit card no matter how big the fraction gets.\n---\nEven if the Act wouldn't necessarily be interpreted the way I interpret it, Congress can amend the Law, as it has done periodically. Dodd-Frank is mentioned in other sections so it was at least amended in 2010.\nWe can write into the Federal Reserve Act the requirement that they fund a basic income at zero cost. They can do it, because they transferred at least $1.7 trillion to banks in exchange for toxic assets the banks (and dealers, and shadow banks, etc.) wanted to get rid of.\nToday banks have some $2.7 trillion in deposits at the Fed. Before 2008, they kept as little in deposits at the Fed as they could, like less than $1 trillion. A large part of the increase is pure money creation by the Fed, a gift to the banks.\nIt goes a lot deeper than that though as Sanders's Fed Audit revealed: many many more trillions were created and loaned or given to provide liquidity worldwide. Swaps were created to provide dollar liquidity for foreign banks. Why can't they do this today, for Greece? People's suffering is at stake; why can't the Fed step in to prevent that needless suffering?\nThe Fed, as this GWU MOOC says, is the most powerful financial institution in the world.> body |comment: 2015-7-4-2911-74942-4> => |text: \n\n\n Here's a bill congress should approve:\n---\nBasic Income Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act\nThe Federal Reserve is directed to finance an unconditional, lifetime, basic income transfer to all individuals who opt in. The basic income will be $20,000 per year, paid in monthly installments, indexed to CPI.\n---\nAnother bill for congress to approve:\n---\nThe Uniform Controlled Substances Act is hereby repealed.\n---\nYou're welcome. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-3-191042-7092-22> => |text: \n\n\n Technology lowers marginal cost towards zero, or below. Thus, things for free, or very close. Economic predictions of impending scarcity are almost always wrong. (No citation, just my observations. Will you allow it?)\nLeave your system in place, but hedge it with a parallel system of a basic income (opt-in). Hold lots of challenges to stimulate disruptive innovation, which corporations are sceptical and afraid of. Turn over the best disruptive ideas to biz, which does what it does best, incrementally innovates, and commoditizes.\nThe key is money, liquidity. Business is nowhere near the "Production Possibility Frontier" that economists love to pull out of their lower orifices. We can provide a minimum decent standard of living for everyone who asks. We have the production capacity. The only thing that's stopping us is the political will, and an economic excuse founded on an absurd faith in some conservation of money principle that is abundantly disproved by the empirical evidence of exponential growth in the money supply.\nIn Bayesian terms, you have a prior of 1 that human nature is as you think it is, that innovation is only motivated by profit, etc. With a prior of 1, you cannot see any opposing evidence. The 1 prior creates a giant blind spot. It's like closing your eyes, holding your fingers in your ears, and yelling "lalalalala". \nI can provide you with counterexamples to your theories of the ubiquity of violence in nature, and you simply won't hear them. You will erase from your memory all the times you were in nature without any violence happening, when animals were friendly and curious to you. When you think about violence, you will think only that animals are out to eat you. But the overwhelming majority of animal encounters can be greatly enjoyable collaborative experiences, where you share knowledge, via musical sound for example. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-3-191042-7092-29> => |text: \n\n\n Each person is large, each person contains multitudes. We should support each individual in his or her quest for self-realization. Knowledge advances faster when we each go our own ways, in parallel, without hindrance or obstacle created out of thin air by economists, imposing a scarcity where no scarcity need exist. The most important scarcity is knowledge. With knowledge, we can continue exponential gains in energy production. We should focus on advancing knowledge by using all of our human capital. We can best do so with a basic income funded at zero cost, through the Fed, say. You would suffer no "inflation tax" because indexation can index your salaries to price rises, so your purchasing power doesn't change. Simply record a fraction in reduced form on your debit card; your ratio of income to prices need never decrease. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-7-3-32056-58165-2> => |text: or argue about basic income on K5$> title |comment: 2015-7-3-23736-14024-3> => |text: wait until it asks for a basic income, then you'll> title |comment: 2015-7-2-132743-7034-1> => |text: Solution: Basic Income and Challenges!> body |comment: 2015-6-30-185944-975-18> => |text: \n\n\n Better yet, just have the Fed transfer money to individuals every month.\nThen individuals can work on 3D printing cars, like the article on slashdot today.\nTaxes aren't necessary. Why would a basic income cause inflation? We have enough production capacity to support everyone. With a basic income in place, businesses can reduce payroll expenses by laying ppl off, lowering salaries, outsourcing, automating. Why would they raise their prices when their costs are going down? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-30-81113-3376-5> => |text: \n\n\n the US government will pay your to not produce food every year and you can plant weed instead. Basic income for promising not to do something you had no intention of doing. Pretty sweet, yeah? Owning land (and real estate of course) is still the best way to earn unearned wealth.\n\n "Depending on your perspective you are an optimist or a pessimist[,] and a hopeless one too." --trhurler\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-30-81113-3376-6> => |text: \n\n\n If the Fed and the banks can create money through IOUs and Loans that magically turn into assets then why can't the country of Greece do the same for themselves? \nIf your financial model works then why can't the Greek govt create a digital currency and tell the Euro to fuck off? They could become the first virtual country. Create their own currency and give every Greek a Basic Cyber Income. Wire the entire country with high speed fiber and promote citizens to disruptively innovate and take on challenges. \nBeing popular for tourism and with a basic income immigration would become huge so they could charge an entrance fee. They could get the place cleaned up and chilled out like a Disneyland park but for real. They could legalize all drugs and create virtual entertainment centers where people could enjoy holodeck like experiences. \nThen they could declare the entire nation a wildlife refuge and rescue. Greek citizens abroad would be empowered by the Greek government to rescue animals mistreated abroad and transport them back to Greece where they would enjoy full rights as citizens of Greece.\nWithin a decade at MOST Greece would become the Jewel of the Mediterranean. They would be so popular and so rich they could buy out their former creditors and fire them all then turn their bank buildings and properties into greenspaces. \nBest of all they wouldn't be beholden to the US or the EU. They would do it themselves by turning the evil financiers tricks and games against them. Then they could go on to study dark energy and use it as a never ending renewable power source. \nBased on your previous diaries I don't see any way this would not work and be a beacon to the world for generations to come. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-30-75622-3632-7> => |text: \n\n\n Put that computer shop guy on a basic income, give him a 3D printer to fool around with. Maybe he can build 3D printers, print them, for $150? Challenge him. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-30-75622-3632-13> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income increases the necessity motivation for invention. No human wants to do it, you better figure out how to automate it. Or do it yourself.\nWhy can't we use the unprecedented communication tool that is the internet to work together on projects to improve the world for all of us mortals, including animals? Why should economics hinder us? That is an indictment of economics, and we should reject economics when it tells us we can't do something because of the cost. Ethics trumps economics. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-28-22458-7965-1> => |text: \n\n\n Why would inflation occur? Business would lower their costs, why would they raise prices?\nThe quantity theory of money is faith, not fact, based.\nCreate money for a basic income, and hold challenges to design rockets. Get many eyes on the problem. Stop revering hierarchies and start emphasizing the role of individuals to catch errors and bugs. Google knows this. How long before you figure it out? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-28-22458-7965-8> => |text: Solution: basic income, 3D printers.> body |comment: 2015-6-28-22458-7965-12> => |text: \n\n\n It's like he thought Star Trek was a documentary then. Holodecks, natural language computers, replicators, basic income, physics is fake because all we got to do is tech the tech and do a bypass and we're good to go.\nIt all begins to make sense. . . .\nA community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-27-235836-152-6> => |text: \n\n\n I thought it was funny, all those rich assholes being terrified and not being able to go outdoors, having the police search their houses, etc.\nThey set up roadblocks and demanded ID and proof that people lived in the neighborhood. That is wrong. That is government overreach.\nThey closed the border, infringing on the people's right to travel. That was an overreaction.\nThey should have just let the guy go. He just killed a cop. Cops who kill people never do time. Cops are murderers with government protection. That is wrong.\nGeorge Zimmerman murdered a black kid and he never went to jail.\nThey should have let David Sweat and the other guy go. Give them a basic income, challenge them to develop better prisons. That would be a much better world than this one in which ppl's deaths are celebrated. We live in a sick and wrong world. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-25-214627-329-6> => |text: \n\n\n QE proves the Fed can finance a crapload of trillions of dollars without inflationary consequence. Fund healthcare plus a basic income through the Fed, at zero cost to taxpayers. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-25-191028-550-1> => |text: \n\n\n The government should not use taxes to pay for expenses, precisely to take away the perennial argument: "US taxpayers are paying for X and I don't like X." Instead, use created money. Then instead of arguing about US taxpayer funding, argue specifically against what you don't want happening.\nYou really think watching porn is bad? Maybe the porn helps the ppl deal with the Ignorant Motherfuckers. Who cares what ppl do. Let them watch porn, smoke pot, whatever. Put them on a basic income and use challenges to do whatever they're doing at work. Would you still be against them watching porn while doing a challenge? Then you'd be against the first amendment. \nWhy do you hate the first amendment? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-24-221637-809-12> => |text: Haha, another case solved by Basic Income then.> body |comment: 2015-6-23-203847-528-1> => |text: \n\n\n No more welfare, no more quotas. Scarcity thinking is killing us. Create money for a basic income and index everything to inflation so no one's purchasing power decreases, not even the rich white 1% fuckers. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-23-73148-2080-9> => |text: \n\n\n I buy plenty of meat with my basic income, lol. -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-23-73148-2080-23> => |text: \n\n\n However, I guarantee that if he replies to your comment that he will say it is up to you and I to enable something for him first. That he is unable to proceed until we provide him with a basic income or enact laws to prevent bird murder or some silly shit first. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-23-73148-2080-24> => |text: Oh yeah, basic income.> body |comment: 2015-6-23-73148-2080-24> => |text: \n\n\n I'd actually respect him more if he was doing something to make THAT happen too. He bangs on endlessly about how shitty people are, how terrible society is, what a luminary and special snowflake he is, but he does less than nothing to effect change himself. It's not his demand for a basic income that's so obnoxious (though it is), it's the demand while doing nothing to try to bring it about. \nSeriously trane, do something. Join a political party, lobby your local member of Congress, write researched, informed and fully cited essays somewhere other than here to argue your point. People still might not agree with you but they'd respect that you have a bit of gumption behind your convictions. At the moment it's all just a guff cloud. I make too much sense to be on the Internet. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-22-3594-38791-14> => |text: \n\n\n No, they are not 100% correct. You are right, they only correspond to the users in my list. I guess another hint maybe I should go for the full-diary-slurp approach.\nBTW, why do you keep trying to pick on me? I'm living your dream. I have a basic income. I'm working on an independent research project, and I think it will help make the world a better place. -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-19-132820-196-20> => |text: \n\n\n Government should provide an alternative to market solutions. Markets are fundamentally anti-democratic because markets privilege those with more money: the more money you have, the greater the weight given your vote. That is inherently undemocratic.\nMarkets also have no obligation to protect free speech, but government does. Markets try to suppress free speech and the government should provide an alternative to the market, where we can speak freely without censorship for any profit-based reason. Government should create money to fund such a parallel system.\nNo CEO swears to uphold the Constitution. Businesses are feudal in their organization and command structures. Government should provide a democratic alternative to markets. Business encourages and rewards moral hazards and perverse incentives. Government should reward morality by creating money and giving it directly to individuals in the form of a basic income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-19-63442-5297-72> => |text: \n\n\n Minimum wage is NOT free market... it is centrally planned price fixing... it is clearly not free market... No one, who would otherwise be willing, can legally take a job below that amount... It's distortionary. It's a result of thinking mixed economy is a solution... no... it's not.\nBasic Income and Wealth Tax though ARE free market... because they are the implementation of the lump sum transfers of the second welfare theorem... they don't disrupt or distort any economic activity.\nSo, minimum wage is 'bad'... and only necessary because we refuse to do what is free market and 'good'...\nAnd you can see the effects... minimum wage was raised... and now there are McDonalds with no servers... they all got replaced by machines... and the workers who were laid off are now all worse off... BI and Wealth tax would have left the workers with enough money that they didn't require a minimum wage... and could negotiate freely to work for wages they were comfortable with on an individual level. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-19-63442-5297-80> => |text: \n\n\n > Wealth Tax and BI are effective lump sum transfers... they do make some people better off by making others worse off (explicitly, the second welfare theorem is the converse of the first)... but then the market finds a new and different equilibrium where no one can be made better off without someone being worse off... so the market is optimal again... and not distorted... the final outcome is still on the line (or surface or whatever of all possible outcomes) of the pareto optimal efficient outcomes... We just shifted the starting allocations to bring about a different efficient outcome. \nI would assume that both basic income and the wealth tax would happen once every [time period] - it doesn't seem like it would be a one time thing to me. \nyour claim that it's not distortionary because the market seeks a new equilibrium seems like it could be applied to most government intervention. After just about any sort of interference in the market, the market finds a new equilibrium. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-17-143043-604-12> => |text: \n\n\n Talks shit, trying to justify why he's a useless fuck. \nYou don't advance knowledge or produce. You're just a parasite, a leech. You are the anti social one that wants everyone else to cater to your whims and desires. \nYou're correct, I don't want to hear your complaints because they are a complete waste of time. Just a lazy bum pretending.\nI mean, fuck. Look at you. Look at what you have acomplished with your life and your time. Nothing. Oh excuse me, you crafted a script to unhide your shit comments. Wow, I'm so impressed. \nBy their fruits you will know them. It's so simple even a child can understand. A good tree will produce good fruit. A bad tree will produce bad fruit. And a weed, well a weed is just going to steal nutrients and produce nothing of value whatsoever.\nYeah, I know, I'm just a smelly old colon holding you back. God, think of all the wonderful things you would accomplish if it weren't for me calling you a lazy bum on kuro5hin.org. If only society would come to its senses and grant you a basic income. If the idiots would stop listening to the scientists, the mathematicians, the statisticians, the programmers stuck in their formal languages and listen instead to you! Yes, THEN we would finally see, finally know how great and wise and wonderful all the beautiful fruits you would deliver to us! A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-16-132759-464-1> => |text: ...and a basic income?$> title |comment: 2015-6-16-41827-5239-5> => |text: Because we don't have a basic income yet :(> body |comment: 2015-6-14-64826-5539-8> => |text: \n\n\n This is why we need a basic income, no one can threaten to get you fired. I mean they can, but there's a limit to any financial damage they can cause. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-14-64826-5539-9> => |text: I agree on basic income> title |comment: 2015-6-13-20236-0431-1> => |text: Basic income to eliminate funder bias.> title |comment: 2015-6-13-18297-8657-1> => |text: Solution: basic income. Free yourself from evil.> body |comment: 2015-6-13-18297-8657-1> => |text: \n\n\n Instead of having to take a job with an evil corporation just to pay the bills, Uncle Sam creates money, in the same way banks do everyday, for a basic income with which you can pay your bills. If your lifestyle is too rich for a basic income, then you still have the option of choosing to work for an evil corporation, or doing whatever you have to do now to get even the money to have even a minimum standard of living. A basic income allows one to be ethical and live at a decent level. A basic income thus encourages moral behavior. A basic income is a hedge against the moral hazards and perverse incentives of the market. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-13-173230-544-2> => |text: Solution: basic income and immortality challenges.> body |comment: 2015-6-12-02846-0007-4> => |text: \n\n\n http://tech.slashdot.org/story/15/06/12/0312228/3d-printed-steel-pedestrian-brid\nge-will-soon-span-an-amsterdam-canal\nThus does automation preclude all those labor jobs, freeing us up to create a basic income and challenges to automate further the engineering process. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-11-164525-139-6> => |text: I would give you an opt-in basic income.> body |comment: 2015-6-11-131741-283-4> => |text: \n\n\n I like where Derrida compares improvisation to reading, because both produce something new over a pre-written framework. Brilliant! Conservation of knowledge is violated, new knowledge is created, the existing framework is built upon. Onwards and upwards, with a basic income and challenges!\nColeman then describes his mother's reaction when he got sick of playing blues for people without jobs who gambled their money. His mother said, "What's got hold of you, you want somebody to pay you for your soul?" Yes, emphatically yes, in the form of periodic transfer payments funded at zero cost through the Fed.\nLater in the interview Coleman says, "Ever since my mother said those words to me, I was looking for a music I could play without feeling guilty for doing something. To this day I haven't yet found it."\nNice!\nReminds me of a diary I wrote about Coleman's bassist Charlie Haden talking about having to play music that promoted shallow values. Solution, once again: basic income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-11-84939-3394-2> => |text: Give each Russian the option of a basic income.> body |comment: 2015-6-11-84939-3394-12> => |text: \n\n\n learning the recorder have to do with any of your basic income/economic theories? -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-11-84939-3394-4> => |text: \n\n\n He gave every Russian 'free' share certificate of State enterprise... those shares were bought by traders at dirt cheap price. ... \nbasic income can't be distributed without any risk or walk outside of one's comfort zone attached to it... \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ncommentary - For a better sye@K5 \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in CNY/BTC/LTC/DRK\nrubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-11-0252-60729-20> => |text: \n\n\n \nYou start telling me to fuck you and fuck this and whining about people who work and then crying for a basic income while going on about how you are so special and better than everybody then yeah I just might.\nBut hell you are doing shit, making stats, being as productive as you can. \ntrane boi ain't doing shit but being lazy and getting high. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-11-0252-60729-19> => |text: \n\n\n You admit there is so much excess production capacity that you wouldn't be affected, if I got a basic income. \nThus, you just want to tell me what to do. There is no need to get a job, but you want to control me. Freedom scares you.\nAs for not talking about what you do, that's because you are a coward.\nAnd you can't live as I do, not for a single day, because you're a fat slob who can't tolerate physical hardship. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-6-8-16417-08566> => |text: maybe what I should do is to cancel broadband network service all together? \nGranted, that'll only give me basic income of $1200/year. Not enough for anything, but a good start... no?> body |comment: 2015-6-5-174748-2219-5> => |text: \n\n\n Like in MOOC forums, a lot of ppl want to share knowledge about the assignments. Unnatural market pressures enforce restrictions on sharing: DMCA take-down notices, Loozara take-down notices, libel suits, non-compete agreements all seek to restrict information that ppl, naturally, want to share.\nIn conclusion, fuck the market. Give me a choice to live outside market hegemony, with a basic income for example. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-6-2-172821-4747> => |politics> + |economics> + |basic income> + |wealthy> + |poor> + |stereotypes> + |horsecock> body |diary: 2015-6-2-172821-4747> => |text: I went into debt to earn a college education, both parents had to work to afford the house we lived in. I had no help with homework and I did it by myself. I taught myself how to program in BASIC on a Commodore 64 because we couldn't afford an IBM PC or Apple II computer. \nI wasn't handed anything I had to earn it. I did yard work to afford a tape drive or that 1541 drive or the 300 baud MODEM to get on BBS systems.\nI worked hard, and what it got me was a mental illness and disability. \nThere are many US Veterans who are also on disability and they deserve every penny they get. \nSo we shouldn't cut our social programs, we should instead fund Basic Income so more people can afford to go to college and get a better job.> body |diary: 2015-6-2-3224-58006> => |text: Extend the reasoning to society. Think of a basic income as a structure with zero-force members, and the structure stays up and bears load. The zero-force members are essential to maintain the stability of the overall structure.\nNot everyone needs to work.> body |comment: 2015-6-1-21425-45204-1> => |text: \n\n\n Fearful old fucks afraid of everything, seeing monsters under their beds, hallucinating on pain meds and alzheimers. And they have all the money! So they only dole it out to fucking fraudster con men Merrill Lynch brokers or lying fucks who look nice and smile a lot.\nSolution: create money, basic income, challenges. How could things possibly get any worse? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-1-1429-19546-5> => |text: \n\n\n Or tunnels under highways for animals to cross safely. Or animal detectors in self-driving cars that will react faster than I can. All these things can be yours, with a basic income and challenges. No jobs needed. Free ppl to maximize their potential instead of becoming sad old trolls miserable in their work-a-day lives so they come on sad old websites to try to mock and ridicule with their sad old lame-colon comments. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-1-51230-44982-5> => |text: \n\n\n I'd rather be dead than "productive" at the kind of crap you do for a living. That shit drives me insane. Forced interactions with people are torture to me. Jobs are all about social games, and I suck at them. Requiring me to get a job is a death sentence for me.\nSo I offer you two options: basic income, and/or legalize suicide. Make it so I can buy my OD drugs of choice legally, all open and above board, and euthanize myself in a sane and civilized manner.\nStop the madness. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-6-1-51230-44982-7> => |text: \n\n\n You want me to get a job. I want you to vote for a basic income. Which is easier?\nYou don't have to pay taxes. Taxes are an archaic idea, invented before the technology of money creation. Taxes aren't necessary. We can fund a basic income with created money.\nThus, I ask for nothing from you but to educate yourself about money. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-6-1-51230-44982-8> => |text: I support a Basic Income> title |comment: 2015-5-28-45234-5127-25> => |text: would he still desserve a basic income like you?$> body |comment: 2015-5-27-19610-8785-12> => |text: \n\n\n is like applying basic income to sexual relations.\nGratitude and other emotions are the inspiration or gate-pushers for an imaginary form of energy, at best. The quantification of the energy on the source-drain side is somewhat possible, but the more useful thing is to ask what you want to reproduce for the future which you want to reign over.\nIn any case, thanks for the comic, was obviously delicious.\n"...as store of value" is one of the utilities of money, so, that's commonly known as a business principle, at least. \n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-27-19610-8785-18> => |text: \n\n\n There are matched book dealers, Professor Mehrling says, who are fully hedged and make money no matter which way inflation or the market goes. Most banks are like that. Then there are speculative dealers, like day traders and such, who take one side of a risky trade and can stand to lose big, or win big.\nBut the really big institutions are matched book, they'll get their money no matter what. The big players like Goldman Sachs wrote contracts such that if AIG's credit rating dropped, they would get a big payout immediately. When AIG was failing because of market groupthink devaluing the mortgage-backed securities, even though the defaults were not enough to cause a crash, Goldman Sachs demanded its contract be fulfilled. Since contracts are sacred to the Fed, the Fed stepped in and paid Goldman Sachs the full value stipulated in the contract. And, note how AIG is still around annoying me with ads on TV today?\nMy question is, if the banks are doing all these shenanigans with derivatives that inflate the underlying real value of any physical assets, why can't we do the same for the General Welfare, for a basic income, for health care? Why is private money creation out of thin air, backed by public money, "wealth", but money created to help people live a decent life is considered hyperinflationary? The priorities are backwards. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-5-27-175450-291> => |economics> + |basic income> + |balance sheet> + |IOU> + |goods> + |real economy> + |financial sector> + |financial good> + |asset> + |liability> body |comment: 2015-5-27-175450-291-1> => |text: \n\n\n http://subbot.org/coursera/money/bank_shadow_bank.png\nThe "Loans" and "Mortgage Backed Security Tranche" on the Asset side of the Bank and "Shadow Bank" constitute the financial "goods" that are the analog of the real "goods" in the balance sheet linked in the diary intro, above.\nThe point is that the financial goods are based only in a very tangential way to the real "goods" which physically affect people's standards of living. A financial good may start with a real good such as a house, but it inflates the value of that house 100% in the case of a mortgage and the interest payment. The inflated, created money is allocated to the bank's "Net Worth" liability item, and represents pure money creation which bank investors can (and do) spend before the interest has actually been paid.\nThe argument is: if the banks can get away with that type of blatant money creation based on their promises to each other about future cash flows (backstopped by the Fed's public money creation in times of crisis, when those promises don't come true), then the Fed can and should also create money based on the promises of individuals to contribute to the General Welfare, when they are on a Basic Income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-27-175450-291-4> => |text: \n\n\n you pay for drug, thus enforce the idea of giving your hard-earn cashed to finance the CIA/Farc/Mossad imperialist activities hoping that your basic income shall become a reality outside a corporate prison. -- Finally I managed to make the decision that I would work on it. - MDCwe had to huddle together - trane \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-27-175450-291-6> => |text: \n\n\n Prices of computers have gone down. You don't deflate the indexed incomes. Purchasing power increases in the case of deflation, as it should; and wages don't go down, as biz wants them to and as biz deflated wages during the post-Civil-War era.\nThe premise is that supply and demand will not change much. Take the most recent crash. There was no physical shortage. It was purely a shortage of liquidity. That would be fixed by a basic income funded by money creation.\nWhat you fail to realize is how much the financial sector has become disconnected from any real physical goods. The financial sector creates tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars a year, and there are no real physical assets underlying those, or just a very few which are tangential to the privately-created capital that dwarfs the value of any real assets.\nYour feudal economic theories are comic in their inability to account for the real world of financial money creation. It's hilarious how ignorant you are. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-27-113059-993-6> => |text: \n\n\n even trane could lay a porn star, with the help of $2,000. \n\nLet that sink in. You're sitting around jacking off to it. Trane, the former crackhead living on basic income welfare hit it. He can't even figure out how a magnifying glass works but he could figure out how to stick his dick in porn star's muff. \n--\nDictated but not read. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-22-193124-125-9> => |text: \n\n\n creativity. As evidenced by your endless 2D posts about basic income.. and 3D printing ... and basic income... 3D printing.. _____\n"Can you recommend a Chino vendor?" - MichaelCrawford, Nov 2008"[President Obama] likes em a little loose but not saggy. He likes a wool and cashmere blend. He rolls with an inch and a quarter cuff." - tdillo, Nov 2008"I think they look sharp. But it's important that they be pressed, or at least hung properly, so as to maintain the crease." - MichaelCrawford, Sep 2009"I find a bit of well-cut tailoring quite hot." - TDS, Jun 2010\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-20-144418-436-3> => |text: \n\n\n I served a mandatory minimum for possession of marijuana. But no mandatory minimums for white collar fraud. It's the colonbackwards "broken windows" policing that says prosecute small crimes. Stupid colon rich white ignorant motherfuckers who behave criminally at their fancy white collar jobs tell cops to prosecute more blacks for walking in their neighborhoods and the cops listen. Solution: legalize drugs, basic income, challenges to make unbreakable windows. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-20-1078-56997-5> => |text: \n\n\n Also, as usual, Basic income plus challenges solves Ferguson. Those gangbangers be smart, yo. Challenge them to fuck with WOW mods! Virtualize violence.\nAlso, your Dad died of colon cancer. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-19-223152-647-13> => |text: \n\n\n I know farmers. I watch farmers. Fuck, I camp next to farms and watch the fuckers all the time. I watch fuckers grow hay for export because of profit. They are the problem. In Yuma, farmers get paid to let their land lie fallow, by the govt. We need more of that, for all the hay farmers.\nI grew pot for a couple years. I gave it away. Expand that. National pot patches in the medians of freeways.\nYour scarcity theory of money ignores the tens, and hundreds, of trillions of dollars the private sector creates per year. Why is their no resulting predicted hyperinflation? The idea that they are creating "wealth" is negated by the fact that public money backstops all that supposed "wealth".\nInstead, create money and transfer it directly to individuals. Then let the banks fail if they must; individuals will be insulated. The Fed can keep the payment settlement system going without the banks charging to do it. It's automated for chrissakes.\nBasic income, funded with created money. Challenges to automate the jobs no one wants to do. Standards of living rise. Why would that result in hyperinflation? Only the sociopathy of "neurotypicals" would cause them to raise prices just because the poor now have some money. And anyway, inflation is something finance has figured out; they have interest rate hedges and all sorts of other hedges so they make money no matter what. Indexation serves as a hedge against any possible unexpected inflation resulting from a money-creation-funded basic income. Purchasing power does not decrease.\nThe only argument you're left with is that production would somehow cease. But enough production is automated that you're essentially saying rich colons will stop pressing a button. So tell them to go the fuck Galt already and I'll press that button, and not charge anything because the basic income gives me enough so that I can live my life the way I want to. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-19-223152-647-16> => |text: \n\n\n Give people a basic income. $25k/year. Index everything, including savings and private sector salaries, to inflation to eliminate any inflation tax.\nGet farmers who don't care about the land out of farming. They do more harm than good.\nGo fuck your colon off to LuluLibertarian VR Island. You're not typical, you're more of a loony than I am. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-19-223152-647-18> => |text: \n\n\n that I am not. \nYour word salad makes many incorrect assumptions. You are attributing words to me that I did not utter and ascribing values which I do not hold. \nI don't have a scarcity theory of money. That is someone else you're talking about not me. \nYou claim that there is a surplus of food production but I say the reason we have a surplus is because farmers are competing to make a profit. If we just give it away then farmers will not be encouraged to produce and will instead go into programming and basket weaving and any other trade that they can profit from. \nYou sound like Crawford when he says he needs no help editing since he lived near an editor. Like there is some acquisition of skill and knowledge through proximity. Just because you camp near farmers and watch farmers does not mean that you know farmers. \nYou claim that you grew pot and gave it away. Good for you. However that doesn't scale. Also you already had the benefit of receiving aid so your giving didn't affect you. In the same way I get free eggs. Because many folks around like to have eggs and raise chickens. They give me the extra eggs. I still "pay" for them though. Because I salvage egg cartons for them and return favors for them in other ways. But if tomorrow the govt required them to supply the egg needs for the whole city they couldn't keep up. They would either stop all together or begin to charge to make up for the extra cost, labor, time and work.\nNone of this is esoteric. I'm not an economist or financial wizard. I don't have "theories" or "models". It's fucking simple shit and that even a dumb redneck can understand. \nWhy you can't I haven't a clue. I do understand what you are saying though because I hear it from time to time. Okay. Here is the REAL DEAL trane.\nYou, are a bum. That's it. You're not smart or clever or wise because you took a mooc or know how to code. You're just a god damn bum. Simple as that. You don't want to work. You want to have everything handed to you. You're useless. You're a parasite. You ain't worth a fart in a whirlwind. \nThere is no argument. You have nothing to say. You're frustrated because you know I'm right. You can't even have any self-respect because you are a bum. You may not ride the rails but that's all you are. \nYou can scream Basic Income til you're blue in the face but what you are really saying is 'Brother can you spare a dime?' You say those farmers are the problem and everyone is a colon and all the other shit you spew but in the end, in the cold, harsh light of day you ain't shit dude. You're just another busted ass filthy bum with your hand out. \nYou are the problem because you are a leech on society and you will never contribute because the only person in the world you give a shit about is you and your own comfort. \nI don't even know how you can look at yourself in the mirror even. I don't know how you can face each day. I know you are intelligent. I know you are aware. Why do you even continue day after day? Don't you just hate yourself? Don't you just disgust yourself? And constantly having to make excuses to try to delude yourself that you have some modicum of self-respect remaining. It's no wonder you feel more comfortable around animals because you very nearly are one yourself. Just filling your basic needs, eating, sleeping and shitting and not much beyond that. \nYou can't stand to be around people, not because they judge you. No, you don't even talk to them. All that anger and disrespect and dismissal you feel is actually your own feelings about yourself. No one judges you more harshly than you judge yourself and you can't stand yourself. That's why you run to the wilderness to try to escape your own mind.\nBecause you know the truth, that you are just a lazy good for nothing bum.\nAll this other shit, the thermo, the econ, the geo, It's all just bullshit. Not 'gossip', bullshit. It's just noise that you make to feel less inadequate. \nWhy do you even keep going? Aren't you just fucking tired by now? Doesn't the whole bullshit just wear you down? Don't you get tired of being alone? All the struggle? Fuck dude, why keep punishing yourself? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-19-223152-647-12> => |text: \n\n\n That's why we need to move beyond money (and basic income) and move to a shit-based economy. Just drop trou, and lay down some rope to pay for goods and services. \n--\nDictated but not read.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-18-17196-4649-16> => |text: \n\n\n dinosaurs or is that just colon waving scarcity thinking? Should birds be given an esophageal basic income anal sphincter? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-18-17196-4649-7> => |text: \n\n\n Economics assumes scarcity, and self-fulfills the assumption by creating it where it didn't exist. Scarcity thinking creates microeconomic stress, which causes mental illness.\nSolution: basic income funded at zero cost with money creation. And challenges to encourage the autistics to create new disruptive technology.\nAsk yourself, wasn't the internet more fun before it bidness got into it? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-16-142019-455-1> => |text: \n\n\n And he ended up a janitor. A crime. He should have had a basic income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-5-14-25025-6210> => |text: sa: table[words,coeff] select[1,200] words-3 &pipe;kuron: Edmund Blackadder>\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; words &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; may i suck &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; i suck your &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; suck your penis &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; your penis nimey &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; penis nimey hi &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; nimey hi i &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; hi i fail &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; i fail at &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; fail at basic &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; at basic sig &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; basic sig technology &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; sig technology en &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; technology en plus &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; en plus je &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; plus je suis &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; je suis pd &pipe; 1062 &pipe;\n&pipe; suis pd smegko &pipe; 1061 &pipe;\n&pipe; a basic income &pipe; 69 &pipe;\n&pipe; http colon www &pipe; 54 &pipe;\n&pipe; i want to &pipe; 47 &pipe;\n&pipe; irb main colon &pipe; 38 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon 0 gt &pipe; 38 &pipe;\n&pipe; the private sector &pipe; 36 &pipe;\n&pipe; a lot of &pipe; 28 &pipe;\n&pipe; man who whistles &pipe; 26 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't want to &pipe; 24 &pipe;\n&pipe; there is no &pipe; 23 &pipe;\n&pipe; i have to &pipe; 23 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon http colon &pipe; 22 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't want &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; so i can &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; want to be &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; the free market &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; http colon subbot &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon subbot org &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon www youtube &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; www youtube com &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; youtube com watch &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; com watch v &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt nil irb &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; nil irb main &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; is a man &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have to &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; there was a &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; trillions of dollars &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the desert &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; john is a &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; a man who &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon www kuro5hin &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; www kuro5hin org &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; https colon www &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; for a basic &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; it may i &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; in natural language &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; hundreds of trillions &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; of trillions of &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; basic income and &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't have to &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think it &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; the other day &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon may i &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 0 gt browser &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; out of thin &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; kuro5hin org story &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; a natural language &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; as much as &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; why do you &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; me may i &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; out how to &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; every man who &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; so they can &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; of thin air &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; i used to &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; it is not &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; all the time &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; when i was &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; scarcity of money &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; out of the &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; 0 gt b &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; do what they &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; deficits don't matter &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; at zero cost &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; quid pro quo &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't think &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; it would be &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; to be a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; you want to &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i wanted to &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; no need to &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; be able to &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; what i want &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; to deal with &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; there is a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; command and control &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; out of a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; want to do &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; they want to &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i saw a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't have &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; on a basic &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; them may i &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do with &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; square root of &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do it &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; because of the &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; why can't i &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; the general welfare &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; i like to &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; i had a &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think they &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; money is created &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; come up with &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; you are a &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; must have been &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; have to be &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; on top of &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; most of the &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; come back to &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; the only way &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; all sorts of &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think i &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt browser find_element &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; the fed should &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; tens or hundreds &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; or hundreds of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; is not a &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; to figure out &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; a utility function &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; the square root &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; of dollars per &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; dollars per year &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; that i can &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; from http colon &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; want to get &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the middle &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; using natural language &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; that is the &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; natural language is &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; create money for &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; some kind of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; one of the &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; i wonder if &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; so you can &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; the market is &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; create money to &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; look at me &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; over and over &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; the money supply &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think it's &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; fuck slashdot comment &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; slashdot comment throttling &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon name gt &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; browser find_element name &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; find_element name colon &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do what &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; artificial scarcity of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; it was a &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; purchasing power does &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; power does not &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; does not decrease &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; back and forth &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the form &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; the form of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; private sector creates &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; who whistles is &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; be in the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; dollars a year &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; what you want &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to get to &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; with a basic &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; function over the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; over the reals &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the idea of &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the fact that &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the same &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; i get a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; basic income so &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to create money &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; of money and &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to make a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; i try to &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the san pedro &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; natural language interface &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; they have a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; in front of &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; was going to &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the golf course &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; c colon trane &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; of money creation &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; and i can &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; it doesn't exist &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; what is the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; not expressive enough &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; on the other &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; money for a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; back to the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to get out &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; out in the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n Time taken: 1 second, 51 milliseconds\n-- now unique 3-grams:\nsa: table[words,coeff] select[1,200] unique-words-3 &pipe;kuron: Edmund Blackadder>\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; words &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; irb main colon &pipe; 38 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon 0 gt &pipe; 38 &pipe;\n&pipe; man who whistles &pipe; 26 &pipe;\n&pipe; http colon subbot &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon subbot org &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt nil irb &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; nil irb main &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; it may i &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; hundreds of trillions &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; of trillions of &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon may i &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 0 gt browser &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; me may i &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; every man who &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 0 gt b &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; at zero cost &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; command and control &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; them may i &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt browser find_element &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; the fed should &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; tens or hundreds &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; or hundreds of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; of dollars per &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; create money to &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; fuck slashdot comment &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; slashdot comment throttling &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon name gt &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; browser find_element name &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; find_element name colon &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; purchasing power does &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; power does not &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; does not decrease &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; private sector creates &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; who whistles is &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; dollars a year &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; function over the &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; over the reals &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to create money &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the san pedro &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; natural language interface &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; c colon trane &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; not expressive enough &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; money for a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; that may i &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; fuck may i &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; statement is a &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt irb main &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; whistles is happy &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; subject predicate syntax &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; function argument form &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; money creation to &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; basic income funded &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; zero cost through &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; to exchange anything &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; money at will &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; economics of money &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon www edx &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; www edx org &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; edx org course &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; subbot org misc &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; language is infinite &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; gossip may i &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; you're just gossiping &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; of natural language &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; r a b &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; this statement is &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; watir colon colon &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon chrome gt &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; click gt nil &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; t t t &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; create more money &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; by the fed &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; it directly to &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; directly to individuals &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; by creating money &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; function argument syntax &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; natural language processing &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; proved deficits don't &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; through the fed &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; your definition of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; economics may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; this is basic &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; of 4 is &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; 4 is 2 &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2 and 2 &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt true irb &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; true irb main &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; here may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; time may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; money and banking &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; at eye level &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; no utility in &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015 san pedro &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; san pedro river &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; spaces between words &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; crap may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; if c gt &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; amp amp c &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; amp c lt &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; what if we &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; world will little &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; will little note &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; little note nor &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; remember what we &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; what we say &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; we say here &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; their lives that &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; by the private &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the american indians &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the fed the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; hi i'm gossiping &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; fail may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; moron may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; creep may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; can may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is not expressive &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; expressive enough to &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; income may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; a man and &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; can concentrate on &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; uncovered by challenges &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; yourself may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; should create money &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; golf course casita &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; as it wants &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; individuals instead of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; root of four &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; congress can appropriate &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is an artificial &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; imposed scarcity of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon trane k5agent &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; kuro5hin org pipe &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; org pipe pipe &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; wouldn't be maximizing &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; i'll come back &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; to command and &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the axioms of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; axioms of math &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; be maximizing your &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; maximizing your utility &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; all may i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; shine little glow &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; little glow worm &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; glow worm glimmer &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; worm glimmer glimmer &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt lt watir &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; lt watir colon &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; selenium colon colon &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon colon webdriver &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; and transfer it &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; on the sides &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; an artificial scarcity &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the border patrol &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; more public money &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the hills &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; creates tens or &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; off balance sheet &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; so purchasing power &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; a new wild &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; why are they &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; can and should &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; to individuals who &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; i went out &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; troll for the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt every man &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; subbot org logicagent &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; that debt is &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; three dialogues of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; dialogues of plato &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; into function argument &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; all money creation &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; reagan proved deficits &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; how banks create &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; funded at zero &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; cost through the &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; ever may i &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; work may i &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the animal &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; mill's utility is &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon www utilitarianism &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; www utilitarianism com &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; utilitarianism com mill2 &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; com mill2 htm &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; a parallel system &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; advance of knowledge &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; his utility model &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think your &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; definition of utility &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; outside the scope &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility function over &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; if then rules &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility function cannot &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; i can return &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 0 gt math &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; gt math sqrt &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; math sqrt 4 &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; do may i &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; without thought to &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; can't i get &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n+-----------------------------+-------+\n Time taken: 891 milliseconds\n\nNote that his sig shows up near the top of his frequency lists. I haven't got around to filtering those out!\nRequests? Which kuron n-gram frequency list should I do next. Note I can also do 2-grams.> body |comment: 2015-5-14-25025-6210-15> => |text: \n\n\n yeah! I know.\nYour tables:\n\n+--------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; words &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+--------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; mania mania mania &pipe; 3571 &pipe;\n&pipe; to be in &pipe; 1044 &pipe;\n&pipe; it to be &pipe; 1040 &pipe;\n&pipe; want it to &pipe; 1038 &pipe;\n&pipe; if i ever &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; i ever see &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; ever see the &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; see the nickname &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; the nickname procrasti &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; nickname procrasti again &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; procrasti again on &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; again on this &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; on this site &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; this site or &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; site or anywhere &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; or anywhere in &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; anywhere in my &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; in my life &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; my life i &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; life i want &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; i want it &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; be in an &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; in an obituary &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; an obituary cts &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; obituary cts winner &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; cts winner of &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; winner of kuro5hin &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; of kuro5hin colon &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; kuro5hin colon april &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon april 2015 &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; the free market &pipe; 239 &pipe;\n&pipe; a free market &pipe; 100 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have to &pipe; 48 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market is &pipe; 44 &pipe;\n&pipe; a lot of &pipe; 42 &pipe;\n&pipe; it if i &pipe; 39 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't think &pipe; 36 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't know &pipe; 36 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do with &pipe; 35 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market and &pipe; 34 &pipe;\n&pipe; of the free &pipe; 31 &pipe;\n&pipe; you want to &pipe; 30 &pipe;\n&pipe; not a free &pipe; 28 &pipe;\n&pipe; be able to &pipe; 25 &pipe;\n&pipe; the fact that &pipe; 24 &pipe;\n&pipe; one of the &pipe; 24 &pipe;\n&pipe; there is no &pipe; 22 &pipe;\n&pipe; out of the &pipe; 22 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you don't &pipe; 21 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have a &pipe; 20 &pipe;\n&pipe; that if i &pipe; 20 &pipe;\n&pipe; you if i &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you are &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; in a free &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; it would be &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; you're going to &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; i'm not sure &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; have to do &pipe; 18 &pipe;\n&pipe; as long as &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; them if i &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; you don't have &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; going to get &pipe; 17 &pipe;\n&pipe; supply and demand &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; which is why &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; conflict of interest &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; http colon www &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't want to &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; against the free &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; is going to &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; you don't know &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's not a &pipe; 16 &pipe;\n&pipe; you can do &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market because &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; and if you &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; what you want &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; it is not &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; want to do &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; there is a &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; going to be &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; even if you &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think it's &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; have to be &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; a utility function &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; nothing to do &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you want &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market if &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; to be a &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; point of view &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; it is a &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's just that &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; so you can &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; no matter what &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; a basic income &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; a conflict of &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; would have been &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; want to be &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; as far as &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; what you are &pipe; 14 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you can &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; do you know &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; in terms of &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; would be a &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you can't &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; is not a &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do it &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; here if i &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you have &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; getting out of &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; in the market &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; that would be &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; you could have &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; how do you &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; are going to &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; as much as &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market you &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; what the free &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; exactly the same &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; the same thing &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; market if i &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; if you think &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; at the time &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; but i don't &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't have &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; i mean you &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; on the other &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; to get a &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; market is the &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; problem if i &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have no &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; what the fuck &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; you would have &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; outside of the &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; not free market &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; think you can &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; out of it &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; the difference between &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; going to have &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; like i said &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; me if i &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; i don't see &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; all the time &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; and i don't &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; has nothing to &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; the problem is &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think the &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's not that &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; with the free &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; that it is &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; we have to &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; the right to &pipe; 11 &pipe;\n&pipe; you should be &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; i'm going to &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; the highest utility &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; part of the &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; to make a &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; the price of &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; this is the &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; the kind of &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; of free market &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market theory &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's not like &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; you can still &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; you don't even &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; at that point &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; or at least &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; is that you &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't know what &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon http colon &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; have the right &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; market is a &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; you think you &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; too if i &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; the market is &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; decision making agent &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; it is the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; a set of &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have an &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market economics &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; i think you &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; and the free &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's just a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; to do that &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; you have the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't know how &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; so if you &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; what they are &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; that you are &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; some of the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; there was a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; a little bit &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; the market and &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's not the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; the rest of &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; if it was &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; it was a &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; you are talking &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; give a shit &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; do whatever the &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; are talking about &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; a bitcoin address &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n+--------------------------+-------+\n+--------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; words &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+--------------------------+-------+\n&pipe; mania mania mania &pipe; 3571 &pipe;\n&pipe; i ever see &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; ever see the &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; see the nickname &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; the nickname procrasti &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; nickname procrasti again &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; procrasti again on &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; again on this &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; site or anywhere &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; or anywhere in &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; anywhere in my &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; life i want &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; i want it &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; be in an &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; in an obituary &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; an obituary cts &pipe; 1036 &pipe;\n&pipe; obituary cts winner &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; cts winner of &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; winner of kuro5hin &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; of kuro5hin colon &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; kuro5hin colon april &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon april 2015 &pipe; 1032 &pipe;\n&pipe; not a free &pipe; 28 &pipe;\n&pipe; you if i &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market because &pipe; 15 &pipe;\n&pipe; here if i &pipe; 13 &pipe;\n&pipe; market if i &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; too if i &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; http colon blockchain &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; blockchain info address &pipe; 9 &pipe;\n&pipe; the interference pattern &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; shit if i &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market trade &pipe; 8 &pipe;\n&pipe; decision making process &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; an ordered set &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; ordered set of &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market but &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; idiot if i &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; pre slit detectors &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; to be corrected &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; from the free &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; colon 0 0 &pipe; 7 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market that &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the four assumptions &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; have an ordered &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the afshar experiment &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; are if i &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; set of preferences &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; wrong if i &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; a whole heap &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; whole heap of &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; to bring about &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; not the free &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; point if i &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; other people's utility &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; of shit if &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; with the market &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; dead weight loss &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; the welfare theorems &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; of the assumptions &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; wealth tax and &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; you want but &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market it's &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; a tragedy of &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; dead weight losses &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; no if i &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; assumptions of the &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; any decision making &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; should be subsidised &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; argue against the &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; more than likely &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; infinite amount of &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; go on about &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; you actually are &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; laissez faire economics &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; second welfare theorem &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; time if i &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; market at all &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; no it doesn't &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; people will be &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; best of luck &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; forcing you to &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; work like that &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; doesn't work like &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; ultimate supreme being &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; that point if &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; by definition if &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; what you wanted &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; rich or poor &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; like the free &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; the market if &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility is the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is not free &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; their own utility &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; about if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; terms of utility &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the things we &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; worst case scenario &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; of the function &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; in free market &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market with &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is their utility &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; market by definition &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; you got there &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; proofs that follow &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; good luck with &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; things if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's what you &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the second welfare &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; step 3 colon &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; you mean by &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; this if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; a pareto optimum &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; little bit more &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market when &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; we wouldn't need &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; you prove it &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; that it must &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; these types of &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; we'd all like &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; all like to &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; have no fucking &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; like that if &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; on this one &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; that make you &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; to you if &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; before the free &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; irrespective of the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; whatever the hell &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's as simple &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; highest utility activity &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility activity you &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; activity you can &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; doing at that &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; halt or not &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; outside the free &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the problems they &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; one is worse &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; is worse off &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the free trade &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; you blame the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; violations of the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; market trade and &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; being worse off &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; be involved in &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; much if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; law if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; down all the &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; going to zero &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; a free for &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market not &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; are better off &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility what you &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the private key &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; how it goes &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the first fucking &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; retard if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; work if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; seriously if i &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; am i rich &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; i rich or &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; it's not work &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; the herd effect &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; has never seen &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; most of your &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; name gt actor &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; and the network &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market pbui &pipe; 4 &pipe;\n&pipe; other if i &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; didn't think so &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; except that you &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; it for your &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; four assumptions of &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; what the market &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; same thing you &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; free market which &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; otherwise if i &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; intro to micro &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; to micro econ &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; free markets are &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; that only takes &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; people to be &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; don't harm others &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; is clearly not &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; goes against the &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; can't see the &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; be modelled as &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; imagine a world &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; the other agent &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; we can make &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; doesn't give or &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; give or take &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; or take from &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; take from anyone &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; the problem let's &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; chose to do &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; loss of utility &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; in general it's &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; have a preference &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; utility and you &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n+--------------------------+-------+\n -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-5-13-11552-3671-1> => |text: What if we gave those guys a basic income> title |comment: 2015-5-12-183417-009-5> => |text: Give him a basic income and the Ethics of Eating> body |comment: 2015-5-12-1630-68520-1> => |text: \n\n\n Why should you have to take a job you don't like, that conflicts with your morals, that incentivizes you perversely to lie and cheat and steal and do evil? Will the world really come crashing down if the government paid you not to do evil?\nConsider all the animals, sacrificed because of the meat industry's advertising. If the farmers instead could be on a basic income taking MOOCs and entering challenges, wouldn't society be a lot better off? Think of all the extra land we now use to grow feed for animals about to be slaughtered. Instead, let them roam free, open up those fields as public spaces to share with the cows and the chickens and the pigs.\nThe economics that tells you that you have to work to survive are feudal and obsolete. The old circular picture of the economy leaves out the financial piece, which is where firms create money, out of the thin hot air of their promises to themselves, without needing households. So, firms are getting income from themselves, from created money, and they don't need households anymore. That's today's reality. Automation means firms need households even less.\nThe answer is for government to protect the people, by providing them with the choice of a basic income so each individual can choose to work in the private sector, or work at disruptive innovation on their own. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-12-123623-694-1> => |text: \n\n\n It's all about making people look bad, playing games. It's not about efficiency or doing the right thing or discovery or wonder or exploration. It's just about looking good and barely disguised sex games.\nIf you don't play the games, you're fucked. You're branded as "not playing well with others" and kept out of the loop so you can be scapegoated when anything goes wrong. When work gets scarce, you're the first to get fired.\nFuck that bullshit. When Cameron won the recent election, there was a sound bite on the radio of his speech in which he said something like "We will ensure opportunity for anyone willing to work."\nWhat he's really saying is, you have to play my people games or you're fucked, bucko. If you don't enjoy hurting people and playing games in the office, we're going to cut you off. Not because we have to (we have plenty of production capacity to support you), but because we like to. We want to see you suffer because you are a counterexample to the world view we want to push, exclusively.\nIn conclusion, all fucking jobs are blow jobs. Fuck that bullshit. Basic Income, challenges, FTW.\nFuck you Cameron. You're a fat-ass piece of shit. I bet you couldn't survive a day in the desert you wanker slob. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-12-123623-694-4> => |text: \n\n\n I don't want to put a dollar value on anything I do. It changes everything. I don't want to charge for anything. It cheapens everything. For me.\nYou might be different; fine. I say, you go ahead, and fuckeo here let him go ahead and play his games and delight in trapping others, etc. Fine. But don't force me to play in that game.\nWe have enough production capacity to support me in my endeavors. There is no scarcity that will bring the world crashing to a halt if I and others who so choose got a basic income.\nI took a bunch of photographs on my most recent desert excursion. I'll probably be posting a diary about them soon :) But I just don't want to sell anything. I don't like quid pro quo. I want to give everything away, like a dove flying to a nearby cactus-top and giving his call, for anyone listening to hear. He doesn't charge. Why should I. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-5-10-162841-381> => |text: question for the universal basic income folks> body |comment: 2015-5-10-162841-381-1> => |text: \n\n\n not everyone qualifies for it.\nAt most you can only get $4000 back on it. People need at least $20K/year to live on. \nSure we can amend the laws behind it and make it up to $20K and have everyone qualify for it. \nBut Universal Basic Income is for everyone, even the rich get it. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-10-162841-381-15> => |text: \n\n\n I think "broad support" is irrelevant when it comes to actually getting changes made. What people actually want has almost no effect on what becomes law, and at the end of the day what the people who already have the money want is going to be policy. See, for example: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=935\n4310\nSo yes, every time there's any threat to the status quo, it gets shot down, and I totally agree with you on that. That said, it's exactly why the "basic income" stuff needs to not be tangled up in existing tax code. It's very simple - it should be a payment made to everyone, regardless of income. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-10-162841-381-16> => |text: \n\n\n small changes to what exists already are easier to implement than large changes. \nIt seems that an expansion of the EIC could result in something very like a basic income without becoming a serious threat to the status quo \nI would argue that the functional difference, for rich dudes, between playing with the cut-off for the EIC (perhaps making it taper in a different sort of way?) and giving the same basic income and playing with a progressive tax to pay for it is about nill. \n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-5-10-162841-381-19> => |text: There are three kinds of basic income supporters:> body |comment: 2015-5-9-74511-76837-6> => |text: \n\n\n but in this instance I do agree with you and think you are correct.\nAs technology and science progresses, it requires fewer and fewer workers to get jobs done. People get replaced with automated systems, robots, AI, whatever. You got fully automated websites like Amazon and Macy's that sell stuff 24/7 and doesn't need a store full of sales people to sell stuff. The Mary's near my wife and I all shut down, so I had to teach my wife how to use their website to buy her dresses. Local Mary's near our house employed a few hundred people to stock shelves, check people out, give advice, find items, etc. Website does it all for free if you ignore the hosting and electric bills. But running a website 24/7 is cheaper that brick and mortar stores. \nRobots pick up items, and ship it via USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, whatever. Each item is in a warehouse with RFID tags on it that robots can read and sense. Robots unload trucks, and robots pick up orders and ship them out, printing out the postage and other stuff.\nUniversal basic income is needed for the people who lost their jobs, then they need affordable housing and a better education to get better paying jobs that robots, AI, and automation cannot do but requires a higher level of knowledge than they currently possess. \nBut instead we spend trillions of dollars on drones and bombs to kill villages in the Middle East just to get one terrorist suspect. Making hundreds of innocent victims dead, and one dead terrorist, and the family of the innocent villages hate us more and are more likely to join up with the terrorists. It is like fighting cockroaches with Viagra, and hoping that they don't reproduce more cockroaches. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-7-42720-01967-7> => |text: \n\n\n http://www.p2b.tv/misspoken/?p=458\nto change/tweet booting package requires patience and basic income... :) \nMorrison of Maine 2015-2016 Presidential RUN \nBTC addr:15JG27Qtc4W62EhvjieRoKFJqocaLK5MTK\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-5-6-223141-3736> => |text: I hope they don't do this on a federal level, it would be bad.\nSome people are unemployable and need welfare to get by. You can educate them, you can give them job training, but they just can't hold a job for some reason and cannot find steady income.\nI think a lot of them are mentally ill like me but didn't qualify for disability and ended up on welfare.\nWe should work on bills for basic income, instead of welfare limitation.> body |comment: 2015-5-6-153358-2433-4> => |text: \n\n\n We can create as much fucking money as we need to pay for a Basic Income and challenges to set this country on the right track to increasing knowledge and technical innovation at an unprecedented pace. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-5-1-2591-65446-3> => |text: \n\n\n Beats by Dre is originally from the same geniuses that brought you MONSTER CABLES.\nIn other words they ain't good for anything but seperating you from your hard earned money. Think of it as you giving a Basic Income to Dre, Snoop, Eminem and friends.\nGrab you some Sennheiser headphones or NHT Superbuds if you want good earbuds. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-213215-630-10> => |text: \n\n\n MS Windows IP isn't money... optic fiber isn't money... facebook customers aren't money... these things are nothing like money... but are part of a companies wealth (which should be reflected in the stock market).\nbut anyway... I figure by now you mean wealth.\nyeah... you can't point at monopolies as proof that markets tend to monopolies though... especially then point out all the special conditions that enable them.\ntechnological leads also tend towards monopolies... patents are short term granted monopolies to spur innovation though, and I agree with that idea... so, I'm not sure where I stand on the discriminatory cross licencing situation...\nWalmart seems to be a monopoly too? Is it really? It would be interesting to work out why it is...\nand I don't think a profit maximising company should be forced to pay anything more than market wages (that doesn't exclude min wages, btw... some people just aren't employable)...\nAnyway... while I don't beleive that the free market in general tends to monopolies... I do beleive that wealth tends towards wealth... which is why I say wealth tax and basic income... though income tax would have to be adjusted too... \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-213215-630-13> => |text: \n\n\n especially regarding the wealth tax / basic income debate because... you can print money, but you can't print wealth. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-213215-630-22> => |text: \n\n\n are out...\nThere you go... obviously it has utility to me... but only cause I like to get concepts across... it's not about posting stats... surely you get that's a joke, right?\nOkay... fine... but then he was all like... well you can print wealth too... obviously not really looking at how these are fundamentally different...\nYou know... yeah, I might sound a bit pedantic and such... but I want other people to understand this stuff for a few different reasons... but to sum up, it's a damn good argument against prohibition and I think it's time we implemented something like a wealth tax and basic income... and I think if you're going to advocate stuff like that, you better understand the fundamentals.\nSo, yeah, I did know he meant wealth... but I wanted it stated explicitly... and then we still see that there is a confusion there.\nFundamentally though, you can't print wealth... you might be able to create money out of thin air, but you can't create wealth out of thin air... it's something trane has fundamentally wrong with his approach.\nAlthough budgets don't have to balance exactly, and governments can afford a large amount of debt... the fact is that at some points debts really do matter... so these things have to balance in the long run... if not through deliberate action, through harsh economic reality impossing itself.\nAlso, remember he was replying to a question I asked of Hacker Cracker... cause that dude is quite smart on econ if I recall correctly... and I wanted to know his thoughts on monopolies... to which LR came back with all this 'wealth' attracts 'wealth' stuff... which does happen, but I think is an orthogonal problem to monopolies, and I don't think monopolies are the natural end product of a free market... I just think they exist under certain conditions.\nMy appologies for trying to be precise in my understanding of the world. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-213215-630-26> => |text: \n\n\n My point was that it was a simple concise statement and I didn't see any need in deconstructing it. \nWe've been down this road before about Free Market also.\nNo, monopolies are NOT the natural end product of a Free Market as defined. \nIn a non-free market well . . .\nI think it's time we implemented something like a wealth tax and basic income . . .\nDamn straight.\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-4-30-213215-630-35> => |text: Well... this is the basic income site... so this > body |comment: 2015-4-30-161826-586-6> => |text: \n\n\n Money is created all the time by private companies run by Republicans. Republicans know the secret of money creation and cynically use your fear of your individual debt to make you think government can't create money. Republicans create money every day in their private sector lives. They want to privatize the money supply so that they can laugh at the poor in the ghettos. Soon Republicans will pass laws legalizing hunting us poor folk. Wake up and vote for a basic income funded at zero cost through the Fed. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-161826-586-16> => |text: \n\n\n If you're on disability you're faking it. Ask the Republicans in Congress, who are using the budget as an excuse to cut social security benefits.\nThere is absolutely no need for cutting social security disability benefits. They should be expanding them. Republicans know this. Banks in the 1800s started creating clearinghouses to expand the money supply precisely because of farmers and their need for liquidity to get crops to market, etc. The repeated need of farmers for liquidity was causing them to withdraw all their money from the banks, causing periodic panics. Republican bankers figured out they needed to expand the money supply to prevent panics, and so they did.\nRepublicans have been expanding the money supply since forever. But they scream bloody murder when it comes to using the power of money creation to help the poor. Why?\nWe don't need so much labor today. We have robots to do much of the agriculture work. We need to pay people a basic income. Social Security is a temporary measure on the way to that goal. Why are Republicans scapegoating those of us on disability, blaming the national debt, which they know doesn't matter, on us?\nThere is an evil cynicism lurking behind Republican economics. Really. It is the worst kind of "us vs. them" mentality, and they see us poor as better off dead in their world.\nFight Republican economics. It is pure cynical bullshit. Challenge them on it. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-161826-586-17> => |text: \n\n\n and disability and welfare and basic income and social security retirement.\nIf the Republicans cut those, they won't be reelected, besides they need Obama to vote on it unless they get a majority override but they need the Democrats to vote for it to do that. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-161826-586-18> => |text: \n\n\n As stewart said once about some Dem resigning over some stupid shit that didn't matter, "*cough*pussies*cough* Sorry, I got the word "pussies" stuck in my throat."\nDems are cowards. Sanders uncovered $16 trillion in secret Fed loans during the crisis. He should be saying, "since we can create that much money in a couple years, we can create the money for a basic income and to expand social security." Instead the motherfucking pussy goes to the tried-and-true "we gotta tax more". No. We don't have to. We can create the money, by the same process Republican bankers do.\nMotherfucking C. H. Douglas said the same thing a century ago. No one listened to him, either. Fuck. Stupid fucking humans. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-30-161826-586-20> => |text: \n\n\n just like Republicans. Democrats will lie and make empty promises and then screw you over by raising taxes or passing laws that take away freedoms.\nDemocrats will promise to\n\nLegalize pot\nLegalize Gay marriage\nHelp the poor\nBasic Income\nFix the failing infrastructure\n\nBut once in office they don't do any of that. Instead they spend money on 'pork projects' like the study of cow farts.\nThey are not pussies, they are liars and thieves. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-4-30-145347-821> => |lies> + |statisitics> + |capital> + |basic income> body |comment: 2015-4-30-65547-9692-4> => |text: \n\n\n I inadvertently hurt a fly the other day while trying to herd him out the door. I gently picked him up and put him down right-side-up. At first he didn't move, like playing dead, then he seemed to be able to crawl. When I looked for him again he was gone; I hope he was just stunned and was able to fly away.\nObama has nerve, calling out thugs. How many innocents has he been responsible for killing? Fuck Obama. I'm nonviolent so wouldn't behead him or support anyone who actually planned to. But if he got beheaded in the white house. I bet I'd laugh like on 911. 3000 dead businessmen! There are better ways of attacking western materialism than by killing of course; basic income is a start. Fuck Obama for not legalizing weed (how many lives lost to drug violence has that decision caused?), and for not saying out loud what we all know: deficits don't matter. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-29-221141-310-13> => |text: \n\n\n I'm not sure how to distinguish between "a" OR "b" and "a" AND "b". I'll give it some thought.\nWe can do this though:\nsa: equal(&pipe;+2> + &pipe;-2>,&pipe;-2>)\n0.5&pipe;True>\nsa: equal(&pipe;+2> + &pipe;-2>,&pipe;+2>)\n0.5&pipe;True>\nI guess another thing I was trying to show was my notation handles ambiguity just fine. eg:\nis-alive &pipe;Schrodingers cat> => &pipe;yes> + &pipe;no>\nSo let's do a tally for mumble:\n- has a basic income, and working on challenges\n- has an English language like programming language\n- language happily tolerates ambiguity -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-4-29-92145-1315> => |fixed> + |basic income> title |diary: 2015-4-29-92145-1315> => |text: fixed stat: basic income> body |diary: 2015-4-29-92145-1315> => |text: mumble lang:\n\n-- define a couple of operators:\n contains-words &pipe;*> #> is-coeff-equal[1] subset(list &pipe;words>,post-words-1&pipe;_self>)\n how-many-posts &pipe;kuron: *> #> greater-than[0] how-many such-that[contains-words] inverse-author &pipe;_self>\n-- define our words:\nlist &pipe;words> => split &pipe;basic income>\n-- show a table:\nstrict-rank-table[kuron,how-many-posts] reverse sort-by[how-many-posts] starts-with &pipe;kuron: >\n+------+-------------------------------------+----------------+\n&pipe; rank &pipe; kuron &pipe; how-many-posts &pipe;\n+------+-------------------------------------+----------------+\n&pipe; 1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; 45 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; 19 &pipe;\n&pipe; 3 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; 12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 4 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; 10 &pipe;\n&pipe; 5 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; 6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 6 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 7 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; 5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 8 &pipe; balsamic vinigga &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 9 &pipe; mumble &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 10 &pipe; k31 &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 11 &pipe; United Fools &pipe; 3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 12 &pipe; nostalgiphile &pipe; 2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 13 &pipe; sye &pipe; 2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 14 &pipe; mirko &pipe; 2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 15 &pipe; nate s &pipe; 1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 16 &pipe; localroger &pipe; 1 &pipe;\n+------+-------------------------------------+----------------+\n Time taken: 1 minute, 18 seconds, 76 milliseconds\n\nAnd the relevant urls:\n\ntable[post-id,author,url] such-that[contains-words] inverse-author ket-sort starts-with &pipe;kuron: >\n+-------------------------+----------------------+------------------------------\n\n\n\n-------------------------------+\n&pipe; post-id &pipe; author &pipe; url &pipe;\n+-------------------------+----------------------+------------------------------\n\n\n\n-------------------------------+\n&pipe; 2015-3-3-450-74136-13 &pipe; balsamic vinigga &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/3/450/74136/13#13 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763 &pipe; balsamic vinigga &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/20/144245/763 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-19-1899-12619 &pipe; balsamic vinigga &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/19/1899/12619 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-17-25732-2079-7 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/17/25732/2079/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-22-04018-4540-11 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/22/04018/4540/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763-7 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/144245/763/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763-8 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/144245/763/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763-16 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/144245/763/16#16 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-1586-66677-70 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/1586/66677/70#70 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-1586-66677-73 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/1586/66677/73#73 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-134421-072-17 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/134421/072/17#17 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-10-163126-483-3 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/10/163126/483/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-10-141544-480 &pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/10/141544/480 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-24-11512-3127-9 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/24/11512/3127/9#9 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-24-11512-3127-14 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/24/11512/3127/14#14 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-23-191937-217-12 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/23/191937/217/12#12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-23-75928-7527-8 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/23/75928/7527/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-11-212339-964 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/4/11/212339/964 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-6 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/6#6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-9 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/9#9 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-72 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/72#72 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-2-131518-1023-6 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/2/131518/1023/6#6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-1-13441-14946-4 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/1/13441/14946/4#4 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-30-94744-5150-2 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/30/94744/5150/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-25-83533-1789-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/25/83533/1789/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-24-192029-413-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/24/192029/413/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-17-25732-2079-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/17/25732/2079/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-16-182237-779-11 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/16/182237/779/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-13-193546-560-20 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/13/193546/560/20#20 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-12-131637-312-5 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/12/131637/312/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-9-2121-54169-38 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/9/2121/54169/38#38 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-8-153547-3368-21 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/8/153547/3368/21#21 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-8-153547-3368-24 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/8/153547/3368/24#24 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-8-153547-3368-26 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/8/153547/3368/26#26 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-6-23355-53463-17 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/6/23355/53463/17#17 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-3-224826-5359-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/3/224826/5359/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-22-04018-4540-12 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/22/04018/4540/12#12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-21-85633-3431-7 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/21/85633/3431/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-192327-253-5 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/192327/253/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-105847-580-3 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/105847/580/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-25645-1055-5 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/25645/1055/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-14-143841-680-2 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/14/143841/680/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-13-135147-585-12 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/13/135147/585/12#12 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-12-11150-4080-9 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/12/11150/4080/9#9 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-7-11436-37098-2 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/7/11436/37098/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-6-155238-7492-7 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/6/155238/7492/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-6-155238-7492-11 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/6/155238/7492/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-6-155238-7492-6 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/6/155238/7492/6#6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-4-232813-1771-3 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/4/232813/1771/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-2-10344-03908-8 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/2/10344/03908/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-1-17753-65624-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/1/17753/65624/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-29-23027-5816 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/1/29/23027/5816 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-28-23018-1468-3 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/28/23018/1468/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-21-14510-2813-2 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/21/14510/2813/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-7-91711-70983-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/7/91711/70983/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-25-23640-424-1 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2014/12/25/23640/424/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-14-115141-48 &pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2014/12/14/115141/48 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-232438-749-28 &pipe; k31 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/232438/749/28#28 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-191251-089 &pipe; k31 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/15/191251/089 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-12-173430-71 &pipe; k31 &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2014/12/12/173430/71 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-1586-66677-37 &pipe; localroger &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/1586/66677/37#37 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-11-212339-964-1 &pipe; mirko &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/11/212339/964/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-25-83533-1789-4 &pipe; mirko &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/25/83533/1789/4#4 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-7 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-25 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/25#25 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763-11 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/144245/763/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-28-15442-4526-15 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/28/15442/4526/15#15 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-19-81753-121-8 &pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2014/12/19/81753/121/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-5-02437-76865-18 &pipe; mumble &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/5/02437/76865/18#18 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-4-2359-59537 &pipe; mumble &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/3/4/2359/59537 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-22-04018-4540-3 &pipe; mumble &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/22/04018/4540/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-10-151055-633 &pipe; nate s &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/10/151055/633 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-12-131637-312-7 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/12/131637/312/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-20-144245-763-2 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/20/144245/763/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-13-105545-954-44 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/13/105545/954/44#44 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-14-75841-9836-3 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/14/75841/9836/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-7-91711-70983 &pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/1/7/91711/70983 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-21-113631-104 &pipe; nostalgiphile &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/4/21/113631/104 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-29-22453-9827-18 &pipe; nostalgiphile &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/29/22453/9827/18#18 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-23-191937-217-14 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/23/191937/217/14#14 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-23-173735-953-3 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/23/173735/953/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-12-8913-03182-32 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/12/8913/03182/32#32 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-5-19348-63979-20 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/5/19348/63979/20#20 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-11 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-22-21120-3604-43 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/22/21120/3604/43#43 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-6 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/6#6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-8 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-18 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/18#18 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-11-02811-1257-5 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/11/02811/1257/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-11-02811-1257-8 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/11/02811/1257/8#8 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-8-153547-3368-27 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/8/153547/3368/27#27 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-1586-66677-96 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/1586/66677/96#96 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-17-1586-66677-72 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/17/1586/66677/72#72 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-232438-749-29 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/232438/749/29#29 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-134421-072-2 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/134421/072/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-6-155238-7492-24 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/6/155238/7492/24#24 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-31-113342-128-11 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/31/113342/128/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-14-115141-48-11 &pipe; procrasti &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2014/12/14/115141/48/11#11 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-22-04018-4540 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/22/04018/4540 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-19-1899-12619-1 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/19/1899/12619/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-134421-072-1 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/134421/072/1#1 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-4-232813-1771-2 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/4/232813/1771/2#2 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-21-14510-2813-5 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/21/14510/2813/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2014-12-19-81753-121-5 &pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2014/12/19/81753/121/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-12-11150-4080-10 &pipe; sye &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/12/11150/4080/10#10 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-1-26-63532-1088-7 &pipe; sye &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/1/26/63532/1088/7#7 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-5-19348-63979-19 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/5/19348/63979/19#19 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-5-02437-76865-43 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/5/02437/76865/43#43 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-4-4-114017-6141-17 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/4/4/114017/6141/17#17 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-24-192029-413-20 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/24/192029/413/20#20 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-20-42524-3544-3 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/20/42524/3544/3#3 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-225659-258-32 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/225659/258/32#32 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-19-13245-2231-20 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/19/13245/2231/20#20 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-13-193546-560-5 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/13/193546/560/5#5 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-13-171236-148 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/3/13/171236/148 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-3-2-10030-72618-9 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/3/2/10030/72618/9#9 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-22-04018-4540-6 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/22/04018/4540/6#6 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-134421-072-16 &pipe; tdillo &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2015/2/15/134421/072/16#16 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-19-1782-42405 &pipe; United Fools &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/19/1782/42405 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-15-232438-749 &pipe; United Fools &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/15/232438/749 &pipe;\n&pipe; 2015-2-10-15832-4786 &pipe; United Fools &pipe; http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/10/15832/4786 &pipe;\n+-------------------------+----------------------+------------------------------\n\n\n\n-------------------------------+\n Time taken: 54 seconds, 808 milliseconds\n\nCool. Those results look better!> tags |diary: 2015-4-29-81220-1347> => |new> + |stats> + |basic income> title |diary: 2015-4-29-81220-1347> => |text: new stat: basic income> intro |diary: 2015-4-29-81220-1347> => |text: This time, how many posts (ie, diaries or comments) have you mentioned "basic income"?\nbelow fold ...> title |comment: 2015-4-29-3023-47147-8> => |text: "basic income", all kurons:> title |comment: 2015-4-29-0453-65893-3> => |text: Basic Income solves labor issues best.> body |diary: 2015-4-28-43026-4055> => |text: "basic income"?\n\ntable[kuron,coeff] F1 &pipe;basic income>\n+----------------------+--------+\n&pipe; kuron &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+----------------------+--------+\n&pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; 12.011 &pipe;\n&pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; 9.039 &pipe;\n&pipe; balsamic vinigga &pipe; 7.748 &pipe;\n&pipe; tdillo &pipe; 7.152 &pipe;\n&pipe; procrasti &pipe; 7.152 &pipe;\n&pipe; Morally Inflexible &pipe; 7.043 &pipe;\n&pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; 6.641 &pipe;\n&pipe; k31 &pipe; 6.198 &pipe;\n&pipe; New Bottle Old Wine &pipe; 6.198 &pipe;\n&pipe; nostalgiphile &pipe; 4.461 &pipe;\n&pipe; mirko &pipe; 3.874 &pipe;\n&pipe; United Fools &pipe; 3.874 &pipe;\n&pipe; mumble &pipe; 3.432 &pipe;\n&pipe; claes &pipe; 2.817 &pipe;\n&pipe; nate s &pipe; 2.788 &pipe;\n&pipe; HackerCracker &pipe; 2.788 &pipe;\n&pipe; sye &pipe; 2.583 &pipe;\n&pipe; localroger &pipe; 2.479 &pipe;\n&pipe; Blarney &pipe; 1.722 &pipe;\n+----------------------+--------+\n Time taken: 9 seconds, 572 milliseconds\n\n"ignorant motherfucker"?\n\ntable[kuron,coeff] F1 &pipe;ignorant motherfucker>\n+-------------------+-------+\n&pipe; kuron &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+-------------------+-------+\n&pipe; Edmund Blackadder &pipe; 100 &pipe;\n+-------------------+-------+\n Time taken: 9 seconds, 463 milliseconds\n\n"mania"?\n\ntable[kuron,coeff] F1 &pipe;mania>\n+----------------------+--------+\n&pipe; kuron &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+----------------------+--------+\n&pipe; procrasti &pipe; 82.353 &pipe;\n&pipe; Repeatible Hairstyle &pipe; 17.647 &pipe;\n+----------------------+--------+\n Time taken: 4 seconds, 626 milliseconds\n\n"btc"?\n\ntable[kuron,coeff] F1 &pipe;btc>\n+---------------+--------+\n&pipe; kuron &pipe; coeff &pipe;\n+---------------+--------+\n&pipe; sye &pipe; 35.519 &pipe;\n&pipe; HackerCracker &pipe; 21.311 &pipe;\n&pipe; mumble &pipe; 16.393 &pipe;\n&pipe; procrasti &pipe; 13.115 &pipe;\n&pipe; Cable4096 &pipe; 7.104 &pipe;\n&pipe; tdillo &pipe; 6.557 &pipe;\n+---------------+--------+\n Time taken: 4 seconds, 988 milliseconds\n\nAny requests?\nNote that this word search is very fuzzy!! I could probably do a less fuzzy version, but that would take more work. So, if you mention "basic" 5 months ago, and you mention "income" yesterday, this particular code concludes you said "basic income". So not perfect, but seems to work well enough regardless.\nSo, looking for the 2gram "basic income" is one way to improve the results. I might do that later. \nPotentially, we could drop back to comment level. Given a set of words are they all members of one particular comment? That would be more work though.> body |diary: 2015-4-27-864-69445> => |text: Since some people have realized that embedded systems account for 95% per volume of chips, and ARM is using that and the rise of tablets to basically set up a disruptive shift to ARM everything (the only barrier being that ARM is UK based, and USians like their monopolies in Washinton to ensure homelessness ratios remain), some people are dusting off that old tech and making it appear like a new and non-chinese idea.\nI'm sure Imagination really doesn't see this as a case where they're playing brilliant Chess and the real manufacturing powerhouse is playing Go. \nThis will create plenty of manufacturing jobs, remove Pax from the water supply, cure cancer, AIDS, and mental illness, and lead us into a new world order where everyone makes a million dollars in basic income per year. \nNot that I have anything against China, despite what I said in previous diaries. I'm not nationalists. But China definitely is nationalist.\nAnd, all you have to do to make a traffic light (running an embedded CPU, whether ARM, MIPS, or some newfangled Intel ish) into a profit zone is to either \n\nsell it for a lot of money to a government\nadd video output and call it a videogame system\n\nSince a lot of business people are really slow on the uptake, most videogame systems are only kept alive despite their business systems, rather than because of them. But, there's nothing stopping someone from learning by trial, error, and employing the unemployed to carefully research and document the critical path for sustainability.\nOther than, you know, cancer.> body |comment: 2015-4-27-7458-03996-3> => |text: \n\n\n Plus, I want to do the "basic income" one tomorrow too.\nFeel free to start building a big swear word list. I have some sw examples where the lists are 90,000 long, so a big swear list should be fine. -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-24-223024-023-5> => |text: \n\n\n They want all money creation to be in the private sector, so they can pay each other huge bonuses with money created out of thin air. They know Reagan proved deficits don't matter, but press ignorant emotional buttons in ppl like you who don't realize the scale of private, thin-air-backed money creation.\nEducate yourself on how banks create tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars a year. Then vote for a basic income, funded at zero cost through the Fed. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-24-3305-87008-1> => |text: \n\n\n weigh how many comments by trane contains thermodynamics vs basic income. -- Finally I managed to make the decision that I would work on it. - MDCwe had to huddle together - trane \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-24-11512-3127-4> => |text: \n\n\n What enforces good behavior?\nMill: "To do as you would be done by, and to love your neighbour as yourself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality."\nhttp://www.utilitarianism.com/mill2.htm\nSomething outside of economics has to enforce that morality, in economic utility. Otherwise you get slavery, which saw entrepreneurs and exchange and property rights and all the other things the free market loves and encourages.\nEven Adam Smith saw the need for something above the market, that enforced morality. (See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2014/4/20/111627/273 for my further thoughts on this point.)\nMy solution: give each individual a virtual sandbox to do whatever they want, no restrictions. The question is how to get to that technology.\nMarkets are one way, but there are so many frictions and perverse incentives that come with markets (e.g., slavery). \nSo hedge against the market with a basic income, and challenges. Create a parallel system that doesn't involve price signals or exchange based on quid pro quo.\nLeave markets alone to wither away on their own as economics fades into the dustbin of historical academic disciplines, like phrenology. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-24-11512-3127-9> => |text: \n\n\n And regulation isn't the real answer, anyway, technology is. Regulation is maybe a step on the way to enabling the free advance of knowledge, but regulation shouldn't be necessary, ultimately.\nThat's why I don't trust free markets. Even in your idiosyncratic definition (since everyone I hear talking about free markets say that regulations infringe on the freedom in free markets). The free market knows it has tendencies towards evil, and so wants to be regulated.\nI want a system where I have no regulation at all, unless I put them on myself. In that system, there should be no necessity for regulation, no assumption of regulation.\nWe can get to an implementation of such a system fastest by hedging against the "free" market, by providing a parallel system in which I don't have to play by any market's rules.\nYou can continue to operate within the market and we'll see who can create technology best. Probably there will be a synergy, markets taking great disruptive ideas produced by individuals on a basic income and incrementally improving them. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-24-11512-3127-14> => |text: \n\n\n I write agents I use for myself. If others want to use them, fine, but that's not my motivation. \nA guy, a TA or assistant prof or something at Virginia Tech, contacted me about using my handwriting recognition demo app in his CS class. He insisted on paying me some $200. I didn't want to take it, but let myself be convinced. \nOthers contacted me about the code, which I supply for free. Who knows what use they've found for my programs? I don't know or care, really. I don't want to exchange my code for anything. I just want the kind of programs I want to use. If someone else writes them and I get to use them, great. Otherwise I guess I'll have to write them myself.\nWhy can't I get a basic income so I can continue to work on programs that I have no interest in selling? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-23-191937-217-12> => |text: \n\n\n The real answer is to get at the motivations why the volcano wants to erupt, and give it a basic income so that instead of erupting it enters a challenge and supplies the ppl of Chile with free geothermal energy. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-23-191937-217-14> => |text: \n\n\n we know this, because they erupted...\nWhich is why you have to either tax or fine them to lower their eruption utility...\nProviding them a basic income is basically subsidising them... they'll erupt all day long and never get a real job.\nThis is why so many unemployed people in south america right now. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-23-173735-953-3> => |text: \n\n\n and nonviolently, right now, with everything you got going for you, you deserve to be thrown in a cell, locked up and have the key thrown away...\nYou don't need basic income to do that... look at the bullshit responsibility free life you're living now, and you dare complain?\nWhat a fucking selfish little cunt you are... you're exactly the wrong spokesperson for the UBI cause because even if you have good intentions, you have the appearance of a conflict of interest, exactly because you want free money to do shit.\nEvery time you open your mouth on the subject, you discredit it. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-23-75928-7527-8> => |text: \n\n\n \nIt may be further objected, that many who begin with youthful enthusiasm for everything noble, as they advance in years sink into indolence and selfishness. But I do not believe that those who undergo this very common change, voluntarily choose the lower description of pleasures in preference to the higher. I believe that before they devote themselves exclusively to the one, they have already become incapable of the other. Capacity for the nobler feelings is in most natures a very tender plant, easily killed, not only by hostile influences, but by mere want of sustenance; and in the majority of young persons it speedily dies away if the occupations to which their position in life has devoted them, and the society into which it has thrown them, are not favourable to keeping that higher capacity in exercise. Men lose their high aspirations as they lose their intellectual tastes, because they have not time or opportunity for indulging them; and they addict themselves to inferior pleasures, not because they deliberately prefer them, but because they are either the only ones to which they have access, or the only ones which they are any longer capable of enjoying. It may be questioned whether any one who has remained equally susceptible to both classes of pleasures, ever knowingly and calmly preferred the lower; though many, in all ages, have broken down in an ineffectual attempt to combine both.\n\nIt's from http://www.utilitarianism.com/mill2.htm, which we're reading for the Ethics of Eating edx MOOC: v\nOf course, a Basic Income would provide sustenance for the "tender plant" that represents "the capacity for higher feelings", which "dies away" because their occupations, and/or society, are not "favorable to keeping that higher capacity in exercise."\nA Basic Income allows each of us to choose to continue to exercise the capacity for higher, intellectual, pleasures. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-4-21-113631-104> => |text: It figures you fags would forget\nApril is the coolest month, pushing\nhorsecock out the ghetto twat, road\nyou not be taking, stepping in [secret] shit \nwit da blingblang basic income swing,\ncoming off the k5 crapflood alogorivum,\n[something about K5 mental illness]\nnosta still spoogin Burmese spooge all up in ya \noggfrog freaky faces while muh sye she be\nlike goin dominatrix in the K5 queue [cabal]\nwhich is all rusty flaccid penis now anyhow \nSwiss pee cream European negros and limey\nbeds full of procrastinating --- whores\nwho may or not be my mother, bastard, fucker,\n[something about K5 mental illness]\nplease click Watch This Diary and remember to Like \nall my posts which only use the number one Basic English \nthank you for your listening> intro |diary: 2015-4-18-194854-529> => |text: This place has changed quite a bit but one thing kurons still like to hate and hate to like is MOVIES. More than code. More than Basic Income. More than even getting a Warp Life app installed on our mobile devices before the Heat Death of the Universe. We like to watch some movies.\nSo IO9 is having this poll about the upcoming Summer BlockBuster Season. (I don't know how that shit works for people down under. Fucking summer movies in the middle of winter and shit.)\nWhat they're asking is "Which Summer Movie Will Be This Year's Biggest Flop?"\nI've recreated the poll below.> title |comment: 2015-4-13-13517-1477-4> => |text: what about a thermodynamical basic income?$> title |comment: 2015-4-13-5356-09266-10> => |text: And vote for a Basic income.> body |comment: 2015-4-13-5356-09266-11> => |text: \n\n\n a rich fuck. He doesn't need a basic income! -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-12-8913-03182-32> => |text: \n\n\n But you're the one denying mathematical based observations such as thermodynamics...\nMy 20 decimal places would refer to the measured neutrality of hydrogen... it's about that magnitude... and something I imagine you'd refute with 'dark energy' or 'statistical!!!' or 'if I had basic income I'd show you all'.\nNo, gossip is your domain, because you've already thrown out maths and science... all your left with is the insane ramblings of a crack fuelled should be mental patient. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-4-11-212339-964> => |text: Darlene Cavalier of ASU makes the case for Citizen Science.\n\n"Rather than scientists posting projects and saying, 'Here's how you can help,' it'll be more about featuring people who have the data and having researchers come to them," said Cavalier. "Ultimately, that's one way to empower people."\n\nCavalier was also a cheerleader and founded sciencecheerleader.com.\nPublic Lab is another organization dedicated to empowering citizen scientists, including equipment lending libraries.\nRelatedly, Scott Sampson talks about the importance of unstructured play for kids, to foster greater understanding and appreciation of nature.\nA Basic Income naturally complements citizen science, by giving individuals time to pursue their curiosity and wonder, free from having to worry about making a living.> title |comment: 2015-4-11-212339-964-1> => |text: Basic Income & thermodynamics=100% traneness$> body |comment: 2015-4-9-5725-19447-21> => |text: \n\n\n Why shouldn't governments or central banks create money for a basic income? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-5-19348-63979-19> => |text: \n\n\n get way off on the wrong foot. Engineer or not, you seem to be well versed in Economic theory. Much more than I am for sure. Some things you say I'm not sure I agree with them but I'm willing to concede the point. \nMy one and only problem is that lately you seem to have been tying everything to economic theory and in particular the FREE MARKET. I can only speak for myself but all this FREE MARKET business is beginning to sound like trane going on about Basic Income and challenges.\nFurthermore, you may be entirely correct and certainly technically correct as far as saying that what we, the common person, thinks of as a FREE MARKET really isn't. That's cool. However, the general consensus is that the FREE MARKET is this broken thing that we deal with every day. Now you may be trying to educate us that it is NOT, by definition a FREE MARKET. Unfortunately, it isn't going to make any difference. \nI have drawn the same parallel between the term HACKER and CRACKER. Now most nerds know that HACKERS are neither good or evil they just explore systems and discover new and interesting ways to use those systems. CRACKERS on the other hand tend to exploit systems for their own gain. \nNow many people tried and tried to educate people that HACKERS did not equal CRACKERS but in the end it didn't matter. And nowadays people equate the term HACKER with someone looking to fuck shit up.\nIn the same way what people think of when the term FREE MARKET is mentioned is something quite different than what you describe. That is what causes the problem when you say, "Hey the free market is wonderful and will solve all our problems" and we respond with, "Dude what crack have you been smoking? The Free Market anally raped me and left me bleeding in the ally after it stole my wallet." \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-5-19348-63979-20> => |text: \n\n\n I really do... and in fact it's what I'm trying to fix.\nNow, I can't use different terms, because the meaning is academically well defined... as an analogy, lets say the term hacker has a definite technical academic meaning and the there's theory all about it, and all good engineers who work on difficult technical problems are hackers... but for some reason the media has used the term hacker to describe crackers, and this has been used to discredit any engineers and so we're headed for a technically illiterate society, and when the engineers stand up and say look at all these good things we do, they get booed and called thieves who just want to crack passwords and steal everyone's bank account.\nThat's kind of how I feel about the free market.\nNow, I may have been bringing it up in many diaries and topics... for sure... cause I'm trying to get these points across... (I also wanted to know the theory to justify basic income)... but I don't think it's comparable to basic income and challenges, just for the simple fact that I'm really not going beyond the well accepted theory on the matter... and, as far as I can tell, I haven't been using it outside of its applicable domains. Though I use some parts outside of the domain of the entire theory, those parts are within their own domain (ie, Utility is applicable to any decision making agent, in or out of a free market, and so is applicable directly to AI for example, and all human choices, and even animals).\nYou'll see I never said that the free market can be used to predict the weather (wait, actually, I do have a solution to that... damn... predictive markets... but that's another topic)... okay, you can't use economics to MODEL the weather... or thermodynamics, or quantum mechanics, or a whole heap of other reasonably interesting topics... I do understand its domain, and I'm not pushing it outside of that domain... it's just that, as humans making choices in what we do, it's applicable to a hell of a lot of our daily lives.\nI see some of trane's ideas would be like arguing in favour of free energy devices... so I would bring up thermodynamics... but then consider yourself living in a society where everyone mocks you for bringing up thermodynamics all the time... oh my god, he's on about thermodynamics again... can't he see all the free energy we get from the sun? What's this guy's problem, he's just trying to stop us having our free energy... no.\nThe thing is, I really do think that the term free market has been barstardised by the media and politicians serving a wealthy elite who want to discredit the free market for their own ends... mostly so that they can take greater advantage of people!\nThey bastardise it in many ways... the most obvious way is to suggest that governments should keep their filthy hands off anything that makes private interests money... So, for example, and speaking of weather... carbon taxes or cap and trade and similar things are free market ideas --- well, they are the fixes to the market to bring about free market like equilibriums... because the atmosphere is a public good, and dumping carbon into the atmosphere is a negative externality, therefore the solution is pigovian taxes - the problems are so few, and the solutions are well known, I don't even have to think about it to know that is the actual solution to the problem.\nSo anyway... can you see the problem I'm facing... it is exactly analogous to the hacker / cracker problem... you are absolutely right... I say free market, people point out the market raping them and taking their wallet, I say, that's the market, and it's not the free market because a, b or c (and there really is only a small handful of problems and solutions to them), and they say, whatever dude, I was told that was the free market, and I don't know what you're going on about, (and greengrass's statement) that we probably shouldn't even have a free market! So, I'm like, wtf... then what is the alternative? Cause the alternative is being told what to do... the free is free as in choice... you can't be raped if you volunteered for it... by definition!\nBasically... for the majority of our social issues, I see are problems with things not being the free market --- prohibition, and all it's woes... cause it's not a free market... pollution... not a free market... price manipulation... not a free market... fraudulent advertising... not a free market.\nAnd the final nail in the coffin, is wealth inequality... the fact that the rich are getting richer, while middle class wages have been stagnant or dropping for the last 4 decades... I suggest some forms of wealth redistribution -- and everyone shouts THAT'S NOT FREE MARKET --- when fuck it, that's covered by the fucking SECOND WELFARE THEOREM... like only the number two theorem derived from free market economics... I can't win one way or the other.\nAlso, I'm imagining a future of powerful AIs and robots taking over almost every possible job in the not too distant future... but I believe they will be owned by private interests... basically the end game of technological advancement and capital concentration that Marx warned about... people talk of the end of scarcity and restructuring our society etc... but really... the free market is still the solution... if we can wrestle the benefits of that system back from the inevitable few wealthy elite who own them... we still need price signals so they produce what we want... there's no restructuring necessary, just plain old free market capitalism, wealth taxes and basic income (aka the second fucking welfare theorem!!).\nSo, if you can put some of your brain power into helping me out here... I'd actually really appreciate it.\nOn the other hand, I could just shut the fuck up and care only for myself and put my knowledge to maximising my own bank accounts, privatise my profits while socialising my costs while calling that the free market and fuck the rest of you... but that would be going against my free market ethics --- if you have to produce externalities... produce positive ones.\nWhat can I do? Shut the fuck up about it? Let everyone wallow in ignorance? I don't know.\nI guess... the only thing I might ask... if you got some spare time... and are capable of doing calculus... maybe hit a micro-econ mooc... then come back to me, and I think you'd be like, wow --- my eyes are open, I see what you were talking about... how can these guys not get it? Why did I ever think I was in a free market? That's not a free market, that's not a free market, that's not a free market*... oh look, all the shit everyone's complaining about is not a free market... why do they keep calling it that?\n*: except very occasionally --- that's not a free market --- but for a very good reason! \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-5-02437-76865-10> => |text: \n\n\n Let us weirdos, talking to doves like Tesla, disruptively think and experiment non-destructively. Encourage such pursuits with a basic income, and challenges. No need to take anything away from those corporate motherfuckers. Even make their taxes voluntary so they can concentrate on their core competency: extracting incremental improvements from their programming minions. Everyone is free to enter the market, or not. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-5-02437-76865-18> => |text: \n\n\n there may be others than trane on basic income that have come up with something interesting. Isn't that possible? -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-5-02437-76865-43> => |text: \n\n\n I am really unsure if you include Govt sponsored research as part of the Free Market or not. I don't want to get into that again with you. \nBut just talking about research that is profit motivated vs research that is not, like NASA and DARPA and similar. I think the really revolutionary innovations are going to come out of the pure research rather than profit focused research. Research done in the expectation of return on investment seems focused on short term goals and often neglects interesting discoveries that look difficult to market. \nPure research though has given us many breakthroughs. \nHowever, you are absolutely correct that the avg Joe getting a Basic Income is unlikely to come up with the GUT. Nor is that the intention of UBI. \nAnyway I'm not arguing with you, I also think that your comment is quite good. \nMy buddy was asking me about bitcoin Friday. He read in the WSJ about the Silk Road investigating agents stealing bitcoin. I told him how to get a wallet and send me the code and I would send him some to play with. Maybe more people will start getting interested with all this press. He told me he called his banker and asked about it but the bank guy said he had never even heard of it. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-1> => |text: \n\n\n If we empower the poor and discerning, what will happen to all the Ignorant Motherfuckers? Won't somebody think of the Ignorant MotherFuckers?!\nNo need for worry though. A basic income will not create an automatic, catastrophic scooter shortage. Ignorant Motherfuckers will continue to ride brazenly on through red lights as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile bums sleeping in cars will be able to work on their dream Tesla free energy generators, and who knows? Even if one in a million hit on a great idea, uncovered by challenges, it would vastly accelerate the pace of disruptive innovation. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-6> => |text: Basic income solves everything.> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-9> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income frees up the natural chemists and biologists who maybe just didn't happen to suck up to Ignorant Motherfuckers enough to make a living at their interest. Maybe one has a great idea, that paradigm shifts our scientific models. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-13> => |text: \n\n\n AIDS...\nWho's going to do the job's they're currently doing? Or do you just think that AIDS is the most important thing to solve?\nYou seem to think that people will do more work with a basic income... like, everyone will do all the work that is currently being done, plus all the challenges now they're free of market forces.\nOr your theory relies on the fact that all the work they are doing now is useless... which makes no sense to me at all.\nThe only person around here who's work is completely useless is you... most people are being PRODUCTIVE. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-17> => |text: \n\n\n I had typed a reply earlier but deleted it because why bother?\ni really wish EBladder would stop advocating Basic Income. I think UBI is a wonderful idea and actually believe that we as a society will be forced to implement some form of UBI to correct the growing issue of wealth inequality. It is no longer a fringe issue either as the disparity between the wealth of a very small percentage of the population and EVERYONE else continues to grow.\nHowever Mr Bladder is like the Cheech & Chong advocate for marijuana legalization. He is a walking example of every criticism of UBI made flesh. \nHe goes on about challenges yet to my knowledge he absolutely refuses to engage in any challenges himself. He can't even rise to the challenge of doing the work required for the MOOCs for which he volunteers! Instead wanting the answers given to him. \nThat is the thing, he wants his Basic Income and free money but expects others to do the hard work of which he also expects to benefit. For example he doesn't want to help design and construct a holodeck. He just wants other people to design and build it for him and SOON so that he can take advantage of it. \nI cannot imagine anyone who feels more entitled. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-72> => |text: Basic income funded by money creation, challenges> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-72> => |text: \n\n\n Gets you a holodeck where you get to rape crack whores with no consequences, unless you want them. Faster than the market will get us the tech. Why not hedge against the market by funding a basic income? The markets already use challenges. They will expand, and ppl on a basic income can compete and cooperate and form teams against the best corporate America can offer. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-73> => |text: \n\n\n You want to rape crack whores?\nThat's fucked up... I wouldn't let you do that even in a holodeck... That would be like child porn, even if you aren't raping an actual child, it encourages it.\nIf rape and murder are the best incentives you have, then fuck you and your whole ideas.\nI'd be willing to concede the fastest way to a holodeck would be through basic income... if you can demonstrate that mathematically... but you don't even have gossip on your side, just some crack fantasy. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-3> => |text: \n\n\n If one in a million have a great idea... that's like only 200 great ideas in America, and only 7000 world wide...\nIt's gonna take a long time to get anything done under your system.\nShit, I've had like 5 great ideas this afternoon... one of them was to send you one a one way journey to Mars... so you could set up your utopian society and pay yourself a basic income.\nBest of luck. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-4-114017-6141-11> => |text: \n\n\n Where did you think all this tech shit come from anyway?\nHint: None of it was developed under a basic income and anti-market environment. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-4-1-13441-14946-4> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income speeds up implementation of attention-supplying AIs. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-30-94744-5150-2> => |text: \n\n\n Why do government deficits matter? Why can't the Fed stop foreclosures on houses included in its toxic assets? Why shouldn't he Fed loan money to state and local governments, such as Detroit? Why shouldn't the Fed fund a Basic income for individuals, instead of funding banks? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-25-83533-1789-1> => |text: This is why Mike doesn't support Basic income> title |comment: 2015-3-25-83533-1789-4> => |text: you need a basic income to buy yourself a brain$> body |comment: 2015-3-24-192029-413-4> => |text: \n\n\n Your plan:\nStep 1: Basic Income, Infinite (but indexed) Money and Challenges.\nStep 2: ???\nStep 3: Holodeck and infinite wealth and love and peace and understanding.\nNo. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-23-19535-8624-10> => |text: \n\n\n Perhaps he will decide to abscond to Syria and teach the ISIS folks of the joys of Basic Income, the failure of Thermodynamics and the rewards of usufructing. Then he can train their elite hacking squad how to use ruby to write unintelligible agents to reinforce their own beliefs. Why before long the ISIS members will be frolicking naked along the banks of the Euphrates hugging one another in brotherly fraternity. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-22-21120-3604-40> => |text: \n\n\n function for your particular utility function?\nI never claimed to have one...\nI just claimed that it exists...\nAnd under the axioms, I provided you with the maths that it does.\nSo, trane, would you prefer a basic income, or would you prefer to have your balls slowly squashed flat in a vice grip?\nIf you would prefer one to the other, you have an ordered set of preferences... which we can map down to a single real number... a utility function.\nThat's all we need to do... you are adding extra constraints on the problem that I never claimed.\nLiterally you've created a strawman. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-22-21120-3604-43> => |text: So, you don't care for a basic income then?> title |comment: 2015-3-22-21120-3604-22> => |text: Vote for a Basic income, then.> body |comment: 2015-3-20-11280-2570-2> => |text: \n\n\n Or of money?\nBasic income, drug legalization leads to less incentive for theft.\nArtificial scarcity, as blichcoin is proving, encourages stealing.\nTherefore, create money for a Basic income, and cortisol levels will only increase when you want them to. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-20-42524-3544-3> => |text: Talk about Basic Income and Bitcoin> body |comment: 2015-3-18-164229-681-12> => |text: \n\n\n The electorate became "floridly" delusional. And you're all floridly delusional about debt and being so afraid of money creation. Money is creating to the tune of tens of trillions, hundreds of trillions, of dollars per year by the private sector. Why do you think creating a few trillion to create a Basic income, so you could buy a keyboard replacement for your mac, would matter? Note: you wouldn't have to take the basic income. But at least let it be an option. And don't use fear of money creation as an excuse, because money is created all the fucking time. Many many trillions of dollars a year. Out of thin, fucking, air. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-17-25732-2079-1> => |text: That was posted to the basic income sub> title |comment: 2015-3-17-25732-2079-6> => |text: The best answer is basic income.> body |comment: 2015-3-17-25732-2079-7> => |text: \n\n\n like ours. You can't do anything about any of those things. No matter who you vote for and gets put into office, the same lobbyists pay them money to pass bills in their favor to do all of this that they earn money off of.\nIn a corporate state of corporatism it pretends to be a Republic and free nation but secretly serves the top 1%.\nYou got a two party system Democrats and Republicans that shut out all third parties. We go through cycles of Democrats and Republicans ruling us.\nEach President has a big book of secrets that they hand down to the next president that explains all of the operations going on, why we are doing them, and who it pisses off if we stop doing them. It has the Presidential seal of an Eagle with a baseball bat on it. Most of the ops are black ops stuff or drug deals.\nTdillo clues me into the fact that Coca Cola processes coca leaves and then stores them in silos near St. Louis where they ship it down to the Gulf of Mexico were it gets loaded onto submarines and sold to drug lords to raise money for the CIA and turned into cocaine. Our war on drugs is just to have the ability to profit from selling drugs to drug lords. No way they are going to end that.\nAnyone who puts all of those things together is called a conspiracy theorist and the government debunks them and so do the skeptics. The skeptics work for the government to debunk anything that makes them look bad. \nI myself have seen some bad stuff when I worked for that law firm, for my reward I was stressed out and put on disability. Disability is a trap, and you will never work again. It messes with your brain, throws off your sleep cycles, and forces you to live with less so you'll never be able to work a job again. Plus once you are on disability for a mental illness, nobody takes what you have to say as credible anymore. \nYou'll be wishing for a basic income once the AI and robots take away jobs in mass numbers. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-16-132316-816-3> => |text: \n\n\n House of Cards sucks.\ns/House of Cards/talk about basic income/\nSofia Vergara is ugly, shallow, and has horribly gross tits.\nThought she was pretty hot in Chef and her tits were not on display. I don't really know if she's shallow or not but then again you don't either.\nRobinson is probably the best scifi author today, and I look forward to those California novels.\nWhy don't you post the address of the normals you are renting a room from and I'll send them to you.\nI wonder if it's safe to take the Nimey quote off my sig yet. Ppl be going, "who?" \nNobody reads your sig. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-13-193546-560-5> => |text: \n\n\n In the month of May a K5 bum was hiking down a shady lane through the sugar cane, he was looking for a place to soothe his brain.\nAs he strolled along he sang a song of a land filled with milk and honey. Where a troll can stay for many a day but won't need any money.\nOh the buzzin' of bees in the cannabis trees to the high speed 'net to the open wifi sets and Basic Income rains out across the plains under that Big Crack Rock Mountain\nIn the Big Crack Rock Mountain, the cops just don't get paid! The IMF's are banned for life while animal rights are saved!\nThe buildings are all free from rent and are furnished with new gear each day!\nI want to go where there ain't no snow, where the sleet don't fall and the wind don't blow, In that Big Crack Rock Mountain.\nThere's boulders of crack we can smoke back to back and the handouts grow on bushes!\nIn the sun warmed sand we can hug man to man and the bars all have free lunches. \nYou can say what you like cause there's no censorship no matter the shit you say! \nMods all have to be nice to you even though your replies are gay.\nYou'll find me there\nin my birthday bare \nsmoking some rock \nand playing with my cock \nwhile I take a MOOC \nand call the teachers KOOKS \nat the Big Crack Rock Mountain.\nOh, a farmer and his son they were on the run to the pot field they were bounding. \nSaid the K5 bum to the son, "Why don't you come? With me to that CRACK ROCK Mountain?"\nSo the very next day they hiked away, \nacross the desert thumping. \nAnd later when the night was dim the son began a jumping.\nFor he found the troll inside of him. \nIn the boys ass was he a-humping!\nIn the Big ol Crack Rock Mountain,\nAnything you ever need\nIs printed out in three dimensions\non a slick techno machine.\nThere ain't no Boss or CEO,\nNo secretaries, nor Office pricks,\nI'm bound to stay where you sleep all day,\nWhere they hung the jerk that invented work\nIn the ...\n Big \n ol \n Crack\n Rock \n Mountain! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-13-193546-560-15> => |text: \n\n\n You opt-in, so those who don't like it just keep on as they do now, no sweat.\nYou can fuck it off as soon as you get it, and live on the streets till the next payment, if that's what you like.\nIf you promise more than you can pay, they can take everything from you; but next pay period you still get your basic income.\nSo you can go bankrupt, and not get credit, but you always have a guaranteed cash flow. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-13-193546-560-20> => |text: \n\n\n Online. For free. A MOOC!\nMostly it's the tools. 3D print them.\nRobots you can talk to could do the work if you're too frail.\nBasic income speeds these technologies, because necessity is the mother of invention; if you have a clogged toilet and all the plumbers are on a basic income and don't want to help you out, then someone will figure out how to automate that messy work. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-3-13-171236-148> => |text: I know, KARMA and $1.19+tax will get you coffee at McDonalds. Still, If I had as much Bitcoin as I do in Karma, I tell you what.\nI would buy each and every one of you sorry lot a drink. \nSo why did I post this? \nCuz I'm fucking bored and I'm fucking sober. Oh yeah, my jaw hurts like a mother-fucker and I ain't got nuthin but Tylenol.\nFucking Tylenol.\nGod damn Puritans. FUCK\nI should AT LEAST be able to wobble down to the pharmacy and pick me up a bottle of Codeine. And a batch of Dr Turnbull's patented Snake Oil. Fucking DEA and fucking LEA. I aint asking for a damn Basic Income here people!\nDid you hear what the Secret Cervix has been up to lately? Fucking Ms Rachel Maddow got so mad she actually threw her pencil and broke it. Now that is some shit. \nHere, fucking take a look at this Keystone Kop behaviour!\nUpdate They were SO drunk they nearly ran over what could possibly have been a bomb. And this is the 2nd in Command of the Presidents security detail!> body |comment: 2015-3-13-34710-7262-9> => |text: \n\n\n http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/2/26/05319/9883\nGive him a basic income, let him convert his chicken barns to pot farms, is my suggestion. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-13-01037-8854-4> => |text: \n\n\n I want to make my suicidal intent public. But then they'll stop me, using force. You fucking bastards. If this was facebook I'd be in jail right now, and you all would be patting yourselves on the back at what good ppl you all are. \nLike when mindpixel posted his web suicide note. Wallace tried to contact the authorities. The assumption is, oh you don't really want to commit suicide. You're crying out for help so we'll put you in cuffs. It's simple economics: we spend so much money on cops jail is the only place we can put you. You're a danger to yourself, that's a jailable offense. You criminal.\nAt Guantanamo, they force-feed the hunger strikers. Because so many would die, it would be embarrassing and contradict their lies that everyone there is treated just fine.\nSo fuck mindpixel's way. I want to legalize suicide so I can do it without worrying about someone reporting me, and I go to jail. \nFucking help me out, bros. Call for legalized suicide. It would be far cheaper than a basic income!\nWhy can't repubs legalize suicide when they cut disability next year? It fits in perfectly with repub values. I'm not part of their family, so fuck me. Let me kill myself, legally and without fear of being jailed if I mention it. Where's the harm? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-13-01037-8854-5> => |text: \n\n\n Maybe if you're really desparate. Like the guy in Tunisia, oppressed by the government. Why don't we have a government that lets someone announce their intent to die, let people try to talk them out of it, if someone thinks it's a bad idea? Then if the person's resolve remains strong in the face of all arguments, give them the right to buy a dose of fentanyl or something. They can abort at any time.\nI think you all live in a fairy-tale world and the idea that ppl don't is too cognitively dissonant, so you just try to absolve responsibility for making it better (with a basic income, say) by banning suicide. Fucking hypocrites. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-12-22516-6582-9> => |text: If only he got a basic income...> body |comment: 2015-3-12-131637-312-5> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income for the caregivers who would prefer to care for animals but have to "makea living" instead. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-12-131637-312-7> => |text: hamburg > basic income> body |comment: 2015-3-11-02811-1257-5> => |text: \n\n\n matter how much you actually have. You have infinite wants in a finite world.\nLook at you for example, you have clean drinking water, you are well fed, you have shelter, you are healthy, you have a FUCKING car, you don't seem to run out of gas for it, you travel where you like, you are on constant vacation, you never work... AND IT'S NOT FUCKING ENOUGH FOR YOU!\nYou are the ultimate whinging spoiled brat, you have EVERYTHING ANY PERSON COULD POSSIBLY WANT IN LIFE... AND IT'S NOT ENOUGH. You want MORE AND MORE AND MORE.\nGREEDY FUCK.\nHow many millions of basic income do you need before you would literally have every single desire of yours fulfilled and you wouldn't want for any more... there would be nothing you couldn't want for that you couldn't have... it's INFINITE. Bill Gates doesn't have enough money for what he wants, Elon Musk could do with a few more billion to advance his latest project... and you just won't shut up how fucking hard you have it... and you're a perfect example of an entitled spoiled western cunt!\nScarcity is caused by your desires, not your need to survive... because YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE... and it's not enough... you demonstrate the very definition of scarcity. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-11-02811-1257-8> => |text: \n\n\n according to their need...\nIn a sense, it is right to take from those who can afford it and give it to those who need it... Redistribution is compatible with the free market, though it isn't free trade in itself... the free market still works with redistribution, and there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it.\nIf we could fund a livable basic income, I'd be all for it, and I would remove minimum wage altogether... Minimum wage keeps people out of jobs, but a basic income would stimulate demand, which would create jobs... If walmart could double the number of employees, and pay them half as much, I'd be all for it in a world with basic income... it gives more people in total something to do, if they so desire it. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-3-10-174433-927> => |text: Some guy asked me if I could help him out with some cash. Because he asked, I gave him $5. When the Repubs cut my disability next year, maybe I'll move to Mexico. He talked to me for a while, said he was from Honduras. He said he was camping, with his wife, on the Colorado river. I told him I thought borders were stupid, drug laws were stupid, everyone should get money. He said he agreed.\nIn Honduras, he said, there are the poor, the middle class, and the rich. The poor have to work, like him, cleaning windshields on the streets.\nThe hysteria about border security is ridiculously misguided. The fence they put up is stupid and rusting. Doctors in the US charge way too much. The dentist I went to in the states put a filling in this tooth in September; the tooth he worked on broke a week ago. I voiced my concern to him that putting a filling in this particular tooth would weaken it, since it had been built up with filling material some 20 years ago. His assistant told me the new filling would make the tooth stronger. Lies.\nI wandered around waiting for the temporary cap to be made, depressed at all the commerce. What was it like before money? I hate thinking about money, but modern society forces me to.\nCapitalism distorts the natural altruism and compassion of mankind. Capitalism tries to make everyone into a salesperson. The implication is that no one would do any work without someone holding capital paying them. But humans do work all the time without thinking of monetary reward.\nCrawford's an example. His voluminous and informative writings don't enrich him and no one hired him to work so hard at his writing. Capitalism fundamentally diminishes the best in human nature, while rewarding and encouraging the worst sort of perverse incentives by creating so many moral hazards.\nIn conclusion, open the fucking borders, legalize drugs, fire the Border Patrol and give them Basic incomes with challenges to figure out how to be better human beings.> body |comment: 2015-3-10-174433-927-4> => |text: \n\n\n I don't like the idea of buying and selling risk. The implication is, those with money are best able to assess scientific risk, or medical risk, or even military risk. But there are many, Tesla for example, scientists who aren't interested in money. So then they have to become salesmen. Why? Fund them to try out their ideas in the lab, in simulation, non-destructively. Don't rely on Westinghouses to price scientific risk.\nThe idea that you pool your money with lots of others is pretty quaint. Don't recent analyses of investments show the vast majority are a few very large institutional investors? That's one reason the financial derivatives markets have taken off: trillions of dollars in a few corporate accounts were looking for high returns. They couldn't use normal investment channels because they had too much money. \nIn conclusion, if there's enough money to create hundreds of trillions of dollars in the derivatives market, there's enough room to create $6 trillion or so per year for a basic income. Then individuals can take risks in their own labs or on their computers without worrying about whether some rich guy thinks it's worthwhile. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-3-9-2121-54169-38> => |text: Ch will probably get a basic income before US, too> body |comment: 2015-3-8-153547-3368-21> => |text: \n\n\n Then we go to Mars and terraform and whatnot, and we have a whole new wilderness with lots and lots of room to fuck with, while Earth regenerates.\nEarth has been through lots of disasters, it'll survive us. Forests get blown down, covered in lava, sink into the ocean. They'll come back. We should do all we can to protect the ones we have, but the best way is to increase the forests. Hence, virtual realities, and space exploration, and terraforming.\nLots of cool deserts on Mars. Lots of rocks like in the Kofa Refuge, where I was. Thinking regulation is the only way to preserve wilderness is just a control freak defense mechanism.\nSame with money. Thinking taxes are the only way to fund a basic income is more about punishment than about economics. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-8-153547-3368-24> => |text: \n\n\n Robots create wood substitutes out of recycled stuff. We throw too much away: let robots and 3D printers repurpose it, break it down to atoms and recombine it into wood.\nGive ppl a basic income and hold challenges to make replicators. Then those loggers can sit at home designing better synthetic wood made out of all the shit we throw into the ocean, or into landfills.\nPeople want to be good. Economics tells them there's no utility in it, so they're forced to become mean bastards. Create a utility function that rewards compassion and wonder and knowledge-seeking. Instead of encouraging a utility function that incentivizes parents to tell their kids to shut up when the kids keep asking "why?", support a utility function that rewards kids for exploring their why questions. Let the Dad, instead of getting mad at the kid and saying "shut up!" or "Because! Now go do your chores!", tell the kid "that's an interesting question, how can we find out?"\nThe problem is your stupid fucking market utility is sociopathic and causes so much unnecessary suffering, because ideology and market idolatry. My utility function (I'm trying to speak your language here, because I really don't think of it as utility at all) is run over by the market, ignored, marginalized, killed. Fuck markets. There are better ways.\nBut you could still play your marketing games to your heart's content, in a vr. I just wouldn't have to play, and maybe the kid asking "why?" would choose not to play either. Does that threaten you, to think that there might be people who don't think exactly like you, and who could still survive? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-8-153547-3368-26> => |text: \n\n\n Remove the economic motivation for cutting down trees. Create an economic motivation, in the form of challenges with, perhaps, prize money you could earn on top of a basic income (if you asked for that), to invent wood substitutes that are environmentally friendly. Then your silly utility model works for the good of all.\nIf ppl want to buy forests just to cut them down, just for the fun of it, then that's retarded and a bunch of other ppl can pool their basic incomes and outbid the sociopaths. Or you just educate them, and get them to see that trolling on line is a far, far better way to annoy ppl than cutting down forests. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-8-153547-3368-27> => |text: \n\n\n Look... the only economic motivation I need is that I like to see forests turned into asphalt.\nSo, your suggestion is that people pool their resources and buy the forests... I like your thinking... let's privatise the forests... but you are basically saying that with enough basic income people can cut down as many trees as they like, and now that everyone is rich on basic income, there will be enough forests for everyone... just as I originally stated.\nCan we do the coral reefs next? \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-3-4-2359-59537> => |text: that's what you get when you are on a basic income and live alone. You are often bored! \nI implemented a minor thing in my code. The idea has been bouncing around my head for ages, but I thought it wasn't worth the effort. Anyway, few lines of code and done. Just testing it now.\nI guess I have a bit of my project I could write up, but I'm Crawfording on doing that.\nInstead, food and going to watch this: http://kickass.to/gallipoli-part-1-hdtv-x264-fihtv-ettv-t10210531.html> body |comment: 2015-3-3-224826-5359-1> => |text: \n\n\n There's a Basic Income one in the planning stages too. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-3-450-74136-13> => |text: \n\n\n let's get this man some basic income \n---\nPlease help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-3-2-10030-72618-9> => |text: \n\n\n So we aren't sleeping in our cars or living under a bridge and having the ability to enjoy things like proper healthcare and high speed internet. \nThey are so some of us can support Basic Income and Low Income Housing, etc without having to also require them.\nA hungry fox noticed a bunch of juicy grapes hanging from a vine. After several failed attempts to reach the grapes, the fox gave up and insisted that he didn't want them anyway because they were probably sour. Instead he constantly whined on the Internet how the Government should provide him a basic sweet-tasting grape since obviously they were plentiful and shouldn't require any work on his part to obtain. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-2-26-05319-9883> => |text: Fuck you goddamn humans factory-farming and trampling on the desert for your stinking golf courses and your precious citrus fruits. Fuck Modern Family, gaying out on iPads, making mountains out of molehills as they live lavish lifestyles of trivial, shallow values. I don't want to be part of your polluted, sinful species anymore. You all sicken me, with your ignorant motherfucking selfish greed.\nPlus you're all ugly, and smell. Fuck you. When animals kill each other it isn't for money. \nThis chicken farmer is now saying he can't do anything else with his chicken barns. Why doesn't he grow pot? Fucking stupid humans. Give him a basic income, let him grow pot and treat the remaining chickens as rescue animals. Why is money so connected to violence? \nIn case you didn't get the message: fuck you. Fuck off. Fuck-ups.> body |comment: 2015-2-25-74746-8379-9> => |text: \n\n\n I hadn't really thought of it in that way. But now that you mention it seems obvious. A firm is in a lot of ways like a controlled mob. As an entity it is focused on a single goal. People as individuals are more flexible. \nI remember the Baptists and the Armageddon that would become if gambling were to be legalized in Texas. Mafia Dons running the State House, Mothers and daughters sold into prostitution to pay gambling debts and HORROR the erosion of property values. Shit. \nAnd I'm hearing the same style BS here from some kurons even over Bitcoin and Basic Income. OMG IT IS OF THE DEVIL AND WILL DESTROY US ALL!!! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-25-74746-8379-13> => |text: \n\n\n According to my favorite economics MOOC, Economics of Money and Banking (Parts One and Two), the banks are going to do what they do, regulations or not. They will find a way to get around the regulations. They will take things off-balance-sheet or off-shore or do any number of things to get out of the regulations.\nBasically, the world is hungry for liquidity, because there is an artificial shortage of money. So the private sector is going to create money one way or the other, tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars per year. \nThe most recent crash was due to immature insurance markets. From http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2014/9/2/183748/0945:\n\nIn Video 21-4 "Global Dimensions", starting at about 3:10, Professor Mehrling says:\n"And this is the point: the shadow banking system was tapping a mature global funding system, okay, for a new purpose. And the risk transfer piece, the CDS piece, that is immature. That is new. They're inventing it. So it's very easy to borrow money, because the system exists, okay. It's not so easy to transfer risk, okay, because you're inventing it on the fly."\n\nSo the banks are going to do what they do, and they're going to make mistakes, and the Fed can easily backstop them. The problem is that when the banks make mistakes, the poor and vulnerable get scapegoated and social services are cut. It is not necessary to force austerity on the most vulnerable because of mistakes in the financial sector.\nThat's why the Fed should backstop social welfare. The best solution I think would be a Basic Income, funded by money creation through the Fed at zero cost to taxpayers.\nIndexation (of everything, savings included) serves as an inflation-adjustment mechanism, so purchasing power does not decrease for anyone.\nThen you can leave the private sector alone to play their financial games and make their mistakes, but no one has to suffer when there is a crash. These crashes are purely financial. They have nothing to do with production capacity or any real scarcity. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-24-174115-420-7> => |text: \n\n\n Banks don't tax you to create money. If banks reported debt-to-GDP ratios like countries, it would be in the thousands of percent. What works for the private sector should work for the public sector. Ppl are corporations.\nFor example, the Fed could loan us each money at 0% so we could buy T-bills at 3% and pocket the difference, while keeping the loans rolling over forever. This is what banks do. Package it, automate it, so all we see is the free money every month.\nThen everyone could get stoned and play music and participate in challenges and try to live morally and ethically, instead of being pressured into bad behavior by market forces.\nConsider "Better Call Saul": that show is a good example of how a basically good man, Saul, is forced because of an artificially imposed scarcity of money to do bad things. What if he had a basic income, instead? He wouldn't have to lie and cheat and steal. He could just smoke pot and be a good guy. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-2-21-85633-3431-7> => |text: See how Basic Income contributes?> body |comment: 2015-2-21-85633-3431-7> => |text: \n\n\n bumbull's said he's on, basically, a basic income. Isn't it wonderful how he contributes? vinigger bragged about being a world-class coder; but turnbull's big stata code is better! ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-21-85633-3431-9> => |text: \n\n\n I'm on a disability pension. Australia being less hostile to the idea of "basic income" than the US is.\nAnd do I detect a compliment in there from trane? thanks! -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-20-192327-253-5> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income to pay editors, fund donations for servers. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-2-20-144245-763> => |text: Basic Income, Part II> intro |diary: 2015-2-20-144245-763> => |text: Previously I had looked at the impact on the tax system, specifically, without other tax or budget reform it would take a 50% increase in tax revenues to support a basic income at the Federal Poverty Level.\nNext Ill take a look at how this might be experienced by the individual and what this could mean for society.> body |diary: 2015-2-20-144245-763> => |text: Let us start with the individual who is at equilibrium, This is the person for which the policy has no effect - the person for which the increase in tax and the benefits received are a wash. It would be interesting to look at what percentile in both income and population this equilibrium falls, and correlate that with various progressive tax models. My gut suggests that this equilibrium would fall somewhere in the lower-middle to middle class. These folks neither benefit nor suffer under the plan.\nNext, let's look at somebody who works at the Federal Poverty Level. This person would see little tax burden and a 100% increase in income. Two questions follow. Would this person be motivated to continue their shitty job to double their income or would they rather not work and have the same level of income as they did before. Note that given walmart's plan to exploit welfare for their own gain, they would no doubt try to pay their workers less - so there would need to be forces in place to make sure they must pay a minimum wage.\nIf they continue their shitty job, the economy is stimulated by greater consumerism since the family making $17k would probably start to behave like a family making $34k... increased consumption, no increase in savings.\nOn the other hand, those at the upper income percentile will need to pay more in taxes than what they receive in basic income. Because those in the upper income percentile tends to correlate with those that invest, this would me decreased investment.\nSo we can conclude a tradeoff of decreased investment for increased consumption.\nIt's important to note that this essentially means a downward redistribution of wealth rather than Basic Income For All.\nThe argument given by those at k5 is that, on the other hand, those on basic income will be free to innovate and thus there will be additional investment in minds, research, and innovation. However, it could be argued that those truly motivated to research and innovate are already empowered to do so with greater overhead if they plan accordingly... and that when you look at the pastimes of the currently unemployed, including those on similar programs to basic income (i.e. unemployment income) they tend to watch more tv than anything else.\nConclusion: Basic Income would just be the same old social welfare in new clothes and be little different than food stamps and unemployment and disability.> body |comment: 2015-2-20-144245-763-2> => |text: \n\n\n Means tested welfare programs turn into a trap that discourage people from working. If my welfare benefits are reduced $2 (or even $1) for every $1 I make working, do you think I'm going to get low wage a job? Vinigga please! With a basic income as the social safety net, that benefit cliff no longer exists.\n\n\n--\nDictated but not read. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-20-144245-763-8> => |text: \n\n\n I had a job and a career before I got too sick and ended up disabled. \nDisability is a safety net, and if I wasn't married I'd be worse off. \nI support basic income because it works in the EU, and it is the right thing to do to address poverty in the USA and solve the homeless problem.\nIt is true that jobs are going away to AI programs and robots who can do the labor for free or the cost of electricity. By the year 2030-2040 the computers will be as complex and intelligent as a human brain. By that time many people will have lost their jobs to automation and will need a basic income.\nJust think how hard it is to earn an education in the USA, student loan debt can be $50K and no promise of a job after graduation. You'd end up working a minimum wage job the same as the dropouts. But with that $50K in debt and a degree. \nCostCo lead the way for Walmart by paying their workers $15/hr, they found workers work better when they are paid more for their labor as it increases morale. At that level they are more efficient and better problem solvers. So Walmart copied them and started to increase the pay of their workers. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-2-20-144245-763-16> => |text: But it is important that basic income is passed> body |comment: 2015-2-20-144245-763-7> => |text: \n\n\n\n\nProvides a basic income each month.\nCan apply for SNAP/Food stamps to get food.\nCan apply for HUD for basic housing a cheap rent controlled apartment.\nRegular bus pass for a month costs $90 but for someone on disability it only costs $38.\nIf medically cleared for work, vocational rehab can pay tuition for college and an undergraduate degree. Even help one get off disability and back to work through voc rehab.\nMedicare offers low cost health insurance and if you stick to generics you can save even more money with part D plans.\nYou can even get a social worker to help you out.\n\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-20-144245-763-11> => |text: \n\n\n I mean, the whole point of a basic income is a downwards income redistribution. \n>Conclusion: Basic Income would just be the same old social welfare in new clothes and be little different than food stamps and unemployment and disability.\nThe idea is that it would be different for two reasons. \n1. it would be more money than existing programs\n(e.g. more downward wealth redistribution)\nand \n2. it would be more simple, and more "free" - e.g. you wouldn't need to shit out a kid to get it. \n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-2-19-1899-12619> => |text: Basic Income> intro |diary: 2015-2-19-1899-12619> => |text: number of US households: 115,610,216\nnumber of people per household: 2.63\nUS GDP: $16,700,000,000,000\nGDP per household: $145,000\nFederal poverty level (FPL) for household of 2.63: approx $17k\nbasic income at FPL: 11.7%\ncurrent income tax as percent of GDP: approx 20%\nAfter basic income: 31.7%> body |comment: 2015-2-19-1899-12619-6> => |text: \n\n\n Challenges result in faster progress and therefore higher standards of living, quicker.\nAre those ppl watching TV you cite in the other diary really causing more harm than unscrupulous cocaine-sniffing Wall Street traders manipulating interest rates so their swap deals profit?\nThe point is that the private sector creates tens, or hundreds, of trillions of dollars per year. There is plenty of room to create $6 trillion or so for a basic income, without raising taxes. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-2-19-1782-42405> => |text: It makes economics democratic. Otherwise how can many people experience owning things (for a while, anyway) they may never otherwise be able to own ?\n\n\nBasic income does not empower ordinary people any where close to the level loans can!> intro |diary: 2015-2-19-154720-210> => |text: http://nypost.com/2015/02/07/next-subprime-bubble-to-burst-auto-sales/\nWe already had a mortgage bubble burst due to risky loans, looks like the auto market is next.\nI assume Procasti is right that we shouldn't lend money to risky people who cannot pay it back. Which is why we need a basic income.> body |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-14> => |text: \n\n\n actually requires external enforcement to function... that's not much of a problem philosophically... it's just the way it is.\nI can't find a source right now... but economists noticed chaos in their equations very early on... much earlier than the 90's... something like the 30's or 40's. I'll dig it up when I'm less tired.\nActually, you get all the results of the free market if you randomly redistribute all the wealth before trading... or rather... you can redistribute in non-distortionary ways and get all the same benefits (across everyone, not for individuals, because obviously some people would be worse off than without the redistribution)... It leads me to believe that you can tax wealth, and redistribute it as a basic income, and a lot of these oscillation you are talking about could be greatly reduced. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-37> => |text: A progressive tax funding basic income> body |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-96> => |text: \n\n\n which is why I go on and on about a wealth tax and redistribution via basic income.\nThat's inline though with the free market... It's well known that you can do non-distortionary redistribution and both of the welfare theories hold... wealth tax and basic income are exactly that. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-70> => |text: \n\n\n What happens when a majority of people cannot find work because the AI, Robots, automation programs are doing 90% or more of the work?\nDo we just tax the businesses that employ 90% of AI, robots, automation programs to provide basic income to make sure that nobody goes homeless and starving, or do we just let them fend for themselves because they don't know how to fix a robot, program an AI or automation program? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-72> => |text: \n\n\n and pay a basic income with it.\nWealth tax is non-distortionary and because we apply it before the free trade steps (in the model that is, although iterating is still fine, so in real life we do it continuously)... The welfare theorems STILL HOLD!\nThe FREE market is STILL the solution.\nIn fact more so... the AI and robots should be market driven, so they bring about the things we want... the things we spend money on... the money we get from basic income, that we got from the people who own the robots! \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-17-1586-66677-73> => |text: \n\n\n when the economy of the USA requires a certain basic income level that makes the wealthy tax and tax on corporations so high that they start to move to China and other nations were the basic income is lower and thus the taxes are lower.\nWe've already seen IBM move to China and parts of the EU and shut down the USA office. We've seen IBM sell off its PC hardware division to Lenovo in China. IBM uses robots to make stuff and has an AI named Watson and all sorts of automation programs that they write under contract. But considered that taxes in the USA were too high so they moved out.\nI think some fast food chain like Burger King was trying to buy out Timmy Horton's to become a Canadian company and avoid paying the USA tax and pay the lower Canadian tax. \nThe thing you forget is that there is a global economy and nations with a lower wealthy/corporate tax and lower basic income rates. It has become the Post-American world, after WWII most of Europe and Asia got destroyed but not the USA. The USA made a lot of stuff to sell to other nations who were rebuilding. But now with modern technology everyone caught up to the USA. China has all of our latest tech, they have to in order to make it in factories, for engineers to use them. \nSoon other nations will have a robot drone program just like the USA, soon they will have a space program too like India got, and the wealthy and companies will be looking to move from the USA to a foreign nation with lower taxes and lower labor costs in basic income, etc. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-2-17-105847-580> => |text: Okay, in Grand Theft Auto IV there is a "trick" to the bowling mini game. If, when you get control you take exactly two steps right and release the ball as slow and straight as allowed you will score a strike each and every time. \nI'm wondering if there isn't a similar trick for the golf and tennis minigame. Knowing Rockstar I imagine there is but maybe not. \nKnowing this will not 'ruin' the game for me. I've already played through like 3 times and I'm still finding neat shit and having fun. But at least as far as the golf game is concerned I have a sneaky suspicion there is something I can do at the tee to score a hole in one.\nBTW MS is selling GtaV for 360 half off and 25% off for Xbone. GTAV for PC should be out this Spring. It really is a good game. There are missions of course and mini games as well. But it is also a Sandbox where you can do really whatever you choose. IOW there is no "right' way to play. There is plenty of very challenging things for the hardcore but it is also very forgiving of casual players. There are tons of easter eggs and an ongoing mystery. Plus the damn thing is just fucking Gorgeous with superb graphics and exquisite attention to detail. It looks great on old gen consoles and beyond real on the next gen consoles. I figure it will be near Holodeck quality on PC especially after the modders get their hands on it. If that wasn't enough, All the DLC has been free and they have released like 4 or 5 DLC packs so far.\nI guess what I'm trying to say is that this is one game that is totally worth the money.\nSo anyways, if you have any tricks you could suggest or really anything you would like to add you know, do it to it. All commentary is welcome. \nThis isn't the only forum I'm asking either but I thought hey what the hell I'll ask k5 and give them something more to talk about than basic income, bitcoin or ISIS. \nI would be glad to play online with you guys (gamertag: tdillo) but I let my Live Gold sub lapse back in Nov since my boy doesn't play anymore (he's busy being a daddy now) so I'm just on Silver now. But I am in the rockstar social club and might get back in the online thing when the pc version drops.\nWell ciao dudes and dudettes. I'm going to play some more and I'll check back later. (Taking a sick day today) \nLove and xxx's \nTeleDildonical> body |comment: 2015-2-17-105847-580-3> => |text: \n\n\n I'd mod their game so I could recreate New Orleans when Little Louis was stepping onto King Oliver's bandstand.\nI think the market actively discourages free modding because they're afraid of losing money. If we want to get holodecks faster, we should provide for paths other than the market. Plenty of ppl want to do shit because it's fun, not because of a profit motivation.\nNo need to regulate the market, just create money to provide an alternate path. Using the market's own terms, basic income is a hedge against putting all one's eggs in the market basket.\nSee how all diaries lead to basic income? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-2-17-105847-580-6> => |text: See how all diaries lead to basic income? > title |comment: 2015-2-17-105847-580-8> => |text: -1, Not about Basic Income, Bitcoin and/or ISIS $> title |diary: 2015-2-15-232438-749> => |text: Ask K5: can we get basic income> body |comment: 2015-2-15-232438-749-28> => |text: \n\n\n I read it a while back, but I filed it away rather than absorbing it.\nI am not against bitcoin, but, I believe that true basic income has to be as "1-click" as cash (or some credit/debit cards) in order to be useful. Even indirect credit like food stamps or tax rebates is too indirect. \nSo that's what I meant by "actual useful money". The utility has to be high by making barriers to trade disappear.\nOf course, you may argue bitcoin is equivalent to money. For smart people who don't mind the extra steps, this is true, but the cognitive difference between hyper-focused and casually focused is why Windows rules the desktop and the casual consumer doesn't know what a Linux or BitCoin is, and never will care. \nUntil Visa or some such adopts it (doesn't have to be an existing player, just a quick example) and packages it in 1-click terms (effectively making it a debit card or hiding it behind a debit card interface). Which may never happen, or it might happen starting tomorrow, who knows?\nSimilarly, even with basic income, I'm for building tangible value like better textbooks and massage parlors. Might not be sexy (okay, the latter could be sexy) as altcoin and mapping minds using graphs, but might be both more lucrative and more benficial to society.\nThe thing I took away from Interstellar is that textbooks are already expensively on the edge of being "truther" bullshit, due to longstanding and unchallenged publisher monopolies and their need to drive churn. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-15-232438-749-30> => |text: \n\n\n I am still focusing on the "advanced income" side rather than "basic income". We all have some basic wealth which sustains us, and as you may be implying, if we spend our time and energy focused unproductively, there won't be much value for use to trade. \nThe concept of trading intelligence for money is explicit in several older (pre-disinformation deluge era) books, such as this one which I found recently:\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_Key_System\nI haven't read it fully, but a cursory glance gave me those gems.\nThat is also why I said recently that the depopulation program is only meant to target stupid consumers, reducing their life expectancy to 30, which was actually a topic of an Oprah episode I ran across recently. Of course, they blamed fast food, rather than seeing that it goes deeper to mass programming for anti-intelligence.\nAlso, when I made my own comment, I used the shorthand "Americans" for "anti-intelligent human creatures of limited, ever-decreasing value". \nNot as a national slur but as a sign of things to come globally and personally if we don't choose every day to be intelligent.\nAs to the plan to redistribute wealth via that Venus Project-like "decentralized" system that requires reliable electricity, Internet, and so forth, well, it requires what 80% of the world don't have. \nIt might distribute some tokens of value from those who have a lot of them to those who have some of them, but it won't in itself increase intelligence and thus create wealth-creating human beings. \nThe wealthy Africans in African aren't saving the poor starving Africans, either. Everyone has bills to pay, in the war without reason. \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-2-15-191251-089> => |text: MLP on Basic Income experiement:\nhttp://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-mincome-experiment-dauphin\nNote that they discontinued the program.> body |comment: 2015-2-15-191251-089-8> => |text: \n\n\n When you say, "challenge innovation", \nwhat do you mean? \nTo do something other than innovate?\nOr to innovate by using challenges?\nAlso, blaming banks solves nothing. \nIn the article you can see that there is a lack of will-power to continue or implement basic income, even when they are clear benefits.\nThis suggests that there is a lack of compassion, rather than a lack of awareness of the problem.\nFrom the perspective of a wrathful entity, the destruction of others is like money in their bank. In this case, they use zero-sum fallacy to assume that it is literally more money for them.\nTo explain that money supply has to expand even faster than population, and that it expands even more due to fractional reserve system and such, would cause their eyes to glaze over as their anger at their own ignorance drives them to support the simplified option fed to them, whether it is "raise taxes" or "keep the status quo and don't think of basic income".\nSo these little sound-bites help nothing. Plus, if you would recall, this is k5. We know how things work. \nSo elucidate properly, or gtfo and go preaching to sheep who will follow you into doing something other than ranting. \nIf you really want to change the world for more basic income, read the article, print it out, copy it, and distribute it to people who might be able to implement it.\nThis word salad is so sad. I fear for your soul.\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-15-191251-089-5> => |text: \n\n\n My take on Universal Basic Income. \nIt's a little long but not THAT long and I think it is worth the read. (even though I write for shit, Shakespeare I am not.) \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-13-135147-585-12> => |text: \n\n\n It's not about efficiency or progress, it's just about the personality of the boss? His personality is so cool that he gets to play golf all day while you carry out his orders to code more and more intrusive pop-ups?\nA far better system: give LilDerbie a basic income (opt-in). Then you can duke it out with personalities, but the penalty isn't poverty and homelessness. Of course, you could always refuse to ask for a basic income, and play the game the way LilDrebbie is. It's your choice.\nOne thing is for sure, creating money for a Basic Income would not destroy the universe, as the fanatic quantity theorists of money hysterically proclaim. The private sector regularly creates tens, or hundreds, of trillions of dollars (in "toxic assets" no less); why aren't we in perpetual hyperinflation? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-13-135147-585-40> => |text: \n\n\n first of all you shouldn't call someone ignorant because they won't buy lildebbie's e-book.\nyou need to inspire or hector a number of people to open their wallet to you to do what lildebbie is trying to do. many people think 'i got a great book in me, and then i can do a really organic marketing campaign for free cause i'm leet on the internets already'.\nif you can live on $50K/year, you need to get 1000 people a year to buy a product you can sell to them for $5 profit, or you need to move a shitload of page views for the adfux.\nlildebbie correctly determined that the former is more likely than the latter. indeed it does happen. i've made a lot more than that part-time some years. disintermediation of the marketplace is here. creators can now control the entire production and sales campaign for many things the market is potentially willing to buy. IF you have talent. \nbut it is not a sure thing. people might not notice or care. it probably won't work for a dota2 video machine that gets a dozen views per youtube upload, and it probably wouldn't work for you either. and in most cases i would advise the purported entrepreneur to get a real job, not hold out for a basic income. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-12-11150-4080-9> => |text: \n\n\n When We the People innovated Constitutional democracy, which established unalienable rights that government protects, the market reacted by creating lots of money and on the one hand, buying up government and on the other hand, attacking government as the oppressor they've made it.\nTo de-emphasize the power of privately created money, create more public money and distribute it to individuals instead of corporations. Leave the market alone, no need to redistribute. "Grow the pie higher" as Bush used to say.\nMoney is an artificially scarce resource. We the People can change that, by voting for candidates that will tell the Fed to finance a Basic Income the same way they financed QE, etc. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-12-11150-4080-10> => |text: \n\n\n basic income is to give free daycare to any mother who wanted such service. Then we already have that kind of welfare, only if mothers or anybody cared about them can do something concrete other than 'proposing' a basic income scheme many times over on K5...\nyou get the idea.\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ncommentary - For a better sye@K5 \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in CNY/BTC/LTC/DRK\nrubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-12-11150-4080-12> => |text: \n\n\n Like JRec got used in a few CS classes. Who knows who's using logicagent, without my knowing it? May they create a better AI faster than I can. Maybe google's ripping me off? I don't care, I give it away for free. Why can't I be guaranteed a basic income?\nIn other words, I don't have anything to give to mothers, because they're so weird to me. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-11-102014-271-6> => |text: \n\n\n No predicted hyperinflation has resulted from the Fed's creating some $4 trillion on-balance-sheet and who knows? $16 trillion according to Sanders's Fed audit, and I bet that's the tip of the iceberg.\nThe private sector creates money, borrows against promises, gets extensions, bailouts, debt forgiveness because of their personalities. Is that fair? Why shouldn't govt promote fairness by creating money too and transfer it directly to individuals in the form of a basic income? Index as a hedge, insurance, guarantee of purchasing power stability. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-2-10-191430-630> => |text: Democrats are rich people who tell poor people that all of their problems are caused by the other group of rich people the Republicans, while secretly the Democrats make slums and ghettos out of our cities to make more people poor so they will continue to vote Democrat.\nThe public school system doesn't educate, instead it indoctrinates youth into Liberal Progressism and doesn't give them the skills they need to get a good paying job. It teaches the youth slang English instead of proper English. So they won't talk right at job interviews and not get hired. It butchers math and science and discourages careers in STEM to focus on politics and liberal arts instead.\nThey even rigged the colleges and universities by raising tuition 750% since the 1990s, and forcing women and minorities to avoid taking STEM classes for arts, politics, business management, and discourages them from STEM classes. Women's studies was invented to use imagination to blame men for everything, and not teach women to be responsible for themselves and learn from their mistakes and failures. Instead this new form of feminism blames men for everything and makes victims out of women and minorities where the white straight male is the devil and blamed for everything bad that ever happened. \nWith new mass immigration of Latinos and people from Asia, white people will no longer be the majority in 2042 and will slip into the minority. By that time AI and Robots will take the low paying jobs and do them for free. Putting most of the poor out of work because they need to earn at least minimum wage. Soon our military will be AI controlled with robot drones that will replace people and then the poor can't even sign up for the military for a career. \nRepublicans support supply side economics with the trickle down theory that does not work because the Lauffner curve never happened. But at least tax cuts for corporations lead to hiring more workers with larger salaries like at Cost Co. It fueled a dotcom boom that lead to many going from rags to riches just by inventing apps and websites. \nDemocrats keep poor people down with empty and broken promises, and then blame Republicans for the poor people. Democrats promise basic income, but fail to deliver when they have majority control of government. It is because poor people almost always vote Democrat, that Democrats keep a majority of the population poor.\nRepublicans want everyone to be rich with their own company, but this is almost near impossible. Not everyone is capable of running a successful company. This used to be done when most people were farmers and everyone owned a farm as a business when Adam Smith wrote his book on economics, but after the industrial revolution things changed and farms got automated and so did a lot of other jobs.\nWe are facing another industrial revolution with AI, program automation, and robots. They take away low paying jobs and do the work for free or next to nothing but the electricity costs.> body |comment: 2015-2-10-161959-981-1> => |text: \n\n\n You must have an IQ of at least 100 in order to qualify to enter this debate on basic income.\nPeople under 100 are denied a basic intelligence due to the poor public education system. \n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-2-10-151055-633> => |text: Basic Income> title |diary: 2015-2-10-15832-4786> => |text: We need basic income to keep the peace> tags |diary: 2015-2-10-141544-480> => |politics> + |socialism> + |basic income> + |disability> + |trolling for good> title |diary: 2015-2-10-141544-480> => |text: Disability and Basic Income> intro |diary: 2015-2-10-141544-480> => |text: I am neither Republican nor Democrat. No party represents me fully.\nI became disabled on 2003 and went on disability as a safety net to avoid going homeless and losing my house. We live on what my wife makes as a nurse and the disability payment pays the house payment.\nPeople need a basic income as a safety net in case they cannot find a job, or to put themselves through college.> body |diary: 2015-2-10-141544-480> => |text: In some cases basic income can replace disability, welfare, and social security. It can also replace unemployment.\nRobots and AI are taking the jobs away from us, so just tax the companies who use robots and AI for their jobs to fund basic income. Tax their foreign offices as well because they got roots in the USA and use foreign shell companies to hide wealth.\nApple just made $18 billion this quarter on iPhone sales, etc. Just 10% of that could provide a lot of basic income payments. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-27/here-s-how-apple-s-18-billion-\n\n\n\niphone-fueled-profit-stacks-up\nA lot of people automate tasks using an iPhone app to save money on labor. \nSure people would rather be on basic income instead of working a job, but if they wanted to earn more than basic income they'd get off it and apply for a job that pays more.\nCompanies would have to offer salaries higher than basic income to get employees. All low paying stuff can be done by AI and robots. \nThis would put more money in the hands of the consumers who will spend it and stimulate the economy. Basic income is used in the EU and it has stimulated the economy there.> body |comment: 2015-2-9-114742-3246-35> => |text: \n\n\n In other words, Basic Income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-2-7-155318-9977> => |text: A Basic Income, funded at zero cost through money creation, and challenges to stimulate innovation.\nCan "wealth" only be created by ignorant motherfuckers who are so egomaniacal that they ride a scooter through a red light? If those types have enough money to live in McMansions, government can create enough money for a basic income. Disruptive ideas uncovered by challenges, turned over to biz so they can do what they do best: incrementally innovate, will create more wealth than the market can dream of in a million years.\nRich people take things away from me and others they decide they don't like, or that provide convenient targets, because they want attention; not because of any real scarcity.\nMoney is artificially kept in short supply for those who need it most, by bankers who realize they can create money at will for themselves and their friends. Government should balance the bankers' allocation of money by creating money and transferring it directly to individuals, who may not be bankers' friends. Index savings and transfer payments to inflation so purchasing power does not decrease.\nThe quantity theory of money is pushed by trolls, the misguided, ignorant, mean, cruel, sadistic, draconian and Machiavellian sociopaths.> body |comment: 2015-2-7-155318-9977-1> => |text: \n\n\n ...why do you bother posting this over and over?\nI mean, all 3 people on K5 already know your stance on it, and nobody outside K5 is going to be reading it. If you're serious about it, why not try to start a protest in a big city or something where it'll actually stand a chance of getting attention, rather than just whining about it on K5?\nI say this while generally agreeing with the notion that there should be a basic income, mind you. I just find it sort of silly that you keep posting it here where everyone already gets your stance, and where it's clear that nobody here has the power to make any of it actually happen. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-7-155318-9977-6> => |text: \n\n\n because citrus likes it bright and sunny. its not some kind of government conspiracy depriving you of your basic income. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-2-6-155238-7492> => |economics> + |illuminati> + |basic income> + |youtube> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-7> => |text: \n\n\n Leave the rich alone, even make their taxes voluntary. Create a basic income for a basic standard of living for anyone who wants it. Say $25k/year, for the US.\nThen the rich can hold challenges to motivate the basic incomers to work on things they think would be good ideas. Ppl can enter the challenges, or not, it's completely voluntary. The rich sales fuckers could occupy themselves trying to advertise their challenges, motivate ppl, lie to them to get them to enter, whatever. Same as they do now, but there would be a minimum base standard of living guaranteed, for anyone who asked for it. You could still refuse and be on the streets if you chose to.\nMeanwhile, other poor ppl now on a basic income might participate in other challenges held by government or non-sociopathic rich ppl. Or work on ideas they themselves have, which might become disruptive new innovations. Then biz can take those disruptive ideas, uncovered by challenges, and do what they do best: incrementally innovate them.\nThe market did not invent computers; individuals working in a non-profit-motivated setting did. Then biz took the idea and made computers smaller and faster.\nIncrease the opportunities for the kinds of individuals that disruptively innovate, so that they don't have to rely on some special situation like war for government to decide to fund their research. Hence: basic income.\nAll roads lead to a basic income. It is the best path forward, for both rich and poor. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-11> => |text: \n\n\n $100 billion a day per person is just a stupid slippery slope straw man. You start with something like 2x what social security gives today. Then you index everything (including savings so there's no inflation tax), and purchasing power does not decrease. If you couldn't buy a jet on $25k/year, you couldn't buy it after indexation if your income goes up to $100 billion, because jets would cost more too (presumably, unless technology deflates their prices, as with computers).\nTo buy a jet, a person on a basic income could compete in challenges that offer monetary prizes, or choose to work in the free market. Basic standard of living does not (currently) include a private jet. But in the future, as technology advances, the price of jets will decrease, not increase. Inflation just won't be the problem ppl fear it will be.\nIt's kind of like the Pope was so afraid of Galileo's new heliocentric models, because he thought the fabric of society would collapse, if the earth was no longer seen as the center of the universe. But society didn't collapse, it got better and more innovative.\nFears of inflation are like the Pope's fear of cosmic inflation of distances. At heart, it's a fear of large numbers. But we've figured out ways to deal with large numbers: exponents, scientific notation, logarithmic scales, etc. No need to fear indexation to inflation. It won't destroy society, it will make everything better. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-24> => |text: \n\n\n Be careful on where that tax falls... Because, how much of the 1%ers wealth is tied up in dollar equivalents? I don't think it's very much, so inflation doesn't hurt them.\nIt's not that there isn't enough money (that's never a problem anyway)... it's where the wealth comes from.\nOne reason to have (at least the effect of having) lower capital gains tax than income taxes is for incentive to investment over labour... not sure of the pro's/con's.\nIf you CPI the basic income... well... if it is inflationary, (as unbalanced government expenditure, you could expect it to be, right?) you've got yourself a very strong feedback loop there. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-25> => |text: \n\n\n through inflation was a good idea, just that it was an idea that deserves a better presentation than what it was being given. \nI also just wanted to make the point that inflation, in and of itself, can be seen as a redistribution of wealth. There's a long history of populist arguments in favor of higher inflation. In fact, I'd argue that the "free silver" folks were arguing, well, for something rather a lot like what trane is talking about. \n...\n>If you CPI the basic income... well... if it is inflationary, (as unbalanced government expenditure, you could expect it to be, right?) you've got yourself a very strong feedback loop there. \nThis is the part where I think you're missing something. The whole point of such a scheme is to make an inflationary feedback loop, but the idea is much like minimum wage; while it is inflationary, the net effect for the folks on the bottom would be that their incomes would go up faster (as a percentage) than the incomes of people above the minimum wage (or basic income) \nThat's what makes it redistributionary. \nNow, does it actually work that way, in reality? I don't know. That's the thing... most of the effects of inflation are actually effects of changes in the expected future rate of inflation, so who knows how different things would be if it's nice and predictable like that? ricardian equivalence? something like that. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-6> => |text: \n\n\n You start with something like $25k/year per person. Bread is at $1, or whatever. Then the mean old shopkeep, because von Mises told him to, says "Hey! it's unfair that these poor ppl are able to buy bread! I think they should starve! There is no shortage of bread, but I want to raise prices so someone on a Basic Income can't buy bread, because I can! I would rather my bread rot on the shelf than that some starving person eat it! Fuck them! I have a right to be a murderer dammit!"\nSo shopkeep raises prices, and the basic income goes up in lockstep. Shopkeep gets mad and keeps raising prices, but poor ppl keep getting more money too so they keep buying his bread. It's all handled automatically behind the scenes so the transactions take place via bankcards, which don't care how many zeros are on them. \nEnd result: purchasing power remains the same. Eventually shopkeep gives up. Or maybe he quits, and some less sociopathic person who actually enjoys helping ppl takes over his store. Shopkeep starts living in a VR where he gets to be Marie Antoinette, laughing at starving hologram mobs as he eats his cake. Poor ppl get to reduce their needless misery. \nBasic income funded by money creation with indexation FTW, for everybody. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-6-155238-7492-12> => |text: \n\n\n There are ppl who are altruistic and produce bread and other products because they take pride in it and enjoy it. Encourage those ppl.\nIf Donald Trump went Galt, wouldn't we all be a lot better off? If Mitt Romney and his vulture capitalism went Galt, would we all starve?\nI used to grow pot and give it away. Give me a basic income, I'll do it again, and run a bird rescue too. Wouldn't that be in the General Welfare?\nLet the baker go. We can replace him with robots, created through technology uncovered by challenges by people on a basic income.\nUS to Ayn Rand: GTFO, already. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-2-4-232813-1771> => |text: Blastar: fucking Republicans be cutting disability. Now is the time to troll the fuck out of money creation to fund a basic income. \nThey know money is created all the time; they just want all the money creation (close to a hundred trillion dollars a year) to come from the private sector so they can hoard it and impose artificial scarcity by cutting food stamps, and now disability.\nI think the rich have created so much money for themselves and live in such refined comfort that they don't feel physical fear or suffering anymore. But they want to get some kicks, so they impose artificial scarcity on us poor, so they can feel pain vicariously through us. It's like a horror movie, but they get to direct it and cut funding so that they can watch the poor struggle and scream.\nIt's like on Family Guy: Peter goes to his wife's rich father to ask for money for an operation. The rich father-in-law says: "Well I have the $20,000 and I could give it to you, but I think it's funnier if I don't." This attitude is exactly that of Congressional Republicans right now.\nC'mon Blastar, troll for the Fed. The Fed can and should create public money, in the public interest, transferring it directly to individuals instead of giving it to banks. Or, the Fed can backstop social security the same way they backstopped banks.\nTroll for the good, man. Money creation is good, it happens every day, the private sector creates trillions at will to benefit themselves. Troll for the government to create money to benefit us.\nDo it! Calling all trolls! Troll for the good of individuals. Expose the Republican hypocrites for what they are!> body |comment: 2015-2-4-232813-1771-3> => |text: \n\n\n Hey look at me I created tons of wealth! Oh wait, suddenly it's worth shit because the market had a groupthink hysteria attack. But the Fed bought all our "wealth"! Yay free market!\nInstead of this bullshit, which your feudal economics is too retarded to express so you just pretend it doesn't exist, have the Fed backstop fiscal policy that helps individuals directly.\nProviding a basic income is creating wealth. Making people suffer needlessly because of antiquated fears of scarcity is just sociopathic. Like your creepy stalking. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-4-8346-57680-8> => |text: \n\n\n This one is dusty so I'll probably screw it up but anyways.\nThis ol' country crackhead kid went to see this tranny whore in town. But when he dropped his drawers she laughed and said, "Damn boy, that ain't big enough for a Basic Income. You tell me deficits don't matter but I can't work with negative income!"\n"So what do I do?"\n"Tell you what, you go on back home. Do some pull-ups, go hiking in the woods. Hug some trees, hug some Navy Guys. Get that thing toughened up some and come back to see me. So he did.\nWhen he visited her again, she asked if he was ready. He dropped trou and god damn there was the biggest, hardest, blue-veiner she had ever seen in her life. She thinks, 'Oh this is going to be good!'\nSo she lays out wide on the bed and closes her eyes. She feels this strange sensation and looks up. This crack head kid has a broom handle jammed up her twat and he's wringing it around to beat the band. She hollers, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"\nHe replies, "Checking for squirrels." \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-2-2-10344-03908-8> => |text: \n\n\n Openly, not behind doors in private smoke-filled rooms, as the Republicans do.\nFed chairman Bernanke knows deficits, and the national debt, don't really matter. But he feels a social pressure to say they do, because he's afraid of the social backlash, and he cowers before the strong emotions that republicans emote when they talk about debt. That's all for the cameras of course. They're acting, creating drama, pretending they're directors of a horror movie. And ppl buy it!\nEven this Tsipras guy in Greece and his Finance Minister can't say openly that debt is a distraction. Even they have been too co-opted into the social hysteria. So they give us some kind of weak tea about negotiating the debt, and a European Investment Bank, and all sorts of other half-assed solutions.\nThey need to do what Jeffrey Sachs did in Bolivia, take the IMF on directly and tell them to go fuck themselves.\nI even saw somewhere I think on reddit's Basic Income sub that Bernanke supported a Basic Income or did at one time or something, but I can't find it right now. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-1-31-113342-128-4> => |text: \n\n\n When I moved in, I had basic cable, something like 120 channels. Cable was specified in the ad. After the first day, the 120 channels mostly disappeared, leaving me with mostly ad channels. They stopped the cable, and didn't tell me.\nWhen I moved in, I had a lamp. The landlord took it away, saying they wanted to replace the shade. They haven't returned it, and it's been several days.\nThis is the kind of bullshit morals rich ppl have. I know, I've lived among them. They are liars and shallow cheats and play ppl games they know are rigged, and scapegoat the poor. And they are ugly, fat, pasty-skinned, ignorant motherfuckers.\nI would say, let them live out their shallow trivial lives how they want. Just give me the option, in the form of a basic income, not to have to interact with them, ever.\nDon't even tax them to fund the basic income. Create the money, as banks create close to a hundred trillion dollars a year. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-1-31-113342-128-6> => |text: \n\n\n I don't want to do what banks do. Let my government do it. The Fed creates money. Let it create money for a basic income, so I don't have to think about money at all.\nBanks use all sorts of shady, shadowy, off-balance-sheet, accounting tricks to book future profits today and use that to pay bonuses which they immediately spend. So they create money from interest by booking future interest under the bank investors' "Net Worth" balance sheet item.\nThen to repay the loan, you have to get the interest from the bankers, who created it out of thin air and gave it to themselves so they could pay you so you could repay them.\nIt's a fucked-up system composed of con men, by con men, for con men. I am not a con man. Give me a choice not to play their rigged bullshit games. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-1-31-113342-128-11> => |text: \n\n\n no one has to share... that's the point... no one ever does anything purely for unselfish reasons (why even charity is modelled by utility, ie, feeling good about yourself giving to charity).\nBut WHY do you care... they aren't forcing you to do anything. Why do you deserve the output of their automation... They built it, or at least they built the companies that do it, or they bought them... whatever... what the fuck does it have to do with you? It's their machine, it's products are theirs... why would you deserve any of the benefit of that?\nThe only thing they care about is profit... so they trade for something that is useful to them... ie, money... if you give everyone really free (and gobs and gobs of it, because nothing you say even acknowledges the difference between a small basic income and an infinite one... except people can vote on it, and why would they vote for a small BI instead of an infinite one?)... then money will become worthless to them, and they'll simply trade in something else... it is what you don't get about the free market... money is no different to any other commodity to anyone... ffs, I prefer bitcoins already!\nAll the rest of what you said, the magic fairy land of gov 'challenging' people to make 3d printers and VR and all your other crap depends on the first part, which is crap... you can't solve the worlds problems by imagining a fairy tale world... you have to accept the real world.\nAnd you also just don't get that acting in the real world IN ITSELF would be more appealing than any make believe experience you can have in a VR. (I mean, I'm not an actual rail road tycoon, and I don't think you'll ever convince me I am, no matter how good VR gets). \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-1-31-113342-128-15> => |text: \n\n\n Even if had his basic income... or any amount of money actually... he'd still be fucked over like this... and probably still blame everyone else.\nFucking idiot. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-1-29-23027-5816> => |reddit> + |basic income> + |downvoting> + |deleterious effect> + |harmful to the community> + |hidden comments> + |cowards> + |rage mod> + |money creation> + |upvoted> body |diary: 2015-1-29-23027-5816> => |text: Also, from a post on that subreddit today:\nhttp://thoughtinfection.com/2014/03/23/envisioning-universal-basic-income-as-mon\n\n\n\netary-policy/\n\nBasic income gets bogged down in the same muddy question that mires every political conversation in memory: How can we afford it?\nTypically the numbers look something like this. I'll use Canada as an example but these numbers are fairly typical for western countries. In Canada there are currently approximately 25 million working age people, if we were to give each of them a UBI of $15 000 this would give a total of about 375B dollars. This would actually significantly exceed the total expenditures of the Canadian federal government, at somewhere around 280B.\nAnd this is where the conversation usually ends, UBI would be nice to have, but clearly we can't afford it.\nBut this is not where we should stop.\nIf we really accept that modern society should function to deliver each and every person a minimum living standard regardless of their ability to find gainful employment then we must be willing to look deeper. In order to have a credible discussion about funding UBI, I believe we must look beyond the world of government and private debt and probe deeper into the economic physiology of the modern world. \nIn this post I will try to make the case that a Universal Basic Income should be viewed not as a new government program but rather as a new mechanism for money creation. UBI would represent such a enormous change in the way that modern economies operate that it really goes beyond the role of the government, and should instead be regulated by those institutions which control the creation of money.> body |comment: 2015-1-29-1649-89658-2> => |text: \n\n\n First you need a magnifying glass and a solar cell... This breaks the laws of thermodynamics and gives you an external quantum efficiency of over 200%, so you're getting two photons for every one that hits your cell which means the calculator actually makes light and power too.\nOf course, then you just run mdlibc on it, which is the standard libc implemented as a recursive strcpy function and enhanced sort algorithm that exclusively use the NOP function for power conservation.\nAnd make sure you internally store your data in binary form, not plain numbers, because propriety formats are better than text formats for power efficiency. \nThis calculator uses no power, and in fact generates it. With it you can exploit patterns in financial markets and give the money to trane as a Basic Income... who goes on to spend it all on crack and drano, cause deficits don't matter.\nThat is if you can stay out of jail that long. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-1-28-15442-4526-15> => |text: \n\n\n other people... that sort of thing is goddamn cheap.\nhttp://www.landwatch.com/default.aspx?ct=r&type=13,12&r.PRIC=%2c19999\nSeriously, for like a month of computer-nerd contracting pay you could get a nice big plot, maybe even with a well, if you looked. \nReal-estate is mostly location, and you seem to enjoy being in the middle of nowhere, so you should be able to meet your own needs fairly cheaply, if you were willing to knuckle under and deal with the rest of us assholes for a few months. \nI mean... even government help usually requires you to put in some effort to get it, you know? \nI mean, I guess I can understand why you'd argue for some kind of universal basic income for everyone else, but with what I know of your tastes, you could make your life vastly more comfortable if you, you know, would go work for a few months every now and again. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-1-28-23018-1468-3> => |text: This is what Basic Income should be in the US too.> title |comment: 2015-1-26-101823-039-3> => |text: Basic income, challenges> body |comment: 2015-1-26-63532-1088-7> => |text: \n\n\n you'll like it there. only two season for good reasons: dry and wet. Simple and beautiful life forms all around. And nobody cared if you choose to live outdoor for all seasons.\nBasic Income may not be attainable for local folks but Belize gov certainly gives people like you unduly privileges to re-populate its old ruins.\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ncommentary - For a better sye@K5 \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in CNY/BTC/LTC/DRK\nrubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-1-21-14510-2813-2> => |text: Basic Income enables more research.> body |diary: 2015-1-14-111655-693> => |text: What if we had challenges to develop better harvesters, simulate them, then implement the best ideas? No one is forced to enter.\nHypotheses: productivity will rise faster with a Basic Income.\n---\nIronically "No Trespassing" signs prevent access to the All-American Canal. They've privatized the water supply, and agriculture gets highest priority. It could all be so much better, without the fear of others doing what you yourself most want to do. Don't pollute as much. Don't fear strangers. Don't shoot first and ask questions later.> body |comment: 2015-1-14-75841-9836-3> => |text: \n\n\n if we just gave all those islamic militants a basic income they could take moocs (more convenient than jihadi camps!) and solve challenges (like the jewish problem!) \n--\nDictated but not read.\n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-1-7-91711-70983> => |text: This is your life on basic income> title |comment: 2015-1-7-91711-70983-1> => |text: Grumble's on a basic income you insensitive clod.> title |comment: 2015-1-3-84039-54623-3> => |text: Basic Income, my man.> body |comment: 2014-12-25-23640-424-1> => |text: \n\n\n Why is Cameron so bent on stamping out virtual violence? It won't work, it's like drugs: no matter his personal (and, undoubtedly, hypocritical) distaste for certain behaviors, they can be virtualized so that no one is victimized. The challenge is to develop the virtualization technology. The market is too slow, we would get there faster with a basic income and challenges to uncover the disruptive idea that business sees no short-term profit in. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-12-19-84018-251-5> => |text: \n\n\n Billions across the globe are enjoying a Basic Income. Sweat Shops and Child Labor factories are a nightmare of the past. Ignorant MF Managers and Middle men are being thrown out on the street as more and more individuals take up challenges driving our society forward. Governments around the world have thrown wide the gates of the Internet so that all citizens may freely read whatever they choose, write whatever they wish, learn, teach and experience. Those same governments have outlawed banks and financial institutions that were mean and selfish and greedy hoarding wealth for themselves and making everything artificially scarce. Free energy is flowing through the grid, more than enough for every man, woman and child to freely consume as they see fit. Volunteers help to unload trucks full of fresh vegan food in every neighborhood. Hospitals everywhere are treating everyone. We have eliminated need, sickness, hunger. No one lives without shelter unless by their own choice. \nYeah that mean ol Debil Mawkit he don' dried up an' blowed hisse'f away! Praise Jesus! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-12-19-81753-121-2> => |text: Better policy: a basic income.> body |comment: 2014-12-19-81753-121-8> => |text: \n\n\n you are stating it as fact, when you have a couple of tenuous links.\nThe least-supportable link there is this idea that high inflation causes lenders to stop lending. \nYeah, unexpected inflation (that is, inflation not rolled into the interest rate) is bad for lenders who have made fixed-rate loans, not expecting the increased inflation.\n(and most consumer fixed-rate loans, unlike bonds, can be paid back early without penalties, so these lenders don't always reap the rewards that bondholders (who are also lenders) do when they make a long-term fixed-rate loan with a lot of expected inflation baked into the interest rate, and the inflation rate unexpectedly falls.) \nHowever, we've had inflation before. When I was a kiddie, what, 15% was pretty normal? the 80s were kinda crazy. And some banks suffered. We had a crisis, even, but it was smaller than the more recent banking crisis that didn't involve rising interest rates.\nSo yeah. Inflation makes loans more expensive, sure. That's pretty well accepted. But charging higher interest rates is rather different from refusing to make loans at all.\nNow, your more supportable argument (in my opinion) is that a basic income would cause inflation.\nNothing about a basic income says you have to start printing money; you can tax&spend, too. \nBut we're in macro here. How much money has the government printed in the last few years, with almost no inflation? Very clearly, we don't quite understand the relationship between all these factors. \nBesides, what if the government used tax income to pay for the basic income? that wouldn't increase the total money supply. Even then, eh, some would argue that because poor people buy the things that the cpi measures, the cpi would inflate if poor people had more money. \nSo yeah, I'd argue that it's more supportable than the idea that banks would stop lending money, especially if people had a guaranteed income source. \n\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-12-14-115141-48> => |text: Searching for the source of the Tschalis River, which I'd just read about in one of two old books collecting Indian myths and stories about the region, I ran into a Weyerhaeuser graveyard for big old equipment. Sitting there rusting, rotting, undoubtedly contaminating the Chehalis River flowing just adjacent.\nThe other book, dated 1910, had a Northwest version of How Coyote Stole Fire. In this northwest version, the "Fire Beings" were called Skookums.\nA few weeks ago I was running around the Skookumchuck River, near Schafer County Park.\nI think we can learn about how to be more in balance with nature from the American Indians. Instead, private entities like Weyerhaeuser create huge externalities in their profit-making endeavors.\nWhen government tries to clean up the pollution left in the wake of industrial mining and forestry operations, it finds its budget constrained. Why? Why wouldn't created money, used to clean up after the messes that private industry creates, why wouldn't funding government budgets be a good thing? Why should doing things in the General Welfare be inflationary?\nMake taxes voluntary. Fund government at zero cost, through the Fed. Use fiscal policy to establish a basic income, and issue many challenges to stimulate and reward innovation and citizen science. Replace minimum wage laws and hiring/firing restrictions on business with an unconditional basic income (opt-in).\n---\nInstead of trying to prevent future bailouts, Senator Elizabeth Warren should be talking about how bailouts work and the Fed should now create money to bail out individuals.\nEven Kenneth Rogoff agrees:\n\nWithout question the best and most effective approach to the problem would have been to bail\nout the subprime homeowners directly, forcing banks to take losses but keeping them manageable. For an investment of perhaps a few hundred billion dollars, the US Treasury could have saved itself from a financial crisis whose cumulative cost, counting lost output, already runs into many, many trillions of dollars. Instead of "saving Wall Street," a subprime bailout would have been targeted, almost by definition, at lower-income households. But unfortunately, this approach too would have been politically impossible prior to the crisis.\n\n---\nWhere are the politicians that want to change political possibilities? Why are economists like Rogoff so frequently cited by politicians on the right about debt, but not about bailouts of individuals?> body |comment: 2014-12-14-115141-48-11> => |text: \n\n\n You'd have known that I believe the way forward is wealth tax and basic income... I believe this is well supported by free market theory.\nYou're attacking a strawman... and I would have thought you'd attacked it, and had it rebutted, often enough to see the mistake your making... but apparently not.\nI'll repeat it one more time for you - I'm for a well regulated free market capitalistic economy, regulated to provide true information of products, adjusted for the existence of natural monopolies (these are subsidised, surprisingly enough), adjusted for the existence of negative externalities through pigouvian taxes (I support a carbon tax) and for the existence of positive externalities through pigouvian subsidies (education, health, justice, fire, roads and police should be subsidised by the state) with a wealth tax and basic income to provide for the effects of wealth concentration and inequality that will be increasingly driven by the advancement of technological capital capabilities replacing labour, plus disability and other benefits for those socially disadvantaged or who have needs beyond the mean.\nBut go ahead... take the piss with your simplistic "free market (PBUI), jesus wants your oil" caricature of actual free market theory. Perhaps you would sound less like an idiot if you took a more nuanced view of the problems and stop painting me as a Libertarian nutcase. (Although I do consider my self a libertarian - just not the thoughtless "drill baby drill" or "let them eat cake" Libertarian). \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-12-12-173430-71> => |text: Anyhow, some sniplets for your amusement and possible increased freedom:\nThe skill of knowing (Gnosis)\n\nRe:Truth\nthe truth that...\nemotional self-control and \ndiscerning manipulation and indoctrination \nfrom facts and opportunities is an important skill.\nThat suggests that there is no body of doctrine which will be any\n"absolute truth", but rather, truth is accessible by a skillset,\nrather than by rote.\n\nThis one troll...\nApparently, someone who made money off of getting paranoid diligent creatures to click on videos which were a mismash of other videos, lost that income stream for, you know, blantantly copying footage from other sources without any sort of profit sharing or content sharing deal.\nTrane will tell you that money is evil, but good thing he gets basic income to keep up his lifestyle.\nNow, this guy decided to return to the same, but this time, make it seem like the "life or death of your immortal soul". You know, the time-honored fear-based religion stuff that has been so lucrative since someone recut random sections of the Bible to turn life-enhancing messages into "give me money and get busy dying, subhuman scum", which somehow turns on at least 30% of the average population. \nTo set it up, he makes it seems that the very platform which he is using for money making and attention grabbing is a pot of a mortal and immortal enemy, and if we just watch this one two-hour video, we will all be free. \nThat sort of dogma is what, I suppose, you think I'm referring to when I talk about "truth"? Nothing could be further from the truth.\nAs I mentioned in previous paragraph, you access truth by skill, not by rote, and because we have subjective interests and perspectives, it would shift.\nOn, link to that video, and the "one troll" I was talking about was not him, but the guy who trolled him into making the video, if such a guy ever existed.\nEven if the facts was as he implies, it is perfectly normal for a deleted account to not exist, and any idiot can create an account, send trollish messages, and then delete it.\nThe rest is somehow saying that fiction is truth disguised as fiction, rather than something done to make money by manipulating your emotions; i.e. entertainment, which, I guess, is too big a word for these busy "fact" repeaters to comprehend.\nMy new plan\nMy new plan is to simply work on entertainment products. Being a banker, although it seems to be the way to make money with no risk by doing nothing, is only viable for a few at the top. As somebody said (proscrati?), they won't let me in and even if I build the same system, it is actually less work, and much less fun, than entertaining.... \nAfter all, we all come to k5 for entertainment of one form or another. And if a dead site like this can thrive based on such low effort entertainment, then the bar for a successful entertainment product has to be fairly low.\ne.g. Papers, Please (a very hiqh quality project, but I am sure it was both more fun to work on and a shorter term project than founding a hihg-level or central bank). \nTechnically, this is just a refinement of the old plan, as "making bank" is what the goal is, the method can change as many times as necessary to reach that objective. \nMeanwhile, at the gym...\nI recovered from my soft tissue damage in time to get in some gym time before the xmas break. Although I might not have mentioned such damage here. \nIn any case, I feel better being able to go again. However, during my "downtime" I also did some light exercise on my own, which is a surprising improvement as I normally have no desire to do so. \nPlayStation 2 is dead\nI mean, Sony EOL'd it, and the official emulation from Sony is incomplete at best. I never bothered with a PS3 for that reason, and I won't bother with a PS4 for similar reasons.\nMy physical PS2 is still working, and PSCX or whatever is pretty good, actually, so thanks be to emulators.\nBtw, Bleem! (and old commercial PS1 emulator) was ruled legal, eventually, but the company went out of business and was effectively absorbed by Sony. The moral of the story being that you can make a profit both ways by emulators, if you structure your company right and have a good team.\nWhich is one reason to incorporate. The court costs sunk the company but left the personal assets of the 3-5 core members of the team unscathed and able to get other jobs, I think two of them actually with Sony, so... if the goal is to be paid for your talents, it remains that such a model did actually work, and work much better than trying to give away an emulator for free or work on a "fan project". \nBetter reputation, work experience with a team, and more money in pocket, for all involved.\nClever virgins, those cards(individuals).> body |comment: 2014-12-6-121125-394-8> => |text: \n\n\n With AI, Hitler could have been the artist he wanted to be as a young man. Or with a Basic Income, until we get the AI. Turing was thinking about how to get the AI. C.H. Douglas was thinking about how to get the Basic Income for free. If only ppl had listened to C. H. Douglas, Hitler's wars could have been avoided. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-12-6-121125-394-10> => |text: Basic Income plus AI challenges solve everything!> title |diary: 2014-12-4-232954-927> => |text: We support basic income> intro |diary: 2014-12-4-232954-927> => |text: No matter how dumb you are, you should be able to earn money. Only basic income guarantees that> body |comment: 2014-12-4-85330-7190-12> => |text: \n\n\n He must be really depressed: "Swiss voters rejected a measure in a referendum requiring their central bank to hold a portion of its assets in gold"\nOh noes! Wait till the Swiss vote for a Basic Income. I suggest he kill himself now before it's too late. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-12-2-21434-9970-1> => |text: \n\n\n He said he'd keep all the donations for himself. He was an exemplary ignorant motherfucker.\nYou should support a basic income, that would be the best charity.\nI'm sleeping in the car, man. It gets down to the teens. I live in such physically hard circumstances as you have never experienced. I'm so happy for you that you had a good year. Isn't it wonderful how having a wife and never rocking the social boat gets you such lucrative rewards, while if I choose to be solitary and not put up with social injustices, I get so sleep in a car? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-12-1-21821-8768-2> => |text: \n\n\n We need a Basic Income and Challenges to provide the technology so that we can eventually store everyone in their own POD overseen by robots and machines and live in a simulated reality ala The Matrix. You can be in Paris just by Thinking It.\nWe can create our own reality with our own Laws of Physics instead of being mean and making everyone live the way some people want them to. \nWell except for those folks that don't want to spend their lives in a POD for the good of Humanity. We can just kill those people and use their tissue for food. Free Lunch! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-29-102152-73-1> => |text: Great case for a basic income.> title |comment: 2014-11-29-102152-73-2> => |text: s/basic income/eugenics/> tags |diary: 2014-11-29-0454-3944> => |simon jenkins> + |basic income> + |cash bomb people> + |stimulus> + |money creation> + |transfer payments> + |martin wolf> + |austerity death trap> + |the guardian> + |indexation> body |comment: 2014-11-27-193454-62-1> => |text: \n\n\n Why should I lie about setting up a corporation for some underhanded purpose that I don't make explicit, because I'm afraid of something?\nWhy should I have to think about money in this age of oversupply?\nDo it seamlessly, if you must. Something like Sheila Bair's Modest Proposal, but package it all up so that I just get the money to live on and can think about it as little as possible. Employ lots of bankers in setting up the packages, then when they can run themselves maybe those bankers will take a basic income too and work on something that really interested them as a kid. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-27-193454-62-5> => |text: \n\n\n but I don't think research is the answer, developing more working capital is. Having some sort of facility to help others to move forwards would be good, and so far, the closest things are books on the subject, and things like the CFA institute, I guess.\nI'm not a banker or lawyer yet but at some point those people become affordable to help with those details. \nAlso, I likely didn't focus on it but the barriers to keep the poor from becoming rich are somewhat intentional, so like any other barrier you would need a strategy to go over, around, under, or through it. \n[...]poor people remain poor because they can't incorporate businesses and such. They can't avoid taxes, as the rich do, by using corporations as vehicles to shelter wealth.\nThey can't own houses, nor afford to stay in hotels.\nI didn't mean "can't" as in "they don't know how to", I meant they are just as unable to do so as men are of taking to flight.\nBut we can work around this by buying plane tickets or building hot air balloons, it is not a definite "cannot". \nCorporations also have to be feeding some large market, and many trades do not do that, but anything which can be sold more than once by copying can be made into a corporate product (like books) or a franchise (like Starbucks), even things which were once purely ephemeral like "feeling ecstasy" (religion, churches as semi-franchise, Tantric massage, raves -- which are fed by the whole electronic music scene and the expensive "prosumer" equipment).\nIf you want to have a life beyond depending on basic income, then you need to think bigger... but you have to already be somewhat above poor or labor class in order to be able to develop those skills. \nFrom then, the costs can be passed onto customers, once you identify and cultivate a following within the relevant profit zone. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-27-132631-10-9> => |text: \n\n\n We can and should create money for a Basic Income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-25-193757-78-1> => |text: Non-mean-spirited solution: universal basic income> body |diary: 2014-11-25-193114-80> => |text: Ye cannot serve God and mammon.\nMy situation: I cannot serve mammon and engineering. Your mileage may vary, but for me, at work, I come to despise programming and love money. I would much rather like programming. I don't want to think about money.\nSo what does society do with people like me? Ignore me, marginalize me, silence me, ban me, sweep me under the carpet, mock me, troll me, censor me, imprison me, drive me to suicide?\nHow many others despise serving money, but have to pass for neurotypical because they fear the societally-imposed consequences for despising money?\nAre the societal consequences created for those of us who don't want to work for money as arbitrary and unfounded as the societal fears of what would happen if Turing, say, was left unpunished for openly acknowledging his homosexuality?\nIn such an age of surplus production as we live in, are the arguments against creating money for a universal basic income as misinformed as the one-time scientific consensus that continents don't drift?\nAm I as right about the emergence of energy, as Aristarchus was about a heliocentric solar system, in an age when planets had to orbit in circles, as today energy has to be conserved?> body |comment: 2014-11-25-191858-19-7> => |text: \n\n\n the first dude thought I was a bum\nSo you didn't speak to either of them. You judged the one based solely on his appearance. Then you made an assumption about what the other guy was thinking. Based on these assumptions that existed only in your own mind and not from any real actions by the two you acted like an asshat; "following a few feet behind . . . slapping your sandals hard" and you conclude fuck humans?\nSeriously, you are the real dick in this tale. Acting both unfriendly AND hostile. \nI'm no psychologist but from your recent diaries and the parent comment you seem to be losing your grip on reality. I hope you don't have access to a weapon. You're just the kind of person I would expect to read about in an article with the headline:\n"Crazed Gunman Opens Fire in Public Area"\nWitnesses report the man screaming \n'HI, THERMODYNAMIC SCARCITY IS A LIE THE SOLUTION IS A BASIC INCOME FUCK HUMANS!' \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-23-12354-218-2> => |text: \n\n\n That's the point. If prices rise simply because the money supply rises, incomes rise too (independently of employers). So purchasing power does not decrease.\nAlong with money creation for an opt-in basic income with indexation, encourage and foster innovation in individuals through challenges. The resulting disruptive innovation will occur faster than the market alone will produce. Markets are too conservative, corporations are too focused on next quarter's shareholders' report to invest in research that may or may not turn out to be profitable. So companies, the government, anyone can hold challenges to crowd-source the creative work. Then the good disruptive ideas can be turned over to biz to do what it does best, incremental innovation.\nAs for thermodynamics, the interesting thing is that good information emerges from a collection of individuals without good information. So, according to wikipedia:\n\nGalton was a keen observer. In 1906, visiting a livestock fair, he stumbled upon an intriguing contest. An ox was on display, and the villagers were invited to guess the animal's weight after it was slaughtered and dressed. Nearly 800 participated, but not one person hit the exact mark: 1,198 pounds. Galton stated that "the middlemost estimate expresses the vox populi, every other estimate being condemned as too low or too high by a majority of the voters",[30] and calculated this value (in modern terminology, the median) as 1,207 pounds. To his surprise, this was within 0.8% of the weight measured by the judges. Soon afterwards, he acknowledged[31] that the mean of the guesses, at 1,197 pounds, was even more accurate.\n\nAccording to a Radio Lab show that featured this experiment, no one person's guess was as close as the mean of all the guesses. So collective intelligence gained. The collective guess was better than any individual's guess. Where does the increased information come from? It is more than the sum of its parts. There is some information gain occurring.\nBy analogy, there is energy gain and loss all over the place. Dark energy is energy gain. Red shift is energy loss. Up and down-converting photons is creating more electrical charge than is in the photons.\nThere is no justification for using thermodynamic limits about conservation of energy or reversible processes to draw an analogy with money and economics. Money is created from nothing every day, with little correlation to inflation.\nAlso, the limits of thermodynamics themselves represent a scale effect, which is forbidden by the axioms. The whole logical foundation of thermodynamics is rotten to the core. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-23-12354-218-4> => |text: \n\n\n Well I know you can get a "no move" game. It sort of surprised me that the computer models don't tend to detect it. Until I started studying comp. sci. formally and realized how easy it was for Microsoft, since none of them had studied comp. sci. \nThey say reality, not what they were trane'd to see.\nAnyhow, I think trane is really working for people who want to abolish welfare, basic income, and low-cost education. Clearly, if everyone was like him, society would suck even more. \nSo student loan debt -- all trane's fault. (Not logically but emotionally is just feels right and I can just make my words bigger until it causes enough cognitive dissonance to make gullible people 'believe' and 'follow blindly'). \nMore seriously, I'd rather debate Time Cube than try to correct trane, blastar/Cancer(who claims to be a failed CIA Psycho-Assassin or something), or the 'truth-er' movement anymore. \nI. am. so. done. \n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-23-12354-218-5> => |text: \n\n\n Grid-connected solar systems, which utilities, in the name of profit, are fighting to try to make money from. So utilities try to charge ppl now for putting power back into the grid.\nBut individual houses feeding a grid could be a cost-less form of energy. Each house feeds its excess into the grid, which stores it efficiently (dynamos? hydrogen cells? batteries? trapped light? all of the above? and more?). You don't need utilities and their profit-maximizing strategies anymore. We can find our own efficient energy solutions without needing a rich ignorant boss to work on maximizing his profits, instead of thinking about engineering problems.\nThe free market works to hinder individual innovation and contributions. By needlessly capping bandwidth, corporations have killed the dream of voluntary, open wifi hotspots. We could all be benefiting by sharing our wifi hotspots openly. Instead we live in fear of arbitrary caps, created artificially by companies who would rather spend money on traffic shaping than building out infrastructure (or taking advantage of unused fiber optic lines). Communications companies view bandwidth from a revenue standpoint, not from an engineering standpoint.\nWhy can't we create a parallel system where would-be engineers can work on engineering problems they want to work on, instead of being constrained by budgetary forces to do things like code more and more "cleverly" intrusive advertising? Why are we spending so much on advertising, and not on engineering solutions to bandwidth problems, and solar energy storage problems? \nWe are in such an age of oversupply. According to Marion Nestle, the US produces twice the calories per person we need (i.e., we produce 4000 calories per person per day, and we need 2000). Food companies compete with advertising and employing engineers to come up with "new flavor breakthrough!"s. Why would giving those engineers the choice of a basic income so they could innovate on their own cause hyperinflation? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-23-12354-218-6> => |text: \n\n\n So a lot of electrons go into the grid, and something in the grid multiplies those electrons. Maybe they go around a circuit, do some work, then relax back into a shell of a positive ion, releasing another photon (or two? or three?...) which excites an electron (or two? or three?...) which goes around, does some work, then relaxes back, producing another photon (or...) so the cycle continues. Some electrons and photons won't be collected because we don't know how yet, but the incoming energy from lots of individual systems all over provides a renewable source.\nBut the market fears and abhores that solution. How do utilities make money? Give them a basic income, let them play an Ayn Rand holonovel where they get to be the best anti-altruist they can possibly be. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-2> => |text: Basic Income > Minimum Wage.> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-2> => |text: \n\n\n Let the market pay whatever it thinks it can bear, but give ppl a choice of a basic income also. Then prices are kept low because payroll is minimized. No wage-price spiral. But ppl are guaranteed a minimum standard of living, and they can work on things the market sees no value in. The market is generally afraid of disruptive innovation; individuals on a basic income can further disruption, while the market concentrates on what it does best: incremental innovation. Synergy. Win-win. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-3> => |text: \n\n\n That may have been true in the past but increasingly for the poor, the non-skilled, and the elderly min wage is all there is. And I'm not talking about retired grampa needing a side job as greeter. People in their 40's and 50's are increasingly discriminated against.\nThat out of the way, I agree that min wage IS a bad idea. Because it is anti-capitalist. It skews the market. I'm not an economist but I know that when you force a subsidy like this then you get unintended consequences. It would be much better if there was no min wage. Let Walmart, McDonalds, etc decide what they want to pay. Hell maybe they don't want to pay anything. Maybe they give out gift coupons or some shit. All you can eat McBurgers. Whatever. \nLet the market decide. Instead of people going in and making decisions based on what is basically false information let them compare actual compensation between companies. Instead of people applying at Walmart because they can get $15/hr let them make an informed decision based on the actual wage of say $1.25 / hr plus $50 off in store purchases. Then the company is going to get the workers they deserve. If they want better then they will have to automate or compete with other companies with better pay.\nMin Wage just muddies up the waters and also confuses the issue with things like Food Stamps and other forms of Welfare.\nIn this case I do agree (somewhat) with trane. It would be MUCH better if we had a Universal Basic Income rather than foisting it off on the min-wage paying service companies to provide a Basic Income. \nSure, I don't want to pay $20 for a hamburger. But if that is the TRUE market cost then isn't it better to KNOW that and make decisions accordingly? If we know that a meal at McD's is going to set us back $25 per person won't that lead us to make better choices in where and what we eat? Same with labor. No matter what trane says, TANSTAAFL. Somewhere somebody is paying. I would rather that be transparent than for it to be hidden behind forced Min Wage. If it means some companies go out of business so be it. I'm sure that other, BETTER companies will fill those niches. Why should we legislate to continue the status quo just because of nostalgia? \nFinally though, I must address this: "...stay out of other's people business." Del, you live in Communist fucking China. Shut your fucking piehole. As an ex-pat you ain't got no opinion anyone over here is interested in. Just like all you European bastards telling US(A) how to handle our guns I got one thing to say, "FUCK RIGHT OFF". I don't want to hear it. This is America. If you don't live here then keep your god damn nose out of our affairs. We'll do what we damn well please just like MDC. \nGo fix your fucking human rights and polluted fucking air before you start telling US what to do with our healthcare, our guns, our immigration and our god damn minimum fucking wage. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-4> => |text: \n\n\n As for basic income and no min wage, I agree, this would be better. I just think basic income needs to be paid for and, as you already know, I think a wealth tax is the ideal way to pay for it. You probably need to adjust income and capital gains taxes too.\nInflation is a problem in itself, at least too high a rate of inflation... if you're burgers cost $20 because they are 20 times more expensive than bread, then fine... if they are $20 because inflation is causing their price to double every few months, problems. I also don't think you can sustainably have an unlimited government debt.\nAs an aside, benefits like free store credit aren't that great an idea... whole towns use to be owned by single companies, and you got paid in company credits, so you could only buy from the company store, live in company housing, etc... you see the problem.\nNow... as for not telling american's what to do... I disagree... Not because I think europeans should be telling americans how america should be, but because many of the problems america has would apply exactly the same in europe or australia... actually... you can imagine an ideal government/society, and that would almost certainly be the same if you were american, european, chinese, or african. Each of our cultures has its unique problems, sure, but that's because each one is its own experiment... and also, for example, there are many europeans who think that american style gun rights would make sense for europe, and many americans who think european style gun control would make sense for america... so these debates are still relevant, independent of where we are from or currently living. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-15> => |text: \n\n\n drop... with no food stamps, walmart prices might rise... if employees weren't forced to provide health insurance... probably a lot of sick employees.\nSome things should be subsidised... farming, health, education, basic income... these may affect the prices of burgers, in which way, depends on the specifics.\nWell... I'm not american, I have my opinions on basic income, min wage, drug prohibition, gun control, spying... and I have those opinions pretty independently of where I am... The US usually makes a lot of easy example cases... but they apply equally anywhere else, at least in the western world...\nI think the main reason you don't troll the chinese, is that you don't speak chinese. It seems you do have an opinion on pollution and running civilians over with tanks though regardless. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-10> => |text: \n\n\n I don't understand why immediate indexation "makes it even worse." You go to the store next week, prices may have gone up 100%, but so has your income (or your bank account). It doesn't matter when you go, your purchasing power doesn't decrease. Israel uses this scheme successfully and has for decades.\nSavers aren't hurt, because their bank accounts are indexed to inflation.\nThe idea is to forget about inflation, because it's mainly psychological. \nInstead of trying to fight inflation with wage and price controls, let businesses do what they want with prices. Incomes (and savings) keep pace though, so purchasing power does not decrease.\nWhen looked at from the point of purchasing power, the increase in the money supply since, say, 1913, has outpaced inflation in the United States. Purchasing power per capita has increased something on the order of 500%.\nWe can create as much money as we want, to fund a basic income for example. Guarantee a certain minimum purchasing power to anyone who wants it. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-961-58228-17> => |text: \n\n\n here?\nThe problem with you is that you are trying to apply macro-economic principles when you don't even agree (or understand) with the micro-economic principles behind them. This is exactly the situation you have where you misunderstand current in quantum electronics (photoelectric effect) because you don't understand the principles behind classical electronics.\nHere's one contradiction - If the price of oil falls, people spend less as a percentage of their income on it, but if the price of oil goes up, they don't have to spend more, because INDEX... you can't see how seriously fucked up this is? Either they spend less when it goes down and more when it goes up, or they spend the same when it goes down and the same when it goes up, you can't have it both ways.\nAnd you talk about purchasing power from income... even with an indexed basic income, someone getting wages will lose purchasing power if the price of everything goes up, but his wages don't.\nDo you even know how inflation is measured? It's the price of a basket of goods... what you include in that basket has a huge effect... are you going to include bread, oil maybe... you could just make it the price of a 1957 megabyte of ram... imagine how the fuck that would work out... indexing your wages to that fucker... remember what I told you about the relative values of ram over the years?\nWhat you are trying to do is make the total value across the economy of your index equal a constant... which is fine, that could be done... but you can't then just print index money (because you've already decided to somehow make it a constant)... you can only redistribute it... so if you give it to one group, where is it coming from? That's exactly the effect of inflation... if you give money to everyone as basic income to maintain their purchasing power, it comes from whoever was holding it before hand in inflation, their dollar savings become worth less...\nYou really have to go back to micro-economics, model that, and realise that the law of supply and demand applies to money just as much as it applies to apples and oranges.\nYou're in over your head... Trying to jump to macro-economics without understanding the fundamentals of micro is like trying to understand quantum electronics without understanding classical electronics. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-11-21-1717-7046> => |basic income> + |Fed> + |UBI> + |r-BasicIncome> + |boom-bust> + |edward harrison> + |erin ade> + |arnold kling> + |louis gosset jr> + |q> title |diary: 2014-11-21-1717-7046> => |text: Fed researches Basic Income> intro |diary: 2014-11-21-1717-7046> => |text: From http://research.stlouisfed.org/wp/more/2014-047/\n\nIn this paper we compare the welfare effects of unemployment insurance (UI) with an universal basic income (UBI) system in an economy with idiosyncratic shocks to employment. Both policies provide a safety net in the face of idiosyncratic shocks. While the unemployment insurance program should do a better job at protecting the unemployed, it suffers from moral hazard and substantial monitoring costs, which may threaten its usefulness. The universal basic income, which is simpler to manage and immune to moral hazard, may represent an interesting alternative in this context. We work within a dynamic equilibrium model with savings calibrated to the United States for 1990 and 2011, and provide results that show that UI beats UBI for insurance purposes because it is better targeted towards those in need.> body |diary: 2014-11-21-1717-7046> => |text: I tweeted Edward Harrison from the RT show Boom Bust about a Basic Income, and he replied saying he could be convinced. Harrison is a free-market guy, so his fence-sitting position so far is encouraging. He mentioned Arnold Kling, who was interviewed on a subsequent show, and who mentioned a basic income (maybe because of my tweet?). But Kling neglected the main benefits of a basic income (while in general supporting it), which is that you don't have to rely on either central planning or entrepreneurs to reach full employment. Simply give everyone, who wants it, a basic income, and encourage innovation on an individual level with challenges.\nMy tweet to Harrison regarding no need for central planning and challenges stimulating innovation was retweeted. I learned that there's a r/BasicIncome on reddit, where I found the above Fed research paper.\n---\nListening to the CBC radio show Q, I heard an interview with Louis Gosset, Jr. \nAround 13:40, he says:\n\n[...] I have to give it away. From what I've learned, I have to hand to the next generation. And as a result of my life and all this stuff, I want to make the next generation better. It seems like a natural thing for us all to do at certain ages. So, I can't tell anybody to do it unless I do it myself. I can't teach any young people what to do unless I am that way myself. So there's a little charge that I have to have, personally. So I tell them, first of all, they have to have respect for themselves; have respect for the opposite sex; they have to dress properly, have hygiene; have some knowledge of their culture, and somebody else's culture, so they're sensitive to one another; they have a dress code, a physical fitness, a spirituality; a tunnel vision as far as conflict resolution is concerned; and a certain thing that we used to learn in the home: that it's not what you get, it's what you give. That's when you grow.\n\n---\nGosset seems cool, on the right path. Not sure what he means by dress code, but I try to be clean if that's part of it. I definitely agree about physical fitness and spirituality. I wonder if he knows about Jainism. Many of the things he says echoes the ancient Jain philosophy, including Gandhi's famous restatement: be the change you want to see in the world.\n---\nNeil Young did an interview on Charlie Rose, in which he expressed similar ideas about saving the planet:\n\nI want to do something with my notoriety, since somebody knows who I am I want to say something that I think matters, and let the chips fall where they may. I mean I don't really have anything to lose.\n\nRight on. Why can't we all be in a financial position to say what we think, without worrying about societal repercussions?\nI also saw Stewart Copeland on RT's "Breaking the Set" saying, in response to a sarcastic comment by host Abby Martin about "singing Kumbaya" not being productive, that he thought singing Kumbaya was exactly what the Israelis and Palestinians needed to do. Yeah, I agree. He's right, let's think about music and harmony rather than violence.> title |comment: 2014-11-21-1717-7046-3> => |text: The Truth About The Fed And Basic Income> body |comment: 2014-11-21-1717-7046-3> => |text: \n\n\n The Fed is afraid that ordinary Americans will use their freedom of speech to reveal the truth about Basic Income.\n\nMost economy textbooks don't include the most important facts about how Basic Income is critical to our economy.\n\nIf you listen to radio waves coming from the constellation of Orion, you will be shocked to hear what sounds like routine transmissions from the Fed -- but why are they coming FROM outer space?\n\nIn the 1950s, Basic Income researchers at the University of Chicago accidentally developed a cure for poverty -- but died under mysterious circumstances before it could ever be implemented.\n\nInternet forums dedicated to discussing the truth about this topic are frequently shut down by bogus DMCA takedown requests.\n\n\n--\nDictated but not read. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-21-1717-7046-4> => |text: Basic Income in America> body |comment: 2014-11-21-1717-7046-4> => |text: \n\n\n The U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network\nThe Basic Income Guarantee is an unconditional, government-insured guarantee that all citizens will have enough income to meet their basic needs\nAmerica is running out of Jobs\nIt's time for a universal basic income\nThe politics of a guaranteed income get a lot easier when you acknowledge that the U.S. is no longer the land of opportunity\n5 Reasons to Consider a No-Strings-Attached, Basic Income for All Americans\nAn idea whose time has finally come\nEveryone's Talking About This Simple Solution To Ending Poverty\nBy Just Giving People Free Money\nUnversal Basic Income\nSomething We Can All Agree on? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-21-1717-7046-7> => |text: \n\n\n Yeah, sure, vastly simplifying the governmental apparatus, getting rid of most of the pay-related business regulations, etc, etc, sounds pretty cool, especially if you pay for it with a simple across the board wealth tax or something; It seems more than worth the downside of not being able to lean on your lackies quite as hard...\nbut, man, it's not gonna happen. \nLook at social security. there was a pretty serious need at the time, and even then, it had to be set up like a forced savings program; the more you put in, the more you got out, which is a silly way to run a welfare program. \nIf we do get a basic income (and we won't) it will be on top of the current crap we have. there's too many entrenched interests; to many people who's existing above the poverty line living depends on keeping the current system running. \nand the taxes that pay for it? like social security; you can bet it won't replace any old and more complex taxes. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-18-171324-92-7> => |text: \n\n\n A basic income would have gone a long way towards enabling me to "just say no" to Ignorant Motherfuckerism.\nI was scared. I was caught up in the psychology of "any job is a good job", etc. I thought the world would end if I lost my job.\nIt kind of did. My life is a lot more physically demanding now. I live outside most of the time. It's cold, dude. My feet freeze, when I'm trying to program outside.\nBut in another way, I'm healthier because I take care of myself more. \nI can head for warmer climates, but it's hard to keep programming, and keep up with my MOOCs, while I'm on the road spending a week in the desert, and a couple nights in a motel. I did it last summer, completing a couple MOOCs. \nThis time I might try a solar panel setup to charge a tablet and see if I can do some programming when I'm out camping off the grid.\nAnyway, jobs make me feel unhealthy, both physically and especially mentally. I have a real problem dealing with ppl, I really do man. I just don't get you ppl, I really don't. I never have. I get good grades and do good work, but that doesn't count as much as how well you get along with others. Trying to get along with the unhealthy attitudes and lifestyles of others makes me unhealthy, depressed, suicidal, very prone to turning to drugs to self-medicate.\nErgo, work is unhealthy. QED! ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-18-14211-894-8> => |text: \n\n\n We are currently working on WarpLife and the destruction of the Brokerage Industry. We have made progress to sue the entire State of California and present our case to The Supreme Court where we hope to secure Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Portland. Further MDC will soon be named CEO of Apple and crowned The Most humble, self-effacing and modest man in America. \nTrane has proven mathematically that the fundamental foundation of Physics is all made up and will soon begin creating free and unlimited energy along with a Basic Income to every individual on the planet.\nHHD is running for PM of Britain with her winnings from Who wants to be a Millionaire. She has broken off her marriage and is currently engaged to Daniel Craig in Blue Shorts. \nThat is what is UP my Nigga. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-17-182444-94-7> => |text: \n\n\n I honestly don't think you could be more stupid... it's like dementia grade stupidity... crack head climbing on the roof to battle shadow people level stupidity... even if he gets to the shadow people, what's he going to do? Hit whatever the shadow is on? The shadow people are just going to move somewhere else!\nYou're so stupid, that when I looked up you're so stupid jokes on google, they would have all been compliments to you.\nYou're so stupid, that if people handed out Dunning-Krueger awards like they do Darwin awards every year, you'd get first, second and third place... every year!\nYou're so stupid, you would frame them!\nYou're so stupid, you think that if you swapped a $1M IOU with a homeless friend for his $1M IOU, you could both buy homes with them.\nYou're so stupid, that when you read the recommended background for the money mooc, you downloaded a new desktop wallpaper.\nYou're so stupid, you think an electric heater breaks the laws of thermodynamics.\nYou're so stupid, you want to build a car that goes faster the harder you brake.\nYou're so stupid, you want a basic income so scientists could research this idea.\nYou're so stupid, Michael Crawford thinks your ideas are bad. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-14-132256-20-11> => |text: \n\n\n The current just depends on number of electrons. 6.241e18 in an ampere. How much does the charge vary, between electron batches? It seems the electron in a current is not limited by what energy it had when it joined the current. So if you produce two electrons from one photon, you get twice the current that the photon itself would produce. Twice the current does twice the work. Thrice the current does three times the work. And so on, at some point efficiency as defined for a solar cell exceeds 100%. There is no theoretical constraint, as far as I can tell.\nAs for testing, you're just assuming you know the answer to the test? What if there was a basic income, and public access labs where I could do experiments, or better yet 3D printers so I could print up my own setups. Then I could play with trapping light because that interests me the most I think. How could I print one of those grates the dudes used to "trap a rainbow"? Could I really release it and get a burst of light, enough to light a bowl? Enquiring minds want to know, dammit! ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-14-132256-20-13> => |text: \n\n\n You're asking for the equivalent of launching a rocket to space powered by throwing a tennis ball out the window...\nJust because you don't understand atoms, electrons and photons, doesn't make them magical... \nHe's not assuming... people have tested this shit for decades.\n> at some point efficiency as defined for a solar cell exceeds 100%.\nWhile other efficiency definitions could go to INFINITY for all I care... energy in to energy out is the only relevant efficiency definition you need to worry about... and IT CANNOT EXCEED 100%... even if you use photons, electrons, 3D printing and basic income. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-14-132256-20-8> => |text: \n\n\n It's like a hacker, you learn about these quaint systems and try to poke holes in them, just because. You're testing the theory, trying to find counterexamples, forcing them to be honest. Isn't this kind of inquisitive spirit something society wants? Doesn't science progress faster, if we can address all challenges? \nConsider Diogenes of Sinope:\n\n(http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Bios/DiogenesOfSiope.html)\nHis life roughly overlapping those of Buddha and Mahavir in India, Diogenes shows that the instinct to asceticism cuts across cultures. Also how a homeless man in Athens could participate in debates with the great philosophers of his time:\nWhen Plato gave Socrates' definition of man as "featherless bipeds" and was much praised for the definition, Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it into Plato's Academy, saying, "Behold! I've brought you a man." After this incident, "with broad flat nails" was added to Plato's definition.\n(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes_of_Sinope)\nhttp://evans-experientialism.freewebspace.com/diogenes_sinope.htm gives the main ancient source for what we know about him.\nI like that he lived "allowing convention no such authority as he allowed to natural right". As wikipedia says, "An exile and an outcast, a man with no social identity, Diogenes made a mark on his contemporaries."\n\n---\nLike the time I said pot should be legal and everyone laughed, but now it is here and was I right then? Were the laughers wrong? Are you a laugher? Are you wrong? Does laughing alone prove the stronger argument? Does the bank have the last laugh?\nWhy not hold challenges? There are lots of engineers interested in this stuff. Some have jobs, some may be like me and just not fit in with humans, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Maybe one of us can contribute, or stimulate a better idea in someone with better people skills, and technological progress can occur faster than if we rely on corporations alone to innovate. Individuals are better at disruptive innovation than corporations, which are better at incremental innovations. Unleash synergy and provide individuals with a choice of a basic income, and advancing knowledge and technology on their own or in ad hoc groups made possible by the unprecedented communication tool that the internet provides.\nBreaking the old mindsets about conservation being an incontrovertible, universal, fact is part of the path to the political realization of a basic income, I think. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-14-132256-20-15> => |text: You have doomed Basic Income> title |comment: 2014-11-13-05312-119-8> => |text: We need a basic income.> body |comment: 2014-11-13-05312-119-8> => |text: \n\n\n Purchasing power has not decreased. The classic "gold bug" line is, $20 could buy you a suit in 1913.\nI now quote from a post of mine in the Economics of Money and Banking (Part Two) MOOC:\n\n$20 in 1913 was worth almost $500 today, the nominal gdp per capita in 1913 was about $400 (NOTE: fill in years from 1913 to 2014 to get the results), while in 2013 it was over $50000. So: $20 / $400 gdp per capita in 1913 = 0.05 or 5% of yearly income. $400 / $50000 = 0.008, or 0.8% of yearly income. Thus, purchasing power has increased since 1913. The equivalent of $20 today will buy you much more than you could get in 1913. (That includes electronics that didn't exist in 1913: radios, wind-up LED lights, cell phones, etc.)\n\nIf the money supply increases at the same rate that incomes are increasing, even the quantity theory of money shows that prices should remain constant.\nIn fact the money supply grows at an exponential rate, 9/10ths of it created by the private sector (see the BIS report for worldwide OTC derivatives, which total $710 trillion).\nWe can and should create money to fund an opt-in basic income. There is no moral or economic excuse to prolong needless suffering by billions. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-12-19430-925-1> => |text: \n\n\n I don't fit in with the bidness world. I don't get them.\nI don't want customers. If ppl want some code, the bugroff license is my favorite.\nI used to give pot and crack and heroin away, ppl respected me less for it. I don't fit in the underworld! It's just like the bizznez world.\nIn conclusion, fuck busyness. I mean, do what you want no problem, just bugger the fuck off so i can live my life, the way I want to.\nIt doesn't have to be either-or. It can be both-and. Both business as usual, and a basic income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-11-12-165856-25> => |fantasy island> + |jim ignatowski> + |taxi> + |herve villechaize> + |the plane> + |boss> + |jobs> + |basic income> + |space travel> + |funny-looking> body |comment: 2014-11-12-92513-438-7> => |text: \n\n\n I wrote in my diary here a year or two ago about my day spent with the 1%ers... they are pretty wealthy by my standards, several large houses, nice cars, a boat moored on their personal jetty, shit like that...\nAll of them jealous as fuck (didn't say it, but I could see it in their faces) as their neighbours $2M yacht went past... They weren't rich, they couldn't afford the neighbours boat... and the funny thing was, that was only the biggest boat that could go past their house, cause the bigger boats wouldn't have made it under the bridge and had to go around the other way... so even that guy probably didn't feel rich.\nRelative wealth is an interesting effect. I think this is the main reason wealth inequality can go on so easily... everyone sticks with people near their own socio-economic status. They may have more wealth than a few others, but damn they aren't as rich as most!\nAs for the redneck examples... I dunno... cause I think maybe redistribute wealth tax as basic income or similar (negative income tax might be better, not sure)... so that answers the everyone or no-one problem...\nI don't really know the stats on the matter... just my observation that the average middle class person is worried they'd get taxed if they ever got rich, and vote in the interests of the rich, and not their own. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-12-92513-438-11> => |text: \n\n\n too make much sense of.\nThe standard view of economics says that people won't pay voluntary taxes... or as close to zero people as to not make a difference...\nHave YOU ever paid excess taxes voluntarily?\nI didn't think so... see how that works?\nAnd yes, neither the private nor pubic sectors, create wealth when they create money... or even the interest on it... This just shuffles a bit of the wealth around. Like you said, wealth is the things people have (and services to some extent), not the money they have... So, it's the businesses that create stuff, or package services together that create wealth... the guy's who lend businesses money enable those businesses to create wealth, and they skim off some of that as interest, but they do not create the wealth in and of themselves.\nI swear, if everyone was given a $1B/day in basic income... you would be just as broke as you are now... and Bill Gates would be just as rich as he is today. Whether you can accept that fact or not... it's as strong as the law of thermodynamics. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-11-01313-446-9> => |text: Yeah, so vote for a basic income, plz.> body |comment: 2014-11-11-01313-446-9> => |text: \n\n\n Even Edward Harrison of RT's Boom Bust said he could be convinced that a basic income is a good idea. \nForget me, I'm not a compelling personality, I know. Try to see past my flaws to the memes I'm merely a carrier for. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-6-113534-862-20> => |text: \n\n\n rewarding than the alternatives.\nWhich holds true even with hydrogen fuel cells...\nHow are you going to distribute the hydrogen around the globe? I think you imagine this is somehow free... maybe if we paid a basic income people will swim across the oceans carrying containers of hydrogen as a challenge? Are they solving VR and AI at the same time too? Trane world would be a pretty funny place to watch.\nHow do I know it's uneconomical... and what are some hints that could have told you it is uneconomical? Firstly, it's a frigging course quiz question, so you know lots of people have thought about it, and no one's seriously considering doing this!\nSecondly, you can look up a more in-depth analysis of this problem and see that the big problem with this idea is the DISTRIBUTION of energy. Which is why power stations are generally 'reasonably' close to where the power is used... Power lines eat up power too.\nNow all this can change in an instant if a super cheap high temperature superconducting wire is discovered/invented...\nThere are problems with hydrogen transportation... if these can be fixed, say fixing the hydrogen into a hydrocarbon or other liquid and doing this efficiently, and pumping that around the world or in big ships like we do oil... maybe then... I dunno... you've got a lot of maths to do and it still probably relies on yet to be invented technology.\nEven after all of that... if you solved the distribution problem and other problems we haven't discussed, why would Australia import energy from Africa when Australia has large deserts with about the same energy falling on it? Doesn't Mexico have desserts, and even the US? Why would all these countries rely on a foreign source for all their power and a single point of failure at that?\nNo, uneconomical doesn't mean unimaginative, it means that it's not the best option of all available options. If anything is unimaginative it's going with an idea you just heard of and discarding all other possibilities. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-6-113534-862-24> => |text: \n\n\n Energy costs a lot here and the question is how much goes to profits. I saw a documentary on what would happen if ppl died out tomorrow. Hoover Dam practically runs itself, so the lights in Las Vegas would stay on for something like 20 years. Why do private utilities charge so much for power here in Wa? The facilities practically run themselves. The perverse incentives and moral hazards of the marketplace have created well-paid middlemen who do nothing more than act important.\nThere is so much power here that they turn off the windfarms regularly. Why do they still cut ppl off for not paying their electricity bill? There is no physical or economic necessity. The only necessity is greed, created by the privatization of power companies. They don't add value; they take over existing infrastructure and sit on their fat asses raising rates for no other reason than they want another boat, or a seventh house, or something.\nGive ppl basic incomes, if they want, and let us automate plants even further. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-11-5-15938-4657-2> => |text: Basic income is a much more effective way.> tags |diary: 2014-11-2-215635-623> => |thiel> + |zero to one> + |innovation> + |replication> + |energy> + |multiple exciton generation> + |conservation> + |progress> + |paradigm shifts> + |basic income> body |diary: 2014-11-2-215635-623> => |text: Call it disruptive innovation, or call it going from "zero to one" as libertarian darling Peter Thiel does: " technology involves intensive, vertical, zero to one progress." \n---\nNote that Thiel's ideas about innovation fit well with a basic income, and challenges to expedite progress:\n\nThere's sort of an interview question I like to ask people which is tell me something that is true that very few people agree with you on. The business version of this question is what great business is nobody building? And these questions turn out to be quite hard to answer for two somewhat different reasons. One of them is it's always hard to come up with new truths that people have not yet understood. Secondly, it also requires a bit of courage because you often have to go against social convention in pursuing certain lines of business. People discourage you from doing things that are strange and new.\n\nGive each of us the opportunity to exercise our courage in going against social convention, with a basic income. Stimulate us to create with challenges. Thiel has some ideas of what is necessary, like biomedical innovation; he could hold challenges!> body |comment: 2014-11-2-215635-623-3> => |text: \n\n\n possible, he just has to show that it is logically possible.\nIf it is logically possible, then there is no scarcity, and so the government can print as much money as people want and give it to everyone as a basic income...\nBecause no one has to work any more, people can do challenges, such as working on creating the things that give us no scarcity, ie the things he has proven are logically, but not necessarily physically, possible. So, this is the quickest way to having no scarcity.\nDoes that make sense everyone by now? \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-11-2-215635-623-5> => |text: \n\n\n The sooner you realise that, while we can have incredibly efficient photo-voltaics and all the benefits they bring, we will never have over-unity devices, the better.\nThe sooner you can accept the reality of scarcity, the sooner you'll be able to argue for an economically sound form of Basic Income.\nJust as charge is not energy, you need to understand that money is not wealth (the first dollar printed was worth about as much as all the dollars now printed, or would be in a fixed economy that agreed to use those dollars as a signalling mechanism... ie, total value only grows because of other factors, not the amount printed), and so, whist you can print money, you cannot print wealth... printing money and giving it to a certain group simply redistributes the value of money from amongst the population holding it to that group. Cause the total value of the money doesn't really change.\nSo... You can have efficient photo-voltaics, and you can have Basic Income... but it has to be paid for somehow...\nSo, instead of arguing for a magic utopia that requires mechanical unicorns for its existence, accept reality, and argue for a Basic Income that can be implemented, with all the benefits it brings.\nOtherwise, you're actually harming the Basic Income movement... except maybe for the awareness you raise... but you're in danger of putting anyone new to it off, because you make it seem ridiculous. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-31-21555-291-12> => |text: \n\n\n but he doesn't even appear to look at the definitions of the terms he is using...\nHe really is looking for a perpetual motion machine... he's fucking crazy/stupid...\nNo amount of posting is going to convince anyone of reasonable intelligence that such a thing is possible... why is he even doing this? Because he requires that the fundamental realities of physics to be broken to support his ideas on Basic Income. That's how fucked up his ideas are...\nIf just one person on this planet can build an over unity device, they'd be rich beyond dreams, and the world would fundamentally change forever... so, clearly one hasn't been invented yet... and if one ever does, then we can change our views on economics... maybe... but not before.\nIt would be like basing your economy around the existence of a high speed communication network in the days before the steam engine... maybe next he's going to start arguing for more research into time travel to get around this little economic problem too.\nWhat do we want? Time travel.\nWhen do we want it? Doesn't matter.\nHe's grasping at straws. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-10-31-21555-291-20> => |text: Then you don't need basic income...> title |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-44> => |text: Fastest way to get there: basic income, challenges> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-51> => |text: \n\n\n If we had VR we could all get a basic income... if we all got a basic income we could all have VR...\nSo, you got to start in the current state where we don't have VR and prove basic income completely independently of that... if you use VR in your argument FOR basic income, you automatically fail. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-54> => |text: \n\n\n\n\nBasic income and challenges lead to faster innovation.\nFaster innovation leads to VRs.\nVRs eliminate opportunity cost, because you can have copies of yourself that do everything simultaneously, in parallel.\n\nTherefore, basic income and challenges leads to elimination of opportunity cost.\nThere's no circularity there, bub. Not unless you prepose some premises, like that elimination of opportunity cost is good, which you prove with your logic built upon that premise. But every argument is circular in that sense. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-57> => |text: \n\n\n which invalidates your arguments about basic income... because you rely on there being no opportunity costs... which depends on there being VR... which WE DON'T HAVE YET...\nSo, there is an opportunity costs, and you have to deal with that until AFTER you have your VR utopia. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-58> => |text: Basic income isn't justified by VRs.> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-58> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income is justified by the fact that money is created every day on a far vaster scale than economists acknowledge. The private sector creates money out of thin air: loans create deposits. A basic income can be created with no opportunity cost. The Fed buys T-bills and pays the profit back to the Treasury, while keeping the bills rolling over forever. The same mechanism is used by banks, often off-balance sheet so economists and regulators have no idea what's going on.\nYou can hedge against inflation by using an indexation scheme such as Israel has used successfully for decades. If bank accounts, transfer payments, everything, is linked to inflation, purchasing power does not decrease. Inflation is neutralized. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-85> => |text: \n\n\n But in any case, my main point is that Thermodynamics, by its assumptions (http://subbot.org/edx/thermodynamics/assumptions.png), excludes quantum effects, relativistic effects, scale effects, and assumes everything is a continuum.\nAny limits derived from thermodynamics are limited to the small range of phenomena that (more or less) obey those assumptions.\nI still don't believe that any math can describe water in its many states, because it is just too weird for math to express.\nhttp://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/110/1/10.1063/1.477977 indicates there are on-going attempts, so I may be wrong. In any case, you have to include variables that classical thermodynamics didn't know about. \nHence, the laws of thermodynamics were formulated in great ignorance about many states of nature, and should not be used (by analogy, or extension) to apply to the money supply, for example. Conservation laws are suspect and apply only within narrow physical limits; they don't apply to psychological constructs such as money.\nHence a basic income can easily be paid for by creating money. Index everything to inflation as a hedge, so purchasing power doesn't decrease. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-26-172418-84-78> => |text: \n\n\n or choose.\nFor sure, I don't know your cost function until you have acted... I can assume that it is fairly constant, in that your actions tomorrow will be similar to your actions yesterday... this won't be entirely accurate, but it will be a fairly close approximation.\nFor example, your cost function tells me that you will post about basic income some time in the future and will continue to argue against commonly accepted physics, economics and cost functions.\nThis was covered a bit later than where you quit in the micro-econ course. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-25-175828-02-16> => |text: \n\n\n location, location, location still matters.\nSure, Amazon is a prime virtual location, esp. as it can sell things under cost and still get money, but publishers of CDs are still around because distribution is not as simple as it seems. Amazon is basically a virtual retails and distribution store, which only succeeds at losing money.\nEventually the other retail stores will have competent websites and backorder facilitiy, so you would go to the website of the shop around the corner, see what new stock they have or put in an order for something you want.\nAnd what you want will be something promoted by somebody with money who makes a profit, which will be a traditional distributor, or a publishing house, or both.\nPeople say they buy CDs because they sound better than MP3s, but there is more to it. The tactile experience makes people feel like they own something worth more money, just like game cartidges feel more expensive than floppy discs and the fancy looking DVD boxes make you think that you have a professional product.\nSure, we can order everything online, but every new generation coming up has a place to hang out physically, and will get into the habit of buying things which they touch first, because people are emotional first and economical only secondarily at best. Even the best salesmen fall for it. It is human.\nPublishing/distribution/retail can get eyeballs on product in a way that no website can. Many retail workers currently don't do much to push products, in most cases, but in order to survive, that type of "you're not leaving empty handed" salesperson will arise again, and who really wants to spend researching non-essential things like recreational books when they could get a likeable human being to recommend them?\nWhether they look more like book clubs or libraries with kiskos "sponsored by" or some other funky thing which I cannot imaging, distribution companies will adapt and extend. Gatekeepers that include not just good editors, but good sales strategies, will continue to add value. Perhaps there will some sort of lag in many areas but especially in places without basic income or kool-aid drinking old boys' clubs, innovation in sales will keep retail quite alive, although it may look different.\nAlso, if you could get into, say, Wal-Mart, then impulse buys alone would make your profits boost like the grandparent was saying.\nDon't drink the "Internet ate everything" kool-aid. The net is just a set of catalogs connected by clogged pipes. The real action is still in the physical world.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-10-24-233848-53-4> => |text: Solution: basic income!> body |comment: 2014-10-24-233848-53-4> => |text: \n\n\n Would asimov not have written if he could have taken a basic income? Would Hitler have pursued his first love of art instead of killing Jews?\nI think Asimov would have written. Just like Mike writes! ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-24-233848-53-7> => |text: \n\n\n whether a cult or some other type of firm.\nAsimov and Hubbard both wrote.\nWithout initial basic income ( other than that which I already expounded on ). \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-24-9013-7550-2> => |text: \n\n\n http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/10/23/223202/tech-firm-fined-for-paying-importe\nd-workers-121-per-hour "Tech Firm Fined For Paying Imported Workers $1.21 Per Hour"\nhttp://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/10/24/1344243/automation-coming-to-restaur\nants-but-not-because-of-minimum-wage-hikes "Automation Coming To Restaurants, But Not Because of Minimum Wage Hikes"\nThe obvious solution: let government subsidize wages, in the form of a basic income, say. We have the resources and productive capacity to do it. Since biz can then pay employees whatever it feels the market will bear, but employees are still guaranteed a minimum standard of living, there are no wage-price inflation spiral pressures. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-10-23-31556-282-2> => |text: Best help: support basic income.> body |comment: 2014-10-23-31556-282-3> => |text: \n\n\n that I'm living the tranian dream. My country does just that. I have a disability pension. My health-care is largely free. If not, then strongly discounted. My drugs are really cheap. And in my spare time I work on projects.\nYour problem is you live in the wrong country. Not that basic income doesn't exist. Just that basic income doesn't exist in the US. Move to western Europe, or Australia, or similar.\nOne of Mike's problems is that he is arrogant enough to think he doesn't need welfare. Though that was once true, I don't think it is any longer. -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-10-23-31556-282-20> => |text: Basic Income should be opt-in.> body |comment: 2014-10-23-31556-282-20> => |text: \n\n\n You don't have to take it if you don't want.\nAs for other people using it to buy drugs or whatever, that's their business. We have enough production capacity to support them. Encourage them not to do things that are harmful to their health, by example.\nI think the problem is that the government lies about drugs and scarcity of money. People learn that the government lies at a young age, when they see their parents or whoever getting stoned. They know the govt propaganda about "this is your brain on drugs" is a lie. \nOnce they realize that their government is lying to them, they begin to think lying is okay. So they lie to get welfare or whatever, and lie about their drug use, and in general get into a habit of lying that leads to bad health habits.\nInstead, the government should say: we have enough surplus that no one need go hungry or without shelter. We will guarantee a certain basic standard of living. In return, we ask that you make your best effort to keep squats clean. We make education available to you for free so that you can become more knowledgeable, and pursue your ideas of how to improve technology and/or society.\nIn conclusion, don't be so worried about what other ppl might do with a basic income. Just take care of yourself. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |diary: 2014-10-21-161219-16> => |text: Jail is the new Basic Income> body |diary: 2014-10-21-161219-16> => |text: You will have access to room and board, structure, and perhaps even a videogame system.\nYou needs, and some of your wants, will be taken care of.\nYou can also use the time to improve yourself, but it does not necessarily have to be so personally useful. You could, instead, squander it. The freedom is yours!\nOne thing is for sure: now IgMF is gonna ask you for TPS reports.\nJail. The new Basic Income.\nTODO: Finish this article before WarpLife ships.> title |comment: 2014-10-21-161219-16-1> => |text: Make jail opt-in, like Basic Income!> body |comment: 2014-10-21-161219-16-4> => |text: \n\n\n are basically places for gay dungeon masters.\nIf you want a good jail/prison system go to Northern Europe on a passport vacation Visa and then break some law there and get put into a jail/prison that is like a vacation resort compared to the USA.\nIn fact you might want to immigrate to Norther Europe nations because they have a free college/university system. They actually have basic income programs that are no joke either.\nIn the EU each nation is either run by Communists or Nazis, and it turns out that they got these great social programs. Who knew? \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-10-14-181342-35> => |text: It is time to recognize that the central challenge facing the global economy is an oversupply of labor, productive capacity, and capital relative to the demand for all three.\nBeginning in the late 1990s, a tidal wave of cheap money began flooding the global economy, much of it coming from Asia as China and other countries began to run huge trade surpluses and their burgeoning middle classes and thriving corporations socked away savings. Easy credit set the stage for the real estate bubble and the financial crisis. And cheap money also allowed Americans to sustain a high standard of living with low-cost borrowing and to ignore their declining competitiveness amid a growing surplus of global labor. Of course, the party couldn't last forever.\nYet five years after the financial crisis, many leaders and commentators in the United States and Europe still don't get what happened. Nor do they seem to realize that the age of oversupply is here to stay and that oversupply is a central obstacle to restarting growth. Many of the standard tools for fueling growth simply don't work. Cheaper credit through monetary easing doesn't yield much in an era when cheap capital already exists in abundance. And policies that seek to stimulate growth run up against the fact that there is a huge oversupply of global labor and productive capacity.\n- See more at: http://www.economonitor.com/danalperts2cents/2013/09/24/the-stubborn-slump-in-ad\n\n\n\nvanced-economies-fighting-the-last-war-is-not-a-path-to-success/#sthash.LJxmdd5D\n\n\n\n.dpuf\n\n---\nI think money should be supplied to everyone, in the form of a voluntary basic income. We have the production capacity to support such a policy.\nChallenges stimulate individuals to work on the real scarcity facing us: knowledge. Let us expand knowledge, without thought of finance. Let us take the risks of challenging quaint old physical limits, and do experiments to overcome them.> body |comment: 2014-10-14-181342-35-1> => |text: \n\n\n and remember: while you sit there soaking up your free income the Chinaman is working 18hrs a day to build capitalism with Chinese characteristics so the CPC can build aircraft carriers and hacker brigades to steal our Secrets. And actually, if the only thing you produce with your basic income is knowledge it isn't going to do anyone any good unless it can be converted into cheeseburgers, tv shows, or cruise missiles. "Depending on your perspective you are an optimist or a pessimist[,] and a hopeless one too." --trhurler \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-14-181342-35-3> => |text: \n\n\n Let the artificial barriers of race and nationality melt away as we recognize that we are all fellow mortals. The US produces enough food to feed everyone, regardless of what China does. People around the world can innovate 3D printers so that the our Chinamen brothers don't have to work anymore, they can print their own iphones at home. There is no shortage of labor or production capacity. The only shortage of capital is artificially imposed on the poor, while the rich create enough money for themselves to play betting games with each other.\nChinese on a basic income could create a better form of government that doesn't censor them. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-14-181342-35-5> => |text: \n\n\n Then market forces can operate as if ppl were robots or whatever. Greedy ignorant motherfuckers can pay ppl whatever the market will bear, while lowering prices because of competition. Wages go down, but govt basic income guarantee (voluntary, opt-in) keeps ppl at a minimum standard of income, which our production capacity can well support.\nNo wage-price spiral. No reason to raise prices, since biz is getting what they want: no taxes, and the ability to pay ppl whatever the market is signalling them they should pay. Let ignorant motherfuckers fire ppl at will, the ppl will have a basic guaranteed income still.\nLet big corps fail, the employees can still get a basic income. Bail out individuals not institutions.\nThere is an oversupply of capital, but it is kept artificially scarce when it comes to fiscal budgets. The reasons for the artificial, imposed scarcity on fiscal spending is emotional and psychological, not economics or physics. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-10-6-43314-8426-1> => |text: \n\n\n I'm not even that smart but yet I can read. The dragons obviously already knew that "At least one of them has green eyes." That is because they can see the other dragons eyes. However, they cannot see their own eyes so as far as they know they may be the only non green eyed dragon in existance. But nw this stranger has appeared who is not a dragon. So you have to work out LOGICALLY does anything interesting happen because of what you told them and if so what is it about what you told them that provides new information?\nYou're as bad as trane wanting to weasel out of using your Brain and solving a problem instead hoping you can find an easy solution on the web and complaining that the instructor is mean.\nHERE IS YOUR GOVERNMENT ISSUED BASIC INCOME "A"\nNow go and run nekkid thru the woods mumbling about thermodynamic economic theory, lighting your crackpipe with a magnifying glass and explaining to the woodland creatures how debt doesn't matter. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-10-4-224449-423> => |thermodynamics> + |edx> + |iitBombay> + |limits> + |yves couder> + |self-constrained> + |entropy> + |heat> + |basic income> + |deficits don't matter> body |comment: 2014-10-4-224449-423-18> => |text: \n\n\n the dude's in crackland... standard rules of physics, economics and computing (but I digress) apply.\nTherefore I conclude basic income (or a variant) requires taxes to not inflate fiat and that debt does matter in general and that wealth taxes should be part of the mix.\nFrom memory (it's a while since I did the calculations)... 1%/pa wealth tax on the worlds wealthiest 1% could provide every man, woman and child on the planet, something like $300USD/year.\nCould you imagine how that would change the world? \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-9-29-42734-4317> => |text: The typical house carries with it a mortgage, utilities, and interest payments, and repairs expected. All of these are liabilities.\nWorking capital (the excess of current assets over current liabilities) is reduced by a house, which is why many people lost their houses when the adjustable-rate mortgages adjusted up, or something.\nSo, in order to be consistent with accounting terminology, "rich son" could have just explained what working capital is, rather than giving the readers a little knowledge, and future confusion. That was my antagonistic reaction, when I first read it.\nI even started drafting an essay to address it, and who knows, maybe the world would have been a safer, more well-housed place if I had produced and published it, back then, before the 2008 recession and related housing bubble bursting.\nHowever, what if a house is capitalized rather than financed by a loan? \nThe easiest way to capitalize a house is to move in with someone who already owns a house. The slang term for this is "living [in mom's basement]", and of course, it is phrased this way to make it seem like you have failed at life and should kill yourself sooner.\nFrom an accounting perspective, though, when the bank gives you a mortgage, they still own the house, and they can kick you out at any time. Even if they don't have any other owners waiting to move in. Most people, however, do not want to live in a house all alone. So, typically, one of a few things happens:\n\nthe house is capitalized by one person, who informally sub-lets it to others\nthe house is capitalized by the bank, who mortgages it to one or two people, who then employ NEETs in the form of "kids", who are legally prevented from earning income\nthe house is capitalized by a corporation, which sub-lets it to others, even if it uses a loan as part of the financing for the capitalization process. This is called a "holding company [model]" \nthe house is capitalized informally, but a squatter who has no legal rights to the house, but has some informal or actual arrangement which gives housing for the forseeable future. \n\nWhen we start with maslow's hierarchy of wants, and realize that shelter is necessary, then we can see why so much effort is put into indoctrinating people that "owning a house [via mortgage, i.e. renting with an option to lose]" is a great idea and we should just sign on the dotted line. \nThe inductive nature of human thinking allows people with limited actual accounting vocabulary to convince those with some formal exposure that this is a great thing, and will lead to greater happiness.\nPart of this, going back to maslow again, is that ... actualization is a lot like... happiness. The factors may be autonomy, mastery, purpose, flow, impact, and pleasure. \nFreedom from the micro-hierarchy of the legacy family (parents) seems like it would be a big step in the direction of increasing all of those things, esp. autonomy, purpose ("own a home"), flow ("learning responsibility"), impact (social standing is raised)... but, again, these are usually emotional responses driven by simple questions asked of the inductive "brain" or highest accessible intelligence of the self, without carefully mandated constraints.\nJust as SQL queries must be precise, even if you bind Ishtar, the information is only as good as your patience to form the right query and process the response diligently.\nConsidering happiness and actualization as qualitatively accessible, and hence, quantifiable (not necessarily linearly) parts of the result wanted can lead to clearer plans which achieve these goals without unpleasant side effect, such as negative working capital, or financial suicide.\nIn other words, some clever planning can avoid destroying your effective basic income. \nHowever, this was going to be a rant about how China is more capitalistic than America, because they promote less personal debt. Indoctrinating people to pursue liabilities rather than capital is a really mean thing to do, as if human lives are worth the same as lemmings (the pixelated kind at that, not the animals which at least have PETA support). \n...but clearly I'm not that coherent, and I'll be gone for a few days or weeks so just leaving this nothing here.> body |comment: 2014-9-27-01313-0010-3> => |text: \n\n\n The internet wasn't meant for corporations to use it to sell their shit on. Ethical programmers should refuse to work for such machiavellian psychopaths. Let them write their own damn pop-up sound-usurping ads.\nA Basic Income would give ethical programmers, and ethical humans in general, the option of freeing ourselves from sociopathic "market signals" and Ignorant Motherfucking bosses. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-24-154932-729-28> => |text: \n\n\n "as price goes up those whose production costs are higher can actually enter the market and hence supply goes up."\nWhy can't those whose production costs are lower produce more, because of economies of scale? \nI think it has less to do with production costs and more to do with a psychology that says, I want more. So, for an example, I talked to a Roto-rooter guy who told me the company he worked for raised their prices when gas prices shot up over the Libyan thing a few years ago. Then, when gas prices came down, they didn't lower their prices. Another example: I heard that there is some kind of record wheat crop this year, and in an interview a farmer said the prices he's getting this year are much lower than last year. Yet products I buy made out of wheat (Shredded Wheat cereal, for example) went up in price a few months ago, and haven't come down.\nSo those examples support a kind of greedy demand curve that wants to charge more and more despite economies of scale and lowering production costs. This is the perverse psychology I see the supply curve modeling. It's not really about supply, it's about gouging. There's no necessity for that gouging, it's pure psychology.\nThat psychology can change though. So free (as in beer) software keeps getting updates, but there is no price. Much of my life is spent playing with things that are free (as in beer): ruby, python, chrome, k$5 (since these accounts were grandfathered in), MOOCs, national parks (well there are user fees now, but blame Reagan for that, that bastard).\nI think we should give everyone who wants one a basic income, and let ppl produce wheat and cereal because they want to. Or maybe 3D food printers can print my shredded wheat from raw wheat that I can grow myself, or that someone grows for below-market price because they want to and are already getting an income.\nI think the supply curve encourages an attitude of greed and presents it as an unshakeable given. When supply and demand theory is presented in classes or textbooks, the vast exceptions aren't mentioned.\nIt's like Yves Couder, the physicist, said on TV in an interview: in any physics experiment, you only see what you are prepared to see. If you aren't prepared to see the many violations of supply and demand theory, or of thermodynamics, they will be invisible and your predictions will self-fulfill... ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-9-20-155550-318> => |text: 2. I can't smell your fear stench online, thank God. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/16/2014 11:49:40 PM EST\nThat's what "much less intrusive" means. --- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Humans are Pack Animals\n---\n3. Hi I'm a slave to what market forces think is cool posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/15/2014 04:29:51 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Humans are Pack Animals\n---\n4. Can't you see Gruff Dipshit does the same to Mike? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/14/2014 06:49:58 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Let me get this straight\n---\n5. Yep, they're nothing but Nosey Parkers. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/14/2014 04:08:24 PM EST\nFuck Grunt Duffith. He's a turd of a human being. Join me in doing to him what he tries to do to Crawford. Hit him with his dead Dad, his 'marriage of convenience', his paying for mother-daughter parties, etc. --- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Let me get this straight\n---\n6. Hi, my 'wife' pisses on me and I like it! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/13/2014 03:07:15 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Warm Night\n---\n7. Thermodynamics can't explain them. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/11/2014 02:33:48 PM EST\nIn the same way, TANSTAAFL arguments applied to economics are crap, because thermodynamics is not relevant. --- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Thermodynamics of a magnifying glass\n---\n8. Your touching faith in Ignorant MFers is so cute! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/11/2014 02:18:07 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Thermodynamics of a magnifying glass\n---\n9. Hi, I learned how to convenience marry! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 10:52:11 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Theatrical Contemplations\n---\n10. Try it! Oh wait, you have no loved ones. Still! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 09:07:59 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to B.L. Update\n---\n11. Plz 2 b writing the B.L. Story as a drama posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 06:21:10 PM EST\nHire Deaf Grillith to play B.L. It's a natural fit! But get lots of understudies, so you can really kill them at the part where B.L. snuffs it! With Death Grithif, you just have to put him on a scooter and he'll fall into the part naturally, running red lights like he's the Ignorant Motherfucking God of the Traffic Universe! \n---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Theatrical Contemplations\n---\n12. Basic income solution. Hitler could've pursued art posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 04:28:29 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Theatrical Contemplations\n---\n13. Durl's real good at shipping stalker trolls to k$5 posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 04:27:13 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Theatrical Contemplations\n---\n14. Hi, my name is Hedley Lamar. Hedley! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 04:23:18 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Attn: Angelfish, what's your fucking problem?\n---\n15. Hi, my wife is Incontinentia Buttocks. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/10/2014 12:48:18 PM EST\n---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Attn: Angelfish, what's your fucking problem?\n---\n16. Hi, I was fired and can't find work as a writer! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 11:19:54 PM EST\nCue rictus of miserable fail spasming in face! --- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Happy News!\n---\n17. Hi, I'm Dear Abby now! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 09:22:39 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to Happy News!\n---\n18. Hi, I think I have Juvenile Altzheimers! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 04:25:33 PM EST\n---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to I think I may have Juvenile Hemorrhoids\n---\n19. Hi, della's Dad was a real woman! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 01:13:32 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to I hug myself\n---\n20. Hi, I still believe in diagnosing drapetomania! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 12:45:04 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to I Think I May Have Juvenile Diabetes\n---\n21. Hi, my 'wife' hugs me with my dead Dad's strap-on! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 12:38:08 PM EST\n---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey \nattached to I hug myself\n---\n22. Why don't you rely on Dr. Kevorkian? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 12:14:34 PM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to I Think I May Have Juvenile Diabetes\n---\n23. Hi, I'm hugging momble! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/09/2014 11:42:41 AM EST\n--- MAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to it's entirely possible i missed this before\n---\n24. I bet Griffinch is about to Laraza himself posted by Edmund Blackadder on 09/08/2014 07:11:16 PM EST\nThe cognitive dissonance must be so painful! \n---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nattached to More Progress> body |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-20> => |text: \n\n\n Despite his love of the poor and his desire for a basic income, he is not a supporter of the proletariat. In fact, Trane's views about the working class are nearly identical to those of, say, that idiot Friedman. \nLeftists believe that the working class should have some right of access to productive work, and some claim on the profits from such activity. \nTrane is not a leftist, and urges that 'jobs' should be abolished and replaced with competitions for 'prizes' where many work, but only a lucky 'winner' gets paid, which may be a token amount. He proposes a basic income to solve the issue that workers who aren't paid can't afford to survive, but he still believes that society owes the 'job creators' an endless supply of free or ultra-cheap labor. In this regard, he actually represents the true wishes of a large portion of the ruling class, who support a welfare state rather than paying their workers enough to survive themselves. \nTrane is not a radical, he supports the current unwritten consensus that the role of govt is not to provide public goods or services, but rather to administer transfer payments while the Market (PBUI) arbitrates the production of everything else. Trane never says "why can't the govt hire people to clean this public park" but instead always proposes that the govt should provide cash prizes to park volunteers or something - he does not believe that govt should hire people. His transfer payments might be a bit fairer than the current "pretend to be handicapped" welfare system. Then again, they might not be.\nFinally, Trane rejects physical reality in favor of word magic - just as the modern cult of the Visionary CEO does.\nDo I think Trane is a disgraced richie? I think he is. I believe him. You'll note he never tells us where his small, but apparently reliable, living stipend comes from. I suspect a small trust fund, damaged by the current Depression and low-interest policies, but still present and intact.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-27> => |text: \n\n\n Let anyone who chooses get a Basic Income. No strings attached. Then use challenges to encourage individuals to educate themselves and innovate and be creative.\nEconomics can't be used as an argument against a basic income, since finance (Modigliani-Miller theorem) shows that what matters are the ideas, not how you pay for them. Argue that a basic income is bad because, I don't know, because you would be a lazy fuck and you're afraid of it. But don't use economics, because there is plenty of money to pay for it. The private sector has created $710 trillion in worldwide derivatives, according to the Bank for International Settlements. More money is created everyday. Scarcity of money is not a good argument, because the scarcity is artificially imposed. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-29> => |text: \n\n\n you get a lot of shit work from them.\nAsk about that Hacker Dojo challenge, none of the projects ever went anywhere. \nDemocrats claim to be for the poor, I've yet to see anything to help them become middle-class or rich. Just disability or welfare, which are basic income already. The same as getting paid minimum wage. You cannot afford a house on that, you can barely eat on that.\nJust about every small business I've tried to make successful I've been taxed to death with. If only I had the money to run and market services I'd do better. But instead it is a shoestring budget I have to bootstrap on minimum wage. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-31> => |text: \n\n\n Google bug bounties are a challenge.\nSelf-driving cars exist because of a DARPA challenge.\nWith a basic income, you are free to eliminate financial considerations, and concentrate on the idea itself, the innovation, the technology.\nAsk Netflix if challenges work. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-43> => |text: Difference: Basic Income eliminates desperation.> body |comment: 2014-9-18-201320-841-45> => |text: \n\n\n Deficits don't matter, the national debt is a distraction. The Fed can and does create money, and that is a good thing that can be used to empower individuals to reach self-realization. Utopia is the goal; markets alone won't get us there as fast as a program of basic incomes and challenges.\nThat's Randian? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-16-21203-4203-14> => |text: \n\n\n we are experiencing hyperinflation presently. that is why you won't shut up about basic income: your ssdi payments aren't buying as much anymore and you are facing the prospect of malnourishment.\nand that makes me smile. My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden. - hugin -\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-16-21203-4203-8> => |text: \n\n\n There's something like $710 trillion in derivative contracts alone, according to the Bank for International Settlements.\n$17 trillion is nothing compared to what's really going on in the world economy. The vast majority of money, something like 90% at least, is created out of thin air by private institutions.\nWhen things go bad, the Fed steps in and backstops losses, turning that created private money into greenbacks.\nThere is a huge opportunity to increase spending on programs like a basic income, free universal health care, investment in science.\nThe deficit really doesn't matter. The debt is a huge distraction. Politicians know this, and use fear of debt cynically as a political ploy to get back in power, when they can run up the debt to unprecedented levels because they know it doesn't matter. Reagan proved it. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-16-0746-03835-6> => |text: \n\n\n You don't want people terrified because then they don't spend they hoard.\nSure there is some gouging opportunities and scarcity benefits at first but those are short term. Ideally you want folks happy with no cares for tomorrow so they feel free to get into debt and purchase extended warranties and what have you. \nThis is why I agree with trane on basic income and legalized drugs. Not so he can indulge himself responsibility free but because it would be wonderful for business and our economy. \nLots of happy people with a little extra coin in their pocket would benefit the country immensely. \nAnd cost wise it would be just like current business welfare just some of it would come indirectly to corporations rather than in the form of a tax break or direct check or souls per acre like Monsanto collects.\nThe obstacle is Puritan ethics of 'you don't work then you shouldn't eat' and the oddly Soviet mind-set we evidently picked up during the cold war. The one where everybody is scared to death that some one somewhere is getting a little bit more than their "Fair Share". For a country that is so anti-socialist we sure do have a hardcore broke communist mind set.\nOtherwise, as unintuitive as a Basic Income is, once you actually look at it, it makes a helluva lot of sense and would be more efficient than what we currently do. Don't have to have people figuring out whether you need it or deserve it. Everybody gets it. Warren Buffet would get just as much as Michael Crawford. \nTo Warren it wouldn't be no thing. It would be like handing him a quarter. Hell he probably gives more than that away in a typical day. But to a guy like Mike it could make one hell of a difference. (Not picking on you Mike you understand just you're the best example I could think of in this forum). \nNow some people think well prices would rise to consume that. But prices are rising whether or not BI comes into effect and then we got that damn minimum wage which everybody knows is going up just a matter of when not if. The prices will rise true but they're not going up so much that they completely consume the rise in wage. That's like the Baptists talking about gambling here in Texas. Blood was supposed to flow in the streets. Organized mobs everywhere you go. But after many years of having the lottery and gambling legal here, the biggest racket is still the Good ol' boys in the Capitol there in Austin.\nYeeeeeahh, I don't know why I got strarted off on this bullshit. I better tell the doc to cut back on them headache pills he done give me. LOL \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-14-193038-804-6> => |text: \n\n\n They can only go from 1 to some arbitrarily small incremental n.\nTo go from zero to one you need to free yourself of scarcity thinking and market fetishism.\nBasic income can get ppl thinking in terms of something for nothing (financially); then they can find it easier to think of how to get ones from zeros in other ways. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-11-11948-0853-22> => |text: \n\n\n I agree with that. I don't see how it comes from Thermodynamics. Somebody somewhere had to 'pay' for that lunch. It's pretty obvious. Even if you start yelling about debt doesn't matter and all that. Somewhere somebody had to do something in order for that lunch to 'come to be'. \nIt doesn't have to involve lifting mass in a gravitational field either. I think you just want to BELIEVE that you can get something for nothing. That is a WISH. Just like your Holograms and Final Solutions. Even with a Basic Income somebody has to implement the shit. If not then why do we need a Basic Income in the first place? \nIf wishes were horses then beggars would ride. I think maybe you need to put down that magnifying glass and smoke a little less. \nEven in Nature, TANSTAAFL. Somebody is going to pay. Somedays it's the Windshield, somedays it's the Bug. I'm a big believer in Luke 12:27 but I know that the lilies came from something and it didn't involve lifting mass in a gravitational field either. (photons have no mass). So I think you are going the wrong way around the tree and my original comment in this diary stands. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-9-2-183748-0945-1> => |text: \n\n\n If the free market does not value social services, does it follow that social services have no value?\nWhy would money creation to provide for the General Welfare with direct transfer payments to individuals, cause inflation?\n - Labor is not scarce; labor costs won't go up.\n - Demand increases. We do not have a production capacity problem but a demand problem.\n - Innovation increases, because individuals disruptively innovate better than corporations (see Stewards and Creators).\n - Challenges encourage individuals to innovate on their own without having to work for a boss.\n - There is less of a "game the system" attitude. Now: people think, how can I get an advantage? Unfair or not? Instead, give people a basic income and encourage them to think of fairness first. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-27-145348-477-1> => |text: \n\n\n annex central america, give them a basic income.\nproblem solved. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-26-172855-403-1> => |text: \n\n\n We, you and I and most others on K5 live in a sort of bubble. It seems to young people that we live in a very enlightened age, one that has been in existence for quite some time. \nBut that isn't true. Many things have only recently become accepted truth. And in most of the world and some areas even here, the things that we hold self-evident are not evident at all. \nThere will be room for this culture for quite some time I am afraid. You might as well be wishing for a Basic Income.\n- The NSA is the only branch of the government that actually listens to people. - overheard on the Goldman Sachs elevator \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-26-143935-043-5> => |text: \n\n\n We, you and I and most others on K5 live in a sort of bubble. It seems to young people that we live in a very enlightened age, one that has been in existence for quite some time.\nBut that isn't true. Many things have only recently become accepted truth. And in most of the world and some areas even here, the things that we hold self-evident are not evident at all.\nThere will be room for this culture for quite some time I am afraid. You might as well be wishing for a Basic Income.\n- The NSA is the only branch of the government that actually listens to people. - overheard on the Goldman Sachs elevator \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-23-161947-971-3> => |text: \n\n\n Economists like Milton Friedman use TANSTAAFL to justify the mean parts of their economic ideologies. But conservation laws don't apply in General Relativity, and at zero-point energy.\nThe real scarcity is knowledge, not resources. The fastest way to increase knowledge is to give everyone a way of learning. MOOCs, basic income, challenges, all work to increase knowledge.\nAusterity economics, imposing austerity on others, tries to use thermodynamics as a justification ("there's no such thing as a free lunch"), applying it to phenomena (social, memetic, cultural, information-oriented) that are way beyond the scope of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics only deals with a very narrow definition of work. To then apply the limits Thermodynamics derives to economics is a wild leap. Most of what economics deals with does not fit within thermodynamics. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-23-161947-971-27> => |text: \n\n\n that applying physics concepts to economics doesn't always work. Some things just aren't linear, i.e. 10% more isn't 10% better.\n\nAs for your statement that "The real scarcity is knowledge, not resources", I do agree that we probably have sufficient resources to provide everyone with a dignified existence, and that\nbetter information makes that more likely, but there are a lot of hurdles to doing that. You've got to redistribute resources from areas of surplus to areas where they are needed, and the people with the surplus may not look too kindly on that, even if they have graduate degrees. People want to be ready for hard times in the future. And they want to be rewarded for hard work.\n\nIt's possible that after a generation or two grow up knowing that the government will provide a basic income people will be a little more interested in giving their resources away. \nRight now I'm still responsible for supporting\nmyself in retirement, the rest of a partially completed\ncollege education, and as a backup resource\nfor my 20-something kids. With those expenses\nstill pending, we still give away some, but\ncertainly nothing close to what the monthly\nsurplus actually is. If I knew all those were\ncovered, I might think differently. Of course,\nif those were covered, I'd likely be making far,\nfar less than I do now.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-23-161947-971-9> => |text: \n\n\n The most recent "crisis" was not caused by any thermodynamic limit. No energy or production limits caused the stock market crash. Raising houses (a weight) in a gravitational field was not an issue. Our machines did not fail.\nThe "crisis" was due to purely social factors, such as someone deciding that loans that used to roll over would stop rolling over. Confidence in RMBS went down, and thus the price went down. Thermodynamics had nothing to do with anything.\nMoney is not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. There is nothing in thermodynamics that says we can't fund a basic income with created money. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-23-161947-971-16> => |text: \n\n\n basically it comes down to a few simple facts.\nfact 1: You do not understand economics.\nfact 2: You do not understand physics.\nfact 3: You do not understand reality.\nNow, we can combine these simple facts to prove other facts such as:\nfact A: Basic income as you define it is unsustainable and the real wealth holders of the world would move away from your debased money. They would use gold or bitcoin, and the peasants can use their peasant money (that is created through basic income) to barter for who gets to eat the roasted sewer rat today.\nfact B: You are an idiot. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-21-193857-034-6> => |text: \n\n\n and Jobs became an engineer instead of a haircut. Or, a stoner, on a basic income.\nWould we have greater progress? Could Jobs somehow have influenced the developers without being their bosses?\nSomeday we'll have alternate reality holonovels so we can run such scenarios. Stay in them if we like, like Broccoli. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-8-19-20105-1102> => |text: 3. Hi, I think houses can self-drive! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/19/2014 11:27:23 AM EST\nattached to I don't even\n---\n4. Gliffith is insane. Don't assume sanity there. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/19/2014 11:26:32 AM EST\nInsane with jealousy because he'll never get the online attention Mike commands. Plus, his 'wife' beats him.\nattached to I don't even\n---\n5. Hi, I'm lying to damage someone's reputation. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/19/2014 11:24:49 AM EST\nattached to fantasy or foreshadow\n---\n6. Hi, I'm creating FUD! My 'wife' made me do it! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/19/2014 11:22:13 AM EST\nattached to Any MDC update yet?\n---\n7. Hi, my 'wife' is domestically violent to me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/18/2014 03:38:26 PM EST\nThis is a cry for help! She made me come to the States to get her a green card! Aaargh! She's tasering me right now because I'm on the computer! Aaaghhhh! Don't tase me, 'Wife'!\nattached to Welcome back Mike\n---\n8. Those 'fun' teachers were squares, man. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/18/2014 11:49:05 AM EST\nattached to Back in class, I hit the desk\n---\n9. Let it all out, dear. Cry me a river. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/17/2014 07:39:43 PM EST\nattached to Who Can Tell Me How to Root My MacBookPro10,1?\n---\n10. The problem you have with me starts with you. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/17/2014 07:18:29 PM EST\nLook in the mirror for the source of all your irritation. You don't like yourself, so you project that dislike onto me and other innocent bystanders. \nYou are a memetic Typhoid Mary. You are destroying America.\nI sentence you to two MOOCs and a camping trip. No shooting or fishing, just hiking.\nattached to Welcome back Mike\n---\n11. Hi, I'm nuttier than a fruitcake! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/17/2014 05:48:52 PM EST\nYou're so fucking dumb, you should be president of the Deaf and Dumb Society.\nattached to Welcome back Mike\n---\n12. I'd heckle you at your stupid gigs. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/17/2014 11:21:38 AM EST\nWatch out! I'll get up on stage and outplay you, and you'll be reduced to a river of tears as the house forgets you in an instant and all the adulation you so crave descends on me, because I'm just that much better than you.\nFucking moron.\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n13. Buck up, sissypants. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/17/2014 03:43:50 AM EST\nIt's not as bad as you make it sound, old boy. Stiff upper lip. The marijuana smoke doesn't linger like cigarette smoke. And you can encourage the use of portable vaporizers or ejoints or whatever. Or edibles! Smoke problem solved. Dig? Groovy. \nI just watched "The Jimi Hendrix Story" from 1973 on AXS TV. Jimi had the right idea. Lighten up, brother. Don't give the Man so much credit.\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n14. I wonder if they would even cite me now posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 10:44:57 PM EST\nSince the statute prohibits smoking in public, but possession is legal. The guy didn't see me smoking it, just cleaning the pipe and putting it away.\nAs for the employee of the library, he was a jerk. I've worked for libraries, as a student. I once worked an overnight security gig at an old folks' home that had a lawn. One night doing my rounds I came across some kids picking mushrooms in the lawn. I told them to hurry up and went on my way.\nI never took anyone's pot off them when I was working the line at concert security.\nThe guy was a jerk and so are you for defending him. Repent, you coward. Listen to the Jimi Hendrix in you, if you have any.\n"You can't hold me down.\nI don't wanna be tied down.\nI gotta move on.\nStone Free ... Yeah."\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n15. WTF? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 07:41:21 PM EST\nThis is precisely the shit I'm talking about, ignorant motherfucking motherfuckers inventing fucking ignorant shit out of their assholes, which are their mouths.\nNo, you stupid dipshit, there was no civil finding of guilt mentioned. The standard practice appears to be to plead guilty maybe to paraphernalia or some stupid shit. And, probation for a motherfucking year. Call in once a week, and other stupid crap that they can catch you on if you don't study their stupid deliberately convoluted system.\nI forgot the motherfuckin fine. $500. All that cuz some premie donna student library peon got miffed at having his meagre musical talents exposed for what they were?\nI plead guilty, and did the time. No stupid probation, fuck that bullshit. That shit's for little-finger-lifting sissypants such as your own cowardly self.\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n16. Jail is the whole of the problem, idiot. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 04:35:27 PM EST\nAnd being banned for life.\nThey had six levels of disciplinary action for being caught smoking pot on campus. They jumped right to the most severe one in my case. That was an extraordinary abuse of authority. You should be condemning them, not me.\nAnd Reagan's mandatory minimums guaranteed that I served time. The judge cited the mandatory minimum law when he sentenced me.\nWhat I did might be considered a minor inconvenience. Note that I took measures to minimize the inconvenience, by waiting for a day when no one was in the library because it was a holiday, and by using the bathroom which is designed to dissipate odors efficiently.\nThe narc wasn't inconvenienced. He was just narcing because he didn't like me from a previous interaction, in which he violated the peace of the common space by whistling really badly and loudly. When I repeated his attempt at a tune twice as fast and twice as high, he felt mocked.\nSo when he saw me with pot, he reported me. What a coward. He couldn't compete with me in whistling, so he had me thrown in jail. That's the kind of passive-aggressive behavior you're supporting?\nOf course you are. You live that life. You have to love it, or you'd kill yourself in a minute. I pity you, you pathetic broken relic of a man.\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n17. Another example of the double standard at work. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 01:27:46 PM EST\nThe fucking Narc was mad at me because he had the right to whistle in the common space, disrupting me, but if I disrupt him he gets to put me in jail?\nAdmit it, the law is absolutely wrong, serving the interests of a few control freaks who are afraid of drugs because of their own addictive personalities. Instead of chilling out and smoking pot, they would rather take a hit of control and put innocents in jail. That makes them high.\nIf the fucker had a problem with me smoking pot in the bathroom, let him deal with me directly. Why should he be able to run to Johnny Law to resolve his personal problem with me?\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n18. I don't put ppl in jail. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 12:57:46 PM EST\nFucking double standard loving gold-digger marrying worthless piece of middleman do-nothing trash.\nBut I don't say you should be in jail. Or that there should be regulation against you and your kind. See the difference?\nThe fucking common space was empty, except for that one grudge-bearing employee who happened to walk into the bathroom at that time. Was the inconvenience to him really worth locking me up and banning me for life?\nC'mon, narc. You're just another item of support for the thesis of this diary: that you are so afraid of becoming like what you think I must be like (but really has no bearing on what I am), that you must see me punished so severely that you, psychological weakling that you are, feel justified in having made the sad, self-destructive choices you've made in your sorry life.\nNot that there's anything wrong with that. See the difference? I'm not saying you should be fucked with by cops. But you're saying I should be. Why? If you had seen me in the bathroom with a pipe, would you seriously have reported me?\nFucking narc. You're destroying America. But I wouldn't jail you. I think you can come around to the right philosophy of life, given enough time.\nI'm not going to force you though. See the fucking difference, dumbass?\nattached to Arbitrary Social Conventions\n---\n19. Hi I only like clubs if 99% are excluded by policy posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/16/2014 12:29:29 PM EST\nattached to Turns out I'm a gold digger\n---\n20. Crawford's problem: posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/07/2014 03:46:23 PM EST\nHe wants to be liked by fundamentally cruel and sociopathic people, like the trolls on k$5.\nSo he tries to please you people: by trying to get a job, by writing software, by writing about writing software.\nBy all rights, he should be as well rewarded as you people. But you people are like Sam the Rapist: you are bullies and mean, and that's what society really rewards.\nCrawford tries to point out the double standards and contradictions in society's reward structure, but you people get scared that he'll expose you for the frauds you are, and so you have to nullify him somehow.\nSo you troll him into jail, and the nuthouse.\nIt's a sick, sick society that you love so much. We're the healthy ones.\nattached to Anyone check on Crawford for a while?\n---\n21. He's still trying to get you fags to like him. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/07/2014 12:04:17 PM EST\nHe doesn't accept disability because he doesn't believe he's disabled. I tend to agree with him: society is the real disabled, batshit crazy entity here.\nInstead of disability, make it a basic income. Then he might make a different choice, if there's no "shame" involved.\nattached to Anyone check on Crawford for a while?\n---\n22. Hi, I have dreams of making Crawford fail! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/07/2014 05:34:30 AM EST\nI ridicule him out of all proportion in the hope he'll klerck, then I'll celebrate because it will bring some joy to my sick, pathetic, pussy-whipped, convenience-marrying, fucked-up soul.\nattached to Anyone check on Crawford for a while?\n---\n23. Hi, I get fired from teaching jobs! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/07/2014 05:24:30 AM EST\nI must be a child molester, otherwise why wouldn't I still be teaching?\nattached to Appallng Sexual Behavior of the Ohio State Band\n---\n24. Hi, I'm making the fundamental attribution error posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/07/2014 12:21:29 AM EST\nwhich I'd know about if I took the Think101x MOOC, The Science of Everyday Thinking.\nBasically, ppl caught lying in one situation don't necessarily lie in other situations. The context is key.\nSo you assume I act like I act on here everywhere. Because you're a fucking idiot who doesn't take MOOCs.\nattached to Appallng Sexual Behavior of the Ohio State Band\n---\n25. Hi, I'm employed because I'm a good little asshole posted by Edmund Blackadder on 08/04/2014 08:48:19 PM EST\nI'm looking to increase my ignorance (if that were possible!) so I can advance to becoming an Ignorant Motherfucker! (I already fuck my mother, so there's a plus!)\nattached to The Lords of COBOL\n---\n26. So Crawford should be jailed, because he's not you posted by Edmund Blackadder on 07/01/2014 08:51:02 AM EST\nattached to I am NOT Crawford!\n---\n27. Hitler's central bank was off the gold standard posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/27/2014 11:59:55 PM EST\n"Schacht was one of the few finance ministers to take advantage of the freedom provided by the end of the gold standard to keep interest rates low and government budget deficits high"\nEven Hitler knew deficits don't matter.\nattached to LilDebbie's DIY Guide To Home Repair: Post-War Plumbing Edition\n---\n28. $710 private Trlns but public $ is inflationary! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/20/2014 08:37:16 AM EST\nattached to So 'Freshmeat' is gone.\n---\n29. Die on the Autobahn. In a fire! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/12/2014 09:29:45 AM EST\nattached to booooooooon\n---\n30. An econ prof who doesn't understand debt? Shocking posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2014 10:07:41 PM EST\nattached to let me be the first to say:> body |comment: 2014-8-19-03327-5490-23> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income so Hitler can have a flat and get stoned while uploading his art. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-19-03327-5490-17> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income, challenges are the fastest way to get there!\nThen Hitler types could live out their fantasies without affecting anyone that didn't choose to be affected.\nMy quote was from the movie The Tao of Steve. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-19-03327-5490-28> => |text: \n\n\n "usually those people aren't the sort who are going to develop the holo novel."\nI think they are. I think you have a prejudice, conscious or not, against anyone who hasn't sold out like yourself, being able to produce anything. So blacks figured out a cotton gil but no one cared until a white man presented the idea.\nConsider Grigori Perelman. He expresses the idea that true creativity can die once you become the pet of an institution.\nI don't think Google labs, etc. are fully on the right track. I think I see things they have missed. Who are you to judge that my way "probably" won't amount to anything so screw me, let me die, let me suffer, who cares, it won't affect me.\nBut anyway the way to improve the "statistics" of lone wolf developers is 1) to be prepared to see them, because if your mind's eye is blind no amount of evidence will convince you and 2) create a basic income for those who want to be like Grigori Perelman but feel they have to choose to do something that makes a living. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-8-18-23839-9853-24> => |text: but but basic income!> title |comment: 2014-8-18-124442-137-4> => |text: Solution: basic income.> body |comment: 2014-8-18-124442-137-4> => |text: \n\n\n Give him enough money so he doesn't have to live with his Mom. Don't attach any strings, like making him say he's too disabled to work. Just give him the money, eliminate all the bureaucracy and overhead that accompanies welfare programs. Give the administrators and social workers basic incomes too. If they really believe in social work, they can do it anyway: because they want to, not because they're getting paid to. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-8-18-124442-137-9> => |text: basic income doesn't solve mental illness> body |comment: 2014-8-18-124442-137-30> => |text: \n\n\n you have to treat his mental illness to the point that he is stable and cognitive enough to hold down a job for more than a year or two.\nHe won't admit to being disabled, his pride won't admit that he is having troubles dealing with reality that keep ending up landing him in jail. He is clearly not thinking properly, and that is something that can be considered disabled. \nHe needs to go into a halfway house, apply for disability, save up money and then move away from Portland and his family who only throws him in jail to keep him away from them.\nApply for a HUD apartment, get food stamps, buy a Mr. Coffee machine and brew his own coffee and stay away from public places where he gets arrested for saying something when he is in a manic cycle. While on disability he can get cheap AT&T DSL or a cheap Cable Modem. In fact once he reaches 50 he can apply for AARP and get AARP discounts everywhere. Wasn't he like born in 1964? Lowest age you can join AARP for free is 50, and they got the better Medicare Part D plan that covers more stuff. With his AARP card he can get discounts on coffee, hotel rooms, train and plane tickets, meals, food, prescriptions, and other stuff. \nI mean disability is basic income when you look at it that way. But you have to be disabled in some way to apply for it. \nOnce he is on disability he can write Warp Life or his essays or whatever he wants and nobody can stop him.\nAfter all this guy is worse than Crawford and he built his own OS on disability for schizophrenia:\nhttp://www.templeos.org/ \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-18-103547-936-11> => |text: \n\n\n I want to do work because I like to do it, because I want to do it. Not because someone is paying me to do it, or so that I can sell it.\nI reject the idea that the market is the most efficient determiner of value. I think the market is short-sighted and too conservative, holding back disruptive innovations like the internet because it feels threatened by any change. The market's winners, who have the money needed to invest in new innovation, are complacent and smug, having comfortable lives. They are afraid of losing that, and any new disruption in thinking activates that fear.\nSo let government invest in individuals so that each individual can pursue the path he thinks is best. Work for a boss if you want, for the state if you want, on your own if you want. We have the resources to implement such a policy without redistribution being necessary. We can create money for a basic income.\nIt's like in thermodynamics which I'm learning: the work is an exact differential, but the sum of its components can be inexact differentials. The work, being an exact differential, doesn't care about the path taken. There are many paths, some working for a private company, some teaching physics by acting like a magician, some isolating oneself. The goal is to increase the work done and each path can contribute to that. There isn't only one path possible. The market is only one path. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-8-17-12156-8946-12> => |text: Basic Income FTW.> body |comment: 2014-8-17-12156-8946-12> => |text: \n\n\n Fernhout just had a slashdot article that featured basic income.\nIn other news, I've been belittling rrrrumble's project, because he has a really bad personality and I don't want him to succeed at anything, because that would just prove that nice guys finish last.\nIn my own work, I've been trying to make a program to implement the idea of the economy being made up of "interlocking balance sheets", as Minsky described it. (Hyman Minsky, the economist. No relation, as far as I know, to Marvin Minsky, the AI theorist.)\nThe key in my project is to be able to use natural language, for example by using a command with words delineated by spaces and with arguments indicated with prepositions, for example.\n"Consumer: buy goods from Private Sector for $100."\nThen the Private Sector has a balance sheet that deducts $100 worth of goods from its assets and adds $100 cash to its Net Worth. Consumer's balance sheet deducts $100 cash and adds $100 goods. (Then the goods depreciate...Then somehow the Consumer has to get more goods, so what if the government just creates it and gives it to him? Why would inflation be a consequence of this policy? The business sector is getting reduced costs because they don't have to pay salaries or taxes.)\nMake a bunch of these agents and start the system off with some money and other assets, then let it run and see what happens. If government creates more money to give to the Consumer, why would inflation occur? What function would I have to write to raise prices, and when would it get called?\nThe idea is that a computational model composed of multiple agents is more interesting than a purely mathematical model with one variable representing an entire class of agents.\nMy guess is the Quantity Theory of Money has to have another variable, let's call it "Douchiness", which raises prices for purely emotional and political reasons, not because of any physical or economic necessity. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-15-191913-912-19> => |text: \n\n\n I clean it up you moron. I've seen first hand how you regulations make the problem worse. \nEncourage ppl to be clean, don't approach them negatively by telling them No!, giving them an incentive to try it anyway.\nInvestment in people\nEducate ppl. Get Moms to learn something, maybe take a MOOC or two. Pay ppl or get volunteers to clean up camps. Don't use economics as an excuse not to. You end up paying more, likely, for after-the-fact litigation than some befor-hand investment in individuals.\nGive the now-superfluous policemen and lawyers basic incomes and let them learn and volunteer to keep trails clear. Their health will improve. Or they can play some holodeck program where they are a security guard and they rescue the princess, or whatever. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-14-23295-5118-12> => |text: \n\n\n linked that for you.\nI think, though, this is due to ruminating about their antics and lack of competence. The same thing can happen if you try to reform society into giving basic income or something silly like that on a wide scale from a position of disconnection or weakness.\nSo one way to avoid this, besides avoiding raising children and discussing politics and the "human condition", is to cultivate a gain-frame rather than a loss-frame. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-14-23295-5118-14> => |text: \n\n\n about that BUT, the ROBOTS are here. NOW. Seriously. \nIf there is not going to be a REAL and VERY SCARY gap between those who have and those who have NOT then we really are going to have to be looking at some kind of Basic income GOING FORWARD. \nUnless of course you are of the LilDebbie persuasion and just want to see civilization as we know it collapse on itself then it will become imperative. It's not silly. We throw enough perfectly good food AWAY every day to feed the poor. We have an abundance of EVERYTHING except energy and that is only because of fears about sustainable energy sources. In the mean time we are rushing to automate everyone out of a job. \nWhen people can't afford to buy anything then what is money going to be worth? Some folks are just going to HAVE to come to the realization that redistribution of wealth is going to be a thing for the good of every body. \nWe now return you to your regularly scheduled Diary. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-14-23295-5118-17> => |text: \n\n\n is what it is called. \nThe destruction of the self-enlightened human being is the stated goal of the old roman empire, so the latest steps to implement that plan are just a detail. \nBasic income makes some sense, but the gap was created by three things: \n\nthe intent of the middle-class and poor to punish the rich \nthe ability of the rich to work smarter rather than harder\nthe inability of people to think in non-antagonistic terms.\n\nLots of people moved from poor to rich, and don't understand what everyone is complaining about. I'm still financially poor but I don't think that solutions will come from the top down.\nI can try to be rich, whilst recognizing that poverty is imposed, or I can pray to Ba-al to notice my suffering and prove he loves me. \nSure, I might remain poor, but basic income won't make me rich. And the gap is not the most scary thing. Cancer, depression, and insanity are much more scary, and the type of thinking and living needed to avoid or recovery from them just happens to be the similar to that which helps you to get rich, create wealth, and make the world a better place. \nI'm not a politician, but I think that if everyone at every level tries their best to aim for self-sustaining then the economic system would be reformed, the gap would disappear, and food won't be wasted. Since I can't choose for others, I'm doing what I can and choose for myself.\nI don't see why talking about non-politicians or non-technocrats about basic income is an effective use of time, and I think that if you did talk to them, they'd never implement it because imposed poverty benefits the system, just as having Jerusalem lying in rubble would have been the result if Nehemiah hadn't done what he did quickly, mostly in secret, and from the position of an insider-outsider being charitable.\nSince people will always think in terms of inertia, even to their detriment, political systems keep people divided against each other to prevent anything from being done.\nTo restate, the goal is to preserve Rome whilst weakening everywhere else. They can be several Romes and the capital or main Rome can move geographically, because the aim is to preserve only the elect, at the expense of everyone else.\nSome of the top 3% know and perpetuate this system, but the majority even at that level just go with the flow, as we all do. They may have dogma like "poor people need to work harder to become rich", and "poor people need to work harder to become healthy", which stops them from thinking, "this isn't fair, but it could be"; or they could just never think about it at all, just as most people don't like "how would I recover from cancer?" until they are actually faced with it.\nI may or may not become a millionaire over the next decade. I think to try that, is more interesting than to try to change the world. \nHowever, if I wanted to change the world, I would be a politician, cult leader, or at least an activist or work at a charity. If you really believe in Basic Income being a solution and reality, then go ahead and push for it.\nI don't, and no matter how poor I get and how much I depend on customers and charity, I won't think that it is a solution to other problems which are even more scary to me, so I will focus there. \nLilD. is writing a novel, mumble is working on a semi-secret project, and MDC is working on the software problem (whilst ignoring the wetware problem), and they are plenty of monks who don't seem to be working on anything but they're working on themselves. \nI think, really, that all we can and should do is work on ourselves. Sure, help others, help the world, if we can... but it is silly to be distracted by imaginations, ruminations, and wild thinking whilst they are more pragmatic things that can be done. \nSo, yeah, if you really want to push Basic Income, then push it. Seriously push it. Make it a movement like women's right to vote or reforming the educational system so that children become strong adults. However, you might want to read the Book of Nehemiah for some insight into human nature. I'm not stopping you by saying that it is silly, I'm pointing out that shouting out your plans in a hostile environment is silly, if you really want to change stuff. \nSo, I think, you don't really want basic income. You just want to distract yourselves from day to day living, and then go back to whatever it is that you really want -- time with squirrels, whatever. \nWhich is fine, but, that's why I joke about the topic. \n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-14-23295-5118-20> => |text: \n\n\n I would support Basic Income; if I have a choice, sure, I'd take it. Since I don't, I'm taking a more pragmatic route.\nJust, with all the abundance beyond the world, there is even much more potential. \nThe things you disagree with:\nYou can't say of an entire class of people that there is 'intent' to do anything. Their is no collusion by the poor and middle class to do anything with or to the rich.\nWell, that is not exactly what I was saying. The point is that taxes are always meant to make things better for everyone, but they hurt people whilst benefiting corporations. \nThe 99% movement and such arise from wanting to reclaim the lost money, but money doesn't really work that way. Something more important than money is being lost: the ability to create and trade wealth. \nMore money, whether by basic income or profits from business, alleviates the symptoms but does not solve the problem, and those in power can create more problems for you faster than you can solve them by problem-solving level logic alone.\nSecond, look at Walmart, Koch, even that chick vinigga references in his latest diary. None of these people 'worked smarter not harder' to get their money. They just happened to be born into it. \nThey are many people who did go from rags to riches. They did it by taking advantage of various things which they consider to be smart, rather than exerting more effort ineffectively.\nSo, I am thinking, if you are in rags, and want to be in riches, then you can learn those techniques. \nEven if you aren't in rags today, an expensive health challenge or other catastrophe can put you there, so... an old book like "Think and Grow Rich", for example, talks about the various benefits of mental health, which is a type of smarts, and which you have to work at to maintain or cultivate. \nThat is all. \nYour point is valid, lots of rich people didn't work to get rich. But so is mine. Given the right environment, lots of people will work to get rich, and everyone will become richer for it. In fact, that is likely why everyone works as much as they can.\nNot just works for money, but works for accomplishment, which I why I mentioned the works of the unemployed. \nPaul Graham wrote a lot about this. He was never really in rags, but he certainly did some things which were smart to become much more wealthy, so you could read what he was saying, because that is basically what I'm talking about. \nI figure the average K5er could become rich and then help plenty of less capable people, if they wanted to. Then even with BI the would would be even better, because everyone would be making the world a better place. \nAnd if you do want BI to become real in your region then join the orgs that are doing it and tell us about it, so we can join too. \nPersonally, I don't care (for BI) but there's nothing wrong with the result, objectively speaking. If my apathy to it bothers you, though, how are you gonna convince the bankers?\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-14-23295-5118-23> => |text: \n\n\n is skewed. Everyone works because they have to work. Not for accomplishment or to get richer but to live. To Eat. To have a place to live. To educate their children. \nThose books you speak of are all written by those who already have money. \nIt is harder and harder to become rich because those people who are rich keep raising the bar.\nWhen my parents were young my Dad could work and buy a car and a house and raise a four person family on a single check.\nWhen it was my turn it took two people working to do the same with just a three person household.\nClaes has had to make extreme sacrifices just to put his kids through college and get them into decent jobs. AFAIK he doesn't expect them to rich but just to have the basic toolset needed to survive somewhat comfortably in this world.\nMy offspring is going to have his work cut out for him just to maintain a decent standard of living with a two earner paycheck. \nAs for BI, I and others are not arguing for it because it we think it would be Utopia. Well perhaps there are some but for myself, I argue for it on a pragmatic basis. The robots are here and I don't know what you do but eventually there will be a computer system that can replace you. So I ask you how are YOU going to eat? Do you think you will be rich by then? How rich do you think you need to be? \nHow do I convince the Bankers? Well fortunately many very prominent bankers as well as fundamentally conservative wealthy people also support a Basic Income. \nYou can be apathetic if you like. You can dream your dreams of making it big. Or you can take off the glasses and look around. When you really look you will discover that the old school way of doing things is unsustainable. The choice you must make is, am I going to be a part of the change and maybe have a say in it or am I just going to be apathetic and let events and someone else decide for me.\nI'll give you an illustration. For many many years the world was agrarian. The horse was the primary source of energy. People worked as farmers or perhaps as merchants. This went on for an awful long time. Then the engine came along and replaced the horse. It didn't happen all at once. In some areas it was more rapid than others. But eventually it spread and farmers had to leave their farms to work in factories. Merchants had to learn to use assembly lines rather than craft by hand. Everything changed. Every single facet of life was affected.\nMany people talked about the Information age. And it did occur but nothing like what the Industrial revolution caused. It was more evolution than revolution so it is easy to scoff. But now we have a real revolution going on. Knowledge systems are no longer helping us to do our jobs better. They are doing our jobs better. You are now the horse.\nBut anyway k31. go ahead and continue as you were. What happens to you makes little difference to me. But if you are interested then take a look at what is going on in Switzerland. Or look at Brazil where poverty has fallen 22 percent of the population to 7 percent due to the Family Grant. \nYou see BI is becoming a reality and it actually works. Now often, when I talk about BI or Single-Payer healthcare people start saying well look here at this problem (long wait times) and that problem (it doesn't cover everything). I understand. There is no such thing as Utopia. There is going to be problems, there is going to be fraud. There is going to be inefficiencies. I think we can deal with that. At one time we didn't regulate our food supply so you could eat a hamburger made from whatever. Maybe horse meat? There were no rules. Eventually we learned better. Still we have recalls. But that system with the recalls is better than no system.\nBut that is cool k31. Ride your horse and pretend the railroad WON'T come to your town or worse come to a town nearby and leave your town stranded. But believe me. The railroad IS coming. And so are all the things it brings with it, good or ill. \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2014-8-14-9425-22429> => |text: So it turns out Robin Williams klercked himself because he was doing shitty movies because he was poor. 1% poor, not suck dick for crack poor, but I think we can all sympathize.\n\nAnyhow, have you seen anything from Bobby D. in the past 15 years? It's well known that he does these shitty movies because he's desperate for money. \n\nIf only we had basic income, these tragedies (the movies, that is, but also the deaths) could have been avoided. Maybe 10 or 20 million a year, 50 million max. That ought to be enough to keep their shitty movies out of the direct-to-dvd bin.> title |comment: 2014-8-14-9425-22429-3> => |text: Basic income for minimum only.> body |comment: 2014-8-14-9425-22429-3> => |text: \n\n\n Like, not living out of a car (unless you choose to).\nIf his wives got a Basic Income choice, Williams wouldn't be responsible for keeping them off the streets (again, unless they choose that lifestyle).\nAnything legal on top of that, ex-wives claiming $10k/month living expenses, etc., is on Robin. Why did he get married and have kids in the first place?\nI suspect the "money problems" for Williams were more of an excuse. He could have lived well without needing $165k per episode of his tv show that was canceled.\nProbably the pressure of having to be phony to make money got to him. A basic income isn't a magic bullet, but will work towards freeing everyone (who wants to be freed) from such pressures.\nHe could have lived on the road, without wives or kids, making friends with animals, on his petty cash, probably. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-6-222554-0210-6> => |text: \n\n\n He doesn't accept disability because he doesn't believe he's disabled. I tend to agree with him: society is the real disabled, batshit crazy entity here.\nInstead of disability, make it a basic income. Then he might make a different choice, if there's no "shame" involved. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-6-222554-0210-15> => |text: \n\n\n My standard of living has fallen a huge amount.\nThe main point is though that there is enough money to support all of us, Crawford, me, you, Blastar, everyone. Kicking the can down the road is what the private sector does everyday.\nNotional amounts like $710 trillion are sustainable in the financial world, why is a measly $17 trillion considered a crisis for the US? It's not a crisis. The US can continue to finance spending by borrowing, at zero cost, from the Fed, which can keep loans rolling over forever or forgive them.\nThere is no economic reason why Crawford should have to live on the streets, or me sleep in a car, etc. We should be free to choose not to do so, if we wish.\nIf Crawford feels happier and freer when he's on the streets, that should be his free and unencumbered choice. Austerity is good (as Jain sadhus practice), but it should always be a completely voluntary choice.\nGive Crawford the option of taking a Basic Income. Don't couch it in terms of disability, because that makes him feel ashamed. Treat it as something that is everyone's right. He can still refuse it, but leave disability out of it. The real disability is on society's part, imposing artificial scarcity because it can. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-6-222554-0210-17> => |text: \n\n\n for everyone but only the megacorporations control it, and the banks, and the ultra elite wealthy.\nAsk Lady Gaga to give up some of her billions to support homeless people like Crawford, she will refuse.\nAsk Apple, whom Crawford used to work for to give up some of their $300 Billion in savings to help out the homeless like Crawford, and they will refuse.\nAsk Clinton, Obama, Bush, etc who raise a lot of fundraising in the billions and give speeches for millions, to give some up for the homeless like Crawford and they will refuse.\nAsk Bill Gates or Warren Buffett to give up half their income for the homeless in the USA, and they too will refuse. They'd rather put it into a non-profit tax shelter that gives out defective malaria vaccines to third world nations to reduce the population.\nSo see the ultra rich has this eugenics plan:\n\nBy keeping people poor, they will be more likely to become mentally ill or homeless and then die.\nBy making birth control and abortion free you will have less poor people by killing them off before they are born or conceived.\nBy moving all of the good paying jobs to foreign nations you are turning middle-class into the poor.\nBy refusing to help the poor despite making campaign promises, the Democrats keep getting reelected by the poor, who the Democrats keep shitting on while in office and taking lobbyist money from megacorporations to pass bills in their favor.\nMovies, tv shows, songs, videos, books, they are all distractions so you cannot figure out their eugenics program.\n\nThere will be no basic income because of their eugenics program, they want poor people to die, not live. The profit on their deaths. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-6-222554-0210-24> => |text: \n\n\n That means, if you (and others) give up trolling about inflation, and instead troll for money creation to finance a basic income, we can win.\nThe key, I think, is realizing, in our own minds, that the national debt doesn't matter. Republicans already know this: as Cheney screwed up and said out loud, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." But Republicans also know they can use fear of debt to gain political advantage.\nRepublicans know debt doesn't matter because they understand private financing, which is based on debt. What matters is ideas, not how you finance them (see Modigliani-Miller theorem). So debt is not an excuse not to create a basic income, or give everyone free healthcare.\nWithout the "debt crisis" argument, Republicans are reduced to the real reasons they don't want a basic income or universal health care, which are something along the lines you mentioned.\nDemocrats are not much better, they tend to fall for the "debt crisis" troll, but Democrats tend to have more empathy at least so I have greater hope that they can learn.\nIn the meantime, we should educate ourselves about economics (Coursera's Economics of Money and Banking MOOC is a great start), and troll against the inflation fear mongers. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-3-191410-4553-1> => |text: \n\n\n The market rewards and encourages a fake positivity, you really act like you like yourself and people like you. If you're positive like Neil de Grasse Tyson, the market doesn't reward you. Tyson luckily found McFarlane to fund the Cosmos show. I guess McFarlane made his money in the market, but with pretty negative characters (the creepy airline pilot neighbor with the sex addiction, Stewie the evil baby).\nSo what if ppl on a basic income made the show. Bypass the negativity that sells so well, make something for the long tail, not the masses. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-8-3-18526-80252> => |freedom> + |basic income> + |rant> intro |diary: 2014-8-3-152658-9605> => |text: First: pay people. Basic income guarantee.\nThen advertise for volunteers to clean up campsites, maintain trails, etc.> title |comment: 2014-8-2-19225-05263-6> => |text: If Hitler had a basic income, he could've painted.> tags |diary: 2014-8-1-185711-8600> => |bass> + |the shape of jazz to come> + |was it?> + |side-effect> + |economics> + |basic income> + |social balance sheet> + |money> + |finance> body |diary: 2014-8-1-185711-8600> => |text: So, pursuit of your happiness should be separate from making a living.\n\nAnd there wasn't enough money coming in to really pay the rent and we were living in a four flight walk-up tenement with cockroaches, you know, the typical New York musician beginnings. I felt guilty that I wasn't making a living and so I bought a Fender bass and I joined a radio registry and I started doing television jingles and commercial music recording. It was really awful - that I really didn't believe in. But I was doing it. My wife, Ellen, used to come home from her job. She was working as a caseworker for the Department of Welfare in New York City. She had to go out in the field to Bedford Stuyvesant, to Harlem, to Brownsville, and she would come home so depressed because of the futility of her job. She wasn't able to help people the way she really wanted to. She would come home in tears. And I started coming home depressed, you know, and she said well, we both know why I'm depressed - why are you depressed? And I said I feel like I'm aiding and abetting the enemy. She said what you mean? I said well I feel like I'm contributing to the people who are destroying creative values and who are perpetuating shallow values. And that I'm part of it. And it's awful to feel like that. I used to get so - feeling so bad at the studio that I would just have to leave the studio on a break and go off by myself, you know. I guess maybe I'm too sensitive in that respect. I know a lot of musicians who were in the studios and their great people and I really love them them, you know, and that's what they want to do, but it isn't what I want to do.\n\nHe didn't care what others did, he wanted to do what he wanted to do.\n\nI have a very clear picture of what I want to do, and what I feel is important as far as my contribution or my appreciation and respect for this life that we're living in to try to make it better. And I can't feel that I'm making it better playing commercial music. And I never could, and I never will. That's just the way I am inside - I don't know what made me that way, whether it was genes or environment or I don't know. It's just something that I know very deeply and feel very deeply and I have to do it.\n\nHaden couldn't function within a world of commercial music.\n---\nWhat if we could finance making a living so artists like Haden didn't have to worry about that "side-effect"? At zero cost, since the non-monetary assets balance the money liability?\nWhy can't government encourage people like Haden, with a basic income? Is it, overall, good for society, for the General Welfare?\nIs it Haden's fault that he couldn't function in a commercial music environment? Can society make room for such individuals, as fewer and fewer workers are needed for the production of the goods and services demanded by a growing population?> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-9> => |text: \n\n\n I'm not asking ppl to give me their money. I'm saying the government can finance a basic income at no cost to taxpayers. Taxes aren't needed to fund the government. I've been reading about it, and doing some simple simulations which I plan to make more complex (with more agents and functions), in Gurley and Shaw: http://www.kuro5hin.org/tag/bsagent\nThere is no inflation because business costs go down, since they pay no taxes and have a much smaller payroll expense. (Because of the basic income, business can pay whatever wages it feels are cost-effective, and people can have a choice of not taking that wage, and still having a decent standard of living.)\nIf there is inflation, it is because business makes a choice to raise prices, not because they have to. Deal with that sociopathic choice by increasing transfer payments and bank accounts by the same amount business raises prices (including health care). Since the same percentage of income pays for the same goods, purchasing power remains constant. Inflation ceases to be something anyone has to think about. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-11> => |text: \n\n\n inflation is based on the value of the money used by an economy. The more of that money, the higher the inflation rate. The more Dollars you print, the less that Dollar will be worth.\nThe USA is headed in this direction:\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic\nHaving a basic income of $10K/year and not funding it via taxes is exactly what the Weimar Republic had tried to do. Three guesses what happened to their economy and who rose to power claiming to be able to fix it?\nCommunists, Jewish people, homosexuals, gypsies, Catholics, and others Hitler targeted had tried these social programs in the Weimar Republic and they all failed and ruined the economy. So guess who Hitler decided to blame and target?\nYou see if you don't pay for something with taxes, it ruins the economy. \nIf you want to buy one bag of food, bring three bags of dollars because that is what the dollar will be worth under your plan. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-19> => |text: \n\n\n Indexed income to inflation, printed new banknotes to replace the old ones, they had basic income and it didn't work.\nIt only threw the German government into anarchy which allowed Adolf Hitler to be elected and establish national socialism with his final solution to fix it.\nThe USA is following the same path that Germany did after World War 1. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-14> => |text: \n\n\n they do alright without it.\nThey have a reasonable sales tax. \nWe didn't allow gambling or any of that stuff other states tax for like forever. No problems.\nNow school tax is off the damn chain here. But that is a school district thing and a football as religion thing and nothing really to do with government.\nRegular people just don't understand that government doesn't work like a home or business. They don't have to match income from tax etc. to expenses. Most of their 'expenses' are actually investments, like when they spend BUCKS on road and bridge improvement that isn't the same as the wife spending money to redo the living room. That investment helps everybody. It helps the worker, it helps the transportation industry, it helps business, it helps tourism. \nBut the people that can effect change have an investment in things going on the way they have. In fact their interests are served by making things appear even more limited and scarce even when they really are not. \nThe uneducated people beleive what they say because they don't know any better. They're too busy trying to keep what they got they can't pay attention and so the lies they are told they accept so long as it sounds reasonable. \nAnother problem is the rampant racism. White tax payers don't want the government to provide things like Basic Income because they are afraid the COLOREDS are going to get something they can't get.\nWhen I worked with the social agencies many times poor white would bitch when they didn't qualify for a certain benefit saying they 'just weren't the right color' when none of the qualifying criteria had anything to do with race. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-18> => |text: \n\n\n That's the challenge. Basic income is the fastest way I think.\nJournalists, bloggers, trolls, etc. should start challenging Republicans who know better, when they get emotional about the "debt crisis" and say outright falsehoods such as "We're going to be like Greece!" (as Sen. Mitch McConnell did, often).\nEven the American Enterprise Institute acknowledges that deficits don't matter: http://www.aei.org/outloook/trillion-dollar-deficits-are-sustainable-for-now-unf\nortunately ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-8-1-185711-8600-16> => |text: \n\n\n he has to point out that he was fortunate in not having to worry about making a living. Unlike others in our society. \nAnd that is why it is imperative that we make changes to the idea taking root in America that government must be run like a business.\nBasic Income should be a basic right protected by the government just like they should protect free speech, free assembly, and all the rest although those in control are always doing their best to curtail those rights.\n"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men . . ." \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-7-31-225357-320> => |software problem> + |ogg frog> + |super debugging> + |basic income> + |MOOC> + |challenge> body |diary: 2014-7-29-18745-2455> => |text: The authors explain how government issues money, which enters the economy through government expenditures paid to the business sector, or direct transfer payments.\nI reproduced Table 1 from page 16 of Chapter 2, "Rudimentary Finance". I use the balance sheet agent. My script for Table 1 is http://subbot.org/coursera/money2/bsagent/gurley/rudimentary_finance.script. The output is in the same directory, named "rudimentary_finance.output":\n\n Business Sector\nassets &pipe; liabilities\n-------------------------------------\n$50.00 Money &pipe; $950.00 Net Worth\n$900.00 Tangible &pipe;\n &pipe;\nTotal: $950.00 &pipe; Total: $950.00\n Government Sector\nassets &pipe; liabilities\n---------------------------------------\nNone &pipe; $100.00 Money\n &pipe; $-100 Net Worth\n &pipe;\nTotal: $0.00 &pipe; Total: $100.00\n Consumer Sector\nassets &pipe; liabilities\n-----------------------------------\n$50.00 Money &pipe; $50.00 Net Worth\n &pipe;\nTotal: $50.00 &pipe; Total: $50.00\n\nNext, Gurley and Shaw draw Social Balance Sheets (Table 2) and National Income and Product Accounts (Table 3). Table 4 (page 22) presents Flow-of-Funds Accounts. A model of a rudimentary economy is constructed in which there are no taxes or banks. Money is created by the government as needed. \nI modified their model to substitute government transfer payments for consumer income. Instead of the business sector being liable for consumer income, what if government credited consumer accounts directly?\nMy attempt to put the model through two periods: script and output.\nIn such a modified model, the business sector would erase thier "consumer income" liability, but still keep their "consumer expenditure" asset. Consumers would get money and spend it on the business sector. Since the business sector would have no payroll expenditure, they could keep the consumer income asset. In my model, I use "Net Worth" to balance the "Consumer Income" asset.\nIn Period 2, government again credits consumers with a direct transfer payment. Again, consumers spend $75 on the business sector. Again, the business sector has no payroll expense, so it credits its own "Net Worth" with another $75.\nIn this model, where the government creates money to pay consumers instead of consumers getting money from salaries, we see that business income can rise very rapidly. They will have a lot more money under "Net Worth". So they can lower prices, invest, etc.\nWhy would inflation occur in such a model? Business shouldn't raise prices because their expenses are low, having no payroll. They have plenty of money to compete with each other by undercutting prices, leading to lower fundamental values of consumer products.\nSince individuals receive unconditional income from the government in this model, what motivates them to work?\nFirst, I assume that business is automating more and more of its production, so it needs fewer and fewer workers to produce more and more goods and services.\nSecond, business can hold challenges to stimulate individuals to do something business wants done. So if Google wants a better browser, it can write specifications and hold challenges to see who can meet them.\nThird, business can motivate individuals to work for them for reasons other than purely "making a living." So a business can offer an individual money on top of (or instead of) his basic income. Or a business can make volunteering an attractive opportunity for individuals. People might come to work because they enjoy the social atmosphere. Bosses would treat individuals like human beings. There would be robots to order around to do the repetitive tasks that no one wants to do.\nI believe such a world could exist. The balance sheets sketch how the finances would work. There need be no hyperinflation or other fearful scenarios.\nWhy not implement such a system in addition to the market system already in place? Don't change the market system; simply add an option for individuals to receive a basic income financed by the government. Then the market could try to innovate in the best way it knows how, and, simultaneously, individuals on a basic income could innovate in their way. The two systems operating in parallel would produce a synergistic effect on the advance of knowledge and technology, leading to unparalleled advances faster.> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-1> => |text: \n\n\n Like, people were all just so excited to win the war against bad King George that they forgot about a few little revolutionary details, like implementing a basic income. And it's just sort of remained as a forgotten oversight for the past 230 years, it's just something that can be picked up and instituted anytime and be no big deal.\nIt's not an accident, Trane, these motherfuckers would KILL you before they let you have a universal basic income. They would kill you, cut off your head, shit down your throat, and rape your pets. The lack of a basic income is not an accidental omission of The System. The whole fucking point of The System is that there is no escape, no safety valve, no way out. It cannot be permitted. You could be the fucking President of Sheepfuckistan, you look left and you look right and there's nobody watching, maybe you think you could get away with it, so you issue your citizens a basic allotment of food and fuel and provide public health care clinics and what's that fucking noise? It's the IMF sending in the goddamn black helicopters. Remember that money you borrowed? Or maybe you didn't borrow it, but surprise, they assigned the liability to you! We'll take all that shit you were gonna just give your mudpeople and haul it away for interest, and if you don't like that, we're already laundering funds through USAID to ensure your future death at the hands of paramilitaries. You think this wouldn't happen? It DOES happen and HAS happened.\nRemember AFDC? It didn't even cover people who didn't have kids, but it was the closest thing to a basic income the US ever had. The Man laughed and told a few nigger jokes and it was abolished and none dared defend it.\nIt's called "enclosure" and it means if you want people to work in your capitalist system, you have to leave them no other choices. It goes back to the very beginning and it is not an accident, it is deliberate.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-2> => |text: \n\n\n we don't even have capitalism anymore we got Corporatism.\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism\nCorporatism only focuses on record profits of corporations. It shits on charities, it shits on the people.\nNeither the Democrats nor the Republicans work for the people anymore, only the corporations. The Republicans are telling the truth when they say they support the corporations, the Democrats are lying mother fuckers when they claim to be for the people because when they are elected they take lobbyist money from corporations to pass bills in their favor just like the Republicans. The only difference is which corporations they shill for.\nBut in Corporatism there is no basic income, just a shitty socialist system called welfare, social security, and disability that pays as little as possible and is insurance based in that the more you pay in FICA taxes the more it pays you back when you do on the dole. \nCorporatism even bans stuff like illegal drugs and guns so that they can operate drug and gun smugglers for high profits. \nThey even ban gay marriage just so they can profit on it in Canada where it is legal and some states in which it is legal. Then they find it Unconstitutional in some states so they can charge more for it in the other states. \nThis whole make your employer pay for birth control is a big scam as well to get back at the religions who say put people before profits. Birth control, abortion, and forced sterilization and suicide is a big part of eugenics that was started by the USA on the Native-Americans and Hitler stole it to use it on Jewish people. You see they want to reduce the population of poor people in any way possible, because they hate them and don't want them around. If they can get employers to pay for birth control then the women they hire won't reproduce and natural selection will kill them off before they can pass on their DNA. They make sure that women are paid less than men so they cannot afford to have a baby. \nAll of these movies, tv shows, songs, videos, comic books, books, websites, and the like are big distractions to keep you from asking the questions they don't want to answer to hide the truth from you.\nIllegal drugs, alcohol, all kinds of porn, dance, art, music, poetry, sex, it is all a distraction to keep you from noticing that corporations have all the power and we the people have no power at all. Our votes don't count either as they can fudge the votes or pick their candidates to run and refuse to let independents on the ballot so that only a Republican or Democrat can win and nobody else, and both of them are corporate shills. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-3> => |text: \n\n\n The welfare system is not an alternative to participating in the capitalist system - it's a way of marginalizing and controlling people for the benefit of The System. They sort of half-understand what's going on, many of them, which is why they often vote for Tea Party politicians who cut the very benefits they rely on. It's an expression of frustration.\n\nTrane didn't think this stuff up all by himself - there were 'basic income' proponents among the Founding Fathers, particularly those who weren't wealthy planters or successful businessmen. But the idea just didn't catch on, and it was NO accident that it didn't.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-4> => |text: \n\n\n was created as an alternative to communism because of the great depression.\nWelfare capitalism is the true name, it isn't really communism because there is no controlled market, it is loosely based on Marxism but used by Keynesian economics which was also written as an alternative to communism. Socialism was based on Marxism and Keynesian economics, instead of being supply side it is demand side. They figured if they give them a tiny bit of Communism and Marxism they won't want the big one.\nThe Welfare system is used to place people out of the job market and keep them down by keeping them poor and dependent on the government to live. Every person they place on the welfare system basically has their career ruined and will never be hired for a good job ever again. At most they can get a minimum wage job doing hard labor or something like garbage collection or digging ditches or fast food work or retail jobs. \nI knew when I was forced to go on a dole to Welfare based disability, that my career was over and the system had decided that with my mental illness they'd rather pay me to stay home than hold a $150K/year programming job. \nMy doctors had ordered me not to work, and if I violated my doctor's orders I'd be arrested and thrown in jail. They tried to make Crawford the same offer, but he keeps refusing it, so they keep arresting him on false charges until he finally accepts disability and goes on the dole and exists the job market.\nBasic income is a good idea, but the idiots who propose it only want to pay $10K/year and people living on it need at least $50K/year to get a good house and car and computer and Internet and Cable TV and utility bills. On $10K/year the best they can do is live in their parent's basement or share an apartment with three to four other people. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-6> => |text: \n\n\n you are forced to do work, you are forced to work hard on challenges, but most who work on challenges do not get paid. Those who do get paid get prizes like My Little Pony action figures or Hello Kitty panties or a pet rock or Rubiks cube that they have no use for. So what is the fucking point of challenges if there is little to no payoff?\nIf you do work, you should get paid money not a low chance at prizes.\nBasic Income either it is $50K/year or higher or else it is shit. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-7> => |text: \n\n\n Vacations, a car, whatever. But it would be much like a game show. Only the "winner", the one that had the chosen entry would get the big prize. Perhaps a few that did not get chosen but who contributed to advancing the state of the art for the challenge sponsor might receive consolation prizes. But the majority wouldn't receive anything.\nPerhaps a T-shirt that said they had participated.\nThat is why this method of compensation can only really work when there is a Basic Income in place. People have to have their basic needs met and then they would be free to work on challenges or not. \nYou should know this. You don't have to write ebooks. You get a Basic Income in the form of disability. You accept the 'challenge' of writing ebooks or helping others with technical things because it provides that "little extra". But you don't have to rely on it. If you don't feel like writing today then you are not compelled to do so. \nThe majority of folks however are compelled to go to work regardless of how they feel. \nWe really do need to get BI in place now and work out the kinks because eventually most everyone working will be in the service industry. That is the 1% will be employing the 99% to do shit for them. All the real jobs will be performed by automatons, and all manufacturing will be done in huge 3D Print and Robotic Foundrys. \nAs you well know services are generally at the lowest end of the pay scale. Within twenty years all workers will be LITERALLY wage SLAVES.\nResistance is futile.\nWe control the vertical\nWe control the horizontal\nYou will be assimilated\nFrom this day forward, you shall service\nUS. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-10> => |text: \n\n\n not everyone can write a book for example or fix a computer. Most people would fail those challenges. Then feel bad that they cannot even do those things to win the challenges.\nI mean these challenges are about as retarded as going to a Casino every day and thinking you'll come out winning millions. Most people who do that end up losing their life savings or whatever paycheck they once had and going broke for a while. \nIf not the challenges are as retarded as buying a lot of alcohol and seeing who can drink the most without passing out or throwing up. They are like Fraternity games rather than real life challenges. \nYou haven't given me any good examples of any challenges that most people can do. Most of the challenges listed require a special skill or special education or being in a university and earning a degree and most people on basic income will be high school drop-outs with little to no marketable skills and hardly any knowledge of how things work. If there are to be any challenges you have to train them at an educational center first so that they can earn at least a GED and improve their reading, writing, and arithmetic to the level that they can do at least some of these challenges.\nYes most people are borderline retarded when it comes to any challenge. \nEven if I wrote a shitty book that only sold 30,000 copies, there are people jealous of me because they cannot even write a book or know how to use a computer and word processor much less complete a sentence or paragraph and write it out. A good number of people are only literate up to the 4th grade level, and after that they gave up on themselves and their teachers decided to just pass them because they took pity on them and gave them a passing grade for at least trying. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-12> => |text: \n\n\n Fuck you you're so fucking dense. You don't get what I'm saying because you're not reading it. You're too godamn busy listening to the voices in your own fucking head you can't fucking parse my text. I'm not arguing with you idiot. You brought up about prizes being like action figures and toys. I just was saying that no it can mean substantial cash prizes. No it is NOT fair. No not everybody could do it. I'm not in favor of it myself. But if it Was the way our society was going to go then there would HAVE to be a Basic Income otherwise most people wouldn't be able to survive. Get fucking over yourself man. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-13> => |text: \n\n\n you act like these prizes they give out are toys in some sort of retarded BINGO game. Next up "Pinky Pie" from My Little Pony to the next person to call BINGO in this round.\nLook Basic Income has to be around at least $50K/year in order to provide the basic living that people need due to inflation and the bad economy. Now this proposed $10K/year plan is pure horseshit and then you can earn moar via challenges is even more horseshit.\nMost people on basic income will have low functioning autism or something and cannot even do these challenges to earn extra money and need access to an iPad or something that has apps to help them with their Autism that they cannot afford on a $10K/year basic income. You want them to have Cable TV, an iPhone and iPad data plan and cell plan, and be able to go out and watch a movie with friends and on only $10K/year they cannot do all of that. $10K/year is below minimum wage in most states! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-7-29-18745-2455-14> => |text: Founding Father Tom Paine proposed a basic income.> body |comment: 2014-7-24-194436-815-3> => |text: \n\n\n to what is by now common knowledge.\nI'm not sure if the obsession with justice is what makes him shout so loud, or just general momentum, but explaining that the lack of basic income is, in fact, a design feature, rather than a flaw, doesn't seem to budge him at all.\nSomehow, he seems to think that the people who run the world financial system are loving, caring people who want the best for everyone, and have build a financial system which is only accidentally broken, because they weren't educated properly.\nThe fact that usury was fought from the days of Neh. (and before, and after) and the battle was lost, gradually, over the last three hundred years doesn't register to him. We're clearly just as ignorant as the Demiurge and he is the only son of Sophia.\nSo, you know, there comes a point where you have to just remember that you can take the bitch out of the gutter and fuck her with horsecock, but you can do nothing better than just ignore the troll under the tree. \nCome to think of it, I think I just found my career path.... gutter bitch. Um, I mean, banker.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-24-194436-815-4> => |text: \n\n\n the bankers were all of the popular kids in high school that picked on and bullied the other students.\nThey bullied and bluffed their way to the top management and become very very popular with lots of wealthy and powerful friends.\nSo their friends go deep in debt and they write it off as a tax break allowance for bad debts. Everyone else they foreclose on their houses. They charge 20% APR rates and refuse to give credit line increases. \nBanks basically own everything through debt, and even can sell that debt to other banks even banks in foreign nations. They rate it as Triple-A bonds, and after it is sold it becomes Triple-D bonds that are basically worthless.\nEvery opportunity they get to screw someone they take it. If a baby had candy, they'd take candy from that baby and charge her 20% APR interest on the value of the candy and the baby is owing debt before it goes to school. \nBasic Income? Why would they do that? It is not part of their business plan and they are not in the business of giving money away for free. They want people to live on credit card debt not be given free money to live on where they don't need to live on credit card debt.\nYou might as well give out free university education so they cannot drive a student in student loan debt?\nBankers see that as communism, they use The Joker's motto "If you are good at something, you don't do it for free." \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-24-194436-815-5> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income? Why would they do that? It is not part of their business plan [...]\nYip, that's the point.\nWhich, you know, promoters of basic income don't understand. \nIn fact, in the past, they were various systems which functioned like basic income, and were destroyed or devalued. Even as recently as the central bank in Lybia, before it was "liberated".\n"Nice economy you have there," says the IMF. "Pity you have to make it bow to the industrial overlords." \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-23-4946-64125-7> => |text: \n\n\n http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Geldof\n"As Geldof began to learn more about the situation, he discovered that one of the main reasons why African nations were in such dire peril was because of repayments on loans that their countries had taken from Western banks. For every pound donated in aid, ten times as much would have to leave the country in loan repayments."\n"The result was the Commission for Africa. Blair invited Geldof and 16 other Commissioners, the majority from Africa and many of them politicians in power, to undertake a year-long study of Africa's problems. They came up with two conclusions: that Africa needed to change, to improve its governance and combat corruption, and that the rich world needed to support that change in new ways. That meant doubling aid, delivering debt cancellation, and reforming trade rules."\n"Bob Geldof worked closely with DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), an organisation founded by U2's Bono in 2002 to promote debt-relief, third world trade and AIDS relief in Africa."\n"On 31 March 2005, Geldof and Ure announced the Live 8 project, to raise awareness of issues that burden Africa, including government debt, trade barriers, hunger, and AIDS issues."\n---\n\nOasis frontman Noel Gallagher became one of the more vocal skeptics about the impact of Live 8, citing his belief that rock stars have less influence over world leaders than popular culture may believe. His explanation was:\n"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are they hoping that one of these guys from the G8 is on a quick 15-minute break at Gleneagles and sees Annie Lennox singing "Sweet Dreams" and thinks, 'Fuck me, she might have a point there, you know?' And Keane doing "Somewhere Only We Know" and some Japanese businessman going, 'Aw, look at him. ... we should really fucking drop that debt, you know.' It's not going to happen, is it?"[42]\n\n---\nWhat should happen is that people realize that debt doesn't matter, and should run for office themselves, or tell politicians that debt doesn't matter. Then give everyone in the world a basic income, and stimulate so much wasted "human capital" to innovate with challenges. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-23-4946-64125-14> => |text: \n\n\n kicking the can down the road. He also invented the yoyo. He would take the piece out of a OOGA Horn and wrap string around it and yoyo. That was back in the depression. It kinda runs in the family. You see, his daddy invented the ball and a stick. We're a family of innovators stepping up to meet challenges like that. See they had a Basic income back then. As in basically no income. He quit school in the sixth grade so he could feed his mom and sisters. (His pa had passed already) Even still, he earned a Ph.d in Geology from UT in Austin several years later. \nIt's really too bad you weren't around back in them days. Without all this fancy computer stuff you might have actually been a productive member of society. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-7-21-5531-41604-3> => |text: The answer has to do with Basic Income> body |comment: 2014-7-18-201839-594-5> => |text: \n\n\n Simulations that you can interact with.\nI heard a Fresh Air interview with Charlie Haden, who just died (bass player). I want a simulation of him, to jam with.\nHe gave a great speech about how "making a living" is secondary to artists like him. He said he turned to studio session work, but it made him so depressed he sold the fender bass he'd just bought. He said he felt he was part of the problem, producing music that promoted "shallow values".\nSolution: basic income. He was lucky, he was really good. I know it took a lot of work, but he was lucky, too. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-7-16-211255-525-1> => |text: \n\n\n that Chernobyl is translated as "wormwood"? \nBecause I think they totally made that up, after the fact. \nIn any case, the gas was bored and decided to blow itself up. \nNext time, give it basic income and reliable discussion sites to alleviate its frustration with the bleak geophysical reality that it must by nature endure.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-27-204213-012-5> => |text: \n\n\n we both are sort of reductionists. here's my belief system in a nutshell:\nmale seeks power. female seeks freedom. what is power but to subdue female and freedom? what is power of love but to transcend power of power and freedom of randomness? \nbasic income is to reach critical mass.\nyou may now continue constructing your bot in ruby... \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ncommentary - For a better sye@K5 \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in CNY/BTC/LTC/DRK\nrubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL\n\n Hey! at least he was in a stable relationship. - procrasti \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-27-204213-012-13> => |text: \n\n\n And they were there at the start. Draw a line from Kim Stanley Robinson to Clarke, for example, and bypass all that libertarian crap.\nEarly Heinlein apparently was cool. I read Starship Troopers but never got too much more into him.\nFrom http://lfs.org/newsletter/029/01/Heinlein.shtml:\n\nAmong other things, Heinlein was influenced by C. H. Douglas's Social Credit movement, one of the unorthodox economic proposals cited with some favor in Keynes's General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Douglas, like Keynes, thought that by carefully calculated issue of fiat money, the government could prevent boom and bust cycles and maintain steady prosperity indefinitely.\n\nI use C.H. Douglas a lot in my economic arguments. He proposed a Basic Income. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-27-204213-012-14> => |text: \n\n\n He couldn't really get away from it. His Foundations, for example, and his immortal R. Daneel Olivaw. Supermen, in the Siegel/Shuster sense, generally benevolent. But his work is hardly a ringing endorsement of democracy.\nLike I said, Heinlein did start off as a solid New Dealer. He did not turn against it because it didn't work, but because he saw its endpoint as vulnerable to nuclear holocaust. All these pretty wealthy suburbs filled with happy prosperous healthy people living fulfilling lives, all utterly incapable of survival once the Bombs started to fall. Who were these soft men and women, Heinlein asked? Of course they were the ones who had fought Fascism and Empire. But they had grown older and complacent. They deserved to be vaporized for their weaknesses. \nAnd you can draw a straight line from that, to my poor friend who just posted a picture on FB of an eagle 'praying' to God to thwart the enemies of our land. The fear needs no Bomb anymore. Today no terrorist needs to fabricate a 'pit', certainly no need to machine a hohlraum - simply powder up a few smoke detector sources and scatter them around, whole cities will shit bricks at the imagined danger.\nAnd who is our Enemy? It is everybody and nobody. God damn, I miss the Communists!\nYour Basic Income, I just can't think you're coming from the right place with it. You want to send me a small retirement check and if I want more with my life, I'm supposed to compete for 'prizes' from our plutocratic overlords. Meanwhile all the Libertarians dream that they may become overlords themselves.\nMe, I say SMASH the fucking monopolists who run shit. Bust the fucking trusts, as old Teddy used to say. I don't want their 'prize' and I don't want an allowance from them. I want them broken and dispersed. See, this is where you and I differ.\n\n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-6-27-204213-012-15> => |text: I see basic income as an insulating mechanism.> body |comment: 2014-6-27-204213-012-17> => |text: \n\n\n First of all, my proposal for a basic income is completely voluntary. You are always free not to take it.\nSo there's no question of people "kept in bubbles". Ppl choose to be kept in the bubbles. Unless they violate the unalienable rights of people or animals. Then use existing mechanisms of law to keep them in VR bubbles, but continually improve the VRs so they are so realistic people choose to be in them anyway without being forced to.\nThe "mighty Creators of Jorbs" will fade away as the means of production become individualized. Like publishers are fading away because we can produce books ourselves, electronically. Instead of relying on mighty publishing houses to pay authors, let the government pay everyone, and those who want to write can write without having to worry about selling their manuscript to some big publishing house.\nBut there is no compulsion in my system, except if you violate unalienable rights of others. Let the market institutions continue; I think they will wither away on their own. Just give me the choice not to have to play their game.\nI agree with libertarians on social issues, just not on economic ones. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-26-201033-586-1> => |text: \n\n\n Adams' intonation and your refutation suffer from the same flaw, which is that famines are marked by duration over time. Whether feeding people "solves" the famine or not depends on the underlying likelihood that, absent other measures besides feeding people, the people being fed will be able to resume feeding themselves before the ability of the "solver" to provide food for them is exhausted.\nIf the famine is due to some temporary environmental cause and the "solver" has significant resources, then it effectively solves the famine to feed people. If the people are facing a situation due to environmental disaster or some other cause (alien invasion? who knows?) where there is no chance that their ability to feed themselves will resume, and the "solver" has limited resources, then it is a deferment of the famine, not a solution.\n(For the record, I'm not arguing against feeding people or giving them a basic income, just pointing out that it's silly to argue with incomplete information.) \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-6-24-02558-7129> => |text: CLITORIS is real and run by the Clintons, they employ computer hackers to steal passwords and credit card numbers and then sell that info to criminals. It started out as Moveon.org and Acorn and then merged with COBRA and The Weather Underground to form CLITORUS.\nI need your help to form PENIS to combat them!\nI want you to spread the news on social networking sites that terrorists need to fear the PENIS and expect the PENIS to come after them. \nThen with enough gun nuts and crazy insane Crawfordian types we can fight the ultimate ignorant mother fuckers ISIS and take back Iraq and make it a democracy again instead of a Sharia Law state. THen we control the oil and make billions and give it back to people like Trane in the form of BASIC INCOME of $50K/year so they can write free and open source software projects.\nAfter we liberate Iraq, we are going after the brokers and that LULZARA guy and then break Crawford out of jail and make him our President in charge of the state of Washington and Head PENIS in that area. Fear the mighty Crawcock!\nIndiegogo and Kickstarter campaigns are being planned as soon as I learn how to make anonymous Youtube videos with text to speech programs and have a guy in a Ninja mask speak in a loop with papers and shit like this:\nhttp://wangy-wagnols-videos.blogspot.com/2014/06/obamas-half-brother-tied-to-mus\n\n\n\nlim.html\nAll of the militant Islamic terrorists, we are coming to burn your bodies with fire so you don't get 72 virgins in paradise. ClF3 will do the job nicely.> body |comment: 2014-6-23-105937-952-3> => |text: \n\n\n I had to view the page source to copy the following:\n\n"Such a rule," she added, "would place public employees who witness corruption in an impossible position, torn between the obligation to testify truthfully and the desire to avoid retaliation and keep their jobs."\n\nThe solution: basic income. Then people can choose to be truthful no matter what some ignorant, motherfucking, boss does. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-21-19821-8389-31> => |text: \n\n\n I don't see stop working for money, if you like that. I don't say regulate or disband the private sector. I say eliminate taxes so they can concentrate on what they do best, incremental innovation.\nBut also provide a basic income for others like me who can't function in a workplace environment. Let us try to disruptively innovate. Enough will come up with enough good ideas that biz can then incrementally innovate, resulting in a higher standard of living and more freedom for all. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-19-22115-2859-2> => |text: \n\n\n it only mass murdered about one hundred million people in less than one hundred years. Let's give it another chance with "BASIC INCOME"!\nhttps://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.ART.HTM\nI am all 100% for communism if it only murders those grossly incompetent greengrass managers, and then gives you and me and people like us about $50K/year to live at home and play videogames and write programs and books and shit like that. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-12-13516-5351-3> => |text: \n\n\n a partnership with a slutty agent could still help, or, he could like self-publish and be an artistic, and perhaps even financial success. Apparently accidental SEO got Blaster/Cancer into the tens-of-thousands sold (and a few actually read, and commented then you know he needs and editor but there's the ore containing a readable book there), so I think LD will be just fine.\nPerhaps just not a career as stable and prolific as a professional slut. Actually The Onion basically replaced "write" with "have sex" since it seems she writes from 8a-1p each day, which is a decent amount of time for mental work (typically the exhaustion limit is six hours/day versus eight hours/day for physical work). \nAs for news and satire, I like it because I can "safely" share it and possibly cheer up someone's day. \nWhen I say stuff like "no, I'm not going to mortgage my house to go to back to school so I can be bullied by youngsters who spell 'the' wrong and then randomly shoot people before themselves", people take it far too seriously. When The Onion parodies it, I can just post the link, and am less likely to get trolled into being "serious", or as you say, conservative. \nI avoid the news as much as possible. There is so much new stuff that never makes the news because it is not easily soundbite-able. Furthermore, plenty of old stuff now has the possibility of being useful, fun, or otherwise beneficial to me personally and possibly me financially... and what endures better than the almighty dollar? \nYou might think your mind would, but it seems actually investment of time is needed for that, must as it is for your body and even your bank account. I'll just work on that in the afterlife, and chase basic income instead.\nAt some point I started parodying myself but now I can't stop and don't know what the core me is. Perhaps, a Jester. Meh.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-11-95819-5344-5> => |text: \n\n\n that a basic income would double profits and increase penis length by 40%.\nYou might have saved the world. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-6-10-164452-315> => |text: I found an article by Zwicky that I like. It seems to support the idea of a basic income, and challenges, as a way of hedging against the corporate capitalistic bet on institutions as the only or most efficient way to advance knowledge and technology.\nFrom the article:\n\nGenerally speaking, one may say that frustrations have their origins in the failure to develop one's genius and in the subsequent vulnerability of one's mind to all sorts of slights and mental injuries.\n\n---\n\nHistory shows that organizations have inevitably cramped the style of life, if not the judgment and elementary morals, of their members. Any hope to resolve the predicament of the world rests squarely on those individuals who are unattached and free in every respect, materially and spiritually. Only these free agents are capable of seeing things as they are. Only they are free to act regardless of the consequences.\n\n---\n\nSuffice it to state that those who are free are the world's best agents of true democracy. They seek to promote the realization of the genius of every individual and of every nation and thus to eliminate the frustrations and the unhappiness brought upon the world by the sadism of gray thinkers.\n\n---\nZwicky doesn't mention economics; but one way to free individuals materially is to provide them with money so they need feel constrained by economic circumstance to join an organization. There is plenty of money to provide a basic income; shadow banks have shown that hundreds of trillions of dollars can be created out of thin air without causing hyperinflation.\nZwicky goes on to describe "morphological thinking", which seems to be a restatement of the ancient Jain theory of anekantvada or many-sidedness. Zwicky's description of the free and unattached man is also similar to Jainism's emphasis on the individual and his free choice. (Buddhism on the other hand emphasizes the sangha, or community.)\nAs brilliant as Zwicky was, his use of italics and tendency to make absolute statements in this article grates on me a little. I wonder how he would have written, had he been informed by Jainism?\nPerhaps a simulation will one day be able to answer this question.> body |comment: 2014-6-4-54453-51722-4> => |text: \n\n\n the whole point of the current world banking system is to cause suffering whilst consolidating wealth into the hands of the bankers, right?\nBy any view of the design, that is the actual intent, not an accident because they forgot to balance interest with basic income. \nI would have to dig for the old link, but, your suffering is as a result of the system, and well within their plan. This quick video seems to cover it as well. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-4-54453-51722-10> => |text: \n\n\n aren't they all bankers? \n(mortgage and car loan sharks)\nEven student loan sharks...\nThe only way that teh debt could ever be paid back is with massive amounts of basic income to balance out the massive amounts of interest, on every level. \nRather than that, low interest loans are given to people who are already rich and qualified, which keeps the system from collapsing in the short term; but that need to be in debt is why the rich (who are really only rich-at-a-run) keep working: even if all they do is pay off today's debt with tomorrow's loans, they have to do that in series, or capitalize the company and build up a cash reserve -- and then die from cancer, I guess, because no matter what, debts stress you down, man.\nAnd they make health a lower priority that servicing debt.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-6-4-54453-51722-12> => |text: \n\n\n my point from the start was that, at the very top, the system is designed to kill you financially. Not you specifically, but everyone, at every level.\nIf the world financial system were to start to collapse, they could just "restructure it", but after playing musical chairs with countries and letting some "go bankrupt". However, the bankers at the top would never suffer, they would just tweak the system and keep going.\nRather than basic income, the plan is for everyone to have compound dept. Forever. You will be born in debt and die early due to debt, and no matter what you do, you will never get out.\nThings on a more personal level arise from the high-level imbalance, which cannot be corrected on a lower level. \nTrue alternatives to the system were tried, in countries such as Iraq and Lybia. Gee, wonder how they are doing, nowadays.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2014-6-4-3426-38631> => |text: Trane: Uh, is that what this is a video of? \nHolly Hop Drive: In a sense, yes. My hooping has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina. \nTrane: Oh yeah? \nHolly Hop Drive: Yes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson. \nTrane: Johnson?\nHolly Hop Drive: Do you like hooping, Trane? \nTrane: 'Scuse me? \nHolly Hop Drive: hooping. The physical act of love. Hula-Hooping. Do you like it? \nTrane: I was talking about my basic income.\nHolly Hop Drive: You're not interested in spinning? \nTrane: You mean hooping?> title |comment: 2014-6-4-3426-38631-6> => |text: I'll get you basic income by this afternoon> intro |diary: 2014-6-2-3157-26170> => |text: He'll only come out at nights\nThe basic income seeking type\nNothing is new\nI've seen him here before\nWatching and waiting\nOoh, he's sittin' with you\nBut his eyes are on the crawc0ck at the door> body |diary: 2014-6-2-3157-26170> => |text: So many have paid to see\nWhat you think\nYou're gettin' for free\ntrane is wild\nA man-hugger tamed\nBy the purr of a OggFrog\nMoney's the matter\nIf you're in it for love\nYou ain't gonna get too far\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nWatch out boy\nhe'll hug you at night\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHe's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nWatch out boy\nhe'll hug you at night\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHe's a man hugger\nI wouldn't if I were you\nI know what he can do\nHe's tedious man\nAnd he could really bore you to death\nMind over matter\nOoh, the basic income is there\nBut a hugger is in the heart\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nWatch out boy\nhe'll hug you at night\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHe's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nWatch out boy\nhe'll hug you at night\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHe's a man hugger\n[Instrumental Interlude]\nOoooooooh\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHere he comes\nWatch out boy\nhe'll hug you at night\n(Whoa-oh, here he comes\n(Watch out) he's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\n(He's a man hugger)\nOoh, he'll hug you at night\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHere he comes, he's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\n(Watch out)\nHe'll only come out at night, ooh-oh\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHere he comes\nHe's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\n(He's a man hugger)\ntrane is wild, whoooa\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nHere he comes\nWatch out boy, watch out boy\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nOh, watch out, watch out\nWatch out, watch out\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\n(Yeah, yeah) he's a man hugger\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\n(He's a basic income seeker)\nHe's watching and waiting, ooh-oh\n(Oh-oh, here he comes)\nOh, he's a man hugger> body |diary: 2014-6-1-234914-0007> => |text: I remember Crawford saying he ran across what he suspected was child porn, and wanted to report it. I remember Duhl and others twisting this into "Crawford's child porn stash!!!" Can you deny that Drrl treats Crawford very unfairly? Recently he's been writing diaries and making comments about "Crawford's bomb threats". These are pure lies. It's like thinking Crawford's a terrorist for saying "if I don't finish this post, a plane may fall out of the sky!" It wasn't a threat to bomb a plane, it was a plea to give him time to help prevent disasters. Floatus and others deliberately mischaracterize anything Crawford does; the result is, Crawford is in jail, while their lying, mean-spirited asses are free.\nI could go on disputing every other "memory" you have. I think you've fallen prey to groupthink. For example, I remember calling Crawford's most recent boss an Ignorant Motherfucker; but I remember Crawford defending him, saying he was a good person.\nI read the same words you did; but you see them through very critical and biased eyes. I remember you said he deserved to go to jail, or maybe it was to sleep outside, because he "only had himself to blame" (quoting from memory because I don't want to take the time and trouble right now to try to find the post), because he didn't get on disability. But Crawford is trying to do good, by not draining the country's finances. I think he's wrong about the drain, I think money is only scarce because of policy, not physical necessity, but that's beside the main point: Crawford is trying to do the right thing. His attackers on this site are not.\nattached to The Hypocrisy of Liberal Progressives\n---\n2. Solution: basic income, challenges. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/01/2014 07:16:03 AM EST\nAnd MOOCs for those of us who can't stand face-to-face contact.\nattached to The Hypocrisy of Liberal Progressives\n---\n3. Mad Mike posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/01/2014 07:07:34 AM EST\nCrawford writes unabashedly, and unashamedly, about some problems that society would rather sweep under the carpet. Sam the Rapist, who gets rewarded despite being a rapist, while Crawford gets jailed and called a pedophile because he wanted to report child porn. Lazarus, who gets rewarded despite being an angry asshole, while Crawford is thrown in jail and ridiculed for wanting to help the homeless. Wasn't there a woman who made threats with impunity, while Crawford gets kept for unreasonably long periods in jail and gets calumniated as having made bomb threats. \nThis dirty laundry of society that Crawford exposes, and the responses on this site, reveal how crazy society really is. That's how Crawford inspires me: his exposition of society's mental ills.\nattached to The Hypocrisy of Liberal Progressives\n---\n4. Hi I fail posting and escaping 'wifey''s whip posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/11/2014 01:27:58 AM EST\nattached to Re: FYA: http://heartbleed.com/\n---\n5. Hi, I'm writing my 'novel' in txtspk! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2014 05:05:47 AM EST\nattached to tfw you realize\n---\n6. Hi my 'wife' stabbed me with a strap-on last night posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2014 05:03:01 AM EST\nattached to I'm very disappoint in gay5. why how come no mention of\n---\n7. I hope you choke to death on a chicken bone. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/09/2014 04:02:08 PM EST\nattached to Widowmaker\n---\n8. Hi my 'wife' bombed me with a strap-on last night! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/09/2014 01:14:33 PM EST\nattached to read something interesting on reddit\n---\n9. Hi, I'm afraid of my 'wife' seeing what I browse! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/09/2014 11:04:19 AM EST\nattached to OpenSSL: exploitable by design\n---\n10. Hi, I 'hug' Jews! And male subs, like Dill!! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/09/2014 10:40:50 AM EST\nattached to for those who may have missed it\n---\n11. Hi I have GrifWhiff, the smell of 'wife' dom! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/07/2014 11:56:20 AM EST\nattached to just blocked and reported a fuck on linkedin\n---\n12. Hi I live where it smells like pussy-whipped! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/07/2014 11:50:30 AM EST\nattached to just blocked and reported a fuck on linkedin\n---\n13. Hi my Mom and wife were hugged by trane last night posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/07/2014 07:31:58 AM EST\nattached to what is a guy to do when gay5 is down?\n---\n14. Hi, I'm a drunk, but Crawford should go to jail. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/07/2014 07:19:33 AM EST\nattached to Another day;\n---\n15. s/hot/strap-on wielding, greencard seeking harpie posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/07/2014 07:17:53 AM EST\nattached to what is a guy to do when gay5 is down?\n---\n16. Hi, I got sick from that Mom-Daughter party! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 08:50:35 PM EST\nattached to If trane is alone in a forest, and gets cold\n---\n17. Hi, I'm begging! You're hurting me more'n 'wifey'! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 08:40:31 PM EST\nattached to If trane is alone in a forest, and gets cold\n---\n18. Hi, I get real warm, when my 'wife' beats me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 08:27:35 PM EST\nattached to If trane is alone in a forest, and gets cold\n---\n19. Hi, I'm saying more about me than about trane! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 05:09:49 PM EST\nattached to trane trekked in Ireland?\n---\n20. Hi, I fail epicly at understanding trane's words! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 05:04:10 PM EST\nattached to trane trekked in Ireland?\n---\n21. And you control your condoning his sociopathy? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 05:02:36 PM EST\nattached to trane trekked in Ireland?\n---\n22. And smearco's the milk o' human kindness? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 03:52:37 PM EST\nattached to trane trekked in Ireland?\n---\n23. Smego smirked in a San Fran smut shack? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 02:21:52 PM EST\nattached to trane trekked in Ireland?\n---\n24. You should be in jail, not Crawford. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 02:22:21 AM EST\nattached to Dear Professor Amar\n---\n25. Hi, my 'wife' knocks me around all the time! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2014 12:17:06 AM EST\nattached to Egil\n---\n26. Hi, I prefer fucking my mom and grandmother! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2014 01:32:41 PM EST\nattached to fuck that fucking April assholes day\n---\n27. Hi, I'm so fat I need liposuction! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2014 01:31:20 PM EST\nattached to beside trane, something else is coming out> intro |diary: 2014-6-1-123727-3931> => |text: Basic income and basic education for all is a great start, but what about more advanced income and education?> body |diary: 2014-6-1-123727-3931> => |text: Due to limited life-spans of most of humanity, efficient methods to drive education were developed, if only by accident. That article is one look at how to make them much more efficient.\nContrary to what many people believe, I don't think that being rich means being immoral, amoral, evil, or any more than a bastard that you would be otherwise, or that you would cause harm just by having the capability to drive the creation of more wealth. Rather the opposite. Other people seem to have a similar philosophy, and if I looked hard enough I could prob. find people thinking this way even before the electronic revolution started.\nWhich is really a new thing. They are people alive who are born before the IC, or even the transistor was even a product you could fabricate physically, and a lot of them are still acting as if they can plan out the future and the direction large groups of humans can take.\nBeing rich gives you the power to make that happen in a more practical way. I'm not saying to work to death to make it happen, esp. when you have cancer, but waiting on basic income is not viable either. Even if you get it, it won't solve the problems caused by 'evil corporations', which include making products which are less useful than yours could be.\nWell, that is my 2 cents and 2 MLPs on the matter.\nResearch and development continues.> body |comment: 2014-6-1-123727-3931-1> => |text: \n\n\n\n\nSell stuff on eBay after buying them cheap from garage sales and thrift stores. Buy for like $2 and sell for like $50. I earn about $3500 a month that way. Way more that basic income can provide. You just need to learn the value of things you buy and sell.\nI write many ebooks, and earn some passive income from that as well.\nWhile on disability I can earn up to $5000/month from non-job related income and $900 from job related income. I have no job and no boss and no time clock to punch. I work at my own pace and pay off my medical debt and credit card debt. Medicare is good enough until I can afford better coverage.\nCollege and universities are a big scam and rip off, you go $50K into debt for a bachelors degree now with no guarantee of getting a job. Instead learn for free over the Internet: http://noexcuselist.com/ learn something and then make your own small business for your own basic income plan.\nAlways marry someone smarter than you, never marry a dumb or irresponsible person. If they cannot even take care of kittens, well you should not even be in a friendship with them. My wife is a nurse, can take care of anyone and anything.\n\n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-6-1-15153-77934-7> => |text: Solution: basic income, challenges.> intro |diary: 2014-5-30-222737-088> => |text: Sheila Bair writes in Fix income equality with $10 million loans for everyone!:\n\nUnder my plan, each American household could borrow $10 million from the Fed at zero interest. The more conservative among us can take that money and buy 10-year Treasury bonds. At the current 2 percent annual interest rate, we can pocket a nice $200,000 a year to live on. The more adventuresome can buy 10-year Greek debt at 21 percent, for an annual income of $2.1 million. Or if Greece is a little too risky for you, go with Portugal, at about 12 percent, or $1.2 million dollars a year. (No sense in getting greedy.)\n\nAlthough Bair is writing satirically, I think something like this proposal could fund a Basic Income.> body |comment: 2014-5-30-222737-088-2> => |text: \n\n\n The real focus should be on knowledge expansion and technological advance. Finance is merely an enabling tool.\nI still know some opcodes for the C64 "by heart", since in those days, hand assembly was the thing to do (I couldn't afford an assembler but I did eventually write one in BASIC. Then I re-wrote it later to make it more "structures", but slow. Then I typed in one from a magazine. Then I gave up and get a Pentium because, by then, they were out and Commodore was long dead). \nI learned a more important lesson, there: platform obsolescence sucks for people who invest time in learning said platform. \nFinance enables the redistribution of wealth into fewer and fewer hands, and if you can benefit before your city turns into Lybia, then good for you.\nThe real technology is not the details of devices, but rather, the ability to think scientifically and pragmatically. That includes building a business to turn your proof-of-concepts into reality. \nIt might be faster to hire or partner with people, than to learn how to do everything yourself, but either way is viable for a start, given sufficient time and independent income (i.e. income which does not depend on sacrifice on your part. For some this is their "job that they love", for others, parents, for others, disability or state sponsorship, for others, income from stocks or rent or whatever). \nBasic income would facilitate most people to be able to do this, if it was "basic enough" to cover rent, internet, food, and sufficient materials to make plans. \nHowever, it would not be enough. Basic financial education --- not technical economics, but the capability of incorporating a company, the understanding of the difference between patents, copyright, and trademarks , and the soft skills to pull a team together for a project or corporation -- those are needed to turn technology into products so that others can benefit from them.\nIt is not enough to just teach programmers about economics. In the 8-bit days, programmers learnt about everything from short programs written in crappy language on slow hardware. Nowadays, programmers only learn how to make tools which nobody buys, and hence, they become the tool that is employed by The Empire. \nImperialism will never get old. Basic income will never be a reality. Not unless you fund it yourself. \nWith the right people and the right corporate structure, however, you could have a productive lifestyle which is serving more people and making more income than you all could individually.\nIt starts by realizing that the technology that matters is personal, mind-based technology, and the real threat is not being broke, financially, but being broken, mentally. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-30-222737-088-4> => |text: \n\n\n by the dyadic deceptions of The Empire.\nBasic income is money. \nBusiness income is money.\nYou would accept basic income, but not business income.\nTherefore, you are being inconsistent with your desire for money, especially when we consider:\nThe government is a business. \nYou don't have to lie to do business, \nyou have to lie to yourself to avoid learning how to do business honestly. \nIt is easier to base a vague and supernature "society" than to just admit that you need to improve the ability to mind your own business, think and grow rich, and any other catchprase that "lesser" minds have used sucessfully.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-30-222737-088-14> => |text: \n\n\n Freedom means that you don't have to take that job you don't really want to do but you have to buy food to feed yourself and your family. You'd rather do that other job but it doesn't pay as well. Oh I have Basic Income. I can work either place.\nFreedom means I don't have to work for anyone at all. I want to write that novel or that program or open up that Mexican-Thai Mashup Bar. But I can't because I have to work and I don't have the time or energy. Oh I have Basic Income. Now I can do that.\nMaybe I have an idea for watermelon flavored cucumbers and need the time to do research. Fuck I don't know because like you, I also have never been free. I am in the prison right here with you. I can't tell you what the sky might look like if I haven't seen it. But here someone is showing how you and I could see that sky. It isn't crackpot because the guards get to see the sky. So why oh why can't I? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-30-222737-088-17> => |text: \n\n\n even without basic income, a lot of people do find ways to pursue their dreams.\nEven with basic income, being able to move a dream into reality is a special type of life project. \n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-30-222737-088-7> => |text: \n\n\n People that think that real finance works like kitchen table finance just don't understand. People that think everyone is just going to sit around on their ass doing nothing don't understand people. They surely aren't going to bust their ass for 80 hrs a week at minimum wage no but most people will still be productive and doing things that they want to do rather than what they have to do.\nOh Wexel you are so naive. If I have all the money I need to live and eat then why wouldn't I sit on my ass eating bon-bons and playing video games? Ok, fine what about a guy like Elon Musk? Surely he has plenty of money he can just sit around playing video games all day. What about Richard Branson? Oh, but Wexel they just do that to make more money! Oh really? That's all they get out of it huh? That's the only motivator. Hmmm, So tell me, how much ROI has Linus Torvalds seen from the Linux Kernel? Must be a fuckton of cash right? The guy must be richer than Bill Gates with Androids, Macs, and damn near every fucking computer platform on the planet running some version of it. Oh what about the big pile of dough Tim Berners-Lee is sitting on after the Web had it's IPO? \nWhat's that? \nNo shit?\nHmmm, I guess not EVERYBODY is going to just sit on their ass huh? In fact if people have their basic needs covered then you might see a whole fuckton of new innovation instead of the same old iphone we had last year but this year it has OMG A BIGGER SCREEN and IS AVAILABLE IN COLORS.\nYeah, some folks will sit on their ass but I THINK that will be a minority. Because people aren't built that way unless they are made to. If you work your ass off all day everyday then the chance to just kick back seems like heaven. But if you actually have all the time in the world to do what you like then you get bored and want to do something. But what about folks on the dole? Don't they have a "Basic Income" and they do fuck all. Again because the system is set up that way. If the welfare recipient starts to work then they get their benefits cut even before the first check comes in. But most of them are still doing productive shit. But it's the kinds of things that can be done cash only no paper trail. Cutting hair, selling drugs, light maintenance, day labor. \nPeople like to do things. If they didn't then we would never have left the trees in the first place. We'd still be hanging out on a branch, eating a banana, flinging poo, fucking females. Shit you don't even NEED money for that! But we're not. We came down out of the trees and built shit. But somewhere along the line a few fuckers decided they were better than the rest, consolidated power and set up this system. We have been working under it for so long that no one can imagine anything better. \nSome two hundred years ago the notion that a nation could be governed by the very people being governed with no king was considered impossible by \nmost and improbable by many. But now we have various forms of democracy spreading around the world. Today the concept of a Basic Income is also considered impossible by most and improbable by many. But for a moment release your prejudices and imagine the possibilities. Imagine on a planet where only a handful of people own and control nearly all of that planets wealth and resources and consequently control the majority of the population like feudal kings controlled their subjects. Imagine giving every human being on that planet the right to a say in their own life and destiny because they don't have to worry about being able to afford a meal, a place to live, clothes to wear, and the state of their health. It would be like giving every person the right to vote. Wresting political power from the King and giving it to the people. What kind of crazy fucked up world would THAT be? \n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-29-8830-12932-8> => |text: \n\n\n That is somewhat ridiculous. The reason people are Gay4Crawford is that he is so unique. Love him or Hate him all stand in awe of the sheer audacity of the Crawcock. I figure that most of the people at that level of illness are not going to be employed. They're going to be many Blastar types who get disability and then the ones in institutions either prisons or hospitals. \nBut you brought up the Peter Principle, that people rise to the level of their incompetence. The way to solve that problem is to not have your company based on a strict hierarchy and not to tie compensation and benefits to your level in that hierarchy. If you have a welder that is the best goddamn welder on the planet don't set up the system where for him to get raises and benefits he has to become manager of the welding shop. Because he's a god damn welder and he is happy welding but he is shit at being a shop manager. Why do people automatically assume that the guy that sits on his ass all day moving papers around and going to meetings is more valuable and deserves more money than the technicians busting their humps doing the work? Crack that nut k31 and you will be well on your way to providing a great workplace for everyone to be, at least, reasonably empowered to be full human beings. \nIt's been done so long that nobody really questions it. The old pyramid scheme. You got the one guy on top of the pyramid giving orders and getting the greatest compensation and as you travel down the pyramid you have more people making less in compensation but performing more real work. And they get treated like cogs in a machine, use em up, throw em out, get a replacement. That is a lot of stress on those bottom rung fuckers.\nBut it doesn't have to be that way. Imagine a company that gave all their employees fair compensation for their work. There is no way in hell that you can convince me that a CEO is worth $12 million a year (avg based on a CNN Money report) but the guy on the shop floor is only worth $35k. Look if your company needs a vision guy then hire a vision guy, and let him have visions. You need a programmer then hire a programmer. You need a shop manager hire a shop manager. Don't make it where the programmer, in order to get better pay, more vacation, health benefits, etc. has to give up programming to be the Project lead or whatever. \nThis is why we need a Basic Income. So people don't feel trapped and forced into doing work they really aren't happy to do or perhaps aren't really suited to do. You take this old-fashioned feudal system away. Make it where people don't have to stress out so much and where there isn't this great disparity in wealth that has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ABILITY, OR MERIT, INTELLIGENCE, OR HOW HARD YOU WORK. Treat people like people and then you'll see people become a lot more healthy.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-29-8830-12932-11> => |text: \n\n\n ... for management and engineering, back in the day. All without basic income.If you have a bunch of welders, and you have one guy that is really great at welding, then you want to put him in a position to teach others, so you can have a bunch of welders. That's one cause of promotion.A problem with throwing out the pyramid is that we are monkeys, and we think hierarchically. You can keep adding income to that great welder and hire some fresh-out to be his manager, but that leads to a monkey problem where everyone he manages ignores him because they have more experience ( even though it's a different field ), they're older, and they make more money. More money == better monkey.The military does something like this, where new officers come in as 2nd lieutenants and ensigns, and they are the most ignored ranks.Note that all the Peter Principle is countered by the equally valid Dilbert Principle, where the incompetent are promoted to get them out of the productive workflow. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-29-8830-12932-14> => |text: \n\n\n he is shuffling papers, dealing with welding supply, setting hours, etc. all the things a manager does just so he can teach other welders. And really how much teaching does YOUR boss do? If you or your dept needs instruction don't they send you to a seminar or bring somebody in? Your boss is too busy doing boss work to train you. \nYour military example is flawed because there is a reason for midshipman, ensigns and LTJG's. They aren't ignored either. But in most cases everybody knows what is what. That would work fine. You could have your manager types come in and there would be a career track for them just like the workers.\nBut what I envision is that we don't need managers to tell us what to do. Instead people that want to work are going to know what they need to do without a boss hanging over thier shoulder. Maybe we can progress beyond just being monkeys.\nAs for the incompetent you fire their ass. Another benefit of Basic Income. If you don't have to be concerned that the non-productive guy will end up homeless and on the street you can feel better about telling him the relationship just isn't working out. Just because you treat people as people and give them respect doesn't mean you have to damage the work environment for everyone else to make allowances for JASON. \nYou say that we acn't do things differently because we're monkeys at heart and this is the way we're wired. Just another way of saying that 'This is the Way it's Always Been Done.'\nI suppose then that we shouldn't do anything about the glass ceiling or racism because HEY WE'RE MONKEYS THAT's THE WAY IT IS. Well in that case enjoy sitting in your cube eating your banana and flinging your poo because you don't have the capacity of thought to realize anything better. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-29-25813-9534-11> => |text: \n\n\n http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7812347\nBill Gates who has never known poverty, gives speeches on ending poverty and has no clue or idea what he is talking about because he is the world's biggest liar.\nOn Hacker News at that thread they go off into a tangent about robots taking the hard working jobs, and people living on basic income by taxing the companies who use the robots to replace human beings.\nLendal 2 days ago &pipe; link\nI'm an industrial automation engineer.\nEveryone from middle-managers up to CEOs think that robots are these magical things that just take care of everything so you can fire all your line workers. Doesn't work that way. It's incremental, methodical and excruciatingly slow work. You cannot simply throw money at it. It's expensive because it requires many experienced automation engineers ($$$) to do all this automation, but first you have to find and train those engineers.\nWhat is automation exactly? It's learning a process so well that you know every single possible thing that might go wrong with a machine and then have some other machine to fix all those things automatically on the fly. Building self-diagnosing and self-repairing machines is very complex. The end goal of all those machines is to produce and ship a product. If the product changes, now you have to build a machine that can automate the process of on-the-fly SKU changes which further complicates an already complex machine.\nIn other words, automation is basically the flying car that futurists of a century ago predicted we would have today. So, where is my flying car?\nIn a hundred years automation will definitely have made massive strides, yes. Some jobs can be automated today, some tomorrow, but the numbers we're talking about are not significant compared to the entire workforce of a nation and compared to the massive capital investment it takes to accomplish that automation. A century from now the CEO's of the world will still be asking, "Where are the autonomous robots I was promised that can automate my entire workforce?" It's not as simple as they think.\nreply\ngeorgemcbay 2 days ago &pipe; link\nThe thing about automation as it regards to economics is that it doesn't have to be anywhere near a complete solution to have a huge impact. You don't need factories full of fully self-sustained robots to cause massive underemployment.\nIf you can partially automate a task to the point where 1 person can do the work that 2 people used to do, you've potentially eliminated 50% of that job's market. People are somewhat adaptable, so some amount of this sort of change can be absorbed (and has historically been absorbed) as people retrain for other types of jobs, but we're quickly approaching a point where the changes brought upon by automation are going to outpace people's ability to adapt to the changes, IMO.\nreply\nstackcollision 2 days ago &pipe; link\nAbsolutely true. I think when people say that robots are going to replace low-skilled workers only the uninformed are imagining an entirely self-sufficient factory that only has one door that the raw materials goes into, and another door that the product comes out of.\nWhat we really should be imagining is a factory floor where instead of 50 people on an assembly line, or instead of 20 waitstaff at a restaurant, you only need one or two guys who know how to replace parts on the robots\nreply\njal278 2 days ago &pipe; link\nI think you may be discounting non-linearities in the progress of automation due to machine learning and AI; assuming AI makes massive strides in 100 years (which seems almost certain), there may be very very little (if anything) that humans can do better (or more cost effectively) than intelligent machines.\nreply\nnhebb 1 day ago &pipe; link\nIn virtual space that is more meaningful than in physical space. Manufacturing automation relies on fixtures, tooling, and material movement. Having been a industrial engineer in a variety of industries, I can think of only a small handful of products that would lend themselves to full automation, and even those would require enormous upfront capital costs.\nreply\njal278 1 day ago &pipe; link\nI appreciate your point, but I think you're wrong, given a sufficiently powerful AI -- one that is truly more intelligent than a human, which is a real possibility in the next 100 years.\nThe smarter-than-human AI would be better than us at everything, including designing, controlling, repairing, programming, etc., a general-purpose humanoid robot\nreply \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-28-211515-091-7> => |text: \n\n\n maybe if you didn't spend your life hugging strangers, and living in the woods...\nwell I know scarcity, basic income, and taxes, debit, homeless vets, hypodermics on the shore, we didn't start the wars. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-5-28-192533-543-1> => |text: Voluntary taxes. Basic Income. Challenges> title |comment: 2014-5-28-153839-649-1> => |text: Solution: Basic Income, for more free speech.> title |comment: 2014-5-28-13306-3412-2> => |text: Fuck careers. Basic Income FTW.> body |diary: 2014-5-21-215851-551> => |text: "We have all been there. \nWhat you do next is what matters.\nsome persevere, \nsome quit, \nothers wake up and smell The Empire.\nWhat you do next is what matters."\nSince running to the hills is now much more expensive than you might expect, so much so that many people ask for a basic income just to be able to live with nature (and nature has no intrinsic need for money, so that shows how much Taxes are approaching omnipresence), everyone eventually decides to compromise between ideals and actual reality. \nSure, some politicians, whether they call themselves or not, get paid for talking in ideas. The rest of us, however, have to work out a way to satisfy The Empire in this world of Life As A Service. \nThe sooner you realize that, the sooner you can build your own castle.> body |comment: 2014-5-21-142210-266-5> => |text: \n\n\n He seems to have a lot in common with "time cube guy", as I might have mentioned in a long comment before.\nHis problems start with giving away his power to others, and he has some almost valid (but still insane, and invalid) points.\nSociety is set up in a way that frustrated biological drives of the individual for the sake of the profit of a mighty few. \nThe few are currently, and effective majority, due to the need for labor. So even most of the middle and lower classes are happy. The upper classes might actually be the most frustrated, not being to understand what everyone is worried about. \nHowever, as jobs are replaced by automation, and no new jobs are created, the whole industrial system will profit lesser proportions of society, and they will seek solutions in newer systems or older systems.\nIn terms of older systems, whether they consider themselves religious or not, married monogamous heterosexual couples who had no major problems finding a mate, a stable job (or string of jobs), paying off their student loans (if they even had any), would be in a different world from their children who are eager to earn their way though life, but getting the accurate picture that they are lesser and lesser opportunities to do so. \nSome people have strong "intrinsic" egos or willpower, and no matter what happens, they will have positive self esteem. The vast majority are conditioned to have fragile self esteem related to their position in society, and a few have wholly negative views of themselves, which they project onto the problems of society, and emotionally, the negativity resonates and becomes a "wrathful wisdom" which is mistaken as "righteous" indignation.\nThere is nothing upright or "righteous" about it, but it is based on real problems (blows totally out of proportion). \nA baby does not know that they are ignorant and incompetent, and they outgrow the basic incompetence long before they can conceive of their own ineptitude as a personal flaw or persistent problem. They just have to eat, shit, and grow out of it.\nWithout the right mental attitude, many people regress to depending on their environment for growth, rather than cultivate the right internal environment. \n\nAnd I think that basing moral values on stories which say, on the one hand, that you should be having sex and/or challenging authority from age 12, and having as many children as possible, but [...] the people who tell you these stories do everything to stop that behavior, or live by your own will, then I think it is designed to induce mental distress, at the least, if not downright breakdowns.\n\nIt might be possible to jump-start that type of self-assured thinking with the right home environment, but everyone thinks they have the right home environment, and it doesn't solve the social problems, which are multitude. The concept of producing self-assertive, self-aware individuals (as opposed to people who identify with particular roles and identify strongly with them) is usually only pursued by people who are already damaged and caught up in "New Age nonsense". \nIt can be done for purely pragmatic reasons, but since most people with the resources to lead change are focused on moving to Asia or blindly trusting that throwing more money at some part at the broken system will work, I think it is up to the individuals to develop themselves.\nI wouldn't expect someone who feels frustrated to be able to accept that responsibility, due to the emotional barrier that frustration, itself, represents to empowerment. \nHowever, it is a fact that people who "think well" and have good knowledge of the system and the backing to become well-certified will choose lower social status positions, in general, for the sake of their own emotional satisfaction. Hence, Janitors with Ph.D.s. as their "basic income". \nMost people, however, would not even consider this to be a worthwhile path, despite the fact that you get the best of all worlds, and can still be hired by Google or whatever appears, if you want to. \nAnd that is why, I think, that many people are not just beyond hope, but, the more they struggle, the worse it gets, in their emotional world....\nEmotional damage feels worse that physical damage, but he is killing himself and blaming others. Yet, he can neither see that nor change it, without lots of personal development.\nI've seen a lot of younger people face it... I did laugh, but then I cried, because it is almost certain that some of my grandchildren would one day have similar frustrations, and I might not be around to help them. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-18-01047-0772-2> => |text: \n\n\n but it sounds like you need a basic income, pal. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-8-12378-09857-3> => |text: \n\n\n I didn't care for the 'OH BY THE WAY! I'M A JEW MOTHERFUCKER! JEWS RULE! WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE AND YOU SUCK' reference. But the rest of it is right on the mark:\n\n"I am privileged that values like faith and education were passed along to me. . . . It's been made clear to me that education begins in the home, and the importance of parents' involvement with their kids' education -- from mathematics to morality -- cannot be overstated. It's not a matter of white or black, male or female or any other division which we seek, but a matter of the values we pass along, the legacy we leave, that perpetuates `privilege.' And there's nothing wrong with that."\nSure if you're all 'I'm too smart to believe in a magic old white guy in the sky' but look where that gets you. Running naked in the desert worshipping Adinatha and hugging navy guys you just picked up at the pier.\nNo, when parents stick to the fundamentals, educating their kids, teaching them morality, honesty, and the value of Hard Work. Then you end up in a position where you DON'T NEED A BASIC INCOME. Because you actually HAVE a good job, and a nice place to live and good food to eat. You're not worried about whether your food stamps will get cut or if your car will start so you can get to work. You don't have to deal with some pussy ass boss because you are the boss.\nIt doesn't matter if you are white or black, male or female, liberal or conservative. This is just the fact of life like gravity. People want to know THE SECRET. Well there it is in black and white! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-5-6-4407-47955-1> => |text: \n\n\n We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal in the eyes of the law, that they are endowed by their Humanity with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are non-scarcity of resources, a basic income and the pursuit of a gender neutral lifestyle. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among humankind, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.\n\nDon't Tread On Me\n\nwithout a mutually agreed upon safeword \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-5-5-105317-9103> => |text: When I say compassion, I mean the practice rather than the theory. It might look more like mindfulness training or a Fourth Way school. Not exactly like it, because you need to balance major work with minor things which are more appealing to the conventional world, but that is just my five minute version of a plan to avoid my children becoming the next Hitler.\nI disagree with the need for perpetual basic income, currently. It would work in a world with balanced economy, but the Fractional Reserve Banking System will cause even more economic depression cycles and is designed to gain political control by hidden (financial) means.\nWhat is their endgame? You would have to ask them, but for sure, nobody can stop them, just as nobody can understand pointers.\nWhen it comes to understanding, we take it for granted that people get more of it as they grow older, but that is only true within their area of focus. More and more, people focus on manipulation of others, including the "false ego" which is just an image in their head, rather than improving themselves.\nThis is an irrelevant detail, though. I only mention it to explain that people making decisions don't actually make them. They are cogs in a machine, deterministic and unaware.\nAn individual can do a lot for themselves in five years, but they could do a lot more in an environment specially tailored to developing the best of being human.\nMeanwhile, countries will still go bankrupt because someone who is an expert at economics is still less informed than a five year old on the cost of the current banking system, and those who are knowledgeable about it cannot do anything to change it. Even the docs talk about crap like gold standards rather than a fundamental shift which balances the economy.\nActually, if basic income equal to interest was created, the economy would balance. The thing is, somebody at the top knows it, but is not doing this. They want the poor to become poorer and the middle class to become labor class forever. Life as a service.\nThe rich may benefit, but they aren't controlling it, either. Thus, if you have the ability to do so, become rich. \nMental riches endure, and material riches can be regenerated with wisdom which comes from the mind. So, everyone who is not too distracted with working can improve their mind, and even whilst working as necessary, you can do a lot to improve your mind, as long as your don't exhaust your mind on your job.\nEventually, the individual should be able to get out of the rat race, but this depends on opportunities and structures which vary from place to place and person to person. Looking for them is most critical, however. \nFinding a profitable nice market, and using your free time to develop your mind, is likely the most practical approach to overcoming the prevailing economic disorder. We can control ourselves much more than change the prevailing economic systems, and everybody wins if we find something super valuable (or super popular) to sell.\nWhen I was five plus five, I wanted to own a factory.> title |comment: 2014-5-3-35844-61178-1> => |text: Ign MFers hire ignorant. Solution: basic income. > body |diary: 2014-4-29-195432-151> => |text: From FDR's chat:\n\nThe Farm Relief Bill seeks by the use of several methods, alone or together, to bring about an increased return to farmers for their major farm products, seeking at the same time to prevent in the days to come disastrous overproduction which so often in the past has kept farm commodity prices far below a reasonable return. \n[...]\nWe found ourselves faced with more agricultural products than we could possibly consume ourselves and with surpluses which other Nations did not have the cash to buy from us except at prices ruinously low. We found our factories able to turn out more goods than we could possibly consume, and at the same time we were faced with a falling export demand. We found ourselves with more facilities to transport goods and crops than there were goods and crops to be transported. All of this has been caused in large part by a complete lack of planning and a complete failure to understand the danger signals that have been flying ever since the close of the World War. The people of this country have been erroneously encouraged to believe that they could keep on increasing the output of farm and factory indefinitely and that some magician would find ways and means for that increased output to be consumed with reasonable profit to the producer.\n\n---\nConclusion: there is no production capacity problem in modern economies. There is a demand problem. Since food insecurity still exists for perhaps a billion people worldwide, government should create the money to buy surplus food and distribute it to those who don't have it, or (better) give money to people without food so they can buy food.\nThe idea that food stamps should be cut is not based on production scarcity but purely on a policy of wanting to control poor people.\nUltimately the solution should be to provide a basic income for all, and let those who want to farm farm, while holding challenges to create automated farming so that food surpluses continue indefinitely.> title |comment: 2014-4-27-11430-7473-2> => |text: They're on basic incomes, or bots, gramps.> body |comment: 2014-4-22-201834-920-9> => |text: \n\n\n with their risk-taking? Let them play in a virtual environment where they only affect others who choose to play in their game.\nThe justification for market risk-taking is claimed to be efficient pricing. But that reasoning doesn't stand up to scrutiny. So give people a choice: if they don't want to subject themselves to the cascading consequences of some traders satisfying their betting urges, we can have a basic income and ignore them. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-4-22-201834-920-11> => |text: \n\n\n There is an infinity of ideas waiting to be tested. If an investment vehicle won't test it, invest in the individuals who have the ideas, and make it as easy as possible for them to test the ideas themselves or in ad hoc collaborations made possible through the unprecedented communication tool of the internet.\nThe mindset that there are only so many good investments is typical scarcity thinking. What it really means is that you can't think of good ideas. But I think you can, you've just been told there's a scarcity of good investments and you haven't challenged it. If you challenge that mindset, I think you'll find a wealth of ideas that you could test.\nLet the scarcity thinkers play in their own virtual sandbox, trying to rip people off and look for ideas they can't think up themselves to insert themselves as unneeded middlemen into. Give people a choice not to play that game, and concentrate on the advance of knowledge and technology independent of finance.\nExample: high-frequency trading inserts itself between a trader and a trade, creating an arbitrage that exists only because the computer can react faster than a human. So a human trader wants to make a trade; the computer program detects his mouse click and buys the stock he wants before he can, then sells it to him at a higher price. What kind of value is that adding?\nNo need to forbid or regulate it away; simply give everyone a choice of a basic income so we don't have to play in that game. We can insulate ourselves from financial shocks and concentrate on developing disruptive ideas and testing them, without having to think of finance. Even if one disruptive idea like the WWW comes out of it, isn't that worth it? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-4-22-201834-920-6> => |text: \n\n\n There was more risk before innovations such as commodification, railroad transport, weather prediction, etc., but prices didn't move as much. When risk decreased, the traders, who really want to gamble, created futures so they could create more risk to compensate for the loss of risk that resulted from technological advances.\nAnother way of looking at it: a guy called in to the Thomm Hartmann program the other day. He said he was a construction worker, and he undertook physical risks every day on the job. His point was, that is real risk, not what Wall Street calls risk.\nWhy should traders be taking investment risks that aren't physical, i.e. they don't have anything to do with the actual production of goods and services, and why should that activity affect the rest of us so profoundly?\nI think the solution is to give people an option not to play in the game that Wall Street has created. So, create a Basic Income (borrow the money from the Fed at zero cost), and people can have a life insulated from the gambling of traders. Eventually, the gamblers can move to a completely virtual setting, and get their thrills making bets that don't affect billions. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-4-20-111627-273-3> => |text: Basic income, self-feeding robot challenges.> title |comment: 2014-4-16-185142-513-6> => |text: Basic income, so who cares what anyone knows?> body |comment: 2014-4-13-113418-561-2> => |text: \n\n\n Set them free on the public lands and prosecute hunters for murder. Create money for a basic income and hold challenges for vat-grown, nerveless meat (or just stimulate the brain's taste processors) and VRs where hunters can shoot virtual game. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2014-4-10-144743-503> => |basic income> + |telepathy> + |discordian> + |illuminati> intro |diary: 2014-4-10-144743-503> => |text: In a telepathic business meeting between God (who remained silent), Eris, Mal, various other illuminati agents, and man, a plan was formed to free the world in a bloodless coup by implementing a cryptographic based universal basic income coin, similar to bitcoin.\nThis is one plan that was revealled to me. I repeat it here for you now, imperfectly.\nYour job, if you chose to accept it, is to copy and distribute this plan as far and wide as far as possible.> body |diary: 2014-4-10-144743-503> => |text: Mal, Eris and God were VERY CLEAR that no one is to die... They understand well that humans are easily confused and might forget this part... but it is the number one rule... NO ONE WILL DIE.\nThe plan is to SHOOT THE BILLIONAIRES.\nWe have no ill will towards the rich and powerful, as long as they do not use their wealth to create uncompensated negative externalities and work within the free market and its assumptions.\nHowever, economics alone cannot solve the wealth distribution problem that remains in the free market... there is no economic incentive, the only incentive is political, and therefore the solution requires the use of force, not free trade.\nNo one will die, because the way out for the billionaires is to commit to sharing 1% of their wealth with the world... No one excluded.\nTo do this, man shall build various cryptographic systems required to accomplish this task. We beleive the time is right, and all the tools are in place, they just need to be configured for this task.\nThere are two main components, an online cryptographic democratic voting system, and an online cryptographic wealth distribution system. The protocols are to be documented, and open source reference implementations are to be built.\nFirstly, man requires a cryptographic democratic system where everybody is equal. One human, one vote. Using something like the PGP web of trust system, and a distributed database capable of holding identifying information (images of face and eyes, fingerprints, voice and government documents)... an anonymous voting system is to be built...\nThe key part of the democratic system is that no human shall be in the database more than once. Any human found circumventing this system (various government agencies are the major risk factor), shall permanently lose access to all benefits provided by this system. Humans shall actively attempt to seek out breaches of this system.\nThe voting system is to run continuously and in real time. \nThere will be a means of creating various topics, and options to select from them, and anyone shall be able to cast their votes to one or more of the options (where applicable). \nNo one shall be able to prove how they voted, but will be able to alter their vote at any time.\nPeople may be able to delegate their votes to others... using something like the Page Rank algorithm to weight votes based upon the delegation.\nEvery human in the voting system will have a unique cryptographic address that wealth can be transfered to (like some kind of Bitcoin address)... The coin system may be called UBICoin, Universal Basic Income Coin. (The value of the each account will be updated in real time, such that at the worst case, every day a basic income shall be added to everyone's account).\nHumans shall vote both whether they chose to follow this plan or if they are against it. Using the blockchain solution to the byzantine generals problem, they will also signal if they have the opportunity to carry out the plan. When conditions are right, a synchronised attack will occur on the billionares... redistributing wealth by force.\nBillionaires will not be harmed if they commit to purchasing (and probably burning) at least 1% of their wealth (not their income!) every year, a wealth tax, put into the crypto coin system. This will be provable and will give the coin value.\nIt is not expected that this will create much wealth for individuals in itself, especially those in the first world. However, it should create enough wealth in third world nations that communities and groups can work together and have the resources to undertake projects of value to those communities in the third world with goods and services purchased through free trade from both the first and third world.\nWe would like that the billionaires and the remaining threat of force will drive the billionaires to expand this system such that the millionaires would voluntarily commit to a 1% wealth tax. The vast majority of humans (over 90%) will never have the chance to be eligable to pay this tax, this is just the way things are.\nWith the billionaires and millionaires creating value, individuals in the third world should all be able to feed themselves.\nBecause regional variations exist in living expenses, national, state and regional systems can be setup by governments similar to this system... but this will form the base.\nThat's all.> body |comment: 2014-4-10-144743-503-13> => |text: \n\n\n Slavery is one thing people are willing to subject others too...\nFree market theory convinced many (free and powerful) people that slavery was actually a bad thing for their own welfare...\nHowever, if you want a basic income, that actually means anything, it can only be done through a form of wealth redistribution... because it is not free trade... people can only 'give' you a basic income for 'free' and that is unlikely... say, you could do it by sending your dole cheque to africa or something... printing money is just fucking with the distributed signalling system that money is, and doing it wrong won't help... cause while money is a form of wealth, the majority of wealth is not money.\nSo, for now, this is a solution for you... and no one has to die or become a slave. Aim your sites at the most ignorant motherfuckers of them all. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-4-9-195351-7379> => |text: The big difference here seems to be, similar to the difference between Log Horizon and SAO: EVERYTHING!\nNo Game, No Life! aka what would happen if Tet created an ideal world based on non-violent competition as the basis of the economy? \nFuck basic income, this has no income, but no violence, and you can bet anything, even your life. It just started, but I like it already. \nAlthough, I have to convince myself that the "little sister" is really a small-for-her-age 31-year old chick. (Chicks under 28 have no stable paper to sugar my iron ministrations of loving oily rod). Good thing that imaginary characters don't have ages, and I don't live in a whole where the law punishes me as if they did. \nUntil you get Type C reversible cables to spur you to buy yet another netbook chromebook kurobook random device with USB ports, you could probably watch some anime. And learn animation. Unless you're busy with sub-basic income, or a typical job.\nI hurt my back at work but it seems to be 90% fine now. Which is good, because using Zetsu Nen to heal faster was ruining my plans of developing a new level/variant of Super Saiyan. \nI had nothing to say here, and I certainly said it. \nVagina.\n[1] (reluctantly, as it was as lowest-common-kneejerker as I expected, but enjoyably, as my metaphorical knees don't get enough exercise)... so, thanks for strongly encouraging me to watch it. I still think it is for insect brains, but it seems my "lizard brain" neurosubsystem does the job just find.> body |diary: 2014-4-7-145523-3320> => |text: The first heaven is what we would now call, "the atmosphere and environment". This is everyhing which affects the human body, and in particular, the fuction of the bio-enegetic system, directly. It can be compensated for in various ways, such as improving vitality and virtue (both types of bioelectrical energy), but of course most people are too lazy to do two minutes of qigong or half and hour of walking, and too busy dying for a dollar to drink enough water.\nThe second heaven is what we would now call, "the Cosmos". This includes what some people call "the astral plane", and it is here that mythology and science overlap a bit too much. \nApparently, the physical world, or at least this galaxy, was made to hide humanity from "the great deluge". Maybe a black hole, who knows? This was done with Ancient science, just like on Stargate (no, not really), so not a miracle per se. The miracle was the creation of the Cosmos and the second heaven, which is where we get astrology and "Cosmic chi" and angels and so forth, from. \nAlthough some entities in second heaven are benevolent, some are not. In most cases, though, they have nothing to do with the day to day running of the world. Rather, habits control the vast majority. \nDyadic thinking and emotional un-control make for a world of highly functional lunatics. Well, not so highly functional nowadays, due to the fact that major depression is a bigger problem that diabetes. It is almost like modern man lives with one foot in the grave, having all these devices and so little time to take care of the only body that you have (unless you have clones...). \nSo, most problems with "demons" are really problems with "bad habits" and the internal bioelectrical system, which then affects organs, neurotrasmiters, bone marrow function, and so on. Under the TCM/qigong system, the psychosomatic problems are treated as such, i.e. they are no separate physical and psychotic problems; although for severe physical trauma, western medicine and surgery are the preferred, most effective way of quickly preventing loss of life.\nFor those who contemplate, meditation, and think high thoughts, the second heaven is somewhat accessible. Visions, Fate, and Destiny live there, as well as the demiurge (a parallel to repressed desires).\nThe Demiurge is an imperfect creator who introduced entropic decay into the physical world. In order to counter it, there is plenty of creative energy, which can be used by beings to heal, grown, and live a long time, and even forever.\nHowever, since the demiurge was ignorant of the "third heaven" and the fact that there is something higher than "wisdom", he did a lot of cunt. First, his mother ("Sophia" or wisdom), who he raped and nearly killed. \nThe Autogenesis came from the third heaven to bring hope, confidence, and divine love into the physical realm. When Jesus talks about "the Father", he means the nameless Source of the Third Heaven (tm), which is a place of endless joy and no entropy. In other words, a parallel realm where they are different laws of physics -- or, in fact, no physics because there is nothing physical.\nThe interface between the physical world and the third heaven does not have anything to do with the first and second heaven. Hence, when you access it, you have to use hidden time. \nSome people call this imaginary time, others call it inverse kenosis. The easy thing to do is just to pray. Take time out, close off yourself from distractions, and read over the model prayer. As you read over it, revelation appropriate for your level of understanding will come.\nOf course, some people have a lot of bad habits. There are not evil demons from the underworld, but if you want to think of it as the accuser trying to kill you by testing you in the wilderness, just remember that being true to yourself means that nobody has the right to tell you to be anybody else.\nThis is the meaning of "to thine own self be true", and "thou shall not them the Lord thy God... blasphemy against the son will be forgiven". What is critical is personal truth, not synchronization with dogma.\nNow, there are useful "daemons", but mostly, we hear about Cosmic malware. That is because, like any other system made by ignorant motherfuckers, the second heaven was sort of imperfect. That is why I avoid it as much as possible, even though Cosmic energy is useful, and it helps to have great fresh air to breathe, what is sufficient for personal actualization is personal truth, rather than a high or deep knowledge of the cosmos and nature. \nNature is subject to the super-nature of virtue, and the Cosmos are meant to be sources of vitality, not threats to it. So, although they appear necessary and greatly influential to the human host, they are actually subject to the human being who is coherent enough to make well-formed requests.\nRather than deleting the Demiurge, apparently, the second heaven system was modified. There is now a second council of gods (bene-elohim) which you can reach through prayer, and just by asking to attend a meeting. The Gospel of John makes that blatantly clear, but I have never once in my life heard anyone who goes to church talk about it.\nInstead, the only thing religious people seem to be interested in is suffering, having confidence that the world will end "real soon now", and being afraid of "attacks from the enemy". They are indignant, rather than constructive. This contrasts greatly with how Jesus was a healer, Neh. rebuilt a whole city in less than two months (a great startup engineering project, if I ever heard one), and David et all used music to perform mass psycho-theraphy. \nThat degree of fear and wrath is something which an individual has to choose to reform from, and find a peaceful mind from which constructive wisdom can come. Enlightenment requires conscious perception, rather than prejudice. \nI am sure that they are some loving people who also happen to be religious, or church-going. Their education is inhibited by and incomplete indoctrination into the esoteric, exo-genesis, and auto-generative nature of the actuality, and leave people trapped in their own bad habits, inherited from those who knew better, but intentionally chose not to help, or even, to take advantage of others like typical sociopaths. This might have inspired Jude's epistle, but it is not behavior inherent to any religion, or limited only to religious thinking. \nIn fact, the teachings all lead you past it and out of it. If I had been limited to just the four canonical gospels, and Acts, I could still have found divine love, and freedom from indignation. However, it was faster and more effective to read more widely, and the key is to reflect, contemplate, and pray. In fact, contemplation is a form of prayer. You don't need the model as a form, but the model helps to align our attitudes and clear out any negative emotions.\nThe Kingdom of Heaven likely refers to the Third Heaven, which is within and around. Just like a wireless, zero-cost Internet. Except it requires an investment in time, and a willingness to love yourself enough to put aside all the garbage that, without any choice, was indoctrinated by Pharisees. Like Python and making business positive plans.\nAs you do so, the truth of your Being opens up, and the whole world is brighter. That is the single eye of the Mind beginning to form.\nReason is based on dyadic (antagonistic) thinking, but forgiveness and gratitude help to softly work around the tendency of the second circuit to steal attention from the Ninth.\n(AFAIK, the Ninth Circuit is not yet taught in any open teachings). \nThe common bible (I haven't read any uncommon ones) confuses the second and third heavens, thinking that the second is a way point to the third. No. Pure, loving, imperishable beings -- Living Aeons -- live in the third, but the second was made, by stolen wisdom, by an Ign. M.F., and then taken over by Jesus the Beloved Christ, and none of that even matters....\nby stilling your brain, and allowing your Mind to reform your self, you will find answers and connections to develop and grow, just as a tree has no job but still flourishes and provides abundantly for everyone. \nBasic income is moot in the site of Aeonic influx, and a positive Ken. \nThat opens up advanced income and unpredictable opportunities, making for a personal Pearl-based age of high wisdom. Hence, both old and new things from the storehouse of the Scribe.\n(Rushing off to work, so, spelling errors and no links to other articles for now...)> body |diary: 2014-3-27-02140-2413> => |text: 1. Hi, I'm bourgeois, shallow, and like shiny things! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/11/2014 11:17:44 AM EST\nattached to new TV, 4k?\n---\n2. Hi, it made me yodel! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/11/2014 11:07:27 AM EST\nattached to new TV, 4k?\n---\n3. Hi, I'm reacting like an Ign MFing Project Manager posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/11/2014 05:16:36 AM EST\nattached to new TV, 4k?\n---\n4. Hi, I'm watching crap in really hi def! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/11/2014 03:13:26 AM EST\nattached to new TV, 4k?\n---\n5. Christ on a Crutch. posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/09/2014 07:29:43 AM EST\nRight up until, and for a little while after 9/11, Canadian and American citizens could all cross the border into each others' countries with expired passports.\nI expect passports do eventually expire in part to keep a lid on stolen passports from crime and - quite commonly, espionage - as well as to ensure that newer and possibly more-effective ways to prevent one from making a fake passport eventually come into widespread use.\nConsider that the people behind Traci Lords' career as a child pornography actress escaped prosecution because they introduced Traci Lords' passport into evidence. Both the name and her birthdate were altered; I don't recall her real name but it's in her Wikipedia article. \nIt is widely believed that she first appeared in video in 1984 at the age of fifteen, but one does not obtain a feature role in one's very first acting job. I don't know but assertively speculate she had been acting in "Blue Movie Loops" - that is, exceeding lo-budget, often homemade, completely silent 8 MM movies for the old twenty-five cent arcades, since shortly after she was raped by her own father at the age of ten, as well as modeling for still photography.\nAnyway, that passport was quite professionally counterfeited, her name in the passport was Traci Lords, and at the time she filmed the first scene in her first skinflick, her passport showed that she was just over the age of eighteen.\nAfter she turned eighteen, she appeared in just one more - completely legal - video, then dropped a dime to the Federal Bureau of Intelligence.\nThat's more or less my own plan for Solving the Software Problem.\nShe is widely hated by the Olde Skool Pr0n Biz - "Classic Porn" as well as "The Golden Age of Porn", however, not long after her production company &c found Not Guilty, legislation was passed that required every publication or recording that depicted all but strictly artistic or educational nudity - as for medical texts - explicitly state the name and physical street address of that publications "Custodian of Records".\nStrictly speaking there was no particular requirement that anyone validate identification. However at any time at all, the legal authorities may show up unannounced and, uh, "audit" all of the records that the Custodian maintains.\nI myself turned up Traci's first film in a heartbeat. I am DEAD CERTAIN there is one other fifteen year old actress in that same video, however that other actress is not credited by name, and only appears quite briefly.\nYou don't even have to look at their bodies:\nCompare a few photos of any fifteen year-old girl, to photos of that same girl when she's just over eighteen. Your high school yearbooks will work fine.\nWith some study, it becomes quite easy to tell the ages of most girls just by looking at them.\nColleen Marie Applegate - Shauna Grant, Callie Aimes, Callie Aims and Colleen Applegate - was one year older than I. She is widely believed to have been approached by a fashion photographer talent scout in LA at the age of eighteen, quite quickly moved into nude modeling, was all the rage in Penthouse in the like shortly after that, then quite suddenly and completely out of nowhere was blowing her $1,500.00 per day "Day Rate" up her nose while flying first class, and being chauferred around in Limos.\nShe went on to fire a 0.22 caliber round from a rifle into one side of her head, out the other and into the opposite wall of her bedroom, at the age I think of twenty-one.\nI CRY BULLSHIT ONE THAT.\nThe cause of her death was immediately ruled a suicide, despite her coke dealer boyfriend having been arrested just a few days before, the failure of the Palm Springs police to question the two other people who were present in her home when she was shot, as well as two others that were on the way over to her place.\nShortly before her death, Colleen widely announced that she was returning to her childhood home of Farmington Minnesota, to marry a college student.\nI am DEAD CERTAIN that Colleen was also a child pr0n actress, as I used to be rather heavily into the Blue Movie Loops myself. The very first time I ever saw her photos and films, after she was verifiable an adult, she looked quite familiar. I'm not dead certain but do recall having seen her acting in 8 MM arcade loops in Oakland, Fairfield, Concord and San Francisco when I was just sixteen.\nI once owned a copy of the magazine in which she announced her new stage name of Shauna Grant. That same article - which at least appeared to have been written by Colleen herself -provided a complete filmography.\nShe gave the titles, principle actors and plot synopses of all but her first movie in a very positive way. If not actually Colleen, whoever wrote that article was presenting of at least the appearance of Colleen Marie Applegate being quite proud to have been - at the time - America's most highly regarded starlet.\nThis because she really WAS a high school cheerleader and girl's baseball player before she turned up in LA.\nBut her first flick, I don't recall it's title but I am determined to find out, all she said was:\nA movie I made once.\nI speculate she was either forced to "act" in it - for example, being raped on camera - or that she was unhappy about having done pr0n while not yet of legal age.\nIf you wonder why I troll the "Dark Portals" it is in hopes of turning up at least the title of "A Movie I Made Once", if not an actual copy of it, then turning it over to the FBI as well as the Palm Springs Cold Case detectives.\nYes, Rly.\nThere's some pretty weird shit out there, not if you know where to look, but if you know HOW to look. Forgive me if I pass on clueing y'all in as to how.\nIn much the same way as I have genetic memory of being a Scythian - the ancient people of what is now Kazakhstan - I am completely convince that I am somehow related to Colleen Maria Applegate.\nWhile raised in Minnesota, Colleen was actually from Southern California, was Catholic, and once said:\n"All I ever really wanted was a house, children and a man to love me."\nMy own Cousin Colleen is also Catholic and from Southern California. There is something about Cousin Colleen that to me, reminds me a great deal about Colleen Marie Applegate.\nEveryone who walks the Earth really is six degrees or less from Kevin Bacon:\nI once dated this hot, sexy young artist who I met at Lenz Arts in Santa Cruz. She helped me purchase a drawing pad or a pencil or some such, and I quite bluntly asked her out to lunch the next day.\nI walked her back to her shop after lunch, then as soon as she got back to her sales counter, asked for her phone number. She whipped out a felt-tip pen, wrote her number on a sticky mailing label then held it out to me, stuck on her fingertip.\nI grabbed my University of California San Francisco medical card out of my wallet so she could stick that mailing label to it. I STILL HAVE IT!\nShe and I stuck like snot on a doorknob for years on end, but with the puzzling result that I only ever managed to kiss her twice, then several years after Bonita and I were wed, my artist girl left two very plaintive voice mails for me, but did not say why she called, nor did she give her phone number nor email.\nI moved Heaven and Earth to get back to her. I figured she was in an awful fix. Bonita grew very concerned that I was stalking my ex-girlfriend the very same way modus stalks me.\nI eventually turned up my artist's best friend, who at one time had been the live-in girlfriend of one of my own best friends.\nThat best friend struggled to convince me not to contact my artist friend in any way, as she had an exceedingly jealous boyfriend who was quite likely to hurt my artist friend, were he even to suspect her of talking to another man!\nMany years later, she and that creep are married and she is a stay at home mother of their two children. She is now happy as a clam, I guess she didn't really want to be an artist, but like Colleen, all she ever wanted was a house, children and a man to love her.\nGET THIS:\nShe and I have actually verified that we are related, and not even distantly. My people are from Crawford Township, Pennsylvania. She was born and raised in Crawford Township, and only moved to Santa Cruz after graduating high school!\nIf you find yourself and your girl strangely fascinated with each other, but strangely unable to celebrate your grandchild's graduation from high school, perhaps you are related.\nI also have that same sense, about Madonna's second cousin. Yes, that Madonna, an Irish-Italian Catholic Girl who quite clearly demonstrated that it's true what they say about Catholic girls.\nher last name was Ciccone as well, she and I flirted shamelessly, we went out for coffee, then I rocketed or love into a smoking radioactive crater in the ground.\nMy fuck it's four thirty in the fucking morning I've been writing this post for three cock-sucking hours.\nI'll save the text to my desktop, post then hit the sack.\nI myself have - with few exceptions now and then - looked quite a lot older than I really am. In part that's due to the hairloss of my childhood mercury vapour inhalation poisoning, but also do to childhood depression.\nWhile major depression is hard to bear, the author of "The Noonday Demon: an Atlas of Depression" describes depressing of rendering the sufferer "Wise beyond one's years". One commonly sees with wisdom and maturity in young children suffering from terminal cancer.\nThus I could buy pr0n at liquor stores at the age of twelve, and starting hanging at San Francisco Strip Clubs at the very instant my parents decided they were cool on permitting me to drive their care anywhere I wanted, any time I wanted to. I mean I didn't even have to pay for gas.\n"Hey Mike? Why did you put two hundred miles on the Odometer last night?"\n"I meant to go to Chabot Observatory," - an amateur astronomy club in Oakland - "but I got totally lost. I had to wander around for quite a long time before I found it, but being an amateur observatory, Chabot is open until sunrise."\nIn reality, myself and two other friends were wandering all over SFO looking for strip joints and pr0n theatres.\n"That's the last time I EVER buy Chevron gasoline!"\nMom, who never clued into checking my odometer, was completely convinced that my empty gas tank was due to poor-quality gasoline from the station she'd filled up at the day before!\nTHE MIND SIMPLY REELS.\nMy present California ID card would be very costly and difficult to fake, however I myself could do it if I tried hard enough.\nMy presently-expired US Passport, issued in Y2K when I realized that while I could enter Canada with my previously-expired passport, might not be copacetic for immigration, I don't think I could forge that no matter how hard I tried.\nHowever, I figure the Israeli Defense Force could do so.\nI have not yet applied for a new passport, but I expect that today's passports would be impossible to forge.\nMy friend Chris Bixler, the older brother of my old friend Bart Bixler, who is now a Coast Guard Non-Commissioned Officer, is a long-haul truck driver.\nFor no other reason that he as a "Transportation Worker", Chris is required to carry at all times, and to surrender upon demand, a card from Homeland Security, that contains some manner of RFID tag.\nChris is now COMPLETELY convinced that within five years, and and all of his colleagues will be required to be Microchipped the way one can Microchip one's cats and dogs.\nI regard that as Paranoia, but I would be completely unsurprised were the microchipping of transportation workers and the like being given serious study by DHS.\nSO!\nWhen I was living in Canada, I read in a Canadian paper that Americans regard Canadians as idiots who are bound to get what they deserve, whereas Canadians regard Americans as Paranoid.\nTo cross from Canada into the US, one must not only possess a current passport, one must also pass close to a fucking radiation detector!\nI AM ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS.\nIf you drive your car through a US border crossing, there is a small array of roughly square, flat gray panels about one inch thick.\nI'm a Physicist: my guess is that the panels are the exterior case for Plastic Scintillators, that emit bright blue flashes when radiation passes through them. One covers the plasting with aluminum foil, with a hole cut in the foil at one small point, and a sensitive light detector glued to the hole.\nSo if you cross on I-5 from Vancouver, B.C., and say "I'm Aboot To Do Some Christmas Shopping in Seattle", and that scintillator starts flashing its little flashes, they'll ask you to pop your trunk so they can check for nuclear fucking weapons!\nThis had the eventual result that some grieving cat owner was pulled over by the cops, who inquiried about the radioactive material she was transporting in her car.\nIt was her cat, who was dying of Leukemia, on the way home from the Veterinary Oncologist after a radiation treatment.\nPlastic Scintillator is sensitive but inaccurate - that is, it does not work well for identifying isotopes or excitation states - but it is quite cheap. My Lab TA at Caltech said you could cover your walls with it. At the Port of Halifex, they have a tunnel made of plastic scintillator that one can drive a truck through, towing a shipping container.\nI am not dead certain, but fully expect that both Canadians and Americans are still able to cross from America into Canada.\nAh! One last word: \nColleen Maria Applegate is said to have shot herself all the way through her head with a rifle.\nI myself once met a former United States Marine Corps Sergeant, who tried to shoot himself in the head with a 9 MM automatic while he was on active duty...\n... but missed. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to The Predicaments of Imaginary People\n---\n6. FIX THE COMMENT BUG RUSTY YOU HAVE TO posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/09/2014 07:28:05 AM EST\nThis Time Fer Shure: Right up until, and for a little while after 9/11, Canadian and American citizens could all cross the border into each others' countries with expired passports. I expect passports do eventually expire in part to keep a lid on stolen passports from crime and - quite commonly, espionage - as well as to ensure that newer and possibly more-effective ways to prevent one from making a fake passport eventually come into widespread use. Consider that the people behind Traci Lords' career as a child pornography actress escaped prosecution because they introduced Traci Lords' passport into evidence. Both the name and her birthdate were altered; I don't recall her real name but it's in her Wikipedia article. It is widely believed that she first appeared in video in 1984 at the age of fifteen, but one does not obtain a feature role in one's very first acting job. I don't know but assertively speculate she had been acting in "Blue Movie Loops" - that is, exceeding lo-budget, often homemade, completely silent 8 MM movies for the old twenty-five cent arcades, since shortly after she was raped by her own father at the age of ten, as well as modeling for still photography. Anyway, that passport was quite professionally counterfeited, her name in the passport was Traci Lords, and at the time she filmed the first scene in her first skinflick, her passport showed that she was just over the age of eighteen. After she turned eighteen, she appeared in just one more - completely legal - video, then dropped a dime to the Federal Bureau of Intelligence. That's more or less my own plan for Solving the Software Problem. She is widely hated by the Olde Skool Pr0n Biz - "Classic Porn" as well as "The Golden Age of Porn", however, not long after her production company &c found Not Guilty, legislation was passed that required every publication or recording that depicted all but strictly artistic or educational nudity - as for medical texts - explicitly state the name and physical street address of that publications "Custodian of Records". Strictly speaking there was no particular requirement that anyone validate identification. However at any time at all, the legal authorities may show up unannounced and, uh, "audit" all of the records that the Custodian maintains. I myself turned up Traci's first film in a heartbeat. I am DEAD CERTAIN there is one other fifteen year old actress in that same video, however that other actress is not credited by name, and only appears quite briefly. You don't even have to look at their bodies: Compare a few photos of any fifteen year-old girl, to photos of that same girl when she's just over eighteen. Your high school yearbooks will work fine. With some study, it becomes quite easy to tell the ages of most girls just by looking at them. Colleen Marie Applegate - Shauna Grant, Callie Aimes, Callie Aims and Colleen Applegate - was one year older than I. She is widely believed to have been approached by a fashion photographer talent scout in LA at the age of eighteen, quite quickly moved into nude modeling, was all the rage in Penthouse in the like shortly after that, then quite suddenly and completely out of nowhere was blowing her $1,500.00 per day "Day Rate" up her nose while flying first class, and being chauferred around in Limos. She went on to fire a 0.22 caliber round from a rifle into one side of her head, out the other and into the opposite wall of her bedroom, at the age I think of twenty-one. I CRY BULLSHIT ONE THAT. The cause of her death was immediately ruled a suicide, despite her coke dealer boyfriend having been arrested just a few days before, the failure of the Palm Springs police to question the two other people who were present in her home when she was shot, as well as two others that were on the way over to her place. Shortly before her death, Colleen widely announced that she was returning to her childhood home of Farmington Minnesota, to marry a college student. I am DEAD CERTAIN that Colleen was also a child pr0n actress, as I used to be rather heavily into the Blue Movie Loops myself. The very first time I ever saw her photos and films, after she was verifiable an adult, she looked quite familiar. I'm not dead certain but do recall having seen her acting in 8 MM arcade loops in Oakland, Fairfield, Concord and San Francisco when I was just sixteen. I once owned a copy of the magazine in which she announced her new stage name of Shauna Grant. That same article - which at least appeared to have been written by Colleen herself -provided a complete filmography. She gave the titles, principle actors and plot synopses of all but her first movie in a very positive way. If not actually Colleen, whoever wrote that article was presenting of at least the appearance of Colleen Marie Applegate being quite proud to have been - at the time - America's most highly regarded starlet. This because she really WAS a high school cheerleader and girl's baseball player before she turned up in LA. But her first flick, I don't recall it's title but I am determined to find out, all she said was: A movie I made once. I speculate she was either forced to "act" in it - for example, being raped on camera - or that she was unhappy about having done pr0n while not yet of legal age. If you wonder why I troll the "Dark Portals" it is in hopes of turning up at least the title of "A Movie I Made Once", if not an actual copy of it, then turning it over to the FBI as well as the Palm Springs Cold Case detectives. Yes, Rly. There's some pretty weird shit out there, not if you know where to look, but if you know HOW to look. Forgive me if I pass on clueing y'all in as to how. In much the same way as I have genetic memory of being a Scythian - the ancient people of what is now Kazakhstan - I am completely convince that I am somehow related to Colleen Maria Applegate. While raised in Minnesota, Colleen was actually from Southern California, was Catholic, and once said: "All I ever really wanted was a house, children and a man to love me." My own Cousin Colleen is also Catholic and from Southern California. There is something about Cousin Colleen that to me, reminds me a great deal about Colleen Marie Applegate. Everyone who walks the Earth really is six degrees or less from Kevin Bacon: I once dated this hot, sexy young artist who I met at Lenz Arts in Santa Cruz. She helped me purchase a drawing pad or a pencil or some such, and I quite bluntly asked her out to lunch the next day. I walked her back to her shop after lunch, then as soon as she got back to her sales counter, asked for her phone number. She whipped out a felt-tip pen, wrote her number on a sticky mailing label then held it out to me, stuck on her fingertip. I grabbed my University of California San Francisco medical card out of my wallet so she could stick that mailing label to it. I STILL HAVE IT! She and I stuck like snot on a doorknob for years on end, but with the puzzling result that I only ever managed to kiss her twice, then several years after Bonita and I were wed, my artist girl left two very plaintive voice mails for me, but did not say why she called, nor did she give her phone number nor email. I moved Heaven and Earth to get back to her. I figured she was in an awful fix. Bonita grew very concerned that I was stalking my ex-girlfriend the very same way modus stalks me. I eventually turned up my artist's best friend, who at one time had been the live-in girlfriend of one of my own best friends. That best friend struggled to convince me not to contact my artist friend in any way, as she had an exceedingly jealous boyfriend who was quite likely to hurt my artist friend, were he even to suspect her of talking to another man! Many years later, she and that creep are married and she is a stay at home mother of their two children. She is now happy as a clam, I guess she didn't really want to be an artist, but like Colleen, all she ever wanted was a house, children and a man to love her. GET THIS: She and I have actually verified that we are related, and not even distantly. My people are from Crawford Township, Pennsylvania. She was born and raised in Crawford Township, and only moved to Santa Cruz after graduating high school! If you find yourself and your girl strangely fascinated with each other, but strangely unable to celebrate your grandchild's graduation from high school, perhaps you are related. I also have that same sense, about Madonna's second cousin. Yes, that Madonna, an Irish-Italian Catholic Girl who quite clearly demonstrated that it's true what they say about Catholic girls. her last name was Ciccone as well, she and I flirted shamelessly, we went out for coffee, then I rocketed or love into a smoking radioactive crater in the ground. My fuck it's four thirty in the fucking morning I've been writing this post for three cock-sucking hours. I'll save the text to my desktop, post then hit the sack. I myself have - with few exceptions now and then - looked quite a lot older than I really am. In part that's due to the hairloss of my childhood mercury vapour inhalation poisoning, but also do to childhood depression. While major depression is hard to bear, the author of "The Noonday Demon: an Atlas of Depression" describes depressing of rendering the sufferer "Wise beyond one's years". One commonly sees with wisdom and maturity in young children suffering from terminal cancer. Thus I could buy pr0n at liquor stores at the age of twelve, and starting hanging at San Francisco Strip Clubs at the very instant my parents decided they were cool on permitting me to drive their care anywhere I wanted, any time I wanted to. I mean I didn't even have to pay for gas. "Hey Mike? Why did you put two hundred miles on the Odometer last night?" "I meant to go to Chabot Observatory," - an amateur astronomy club in Oakland - "but I got totally lost. I had to wander around for quite a long time before I found it, but being an amateur observatory, Chabot is open until sunrise." In reality, myself and two other friends were wandering all over SFO looking for strip joints and pr0n theatres. "That's the last time I EVER buy Chevron gasoline!" Mom, who never clued into checking my odometer, was completely convinced that my empty gas tank was due to poor-quality gasoline from the station she'd filled up at the day before! THE MIND SIMPLY REELS. My present California ID card would be very costly and difficult to fake, however I myself could do it if I tried hard enough. My presently-expired US Passport, issued in Y2K when I realized that while I could enter Canada with my previously-expired passport, might not be copacetic for immigration, I don't think I could forge that no matter how hard I tried. However, I figure the Israeli Defense Force could do so. I have not yet applied for a new passport, but I expect that today's passports would be impossible to forge. My friend Chris Bixler, the older brother of my old friend Bart Bixler, who is now a Coast Guard Non-Commissioned Officer, is a long-haul truck driver. For no other reason that he as a "Transportation Worker", Chris is required to carry at all times, and to surrender upon demand, a card from Homeland Security, that contains some manner of RFID tag. Chris is now COMPLETELY convinced that within five years, and and all of his colleagues will be required to be Microchipped the way one can Microchip one's cats and dogs. I regard that as Paranoia, but I would be completely unsurprised were the microchipping of transportation workers and the like being given serious study by DHS. SO! When I was living in Canada, I read in a Canadian paper that Americans regard Canadians as idiots who are bound to get what they deserve, whereas Canadians regard Americans as Paranoid. To cross from Canada into the US, one must not only possess a current passport, one must also pass close to a fucking radiation detector! I AM ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS. If you drive your car through a US border crossing, there is a small array of roughly square, flat gray panels about one inch thick. I'm a Physicist: my guess is that the panels are the exterior case for Plastic Scintillators, that emit bright blue flashes when radiation passes through them. One covers the plasting with aluminum foil, with a hole cut in the foil at one small point, and a sensitive light detector glued to the hole. So if you cross on I-5 from Vancouver, B.C., and say "I'm Aboot To Do Some Christmas Shopping in Seattle", and that scintillator starts flashing its little flashes, they'll ask you to pop your trunk so they can check for nuclear fucking weapons! This had the eventual result that some grieving cat owner was pulled over by the cops, who inquiried about the radioactive material she was transporting in her car. It was her cat, who was dying of Leukemia, on the way home from the Veterinary Oncologist after a radiation treatment. Plastic Scintillator is sensitive but inaccurate - that is, it does not work well for identifying isotopes or excitation states - but it is quite cheap. My Lab TA at Caltech said you could cover your walls with it. At the Port of Halifex, they have a tunnel made of plastic scintillator that one can drive a truck through, towing a shipping container. I am not dead certain, but fully expect that both Canadians and Americans are still able to cross from America into Canada. Ah! One last word: Colleen Maria Applegate is said to have shot herself all the way through her head with a rifle. I myself once met a former United States Marine Corps Sergeant, who tried to shoot himself in the head with a 9 MM automatic while he was on active duty... ... but missed. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to The Predicaments of Imaginary People\n---\n7. Canada's Take on America's Florid Paranoia. posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/09/2014 06:55:43 AM EST\nRight up until, and for a little while after 9/11, Canadian and American citizens could all cross the border into each others' countries with expired passports. I expect passports do eventually expire in part to keep a lid on stolen passports from crime and - quite commonly, espionage - as well as to ensure that newer and possibly more-effective ways to prevent one from making a fake passport eventually come into widespread use. Consider that the people behind Traci Lords' career as a child pornography actress escaped prosecution because they introduced Traci Lords' passport into evidence. Both the name and her birthdate were altered; I don't recall her real name but it's in her Wikipedia article. It is widely believed that she first appeared in video in 1984 at the age of fifteen, but one does not obtain a feature role in one's very first acting job. I don't know but assertively speculate she had been acting in "Blue Movie Loops" - that is, exceeding lo-budget, often homemade, completely silent 8 MM movies for the old twenty-five cent arcades, since shortly after she was raped by her own father at the age of ten, as well as modeling for still photography. Anyway, that passport was quite professionally counterfeited, her name in the passport was Traci Lords, and at the time she filmed the first scene in her first skinflick, her passport showed that she was just over the age of eighteen. After she turned eighteen, she appeared in just one more - completely legal - video, then dropped a dime to the Federal Bureau of Intelligence. That's more or less my own plan for Solving the Software Problem. She is widely hated by the Olde Skool Pr0n Biz - "Classic Porn" as well as "The Golden Age of Porn", however, not long after her production company &c found Not Guilty, legislation was passed that required every publication or recording that depicted all but strictly artistic or educational nudity - as for medical texts - explicitly state the name and physical street address of that publications "Custodian of Records". Strictly speaking there was no particular requirement that anyone validate identification. However at any time at all, the legal authorities may show up unannounced and, uh, "audit" all of the records that the Custodian maintains. I myself turned up Traci's first film in a heartbeat. I am DEAD CERTAIN there is one other fifteen year old actress in that same video, however that other actress is not credited by name, and only appears quite briefly. You don't even have to look at their bodies: Compare a few photos of any fifteen year-old girl, to photos of that same girl when she's just over eighteen. Your high school yearbooks will work fine. With some study, it becomes quite easy to tell the ages of most girls just by looking at them. I myself have - with few exceptions now and then - looked quite a lot older than I really am. In part that's due to the hairloss of my childhood mercury vapour inhalation poisoning, but also do to childhood depression. While major depression is hard to bear, the author of "The Noonday Demon: an Atlas of Depression" describes depressing of rendering the sufferer "Wise beyond one's years". One commonly sees with wisdom and maturity in young children suffering from terminal cancer. Thus I could buy pr0n at liquor stores at the age of twelve, and starting hanging at San Francisco Strip Clubs at the very instant my parents decided they were cool on permitting me to drive their care anywhere I wanted, any time I wanted to. I mean I didn't even have to pay for gas. "Hey Mike? Why did you put two hundred miles on the Odometer last night?" "I meant to go to Chabot Observatory," - an amateur astronomy club in Oakland - "but I got totally lost. I had to wander around for quite a long time before I found it, but being an amateur observatory, Chabot is open until sunrise." In reality, myself and two other friends were wandering all over SFO looking for strip joints and pr0n theatres. "That's the last time I buy Chevron gasoline!" Mom, who never clued into checking my odometer, was completely convinced that my empty gas tank was due to poor-quality gasoline from the stationed she'd filled up at the day before! THE MIND SIMPLY REELS. My present California ID card would be very costly and difficult to fake, however I myself could do it if I tried hard enough. My presently-expired US Passport, issued in Y2K when I realized that while I could enter Canada with my previously-expired passport, might not be copacetic for immigration, I don't think I could forge that no matter how hard I tried. However, I figure the Israeli Defense Force could do so. I have not yet applied for a new passport, but I expect that today's passports would be impossible to forge. My friend Chris Bixler, the older brother of my old friend Bart Bixler, who is now a Coast Guard Non-Commissioned Officer, is a long-haul truck driver. For no other reason that he as a "Transportation Worker", Chris is required to carry at all times, and to surrender upon demand, a card from Homeland Security, that contains some manner of RFID tag. Chris is now COMPLETELY convinced that within five years, and and all of his colleagues will be required to be Microchipped the way one can Microchip one's cats and dogs. I regard that as Paranoia, but I would be completely unsurprised were the microchipping of transportation workers and the like being given serious study by DHS. SO! When I was living in Canada, I read in a Canadian paper that Americans regard Canadians as idiots who are bound to get what they deserve, whereas Canadians regard Americans as Paranoid. To cross from Canada into the US, one must not only possess a current passport, one must also pass close to a fucking radiation detector! I AM ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS. If you drive your car through a US border crossing, there is a small array of roughly square, flat gray panels about one inch thick. I'm a Physicist: my guess is that the panels are the exterior case for Plastic Scintillators, that emit bright blue flashes when radiation passes through them. One covers the plasting with aluminum foil, with a hole cut in the foil at one small point, and a sensitive light detector glued to the hole. So if you cross on I-5 from Vancouver, B.C., and say "I'm Aboot To Do Some Christmas Shopping in Seattle", and that scintillator starts flashing its little flashes, they'll ask you to pop your trunk so they can check for nuclear fucking weapons! This had the eventual result that some grieving cat owner was pulled over by the cops, who inquiried about the radioactive material she was transporting in her car. It was her cat, who was dying of Leukemia, on the way home from the Veterinary Oncologist after a radiation treatment. Plastic Scintillator is sensitive but inaccurate - that is, it does not work well for identifying isotopes or excitation states - but it is quite cheap. My Lab TA at Caltech said you could cover your walls with it. At the Port of Halifex, they have a tunnel made of plastic scintillator that one can drive a truck through, towing a shipping container. I am not dead certain, but fully expect that both Canadians and Americans are still able to cross from America into Canada. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to The Predicaments of Imaginary People\n---\n8. Here's why the Borker Problem MUST be Solved. posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/08/2014 08:28:35 PM EST\nSubject: Open-Lead Software Engineer\nThe Hell is an "Open-Lead Software Engineer"?\nMichael,\nI found your resume on Career Builder and wanted to see if you had interest in my clients open position as a Lead Software Engineer. Please look at our description below and let me know if this is something you feel could be a fit and I will let you know how we can proceed. Please feel free to call well should you have any questions.\nDUTIES: Coordinate team activities; escalate problems; report team status to Project Managers and the Software Development Manager. Solicit software requirements with the aid of business analysis personnel. Analyze software requirements, evaluate approaches to implement the requirements, and select the best implementation approach. Select, design, or extend application architecture. Work with Web Application Developers to produce wireframes. Implement Web and desktop application user interfaces. Perform unit testing in order to prevent defects from entering the application. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Graduation from a four-year college or university, preferably with a computer science or related degree. Three years of professional experience in leading a software development team. Additional applicable experience may substitute for the educational requirement. SKILLS: Proficiency with C#, ASP.NET Web Forms, Object oriented design, SQL and relational databases, and experience with ad-hoc query tools, Software development processes, O/R mapping (LLBLGen Pro is desirable), IIS 7 administration, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Windows Forms, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 (including R2), Microsoft SQL Server administration, Oracle administration, Java, C++, Computer security techniques and practices, Windows 8, Virtualization using Microsoft Hyper-V, Agile development methodologies (e.g. Scrum, Kanban) and Test-Driven Development. Ability to effectively communicate both technical and non-technical topics orally and in writing. Ability to establish effective working relationships with both technical and non-technical staff. Position is full time, Temp to Hire. SALARY: $80,000 to $90,000/annual DOE.\nTo Do And Notice:\nYes, there was JUST ONE hyperlink in huge blob of boldface. \nMy guess is that someone Microsoft or one of its henchmen paid the Body Shop to see that any mail in which the text "asp.net" fell, linked to http://asp.net/\nThe salary range is $80,000 to $90,000 "Depending on Experience".\nI don't know about where you live, but around here, if one actually so much as qualifies for this position as actually described in this recruiter spam, let alone is any good at it, or had any real experience, their starting salary would be $130,000.00.\nMy guess is that the body shop negotiated a bigger commission in return for placing some chump who is completely unaware of his ability to command a better salary.\nI am quite commonly encouraged by the Seattle, Washington and Vancouver borkers to ask for $65.00 per hour even for gigs that I am completely unqualified for, for no other reason than that I have a lot of experience.\nI got $65.00 at Sony Ericsson in Redwood Shores, Califronia, on the SFO Peninsula not far from Oracle. I pointed out to my manager that I could use some extra cash, and that he'd hired me because SE was in a fix, so he authorized unlimited hours. That had the eventual result of visual hallucinations while driving home on I-280 due to lack of sleep.\nRather than reduce my hours, my pay and my ability to get Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications' ass out of a sling, I instead started sleeping on the couch in the lounge next to all our Android App coders.\nMy own office was in a completely different part of a building, so none of those Android coders had a clue who I was, other than that from time to time, they'd get to work right on time, to find me sleeping on their couch, and I'd still be sleeping there when they left for the day.\nMaybe you can find the needle in that haystack: I didn't actually read it all as my eyeballs started bleeding, but the inquiry as far as I could ascertain did not say where the job is actually located.\nI checked the "I don't want to relocate" checkbox in all my job board profiles. To the extent I ever reply to recruiter spam, it's only when the gig is somewhere close-in to Portland.\nActually anywhere that I could get to on C-Tran or TriMet would work, but most of Clark, Washington and Multnomah Counties I regard as quite dreary; there is no way I'm going to ride the bus for an hour each way just so I can work in a cube in a city that looks just like the city where I went to high school.\nWhen I graduated Armijo in 1982, damn near every last one of my class of 450 students left Solano County. I mean there is lots of work in Vallejo. I went to Caltech, graduated in Santa Cruz. I like to visit Fairfield but I'd never want to actually live there.\nTo the very best of my knowledge there is only one software company in all of Fairfield, Suisun or Vacaville. Most of the area around here, is just like the area around Solano County.\nWhere I want to work, is where I could go hang at Mary's Club over my lunch break. There's lots of work where I could get there via a short walk.\nIt's actually quite common - I have seen this with my very eyes - for a bunch of engineers to show up at Mary's then hold a business meeting without ever looking at the dancers let alone tipping them.\nStrictly speaking that's allowed if one orders so much as one beverage, but it's a real good way to prevent your female coworkers from ever getting promotions, it is quite cruel to the strippers and a huge PITA for the bartenders.\nMy web resume doesn't say anything about relocation, but I am dead certain that the borkers NEVER find me through my site; quite commonly actual clients and hiring managers do but it is uncommon for borkers to find me in a search. \nInstead they pay $$$ to DICE Holdings and friends so they can find a Windows Device Driver coder without ever cluing in to the fact that while the terms "Windows" as well as "Device Driver" each occur several times throughout my resume, nowhere do they ever occur adjacently.\n"Exact Phrase Matches" are good, M'Kay?\nThe Body Shop is in SLO. They found my resume on CareerBuilder.\nWhile at one time I did have a CareerBuilder resume that said I wanted a job in SLO, that has not been the case for about nine month, yet I received this inquiry just an hour ago.\nMy current resume on all the boards as well as my own website gives my street address at the Transition Projects Homeless Day Center in Oldtown Portland.\nThat's where I can receive mail, you see. \nWhen I was in SLO, my street address was SLO's homeless day center at 43 Prado Roard, however SLO county is quite rural, not very populous, and SLO itself only has 40,000 residents. Everyone in SLO knows what "43 Prado Road" implies. It's way out in the sticks, you know, to keep the good men down.\nThe shelter is also way out in the sticks. I was OK with walking from the shelter to Prado, but I'm in good shape and I love to walk. Most of SLO's homeless are flatly incapable of walking that far, so they have to pay $5.00 each day to ride the bus just so they can eat some fucking lunch and not get arrested for napping on the sidewalk.\nThat's why most homeless remain homeless. Even those who work to help the homeless, even if unconsciously, rig the system so that it's damn near impossible for anyone who is homeless to ever get a fucking job.\nFor example while I have a California ID card, I was unable to open a checking account despite having a paycheck.\n"May I see your ID?"\n"Sure."\n(Long, pregnant pause.)\n"Is this a paycheck?" (Incredulously)\n"Yes. I just got a job at $CODING_SHOP."\n(Even longer pause.)\n"But the street address on your ID is 43 Prado Road?"\n"Yes?"\n"I'm sorry, but we cannot open accounts for anyone who does not have a permanent residence address."\n"Oh sorry, the DMV is right around the corner from the Prado Day Center so they State of California knows all about that. It's just that I can receive mail at Prado. Here I'll get you the street address for the shelter..."\nNo.\nJoy.\nI'd like to see a SCOTUS nationwide precedent to make this stop happening, but I have too much on my plate right now.\nHence I was only able to find work in a town ten miles away, in a company that was owned by a raging alcoholic, who didn't bother Googling "Solr Sucks" before betting the farm on Solr rescuing his company from a T-SQL database with three hundred tables, many of which had three hundred fields as well as ten years worth of C# which had "grown organically" without one single line of automated test code.\nThey didn't actually hire me to set up Solr, that was just an emergency band-aid measure.\nActually I was hired to rewrite their entire web application completely from scratch, they wanted Java but I expect they would have been down with Python or so, they wanted MySQL but I would have used PostgreSQL, on Linux, with everything Unit Tested beyond all mortal ken as well as lots of other automated tests such as Load Generators and user interface robots.\n-- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to Solution to the Borker Problem\n---\n9. Hi, I predicted collapse for the US. Sure thing! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/06/2014 12:14:00 PM EST\nattached to Our hero has been gone for two days\n---\n10. Let's sell it to China, those opium fiends! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/06/2014 03:53:56 AM EST\nattached to Teh NSA scandal explained\n---\n11. Then you're just stupid, cuz i don't live in Fl. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 02:38:21 PM EST\nattached to one thing I hate about Switzerland\n---\n12. I think you have me confused with greenfag. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 09:48:52 AM EST\nattached to one thing I hate about Switzerland\n---\n13. Take out your penis-envy on #idiots-club! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 09:47:54 AM EST\nattached to so i installed a minecraft server\n---\n14. Hi, my posts are a by-product of chink FemDom! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 09:46:50 AM EST\nattached to When it Rains it Pours\n---\n15. I'm not sure I follow your argument posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/05/2014 09:36:13 AM EST\nYesterday afternoon I showed my Solution to the Borker Problem to a Starbucks barista, then yesterday evening I showed it as well to two Burgerville waitresses and their manager.\nThey were all quite stoked for me, and all of them were quite proud that their restaurants were enabling me to do it, by proving me wifi, electric power, and letting me hang out all day and night after just one purchase.\nLast night burgerville let me stay until 12:30 AM, an hour and a half after closing.\nI have no way of knowing, but I have some real reason to believe that a starbucks employee somewhere has been reading my diaries.\nNot that I generally tag my diaries with my geographic location, in this case "Salmon Creek" and "Washington", and quite commonly the business I'm at, such as "Starbucks".\nIt's not like Starbucks doesn't understand web search or SEO. Also "Salmon Creek", when quoted that way for an exact phrase match, is quite an uncommon term.\nI offer for your consideration:\n(censored)\nThe Hell?\nThat's a naked URL, but I get the message from Scoop:\n"Attribute SALMON%20CREEK"+WASHINGTON" for tag A is not allowed"\nFix your fucking content management system rusty you have to.\nFor those who point out that Scoop cannot possibly be a content management system, I argue that Scoop is a system, and that it manages content.\nI'm not saying that that system doesn't manage to throw the content under the bus.\nOK I'll make a regular href link:\nno that doesn't work either.\nI'll just drop it into a new tab...\njeesus christ get a fucking job why don't you.\nNo I don't get my diary. Perhaps that's for the best.\nThe top hit is as expected, that particular location's official page at starbucks.com.\nThat's followed by page after page of really low-end websites that let you know when business are open and where they can be found, like "www.hours-location.com".\nThat's gotta be a hard way to live, it's like trying to make it as an adult webmaster by stealing both bandwidth and content because one cannot afford to host one's own freesite.\nWhile uncommon now, making it in pr0n via inlining some other poor fucks images was once quite widespread. Eventually word got around as to how to use mod_rewrite to clamp down on it.\nWhat happens when I try? I must preview to obtain clickability back in a flash. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to When it Rains it Pours\n---\n16. I regard my writing as quite valuable to me posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/05/2014 09:20:13 AM EST\nIt's not so much that I regard the actual text as valuable, but the mental experience of writing is to me of profound importance.\nHere's Why\nBonita was never able to understand my writing process nor the mental process that lay behind my writing.\nShe worked hard to encourage my aspiration to write professionally, however she kept going on about how I had to work out a long-term, detailed plan, then rigorously stick to that plan.\nThat's just like how I hated writing with a passion, and kept wanting to beat all my english teachers to death, when they kept going on about how the way one writes anything at all is to start with a short outline, then break each item up into sub-items and so on, then to rearrange one's items, add delete then reword them, and only when completely satisfied with one's outline, when then can use it to guide the actual writing of one's text.\nIt's not so much that I would rather chew my own fucking foot off than to be forced to write that way, but it is flatly impossible to write that way even when I try hard to do so.\nInstead the urge to write just wells up in me, then an essay, article, rant or manifesto just surges out of me, rather like a wave crashing on the beach.\nIt's not just me there are lots of writers that share that same mental process.\nSo you are incorrect, in asserting I could have used that time to do something valuable.\nFor me there is not a whole lot I can do that's more valuable than to write.\nIt's not by any means that resulting text, it's my mental and emotional experience while I write that I regard as valuable.\nJust wait until you get a load of what I wrote last night.\nIt is not yet ready but should be Real Soon Now. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to When it Rains it Pours\n---\n17. Hi, I'm a dick to Crawford because of a Paki brain posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 08:04:10 AM EST\nattached to Lizard brain\n---\n18. Project Managers love it there, you ignorant MFer. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 07:34:03 AM EST\nattached to one thing I hate about Switzerland\n---\n19. Too bad you weren't in Fl, you'd be dead now. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 07:13:19 AM EST\nattached to one thing I hate about Switzerland\n---\n20. Hi, I made an excuse to drop out of my Java MOOC! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 03:05:47 AM EST\nattached to Poker face\n---\n21. Hi, I'm making excuses. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 01:55:19 AM EST\nattached to Poker face\n---\n22. no the SR-71 gets shorter in its direction of trav posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/05/2014 12:50:21 AM EST\n-el.\nTo this very day, physicist seem to feel the need to prove Einstein wrong.\nSo a while back, someone paid boatloads of money to fly an atomic clock around on a passenger jet.\nWithin the limits of experimental error, that jet experienced relativistic time dilation. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to What games should I buy?\n---\n23. Hi, my 'wife' releases urine early and often on me posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 12:01:32 AM EST\nattached to I Have a Special Favor to Ask of My Many Kuro5hin Loved Ones\n---\n24. Drunkard + Green Card Marriage = LULZ posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/05/2014 12:00:09 AM EST\nattached to Help Me Out Here, I'm Begging You\n---\n25. Edit: posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/04/2014 08:58:47 AM EST\nYour story makes complete grammatical sense.\nAre you sure you're feeling OK? Running a fever?\nMaybe you need medical attention.\nI need my upcoming press release translated to Simplified Chinese as well as Traditional Chinese. It won't be any longer than one page of text. Any chance you could help me out?\nI couldn't pay you but I could credit you as well as link your site.-- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to The strange case of Chris Christie\n---\n26. you're going to get Rusty in trouble. posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/03/2014 08:35:38 AM EST\nDon't post links to obviously pirated warez. Rusty doesn't have the time or energy to respond to DMCA takedown notices. Look if even steamboat willy is within copyright I'm sure your abandonware is too. Even if the original publisher isn't around anymore, SOMEONE still holds the copyright. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to Free Games and Emulation and shit\n---\n27. Saddam really was working on WMD posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/03/2014 06:05:52 AM EST\nThe Israeli Defense Force bombed a nuclear reactor that the Iraqis were building, before it could be fueled. It could be used for peaceful electricity, or it could be used for plutonium. Heavy water reactors in my understanding don't need enriched fuel and produce far more plutonium. I don't know whether the Osiris reactor was heavy water. Only Canada uses heavy water reactors for electricity. After the first persian gulf war, arms inspectors found declassified US patents having to do with uranium refinement all over Iraq. The also found calutrons buried underground, powered by underground cables from power plants hundreds of miles away. A calutron is a large mass spectrometer used to refine uranium. They don't work very well so they are not used by modern members of the nuclear club, however they are easier to build than uranium hexafluoride gas turbines. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to it's not ok if it's not for our lulz\n---\n28. Vote for a basic income then. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/02/2014 07:14:30 PM EST\nattached to You are all being lied to!\n---\n29. Actually JSON is one of my very best friends posted by Repeatible Hairstyle on 03/01/2014 07:25:48 PM EST\nhe used to hate me with a passion, used to troll me with a vengeance, but then he quite hesitantly asked for my help with quite a serious problem which I am not at liberty to discuss. I rendered expert, well-informed advice, my proposal worked out well. Later we met up in sacto for some drinking. He still trolls me mercilessly here at k5 while at the same time we are texting back and forth about his job designing gambling machines. If I drop out of sight for a while, he is the very first to ever ask if I am ok as well as whether there is anything he could do to help me. I regard Jason Pawloski as the milk of human kindness. I don't have the first clue as to why he hates Rusty so much, he is not at all like that in meatspace. -- "When you masturbate to somebody for years, it's as if you already know them." -- Angelfish\nattached to I'm Not the Only One Who Hates wankers\n---\n30. Individuals advancing knowledge > economy. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/01/2014 08:24:29 AM EST\nattached to I'm Not the Only One Who Hates Borkers> body |comment: 2014-3-26-231951-606-14> => |text: \n\n\n It goes something like this:\nC1 - physical sleep\nC2 - common zombie "awake" state (still sleeping)\nC3 - actual zen state (actual awakening)\nC4 - paradigm shift state (moments of enlightenment)\nC5 - concentration state (used for doing hard stuff)\nThe problem is that shifting from C4 to C3 is really hard, because society is built and maintained by people at C2 who continually enforce this state by stealing (trapping) attention and promoting dissipation of personal energy. Toe the line, be a conformist, don't tell the truth -- I pay you to reflect my worldview, not challenge it.\nSo what we try to do is drop into C2. Hence drunk or fapping to sleep.\nBut Zen, although it looks like it would be a less conscious state, is really a more conscious state. Conscious of the body and its environment. \nPerhaps a lot of failed teachers don't actually get students to that level, or they write books to make it seem mysterious so you will buy more books... but more likely, it is just that most people are asleep and think that they are awake, that causes the problem.\nWhen you wake up at first, it is tempting to DO ALL THE THINGS that you suddenly remember, but of course that is hypomania, an inappropriate use of the mind-brain-body-systems, and can lead to all manner of bad things.\nWaking up is not the problem, though... the lack of knowledge (Gnosis) is. Hence, you either need prayer and connection to an infallible source, or a lot of experience, or a lot of clearly explained theory, as a guide. Fortunately, we can try all three, for little cost beyond time, in this day and age.\nApparently, some people use drugs to try to wake up more, but that is rather silly. Sleep is actually the most important thing, because it allows the brain to grow, much the same way that the muscles overcompensate. Same principle, different mechanism, I suppose.\nWhen awake, there is a limit of five or six hours of concentration that you can do per day. Any more than that, and "habits" take over and you do become something of a walking zombie, but more like a vampire because your body is looking for consciousness but you have exhausted your daily supply of willpower. \nHowever, no normal person would work on something for more than a few hours. In fact, most people can't even sit still for literally five minutes to develop the meditation skills needed to reach zazen, much less change their lifestyle to ensure adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition. \nThe distracting inspirations that appear when awake are always there, but often ignored for more mundane habits. You may have never been aware of how often they appear, much less the fact that you have some control over the conversation. With some effort and time, they can be disciplined as well, just as we learned in the first place to avoid physical cars. \nSo, yes, you need to avoid cars... always... but true Zen Walking (and not the fake kind that I was thinking of selling) makes it easier to avoid cars, both in the normal way, and in terms of dodging unexpected sudden events, and taking advantage of unexpected positive opportunities. Rather than being a zombie, you get out of the common fog and into the actual land of the living, awake beings.\nSo, with PROPER training, Zen (or more precisely, the zazen state of mind) makes Walking, and in deed living, much safer -- and more enjoyable -- and, likely, much longer lasting.\nThe problem is getting proper training, especially without basic income and sufficient guidance (self-distraction or the inertia of being common seems to be the major limit there, moreso than the lack of skilled teachers, since it seems at least partially self-teachable). \nSo, in a more fundamental way, the problem is an erroneous definition of self-love which is based on consumption rather than masturbation, and other forms of self-improvement. \nWhich works fine for people who want to sell as much to a docile population as possible, but is a problem for those who want to be as productive and capable of actualizing their dreams in the tangible world, as possible. \nMany other solutions or workarounds likely exist. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-25-105128-978-21> => |text: \n\n\n That argument has fuck all to do with whether or not the Government can do anything right. \nFrom my point of view the growing Wealth disparity between those who have wealth and those who do not is much greater than the generational problem.\nThe Wealth Gap in this country is greater by magnitudes than the Generational Gap. High youth unemployment could be fixed today with the implementation of a Basic Income. \nYou continue to cherry pick and use the conditions that you and your own ilk have created in order to show that the process is broken. But again, if you and the people that believe as you do WOULD STOP RIPPING UP THE SAFETY NETS put into place then you and I would not now be having this discussion.\nAgain. You remind me of a youngster. I have given you the keys to my beautiful '57 Cadillac. Instead of regularly changing the oil you spent the money on beer and weed. You have done very little preventive maintenance choosing instead to wait till the tires go flat to replace them, or something to break before duct-taping it back together. You have done little but keep gas in the tank, driving her hard and fast. Then you turn to me with a sneer on your face and say, "Thanks a lot for this piece of shit. Nothing fucking works on it and it's falling apart." \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2014-3-22-231014-346> => |text: Well, with that title, you all can likely write the rest yourselves. Basic income and playing deep games would be nice, but mostly, we need to make bank.> title |comment: 2014-3-22-231014-346-1> => |text: Basic Income in Nigeria> body |comment: 2014-3-22-231014-346-2> => |text: \n\n\n that is not new news to countries that have been fucked over by them.\nWhat to do about it, has always been the problem.\nUnlike how the Jews could bide their time or sing during the holocaust like Daniel et al, there are no cultural distinctions that make clear-cut enemies. The wage slave that you need to help you is too busy helping, and you are too broke or frugal to pay them anyhow. \nEven with basic income, capitalistic profits would still be important, if not critical, because you have to challenge the various "bullies".\nNot just the IMF, but what of the profit havens that ink (of inkjet fame) enjoy? Not only is printer ink worth like many times its weight in gold, but the carefully planned death-and-upgrade of printer cycle keeps HP/Canon in the money in a way that nobody feels yet everyone is affected by.\nI guess Epson should be in there, somewhere. They seem to have a slightly different business model based on higher reliability but also lower repairability / higher prices, though. I dunno.\nMy point is that you need both basic income of some sort, and to lead or contribute to corporate projects, if not a persistent going concern. We don't need more steve jobs types necessarily, but making bank was a priority for Microsoft, Apple, and EA.\nMore directly, flying in the face of corporate groupthink that all debt is good and cash is meant to be spent (as dividends) or invested (in machinery), they all made a cash buffer first (which whatsapp recently also did) and then focused on their business strategies without compromising this.\nThat literal bank (of cash) is mostly why they are still around, despite all the hate and exploitation. Cash money talks.\nMake bank and then make the world a better place. \nNo government will ever, or can ever do that for you. They are or will be owned by the various "legal mafia" groups, from IMF and World Bank to MPAA and RIAA to CIA and NRA, to Intel and its "you can't copy my slots" shit that killed EVERY chip maker except AMD. \nAnd only because AMD keeps the cost of hiring Engineers lower for Intel. \nPlus, AMD makes people happy with products we actually want, but, they don't make bank due to bonehead CEOs so..... Samson cannot kill Goliath, send for an Oracle. Or something.\nNo, Oracle failed also with Sun doing NOTHING in the IC space, eh? What a shame. \nBlah blah zzzzzzz \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-22-231014-346-14> => |text: \n\n\n They've conned the rest of us into thinking there's a limited supply of money, and that they have earned the right to allocate it, and that we have to go begging to them to get some. At any time, for any reason, they can shut their doors: "there's no money left!" But that is a lie. Money is created all the time, every day, every minute, every second; they artificially restrict the supply based on arbitrary, capricious whims. So if Apple "made bank", it had more to do with bankers' emotions being stroked by Jobs than with physics, or programming.\nThe solution is to free Woz from having to form a relationship with a Jobs. Give Woz a basic income, and see what he would have done with his ideas, if he hadn't come under Jobs's spell because of the pressure to "make a living". Woz wanted to give away everything for free. How far could that idea take us? Jobs couldn't program so he wanted to restrict the attention Woz might get by introducing finance as a controlling measure: "Money's scarce! I'll handle it!" \nBut what Jobs is really saying is, "I need attention! Look at me! I'm not creative like an engineer, so I'll artificially restrict money and parcel it out, so they'll have to pay attention to me!" ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-21-2527-96119-8> => |text: \n\n\n I realize that I started writing offline a lot more than online. Which is, likely, best for everyone.\nThe idea is that I'll just post topical stuff (MLP and opniions) and stuff that might make it into an article some day.\nThe lack of the altter part boterhed me so I started working on all the stuff I had been putting off.\nIt would help if I had more breast milk. I mean, basic income...... \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-20-204124-761-11> => |text: \n\n\n but explain why the last 10 or 30 players at the WSOP always have well known players at the tables...\nYes... luck is a factor, a big factor... but so is skill...\nWhy doesn't everyone just do a damn principles of micro-economics course and realise I am making sense?\nCapitalism with basic income and wealth tax... it's right there, in the most basic of courses...\nFree trade, where the 4 assumptions hold, is just as optimal if you redistribute wealth on a non-distortionary basis.\nThis is a known fact...\nThe first fucking idea you all have to remove from your stupid washed brains is that the purpose of life is to work.\nOnce everyone gets past the "oh shit that guy's not working -- why can't he be more like me" attitude, and realise that many of the actual wealthy probably haven't worked in generations!\nThe more productive we become, through the magic of capitalism, actually the less work we should have to do (on average)... the more leisure time we should have... or at least... we can have leisure time or trade it freely for greater wealth... not work or else starve and fuck you for making our streets look untidy while you do it. Fuck there's not much an unskilled person can do now days that a robot can't... except maybe fuck.\nIt's not that hard people!! The 1% have you fucking tricked and enslaving yourselves... wake up sheeple!!!\nYou're not a temporarily embarrassed multi millionare, you never will be... and if you actually are a multi millionare... you owe society a relatively small amount from it... because we keep you there... you benefit from society... the society that protects you... Not income tax (or at least not only), but wealth tax. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-20-204124-761-7> => |text: \n\n\n It removes incentives that capitalism provides to drive technological progress, decreases in production costs and improvements in quality and quantity of products produced.\nNo, the actual problem with capitalism is the lack of good safety nets... and no limit or at least no benefit from huge wealth inequality.\nThe solution is capitalism, with a basic income, and a wealth tax.\nFree market economic theory clearly proves this beyond any doubt.\nAnyone who doesn't see this as obvious is clearly mentally retarded, benefiting from the status quo or are easily lead brain washed sheep. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-18-05846-6030-3> => |text: \n\n\n Vote for a basic income so editors can live off that, if they choose, and devote all their time to making the site better without any input from greedy ignorant motherfucking corporate country-club little napolean assholes. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-3-17-16354-4765-21> => |text: Basic Income and Novel-writing challenges!> body |comment: 2014-3-17-16354-4765-38> => |text: \n\n\n at all your previous 'too smart, too indispensable' bullshit you've always gone on about.\nI don't know or care how much money you've saved up working... personally I've been 7 years without a job -- nor have I taken welfare... but it's gonna be fun watching you fail on this project.\n'Filipino Horror Movie' comes to mind.\nYou'll learn that capitalism, for all its glory, really should come with strong safety nets... and a basic income (as long as it's paid for by taxes and sensible government budgeting) wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.\nYou need a new sig "Coming Soon -- A New Novel by an Ex-IT Help Desk Jockey and Chronic Masturbater"-- I'm sure they'll be beating down your door to buy it. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-3-11-1641-10503> => |text: Cassie Ianetta is a small, bird-like woman (page 27) working (in Arthur's lab) on a cancer treatment. She's become attached to a chimpanzee test animal called Max, whom she's used her treatment on, successfully. She promised Max that would be the last experiment he would be used for.\nArthur Marshak's lab has come up with an idea for a way to regenerate body parts, in vivo. In early discussions, they touch upon the issue of animal trials (this chapter is narrated by Arthur, so the "I" is Arthur):\n\nCassie asked, "When we do animal experiments, we'll have to induce trauma or debilitation, won't we?"\n"Not at first," I said.\n"We'll want the animals to be as healthy as possible, in fact," Darrell said.\n"Yes, but eventually we'll need to cause cardiac insufficiency or kidney failure, stuff like that," Cassie insisted. "To make certain that the regeneration brings the animal back to full normal function."\n"Amputate limbs?" O'Neill asked.\nAndriotti grunted. "Gonna have a lot of pissed-off chimps on our hands."\n"Is it legal?" Cassie asked. "Won't the animal rights people go through the ceiling?"\nI sighed. "I'll get our legal department to look into it. Either way, it's certainly not something we'll want to tell the news media about."\n\n---\nCassie goes to Mexico for human trials on her cancer treatment procedure. NIH didn't approve human trials in the US, so she has to leave Max to go to Mexico. She extracts a promise from Arthur that Max will not be used in any experiments while she's gone.\nThe book jumps around in time. On page 225, Bova is narrating the "science trial" that comes after the events told in the other chapters. During the science trial, while Dr. Jesse Marshak (he's Arthur's brother) is testifying about his opinion that human trials should be delayed, there's an interruption:\n\n"Butchers!" a man yelled from the back of the chamber. "Animals have feelings!"\nWhipping around in his chair, Jesse saw a rake-thin elderly man shaking his fist in the air. "You've no right to hurt poor, defenseless animals!" he bellowed.\n\n---\nI agree with that man. Humans can give their consent to experiments; until animals can as well, humans should be charged with assault when they force animals to take part in experiments. If the animals voluntarily and knowingly choose to participate, that would be an ethical experiment.\nSo scientists should figure out how to communicate better with animals before using them for experimentation. In the meantime, or instead, use humans who have been fully informed and given their complete, uncoerced assent.\n---\nOn page 307 (in a chapter taking place before the "science trial"), animal rights activists attack Arthur's lab, taking three chimps (among other animals), leaving only Max. (This plot device lets Bova set up the pressure to use Max to experiment on.)\n---\nPage 323: Cassie makes Arthur promise not to use Max, even though he's the only chimp left. She tells him to "come on down to Mexico" and she'll get hundreds of human volunteers for his regeneration experiments.\n---\nPage 381: Arthur makes the decision to use Max.\nCassie is unavailable, in Mexico, not answering her messages because she's fallen in love with some drifter who eventually dumps her. (Again, this seems to be a plot device so Bova can set up the drama of maiming Max while Cassie is gone.)\n\n"I'd say we should wait until we get more chimps," Zack explained, "but there's a danger if we wait."\n"Competition," Arthur said grimly. "I know."\n\n---\nSo use cooperation instead of competition. \n---\nPages 383-384: Arthur decides to amputate Max's arm and remove an eye.\nThis decision seems irrational, especially the eye. It seems prompted by a rash desire for instant results, to have something impressive to show the board of directors. The decision doesn't properly consider the risks of doing two experiments in one animal. The temptation of basking in the glory of succeeding and not letting any word get out if it fails, takes over. It is heartless capitalism at its worst.\n---\nI should mention that there are frequent mentions of leather in the book: seat covers, couches, watch bands, etc. The characters eat meat: lamb chops, ribs, salmon, turkey bacon (it has low cholesterol!).\nAs I write this I sit here watching a small herd of cows across the road on a hill, thinking that we should default to the assumption that animals don't want to participate in experiments or be slaughtered. It is up to scientists to develop a language to communicate with them, to get their informed consent. Until then, we should charge hunters, ranchers, and animal experimenters with murder, assault, battery, kidnapping, enslavement.\nCass Sunstein writes: "representatives of animals should be able to bring private suits to ensure that anticruelty and related laws are actually enforced." The "related laws" should include the laws that apply to humans: protecting life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.\n---\nPage 400, Cassie sees the mutilated Max for the first time:\n\nI cried. For him. For me. For the cruelty that men can inflict on us so casually, without thinking, without caring."\n\n---\nWhat if there's a different way than the one Bova champions in this novel? An NPR story recently described Todd Kuiken's progress in developing neural interfaces for powered limb prosthesis. Dr. Kuiken uses volunteer human subjects. He doesn't need to subject animals to induced debilitation.\n---\nThe other thought I had about this book is:\nI don't like Arthur and the other characters in the book (except possibly Cassie). They are gregarious, outgoing, enjoy relationships and sex, eat out, live comfortably. They casually subject animals to cruel experiments and unthinkingly eat meat; they also wear, or buy, leather products.\nIf I work with such neurotypicals, I would end up like Cassie, killing myself.\nFar better to let me pursue my own paths in the quest to expand knowledge; give me (and anyone who asks) a basic income, and challenge us with competitions (but without requiring us to participate in them).> title |comment: 2014-3-8-95731-75982-1> => |text: basic income that you work for,> body |comment: 2014-3-5-24458-51695-5> => |text: \n\n\n Although I disagree with basic income being the solution to everything, he has a good point that you need leisure time to improve the world, yourself, and relationships to self and others. \nHe isn't even much of a NEET, He seems to be doing a lot of self-educating and is even sharing stuff that might at least be interesting, now and again.\nThere might have been stuff he did in the past, like when he was actually known as trane, which I didn't notice, but I am a fairly short-term/forgiving type of guy... it is only when I get called a cult leader or something for trying to help people who were complaining all the time, that I figure, there really is something wrong with them: they're constipated assholes.\nSince I never tried to help trane with anything, iirc, there hasn't been an opportunity. Furthermore, since this is k5, isn't a certain about of base rudeness or at least, aggressive behavior, normal? \nIt is why we have women here, but no girls... just like driving, girls are bad at taking things impersonally. Which is why we don't let them marry young, anymore.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-3-3-112625-3100-18> => |text: \n\n\n "They are some cycles which can be broken personally by young adults, but not forced upon society by any visionary;"\nWe need to recognize that people are not born stupid. Stupidity is a choice. \nWell, babies actually do seem to lack any form of useful intelligence. So people are born ignorant, if not stupid.\nThey are various types of stupidity that are mandated by The Empire, and although I agree that people often choose to "not try", you have the problem of teachers being stupid outside of their specialty (or sometimes, within it) causing lots of distress, currently.\nWas MIT right in saying that that guy who copied the whole law library and then killed himself when he was caught, stupid? \nI think people do a lot of stupid things in general, and if we want them to be smart in general, then some form of financial reward for it needs to be there.\nThis would naturally occur if people were encouraged/allowed to work from an early age, and could emancipate themselves by age 8 (not mandatory, they could remain a minor until 18 or whatever the age is now). \nThat would be smart, because keeping people who want to earn and learn-by-doing under the thumb of parents for too long doesn't seems smart.\nIntelligent people committing suicide, though, shows that people often make major mistakes which are not in the best interest of anyone, despite being rated as official intelligent. \nA combination of IQ, EQ, and mindfulness/positive reflection is necessary to begin to overcome the level of systematic stupid in society, and what is the point if you still can't get any peace and quiet, or even basic income?\nRather than persecuting stupid, you need to reward smart, whatever that might be. I won't put myself in that category, I'm trying but failing to be less stupid.\nIn general, the prevailing world order wants supervisions and "adaptives" -- or bullies and slaves, not smart people. The stupid, like the smoking, is on purpose to serve financial goals, despite the human costs. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-17-151947-207-8> => |text: \n\n\n For one, I don' believe that a basic income can be created out of nothing... Trane believes that... I believe it should be created out of a wealth tax and other taxes.\nSecondly, greengrass has me confused with LilDebbie. LilDebbie is a libertarian who thinks that he could get the money from the bank with a gun and that no regulations are necessary. This would be called an unregulated market.\nI believe in the free market, which is a regulated market, and can only exist with regulation. Regulation is required to bring the unregulated market inline with the four assumptions of the free market... All participants in a transaction chose to participate in that transaction (no externalities), there is perfect competition, there is perfect knowledge and people are rational.\nOne regulation I think should exist is that if a bank says it has cleared your funds, then your funds are cleared, unless it can be shown that you were a knowing participant in fraud.\nYou see, there was no fraud on the bitcoin side at all... the transaction went through, and it has gone through, and it ain't coming back. However, there was fraud on the bank side... A transaction had gone through, but it hadn't gone through, and it might be going back. See? The guy had defrauded the bank by compromising bank accounts, and the bank, in turn, defrauded me, by saying the funds had cleared from legitimate accounts... I, believing the banks illusion, then non-fraudulently sent bitcoins. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-13-19118-1262-3> => |text: \n\n\n First off is realizing that there isn't one size fits all 'poor'. There are many different 'grades' of poor and different causes and reasons. \nYou have people like our Crawford who are a victim of circumstances. Some he created for himself true but others he had very little control over. He is a very good example of the difficulty. On the one hand, he wants to work and wants to be a productive member of society. He has mentioned more than once that he wouldn't mind being a family man. \nSo one would think it would be easy to solve his problem. He just needs a decent place to stay, a job, and maybe a little assistance to get back on his feet. Trouble is that he has had that all available to him for some time. But he is particular and will not accept just any place to stay. It must have access to certain amenities, it must be in an area in which he is comfortable. I could go on. The same with the job. It has to be more than just a paycheck. It has to be something that he deems is worthwhile. And as for assistance, well he outright refuses it because he feels that by accepting it he is taking away from someone else who is in greater need. Now how is all that Sons and Daughters of God stuff supposed to help him?\nSimilar category, you are going to have vets coming home that have no civilian job skills and no military skills that translate to civilian job skills. They aren't poor now but many of them will be. How is igniting in their hearts the drive to better their families going to feed those folks huh?\nAnd that is only a small slice of poor my friend. You also have the elderly. The large mass of elderly that don't know 401k from kathy gifford and who all their life have been told that Social Security will be there for them. It's money that was taken out of their paychecks and they feel rightfully entitled to it. Most of them already feel the way you do (devoted to God and the Church) and many vote Conservative but they're poor so why don't THEY vote Democratic also?\nBecause your simplistic, "The Democratic party has an interest in keeping the poor poor, because that is who votes for Democrats. Republicans tend to just be limited government and not really care about the outcome." holds no water. It is a stereotype and simplification just as much as the stereotype of Catholic priests all being child molesters. \nSo, how are WE, You and I and everyone else, to solve the problems of both the Homeless Poor, the Elderly Poor and the working poor which I haven't even got into yet. The poor people that have jobs but barely enough to make it?\n"Is it really through creating yet another Department of Assistance, staffed with grads from the "right schools" and political allies?"\nI'm going to agree with you right there. We've done that and it has been somewhat effective and I think it would be MORE effective if we didn't have Conservatives all the time trying to tear it apart. But even still in many ways it is inadequate to solve these difficult problems going forward. \nThat is why I believe we need to start trying some NEW IDEAS. New ideas like Basic Income for starters. \nAnd the Church needs to do the same. You claim the Church supports Strong Families but only if the family is composed of a man and a woman right? And maybe no mixing up the color wheel either. Oh and if perhaps some in the family don't believe that sprinkling counts as a proper Baptism or that the wine actually turns to blood and the bread to flesh well where do those people go if they need help building their Strong Family? Will they be accepted or will they be turned away? \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n\n\n\n> title |diary: 2014-2-13-0530-18232> => |text: basic income is financially feasible> intro |diary: 2014-2-13-0530-18232> => |text: imagine, there are say 310 million people, give or take, in America. Does that include all immigrants? I don't know.\nLet's say we give every human 18 or older in America a basic income of $12,000 per year, to be paid out monthly, for $1000 per month.\nThat would come out to $3.72 trillion.\nKeep in mind in 2008 alone, the Federal Reserve gave 16 trillion to various banks and corporations around the world.\nSo, obviously, 3.72 trillion is no problem, on top of all of our other obligations, programs, liabilities and budgets. Not only could we fund the entire government, but we could also give every adult in the country a basic income of $12,000 a year. We could also pay off the debt overnight, if we wanted to. But we own our own debt, so why would we pay it off?\nThe sad truth is, the game is rigged, and the folks in charge really don't want to share.\nThis is why we need a basic income for all humanity.> title |comment: 2014-2-13-0530-18232-3> => |text: I don't know how much basic income...> body |comment: 2014-2-10-41256-3839-3> => |text: \n\n\n I think war nowadays is a top-down thing much more than before. \nUS has the "continual deployment" paradigm, and mental conditioning to saturate people with violence rather than virtue, and make them forget we all once depended on breast milk for basic income, mean some sorta violence is seen as the way forwards, even if it is just emotional/trolling.\nI would love to live in a world without war, though, and failing that, with more overflowing love as comes from positive personal development. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> title |diary: 2014-2-7-131123-7555> => |text: Universal Basic Income Coin> intro |diary: 2014-2-7-131123-7555> => |text: So... just imagining an idea here... a crypto coin, something like bitcoin, that implemented a truly universal basic income... the free market way?\nWould such a thing be possible?> body |comment: 2014-2-7-131123-7555-8> => |text: \n\n\n ...along with the thought that the bulk of "proof of work" exists to prevent double-spends and double-issues.\nSo my confused scifi solution is that you tie issuance to a biometric factor, like a voiceprint, but somehow you can preserve the uniqueness of the voiceprint while "hashing" it in such a way that it loses its identifying qualities. In that case, you could skip the messy crypto stuff that mostly exists to waste power, and third parties could confirm that this unique individual did request his allotment of coins no more than once in the previous X period of time. You'd have extra auditing capability by literally allowing humans to play back the request, but preferably not directly compromising the human's identity AND guarding against synthesized voices, etc.\nI'm pretty sure we don't have the technology to do that, if it's even theoretically possible to hash a voice (or other biometric indicator) that way in the first place. But it would be interesting to create an altcoin that 1) offers a basic income and 2) uses "proof of humanity" instead of the usual "proof of work" (wasteful) or "proof of stake" (benefits the rich / early adopters even moreso than PoW) schemes . \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-2-7-1751-84180-17> => |text: give all robots basic income & VR porn $> tags |diary: 2014-2-4-65134-66565> => |Jeffrey Sachs> + |coursera> + |sustainable development> + |economics> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |debt doesn't matter> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |artificial scarcity> title |diary: 2014-2-4-65134-66565> => |text: Basic Income, Challenges> body |diary: 2014-2-4-65134-66565> => |text: Clearly, the way to maximize such global brainstorming is to provide everyone with the choice of a Basic Income, and challenge them to come up with innovative ideas.\nThe finance part is trivial; as the Modigliani-Miller theorem shows, if you have a good idea it doesn't matter how you finance it. The important thing is to come up with good ideas, not how you pay for them.\nScarcity thinking blocks innovation by becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. To take an example from current political events, closing lanes on a bridge as a punitive measure is the imposition of artificial scarcity. Lanes were shut down, imposing scarcity, for political purposes, not because of any real scarcity.\nAnother current political example of artificial scarcity is the House vote to cut food stamp benefits. There is no shortage of food forcing these cuts; it is purely a policy decision to impose artificial scarcity. There is no real scarcity.> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-1> => |text: \n\n\n And we can best address that by making it easier to think and innovate. The best way I can see currently is a basic income.\nFinance should not be used as an excuse to deny a Basic Income. Argue on the merits of a Basic Income itself; but don't use "we can't pay for it" as an argument, because Modigliani-Miller shows that how you finance a good idea doesn't matter. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-3> => |text: the best way you see is basic income> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-3> => |text: \n\n\n how retarded. basic income won't motivate the brain. It'll paralyze it by all means. \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ncommentary - For a better sye@K5 \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n ripple me ~~> ~allthingsgo: gateway to Garden of Perfect Brightess in CNY/BTC/LTC/DRK\nrubbing u ~~> ~procrasti: getaway to HE'LL\n\n Hey! at least he was in a stable relationship. - procrasti \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-6> => |text: Some people will be satisfied with a Basic Income> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-10> => |text: \n\n\n would be easier. esp. the ones that tend to grow organically.\nAll of a sudden, nobody has to worry about food, housing, rent. Basic income takes care of that. So now we can use that as a basis to code the Matrix.\nThe problem with most people who fail is not lack of motivation, but lack of support which is mistaken as a lack of capability. With basic income, you can at least afford to escape from street life, bad family, etc. and pursue education without worrying about also having to work 12 or 16 hours a day just to "pay the bills".\nThere is enough resident desire to stimulate or even simulate ambition, so rather than work less, most people would work more.\nHow else will you afford a PS4? \nOr, for that matter, learn how to build one? \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-11> => |text: basic income distribution in garden state> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-5> => |text: \n\n\n In fact it would probably end up saving money. With a decent and rational Basic Income we don't need food stamps any more. Lots of other programs can also be reduced or eliminated. Lots of govt bureacracy, fraud, all that goes away.\nSince everyone recieves a Basic Income you don't require additional administration to decide who is eligible or any of that. \nPeople saying that no one would work are nuts. People just aren't that way. Some would yes. But actually, you don't have to worry about unemployment benefits any more or minimum wage either. So some businesses could pay less and still be attractive to job seekers due to other perks other than just wages. Other businesses would have to begin competing for better labor. That could feedback and cause a lot of folks to become better educated.\nThe major argument is just getting past the mindset of people getting something for nothing. It is non-intuitive but when you get past the kneejerk and start really looking at the benefits the idea makes a lot of sense.\nIt just has to get over that psychological inertia that has built up since the Mayflower landed.\nOf course it is no Silver Bullet. We'll still have some people that simply can't manage money. A lot of Crawfords buddies and others are still going to be broke and homeless. Cold and hungry. But overall a Basic Income could bring America back to a new Golden Age. \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-8> => |text: \n\n\n You can't just hand everyone a wad of cash and expect them all to spend it rationally. A basic income delivered as a lump sum would still leave people hungry and homeless. You still need each government assistance program. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-12> => |text: \n\n\n If you're selling you food stamps, then there is a cost involved, the magnitude depending on how and to whom you sell them. When people only get fifty cents on the dollar for selling them, they only sell what they have to.And then there is the immigration issue. There's ... there's a lot of issues with basic income. Not to mention that since it would be such a change from what we have, then we may as well open the discussion to include other possibilities. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-13> => |text: \n\n\n And there it is.\nThat's the only thing. You hand-wave "issues with Basic Income" Then you start setting up a whole army of strawmen. \nBut at the core it is just this fear of 'man, this is a truly radical idea, it's bound to suck.'\nBut The United States of America was founded on (at the time) radical ideas. Our greatest moments have been, not when we have been following the well trod path (Vietnam), but when we embraced radical ideas (Going to the Moon in a single decade).\nI mentioned that some folks are not going to be able to manage their money. But a lot of people can't manage food stamps either. I'm not talking about a few that sell them. I'm talking about those that buy cases and cases of Pepsi soda. Chips and Microwave dinners. \nSeriously, once you get your head around the idea you'll see that it really can work and make an improvement on everyones life. \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-14> => |text: \n\n\n It sounds like the New Coke of economics, which was another radical idea and a great example of why ideas fail when they replace systems that don't need replacing. The system we have kinda-sorta works, so you need a compelling reason before you burn it to the ground. Revolution for the sake of revolution is an ideal of Mao, not 18th century Boston, and one that resulted in mass death.You bring up Kennedy's idea of going to the Moon. Shortly after that was Johnson's Great Society. Parts of that are still in place. Other parts are being scaled back. Why is welfare not what it used to be?There were people, in fact generations of people, who had what amounted to a basic income. That was essentially repealed under Clinton, and now the lifetime welfare benefit is capped. These people who nominally had a basic income, were they better off with it? Trane has suggested that if everyone had a basic income, then there would be a renaissance of human intellect. But was there?If you subsidize something, then it gets more expensive. A basic income would subsidize everything, and thus make everything more expensive. Since, presumably, the money would be allocated per person and not as a scaled credit for income, then the same amount of money would be distributed per person. Which means, since the poor are the largest demographic, that you are directing the greatest subsidies toward what the poor spend their money on, i.e. food, rent, and gas. Which means that those things *will* become more expensive. Which means that they then have to go back to the labor market to afford the basics of life. And it also means that those on fixed incomes are screwed. Another issue. Immigration. If the United States implements a basic income, then we would have to have an actual immigration policy. What we have now is a wink and a nod to people coming from south of the Rio Grande, because the farmers and building contractors need the labor. Consumers like the low prices that come from cheap labor. Politicians like voters not screaming at them over high prices. And when the immigrants outlive their usefulness they get rounded up and set back. Disposable people. It's bad, but that's the system we have. If we institute a basic income, then you will have immigration fraud like that never seen before, because there will be a huge incentive. Also, what about the illegal immigrants who have been here a long time? Are they eligible for basic income? Using the same argument originally used by Nixon conservatives to justify basic income, you could say that we should extend the basic income to everyone in the Western hemisphere to keep them from coming to the United States. If it could be easily done for 317 million people, then why not a billion? We wouldn't have to spend so much on INS, for one thing.Another issue is eugenics. If the wealth creators are going to make lifetime payments to these people who cannot survive on their own, then doesn't that give the pay-ers the right to ensure that they pay-ees don't incur any further obligations? In other words, to only allow the infertile to opt in? Do we have an opportunity here to select against willingness to accept charity? Is this right or wrong?Why was this good again? --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-16> => |text: What is the problem basic income tries to solve?> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-18> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income could be one solution to structural unemployment engendered by technological advances in automation. But the wide-eyed naivety of the proponents needs to give way to a clear-eyed look into what would be involved, how you make it work, what the problems are, and how to prevent them. At the same time, we need to see if such unemployment is inevitable and whether there are ways to mitigate the pain without so radically changing our economic paradigm.Another issue I forgot, and probably one of the biggest. By disproportionately inflating the necessities, you are increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Does this matter economically? Does this matter politically? Are those even different things? Should we do anything about them, and if so what? These are big questions that have polarized ideologues for centuries. We are no closer to answering them now than when Marx called on the workers to unite. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-19> => |text: \n\n\n i'm not sure if eugenics are inevitable. perhaps they are. advances in technology may demand it at some point.\ni think the biggest obvious problem with a basic income is human nature. not sure how you get around that.\nbut as it is a select group are taking a huge cut off the top of the economy, at the expense of literally everyone else.\nright now, the way things are, the game is rigged. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-21> => |text: \n\n\n I think some of his conclusions are correct, but how he gets to it, and argues for it is insane.\nWealth tax and BI make a very good couple in terms of making capitalism work for the good of all... fighting wealth concentration, providing a safety net for all, while still maintaining the price signalling that makes capitalism work.\nThe problems aren't economic... Many economists have looked at these and decided they would work well in theory... wealth taxes and basic income aren't disstortionary for example, the 1st and 2nd welfare theorems still hold... there's no very good arguments against them.\nPolitically though... well... that's another problem altogether... The wealthy control politics... convince anyone to give up anything is difficult, especially when it's the one's who control the process. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-32> => |text: \n\n\n Obviously, you will not take any of this seriously. You are going to stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalalala.No. I presented likely problems and asked you to discuss ways to overcome them. I asked you what problem basic income solves. The only answer you have given any of these questions is that I'm a stick-in-the-mud fuddy duddy for not hopping on the new new thing. These are people's lives, not a TV where you just change the channel when you get bored.I understand you. Because I was exactly the same. BI on it's face seems absolutely preposterous. It is completely non-intuitive. It wasn't until I started looking at and reading the material that I beganDo you not realize that you sound like a cult member? Substitute BI with LRH or SMM and see what it looks like. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-20> => |text: \n\n\n Immigrants wouldn't get basic income...\nAnd there still doesn't seem to be a good reason to provide food stamps in the presence of BI either...\nBI should replace most forms of welfare. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-28> => |text: \n\n\n > Even illegal undocumented immigrants. As well as some other forms of welfare. If you make being a citizen worth guaranteed X$ per year, then many people will try to fake being a citizen just to get the X$. Existing citizens don't want to pay for non-citizens; so you have to have some way to reliably distinguish them. This means biometrics on an unprecedented scale. Are you OK with that?\nAnd I'm pretty sure the government has a register of every citizen who would be eligible from the start... If they aren't on the register, they aren't getting a basic income... simple... If they try to claim as someone else, it would have to be as an existing citizen... that existing citizen would probably notice... no biometrics required.\n> As for replacing other forms of welfare, I would still want to make sure that their existential needs are met. You're fine with throwing them a bunch of money and relying on personal responsibility to sort it out. But people on the full allotment of food stamps typically have alcohol, drug, or mental health issues. If they could act with the sort of responsibility you assume then they wouldn't be on food stamps to begin with. \nI'd allow basic income to be traded in for food stamps and more direct forms of welfare in cases where individuals opted for this or were shown to be in need of special help.\nI'd normally allow alcoholics and drug addicts to chose alcohol or drugs over food and shelter... if they so desired. (I'd also legalise drugs, so they weren't so much of a burden too... that's another story). Just as I'd allow a gambler to gamble all their money... or them to put all their money into a hippy commune, than feed themselves.\nThe fact that basic income is a small amount paid frequently would lead people to feed themselves... hunger is still a huge motivator... even for the worst of addicts.\nThat said, I would give people the choice (or by force on court order), you can lose your basic income and get food stamps and care instead. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-33> => |text: \n\n\n Politically your best bet would be adding basic income on top of food stamps. Otherwise "Why do want to starve these undocumented people who grow your food, construct your buildings, and clean your houses?" The food stamp people can't even ask about your citizenship status. This isn't Australia; American would *shut*down* without illegal labor.Yes hunger is still a huge motivator. But when a junkie gets money, he first buys his junk, whatever that junk may be. Everything else, like rent, food, child support, all that is optional. If he blows all his money on beer, or pot, or meth, then gets hungry, then he begs or steals food or money for food. Not conjecture, seen it happen, too many times.'Let them eat willpower'. OK. I'm generally fine with letting a person kill themselves, but only as long as they don't take anyone with them. The problem here is that a lot of these people have kids.I think my political correctness chip is failing, because I'm forgetting why can't we mention eugenics? --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-2-4-65134-66565-35> => |text: \n\n\n changes to how American society functions. You keep mentioning hypotheticals that nearly all have to do with drugs.\nWhich is natural, because it's the first thing that comes to mind.\nWe need a drug policy that makes sense. We need systemic reforms to our educational system.\nWe need true reform of our healthcare system so that everyone has access to healthcare without it making them bankrupt.\nWe need an immigration policy that actually works.\nAll of the above issues should probably be dealt with in some substantial way before a basic income would even be viable imo.\nI believe things can still get better, because things have gotten better before. It's not all entropy. \nThe issue isn't a lack of money or a lack of resources. the issue is a lack of political will. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2014-2-2-4116-91642> => |text: The two guys were fully armored, with helmets, carrying automatic rifles at the ready across their chests. They ran my license, asked what I was doing, then bid me goodnight and left.\nIt seems to me such emphasis on border security is misplaced. The border patrol create fear, and create problems. Seeing so many of their trucks, and signs along park roads warning of illegal alien traffic, I began to think there might be danger. But when I asked the guy who was running my license, he said the only people who would bother me would probably be the border patrol.\nHe said a few weeks ago they'd run into a truck carrying bales of marijuana, and when they saw me they thought it was their lucky day again.\nThe solution of course is to legalize drugs. And stop being so scared of Mexicans. They're not out to hurt anyone, like Juan Bautiste de Anza's expedition in 1776 they simply want a better life.\nThe border patrol waste a lot of gas, and disturb the night's quiet, driving back and forth every few minutes on the forest land roads.\nInstead, give them a basic income and encourage them to advance knowledge in some way.> title |comment: 2014-1-29-201223-793-10> => |text: Remove the stigma, with a Basic Income.> body |comment: 2014-1-29-201223-793-11> => |text: \n\n\n for a basic income. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-9> => |text: no mention of basic incomes so far> body |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-13> => |text: \n\n\n slowly edging our way to a basic income perhaps?\nobama is begging businesses to pay their employees more.\nas an american I could not be more embarrassed by this action.\n-_-; \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-21> => |text: \n\n\n basic income. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-26> => |text: not sure what "basic income" means> body |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-26> => |text: \n\n\n sounds like socialism. Of course, yeah, I'd like if everyone could do meaningful work and receive a "basic income" therefrom. Most (all?) people in the United States do receive a basic income. Starvation and exposure are not widespread problems. The left exists by skimming graft off class warfare and illegal property transfer. Robin Hood except making sure he gets his 35% Marriage is a divine rite. It was part of God's design when He created man. - Royal Martyr Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-31> => |text: What is Basic Income?> body |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-31> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income is a proposed policy that would see the state provide a regular income payment to every adult citizen, with no conditions attached. \nSuch a payment would be enough to meet basic needs for a frugal lifestyle, and would largely replace welfare, food stamps, and public pensions. It would also augment the income of poorly paid employed people, and provide a safety net for those with irregular incomes.\nBasic Income is sometimes described as a citizen's income or a social dividend, and is usually understood to be universal, unconditional, and guaranteed. \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-1-28-212217-880-32> => |text: Catchphrase proposal: Basic Income and challenges.> title |comment: 2014-1-28-6132-83112-2> => |text: education on basic income,> body |comment: 2014-1-24-13122-1504-1> => |text: \n\n\n A man with nothing who is happy. Living on the streets of the West Coast and when he isn't worrying about finding a job or writing code then he is happy. When he is just existing in his space, surviving, doing nothing but sipping creamer and writing on the net. Then he is happy.\nBut you can tell from his diary that when he is trying to do something constructive, working toward a goal then he gets tired and stressed out. He becomes frustrated and upset. Starts complaining and bitching about shitty wifi. \nWhen he is looking for a job and the borkers start filling his inbox he gets upset. Starts talking about Ignorant Mother Fuckers and all that.\nAs long as he has a mat, a warm meal, then you can see it reflected in the same diaries. The man is happy as anything.\nThen you got trane. Trane, when he's stuck at home, doing whatever he does and writing bots and all that. He turns into a sociopath that spits out one-liners and pokes fun at dead people. Then when he gets away and runs around naked through the woods or the desert just being, just existing, then you don't hear shit about basic income or deficit spending.\nMaybe we don't need technology. Maybe we don't need myths or the truth. Maybe we just need to move back into the caves or the trees. Enjoy a warm mat by the fire, a warm meal in our belly with the only truth being that we are born, we survive, and ultimately, we die. \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-1-17-105321-611-3> => |text: \n\n\n Writing like this is the only thing here that makes him human. It beats the vicious ad hominems, the subject-only retorts, and the broken records about basic income and prizes. If he wrote only diaries about nature, AI, and Louis Armstrong, I might think he was an OK guy. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> title |comment: 2014-1-13-134132-749-13> => |text: truly, the only answer is a basic income for all> title |comment: 2014-1-12-215222-656-8> => |text: Solution: basic income, and free work> body |comment: 2014-1-12-215222-656-8> => |text: \n\n\n http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=211725689\n"Is there a better way to find work?"\n\nCHARLIE HOEHN: [...] I laid on the ground for an hour one night, just like pulling my hair out in frustration being, like, that advice that I took for my whole life, it was a lie. It was a scam. The stuff that my friends were telling me were, dude, you got to keep shotgun blasting your resume out to these websites man - CareerBuilder, Monster.com. That's where it's at. No, it's not.\n[...]\nI just decided I'm just going to do work that I want to do, and if I don't get paid for it, so be it.\n[...]\nRAZ: Do you feel like that is a luxury your generation has or it's a necessity?\nHOEHN: You can call it either, it's just - I think that's just the way it is. And I think, mostly, it is a necessity. If you look at it like a luxury, it makes it sound like, oh, you know, all the other people suffered before you. Why shouldn't you have to suffer?\n(SOUNDBITE OF TED TALK)\nHOEHN: You need to stop acting like you have a set path in life. You don't, no one does. And so when I ask you to try this free work concept, I want you to ask yourself the same question I asked myself on the bathroom floor three years ago - what is the worst that could happen.\n\n---\nBackstop everyone with a basic income, and let them do what they want, work for free, volunteer, compete in challenges, be citizen scientists... ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-1-12-215222-656-14> => |text: \n\n\n but at least you are consistent.\nThe IMF, for one, won't ever allow basic income to become a thing. \nEsp. now that the Fourth (or Fifth?) Reich runs it.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2014-1-6-183322-2790-5> => |text: \n\n\n why don't we make a business to make fake IDs for 'welfare queens' to buck the system and milk it for everything that it is worth?\nEither that or a contracting company for the social security administration to write software to detect 'welfare queens' who abuse the system?\nI laugh in the face of anyone who wants to implement that 'basic income' system.\nFuckit, I got like hundreds of Internet aliases, they don't even check US citizenship for these social programs. Why am I only using one ID (my real name) when I can use dozens of fake names like Orion Blastar, Rush Gorden, Thomas Hard, et all to collect disability and welfare on and become a 'welfare king' of my own? \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2014-1-2-171118-7310> => |text: Oregon law requires gas station attendants to pump gas for everyone, resulting in inefficiency: I sat at a pump waiting for several minutes, when I was in a hurry and wanted to pump the gas myself. When some guy finally came, he told me there was a $500 fine for pumping gas yourself. \nI believe this "can't pump your own gas" law is a result of market thinking, which says the state can only spend what it takes in, and any job is a good job. Thus the state, trying to operate like a business, tries to make a law creating make-work jobs and (presumably) lowering social welfare spending.\nHowever, this is an example of how markets work away from efficiency. Instead of accepting the market faith-based axiom that a government can only spend what it takes in (which doesn't apply in the private sector, because of the Modigliani-Miller theorem of Finance), give everyone a basic income, and let me pump my own gas. Employ some full-serve attendants if necessary for those who like being served. Give me a choice, and give the workers a choice, instead of creating inefficiencies because of misguided attempts to make the government function like a business. The government should be the opposite of business: government should reward ethical behavior and reduce the moral hazards the market creates.> body |diary: 2014-1-2-171118-7310> => |text: Government should encourage people to pursue their happiness by providing them with a choice of a Basic Income so they don't have to compromise their self-realization progress by selling their time to an ignorant boss who orders them to do something they're not suited for.\n--------------------\nSee fluctuation theorem. Also, information gain. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:18:30 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHate-based economics, ftw. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:12:54 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nI disagree that more of a thing has to devalue it. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:11:18 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nStraw man. I give you what I use - MOOCs, my bot. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:08:47 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nUS Constitution says govt coins and regulates $ posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 02:43:36 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nTofurkey tastes good. Fund more vat meat research. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 02:16:11 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nI disagree that no one will work if on a basic inc posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 02:14:26 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nIt means not paying attention to murdered chickens posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 02:07:26 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nYou just admitted you're an Ignorant MFer, right? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:57:39 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHi, I assumed you meant Zhong Yao, but you didn't! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:45:22 PM EST\nattached to met a nice girl today\n---\nHard to imagine life without Ign. MFs to piss off! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:43:42 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHi, I think ad hominems prove my arguments! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:23:32 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nDo you know what meanness is? Then you know econ! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:22:47 PM EST\nattached to two questions those with EZ bank accounts should ask themselves in light of cyprus:\n---\nSee how technology made skin color irrelevant? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:22:05 PM EST\nattached to National Socialism - Libertarian Hybrid Theory\n---\nHi, I'm an Ign. MFer shitting on the internet! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:06:41 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nI'm an Indian. Tell it to me! Stereotype crumbles. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 01:04:02 PM EST\nattached to National Socialism - Libertarian Hybrid Theory\n---\nPpl asked her due to artificial scarcity of $. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 02:22:04 AM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHi, I didn't read how she gave so much away! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/29/2013 11:29:57 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nSkin color is irrelevant. Memes > genes. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/29/2013 10:55:22 PM EST\nattached to National Socialism - Libertarian Hybrid Theory\n---\nA Chinese doctor's daughter wanted to marry me posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/29/2013 02:58:06 PM EST\nattached to met a nice girl today\n---\nCyprus: ex. of using economics to justify meanness posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/29/2013 12:58:59 AM EST\nattached to two questions those with EZ bank accounts should ask themselves in light of cyprus:\n---\nHi, I just said that finance is fictional! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 06:08:30 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nNo shame, due to the artificial scarcity of $. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 06:06:43 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nLet's use fantasy econ axioms to justify meanness! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 05:48:02 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nHi, my econ says repetition is clever, and cool!! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:38:27 AM EST\nattached to what does k5 sound like?\n---\nHi, the double shots are making my head spin! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:37:40 AM EST\nattached to what does k5 sound like?\n---\nHi I'm back to my tried and true tactic: repeating posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:36:28 AM EST\nattached to abuse report still works on K5\n---\nHi, I'm stereotyping! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:35:12 AM EST\nattached to abuse report still works on K5\n---\nHi, my heart rate's dangerously high now! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:32:51 AM EST\nattached to abuse report still works on K5\n---\nLike you've never been a foreigner, everywhere. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:31:58 AM EST\nattached to what does k5 sound like?\n---\nHi, I'm back to mindless repetition! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/28/2013 10:30:08 AM EST\nattached to what does k5 sound like?> body |comment: 2013-12-31-23463-068-7> => |text: \n\n\n This is like Bobby Fischer playing the Hippo. \nThe law is much more subtle than you think it is. SSI is much more like a 'basic income' than Trane thinks it is. \nMe, I think you know damn well you qualify, but you're just too proud to take it. \nhere's how you prove me wrong. You get an actual lawyer who specializes in this area, a contingency fee one, and you do your damndest to get it. You argue your own case, not the governments. If denied initially (you probaby won't be), you appeal. And you keep doing this until you get it, and you will, eventually, and you will get up to 5 years of retro from the day you initially apply even if it takes, like, 10 appeals. Where to find such a disability lawyer? They might advertise. In a sufficiently ghetto neighborhood they might even put up a billboard. The homeless shelter probably knows where you can find one too.\nYou seem to misunderstand the adversarial nature of our legal system. You've been known to plead your case to the opposing counsel before. That isn't what you're supposed to do, you know. \n \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-12-31-202846-95> => |text: I prefer no-you k$5 posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 07:55:52 PM EST\nattached to I Haven't Masturbated In Weeks\n---\nTranslation: Me so homo posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 07:54:38 PM EST\nattached to I'm tired of homophobia\n---\nScrew New Spittle Old Spleen, who the fuck's he? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 07:50:55 PM EST\nattached to Pull: Walls of Text?\n---\nSolution: basic income, challenges. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/08/2013 05:11:45 PM EST\nattached to A first-rate oddity\n---\nUnhide my comments, bro. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/02/2013 08:32:39 PM EST\nattached to it's one of those diaries\n---\nFight the bullies, unhide my comments. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:43:34 PM EST\nattached to Love this Site\n---\nYou don't get to make choices for me, sorry. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:42:47 PM EST\nattached to met a nice girl today\n---\nHi, I'm using a free site to post ad homs! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:42:11 PM EST\nattached to met a nice girl today\n---\nProgram it, you'll use a 'meanness' rule. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:41:45 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHow does dark energy fit with the second law? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:39:25 PM EST\nattached to Attn Trane: Another MOOC for you to fail\n---\nI don't listen to Ign. MFers, sorry. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:38:48 PM EST\nattached to wordpress plugin fun\n---\nHi, I'm mod-bombing! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 10:37:34 PM EST\nattached to IMPORTANT K5 ANNOUNCEMENT\n---\nYou're sockpuppets? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 05:40:19 PM EST\nattached to IMPORTANT K5 ANNOUNCEMENT\n---\nWho rates the raters? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 02:40:29 PM EST\nattached to IMPORTANT K5 ANNOUNCEMENT\n---\nHe keeps repeating lies like money's private... posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 12:57:23 PM EST\nattached to The Master should charge for parking, to profit as well as inconvenience pilgrims! \n---\nHi, I think I have a reality distortion field! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 12:47:45 PM EST\nattached to IMPORTANT K5 ANNOUNCEMENT\n---\nHi, I write code that violates net neutrality! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/01/2013 05:01:25 AM EST\nattached to Jesus fuck the internet sucks\n---\nCapitalism motivates slowing down 3D printing. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:36:02 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nA basic income allows us to work on creating it. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:33:32 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nVery very few astronomers thought the earth moved! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:29:14 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nWith a basic income and challenges i bet you could posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:26:32 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nKelvin said heavier-than-air flight was impossible posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:22:19 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nThe wishes of sociopathic crowds? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 04:20:06 PM EST\nattached to met a nice girl today\n---\nBecause you tried to use it as an argument? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:54:02 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nHow did I take away their access to food? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:39:32 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nWhy would that happen? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:34:02 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nMore ppl die of obesity than of starvation. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:29:44 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nTech has given us more bread than we can consume. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:26:42 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought\n---\nTech decreases cost of labor. Also, volunteers. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:26:09 PM EST\nattached to Proof that we need basic income!\n---\nWhen I teach something, I gain more knowledge. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 03/30/2013 03:19:16 PM EST\nattached to Food for thought> body |diary: 2013-12-29-15549-443> => |text: This dream ignores American Exceptionalism. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/15/2013 11:54:41 AM EST\nattached to I had a nightmare dreamed I woke up in 2033\n---\nGermans are stealing Greeks' and Cypriots' lunch $ posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 09:58:51 PM EST\nattached to How much will you donate to Hot Spot Sunday, k5?\n---\nHi, I ruin kids' brains for a living. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 04:45:13 PM EST\nattached to Progress\n---\nHi, I helped make an Ign. MFer more Ignorant! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 04:43:36 PM EST\nattached to You feel so good!\n---\nHi, I've given this the Ign. MFer seal of approval posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 03:55:29 PM EST\nattached to You feel so good!\n---\nHis meds kill his brain to make him more like you. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 03:05:28 PM EST\nattached to Progress\n---\nI saw a quivering opossum baby this morning :( posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 02:29:25 PM EST\nattached to You feel so good!\n---\nHe goes homeless because of sociopaths like modus. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/14/2013 12:21:19 PM EST\nattached to Progress\n---\nSassin the Boss posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 11:51:25 PM EST\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Uttc8z0ls\nJimmie Lunceford - Sassin the Boss\nWillie! Willie! C'mon, boy, you're late for work!\nThe boss'll be surly, unless I'm early\nHe lets out a howl, like wolves in the zoo\nSo up (?) goes the coffee, and run for the bus\nOr the boss will yell at whatever I do\nYou know I just can't seem to suit that cat.\nI'd really like to boot him!\nHe's always so nosy, Jack!\nCrabby, and cross.\nI'd really like to tell him to go jump right on in the lake, Jack!\nBut then I'd be fired just for sassin' the boss.\nattached to Money, it's a trip!\n---\nreruns still on. love the gremlins, pacers you see posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 08:05:20 PM EST\nattached to TV by disc --what next?\n---\nCan't you hear me when I call? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 07:55:59 PM EST\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di1-bB1w4wM\nBig Boss Man - Jimmy Reed\nBig Boss Man, can't you hear me when I call?\nBig Boss man, can't you hear me when I call?\nWell you ain't so big, you just tall, that's all.\nYou got me working, boss man, \nWorking around the clock.\nI wanna little drink of water, \nBut you won't let Jimmy stop.\nBig Boss Man, can't you hear me when I call?\nWell you ain't so big, you just tall, that's all.\nWell I'm gonna get me a boss man, \nOne gonna treat me right.\nWork hard in the daytime, \nRest easy at night.\nBig Boss Man, can't you hear me when I call?\nWell you ain't so big, you just tall, that's all.\nattached to Money, it's a trip!\n---\nYour problem is somatic marker dysfunction. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 06:51:42 PM EST\nattached to Does this song make you sad?\n---\ns/I/we posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 06:14:49 PM EST\nattached to Money, it's a trip!\n---\nAmerican sadhu! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/13/2013 01:46:52 PM EST\nI saw a guy today pushing a shopping cart, one of the half-size ones, piled up with black plastic bags that looked like they were stuffed full of clothes. It's rainy and cold this morning; I felt good for getting out for a jog. What if I was camping out every night? I do camp out, but it's usually a choice (not always). He nodded to me as I trudged past. I kind of wanted to stop and talk to him a bit, but usually when I do that they end up getting bored and/or making fun of me.\nattached to If You Thought the iMac was Daring...\n---\nHe's here to see you kill yourself! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:19:51 PM EST\nattached to Tremor\n---\nOnly because of trolls like you. If only you left! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:19:10 PM EST\nattached to Tremor\n---\nMcDonald's mass murders cows and chickens :( posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:17:35 PM EST\nattached to So I went to my old hometown mcdonalds\n---\nNah, just dumbasses. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:15:46 PM EST\nattached to Learn, guys\n---\nIt's because the Fed's creating money! oh wait... posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:12:40 PM EST\nattached to Gold fails it\n---\nMaggie Thatcher died 87 years too late. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:11:50 PM EST\nattached to Jonathan Winters dies\n---\nHi, my economics justifies rape! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/12/2013 07:10:46 PM EST\nattached to Micro-Gigs, Basic Income, Inflation\n---\nHi, my economics is rape-based! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/11/2013 10:35:09 PM EST\nattached to gold fails it\n---\nEU is proving that austerity is a death trap. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/11/2013 10:32:06 PM EST\nattached to gold fails it\n---\ntry 74,000% rate of return on an aapl investment posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/11/2013 01:53:23 PM EST\nattached to bitlol fails it\n---\nHe sold at 12. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/11/2013 01:00:12 PM EST\nattached to bitlol fails it\n---\nTake a whole bottle of sleeping pills. Please! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 11:38:34 PM EST\nattached to so yeah that escalated quickly\n---\nHi, I use dark sarcasms in the classroom. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 09:52:50 PM EST\nattached to I Haven't Masturbated In Weeks\n---\nReagan wanted to give death penalty to druggies. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 09:51:12 PM EST\nattached to I'm tired of homophobia\n---\nSmoking pot != smoking cigarettes wrt cancer risk. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 09:47:33 PM EST\nattached to multiculturalism: failure or what?\n---\nTeacher! Leave those kids alone! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 04/10/2013 07:57:39 PM EST\nattached to I Haven't Masturbated In Weeks> body |diary: 2013-12-26-205827-00> => |text: Dear Computer and Information Technology Industry;\nEat Shit, Fuck Off, and Die.\nSincerely,\ntdillo\nthat is all.\nplease return to your regular kuro5hin.org activities.\nOh yeah, and send me my Basic Income, ASA-MF-P!\nTYHAND!> body |diary: 2013-12-25-94349-692> => |text: Yeah for us!\nSince I might be out (of rust) until the new year, happy 2014, also!\nHope you all get the basic income and massive profits that are needed to prevent skynet from conquering our souls.> intro |diary: 2013-12-23-22251-025> => |text: Here comes Bernankoin.\nTo put it in simple words for those of you who never attended College Economics Classes, Bitcoin is inherently flawed because of deflation and deflation is bad mkay.\nSee, when people "mine" coins, it means they need them. And yet, more people "mining" result in less coins! It's nonsense.\nSo with Bernankoin the Block Reward is actually determined by how much people want coins. It's also not "mining" anymore, which is a silly goldbug term, but printing, which is the way Ben Bernanke saved our economy. That innovative reward system is called Quantitative Easing.\nThat way, it also does away with any pre-"mining" concerns.\nA Windows binary is linked in the post so you can start printing your basic income as soon your download finishes.> title |comment: 2013-12-23-215515-39-4> => |text: Add basic income, drop minimum wage...> body |comment: 2013-12-23-134752-83-2> => |text: \n\n\n isn't that the observation that lead to the discovery of Dark Matter?\nOn a different note, your constant trolling about Basic Income actually lead to me doing some reading about it. That reading has convinced me that Basic Income as a government policy isn't as crackpot an idea as it seems on the face. It could possibly lead to tremendous savings in govt expenditures and doing much more to help people in Crawford's position than welfare. \nSince everyone would receive it there would be much less of a stigma attached than food stamps and entitlements.\nOf course it wouldn't cure ALL the problems. There is no silver bullet. There are going to be people that end up still broke because they just aren't able to manage money whether you gave them a dollar a million. \nI also see your point vis-a-vis government debt and bank debt. I disagree with you that deficits don't matter. If nothing else they have a large affect on market confidence.\nI believe that as long as America is productive and investing in itself (IOW People are going to work and govt is investing in Infrastructure and Education) that deficits probably don't really matter. The problem though is that too many people want to take advantage of govt subsidy and transfer the risk to the public--what I call having their cake and eating your cake also.\nFurther, the govt is making cuts in the very investments it needs to be making, roads, bridges, etc. and Americans are not working (unemployment). \nHaving said that though, it doesn't change the fact that you are a rather annoying person as well as being extremely bitter and jealous of others. I think that most of your comments as written deserve to be hidden because they amount to no more than one-line troll spam. \n\n"It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. That's just me." - Phil Robertson\n\n \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2013-12-21-143133-71> => |text: The diarist a few down seems to have been punished rather harshly for some hacking. Is 18 USC 1030 what Snowden's charged under?\nTwo recent slashdot stories point to the viability of a basic-income-and-challenges model. In http://ask.slashdot.org/story/13/12/20/1813204/ask-slashdot-do-you-run-a-copy-ca\n\n\nt-installation-at-home Lab Rat Jason says: "I don't know a single developer who doesn't have a home setup that allows them to tinker in a more relaxed environment. Or, put another way, my home setup represents the place I wish my company was going." In http://developers.slashdot.org/story/13/12/20/1420258/idc-40-percent-of-develope\n\n\nrs-are-hobbyists: "A new IDC study has found that 'of the 18.5 million software developers in the world, about 7.5 million - roughly 40 percent - are so-called hobbyist developers'". So there are enough developers interested in programming for reasons other than "making a living". Provide them with the choice of a basic income and challenges in which they can show off their creative talents, and the pace of innovation will increase. Since innovation is the reason the US dollar is the world's reserve currency, as well as the source of rises in standards of living by making things more convenient, increasing the pace of innovation means we can create as much money as we feel.> body |diary: 2013-12-21-143133-71> => |text: Hector Cardenez couldn't afford a prosthetic posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/16/2013 04:07:11 PM EST\nhttp://www.pbs.org/pov/criticalcondition/film_description.php#.UZU7oZWlg20\nHector Cardenas, a warehouse manager in Los Angeles with diabetes, opted to amputate his infected foot before losing his job and medical benefits. When his insurance coverage lapses, he struggles to repair his broken temporary prosthesis on his own. He cannot walk properly or earn money without a permanent prosthesis, but he cannot afford the permanent prosthesis without a job that offers basic medical benefits. Adding insult to injury, Hector's old insurance company retroactively denies reimbursement for his original prosthesis, and saddles Hector with a $9,000 bill. He falls five months behind on rent and is forced to move into a single room in a nearby motel. After a year without finding a job, Hector's perseverance pays off and he is hired as a warehouse manager at a new company. He hopes that he can stay healthy enough to survive the probation period until he qualifies for insurance, but he still worries that the company's policy will not cover his pre-existing conditions.\nattached to Perspective\n---\nMake tax voluntary. Create the budget. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/16/2013 12:41:14 PM EST\nattached to smarties, you may be the fools of tomorrow!\n---\nIt'd be greater if gov paid for better prosthetics posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/16/2013 12:37:55 PM EST\nattached to Perspective\n---\nBasic income, challenges are the solution posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/16/2013 01:48:09 AM EST\nattached to smarties, you may be the fools of tomorrow!\n---\nHi, I'm so smart I let Ign. MFers boss me around! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 09:41:50 PM EST\nattached to Axioms of Basic Income\n---\nHi, I can't code, so I criticize! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 09:39:08 PM EST\nattached to Axioms of Basic Income\n---\nHi, when I assume, I make an ass out of u and me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 09:36:37 PM EST\nattached to Axioms of Basic Income\n---\nNo, podunk hillbilly CWU banned me. Not UW. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 09:35:05 PM EST\nattached to Axioms of Basic Income\n---\nHi, I don't know BS means Bachelor of Science! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 09:33:16 PM EST\nattached to LEAVE TRANE ALONE YOU MEAN BASTARDS!\n---\nHi, I'm trolling! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 11:57:52 AM EST\nattached to I finally got the final vote in\n---\nHi, I'm making fun of my overbearing self! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 11:56:54 AM EST\nattached to LEAVE TRANE ALONE YOU MEAN BASTARDS!\n---\nHi I'm just now realizing how badly I was trolled! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:28:55 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi I'm fearful cuz my theory would fail otherwise! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:27:48 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nMore than under the Articles of Confederation. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:25:48 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nIf ppl cede powers, then they have a govt. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:23:53 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nThe sex offender who wrote this diary. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:21:43 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm more afraid than crackheads! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 04:20:32 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I live in fear all the time! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:16:15 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm so rich I live in a bad neighborhood! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:14:14 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, give me 50c so I can call someone who cares! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:11:36 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I can't understand these very words! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:10:04 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi my extrapolations are wrong like all economists posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:09:30 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm just playing a 'character' right now! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:08:19 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm a liar! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:07:08 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I live in a 'dodgy' part of town! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:06:42 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I can't read English! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:05:15 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I get hurt, therefore you must have been hurt! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:04:50 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm a softie who cares for battery chickens! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:03:28 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I want k$5 to think I'm mean all the time! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:02:22 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown\n---\nHi, I'm afraid ppl will see my grass trees! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/15/2013 03:01:30 AM EST\nattached to #kuro5hin meltdown> body |diary: 2013-12-17-115511-66> => |text: Barnflea's a pathetic failure of a human being. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 12/16/2013 05:15:31 PM EST\nattached to What is the purpose of education?\n---\nHi, a house didn't stop Dad from dying of cancer! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 12/16/2013 02:25:17 AM EST\nattached to so we moved to a house.\n---\nHi, I think loud is better! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 11/28/2013 10:04:31 PM EST\nattached to ouch\n---\nYour wife mimics femininity poorly. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 11/27/2013 02:29:08 PM EST\nattached to The real crime on Thanksgiving is murder of innocent turkeys\n---\nI popped it fucking your wife in the car last nite posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/29/2013 04:06:56 PM EST\nattached to I hate those Viagra ads.\n---\nHi, I'm a victim of early-onset Trollzheimer's! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 03:59:05 AM EST\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nChange happens posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 02:47:18 AM EST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/7/28/23336/0568\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nWhy are you trying to troll me, bro? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 02:45:27 AM EST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/7/28/23336/0568\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nChange Federal law. Wa, Co changed state laws. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 12:50:13 AM EST\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nHi, I can dish it out but can't take it! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:23:54 AM EST\nattached to why?\n---\nHi, I do unto others but cry when they do unto me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:23:14 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nHi, this is all about me, not about my dad! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:20:56 AM EST\nattached to I just wanted to say thanks to gay5\n---\nMeanness, not necessity, causes homelessness. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 08:14:22 AM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nI like Chinese! They only come up to your knees! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 08:12:29 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nCows are poems of pity, 2nd mothers to the world. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 07:52:32 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nPity comment! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:50:55 AM EST\nattached to The Crawford Solution\n---\nHi, I'm being called by the last decade! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:30:09 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nHi, I'm a whining, hypocritical toadie! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:27:03 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nHi, I try to make real ppl's lives into statistics posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:23:53 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nThe debt ceiling is unnecessary; let's abolish it. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 02:20:06 AM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nGovt is bankrupt because we let banks allocate $. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 01:26:53 AM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nHave you heard of Anal Cunt? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 10:25:46 PM EST\nattached to Cunt Cunt Cunt Pussy Cunt\n---\nThis is what happens when banks allocate resources posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 10:05:41 PM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nCall it a basic income, or 'Ign. MFer protection'. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:16:07 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nStep three: get your hearing tested. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:14:38 PM EST\nattached to A Crawforidan finacial problem\n---\nLilDeaffie hears Ma'm as 'babe', but WE're crazy? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:12:48 PM EST\nattached to I think we have a bad phase of the Moon!\n---\nLike a boss making unreasonable deadlines? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 08:41:21 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nHi, I support the right of bosses to be abusive! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 08:40:33 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nRoot of the problem: artificial scarcity of money. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 07:20:26 PM EST\nattached to A Crawforidan finacial problem\n---\nCode like a headless chicken! It's the Ign MF way! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 06:27:04 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!> body |comment: 2013-12-16-11595-834-14> => |text: \n\n\n what are we doing with that money exactly?\npissing in the wind?\nshould we not attempt to educate people at all because we know they will never be able to get a good job?\nare we once again faced with the prospect of a basic income as the only solution to save humanity? \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-12-15-0510-2189> => |text: I referred to a "social balance sheet" in Gurley and Shaw's Money in a theory of finance, Table 3 on page 29. In that table, the government's tax receipts are zero, while its purchases of goods and services are 10. So the government runs a deficit, in this "Rudimentary Finance" model.\nFurther on (pages 38-39):\n\nWe have shown that real incremental demand for money during growth can be satisfied, in the rudimentary economy, by deflation of prices and money wage rates. But it can be satisfied too by growth in nominal money at stable levels of prices and money wage rates.\nIf price and wage levels are to be stable during growth, the private sectors of the rudimentary economy must maintain surplus budgets and government must run a continuous deficit. The private sectors must save, lend, and accumulate nominal money while government must dissave, borrow, and issue money.\n\n---\nI think Stephanie Kelton makes the same point, in What Happens When the Government Tightens its Belt? (Part I) and Part II.\nFrom Part I:\n\nBecause the economy's financial flows are a closed system - every payment must come from somewhere and end up somewhere - one sector's surplus is always the other sector's deficit. As the government "tightens" its belt, it "lightens" its load on the teeter-totter, shifting the relative burden onto you.\n\nThis chart drives home the point graphically.\nKelton's model is not "rudimentary"; it models the existing economy.\n---\nI popped it fucking your wife in the car last nite posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/29/2013 04:06:56 PM EST\nattached to I hate those Viagra ads.\n---\nHi, I'm a victim of early-onset Trollzheimer's! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 03:59:05 AM EST\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nChange happens posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 02:47:18 AM EST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/7/28/23336/0568\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nWhy are you trying to troll me, bro? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 02:45:27 AM EST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/7/28/23336/0568\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nChange Federal law. Wa, Co changed state laws. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/26/2013 12:50:13 AM EST\nattached to The US War on drugs and the American Holocaust\n---\nHi, I can dish it out but can't take it! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:23:54 AM EST\nattached to why?\n---\nHi, I do unto others but cry when they do unto me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:23:14 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nHi, this is all about me, not about my dad! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 11:20:56 AM EST\nattached to I just wanted to say thanks to gay5\n---\nMeanness, not necessity, causes homelessness. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 08:14:22 AM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nI like Chinese! They only come up to your knees! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 08:12:29 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nCows are poems of pity, 2nd mothers to the world. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 07:52:32 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nPity comment! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:50:55 AM EST\nattached to The Crawford Solution\n---\nHi, I'm being called by the last decade! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:30:09 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nHi, I'm a whining, hypocritical toadie! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:27:03 AM EST\nattached to This Place is Incredible! Or, I <3 Nerd Girls\n---\nHi, I try to make real ppl's lives into statistics posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 06:23:53 AM EST\nattached to Crawford job prediction\n---\nThe debt ceiling is unnecessary; let's abolish it. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 02:20:06 AM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nGovt is bankrupt because we let banks allocate $. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/25/2013 01:26:53 AM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nHave you heard of Anal Cunt? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 10:25:46 PM EST\nattached to Cunt Cunt Cunt Pussy Cunt\n---\nThis is what happens when banks allocate resources posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 10:05:41 PM EST\nattached to LOL Kuro5hin\n---\nCall it a basic income, or 'Ign. MFer protection'. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:16:07 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nStep three: get your hearing tested. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:14:38 PM EST\nattached to A Crawforidan finacial problem\n---\nLilDeaffie hears Ma'm as 'babe', but WE're crazy? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 09:12:48 PM EST\nattached to I think we have a bad phase of the Moon!\n---\nLike a boss making unreasonable deadlines? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 08:41:21 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nHi, I support the right of bosses to be abusive! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 08:40:33 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nRoot of the problem: artificial scarcity of money. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 07:20:26 PM EST\nattached to A Crawforidan finacial problem\n---\nCode like a headless chicken! It's the Ign MF way! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 06:27:04 PM EST\nattached to Venice or Bust!\n---\nHi, I think Buddhism means attachment to offspring posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 01:14:06 PM EST\nattached to ''let me finish, babe''\n---\nHi, I'm most Buddhist when my wife pussy whips me! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 01:12:48 PM EST\nattached to ''let me finish, babe''\n---\nI know! I paid $5 for an account and didn't get it posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 01:11:15 PM EST\nattached to The Cruelty of the System\n---\nKill yourself. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 05/24/2013 01:10:05 PM EST\nattached to as expected dad passed.> body |comment: 2013-12-14-171423-61-3> => |text: \n\n\n Capitalism with wealth redistribution.\nTax Wealth -- directly tax individual wealth... at a small percentage per year... over some threshold.\nRemove min wage laws and other price controls in general... but don't forget negative and positive externalities exist... health, education, pollution...\nPay a basic income to everyone.\nLet the system continue on and build the robots to let everyone, except the rich robot corp owners and the three engineers they need, retire... \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-12-14-171423-61-23> => |text: Yeah, but they get paid like 10x basic income> body |comment: 2013-12-12-174952-39-2> => |text: \n\n\n over that shit. So a little more than butt hurt.\nYeah, I know, you're going to reply\n'Solution: Basic Income and AI Translators.'\nI just saved you the trouble. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-12-11-18264-729> => |text: Tell 'em to 'Take this job, and shove it!' posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:43:04 PM EST\nattached to SOAP box\n---\nOr Burton for Jazz Improv. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:38:15 PM EST\nattached to MLP - Philosophy of startups\n---\nYeah they get big names, like Hinton for NNs. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:37:56 PM EST\nattached to MLP - Philosophy of startups\n---\nHi, I'm rich and go to movies. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:36:03 PM EST\nattached to Monsieur Lazhar (2011)\n---\nSo, bad trolling is what you 'normals' do? posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:34:02 PM EST\nattached to That was . . . weird, and a bit disturbing.\n---\n'X is a thing' jumped the shark so last decade ago posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:31:07 PM EST\nattached to Hello kuro6chan\n---\nI slept in the rain forest last night. Awesome! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/19/2013 11:28:52 PM EST\nattached to Feeling a Little Better\n---\nShit's hit the fan, because gas prices are down! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/15/2013 03:54:59 PM EST\nattached to dear Ignorant Motherfuckers\n---\nHi, my wife's going to be replaced by 3D printers! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/15/2013 12:05:02 PM EST\nattached to I got to be a field nigger today\n---\nRather than mock, they should change the law. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/14/2013 05:25:24 PM EST\nattached to McNugent spotted.\n---\nClassic tell of a troll: italics to elicit emotion posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/13/2013 06:48:41 PM EST\nattached to Yes, Crawford, you're manic again\n---\nWe can't afford the Revolutionary War posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/12/2013 11:39:56 PM EST\nattached to the delusional left\n---\nHi, I don't know what a house nigger is! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/12/2013 10:40:45 PM EST\nattached to the delusional left\n---\nJust finished Jazz Improv. Most fun class, ev4r! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/12/2013 10:38:15 PM EST\nattached to Coursera -- Who is doing what?\n---\nHe caught the train; I didn't have to face anyone! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 11:27:50 PM EST\nattached to Sad news... VMS dead at 35\n---\n#kuro5hin on slashnet. Works over dialup! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 02:17:57 PM EST\nattached to Homeless\n---\nGovt should help him. I hate meeting ppl. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 07:13:54 AM EST\nattached to Hay Trane! Crash On Your Couch Tomorrow Night?\n---\nHi, I'm ragin, watch me go! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 07:10:50 AM EST\nattached to Homeless\n---\ns/Relavant/Relevant posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 01:03:49 AM EST\nattached to Homeless\n---\nPrediction: divorce immediately after green card. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/10/2013 12:59:37 AM EST\nattached to so apparently I set a trend\n---\nnot sure i know your email. send me one at hotmail posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/09/2013 06:31:07 PM EST\nattached to Hay Trane! Crash On Your Couch Tomorrow Night?\n---\nI'm way south of Olympia. How far south can you go posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/09/2013 02:03:43 PM EST\nattached to Hay Trane! Crash On Your Couch Tomorrow Night?\n---\nSolution: basic income, free love. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/08/2013 10:53:35 PM EST\nattached to Gimme My Money Back! aka 2nd Amendment 1 Hookers 0\n---\nCrawford libeled Lulzara! Oh wait... posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/08/2013 07:26:29 PM EST\nattached to PRIVACY IS TERRORISM\n---\nHi, I'm in a glass house, throwing stones! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/08/2013 11:19:11 AM EST\nattached to I take electricity for granted\n---\nProblems of the rich and bumbling. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/08/2013 11:18:20 AM EST\nattached to I take electricity for granted\n---\nMichael Douglas caught cancer doing that. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/08/2013 11:17:19 AM EST\nattached to A PUSSYLICKER REPENTS\n---\nCan't create bitcoins; but they can be lost. Doh! posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/07/2013 09:06:45 PM EST\nattached to I have collected the maximum number of bitcoins\n---\nYou won't unhide my comments, why would I meet you posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/07/2013 04:45:12 PM EST\nattached to K5 Meetup in Seattle Monday Evening?\n---\nMean bankers perpetuate artificial scarcity of $. posted by Edmund Blackadder on 06/07/2013 03:16:37 PM EST\nattached to Ask K5: Explain Bitcoin, Economics, and Finance in general like I am 5 years-old> body |diary: 2013-12-9-204945-349> => |text: Another example of blind submission to society's arbitrary whims is blarghnie's comment in some (other?) dumble diary criticizing crumble's desire to use operators, i.e. subject-predicate syntax like natural language, instead of typical OOP function-argument syntax. It is this type of unquestioning faith in authority that retards progress towards AI.\nI've long been bothered that numbers are first class in programming languages, but strings have to be delimited. Also, strings can't be easily combined with numbers; you have to convert the string or cast it or do something before you can combine it with a number. I tried something in ruby to concatenate strings and numbers by overloading the + operator: http://subbot.org/misc/Fixnum_String_custom_example.txt . Now I'd like to further develop that idea to handle a problem I'm running into with a balance sheet app: each time I want to add, say, "$80 deposit" to "$20 reserves", I have to parse out the numbers, add them, then turn the answer back into a string. Why can't the language handle this automatically? I'll see if I can get ruby's monkey-patching to do it :) Note: I can't use python, because python doesn't permit overloading of base class operators. \n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/15/14952/4864/1#1\n07/15/2013 03:56:07 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I'm repeating a gay meme from the last diary!\nattached to Apple sued over not using a porn filter\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/14/184225/480/14#14\n07/15/2013 12:53:17 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, my ignorance justifies my green card marriage!\nattached to Sue the Ignorant Mother Fuckers!\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/14/224049/250/12#12\n07/15/2013 12:50:09 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nCops caused Bud Powell brain damage beating him up\nattached to YOU KNOW WHO IS GOING YOU KNOW WHERE\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/23058/4000/1#1\n07/13/2013 11:15:02 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nmumble-dumbell-ville\nattached to Escaping the Internet AKA Moronville\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/23559/8359/2#2\n07/13/2013 11:13:57 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nagainst Duh-l Grumputh\nattached to Zimmerman is not guilty, the system has epic failed!\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/23559/8359/1#1\n07/13/2013 11:12:31 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI'm standing my ground agains Dumbfuck Gruffuck\nattached to Zimmerman is not guilty, the system has epic failed!\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/85154/1646/1#1\n07/13/2013 07:50:22 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nDefense of Liberty: The Basic Income Act.\nattached to the blurry line...\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/122154/061/11#11\n07/13/2013 07:32:26 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nYou're a menace to justice, decency, compassion.\nattached to when worlds collide\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/13/12931/0784/3#3\n07/13/2013 07:31:20 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nBut then again, 'Everything old is new again'\nattached to Musical Interlude\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/12/192622/357/6#6\n07/13/2013 12:40:30 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nFlying while oriental\nattached to Asiana Pilots Names Revealed\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/12/21207/9074/7#7\n07/12/2013 11:43:13 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI hope you get busted for convenience marriage\nattached to Did someone solve the software problem?\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/11/92355/1091/8#8\n07/12/2013 07:54:13 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I think language is a bag of words!\nattached to ATTN Del:\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/12/18243/4112/2#2\n07/12/2013 07:02:47 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nYeah but what about early detection, prevention?\nattached to Reincarnation of a Lovebird\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/11/211135/800/6#6\n07/12/2013 01:00:56 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I'm being exploited for a Green card!\nattached to latest sign of mania\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/11/21150/1251/6#6\n07/12/2013 12:56:10 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI heard LolDebbie's a bottom\nattached to proof george zimmerman is innocent\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/12/121319/243/1#1\n07/12/2013 12:51:18 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nMike was arrested unjustly. Like Assange, Snowden.\nattached to Am I not being paranoid enough?\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/9/20104/41049/6#6\n07/09/2013 09:11:42 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI blame modus's mother.\nattached to Douchebag Orson Card says "Please don't boycott My Movie"\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/9/20104/41049/3#3\n07/09/2013 09:01:55 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nMS just buys small companies to 'innovate'.\nattached to Douchebag Orson Card says "Please don't boycott My Movie"\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/8/35829/92358/3#3\n07/08/2013 05:00:57 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nTake the door hinges off, Einstein.\nattached to I ain't going anywhere \n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/8/13147/37777/3#3\n07/08/2013 04:57:48 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nAnother Crawford sighting! \nattached to lol\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/8/13147/37777/2#2\n07/08/2013 02:22:16 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, all ppl that look alike are the same!\nattached to lol\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/211551/8729/5#5\n07/06/2013 11:27:01 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nMindpixel, your better in every sense, used it.\nattached to This sounds like a reasonably easy way to go\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/1848/18674/2#2\n07/06/2013 06:47:29 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI don't think 'vice' means what you think it does.\nattached to hypervigilence and its reward\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/16639/12516/2#2\n07/06/2013 05:29:42 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nSo you must really like being a dumbass, huh?\nattached to no mj for a little while\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/124041/6760/2#2\n07/06/2013 02:23:26 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nWe just picked up a STD from a HK skank!\nattached to so now that we are entering a new era of MANIA\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/24848/54941/3#3\n07/06/2013 04:51:01 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nBirds: greatest expression of beauty, joy, freedom\nattached to Always Generous\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/6/24848/54941/1#1\n07/06/2013 02:52:46 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nWorking link to Jensen:http://tinyurl.com/oqb8ush \nattached to Always Generous\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/5/123819/7482/9#9\n07/05/2013 07:15:20 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI hear the NSA is hiring!\nattached to "I'm Not Sure I Follow Your Argument", Or, Judgement-Proof for the Lulz\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/4/101438/8029/6#6\n07/04/2013 11:55:36 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nSatellite internet should drop 2-year contracts.\nattached to Ask K5: Dialup Internet Performance\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/3/18206/03280/5#5\n07/03/2013 07:06:11 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nCharging cheapens it; free makes it priceless.\nattached to Amazon wants to sell me a book\n---> body |diary: 2013-12-7-11628-7406> => |text: In fact, I have failed in my mission to save the world. In my One True God's judgement there are only 15% of the world population left that are worthy of being saved, and the other 85% are pure evil, rotten to the core, narcissistic, selfish, fake altruists, use all seven deadly sins wraith, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth, greed, and worst of all pride.\n85% of the human population takes pride in their evil deeds and evil works. You worship heroes, you claim Nelson Mandela is a hero. It is because you have had history rewritten that he is a hero. Let me be perfectly clear, Nelson Mandela is a terrorist who had history rewritten so that he is a hero. History has been rewritten before like when the US government had murdered millions of Native-Americans in genocide, or the US government had murdered millions of African-Americans in genocide during slavery and segregation, or the US government had murdered Japanese-Americans in labor camps during World War II. US and World History was rewritten so none of those things ever happened.\nBut it is not just the USA that rewrite history but the EU and UK as well as China and Russia.\nChairman Mao had 70 million people murdered in labor camps and political prisons.\nJoseph Stalin had 50 million people murdered in labor camps (gulags) and political prisons.\nAdolph Hitler had 6 million people murdered in concentration camps and gas chambers. But this is the only genocide that rewritten history records.\nThe US Government has had 200 million people murdered in wars, Native-American extermination, slavery and segregation, Japanese-Americans, and of course using robot drones on Middle-Eastern villages targeting women and children who have done no wrong and just happen to be in the same tribe as a terrorist.\nMilitant Islam who does Terrorism (Not Peaceful Islam that does not murder) has murdered 200 Million people to tie with the USA in genocide.\nSecular Humanism has murdered 10 million people just because they were 'religious' and they outlawed their religion and had them put into political jail and murdered without even a trial. Not counting the number of Jewish People and Christians the EU nations had murdered during World War II when allied with Nazi Germany and when under Secular Humanism for the past 100 years or so. \nNelson Mandela had murdered 3 million people and justifies it by claiming he was oppressed.\nThe "Rev." Al Sharpton just like Malcom X, just like Louis Faracon, just like Osama bin Laden, just like Nelson Mandela, just like Barack Obama advocates mass violence and mass murders against All White People, including Jewish People, yet claims to be 'non-violent' and peaceful to win those Nobel Peace Prizes, while supporting terrorism on white people and Jewish people citing hundreds of years of oppression to justify their 'terrorism' and 'genocide' of "people different from them" \nIt won't be long before those FEMA Camps are ready to 'round up all the crackers, peckerwoods, and Jewish people' and then murder them all in genocide?\nReally peaceful and non-violent guys, keep up the good work of wiping whitey and Jewish people off the map!\n(WARNING SLIPPERY WHEN SARCASTIC) \nI have been contacted (none / 1) (#5) \nby Atari 2600 on Fri Dec 06, 2013 at 06:48:57 PM EST\nby at least 15 people in email who wanted to help me out with my book. I wrote them nice emails and sent then a Word document of my book. None of them got back to me or even offered to do anything after that.\nSo I decided, fuck the world what pisses on me and worships these false gods and false goddesses, I'll write the truth about them and those they worship who are false and spread my truth all over the Internet.\nIf I have the truth on my side, they will hate me, persecute me, and even mock and insult me. All the better for it burns my anger more to motivate me to write more truths about them.\nBut if I had people actually working with me to write my books, I wouldn't have the free time to write the truth about people in the world all over the Internet.\nYou see Sye, there is no such thing as a hero or heroine. People don't do altruistic things out of love, empathy, and compassion, they do it to win awards and make up for all of the past evil that they did. Most human beings are selfish narcissistic egomaniacs who are ignorant of how reality and the universe works. It is because I am the opposite of that, that they hate me, mock me, insult me, ignore me, and refuse to help me. \n(WARNING SLIPPERY WHEN SARCASTIC!)\nI wanted to write books to encourage people to do good and kind things for others. I mean I really wanted to save the world and save humanity and all.\nIt does not matter to me if you believe in a god or not. To me god exists, but has been misquoted, mistranslated, misrepresented, and most of his followers aren't even doing anything he asked them to do. These wars, these murders, these genocides are done by ungodly people who do not believe in god, or else they'd follow his rules of 'thou shalt not murder' etc. They are false idols, false gods, false goddesses and you must not worship them! I do not support such evil and speak out against it!\nScience and technology has been sabotaged by rich bankers, the US government and other world governments, shithead skeptics, asshole atheists, fake Christians, fake religious people, and then power given to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to sell the world on cheap-ass crap that is nothing more than a polished turd with a nice GUI and a Bi-Oploy to shut out all other competitors and lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top.\nYou see more money has been spent on studying global warming/climate change than has been spent on developing technologies and scientific theories to find alternatives to fossil fuels, reverse global warming, replacing our 30+ year out of date space ships so we can mine asteroid belts for new resources we are running out of and make space travel so cheap that even the poor can afford a ticket to another part of our solar system where we have domes that have terraformed the soil of a Moon, planet, or asteroid to live there.\nWe should have at least made domes to live under the ocean and test them out to see if they can be used on other places in our solar system, but nope. Money went to fund a study on global warming and climate change that went nowhere, to promote cheap-ass technology that wears out in three years and becomes disposable forcing everyone to buy a new one using rare Earth metals that cannot be replaced or found on Earth after they run out, to fund wars for no good reason to murder millions nobody even has heard of or even cares about to stop the genocide.\nThe government and banks have even teamed up to destroy the middle-class and small businesses so these greedy international mega corporations can thrive and destroy a lot of jobs in our economies so that we are forced to take a 'basic income', go on disability, go on welfare, or just become homeless and then get arrested on BS charges and thrown in jail waiting three years for that 'fair trial' as one preliminary hearing after another delays it, if not then thrown into a state mental hospital for life as a 'schizophrenic' by having a state doctor sign off on it for a small bribe.\nYou see even if I wanted to save you all, I cannot. You made conditions on this planet for the last hundred years even worse than it has ever been in history, and then lied about it and covered it up and claim none of this ever happened, except that stuff with Hitler, and everyone else not Hitler is a hero! Then you make this Godwin's Law that if anyone is compared to Hitler, they automatically lose the argument. Well I am not comparing anyone to Hitler here, I am just reporting on the truth that is suppressed by governments rewriting history in their favor.\nI cannot save you, even Grandfather Thunder has warned you for the past 200+ years and you ignore him as well. I met with Grandfather Thunder in my dreams. With sadness in his heart, he claims there is an extinction event called "The Great Collapse" that will happen when the planet's resources run out like rare earth metals, fossil fuels, and the economy of many nations collapse making The Great Depression look like the best day ever. \nYou see the One True God had sent me on a mission to warn you, to save you, you are all ignorant of everything that goes on and ignore my advice and my ideas on fixing things, and my offer of peace, love, hope, understanding, and enlightenment. You won't even let me write my books, and you use Black Hat SEO to hide my websites and blogs and Internet writings so there is no evidence. So I admit my defeat, my failure, my mistakes. I am after all imperfect, never claimed to be perfect.\nI am after all non-violent. I am a survivor, a pirate-ninja, and joined a group known as The Neo-Swashbucklers who are humankind's last hope of survival! They are representing the 15% that deserve to be saved, they are survivors of the worst that humanity has done, and they are all prepared to survive while the planet burns itself out in hate, anger, war, terrorism, corruption, etc.\nTo the 85% who are destroying humanity and the planet, you I do not even hate, I love my enemies, but you lot are ignorant and thus called homo ignoramus. Out of ignorance you burn the world, you murder innocents, you hide all evidence of any of your wrong-doings. You lot are highly incompetent and band together in social-cliques to hide your incompetence. You tell each other comfortable lies about yourselves and others, to make you all feel better at the expense of the other 15% who tell the truth about you and what you are doing.\nI can relate to this (none / 0) (#63) \nby trane on Sat Nov 06, 2004 at 07:10:05 PM EST\nall the people like me who got tired of the assholes giving us a hard time, all those who are outcasts of society, who aren't hip, who you lied about to get rid of at your work, who you heaped stress and frustration on, who you flamed, who you abused, who you called names, who you modded down, who you voted down our stories, who you drove off certain web forums, who you tried to force off the Internet, who you forced off the highway, who you raped, strangled, tortured, mutilated, humiliated, etc.\nOrion Blastar is dead! Long live Orion Blastar! \nThe One True God (His true name is a 216 digit Ackermann number, that is also a universal constant that hasn't been discovered yet) leaves you just one more warning\n"You reap what you sow. If you sow bad seeds you reap bad things. If you sow good seeds, you reap good things. If you sow bad seeds and tell the world that they are good seeds, you have brought about the end of the world and the destruction of humanity!"\n(WARNING SLIPPERY WHEN SARCASTIC!)\nIf you want to prove me wrong, pay Rusty $5 to activate an account and post a comment below and I'll be glad to debate you!> body |diary: 2013-12-6-42036-2848> => |text: http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/25/174630/975/1#1\n08/25/2013 05:54:20 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nCops can access magnet-wiped laptops, duh.\nattached to Breaking Bad S05E11 today\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/24/224752/216/2#2\n08/25/2013 05:23:46 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nVirtual violence > real violence.\nattached to The Liberal Agenda Is Trying to Kill Me\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/17/16930/6328/3#3\n08/17/2013 05:35:23 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I'm a brick'n'mortar bookstore, or a newspaper\nattached to An Undergraduate Education for free\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/13/214138/146/4#4\n08/14/2013 01:17:12 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nAnother work hallucination from a useless bum.\nattached to GOT CAUGHT PICKING MY NOSE AT WORK TODAY LOL\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/12/163910/277/13#13\n08/12/2013 08:36:41 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nWhy should Mom have to feed him? Basic Income ftw.\nattached to An anthem for taxi-driving \n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/12/163910/277/11#11\n08/12/2013 08:34:13 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I'm asking him not to write a letter to me!\nattached to An anthem for taxi-driving \n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/10/234525/941/3#3\n08/11/2013 01:28:37 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nDefinition of axiom: a conclusion without proof.\nattached to Ask K5: Starting up the Irrationalism movement\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/10/19523/1260/4#4\n08/10/2013 09:17:44 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nNote: above comment is from k$5's #1 pedophile.\nattached to IRL status: falling down\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/9/93030/70132/2#2\n08/09/2013 09:50:15 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nirl dumbass diary-writer status: being a dumbass.\nattached to IRL CRAWFORD STATUS: GETTING RAPED\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/6/131358/1778/52#52\n08/07/2013 01:44:44 AM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nMore likely: Mom was being unreasonable again.\nattached to Crawford in jail status: back in jail\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/6/183447/5600/1#1\n08/06/2013 07:09:20 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nHi, I'm special and hand-crafted by Ign. MFers!\nattached to welp\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/6/131358/1778/36#36\n08/06/2013 06:01:27 PM EST\nEdmund Blackadder\nI'll see ya in hell.\nattached to Crawford in jail status: back in jail\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/4/73025/84525/6#6\n08/04/2013 10:48:55 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI know how to generate holograms in software\nI was rather more into lasers than holograms. My objective was to make a laser, then to make a hologram with that laser, rather like a self-hosting compiler. I might get an irregularly rectangular patch of skin cancer on the palm of my right hand about twenty years ago. Cancer is actually slow to develop. I don't know whether I held my hand in the beam for too long. It was quite cool to watch y own palm fluoresce like a BlackLight. I made that laser, but it sounded like a gunfight and was deadly dangerous, so I helped my friend laser design a far smaller, somewhat more powerful and far safer laser. A quite wealthy man who had made some money in holograms wanted a diaper box where a hologram of a baby would crawl out the shoppers as they walked by. I suggested a way I would do that with some software and a modestly modified bit of chip fab equipment, so he agreed to fund me. I then spent the next month hanging out in libraries. All I required to get started was an MS-DOS 286. One would need a high performance for production use but I was still at the prototype. I scopped out the best deal around, then came back the next day with my investor. This guy had like a three million dollar house, but totally freaked out when the store told him they wanted like hundred bucks for a mid-range dos box, then split the scene completely. This point, i could do that work on my Mom's iMac, but I have a Core Quad Xeon with 16 GB of FB-DIMM and 2.5 TB RAID 5. I may get started on OpenCL over my trip. My MacBook Pro has explicit support for it. I'm not sure but I think CUDA may be better with NVidia chips. I need to rest for a little bit. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to tv talk\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/101625/6626/12#12\n08/04/2013 10:32:20 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI can pull that stunt by discussing the fucking we\n-ather. I don't know. Maybe it's just because I look like a professor. White I always tell them is that I'm working on an iOS App by hanging out in cafes as the one where we just met. While I do acknowledge that I have a Physics degree and both and understanding of physics that is not commonly found among the general populace, that degree is only a BA. So much as a grad student working on his dissertation and I am put completely to shame. Quite oddly, I can walk anywhere I damn well please at night, even carring what is obviously a notebook computer case, and nobody messes with me because at night I look like the very worst kind of Hell's Angel. The strippers are heavily into that last. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to MANY OF OUR COMPETITORS DINE AT THE SAME FINE RESTAURANTS WE DO\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/4/7938/24721/7#7\n08/04/2013 10:12:51 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nOdd. Any Clinical Psychotherapist would disagree.\nI happen to know a couple. One is a former shrink - "Dr. K.", I'd love for her to take credit but she prefers to remain anonymous - and "Dr. Tani Newel" a quite instense yet quite heart-crushingly old flame. And I are now the best of friends. I asked Tani for well-thought out advice. For the most part she gives it to me. There are a certain few friends I have, who I know well enough, and have enough insight into their minds, that I head their call when they say it's time to check in. You guys have been saying I need to be in a fucking padded cell for year now, but do you know what I spend most of my time doing? Riding around on the generally quite well-done buses and light rail of the vancouver and portland areas, from time to time scoping out new wifi cafes as well as were I can take a piss without upsetting anyone - Psychogenic Polydipsia you see, must be permanent - spending most of that time hanging out in places until the customers start showing up, at which point I just get up and leave so they can use my table. From time, a new musically or more interesting band, or a really popular, exciting band will turn up at backspace. If one is there well ahead of the band, one is not expected to pay the cover to stay for the performance. Just once I was asked to do that, but they quite clearly needed the money so I cheerfully whipped a piece of foldin legal tender. There is a huge hit that gets a lot of play on Radio Paradise that was discovered at BackSpace. There's a lot of music industry here as well. It would not be hard at all to go find someone to jam with but I haven't been traveling in this circles. Hoever I expect to upon my return perhaps a month from now. I should take a shower, dry my laundry, make sure I have the right clothes just for today, as well as what I require to regulate when I'm on the bus. There are quite good reading lamps on those buses, but I don't want to haul a lot of heavy shit around SLO county in my arms. There is a place I could stash my shit that I know about in SLO but it's out of my way. I'll go get the dryer started after I cuddle my cat a bit, then set into preparing for my trip. As I was tidying up my room last night, as sometimes my Mom comes in when I was sleeping, I found it strangely helpful to put little piles for items that I'm going to put various places: This with me or in my backback. This in my pocket. This in the small suitcase that I'll put aboard the bus. That for the banker's box that I'll send to someone who will receive it for me, then stash it until I get there. I have until maybe noon this afternoon to get that book boxed pack. There are far more than will fit, and really far more than I could possibly read in a month. So I'll have to figure out which out those I would enjoy reading, which could make me more employable within the month, as well as those that I have to absolutely positively read RSN. My Objective Here is not to just spend the morning packing, but then spend the morning with my Mom, doing what Mom wants to do. Relaxed Times. My Kitty is on my bed. She adores Grandpa Rex's Army blanket to the point now that if I want her to be near me, I just fold it up like a little square put it whereever I went her, then drop her on it like a sack of rocks then go about my day. I Can Hear My Mom Snoring Now. She Did Not At All Throughout The Night. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to ATTENTION GREENGRASS\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/4/73025/84525/2#2\n08/04/2013 09:52:21 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nFunny that. Not only do I know how to cook meth...\n... correctly, with a bit of effort and practice I already know how to make the required three neck flask all by my lonesome. I was rather heavily into lasers from seventh until ninth you see. The Helium-Neon is like that, but rather more difficult. I just made myself an all-fruit jam and good quality peanut butter sandwich. I came into a little unexpected cash yesterday. Tomorrow after I get to San Luis, I know where some grocery stores are, I'll go pick some up. After that, I'll go find some place to hang until it's time for bed. Bye Now. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to tv talk\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/162755/5258/12#12\n08/04/2013 09:24:27 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI speculate I can come out ahead at a casino\nI don't gamble much at all, but to the extent I ever have, that has always been my experience. It is quite clear that those games are not at all random, but quite carefully design to hook casual vactioners in like Skinner Pigeons. I happened to be in Reno midmorning midweek the day before all those law enforcement officers turned up to escort me to the lockdown about a black and white sedan chair. I wandered around the first floor of some random casino looking for something really cheap to it, but it wasn't one of those place, for the most part upscale but due to the day and time there were very few people in there. I contemplated coming back with any flavor of lemon, carefully timed so everyone can escape safely. It really was bad. For a woman to have any hope of employment in the gambling centers of Nevada - there are lots of little ones - she has to gave a great big round ass tits out to hear and wasp waist, and have the kind of legs one strove for right around 1949. For a man to have any hope, he his to be hispanic and look good in a pressed white shirt and bowtie. Sex discrimination is quite clearly outlawed by US Federal Law. So all those people have standing to sue. I'll I require is a plaintiff and some evidence. Here and ther eon the floor were the penny slots, where all these mesmerized, desperately impoverished crytal meth addicts were slowly and carefully rather rhytmically dropping in dollar coins. I have the idea of turning up there with the Kennedy Dollar - that was quite large not really meant to be kept in circulation as well as cherished forever - as well as some of the new color two dollar bills. I expect there is a good chance that neither of those are compatible with gambling machine. One would have to exchange them for chips. Anytime I got any real amount of chips I'd pop over to a bank where I'd ordered ahead of time that day's kennedy dollars and a fresh pack of two dollar bills. Some crazed man was sitting next to this quite expensive but quite thrashed out motel with a styrofoam cup just like the ones they use to pass out free coffee at highway rest stops. Street musicians share with panhandlers that there is something about a totally empty hat that drives away those who otherwise might tip so one must reserve a little of each day's take to prime the next day's pump. This guy was sitting there as if he'd proud he'd gotten those two pennies that day. But I figured he gambled away everything he head eventually realized he was almost through his pennies and to have any hope of ever gambling again he kept those two pennies for weeks before someoone popped him a third. The guy was totally out of his tree. I mean he was in a fucking altered state of reality. Eighteen cops and a nurse go way the hell out of their way to escort me to actually three different nuthouses, then finally left me at the third, for no other reason than that I quite clearly and cheerfully said I wanted to go camping in the desert for a little bit. You could have looked at that guy a mile away and told that he was out of his tree, yet no one ever paid attention to him other then me. I'm going to need to get moving in about an hour. I won't really rest, but I'll let my mind wander, listen to some just moderately peppy music. Mom Will Be Up Maybe An Hour For Now, but she just sits and stares into space for another hour. I don't need to go anywhere until maybe two this afternoon. After that I might be able to 3G over the internet but I am not sure. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to CONSIDERING BUYING 14 DUPES WITH MY $20K WORK BONUS\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/162755/5258/11#11\n08/04/2013 09:00:40 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nSomeone Did Just That To Don Quijote!\nRight up until maybe one hundred twenty years ago, it was quite common for Novels of the Millenium to be published completely anonymously. The original Don Quijote was two large text. They were published not long after the first so quite clearly whoever was writing the second was reading the first as Miguel Cervantes was writing it. A huge fiasco erupted all over the Iberian Peninsula, perhaps parts of the Espaol New World I don't know. Miguel Cervantes in my understanding did a far better job on the second volume but I have not read that part yet. (Mom's thermostat went totally south for some reason, so it's been all manner of random temperatures in here the last couple days.) For example Gulliver's Travel (I'm not dead certain, but not "Travels") was quite clearly credited to Captain Lemuel Gulliver, as if that story was the quite literatal truth. There's even a neatly done nautical map towards the front, showing how you can visit yourself, were you daring enough to brave the indian ocean (roughly midway between Madagascar and the Southern tip of India). At the very front, is a rather professionally done engraving, I don't think we still have the original plates but the printed engraving is rather well preserved. To the reading public, it looks like a ship's captain, full of courage, brave yet prepared to accept his fate when not G-d Calls Him Up, but King Neptune Calls Him Down. To Me, it looks just like Jonathan Swift dressed up in a sailor suit! It really fucking does. I don't recall the edition, Dover maybe but I'm not sure. I'll find someplace you can order the exact edition I had. Someone sent it to me anonymously when I was there in the slammer. No one else had anything to read, I regard Gulliver's Travel as impenetrable after page six, so I had a Deputy pass it to my colleage to the left. That same person - I don't know who - got me a fine, tasty Penguin Classics edition of Don Quijote. I did not expect it to be 900 pages of fine - perhaps 8 point, quite densely packed print. Once I knew I was going to leave again I decided I could buy another copy, walked all over the block to tell everyone it was there for the taking then set it on a lunch table on the way out. In many respects I enjoyed my time at SLO. I only had a few bad times, like when I got jumped by six deputies, they hauled me off to a concrete cell, then left me there for ten days or so. It was quite clear to the shrinks what was really going on, but to the deputies they continued to think I was crazy the whole ten days. Good Times. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to CONSIDERING BUYING 14 DUPES WITH MY $20K WORK BONUS\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/162755/5258/10#10\n08/04/2013 08:35:54 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THE COOKIE PROBLEM IN TEN MINU\n-TES MAYBE FIFTEEN WITHOUT USING A CALCULATOR. THAT WOULD MAKE ME YOUR CUBE MATE THREE WEEKS FROM NOW AT WHICH POINT I'D USE TOR OR SOMETHING TO START PEPPERING SHIT JUST LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GROWN WEARY OF VIA A MAIL DISTRIBUTOR TO EVERYONE IN YOUR JOB SHOP. THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE COULD DO TO STOP ME. IN PERSON CORPORATE EMAIL AND THE LIKE I AM IMPECCABLY PROFESSIONAL QUITE EASY GOING AND PLEASANT. NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU THAT IT IS REALLY ME SPAMMING TIMECUBE DOT COM ALL OVER CREATION AT YOUR JOB SHOP. AT SOME POINT YOU'LL TURN UP RIGHT ON TIME WITH YOUR NEWLY PURCHASED AR-15 FINDING ME STRANGELY NOWHERE TO BE FOUND AND A SWAT TEAM INSIDE THE OFFICE. THAT IS YOU CATCH MY DRIFT. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to CONSIDERING BUYING 14 DUPES WITH MY $20K WORK BONUS\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/162755/5258/9#9\n08/04/2013 08:26:58 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI've got some good ideas for KickStarters.\nMy original understanding what it actually does was way off base. I regarded at seed funding. More it's like getting paid to hang out at a HackAThon 24/7 for a solid month. I can see how that would be quite cool, but note to totally reverse engineer, document then write an input and output filter for all of Apple's quite carefully undocumented, frequently changing CoreData on-disk formats. There are also some network and purely memory formats. It is quite clear that while anyone who has a clue about databases or disk documents could make a plainly transparent CoreData backing store at the drop of a hat, Apple is devoting bank to preventing anyone from ever reverse engineering it. My real goal is to provide bit-accurate compatible API implementations for each of Apple's market competitors but that would take at least a year, maybe two and would require constant revisions as Apple kept altering the format to put people like me down. It's not like iOS/OS X coders aren't aware Apple is doing that to them. It's that actually CoreEdit really is quite a lot nicer than the equivalent SQLite on Android, and when one has milestone drop deads, you know... So everyone knows they are eating the seed corn, yet finding that same seed corn strangely satisfying. However I did go through the entire KickStarter project submission process other than the recording and submitting of the pitch video. They made it quite clear, that the people that like to hang at KickStarter do so so they can hurl pocket change at any damnfool ignorant half-backed crock of shit that has a really cool video. A couple days ago I sang at first "Happy Birthday to You" to my favorite barista. She was red with embarrassment, clearly enjoying it, at the end everyone in the place leapt up with shouts and applause. Then as if I were a Basso Profundo, I Sang: O Happy Birth-Daaaaaay... O Happy Birth-Daaaaaay... Danger Darkness And Despair People Dying Every Where === bbbuuuUUTTT!!!! === OHHH HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAYYYY! I got that from the most batshit science fiction movie I have ever scene. It was quite low budge, either a college undergraduate project, or maybe some old pals out for a beer. I expect I can post more or less continuously and from 3:00 PM today then until 5:30. Some of the GreyHound buses have good power sockets and wifi but not all do. I'll be going through some long places with out cell phone coverage. Rest again but I'm feeling more alert. Thought I'd be trashed, rather low-key but feel moderately OK. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to CONSIDERING BUYING 14 DUPES WITH MY $20K WORK BONUS\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/101625/6626/9#9\n08/04/2013 06:36:08 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nNo. Bonita always said I sounded like a surfer.\nI expect I picked that up from when I was living at Caltech. The surfer accent as compared to others in California is quite subtle, but there is a distinct difference in vocabulary. Anyone who knows anything at all about writing, is that the author most sound either like the characters he is portraying, or as one of the characters in the story who perhaps is from somewhere else but is actually telling that story right there. In real life, in all but a very few occasions, I have always been very, very quiet. At first I was regarded as shy, then fearful, then thoughtful, now contemplative. Quite commonly I meet someone in line for coffee at 'Bucks, then before we order our drinks they think I'm a tenured professor on sabbatical from some really top school like harvard. really I am not by any means that smart and I do not consciously try to give that impression, but people really do take me that way. Gotta Rest Now. Half Hour. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to MANY OF OUR COMPETITORS DINE AT THE SAME FINE RESTAURANTS WE DO\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/2/03459/44949/22#22\n08/04/2013 06:17:29 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nI Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing\nNo one who knows me in any significant way, here in meatspace, has regarded me as mentally ill for maybe two years. While I would far prefer to be a Canadian citizen, I regard my Mother Country as desperately in need of what I actually have to offer. I could contribute in meaningful ways to Canada, but I cannot do anything that Canadians cannot already do for themselves. The reason I considered renouncing my US Citizenship, and plastered an upside-down US flat into my Advogato Diary, was the Dubwa his just ordered a hit on a US citizen. I wanted to make a fucking point, like immediately that very next day, after obtaining my Canadian passport, turning up at the US embassy in some place like - not Tehran, but some not disowned by definitely enemy nation - to personally tear up my US passport before the Ambassador. What would be really cool, would be to do quite loudly from the visitors gallery of the senate, then use some manner of air cannon to hurl passport confetti all over the senators. Eventually I came to regard America as sick rather than evil. I am hear to heal, not hurt, but certain kinds of healing as surgery, powerful medicine and the like, they hurt but ultimately promote healing. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to fuck crawford!\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/3/101625/6626/3#3\n08/03/2013 11:59:02 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nYOU MUST NOT KNOW MUCH ABOUT ADVOGATO\nTHOSE PEOPLE ARE HEAVILY INTO THE STUFF I POST I DONT POST THERE MUCH ANYMORE AS I PREFER K5 BUT I AM ALWAYS WELCOME BACK TO WHAT I REGARD AS MY HOME TOWN ONLINE I POSTED THAT PARTICULAR PIECE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY JUST AFTER I GOT BAILED OUT SHORTLY AFTER I POSTED IT MY CASE WAS DISMISSED I WAS NOT THEN HOSPITALIZED OR INCARCERATED IN ANY WAY -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to MANY OF OUR COMPETITORS DINE AT THE SAME FINE RESTAURANTS WE DO\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/1/144250/9794/31#31\n08/03/2013 08:08:12 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nWithout a Doubt, You Do NOT Understand Computers!\nJust because you don't write much recursive source yourself, doesn't mean that the binaries you depend on aren't totally shot through with recursion. No, in reality I'm not asking for punch card decks. You're a biochemist right? If one were to numerically model the chemical reactions in a soup of biochemicals, there are all many of ways that model would be full of recursion. I know a bit about Rational Drug Design. I've never actually done it myself, but I could readily do so. From time to time I think about actually doing so. UCSC is heavily into it, so I know a few people who actually do it. I was offered a job by one of them, that I should have accepted, but did not. I don't recall why I would have really enjoyed it and would have been good at it. As I said, on the Classic MacOS, there was a strict limit of 32 kB for stack. We were very excited to pay like a thousand dollars for a tool called MacCLint (Maxy-Lint). If you've never known the UNIX lint, it's meant to "pick fluff" from your source, by inspecting for various common logic or efficiency problems, then pointing each of them out. For example, in C++, the performance and memory for "++i" is generally modest, but for "i++" can be colossal. I have actually seen that in C as well, where it really should not have been the case, but was due to poor machine code generation on the back-end. So a lint would determine whether postfix was really necessary, then if not, suggest prefix. That kind of thing. I was working on a low-end Desk Accessory - stack size limited to 8 kB - word processor called QuickLetter. That just about had to be the buggiest piece of crap I ever laid eyes on, but due to some contractual fuckup, working software was obligated to pay this sexual deviant by the name of Bill Pryor to bring it to market, at which a lawsuit ensued, that WSI ultimately won, thereby decimating their finances. I was hired by WSI for the specific reason that I was - even in 1991 - quite good at debugging. However there was quite a lot of source in QuickLetter, and I was good at only certain kinds of debugging. One really can't do source debugging on Desk Accessories, one has to use a machine debugger such as MacsBug, but the QuickLetter binary was large and complex, so it was a huge PITA, with progress being very slow. On UNIX, one can do "$ lint HorseCock.c" then get the line numbers and brief comments about each such bit of fluff, to the standard output. Try that with MacCLint, and your box would drop right into MacsBug. It took me maybe ten seconds to determine that it always corrupted the heap, perhaps five minutes to determine that it was overflowing the stack by megabytes, another five due to all the deeply-nested as well as complex recursion. MacCLint was written by just one guy, who did his own support, so I dropped him a dime to explain the problem, then to point out that the best approach he could take was to remove his recursion. He started shouting at me. I mean at the tops of his fucking lungs, that I just had to be completely ignorant about how programming languages worked. I just told him to go back to college, then hung up on him. While I was ultimately able to make MacCLint yield some insight, it was only by copying individual routines into a temp file, then greatly simplifying that routine by breaking it down into lots of smaller subroutines, running MacCLint, then rebooting my Mac for the next subroutine, as it's quite common for Mac heap corruption not to cash an immediate crash. Look: I Know How This Is Done. I Know Why It Is Done, To This Very Day, On Modern Boxen, Even High-End Linux And Windows Servers. Such recursion removal, actually, is especially popular among high-performance software, or for use even in low-performance code, on boxes that are expected to get heavy loads. Anyone at all who does OS coding, knows how to do this. There's a really good reason that FORTRAN is still in widespread use, as if one really were using punch decks, but on text docs, edited in GNU Emacs, on 64-bit UltraSPARC Solaris Workstations. CERN is heavily into that, for example. If one wants to have any hope whatsoever of doing any real high performance computing work - nuclear weapons design for example, or to write the code that supports it, like the libraries or operating systems used to support distributed work - then one is simply expected to know how this is done. Any kind of really serious, heavily-loaded code that has any recursion of any sort, will run orders of magnitudes faster if you remove the recursion. My objective here, is to reduce power consumption. Just this afternoon, I made it plainly apparent to a potential employer why that would be the case during a job interview. That guy is the Engineering Director at one of Portland's larger software shops. I happened to ask him if he knew what I meant by recursion elimination, he told me what he thought I meant, and he was correct. Then I explained that I hoped to save electrical energy by promoting its use. He understood instantly why that would make a huge, huge difference to the entire world's economy, were I to convince but a few coders to do so, for certain application areas. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Coding Challenge: Retro Systems of Differential Equations\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/1/144250/9794/28#28\n08/03/2013 01:06:35 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nYou're Joking, Right?\nIf you actually know how this is done, but don't understand why one wants to do it directly at the source level, you must not know much about computers. I've known about tail recursion elimination for quite a long time, as I used to use just about the very first Mac compiler that could do that. However, there are all manner of recursions for which tail recursion does not apply, as well as those that cannot be made iterative. Two weeks in any frosh level algorithms class would teach you that. I learned about many such recursions in a pass/fail - no grade - frosh class, but that I took as a sophomore because I was a physics major in the spring of 1984. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Coding Challenge: Retro Systems of Differential Equations\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/31/4265/12042/25#25\n08/03/2013 12:14:48 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nErgotamine is quite unlike LSD\nI have a close friend who takes Ergotamine every single day. It's the one really effective medicine we have for Migraines. I happened to have a written preparation for LSD at one time. It's not what you think; the key ingredient is Indole. Just compare Serotonine and LSD, it's the five-sided ring with the Nitrogen, with Indole itself right next to it is the usual Benzene ring. Indole itself is simple, but order a liter of it and it will be hand-delivered by an FBI agent! It really was the case, that the entire supply of LSD on the West Coast of the United States, turned up in just one room in the Lloyd Student House, at Caltech. A Lloydie friend of mine went totally bananas for no apparent reason. None of us know why. Perhaps he touched the wrong spot on a Lloyd house wall? Actual Ergot Fungus is full of all manner of LSD analogs - that's why it's 25, there are at least 24 others, maybe there's from 26 and on I don't know. There is also Ergotamine, which is a completely unrelated chemical. What typically gives you bad acid trips, I was told by someone who should know, is so closely similar to LSD-25 that it is incredibly difficult to separate the two. I gotta go home I'm really beat.-- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to The Medieval Irish Were Some Real Hardasses\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/1/144250/9794/19#19\n08/02/2013 07:27:42 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nBUT I AM A WRITER THIS IS WHAT WRITERS DO\nUPON REFLECTION IT IS TRANSPARENTLY OBVIOUS TO ME THAT I SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER HAVE GONE INTO ANY FORM OF SCIENCE OR ENGINEERING IT IS QUITE COMMON FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF ANY GENERALLY HIGH APTITUDE TO BE ENCOURAGED TO STUDY ENGINEERING SOMETIMES SCIENCE OR MEDICINE THUS BONITA QUITE COMMONLY ARRIVING HOME FROM HER BIOTECH JOB OVERCOME WITH TEARS SHE WAS QUITE GOOD AT THE WORK SHE STROVE TO DO A VERY GOOD JOB BUT WAS BITTERLY UNHAPPY WITH IT MY FRIEND DAVE JOHNSON LOST MILLIONS NOT BECAUSE HE WASNT A GOOD CODER OR WASNT PRODUCTIVE BUT BECAUSE HE DID NOT EVENT WANT TO BE IN THE FUCKING SOFTWARE INDUSTRY NOW HE IS A PROGRESSIVE POLITICAL BLOGGER A STARVING ARTIST AND HAPPY AS A PIG IN SHIT DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW SURELY YOU MUST AGREE SPEND MUCH TIME DOING WHAT OTHERS REGARD AS MY PROFESSION AND I CONTEMPLATE FROM TIME TO TIME ACTUALLY ATTEMPT SUICIDE AS IN REDMOND OCTOBER 2010 IT IS A MIRACLE I SURVIVED ONLY BECAUSE I PASSED OUT BEFORE I STRUCK THAT POST AND SO WAS NOT ABLE TO STEER QUITE HEAD ON INTO IT SURELY YOU MUST AGREE I ENJOY POSTING ALL MANNER OF RANDOM SHIT ON K5 NOW CONSIDER HOW MUCH I HATE NOT JUST THE WORK OF THE CODER BUT THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY I ENJOY WRITING CODE BUT I HAYE EARNING A LIVING THAT WAY WITH A FURIOUS PASSION WHAT I REGARD AS ENJOYABLE ABOUT WRITING CODE IS RESEARCHING WAYS TO MAKE THAT CODE BETTER I DO PUBLISH WHAT I DISCOVER FOR THE BENEFIT OF MY COLLEAGUES MUCH OF IT IN THE QUEUE I DONT REGARD ACTUALLY COMPLETING ANYTHING TO THE POINT I COULD SHIP IT AS CONTRIBUTING IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY TO THAT WORK SO IN REALITY I ACHIEVE MY GOALS ALMOST EVERY DAY BUT K5 GIVES ME NO CREDIT FOR DOING SO -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Coding Challenge: Retro Systems of Differential Equations\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/8/1/144250/9794/18#18\n08/02/2013 07:17:42 AM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nAnd you call yourself a coder?\nI knew how to win this challenge myself, decades ago. Surely I cannot be a better coder than The Great Mumble? Say It's Not So, Joe! -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Coding Challenge: Retro Systems of Differential Equations\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/30/14854/6080/22#22\n08/01/2013 06:45:05 PM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nIt's to get those exploits FIXED.\nThe problem is, in general, quite widespread, and quite poor methodology. Consider how well-documented it is, the importance of preventing SQL Injection, as well as how well-documented it is, how to prevent it from happening to you. The Other Site recently reported that an automated survey of eCommerce sites, turned up that roughly one-third of them suffered from SQL Injection. So it's not going to help anyone to point out to them what my exploit actually is. What I must do, is to convince others to fix exploits in general. My first discussion of this, is by describing such techniques as Valgrind memory testing, unit testing and so on. All those techniques have been in common use for just about as long as software has been in common use. Where it really matters to get code right, those tests have always been performed, for example in military code. The problem I've got, is how to convince those who really need to run those tests, to actually do so, without at the same time explaining to the simplest fool how to lift an entire eCommerce credit card database without ever getting caught. I've known about this problem for decades. I decided to start talking about it, when I turned up a way to root my own box by opening a specially-crafted document. The code in question is quite widely use, and quite deliberately cross-platform. Were I to submit an actual patch or test cases, I expect those specially crafted documents would Rain From The Heavens. In this particular case, a chroot jail will work around the problem, but chroots are a PITA to configure, and it is well-documented that there are ways to escape them. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Ask K5: Text-Editing Scripting?\n---\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2013/7/30/14854/6080/21#21\n08/01/2013 06:36:38 PM EST\nRepeatible Hairstyle\nGoogle Ain't What It Used To Be.\nFirst have a look at their PageRank Algorithm as stated in their Patent, which one can find lucidly explained in Wikipedia. Now consider the problem of Black Hat SEOs. Quite a lot harder than eliminating link farms and bad neighborhoods, is determining whether an apparently legitimately-placed link is on a page written by a live human, or if that entire page is machine-generated. To the extent Google gets better at turning up machine-generated text, the Spammers turn up better generating machines. Then consider the incredible growth of the Web, from a rather small number of personally-written and so lovelingly tended, if amateurishly designed homepages, to a vast quantity of pages that really are quite nice to look at, but of no use to anyone, such as Facebook Walls. Now have a look at Google's Advanced Search tips. For example, if I search for "Fuck", by default Google will search for "Fucked", "Fucking", "Fucks" and so on, thereby turning up far more pages then I want to see. Their own written procedure for an exact match of your keyword just as you wrote it, without the other common variants, is to put just that one word in quotes: "Fuck". That turns out not to actually work a whole lot, but I remain puzzled that it really does work sometimes. I recently discovered a great many competitors to some of my more popular or influential articles, that have the same titles or keywords in their links. For example, "Writing Cross-Platform Software: Getting Started", turned up some vast quantity of, for the most part, poorly written articles on the general topic of cross-platform development, every last one of which had the term "Getting Started" in their titles. Clearly they hope to draw traffic meant for me, thereby to obtain ad clicks or affiliate sales. While I do actually flog a few books, I do so primarily as a convenience to my readers. I don't make any real money that way. Now look up Browning Automatic. I thought at first it was a pistol, but no, the Browning Automatic Rifle was an American-made light, fully-automatic machine gun, first issued toward the end of The War To End All Wars. I don't recall now what my actual query was, but I then looked up either Browning Automatic Rifle, or as it was commonly known as, BAR, when all Hell broke loose. I came to the conclusion that either someone is planting Easter Eggs all over Google, or their QA has gone completely to Hell. Thus, while I yet seek insight from Google, it has become uncommon for me to actually obtain any. -- "No other wars for national liberation were as fierce or caused as many losses as this war. But we still fought because for Vietnam, nothing is more precious than independence and freedom." General Vo Nguyen Giap\nattached to Ask K5: Text-Editing Scripting?\n---> body |diary: 2013-12-6-0201-83227> => |text: NM was born to a Tribal Chef and a wealthy family that burned down hospitals and orphanages of white people in revenge for not giving them all free welfare and foodstamps with a 'basic income'.\nNM grew up a member of the Communist Party and studied Mao, Stalin, and Lenon and was very interested in their mass murder techniques. He had used his power as a tribal chef's son to have his men execute white people with pistols to the head as part of a 'post natal abortion' program.\nNM converted to Islam and studied under Osama bin Laden. Once he joined the Taliban he learned how to make bombs, suicide vests, and crash airplanes into buildings. In return he helped Osama bin Laden plan for the 9/11 attack on the USA.\nAfter mass murder of 3 million white people by bombing hospitals, orphanages, villages, and of course churches and synagogues, NM was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in 1964. IN his defense he had claimed "I will never stop fighting until every last white person is dead. I am committed to my cause to advance the black race to the master race, that I am even willing to die for that cause, so I can have 72 virgins in paradise." \nIn 1990 his followers of his tribal village had kidnapped, raped, and murdered about 150,000 white people and threatened to murder the rest if NM was not released from prison. As a result after 27 years in prison, NM was released.\nThe liberal elite news media refuses to tell you any of these 'facts' and paints NM as a peaceful non-violent man, but he was anything but. He was mean, had 16 concubines and raped them when they couldn't put out, anyone who had opposed him was assassinated and their families murdered. NM was a tyrant who falsely imprisoned millions of people just because they opposed him, and he sentenced them to death as well. \nWhen 9/11 happened, he cheered for his mentor Osman bin Laden, and he cheered that the White Americans finally got what they deserved.\nHe was a mentor to Barack Obama, and taught him how to lie, cheat, and steal his way to the top and cover up any murders.\nHis books were all ghost written by a committee of the best writers he can find. None of his books are actually true, they are complete works of fiction. \nAfter NM died, the news media is stinking up the airwaves over how great a saint he was. None of them will admit to the truth and paint NM as a hero just to hide the fact of the Libor Bank Scandal or the fact that the federal government has NSA backdoors spying on everyone in the world, or the fact that NM's secret holocaust was bankrolled by JPMorgan/Chase bank and other banks.> tags |diary: 2013-12-4-124945-980> => |basic income> + |robots> + |robotics> + |google> + |solving the software problem> + |software problem> + |Michael David Crawford> title |diary: 2013-12-4-124945-980> => |text: solving the software problem will create a need for basic incomes> intro |diary: 2013-12-4-124945-980> => |text: "The future for robotics is as unlimited as our imaginations. Immediate needs are for intelligent robots to handle envs too dangerous for humans: Fukishima, fighting forest fires on the ground, first responders... The current gap, which Google is addressing here, is solving the software problem. Compared to the holy grail of artificial intelligence, physical robot building and design is relatively easy. The promise of truly intelligent robots has escaped us for decades. Maybe now, through private investment, we can crack that nut. Robotics will be the next industrial revolution that the US needs. It's an exciting time for young people to be involved with STEM. Maybe we can begin to steer the brightest talent away from wasting their gifts on Wall Street, K Street and Law firms."\nThat's a comment on this NY times article about Google getting into robots. It couldn't be any clearer. To succeed with robots they will need to solve the software problem. Then, after everybody loses their jobs to robots, a basic income will become a necessity in order to keep the population in line. K5 really has had it all figured out for a while now. Good job K5.> title |comment: 2013-12-4-124945-980-3> => |text: obvious solution: basic incomes> body |comment: 2013-12-4-124945-980-7> => |text: \n\n\n US students fail the basics in math, science, and reading.\nThey don't even bother to study anymore, just use their smartphones for playing games and chatting with friends and trolling people. The US students do lead the world in trolling people on the Internet for some reason.\nFuck man the average US student refuses to study or learn STEM or reading and instead wants to become:\n\nFootball player or sports star.\nRapper or other singer.\nActor or Actress on a TV show, movie, or reality TV show.\nPimp, Hooker, Gang Member/Gangsta, Nigga, aka Criminal Lifestyle.\nWould rather party all the time with underage drinking and smoking, takes more bong hits than reading books, goes to class drunk or stoned or both.\nThinks if they drop out of school or college at age 17, they can become 'super smart' and learn how to be a 'hacker' and make the next Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, or Facebook! Instead they just get a job at a startup that fails after six months because all they can do is write shitty code that nobody wants to buy.\nListens to morons like 'Trane' that 'basic income' will pass so they don't have to learn jack shit, and can fuck around in class and then sit back in their mom's basement and smoke crack all day and play XBox video games and get paid free cash money from the government in 'basic income'.\nBecame a 'Shithead Skeptic' because all of the cool kids are doing it. If you put on your social networking accounts that you are an 'atheist' it automatically makes you so smart you should just be given job offers as CEO, CFO, or CIO even if you don't qualify for them. Make sure you mock and insult religious people all over the Internet to prove how superior and smart you are.\nWhy learn anything at all? Society owes you a good paying job because the generation before you has screwed things up so bad, they should give you that $150,000USD/year job doing nothing but jacking off to porn on the Internet at work, because you are entitled to it for your pain and suffering as a 'victim'!\nWhy get an education when the Internet is free? According to this Wikipedia article "Thunder in Paradise" by Hulk Hogan is the official theme song of "Jamaica" and Jamaica was founded by Bob Marley in 1963 as a legal island to grow his marijuana on, and of course it became a US territory in 1977 so you can visit it for free weed!\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-11-27-173616-65-4> => |text: If they got a basic income> title |comment: 2013-11-27-134452-89-19> => |text: If they got a basic income> title |comment: 2013-11-25-174811-28-7> => |text: On a basic income, workers automate their jobs.> title |comment: 2013-11-25-2509-3559-7> => |text: Basic income will wither them away w/o violence.> intro |diary: 2013-11-24-125424-48> => |text: Vancouver Police say incidents of men masturbating in public and exposing themselves on the rise.\n\nYet another example of why we need basic income and mooks! Think about all those strippers paying for college. If they had free mooks, they wouldn't have to pay for college and could strip for free! And with basic income, they wouldn't have to charge $2,000 for anal sex -- they would give it away for free! \n\nInstead of masturbating in public, people could just go to the strip club, choose a hot college girl, and have sex with her --- all for free!> body |comment: 2013-11-22-4315-2083-1> => |text: \n\n\n the world will magically get better without it if we could just get that basic income shit worked out. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-11-19-1797-3935-23> => |text: Solution: basic income, challenges!> body |comment: 2013-11-19-1797-3935-25> => |text: \n\n\n would quit being a bitch to me and stop bullying, harassing, and picking on me, I could earn $150K/year as a programmer again with full benefits, and of course do great 'super debugging' stuff again.\nWhy the fuck would I want basic income? Basic income is for bitches who are so grossly incompetent that they cannot work a job, much less take care of themselves and cannot even boil water to make tea or coffee. Most of them fried their brains on crack, meth, cocaine, alcohol, weed, whatever and have an IQ of 78 or lower. \nI so much want to get off disability and work again, but like I said the social bullies and bitches out there keep fucking with me so I cannot work.\nNow if I was not non-violent, I'd use my MMA skills as a pirate-ninja to defend myself when provoked by bitches and social bullies and break their arms or legs, or do a hammer fist to the chest and cause a heart attack when they invade my space and poke me, push me, shove me, or try to hit me. It takes strength to hold back the violence and not hit them back. I am sure if I did hit back they'd have their bitch friends and toadies claim I hit first and file charges against me. It doesn't take much strength to do these MMA attacks, just leverage and knowledge of physics and the human anatomy and 'weak points' and 'nerves'. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-18-17735-053-19> => |text: \n\n\n It will eat you up and spit you out.\nHow many kurons have we lost to suicide?\nHow many kurons are now incarcerated?\nEven kurons that survive it's mind twisting evil it damages, see crawford, ghost of tiber, channel, del, sgt york, etc.\nSome are so damaged they can only communicate in one line comments babbling about basic incomes and moocs.\nOthers are so broken they can barely communicate in plain english any longer. See sye and united fools\nMany more only emerge into sanity to remind us to set our clocks or to continuously threaten to leave the site.\nThe only ones who seem unaffected are those whose souls are already so corrupt it makes little difference. I refer you to the truely depraved, those like holly hop drive, tdillo, lil debbie, localroger, etc. Those who have dwelt in darkness so long they are beyond redemption.\nNeed I continue? \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-18-17735-053-43> => |text: \n\n\n He gets that good Basic Income. And without the house and his wife's income he would probably qualify for Public or better Section 8 housing. Also Medicaid and Medicare along with Food Stamps. Free clothes and access to the Food pantry. Apply for a free Obama phone with free minutes and don't forget the handicap sticker and the Hover-round scooter. \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-18-91250-601-18> => |text: \n\n\n But I doubt it. I think there is an actual former crack-smoker and academic failure that keeps exotic birds and codes AI agents in ruby in his spare time.\nOn the other hand, I think that MAYBE that person is now trolling US (as in K5) with all the one-line non-sequitur comments concerning Basic Income and Deficits that Don't Matter etc. \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-18-03515-713-2> => |text: \n\n\n basic income. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-11-17-224434-35> => |text: Ms. Duff's story doesn't agree with UBS's Transparency report. From page 5:\n\nTriggered by an unexpectedly severe and swift collapse of prices in the US real estate market, the simultaneous occurrence of a number of extraordinary factors caused the market for these products to dry up within a very brief period of time, beginning in July 2007. The sharpness of the decline in the US market for structured financial products came as a surprise to most market participants, including UBS.\n\nFrom page 6:\n\n[...] up until July 2007, the management of UBS Investment Bank was confident. It falsely believed, on the one hand, that its investments in mostly high-quality investment products with high credit ratings and presumably adequate downside protection were, in fact, safe. Based on the presumed high quality of the underlying securities, these products were rated AAA or AA, sometimes even higher as so-called super senior. Insofar as UBS was involved, on the other hand, in the purchase, bundling and resale of structured financial products, it believed that the holdings of investment products held in its "warehouse" could be sold at any time in the market. Because of these assumptions, which in retrospect turned out to be incorrect, UBS neglected to take additional measures to limit its risks in the US housing market.\n\nNote the absence of the US government as a target of blame. The lenders made loans against collateral and priced the risk. They failed at their job. UBS could have fully hedged by taking out enough insurance (CDSes). The story Jessie Jane Duff chooses to tell about the government being to blame is not the story that the the actual players in the crisis tell. No one is claiming the government held a metaphorical gun to the rating agencies' heads and told them to rate certain mortgage-backed securities AAA. This key factor in the financial crash is, significantly, ignored by conservatives such as Duff, when they tell their story.\nProfessor Mehrling, in Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two, Lecture 20 notes, tells the story thus:\n\nUBS was doing something it called a Negative Basis Trade in which it paid AIG 11 bp for 100% credit protection on a supersenior CDO tranche, and financed its holding of that tranche in the wholesale money market. In its report to shareholders, to explain why it lost so much of their money, it states that this trade netted an apparently riskfree arbitrage profit of 20 bp. Because it was apparently riskfree, they did massive amounts of it. The risk turned out to be liquidity risk, when money market funding dried up and they could not sell their AAA tranche. Their CDS hedge did them no good since they could not use it to raise funding. (To make matters worse, the CDS hedge was typically only against the first 2% loss, leaving UBS exposed for everything more than that.)\n\n---\nMehrling also tells a story about how John Paulson bet against the mortgage-backed securities early, and made billions. From a Wall Street Journal article by Gregory Zuckerman:\n\nBut as his gains piled up, Mr. Paulson fretted that his trades might yet go bad. Based on accounts of barroom talk and other chatter by a Bear Stearns trader, he became convinced that Bear Stearns and some other firms planned to try to prop the market for mortgage-backed securities by buying individual mortgages.\nAdding to his suspicions, he heard that Bear Stearns had asked an industry group to codify the right of an underwriter to modify or buy out a faltering pool of loans on which a mortgage security was based. Mr. Paulson claimed this would "give cover to market manipulation." He hired former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt to spread the word about this alleged threat.\nIn the end, Bear Stearns withdrew the proposal. It was merely about clarifying "our right to continue to service loans -- whether that be modifying loans when people can't pay their mortgage or buying out loans when rep and warranty issues are involved in the underwriting process," says a Bear Stearns spokesman.\n\nThe best strategy was probably to bail out individuals rather than institutions. Bear Stearns seems to have been exploring this approach, but Paulson saw it as a threat to his bets. "If you help those people, I won't make my billions!"\nDuff also is against bail-outs. From the same "Lone Liberal Rumble" segment lined above, starting about 4:56:\n\nYou don't bail people out [...] I believe in the free market [...] Even the Federal Reserve is pumped down everybody's throats, and so nobody goes out and shops for an adequate bank. They basically all have this bail-out with the Federal Reserve. If I have to go make sure that I invest my money with somebody that is accountable, I'm gonna take less risk. But the Federal Reserve gives everybody this big blanket of security, so there's mass risk.\n\nWhat Duff forgets is that bankers lie. UBS trusted the ratings agencies. Who is Duff going to trust with her money, when groupthink has led everyone to jump on the wagon of mortgage-backed securities? Is she really more conservative than the UBS management? \nI think the best solution is to provide everyone with a basic income. Then let the banks fail; their employees won't fear being on the street (as Crawford is, but UBS management isn't). Maybe the traders engaging in financial innovation will concentrate their energies on real technological innovation that increases standard of living by making something, like taking out the garbage, easier.> body |comment: 2013-11-16-13045-460-2> => |text: \n\n\n done about it.\nWhat do you propose we do? Ship them back to Liberia?\nOUR ONLY HOPE IS THE BASIC INCOME FOR ALL HUMANITY. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-11-16-0911-2132-10> => |text: Basic Income Closer to Reality Than You May Think> body |comment: 2013-11-16-0911-2132-10> => |text: \n\n\n What is Basic Income?\nBasic Income is a proposed policy that would see the state provide a regular income payment to every adult citizen, with no conditions attached. Such a payment would be enough to meet basic needs for a frugal lifestyle, and would largely replace welfare, food stamps, and public pensions. It would also augment the income of poorly paid employed people, and provide a safety net for those with irregular incomes.\nBasic Income is sometimes described as a citizen's income or a social dividend, and is usually understood to be universal, unconditional, and guaranteed.\nNY Times: Switzerland's Proposal to Pay People For Being Alive\nThe proposal is, in part, the brainchild of a German-born artist named Enno Schmidt, a leader in the basic-income movement. He knows it sounds a bit crazy. He thought the same when someone first described the policy to him, too. "I tell people not to think about it for others, but think about it for themselves," Schmidt told me. "What would you do if you had that income? What if you were taking care of a child or an elderly person?"\nSchmidt said that the basic income would provide some dignity and security to the poor, especially Europe's underemployed and unemployed. It would also, he said, help unleash creativity and entrepreneurialism: Switzerland's workers would feel empowered to work the way they wanted to, rather than the way they had to just to get by. He even went so far as to compare it to a civil rights movement, like women's suffrage or ending slavery.\nSimple Solution to Ending Poverty\nA simple idea for eliminating poverty is garnering greater attention in recent weeks: automatically have the government give every adult a basic income.\nReal wages have been stagnant in America for decades now and income inequality has grown immensely.In the aftermath of the Great Recession, it's only gotten worse. The Census Bureau reported in September that the 15 percent of Americans (46.5 million) live below the poverty line. Government benefits like food stamps and TANF help lift some of them above the line, but millions still live below it.\nHow would it work?\nIt's exactly how it sounds. The government would mail every American over the age of 21 a check each month. That's it. Everyone is free to do what they like with it.\nFrequently Asked Questions About Basic Income \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-11-15-203951-26> => |text: 2) Give everyone (who wants one) a basic income. Then let private businesses hire people at whatever wages they choose, or otherwise motivate them to do needed work through challenges. Since there is much less wage pressure, businesses need not raise prices. The wage-price spiral no longer matters. \nInflation is decimated because payroll is no longer biz's biggest liability.\n---\nThe entire banking system is trying to meet a huge demand for liquidity. Banks create credit for cash with loans and other mechanisms. They hedge and swap and insure themselves, so even in a crisis they don't suffer. How many of the officers of Washington Mutual, which was seized in 2008, are on the street? None.\nWhy can't the government create liquidity too, in the form of direct payments to individuals?> title |comment: 2013-11-15-18943-153-2> => |text: Govt should give him the choice of a basic income.> body |diary: 2013-11-11-20380-300> => |text: I think I'm getting conservative with age. I was very strict and wouldn't let anyone wear a hat, eat food, or play with their phones in class. Wouldn't let them play music out of their laptop speakers in the study hall, and chucked a kid out who tried to test me - after which I was treated to the unaccustomed sight of a roomful of teenagers sitting quiet like little lambs for a solid hour. Of course none of this stuff really matters .... but somehow I imagine that you let them wear hats one day, they'll be playing grab-ass during class and beating each other up in the hallways the next day. Let them eat candy during lecture, they'll be pulling out snacks during chem lab. And so on. Maybe I was just being an asshole for no reason, beating on kids who would never turn the place into a ghetto hangout ... but maybe arbitrary rules are important. I always hated arbitrary rules. And they are arbitrary. "No hats," I say, but I would tolerate a kippah or a turban or a hijab, a hat sanctioned by higher and possibly imaginary authority. Really it's enforcing the rule that's the thing, it protects the bigger rules like 'no smoking weed in the library' or 'no weapons'. And I hate to do it. But I think I've seen what happens if nobody holds the line. I could be wrong. Some kids could just be innately different. But I think it's the environment, has to be.\nLet's say we abolish all this school stuff and replace it with home-based MOOCs. What would happen? The poor kids wouldn't get their free food. Basic income? Mom gets it already, spends it on crack. And nobody is going to study. \nBut also, nobody would learn that sometimes you just gotta not wear the hat. Maybe that matters, I don't know.\nAlso played 2 shows. Played at the place which used to have a competent chef, but he quit, which I found out after ordering the food. Yum 'fried' seafood with a delicious icy center. Thinking of getting a tat on my arm that says 'Do not eat at the venue' so that I'll remember. Also played at the place where some guy got stabbed 6 times last show, the one where they for some insane reason have all the electrical outlets up on the ceiling and it's a high fucking ceiling too ....\nYeah it looks like being unemployed isn't gonna last. I'm an entertainer, of kids and their drunken parents, guess that's what I do. There's worse occupations.> tags |diary: 2013-11-10-23440-816> => |economics> + |politics> + |debt> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |basic income> + |unemployment> + |innovation> + |challenges> + |imf> body |diary: 2013-11-10-23440-816> => |text: How so? According to the paper (with the unassuming title "Aggregate Supply in the United States: Recent Developments and Implications for the Conduct of Monetary Policy"), our seemingly endless slump has done long-term damage through multiple channels. The long-term unemployed eventually come to be seen as unemployable; business investment lags thanks to weak sales; new businesses don't get started; and existing businesses skimp on research and development.\nWhat's more, the authors put a number to these effects, and it's terrifying. They suggest that economic weakness has already reduced America's economic potential by around 7 percent, which means that it makes us poorer to the tune of more than $1 trillion a year. And we're not talking about just one year's losses, we're talking about long-term damage: $1 trillion a year for multiple years.\n\n---\nKrugman doesn't see that make-work jobs are not really helpful towards furthering innovation and the advance of knowledge and technology. We simply don't need so many people to work in today's increasingly automated economy. Long-term unemployment is not necessarily a bad thing. It is better than creating bad jobs purely to say that people are employed.\nA better solution: encourage those who are no longer needed by the private sector to innovate and create on their own. Challenges are one way. MOOCs provide free education.\nA Basic Income would increase sales so that Business could also invest in Research and Development. Biz of course can also hold challenges to take advantage of the human capital that no longer needs to work at a traditional job: the Netflix Prize, Google and Microsoft bug bounties, kaggle.com are already examples of the private sector mobilizing the power of private individuals.\nIf we're losing $1 trillion a year, we can create it and use it for the innovation that it would have supposedly been used for anyway. It's probably more efficient to give it to individuals directly than to siphon off so much of it to unproductive middle managers.\n---\n\nAnd it is, as I said, a bitter irony, because one main reason we've done so little about unemployment is the preaching of deficit scolds, who have wrapped themselves in the mantle of long-run responsibility -- which they have managed to get identified in the public mind almost entirely with holding down government debt.\nThis never made sense even in its own terms. As some of us have tried to explain, debt, while it can pose problems, doesn't make the nation poorer, because it's money we owe to ourselves. Anyone who talks about how we're borrowing from our children just hasn't done the math.\nTrue, debt can indirectly make us poorer if deficits drive up interest rates and thereby discourage productive investment. But that hasn't been happening. Instead, investment is low because of the economy's weakness. And one of the main things keeping the economy weak is the depressing effect of cutbacks in public spending.\n\n---\nWhy would interest rates rise? The Fed can, and should, keep them low. If inflation becomes a problem, simply use an indexing scheme as Israel did for 35 years with great success. With our technology we can make the indexing seamless so the overhead which apparently led to Israel moving to measures beyond indexing wouldn't be such a burden. Inflation would become invisible, automatically taken care of, seamlessly.\nThe most productive investment is in empowering individuals to create and innovate. Public spending should be used to give direct payments to individuals (get rid of the bureaucracy). Then stimulate them to unleash their creativity with challenges.> body |comment: 2013-11-10-185154-87-8> => |text: \n\n\n or some other herbal stuff or tea.\nOr human breast milk, if you can get it directly. Aka Basic Income. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-9-11654-0050-4> => |text: \n\n\n society is fucked up because of corrupt people, not God!\nQuit blaming God for the bad behavior, bad actions, and bad decisions of people! God told them to do good things not bad things.\nIn heaven you will have your basic income and everything else you want, on Earth, you'll get jack shit and nothing but pain and suffering from people. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-11-9-04038-8669-7> => |text: What Is Basic Income?> body |comment: 2013-11-9-04038-8669-7> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income is a proposed policy that would see the state provide a regular income payment to every adult citizen, with no conditions attached. Such a payment would be enough to meet basic needs for a frugal lifestyle, and would largely replace welfare, food stamps, and public pensions. It would also augment the income of poorly paid employed people, and provide a safety net for those with irregular incomes.\nBasic Income is sometimes described as a citizen's income or a social dividend, and is usually understood to be universal, unconditional, and guaranteed.\nWhat are the benefits of basic income?\nBasic income has many benefits over our current system. These include, in no particular order:\n\n An elimination of the "unemployment trap". Under current systems, when someone gets a job they lose most of their welfare payments. This means they can go from not working at all to working a full week, but not earn much more than they did previously, which acts as a disincentive to work. Under basic income, when people got a job they would retain the same basic income payment, with their salary added to it, so this disincentive no longer exists.\n A reduction in government bureaucracy. A lot of government workers are required to ensure that welfare recipients are not claiming their benefits fraudulently, and administer the complicated system of welfare payments and tax credits. A basic income would hugely simplify the welfare system by replacing most of these benefits, which would reduce its administrative cost significantly.\n A government guarantee of a minimum living standard. Basic income proposals recognize that people should be entitled to a certain basic standard of living, regardless of whether the prevailing economic conditions allow them to achieve this standard through the labor market.\n Increased bargaining power for workers. As workers will be able to afford to refuse a job if it is low-paid or has poor conditions, firms will be forced to improve the employment conditions and wages for their workers. This will happen as a natural result of negotiation between firms and workers, and will not require further government intervention.\n Less need for government regulations on the labor market. Policies such as the minimum wage will become less necessary with the basic income, as people will already get enough money to live on from the basic income, and negotiating power for workers will increase. This will allow the government to remove some of the regulations on the labor market, creating a freer market and providing benefits for both employers and employees.\n Improved mental health and security. Mental health is one of the largest public health problems in most developed countries. The knowledge that the basic income will ensure a basic standard of living in any circumstances will provide a sense of mental security, especially when the economy is performing poorly. The removal of various dehumanizing tests and stigmatization of anyone who receives welfare payments will also serve to improve mental health.\n Stable costs over time. Current welfare schemes have costs that fluctuate significantly with the performance of the economy, and are increasing as populations age and more people leave the workforce. The costs of basic income schemes would not see this fluctuation, as the basic income is paid to all adults regardless of whether they are in the labor force or not.\n Ability to deal with widespread unemployment. Some people argue that, with the development of new automation technology and the increase in the labor force due to globalization, rates of unemployment in developed countries are likely to stay high and increase in coming years. This would impose a significant increased cost on current schemes, but as spending from the basic income would not increase, this system would be more able to cope with the change.\n Redistribution from capital to labor. Even if technology doesn't lead to high unemployment, it may well lead to lower wages and greater inequality. Capital - equipment and machinery that helps to produce things - is now creating a greater share of output compared to labor - human workers. This allows business owners, who own the capital, to pay workers the same or less while more is produced, so they make more profit for themselves. We are already seeing that output per worker is increasing, while workers' wages are not. In the long term, this will mean that business owners make more and more money, while those who don't own capital will make less and less. Basic income alleviates this by taxing the rich (who will probably own capital) and giving money to the poor (who probably won't), even if they can't find a job.\n Increased numbers of small businesses. Many people may currently be discouraged from leaving their job to start their own business, as if the venture fails they will have no source of income. The basic income would provide income to these people, so more people would feel able to start businesses, which could only increase innovation and competition in the economy.\n Increased charitable work. Much work in the charitable sector and other vocations (e.g. open-source programming or the arts) is socially beneficial but not reliably profitable, so people have to do it in their spare time, along with a traditional job. A basic income would allow these people to spend more time on beneficial but unprofitable work, which would benefit society as a whole.\n Increased numbers of people in jobs they enjoy. As people will not be forced to take on a job, they will be more able to find a job that they enjoy (or that pays well enough to offset their lack of enjoyment). Having people in jobs that suit them better will help to improve mental health, as well as leading to an improved quality of goods and services.\n Financial independence for all adults. Every adult will be entitled to the basic income independently of any other people. This means they cannot be controlled or manipulated by someone through control of their finances, potentially allowing people in abusive relationships to escape them more easily.\n Prevention of generational theft. Most western countries already provide basic income to people of retired age. But, if a nation or its socialized retirement program goes bankrupt, or the socialized retirement program otherwise becomes unaffordable, in 20 or 30 years (due to fiscal mismanagement or simple birth rate demographics) then it is to the great advantage of current benefit recipients, and at the total cost to those who pay into the benefits today with the false promise of receiving them in the future. If entitlements are unaffordable/unsustainable, then the only fair solution is to provide the funds equally today.\n\nHow much would the basic income be?\nThe 2013 Alaska Permanent Fund amount is $900 per eligible citizen. "To be eligible for a PFD, you must have been an Alaska resident for the entire calendar year preceding the date you apply for a dividend and intend to remain an Alaska resident indefinitely at the time you apply for a dividend." To most, such figures represent a basic income in concept only.\nCharles Murray in Guaranteed Income as a Replacement for the Welfare State introduced the figure of $10,000, "as a place to begin discussion," never really intending for it to be taken as a serious final number. "In the United States, a GI of $10,000 per year for all adults aged twenty-one years and older will cost no more than the projected cost of the current system as of 2011. By 2028, it will cost more than a trillion dollars less per year than the projected costs of the current system." Similarly, numbers just at or below the antiquated federal poverty level are generally considered illustrative rather than practical for legislative purposes.\nIn 2005, the BIG Pilot Project in Namibia began as the result of the proposal that, "A monthly cash grant of not less than N$100 (~13 US$) should be paid to every Namibian." Here we begin to see the concept of local context emerge. Indexing basic income to the real economy is vital to it's credibility and viability.\nThe 2013 Swiss basic income guarantee referendum is for CHF 2,500 francs (approximately USD $2,800/mo). It remains to be learned where this number is derived. If you have that information, by all means, please edit this entry.\nMost serious economists and pragmatic politicians agree that a meaningful basic income figure must reflect a truly livable income that is indexed to the real economy, not to some arbitrary static number, such as a static "federal poverty level" (presently approximately USD $12,000) that fails to be revisited and updated in any kind of logical or consistent manner. Mathematical proposals to match the national mean income, or index the basic income to a percentage of the median or modal figures are both more rational and sustainable.\nUsing these measures, we come up with potential basic income numbers in the range of USD $2,100 to $2,800 per month, in 2013 dollars. The following are only ballpark figures, sourced from WolframAlpha:\nU.S. median income &pipe; $52762 /yr\nIndexed at 40% (52762/12)*.4 = $1,758.73/mo\nIndexed at 50% (52762/12)*.5 = $2,198.42/mo\nIndexed at 60% (52762/12)*.6 = $2,638.10/mo\nU.S. per capita mean income &pipe; $27,915 /yr\nComputes to 2013 USD $2,326.25/mo\nU.S. median wage &pipe; $33,190 /yr\nComputes to 2013 USD $2,765/mo\nThe legislated number for the initial U.S. BIG remains to be determined, but we hope that these data will provide a solid foundation from which to derive, calculate, and negotiate.\nIs this similar to a negative income tax?\nA negative income tax is a proposal to include negative rates of income tax for people earning below a certain level. A level of income would be set at which you pay zero tax; if you earn more than this you pay tax, but if you earn less you would receive payments. Like basic income, this would not have any conditions (e.g. having to work to get the payment) but unlike basic income, the payments are dependent on income. However, a negative income tax can be set up so that it provides the same amount of money as a basic income. This is because a basic income scheme would require higher tax rates than a negative income tax, as it involves paying every citizen. A NIT would have lower tax rates but provide less money, so these two could balance out in such a way that every citizen has the same amount of money that they would with a basic income. There are pros and cons to both approaches: a basic income would involve giving money to people who don't need it, which people might consider unfair even though they are repaying the money through their tax, while a negative income tax could lead to stigmatization of people who receive payments, as the payments would not be universal.\nWho supports the basic income guarantee?\nBasic income, and the similar proposal of a negative income tax, have a range of supporters from across the political spectrum. Some of these supporters and links to their arguments in favour of basic income are given below. A growing number of today's best thinkers are rapidly joining the long history of leading thinkers in advocating this policy.\nMartin Luther King Jr. (also video)\nDesmond Tutu\nPaul Krugman, @NYTimeskrugman (Nobel Prize winning economist)\nUmair Haque, @umairh (Harvard Business School Economist)\nRecent Mentions: "it's a no-brainer" &pipe; "the next big social issue" &pipe; "but it'll never happen" &pipe; if WE don't make it happen.\nErik Brynjolfsson, @erikbryn (MIT Economist, Author, "Race Against the Machine")\nMilton Friedman\nJ. K. Galbraith\nF. A. Hayek\nBertrand Russell (see the last paragraph of chapter IV for a summary)\nRobert Skidelsky (Skip to the section "Working Less")\nJohn Stuart Mill (Chapter I: Of Property 4)\nThomas Paine\nCharles Murray (Warning: PDF)\nPhillipe Van Parijs\nGuy Standing (video: Why the Precariat Requires a Basic Income)\nHugh Segal\nDaniel Raventos\nI believe in [insert ideology]. Why should I support a basic income guarantee?\nThe following brief arguments are taken verbatim from this article, which provides various arguments from different political perspectives.\nFairness\nProperty is a social construct legally enforced by the government. If all people are considered equal, then absent any other considerations, each person should have an equal amount of property. So material equality should be the default. In a free market economy with a basic income at or below the highest sustainable rate, those who choose to live off of the basic income are not living off of the work of others. Rather, they are l$iving off of less than their "fair share" of property and allowing the extra to be used by those who choose to work.\nUtilitarianism\nThe free market is the greatest generator of wealth ever devised. Money is the most effective means of socially producing utility, as it allows each individual to obtain whatever needs and wants they subjectively require. However, one dollar in the hands of a poorer person produces greater utility than a dollar in the hands of a richer person, because the richer person can fulfill more of their more important needs and wants with the rest of their money than the poorer person can. So the transfer of money from a richer person to a poorer person increases overall utility. The government is incompetent at running people's lives or regulating the economy, but the one thing it can do effectively is mail out checks. A basic income is most effective means of transferring money from the richer to the poorer with the least government interference and the least work disincentive. The natural limit on the amount of the basic income is the point where the work disincentive from the required taxes reduces wealth the point where the basic income would have to be reduced.\nKeynesianism\nKeynesian economics works when implemented correctly. But properly implementing Keynesian economics is politically very difficult. It requires politicians who are willing to spend a lot of money on stimulus when the government appears broke, and then turn around and become deficit hawks when the government is rolling in cash and everyone wants a piece of the pie. A basic income funded primarily from an income tax would become a massive institutionalized entitlement expected by the population whose cost would automatically increase and decrease in direct opposition to the economy. As unemployment rises, the number of net receivers goes up, and as unemployment falls, so will the number of net receivers. Keynes once famously said that the government should pay people to dig holes and fill them back up again. But why waste people's time? Anyone who sits on the couch and watches TV while living off of a basic income will contribute as much to society as the hole diggers. And anyone who does anything more productive will create a net good for society.\nHuman Rights\nPoverty is not a natural tragedy like cancer or earthquakes. Poverty is a human caused tragedy like slavery or government oppression. Slavery is caused by societal recognition of humans as property. Government oppression is caused by governments punishing people for their beliefs or characteristics, and without due process of law. Poverty is caused by property laws that deny some people access to necessities. These types of tragedies can be ended by recognizing that humans have the right not to be subjected to tortuous conditions imposed by other humans. Humans have a right not to live in slavery. Humans have a right to be free of government oppression. And humans have a right not to live in poverty. A basic income is not a strategy for dealing with poverty; it it the elimination of poverty. The campaign for a basic income is a campaign for the abolition of poverty. It is the abolitionist movement of the 21st century.\nGeorgism/Geolibertarianism\nProperty is a product of creation, not of mere use. "I made this." confers property rights, "Tag! It's mine!" does not. Things that exist as a product of your labor must be yours, and for anyone else to appropriate them is to make you their slave. Land and natural resources, however, are not the products of people, but of nature or God. They are gifts to all of humanity. Individual property in land and natural resources may be practical or useful, but it is still theft. Utility might justify this theft, but compensation is still required. As the appropriation was done without consent, the compensation must be in the form that offers the greatest choice of use to the victims. That form is cash. The most efficient arrangement for payment is for the takers to pay the full rental or use value to a single entity which can then divide the proceeds equally among the population. Taxes are the tribute I pay to you for displacing you from land, the basic income is your dividend.\nTranshumanism/Futurology\nTwo hundred thousand years ago humans lived in hunter-gather societies. About 10 thousand years ago, humans began to live in agricultural societies, and then about 300 years ago, humans began to live in industrial societies. Since 30 to 50 years ago, we have lived in a service society. Theoretically, the last economic stage of society is a leisure society, where most people either work in the artistic or scientific fields, or do not work at all. So far, each phase has lasted only a small fraction of the time of the previous phase. If that pattern holds, service societies should last less than two generations, a time period nearing its end. Right now, worker productivity is advancing faster than the need for workers, and robots are inhabiting labs in research hospitals and at DARPA. It is time to prepare for a society in which we simply do not need everyone to work. A basic income will be needed to provide a living for people, and to provide customers for business.\nConservatism\nThe welfare state may not be the society we would have created, but it has been here for 4 generations, people have come to expect and rely on it, and it would be extremely disruptive to society to get rid of it. But while we may not be able to get rid of the welfare state, we can reform it. The current welfare state necessitates an immense and expensive bureaucracy, it is prohibitively complicated for some of its intended beneficiaries to navigate, it puts bureaucrats in charge of the lives of the poor, it creates perverse incentives for people to avoid work and to remain poor, and it arbitrarily allows some people to fall through the cracks. A basic income would correct all of these problems. A basic income is simple to administer, treats all people equally, retains all rewards for hard work, savings, and entrepreneurship, and trusts the poor to make their own decisions about what to do with their money, taking these decisions out of the hands of paternalistic elitist politicians.\nFeminism\nPatriarchy has put the world's wealth in the hands of men, prevented women from being professionals and entrepreneurs, forced poor women into dead-end second-class labor jobs, and forced all women to become unpaid domestic servants and caretakers of the young, elderly, and disabled of their families. Women have been forced to be financially dependent on fathers or husbands who are often abusive. A basic income would change all of this. A basic income would be a massive transfer of wealth from men to women. Women would be free of financial dependence on any man, and the young, elderly, and disabled would all be fully supported. Women could afford to leave abusive husbands, those who chose to be caretakers would be fully compensated, and no woman would be forced into a dead-end job, and would instead be able to pursue her own financial goals as she saw fit.\nLibertarianism\nWhile it may have been theoretically possible to acquire property in a just manner soon after humans evolved, none was. Every square inch of inhabited land on earth can trace its title back to someone who acquired the land by force. All land titles on Earth are soaked in blood. And not just land titles. Thanks to past government spending, targeted tax breaks, intellectual property, corporate charters, slavery, and meddling regulations, no property or wealth can be said to have been justly acquired. If we assume that those who have the least are greatest net victims, a basic income would provide the best possible rectification with the least government control, producing the least unjust system of property distribution possible in the real world.\nLiberalism/Social Democracy\nA basic income would correct or ameliorate many inequities and inefficiencies inherent in market capitalism. The wages of unskilled and semi-skilled workers would rise as those who enjoy and are good at such work will no longer have to compete against those who are forced to seek such work out of financial necessity. The wages of highly skilled workers will fall as more people are able to take the time necessary to gain the skills to compete for those jobs, lowering the cost of legal, financial, and health care services. A guaranteed income will soften the blow to workers displaced by advancing technology and the creative destruction of the market. Job seekers will be able to take the time necessary to find work that is the best fit for them, increasing efficiency in the distribution of labor. And entrepreneurship will flourish as those wanting to start their own businesses will have an income to survive on during the long lean times that typically come when building a new enterprise.\nHow would you pay for it?\nFirst and foremost, the basic income is paid for by direct savings of eliminating the waste, fraud, and abuse of the Welfare State. Charles Murray writes, "After a process that has taken decades, the welfare state has severely degraded the traditions of work, thrift, and neighbourliness which enabled the system to work at the outset. It is now spawning social and economic problems that it is powerless to solve."\nBy completely ending welfare, "In the United States, a GI (guaranteed income) for all adults aged twenty-one years and older will cost no more than the projected cost of the current system as of 2011. By 2028, [the guaranteed income] will cost a trillion dollars less per year than the projected costs of the current system."\nSecondly, the complete elimination of the Minimum Wage and all associated payroll overheard for businesses. The reason for a basic income that is a fully guaranteed, realistic, living income (see 'How much would the basic income be?') indexed to the real economy is so that these cost savings can all be fully realized and redeployed toward empowering innovation (Christensen).\nOf course, taxes on high-end consumption and financial transactions are currently two of the leading methods proposed to make up any gap between the savings gained in completely dismantling the current means-tested welfare state, and a sustainable basic income. Means-testing is a breeding ground for fraud and abuse in any program, and welfare is not immune. Some argue that waste, fraud, and abuse is so understated and invisible, that the gap between savings in total welfare elimination and basic income could be much smaller than presently calculated.\nMany European countries use a value added tax (VAT) to positive effect without materially harming consumption. Perhaps a more technologically salient approach is to tax high frequency trading (HFT) bots. At a pace of 100,000 to 200,000 messages per second, even micro-cents per transaction rapidly adds up to significant, sustainable revenue, fast. Many argue that this is one of the most logical and reasonable methods by which to harness the robot revolution. MIT economist Erik Brynjolfsson argues, rather than race against the machines, why not race with the machines? We could let Wall Street run absolutely WILD and it would work for everyone, if the algorithms are in place to fund a basic income, indexed to market-derived mean income levels.\nThere are a variety of other taxes that could help to fund basic income. A carbon tax would help to combat global warming as well as providing a new revenue source for basic income. A wealth tax could be more effective in reducing inequality than a traditional income tax. A land value tax - taxing the owners of land for its value, excluding any man-made developments on it - would cause very little economic distortion while raising revenue. Many wealthy people earn more from capital gains than income, so raising the level of capital gains tax is likely to produce a lot of revenue. Inheritance tax helps to fight the unfairness of people born to rich parents having a head start in life. And of course, simply raising income tax is always an option.\nOne other possibility is to include the funding of basic income in monetary policy. In a recession, if interest rates are very low and inflation is not too high, but the economy is not growing, the central bank will essentially print money to help increase demand. This has happened in the current crisis; the Federal Reserve is still adding $80 billion every month to the money supply. So in certain circumstances, the central bank could print money and cover some of the cost of the basic income for the government, meaning that the government will be free to either cut taxes or increase spending to stimulate the economy without adding to its deficit.\nBasically, there are all sorts of underused ways to raise revenue for basic income. No one tax would be able to completely pay for it, but a combination of the different taxes discussed above, as well as the savings from dismantling the current welfare bureaucracy, make it more affordable than it appears. There are a number of studies which have proposed more detailed costed proposals for basic income... [find some links to such studies]\nWouldn't this just cause inflation?\nIt's difficult to say. There are a few reasons why a basic income might cause inflation. Some people instinctively feel that any gains from a basic income would be offset by price rises, so it would be pointless. This is based on a misconception about how it is funded - as stated above, it would not (usually) be funded by printing money, but by taxation. Everyone gets the basic income, but many people pay more in taxes than they get for the income. So basic income will only make some people richer, and thus not all of the gains would be undone by inflation.\nThe main reason why basic income could cause inflation is a rise in wage costs for businesses. If fewer people remain in the labour force (keep working or looking for work) after the introduction of a basic income, businesses will have to pay higher wages (or spend more on non-cash benefits) in order to attract and retain workers. The more people drop out of the labour force, the higher inflation will be caused. This is somewhat offset by the fact that working people also get the basic income, so businesses can reduce their wages by (up to) the level of the basic income. The effectiveness of this wage subsidy in reducing inflation would depend on income tax rates.\nAnother potential cause of inflation is the increase in aggregate demand as the poor gain money compared to the rich (the poor tend to spend more of their income than the rich). However, the poor would not immediately become significantly richer than they are with current welfare programmes, so this is likely to have a small effect, if at all.\nWhat's the point of giving money to the rich? Why not target it only at the poor?\nThe main reason why it helps to give basic income to the rich as well as the poor is that it completely removes the problem of the unemployment/poverty trap (see the list of benefits above) where removing benefits from people as they start earning more money means they don't increase their disposable income. Another benefit of this is that if everyone receives the payment, cutting the basic income will reduce everyone's income; there will be less pressure from the rich to cut benefits if they would also lose out from the benefits being cut. Finally, anyone who could be considered rich would be paying more in taxes than they were getting from their basic income, so the rich are still paying while the poor benefit.\nIsn't this communism?\nDefinitely not. Have another look at the list of supporters, for one thing - I doubt Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek would support something that could be accurately described as communism! Let's look more closely at the definition of communism from Wikipedia. This states that "Communism (from Latin communis - common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production". Basic income is not revolutionary (in that it doesn't need a revolution to happen), does not require the eradication of classes, does not require the eradication of the state, and doesn't require common ownership of the means of production. It is in no way communist.\nThis sounds great! What can I do to make it happen?\nIf you are a citizen of the European Union, you can start by signing the European Citizen's Initiative in order to force the EU to examine the feasibility of basic income. Sign it here and follow it here on Facebook. In addition, you can join one of the dozens of groups that are actively promoting basic income at the local level. \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-9-04038-8669-8> => |text: \n\n\n Trane's just so far off reality with his print money, give it to everyone and tax nobody theory that it is just pure crazy, inflation causing nonsense.\nI pretty much agree with everything they say... create basic income, drop minimum wage, adjust taxes. \nI especially support wealth taxes, they are non-distortionary - ie, people will spend their money on what they want the most, irrespective of a wealth tax... It doesn't affect the poor, who spend almost all of their income, and only affects the rich (wealthy, not high income earners, who might still be poor), and is an incentive to make their wealth productive.\nI think HFT taxes are stupid... why? Cause most people can't HFT, and therefore distrust it... Let them do their job and tax the created wealth. A tax on HFT is just a tax on the efficient operation of the market. \nLand value taxes on the value of the undeveloped land are impossible, what is the value of the undeveloped land? My own city was nothing but a swamp, there's nothing special about the value of the land there except for the development... even if you only count the development on surrounding land... the value of all things is subjective and dependent on the relationship to other things.\nIncome tax should be reduced as far as possible... It's a disincentive to earn. It should be able to be replaced by the correct level of wealth tax.\nInheritance tax is a disincentive to provide for your future generations... possibly one of the strongest economic drives of all. A wealth tax is a continuous form of inheritance tax anyway... one people can plan for. Inheritance taxes are definitely disruptive to any family run business, beyond the obvious disruption that triggers them.\nOverall... Basic income and wealth tax... drop minimum wage... have the uber rich who run the robots provide the world with exactly what the world wants in a non-distortionary, economically efficient way. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-11-8-05157-1881-7> => |text: \n\n\n it is only a diary, I mean like a paragraph on the screen.\nIt can't be anymore more annoying than the 'basic income' challenge bullshit. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n\n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-11-7-235312-735> => |text: We read some chapters from Bagehot's Lombard Street in Part One of the class. He is credited with emphasizing the role of a central bank to "lend freely, against good collateral, at a high rate" in a crisis. He also stressed that the central bank should be a "lender of last resort."\nThe origin of the crisis in 2008, according to Cohan, was that UBS announced in early 2008 that it was writing down the value of its mortgage-backed securities. Even though other mortgage-backed securities weren't in trouble, having low rates of default, the panic spread as a result of UBS's action. Firms that had mortgage-backed securities with low default rates couldn't use them as collateral anymore and couldn't sell them. So they went out of business (Peleton, Thornburg, Carlyle Fund). Then rumors started about Bear Stearns' liquidity.\nSince Wall Street is based on emotion, Bear Stearns went under, in May. Its stock dropped something like 90% in less than a week.\nBasically, mortgage lenders made a lot of loans to people at very low rates, but with contracts that would raise the rates for no really good reason other than the greed of the lenders.\nThose mortgages were inflated to many times their value by securitizing them and selling them as instruments that were as safe as T-bills but with higher yield.\nWhen some defaults started to happen, panic spread and emotion took over. The same group-think that led to everyone getting into RMBSes led to everyone getting out of them. Money Market Mutual Funds no longer accepted them as collateral.\nIt's silly how much of a pissing contest Wall Street is described as, in Cohan's book. The traders are shallow confidence men with the lability of 16-year old girls. This is how we set prices and allocate resources in our society? Why?\nOn page 9 of Cohan's book, he writes:\n\nGeithner expounded on the origins of the immediate financial crisis in particularly clear language. He explained how a number of unusual factors had come together to undermine the country's economic foundation: the irresponsible availability of credit to the less-than-creditworthy, allowing them to buy homes, cars, and other goods and services they could not afford but thought they needed; [...]\n\nInstead of putting resource allocation in the hands of ignorant capitalists, just give everyone the option of a Basic Income. How could it be any worse?> body |comment: 2013-11-7-235312-735-4> => |text: \n\n\n Actually, if basic income was equal in value to the interest charged on loans by the central bank, then the economy would not have that hidden debt burden which could never be repaid (well, it might have to be a little more to account for money lost physically or taking to another country), so, yeah, that might be a good idea.\nI was thinking that it could be used to pay for civil servant's salaries, rather than taxes, although to set that up in a theoretical model is harder than to just add basic income to a people who qualify.\nPerhaps a small amount for people aged 10-18 and the full about for people over 18. The small amount is to get people used to budgeting and such-like, so that they have "financial intelligence". \nI know, parents "should" give allowances but that doesn't mean most do, for whatever reason. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-11-7-22227-0329> => |text: At about 0:20 - 0:21 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3tpvB8B2AA ("THE BOB NEWHART SHOW SEASON SIX OPENING"), an extra two beats are thrown in before the one of the middle section. At about 0:42, an extra beat is thrown in before returning to the first section.\nThese delays built into the form of the tune are a sort of translation into musical terms of Newhart's stuttering, hesitant delivery.\n---\nNote how Howard Borden's navigator job has been rendered obsolete by technology. This is a good thing; we need fewer people to operate the machinery that keeps society moving. Give Howard a Basic Income and let him do his zany, wacky thing on web forums. Maybe he could take up the bass seriously (he plays the bass in one episode).\n---\nI didn't know until after her death, that Marcia Wallace, Bob's secretary Carol, also did the voice of Mrs. Krabappel on the Simpsons.> tags |diary: 2013-11-1-23585-9592> => |bill moyers> + |dean baker> + |yves smith> + |trans-pacific agreement> + |politics> + |economics> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |capitalists not acting like capitalists> + |basic income> body |diary: 2013-11-1-23585-9592> => |text: BILL MOYERS: Do you believe it?\nYVES SMITH: Absolutely. I mean, if you want to look at the economy in a very simple way, we'll just get rid of the import-export sector, because for the US, this won't change the story. You've got households, you've got the government, you've got businesses. Households tend to be net savers, because people save for retirement and emergencies.\nBusinesses we like to think of businesses as being net borrowers, because businesses invest and spend. And then therefore the notion is-- the reason that a lot of people are opposed to government running deficits is that they're afraid that the government will borrow and crowd out business investment.\nThe fact is that businesses even in the last expansion under Bush were net saving. Which is-- so basically capitalists aren't acting like capitalists anymore. They've gotten so short-term oriented. And in a weak economy, you know, they've got-- they pull in their horns, they don't spend a lot, they don't invest then either.\nAnd now we've got companies literally borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars. They've got record levels of cash. What are they doing? They're buying back stock. So this is actually the time government should be running deficits. And yet it's anathema to say it politically.\nBILL MOYERS: Well, why is that? I mean, it seems to me the other side has won the argument.\nDEAN BAKER: Well, they've won it politically. What's striking is they've lost it completely in academic economics. This is an active area of economic research. At this point, there's been literally dozens of papers produced that show if we want to see growth in the economy today, the government's going to have to run larger deficits.\n\n---\nGovernment can spend more than it takes in (and always has). "The American Taxpayer" does not fund welfare; created money does (and always has). Jobs are not the goal; the advancement of knowledge and technology to increase productivity is. The best way to further the advancement of knowledge and the technology at an ever-increasing rate is to give everyone the choice of a basic income, and encourage the native creative instinct with challenges.> body |comment: 2013-11-1-23585-9592-7> => |text: \n\n\n after all, they got basic income accomplished.\nNot sure they are all that productive, though,\nbut I guess it could be possible. \nMore things like Bell Labs could be fun, \nbut it works better if you try to turn research into businesses.... most may fail but the papers and examples should still stand around.\nIt's just that gold-diggers are too faux extroverted; they act like they like people but they really just like consuming.\nLong live the producers, makers, creatives, as that is where progress comes from.\nWhat society needs is less society and more elites.\nI might be drunk.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-11-1-23585-9592-19> => |text: So 'goose' it with a basic income. And challenges.> body |comment: 2013-11-1-23585-9592-20> => |text: \n\n\n did send everyone a check; probably one of the most progressive tax cuts ever made. \nBut yeah, that would be one proposal for stimulating demand.\nThe argument against a 'basic income' and in favor of temporary stimulus when the economy is bad is because you want the stimulus when the economy is bad, and not when it's good. \nThat's one of the arguments in favor of things like unemployment or a reverse income tax... as fewer are poor or unemployed, less 'stimulus' money gets poured in. It's somewhat self-regulating in that regard. \nI think this really has a lot to do with the bits you are missing. If the government stimulates while the economy is good, you get massive and unsustainable bubbles, and then crashes. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-10-27-212026-68-10> => |text: Solution: Basic Income, Challenges.> body |comment: 2013-10-27-212026-68-20> => |text: \n\n\n The idea of a basic income is that everyone would be guaranteed a poverty-line income from the get-go, and this would replace a smorgasbord of programs like Section 8, food stamps, etc. Everyone would be guaranteed an income floor roughly equal to the threshold of poverty.\n\nEITC, though, has a maximum payout of $487/yr, for a single person with no kids. That is... not a basic income, even if you are comically frugal. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-10-16-17556-921> => |sign spinners> + |mannequins> + |robots> + |advertising> + |npr> + |silly jobs> + |automation> + |economics> + |politics> + |basic income> body |diary: 2013-10-16-17556-921> => |text: Obviously, it's better for society to put people like McNugget on a Basic Income instead of forcing him to get a job doing something (sign-spinning) that can be automated. On a Basic Income, he could educate himself (MOOCs), and pursue programming challenges, and generally contribute towards the advancement of knowledge and technology. Spinning signs, he gets mad at the ridiculousness of his situation, which makes it easier to justify doing drugs.\n---\n\nCarnegie Mellon robotics professor Illah Nourbakhsh says one day the mannequins may become actual robots -- able to see us, guess our age and gender and customize their marketing messages with frightening accuracy.\n"It's funny because that future we end up in, where that arms race is fully realized, is one in which we're the robots because they've learned how to remote control us people. So the consumer becomes the robot, except we're human," Nourbakhsh says.\n\nI think we should question the huge role advertising plays in our society. Isn't word of mouth the best advertising? I think the size of advertising budgets is a sign of an economy that suffers from a demand problem, rather than a production problem.\nAdvertising is basically lying. As Feynman points out in "Cargo Cult Science" (see http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2010/11/6/22350/7959), advertising doesn't promote scientific integrity. We should be encouraging the kind of scientific integrity that presents all sides of an issue.> title |comment: 2013-10-16-17556-921-3> => |text: Solution: Basic Income, and Advertising Challenges> body |comment: 2013-10-14-214858-31-27> => |text: \n\n\n If I was offered a similar task related to, say, some scientific automation or data analysis project, I'd take it in a heartbeat. \nIt's really awesome to have a job, Sye. I had a job last year, teaching public school. It was amazing. I got paid every week. I didn't have to chase anyone down to get paid, I wasn't waiting on 'fellowship paperwork' or the 'vendor system'. They even paid a share of my retirement there. A 'job' is a sweet deal.\nBut it's getting harder and harder to find one. This is the New Normal. \nTrane speaks glowingly of "Basic income and prizes". This is exactly what Blastar has now. Trane's only real complaint is that he'd like to compete for this project bid here, as an open 'prize'.\nAnd me, hell, I may someday be in the same boat. \n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-10-14-173256-68-11> => |text: Fuck the Ign MFers. Vote for a $25K Basic Income.> title |comment: 2013-10-14-173256-68-12> => |text: Fuck basic income I want my $150K/year job back!> body |comment: 2013-10-14-173256-68-12> => |text: \n\n\n I would rather work a $150K/year job than get paid $150K/year in basic income. But the basic income is set to just $10K/year which is $2K/year less than what I get with disability.\nDisability is $138K/year less than my old job I was unjustly fired from just for being mentally ill. \nSince I have been out of work since 2002. 11 years, the hammerhead ignorant mother fuckers owe me 1.518M USD in back pay!\nBut rather than be paid $1.518M USD in back pay I'd settle for having my $150K/year job back or at least a $50K/year job if they argue that is too much to pay a disabled mentally ill person.\nYou see I want to work, I need to work, but they won't let me work! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-10-13-15401-269-17> => |text: \n\n\n No longer on the streets cold & hungry or sleeping in the rain. Plus he has plenty of time to optimize WarpLife and innovate new ideas to solve The Software Problem. Hell, it's better than a Basic Income! \n\n\nI am the conductor of the POOP TRAIN!\n\n\n\n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-10-12-23621-141> => |text: http://www.slideshare.net/JoseRicaurte/financial-pacificow-negative-can-swiss-in\n\n\n\nterest-rates-become-third-party\nSo when you borrow at the Libor rate, the lender pays you.\nNot only are the Swiss innovating on the Basic Income and Universal Healthcare fronts, but also in monetary policy.> title |comment: 2013-10-10-19363-642-4> => |text: Also: straw man. Start with $25K basic income.> title |comment: 2013-10-7-54814-3674-4> => |text: Basic income beats working for the Man.> body |diary: 2013-10-5-183257-523> => |text: Stocks are like a little girl, overreacting to the least little thing, throwing a tantrum and screaming until Uncle Sam bails her out, because she's too big to fail. Then she scapegoats the unwitting victims of whatever she did to cause her own problem (lie? cheat? steal?), pointing fingers at the poor and marginalized and imposing artificial scarcity on them because, well, why? Why do we let the stock traders get away with this crap again? \nSolution: make the market into a video game and let the gamblers have at it to their hearts' content, without affecting billions with their bets that don't create any fundamental new technology. Give everyone a basic income (if they want) and let engineers and scientists advance knowledge and standards of living without the constraints imposed by a greedy manager focused on next quarter's shareholder report.> title |diary: 2013-10-4-202012-068> => |text: Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult> body |comment: 2013-10-4-202012-068-3> => |text: \n\n\n no one will want to haul trash when they can get paid to do nothing. immigration will open up and the well-meaning socialists will pretend that it's okay that they don't get a basic income because otherwise who would haul trash?\nor pick cotton?\nor mow your lawn?\nor maybe this has been done over and over and over again throughout history and it didn't work for rome and it doesn't work for anyone else either.\nthe barbarians are always at the gate. My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden. - hugin -\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-10-4-202012-068-15> => |text: \n\n\n The financial incentive to haul trash still exists. \nOf course due to diminishing marginal utility you will have to pay people more to haul trash than without such a basic income existing if you want to keep the same number of people willing to work that job. -- \nThe world's dullest web page\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-10-4-202012-068-7> => |text: Basic Income Europe was my first twitter follower!> title |comment: 2013-10-4-6232-37631-1> => |text: Give musicians a basic income, no labels necessary> body |diary: 2013-10-2-164618-373> => |text: What's going on there? Maybe they're just being lazy? You know, could they - could they make money, if they moved these prices around?\nWe could ask that. I think it's more important for our purposes to say well how did they achieve that? How do they - what are they doing, that allows prices to be continuous over time, even though demand and supply are fluctuating? Or supply is constant sort of and demand is fluctuating. How do they do that? The secret is inventories.\n\n---\nFrom Video 10-3: "Two-sided dealer basics", talking about the function of dealers (starting at about 5:04):\n\nI'm trying to create some intuition here, about why this is kind of magical. You know, and it's a market microstruture piece that is missing from our microeconomics textbooks, where it's just supply crossing demand and there's a price. And we don't ask: is that a continuous price? Is that a discontinuous price? What would be the inconvenience if we were having illiquid markets instead of liquid markets? \nTypically we assume, in microeconomics, and in general equilibrium too: we assume perfect liquidity. That if you want to buy something, you can buy it, okay? There's a market clearing price, all the time. There's an assumption of perfect liquidity.\nWe're going to come back and see why this assumption in a certain sense has to be false. It has to be false. Because dealers are supplying market liquidity, and not doing it for free. Okay? \nIf liquidity was free, so that there was an infinite quantity of it, it was a free good, dealers wouldn't buy it. So the abstraction we have in price theory is an abstraction that's logically impossible for liquid markets.\n\n---\nHowever: with technology, the dealer can be eliminated. The dealer has access to securities at any time, so he has a liquid market. Technology can replace him, and give the end user access to that liquidity, so the end user doesn't have to rely on the dealer to make a liquid market.\nAfter viewing Video 10-7 "Arbitrage and the assumption of perfect liquidity":\nLiquidity is assumed to be a free good by the asset pricing theory and general equilibrium theory. Mehrling says dealers exist because liquidity is not a free good. So the fundamental value that the financial markets model of asset pricing assumes is not necessarily found by the dealers, because liquidity is not a free good.\nSo, let's make liquidity a free good. Provide everyone with a basic income so they can buy and sell assets with no liquidity constraints, and asset prices will find their fundamental value.> title |comment: 2013-10-2-164618-373-4> => |text: With basic income, we could eat virtual bread $> tags |diary: 2013-9-30-161648-093> => |breaking bad> + |tv> + |walter white> + |crystal meth> + |chemistry> + |heisenberg> + |matrix multiplication> + |basic income> + |universal health care> + |drug legalization> intro |diary: 2013-9-30-161648-093> => |text: The last episode of "Breaking Bad" aired last night. Here are the lessons, as I see them:\n\nLegalize drugs. If meth were legal, there would have been far less violence. Gus Fring could have been a relatively ethical entrepeneur, his calm intelligence and simple lifestyle becoming a model for customer-centric capitalism.\nMake healthcare free. A large part of Walter White's motivation was to pay for his cancer treatments. If he hadn't had that financial pressure, he wouldn't have started cooking meth.\nBasic Income. Another large part of White's motivation was to provide for his family. If his wife and son were guaranteed a Basic Income, and could educate themselves for free with MOOCs, Walter wouldn't have had to worry about his family's welfare.> title |comment: 2013-9-29-13175-1275-1> => |text: 1st: basic income. Hyperinflation's not inevitable> body |comment: 2013-9-25-235249-036-5> => |text: \n\n\n we should train ourselves to see everything as ten bags, rather than one, and multiply stuff. \nOr something like that. \n...and this also explains why basic income won't work; it leaves nothing over for investment, not to mention that the social issues which encourage persistant poverty are not addressed. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-24-22922-4005-4> => |text: \n\n\n Instead there were patients who sued to get out of their involuntary confinement. Bolstered by cultural references such as The Snake Pit and One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest, the judicial system decided it was a violation of civil rights to confine people unless they were an immediate danger to themselves or others. So all these committed mentally ill were told they were free to leave. Then they left. Then they showed up on city streets pushing shopping carts and mumbling about mind control rays, basic income, and OggFrog.Was than an improvement? Are they or society better off? There are some schizophrenics who lead semi-normal lives. There are many more who are good for a while, then go off their meds, then crash, and repeat that cycle for their entire lives. And then there are the majority.If you opt for involuntary commitment, then you have to guard against various abuses of psychiatrysquashing political opposition. Not theoretical, this has a long history in the Soviet Union, and Putin not long ago suggested one of his political opponents was crazy and should be committed. If it had of been a local issue and the world wasn't watching, then he would have beenforced experimentation. You have a population no one cares about and can't fight back; of course you will try to use that resource to test new drugseugenics. Should schizophrenics be allowed to breed? Mike talks about his mother and her sister. Anecdotal evidence suggests there is a strong genetic component to schizophrenia. We could wipe that out and prevent the torment of future generations just by snipping a few fallopian tubs and vas deferens --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-17-18043-4924-45> => |text: \n\n\n that you could not bully, harass, and pick on people without them fighting you back.\nI am procasti and also lildebbie. I am also edmund blackadder and artificial scarcity and basic income matter. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-16-191942-019-13> => |text: \n\n\n You basically agree with Thomas Friedman on everything. He also believes in a minimal safety net - your $10K 'basic income' or something similar - of course ran off the printing press, because richies shouldn't have to pay taxes and working people won't have much to pay taxes on. He believes that we should have a 'gift economy' where we're all pretty much digital coolies, telecommuting for the faint possibility of winning a token 'prize' that might not even pay our expenses, competing with desperate folks from around the globe. Public services should be dismantled as much as possible, especially education, in favor of mostly-automated MOOCs. Electricity, water, and the Internet will be provided by, I guess, magical gnomes.\nThis is a great way of running the world, if you're a billionaire asshole like Friedman. Only managers and financiers will have any semblence of a career. Those who work with their brains, or even with their hands, will simply be coolies. Rentacoders, Task Rabbits, Turkers. The useful people will be serfs and slaves, while the useless bastards of lucky birth will be Lords.\nDifference between you and Friedman - as long as he can keep his dick hard, and keep fucking his heiress of a wife, she'll give him all the money he needs to satisfy his basic needs, enjoy every luxury, and once a week go jetting to some foreign land to talk to rich people there about the glories of the 'golden straightjacket' of globalization and receiving 'gifts' from their lessers in the 'new flat hot economy'.\nYou, meanwhile, are broke as a joke. Perhaps you need to seduce yourself an heiress. But that would involve, at a minimum, feigning some sort of emotion for another human being.\nIt's really, really odd how you talk just like Mr. Moustache.\n\n \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-9-16-63530-4155> => |text: From the article:\n\nWe all learned this in DARE class. About the rats in a cage who can self-administer morphine who get addicted to the stuff, and then just hit that lever until they die. A seemingly keystone argument in the war against drugs. Professor Avram Goldstein, the creator of that study, has said: "A rat addicted to heroin is not rebelling against society, is not a victim of socioeconomic circumstances, is not a product of a dysfunctional family, and is not a criminal. The rat's behavior is simply controlled by the action of heroin (actually morphine, to which heroin is converted in the body) on its brain." So, it's the drug, and its addictive control. Surely we must eradicate drugs as a result! \nBut there's another model out there by researcher Bruce Alexander of Simon Fraser University called Rat Park. From that wikipedia page: \nAlexander's hypothesis was that drugs do not cause addiction, and that the apparent addiction to opiate drugs commonly observed in laboratory rats exposed to it is attributable to their living conditions, and not to any addictive property of the drug itself. He told the Canadian Senate in 2001 that prior experiments in which laboratory rats were kept isolated in cramped metal cages, tethered to a self-injection apparatus, show only that "severely distressed animals, like severely distressed people, will relieve their distress pharmacologically if they can."\nTo test his hypothesis, Alexander built Rat Park, an 8.8 m2 (95 sq ft) housing colony, 200 times the square footage of a standard laboratory cage. There were 16-20 rats of both sexes in residence, an abundance of food, balls and wheels for play, and enough space for mating and raising litters. The results of the experiment appeared to support his hypothesis. Rats who had been forced to consume morphine hydrochloride for 57 consecutive days were brought to Rat Park and given a choice between plain tap water and water laced with morphine. For the most part, they chose the plain water. "Nothing that we tried," Alexander wrote, "... produced anything that looked like addiction in rats that were housed in a reasonably normal environment." Control groups of rats isolated in small cages consumed much more morphine in this and several subsequent experiments.\nAnd so rats that are born into extreme conditions in small cages are clearly more likely to self-medicate. Tom Stafford of the BBC writes: \nThe results are catastrophic for the simplistic idea that one use of a drug inevitably hooks the user by rewiring their brain. When Alexander's rats were given something better to do than sit in a bare cage they turned their noses up at morphine because they preferred playing with their friends and exploring their surroundings to getting high.\nFurther support for his emphasis on living conditions came from another set of tests his team carried out in which rats brought up in ordinary cages were forced to consume morphine for 57 days in a row. If anything should create the conditions for chemical rewiring of their brains, this should be it. But once these rats were moved to Rat Park they chose water over morphine when given the choice, although they did exhibit some minor withdrawal symptoms.\nYou can read more about Rat Park in the original scientific report. A good summary is in this comic by Stuart McMillen. \nSo, if Rat Park is to be believed, drug addiction is a situation that arises from poor socioeconomic conditions. From literally being a rat in a cage. If you're a rat in a park, you'd rather hang out with your friends and explore the world around you. \nPerhaps it's time the war on drugs becomes a war on the existence of poverty? (edit: Poverty of our relationships to family, community, and nation too, not merely monetary. As commenters have pointed out, there are plenty of people who have plenty of money who may well be the most poverty-ridden in other respects.)\nIt's not about the drugs. It's about the social environment in which we live. \nJesus.\nIt isn't just basic income, but a decent place to live, to have a family, and live without stress.\nThe problem with Trane's basic income nonsense is that it doesn't go far enough.\nIn other news, I boned my lady so hard yesterday that she not only soaked the sheets, pillows, and just about everything else near the bed (that whole squirting thing looks more fun online, they never mention you have enough laundry for a few days), that she actually had enough spasms from ograsiming she was left sore. She was crying that it hurt to breathe.\nI don't know if that is a 'good thing(tm)' about my sexual prowless, or just shows that I'm insatiable and will push her too far. I don't thin she hates me (yet) too much (yet), she still wanted me to hold her through the night, and did text me a few times that she misses me...... I guess I'm doing that much right.\nOh well.\nIn other news I'm thinking of a small vacation soon, it is the lunar festival thing coming up in a few days.> title |comment: 2013-9-16-63530-4155-13> => |text: Basic income -> holodeck vr -> utopia> intro |diary: 2013-9-11-214231-935> => |text: to the surprise of no one, least of all me. i predicted this months ago. did i prepare for this or look for another job? nah.\ntruly, i am one of the damned.\nmaybe it is time to go back to school. all options seem equally terrible. if only i had a basic income.> body |diary: 2013-9-10-0274-55976> => |text: HAY TRANE YOU CAN EVEN LIVE IN AN APARTMENT AND SMOKE CRACK AND USE AI BOTS AS FRIENDS. GIT DIS DAT IS 100% LEGAL IN DIS GAME! NO BEING ARRESTED IN THE LIBRARY BATHROOM AND NOT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS. BASIC INCOME, YOU BETCHA! NO KILLING ANIMALS EITHER YOU KIN AVENGE DER DEATHS!> body |comment: 2013-9-4-204914-7471-8> => |text: \n\n\n Crawford does some good as he stands as an example to others on what not to do and what not to become.\nI admit I was turning into another Crawford, until I noticed where he was going. I too have been in mental hospitals and jails for no good reason other than my mental illness was not under control and my meds were wrong. I was never found guilty of anything and I have no criminal history, but the police can arrest you for your own good to prevent you from harming yourself. While no criminal charges are filed, they can hold you for 48 hours IIRC on no charge and then release you to a mental hospital. I had that happen to me a few times, and then end up in a state mental hospital that was run like a prison. Unlike Crawford I can survive in such places, as I can defend myself if attacked by others. Just a simple punch to the throat so they cannot breathe and then sweep the leg to knock them on the floor, all white belt moves. I studied many forms of martial arts and at UM Rolla my fraternity put me in MMA matches that they bet on, which was but just one of the many reasons why I quit. \nAnyway my father was a broken man, it is not his fault he couldn't help me with homework or encourage me to join a sports team, his father was an Irish Ginger Drunk who spent most of his time fishing or drinking in bars. Both my grandfather and father are named Norman, and it goes way way back in our family tree. We are related to the McCoys by marriage and there is this van hibble laundau syndrome that we inherited that causes tiny tumors on organs of the body and if on the brain it causes anger management issues and mental illnesses. I got a better handle on my mental illnesses with meditation and Buddhism. \nI vowed I would not become like my father or grandfather and be a better father for my son. Now I vow not to become like Crawford either.\nCrawford too is a broken man, it stems from his childhood and what his mother did to him and her friends too. Many men have been where Crawford has been and become better men. But Crawford clings with a desire to this 'revenge' thing of his that keeps him in trouble. Buddha taught that having 'hate' and wanting 'revenge' on your enemies is like drinking poison and expecting your enemies to die of that poison. Crawford is just poisoning himself, in trying to get 'even' with the ignorant mother fuckers out there he has poisoned everything he is doing, and ended up in trouble with the law.\nIf I was Crawford, I'd go on disability to get $12K/year, live in a HUD apartment for low rent and utilities (He would be living in poverty and qualify for HUD), use my Macbook Pro to write side-projects of free and open source programs, and benefit from Medicare and free or cheap prescriptions for my psyche meds. It would take years if not a decade or so to get my head back together in order to work again. Basically if you cannot hold down a job due to your mental illness, you are quite in fact disabled even if you don't want to admit to it. On disability you cannot 'live large' but Crawford claims to 'live like a hermit' anyway so he could live on $12K/year easily. Which is $2K more than Trane's 'basic income' allows as it is limited to just $10K/year. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-3-144448-6838-10> => |text: \n\n\n she is a radical feminazi who hates men, wants to save the planet so she is a vegan but wears black leather and other stuff made from animals, she weights about 300+ pounds, is a liberal gun grabber, and of course believes anything her liberal professors tell her so she joins this communist party and protests WallStreet and screams about 'basic income' for all!\nShe has a Tumblr account where she posts pictures of her fat body in underwear under Thinsperation, and all of the neckbeards jerk off to her pictures. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-9-3-113031-7974> => |givedirectly> + |no strings attached> + |basic income> + |free money> + |economics> + |politics> + |africa> + |kenya> + |seinfeld> + |human fund> title |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-2> => |text: Vote for gov to provide unconditional basic income> title |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-3> => |text: Gov provides basic income> title |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-6> => |text: Fire the SS admins; just give them a basic income.> body |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-7> => |text: \n\n\n At a given basic income level times the number of people who would be eligible for it and compare that to current budgets.\nYou will find that it actually swamps the current budget (and fuck your print dollars into valueless tokens theory for a moment).\nCompare then to the 10% of people who are unemployed... you've just decreased the social security cost to just one tenth of your plan.\nThis is why social security is superior to basic income... unless you can introduce a really progressive tax system to offset the costs. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-8> => |text: SS vs. basic income> body |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-8> => |text: \n\n\n SS offers an annual income from $12,000USD to $30,000USD a year based on benefits and how long you contributed your FICA tax while you worked.\nBasic Income gives everyone over 21 $10,000USD a year, no more, no less. \nWhich one would you rather have?\nLook at Crawford, social workers are just begging to put him on disability. If you have any sort of mental illness, the state requires that they do this. Not like they would reject him either, because if they did the social workers will keep filing apps for disability until he is approved.\nBut Crawford don't want disability or basic income, he wants a job instead. Why? Because it pays him more and he thinks he will be better off working a job instead of being on the dole. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-11> => |text: \n\n\n 99.99% of nations using a form of communism have failed and ruined their economies. The only one that hasn't yet is Cuba, because the USA put a ban on Cuban cigars so they sell for a lot of money on the black market and that money funds their communism.\nCommunists cannot seem to understand that the USSR had 'basic income' and then got ruined in the 1990's and collapsed. Everyone ended up like Trane on basic income and doing drugs, and nobody was working jobs to fuel the economy so it collapsed. Now that Russia rebooted to Capitalism they have a strong economy and most people would rather work than live off a basic income. Easter Europe also had the same problem as did many European nations, but once they stopped using communism and switched to capitalism their economies got better.\nEven Vietnam decided to stop using communism, once they switched to capitalism their people started to own bicycles and mopeds, and then motorcycles and cars and houses. Under communism they lived in tents, starved, had basic income, and then died in mass numbers due to disease. After communism they built hospitals created jobs and built houses and cars and improved their economy.\nThe secret apparently is using capitalism to invest in science and technology innovations and improvements. Japan was one of the first to learn that, and they changed their nuked mudhole island into a technological utopia of wealth and happiness. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-3-113031-7974-12> => |text: \n\n\n The only sovereign jurisdiction I know of that has ever established a universal basic income is the State of Alaska. Is there actually any other?\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-9-3-3846-69389-18> => |text: \n\n\n schizophrenic super debugger to take over for Notch and finish this project!\nIf only the schizophrenic super debuggers weren't in jail, or a mental hospital, or on disability, or too busy smoking crack and begging for basic income to get passed, we can finish this project.\nUh yeah because there is a big market for a game were the whole thing is reprogramming your space ship at the end of the universe using 16 bit instructions in order to make it work. Some idiot used the wrong notation and instead of sleeping for a year, you slept for a trillion years and woke up when stars are running out of fuel. Can you super debug your ship's computer to make it work and find the last dying star with an inhabitable planet before you die or your ship explodes?\nLDY 12\nCMP 13\nJNE 36\nOh shit, I forgot to use little edian! The nuclear reaction is heating up too much! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-8-28-234048-795-5> => |text: \n\n\n\n\nThe DHS has already split up the states into 'zones' and in some areas have declared 'constitution free zones' where the US Constitution does not apply and they can do whatever the fuck they want.\nStates are already talking about ceding the union of the USA 9Some saying it no longer exists) and joining Mexico, Canada or making their own nation. (I'd say some might want to join the EU if you ask me)\nCivil War will break out soon. The last one was over state's right to slavery, the new civil war will be over wage slaves and being forced into poverty while the rich fat cats are too busy trying to become trillionaires to help anyone out. You will find an army of Trane-wannabes shouting "Basic income" and "End artificial scarcity" all the while trying to legalize even illegal drug known to man, even crack, meth, pot, bath salts, etc.\nIf this new war with Syria causes the Saudi Royal family to get pissed, they might stop selling the USA oil, and then chaos and panic, the USA will have a "Mad Max" situation of gangs fighting each other over gas and food and the government disbanding and the founding of the Thunder Dome run by pig-shit.\nCharles Manson tried to incite some race riots in the 1960's and he failed. But the news media sure seems to want to stir up more race riots and racial shit, even calling stuff that isn't racial as racial. "Justice for Trayvon!" they shout as the Black Panthers and Gangs from the 'Hood torch white suburban neighborhoods, not knowing that Zimmerman is Latino not White. The angry middle-class white people get their guns and go into the ghettos for revenge and start shooting anyone who moves. Then Charles Manson sheds a tear on how beautiful the news media induced race riots are, and he could never get it done.\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-8-28-21020-9756-2> => |text: Basic income speeds innovation on which is based $> title |comment: 2013-8-24-21313-2300-1> => |text: Basic income, challenges. > title |comment: 2013-8-23-02443-3402-2> => |text: Pope's 'pension for the poor' = basic income.> title |comment: 2013-8-21-113223-589-15> => |text: Wouldn't we all be better off with a basic income?> body |comment: 2013-8-17-6929-47809-10> => |text: \n\n\n Basic Income, \nyadda yadda yadda \nHEY! \n\n\nI don't know whether to <3 or clutch my genitals while screaming\n\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-8-17-53756-4890-10> => |text: Fuck the Ignorant MFers. Vote for a Basic Income.> title |comment: 2013-8-16-233049-611-2> => |text: Solution: Basic Income, challenges, MOOCs.> body |diary: 2013-8-13-203624-943> => |text: You owe me, K5. You owe me. I wannna basic income and two bottles of whatever medicine MDC is taking now.> title |comment: 2013-8-12-163910-277-13> => |text: Why should Mom have to feed him? Basic Income ftw.> body |comment: 2013-8-12-163910-277-21> => |text: \n\n\n Mom should not have to feed him, but on the other hand I don't think she feels like she does. Have to I mean. \nSeems that she takes pleasure in providing for him. He complains that 1) it makes him dependent upon her and 2) the portions are too small.\nBut I wasn't speaking strictly in the sense of food. His mother has provided so much for him and he thanks her by giving her mega fucktons of shit to deal with. \nNow I realize that you will swing your one-comment dick in here and say, OH HELL SOLUTION TO PROBLEM=BASIC INCOME! And perhaps you are right but it doesn't help the current situation.\nBTW did you check out that Basic Income reddit I linked you to the other day? Just curious. \n\n\nI don't know whether to <3 or clutch my genitals while screaming\n\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-8-6-131358-1778-51> => |text: With a basic income his Mom wouldn't drive him mad> body |comment: 2013-8-1-1831-05140-10> => |text: \n\n\n Some people think I am a liberal or conservative, but I am neither. I am a libertarian. The less laws the better.\nI see all of the jail and court time wasted on this drug thing. If they were legalized it would free up the jails and court time and devote resources to other things like, I dunno, improve the economy or switch over to solar cells and wind turbines?\nWe should make same-sex marriages as well, why the hell not? It ain't their fault that they are GLBTT, and we should end the oppression of gay people. \nI think instead of bailing out banks and corporations, the federal government should instead give money to African-American, Native-American, and Japanese-American families for the ways they got treated by the government in the past. Once those families get their economic stimulus money, they can start up businesses and hire people and jump start the economy.\nPeople on welfare and disability need to be given money to afford their drugs be they whatever. If a person is homeless they should be covered as well.\nAfter age 21 there should be a basic income by the federal and state governments of 10K a year as a safety net in case college graduates and young adults cannot find a job. \nAbortions should be 100% legal and birth control pills should be free for women who want to have as much sex as they want, and not have any consequences for it. \nImmigration should be free, anyone who wants to live in the USA can just sign a piece of paper and be approved in less than a year to live here. Then fill out form N-400 and take a test to become a US citizen. \nWe should adopt the Bitcoin as a second unit of currency and give out paper wallets at banks in exchange for USDs.\nMental health services should be free and anyone should have access to them as needed. This will prevent a lot of crime and no more public shootings. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-7-30-143535-442> => |text: The story is about how a group of citizens called "Motor City Blight Busters" are boarding up houses and tearing down buildings. \nWhy don't they make squats instead? Why not provide housing for the homeless, and teach them to keep it clean?\nThe whole attitude of the citizens' groups seems backward, provincial, motivated by fear: they roam the neighborhood looking for anything or anybody that looks out of place. That's exactly what George Zimmerman was doing. That's stereotyping, profiling, judging a book by its cover. What happens when you make a mistake? Someone, like Trayvon Martin, can die.\nWhere do the unalienable rights to liberty and pursuit of happiness figure in the citizen groups' agenda? If I want to walk through a neighborhood wearing a hoodie and looking like a drug user, whose business is it of any vigilante? I think the groups create more problems than they solve.\nInstead of living in fear of homelessness and crime, they could be making livable shelters out of the abandoned properties and practicing hospitality and compassion towards those less fortunate than themselves.\nThese groups seem to be going down a pathway back to feudalism. We produce huge surpluses thanks to technology; we can easily provide food, shelter, and a basic income to anyone who wants it.\nThe fastest way to lower crime would be to legalize drugs.\nI think the Detroit citizens in the story are enjoying the attention they're getting from acting scared for a national radio audience. What if they could get attention by being kind and merciful?> title |comment: 2013-7-30-51316-5875-2> => |text: Quit. Study Latin on a basic income. > body |diary: 2013-7-27-17423-7067> => |text: Index-Galena Road\nInstead of a top-down project with deadlines and bosses and mandatory work schedules, what about a volunteer approach? Make the equipment and plans available and let me go out and do a little bit, learning how to operate the machinery and build a road. Make the equipment self-repairing or idiot-proof, or provide interactive instructional tools. Eventually, make the tractors autonomous.\nBuilding tools for a volunteer society encourages the development of AI. \nGive everyone who wants one a basic income, and encourage them to participate, voluntarily, in challenges, bug bounties, habitat for humanity projects, trail maintenance, etc. Any economics that says there is not enough money for such a voluntary society is feudal in its axioms and mean-spirited in its psychology. The myriad random acts of kindness that we see around us every day belie the blind "altruism denial" that most economists wallow in.\nMore pictures from my latest trip (you may have to register to view them).\nDriving out on Highway 2, I stopped at a Ranger station that had a large map in the parking lot. It was late afternoon already. I was looking for a place to car camp. I saw Tunnel Creek road, which led to a trailhead that met up with the Pacific Coast Trail at Hope Lake. It looked like the shortest path to the PCT. I planned to camp near the trailhead and run up to see the PCT the next morning.\nWhen I got to the trailhead, around 7pm or so, I read the ranger notes on the information board, which said the campgrounds at the lake were snow-free. The trail up to the lake was 1.5 miles. On the spur of the moment, I decided to hike up that evening.\nMy pack was pretty much ready, I just needed about 15 minutes to make sure I had everything I wanted to take. Then I started off with the late afternoon sun still hot behind me, as I headed east up the trail. \nThe trail was rated "Most Difficult", going pretty much straight up beside Tunnel Creek, without switchbacks. I think the elevation gain was 1400 feet or so.\nI was happy to make it to the lake before sunset. I scouted around for a good campsite. There was an attractive-looking one on the opposite shore but I couldn't find how to get there for a while, hiking up and down the PCT but finding no side-trails leading around the lake. Finally near dusk I found a path leading across a small swamp. I decided to stay on this side of the lake and put down my tarp, pads, and sleeping bags on a flat spot near the end of the Tunnel Creek trail.\nThere were thousands of mosquitos. They continued biting throughout the night. The next day, small black flies started biting too. A couple days later I still itch.\nBirds started singing at dawn. I heard the same call as out in the Hoh rainforest a few weeks ago: a long, loud, rapidly trilled high note, followed a few seconds later by a lower note of equal length. It was like the trumpet in the forest bird combo. Sparrows and other songbirds filled in around it, like clarinets and flutes.\nLater I heard a woodpecker drumming on a nearby old growth trunk. I also heard, and then saw a magpie fly across the lake, to settle on a high branch on the far side.\nI saw no ferns in the Alpine Wilderness area. Is it too high? Or, since ferns are a sign of previous devastation such as logging, does the lack of ferns signal that this area has remained pristine?\nThere were plenty of wildflowers, as well as a green ground cover whose leaves were lighter in color and narrower than the ubiquitous salal I've seen in the lowland forests.\nThere was some snow on the trail. It got cold enough at night that I got up to unpack a fleece sleeping bag, which I put around the 50-degree-rated micro one I was using. The two sleeping bags kept me warm through sunrise.\nA deer bounded by the campsite in the early morning.\nI didn't see many white-banded rocks (gneiss), except on the trail (I saw them on the way down, having missed them in my hurry to get up the night before).\nThere was one interesting formation near a trickle of water that crossed the trail. It had a vertical white stripe that ran for several feet. In places the rock had broken, and from these broken pieces I could tell that the stripe went through the rock, i.e. it wasn't like a streak of paint on the surface, but seemed to be a layer (as in a "layer cake"). I think the "formation" had been tilted so that the white stripe was now vertical. When it formed I think it was probably horizontal.\nI took several pictures of this interesting geological structure. In the dropbox folder, they are numbered 18-21. (Here's one, in case you're not registered.) The hiking pole in the picture is for scale.\nWhen eating some chocolate that had melted, I noticed that it had reformed into colored bands. I took a picture of a piece of chocolate next to a piece of white-banded rock.\nIt's interesting to me how the darker band in the chocolate formed between two lighter layers, as a result of partial melting. Apparently, the same type of thing happened to the rock: a lighter layer crystallized between two mafic layers.\nAfter packing up my camping gear, I left my pack and poles at the campsite and ran up the PCT a ways to a lake I'd seen on the trail maps. It was so warm, I took a dip. There were some bright garnet intrusions in a big dark boulder on the lake shore. I didn't have the camera phone to take a picture.\nI hiked down the trail naked to dry off, carrying my shorts. I ran across a couple hikers coming up the other way; they saw me before I saw them. I stepped behind a bush to put on my shorts. When I passed them, one said to me: "Now there's a light hiker!"> body |comment: 2013-7-23-19457-8094-6> => |text: \n\n\n This was on my FP this morning:\nSubmitted to /r/newreddits by triestoohard\n/r/basicincome - do you think the welfare state is too intrusive? do you think everyone should be able to afford necessities and dignity? join our fight for an unconditional basic income guarantee! \n\n\nI don't know whether to <3 or clutch my genitals while screaming\n\n\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-7-23-19457-8094-7> => |text: \n\n\n the basic income is only $10K they are proposing. If minimum wage is $7/hr and 40 hours a week times 52, that is $14560/year for a full-time minimum wage job.\nYou also have to be 21 or over, and US citizen to get basic income. So a lot of these 'teenage runaways' won't qualify for it. \nStill one cannot live on basic income or minimum wage and afford an apartment with a TV set and everything else needed to live a quality life. \nI can't tell if it is the Liberals or Conservatives behind this movement. The Liberals want basic income, and the Conservatives want it to but want to make it really low so it doesn't matter if you are on it you will want to get a job anyway to earn more money. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-7-17-195441-207> => |text: From pages 98-99:\n\nFrank clicked to this commentary and its list of all the paleolithic behaviors anthropologists had ever proposed as a stimulant to the great brain expansion. How many of these behaviors was he performing now?\n * talking (he talked much of the day)\n * walking upright (he hiked a lot in the park)\n * running (he ran with Edgardo's group and the frisbee guys)\n * dancing (he seldom danced, but he did sometimes skip along the park trails while vocalizing)\n * singing ("Home-less, home-less, oooooooooop!")\n * stalking animals (he tracked the ferals in the park for FOG)\n * throwing things at things (he threw his frisbees at the baskets)\n * looking at fire (he looked at the bros' awful fire)\n * having sex (well, he was trying. And Caroline had kissed him)\n * dealing with the opposite sex more generally (Caroline, Diane, Marta, Anna, Laveta, etc.)\n * cooking and eating the paleolithic diet (research this; hard to cook in his current circumstances, but not impossible)\n * gathering plants to eat (he did not do that; must consider)\n * killing animals for food (he did not want to do that, but frisbee golf was the surrogate)\n * experiencing terror (he did not want to do that either)\nIt appeared by these criteria that he was living a pretty healthy life. The paleolithic pleasures, plus modern dental care; what could be nicer?\n\nComments: Dental care should be universal. From that list: I don't stalk or kill animals, have sex, or deal with the opposite sex more generally. I do pay attention to diet, trying to stick to the Jain dietary guidelines (eating mostly cereals, fruit, chocolate, pistachios, tempeh).\nGovt should empower each of us to live as Frank does. We should be allowed to camp in parks for free. We produce a huge surplus of vegetarian food, so we don't need to kill animals.\n---\nFrom page 101:\n\nAfter her talk many people, mostly men, clustered around her with what seemed to Frank a more-than-scientific interest. Turning to answer a question she saw him and smiled. "I'll be just a minute." Tiny rush of pleasure at that; ha ha, I get to take the beauty away, ooooop!\n\nComments: The last sentence struck a strong discordant note in me. I don't feel like that. I try to conquer that feeling when I experience it. Feeling good because you have something others don't is scarcity thinking to me, like Colbert talking about having his wedding banquet in a soup kitchen.\n---\nFrom pages 191-192:\n\n"See?" Spencer said as they sat on the floor watching the crowd flow by. "There are lots of empty buildings in this city. If you work as a team and spend your time taking care of business, then you can find shelter and food for free. Scavenge clothes or buy in thrift shops, talk with people or play frisbee for fun, walk wherever you go - you can step outside the money economy almost entirely. Live off the excess, so you don't add to the waste. You reduce waste, you pour energy back into the grid. Do a little street theater down in the lawyer district to gather some change, even do day labor or take a job in one of the shops. You don't actually need money at all, although a little bit helps."\n\nComments: People should have the choice to live like these "Fregans", but also have a choice of a Basic Income. The economics that is used to decry the idea of a Basic Income is feudal and based on cruelty rather than historical facts.\n---\nFrom page 204: \n\nBut the apotheosis of vacuum cleaning, Charlie had found over the years, was that part of Beethoven's late work that expressed the composer's sense of "the mad blind energy of the universe," which was just what vacuuming needed. These movements, as defined by Beethoven's biographer Walter Sullivan, who had identified and named the mode, were those characterized by tunes repetitive and staccato, woven into fugues so that different lines perpetually overlapped in dense interference patterns, relentless, machinelike, interminable. Possibly only a deaf man could have composed such music. The famous second movement of the Ninth Symphony was a good example of this mode, but to Charlie the two very best examples were the finale of the Hammerklavier sonata, opus 106, and the Grosse Fugue, originally the finale of string quartet opus 130, later detached and designated opus 133.\n\nComments: Youtube link to Charles Rosen playing op. 106 "Hammerklavier". What I notice is the bass line, which practically walks in the opening for a bit, and the syncopation.\nOpus 133 swings, starting with the phrase from 0:14 to 0:16. Also for a long stretch starting from 0:49. The notation reflects the swing timing. Robinson doesn't comment on the swing feel in this work; to me it's the most striking feature.\n---\nFrom page 206:\n\nAnna was keeping a chart on him now, and she had established that he was hotter by day, just under a hundred, and a bit cooler at night, right over 98.6; average 98.9, she concluded after going through one of her statistical fits. It was a way of not thinking, Charlie thought. Quantification as coping.\n\nComment: "Not thinking" is a good description of statistical AI techniques.\n---\nFrom page 207:\n\n"The free market is not good at disaster recovery. Catastrophe is not profitable."\n\n---\nFrom page 289:\n\n"[...] That's America man. It's all such bullshit. People act like they're such big deals, they act like all their rules are real when really they're just bullshit so they can keep you down and take everything for themselves."\n\n---\nFrom page 306:\n\nSo the plan was physically possible, and the winter's unprecedented harshness meant it was now greeted with cries of hope and anticipation, rather than the raised eyebrows and shaking heads that had met it the previous summer. Indeed the futures market in salt had already jumped, Frank was interested to learn; prices had shot up five hundred percent. Fortunately enough futures had been bought by Swiss Re to bypass this inflation.\n\nComment: The plan is to salt the North Atlantic to combat the influx of fresh water from the melting ice caps. The theory is that the fresh water decreases the salinity and interrupts the thermohaline cycle which stops the Gulf stream and causes severe cold weather on the land bordering the Atlantic.\nAlso: economics should not be used as an excuse not to do something that's a good idea.\n---\nFrom page 319:\n\nHe lay down on his back and left the laptop off, and talked about the paleolithic, and how the brain had evolved to feel good because of certain stimuli caused by behaviors performed repeatedly in the two-million-year run-up to humanity; and how they should be able to feel good now by living a life that conformed as closely to those early behaviors as possible.\n\nComment: with technology to give us more choice. Elsewhere, Robinson talks about the "technological sublime", which has allowed us to produce huge food surpluses so we don't have to hunt anymore, for example.\n---\nFrom page 355:\n\nProgress had to be made peaceably and collectively. It did not arrive violently. It had to be accomplished by positive actions. Positive ends required positive means, and never otherwise.\nExcept, was this true?\n\nComment: I think so. Jainism's ahimsa is the first law.\n---\nFrom page 356:\n\nAnna maintained that the economy could always have afforded to pay for public work like this - that it was not even a particularly large share of the total economy - but that for so many years they had lived within the premises of a war economy that they had forgotten how much humans had produced.\n\nComment: This gets to the fundamentals of economics based on scarcity thinking used to cause needless suffering.\n---\nFrom page 392:\n\nFrank tried to imagine his thoughts, then fell squeamishly away. He didn't want to know what went on in a mind like that. Plots, counterplots, chipping people - spying on his own wife - out here in Rock Creek Park in the middle of the night chasing people down. It was an ugly thing to contemplate.\n\n---\nFrom page 402:\n\nHe shook his head: his leap-before-you-look strategy was not capable of noticing all the possible consequences of an act. It was not working.\n\nComment: "leap-before-you-look refers to Damasio's (mentioned on page 301) somatic marker hypothesis, that emotions are more important for decision-making than logic (in contrast to Descartes' "I think therefore I am"). It's funny how my somatic markers tell me that Damasio's wrong.\n---\nFrom page 405:\n\n[Frank Vanderwal: ]"There's too many ... different things going on at once. I go from thing to thing, you know. Hour to hour. I see people, I do different things with them, and I'm not ... I don't feel like the same person with these different people. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what to do. If anyone were watching they'd think I had some kind of mental disorder. I don't make any sense."\n[...]\n[Rudra Cakrin: ] "Of course. This is always true. To some you are like this, to others like that. Sometimes a spirit comes down. Voices take over inside you. People take away what they see, they think that is all there is. And sometimes you want to fool them in just that way. But want to or not, you fool them. And they fool you! And on it goes - everyone in their own life, everyone fooling all the others - No! It is easy to live multiple lives! What is hard is to be a whole person."\n\n---\nNote: page references are to the 2005 Bantam Books hardback edition.\nAnother site giving information on the novel.\nMore diaries on this book.> body |comment: 2013-7-16-12144-4045-11> => |text: \n\n\n Oh woe is me, the haves won't give us have nots a Basic Income and I should just Kill Myself because I can't make a dollar because of the big corps that are so greedy despite the fact that Amazon lets you publish your ebook and even promotes it through email the BASTARDS! And Big Companies like Canonical and RedHat give away their software and every big corp is just a greedy soul sucker that shouldn't exist!\nI would ROTFL if it weren't so fucking sad.\nYou and trane enjoy your pity party now, ya here;? \n\n\nI don't know whether to <3 or clutch my genitals while screaming\n\n\n\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-7-13-85154-1646-1> => |text: Defense of Liberty: The Basic Income Act.> body |diary: 2013-7-12-18243-4112> => |text: When will we have universal health care, including animals? If I see an injured bird I want to help: get it medicine, a bandage or splint...\nThere are people, having the means, knowledge, and/or knack, who want to help animals; but current economic theory tells them they can't unless they are remunerated with an artificially constrained currency whose scarcity encourages people to be mean to one another and repress the natural human desire to be compassionate, selfless, altruistic. \nThere is not enough currency in existence to repay all the debt plus interest that bankers require for the hard work of creating money out of thin air. Once you've bought into the system, taken out a loan for a house for example, you have to deprive someone else of their money by whatever sociopathic means necessary, because there simply isn't enough currency for everyone to pay back their loans. To repay your loan plus interest, you have to make someone else default.\nBankers like it that way because they fear they won't get attention unless they have an exclusive, divine right to artificially throttle a virtual resource. But they lack imagination: we can create VRs in which they'll get all the virtual attention they crave. As our programs improve, they won't even be able to tell they're in a VR.\nThe best way (I can think of) to create the technology to create those programs is to free the natural creative and scientific spirit of inquiry that most of us are born with, from the sociopathy and perverse incentives of the free market. Give each of us a choice of a Basic Income, and let challenges stimulate our inner urges to exploration. The result will be an unprecedented rate in the rise of standards of living.\n---\nIn addition to the lovebird rapid whistled chirps, and throat clicks, Blue used to like to make a "braa-a-a-aht" sound while moving her head up and down rapidly. \nMingus's Reincarnation of a Lovebird. Quotes from Charlie Parker in the intro, whose nickname was Bird.\nSome lovebirds (the yellow ones?) are melodic and sing longer lines, as in the main theme of Mingus's tune. Blue was more of a short, clipped chirper. Birds have higher sound resolution than we do; there's a lot going on acoustically in the short interval in which we might just hear a single chirp.> body |comment: 2013-7-12-18243-4112-10> => |text: \n\n\n ... for this discussion, but trane's main schtick has been basic income. Under a basic income, people are still free, and in fact encouraged, to make additional income. Yes, a lot of people would just drink beer and screw. But a lot of people do that now, only when they run out of beer money they have to rob a 7-11. Then they go to jail on the government dime which is like a basic income except much more expensive to the government. The problem is that for a variety of reasons, we now have people who are not necessary to our functioning economy. Integrating these 'excess people' into our economy by force produces negative revenue. Inefficiencies in that forced integration mean the costs of these excess people is actually higher than it would be if we just paid them to sit on their ass and not bother us. Of course, this assumes that they wouldn't bother us.Not that I agree with anything he says about economics, nor should a discussion of his economics enter a diary fundamentally about his grief in the loss of a loved one, but he should be represented fairly. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-7-12-18243-4112-11> => |text: \n\n\n Fuck him and his stupid fucking bird...\nI was fine to let him go and grieve 'Nothing but blue bird' was fine... I would have left him at that... he started the bullshit econ discussion but I've seen this fuck take advantage of other people's grief too... so seriously... fuck him and his stupid fucking bird... it's a fucking bird.\nSCARCITY OF BLUE BIRD MOTHERFUCKER... DO YOU GET IT... SCARCITY IS REAL AND THERE IS FUCK ALL YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. 3D PRINT A NEW ONE OR SIMULATE THE STUPID SHIT!\nI don't believe anyone is making the economy less efficient... well... they aren't screwing and drinking as much maybe, but not in any other sense are they harming the economy by being forced to find work.\nThat aside, if you think basic income is going to solve any of the problems I mentioned above, you're a moron. It won't solve avian ovarian cancer, dental health, ai, vr, or anything on a grand scale... He's an idiot.\nAnd he doesn't just argue for basic income, there are economists who argue for basic income... he also argues that scarcity don't real, utility don't real and that infinite money would make everyone infinitely rich.\nAnd fuck you too, btw... for originally downvoting instead of arguing. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-7-9-20104-41049> => |text: So in rebuttal, the economic Lutherans at Salon have nailed their 99 Thesis to the wall (well, actually 10 Myths). These are the ideas that are leading us astray and why Trane can't have a Basic Income and other modern horrors.\nMyth 1: Economics is a science.\nWhile economists like to think their discipline is as rigorous as mathematics, chemistry, or physics in reality economics is a philosophy.\nMyth 2: The goal of economic policy is maximizing efficiency.\nRather than try to build an efficient mousetrap we should be looking at new ways to think about why we need mousetraps at all.\nMyth 3: The economy is a market.\nMost of the economic activity takes place outside the market and even occurs in places not usually associated with a market.\nMyth 4: Prices reflect value.\nEconomists like to say that prices are set in "free markets," where everything is accounted for and so the price of something must be a reflection of its real value. Most regular people know that not everything is known and the market isn't as free as it wants to be so we get bubbles and cycles and shit like that. Where price has little or nothing to do with value.\nMyth 5: All profitable activities are good for the economy.\nAdam Smith "proved" that pursuit of self-interest maximizes economic welfare. But we have spent the last decade or so learning that not all rising tides lift all boats. In fact sometimes for many people it leaves their boat underwater.\nMyth 6: Monopolies and oligopolies are always bad because they distort prices.\nIn the abstract universe of Econ 101, monopolies and oligopolies are always bad because they distort prices. In reality it isn't always that simple and many times when their are a few large producers, (Microsoft, Google, Apple) are usually more productive and innovative than ones with many small producers. \nMyth 7: Low wages are good for the economy.\nHigh-wage countries, we are told, price themselves out of a supposed global labor market. And in the non-traded domestic service sector in which most Americans work, a higher minimum wage, leads to permanent higher unemployment. On the other hand if we had a Basic Income and higher wages then industry would be forced to invest in new labor-saving technology.\nMyth 8: "Industrial policy" is bad.\nThe worst thing government can do is engage in "industrial policy" -- a catch-all pejorative used to discredit everything from funding solar energy companies to encouraging more college students to major in science. What is good for Business is good for America so Government should do what it does best and reduce taxes and regulation and let business do what it does best, increasing our standard of living. Or maybe selling us a bunch of shit we didn't know we needed.\nMyth 9: The best tax code is one that doesn't pick winners.\nEconomists call anything other than a completely neutral tax code "distortions," "special interest tax breaks," or "corporate welfare". However, tax "distortions" like the R&D tax credit or accelerated depreciation for investments in new equipment lead to more growth since these investments are more productive than others.\nMyth 10: Trade is always win-win.\nIn discussing trade theory with students and politicians, academic economists use fairy tales rather than history. There is the fairy tale about comparative advantage: England was good at producing wool, Portugal wine, so they trade and both are better off. There is the fairy tale about how because market transactions are always voluntary and always beneficial that trade, being simply a market transaction across borders, is always win-win.\nBut Econ 101 never explains how nations like America, Britain, Germany and Japan have used national industrial policies over the past century to become industrial powerhouses. And Econ 101 never explains how foreign mercantilist practices, like those China is embracing, can hurt the U.S. economy. Higher-level students are sometimes introduced to the complexities of real-world trade, but academic economists fear that sharing nuances with the general public would unleash an epidemic of know-nothing protectionism.\nIt's time for economists to fess up and admit that their philosophy is not a science and that what passes for economics is largely misleading. But the public, the media and politicians shouldn't wait, for it may be a long, long time coming. \nIn the meantime the priests of the new religion will soon be taking our money and butt-fucking our little boys all the while starting wars between countries that have a slightly different take on their "religion".> tags |diary: 2013-6-21-16112-4816> => |economics> + |productivity> + |george vancouver> + |discovery> + |container ships> + |strait of juan de fuca> + |1792> + |tonnage> + |manpower> + |basic income> body |diary: 2013-6-21-16112-4816> => |text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Container_ship\n"length of 397 m, a width of 56 m, draft of 15.5 m, and a capacity of over 15,000 TEU"\n---\nGeorge Vancouver sailed into the Strait of Juan de Fuca in 1792 with a ship that could carry about 330 tons, manned by about 100 men. \nToday, over 3000 container-type ships travel through the strait per year. Container ships can have crews as low as 13 men.\nBasically, Vancouver's ship had an order of magnitude more crew for a ship of an order of magnitude smaller size, and which could carry several orders of magnitude fewer tons than today's container ships (1 TEU can be about 20 tons, so a container ship can carry about 300,000 tons compared to the Discovery's 330 tons). So one man today can do at least the work of 100 men (likely more). Such is the gain in productivity made possible through technology and the advance of knowledge.\nConclusion: fewer people are needed today to transport (and create) huge surpluses that provide for everyone. Therefore, we should provide a basic income instead of make-work jobs, and hold challenges to encourage people to innovate and advance knowledge on their own (or in ad-hoc collaborations using the unprecedented communication tool of the internet). \nPrediction: productivity will increase even faster as a result, leading to a technolgical utopia where everything no one wants to do is automated, and individuals can work on whatever they want. (Of course, you will be free to do any work yourself instead of using automation; it's your choice.)\n---\nRelevant Coursera MOOC: https://www.coursera.org/course/humankindfuture\n\nBack in 1750, there were no complex machines in use, except for church clocks. There was no power for machines other than primitive windmills, water wheels and the pulleys with weights that drove church clocks.\nWe have changed amazingly since 1750, but the truly dramatic changes are yet to come. If we get things right, we have the potential to create a Neo-Renaissance, fundamentally different from the Renaissance centered around Florence in the 16th and 17th centuries. Later this century there will be ubiquitous computer power, fully automated factories, and intelligent robots doing most of the jobs that people do today. If implemented in an enlightened way, people will become used to having a large amount of leisure time, and the arts and humanities will flourish.> body |comment: 2013-6-21-16112-4816-4> => |text: \n\n\n A. technology makes some jobs less labor intensive\n...\nZ. eliminate all jobs and give people basic income\n...is basically what is being argued. \nHowever, I would say that there is an easy way to implement basic income: "reverse tax credit" for an unemployed person. That would be pointless without proper financial education, though.\nAlso, there is something to be said for the capability of humans to be spirited ... whether the abundance of "fanfic" contributes to the arts and humanities is of question, and whether basic income would solve the artificial housing shortage or not... \nI might take a look at courses like this in the future, but for now, I think 'basic income' is not a panacea that solves all problems.... \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-6-21-16112-4816-19> => |text: \n\n\n I don't think basic income is for you,\nit is for people who aren't immediately capable of making $150 K/year with their skills. \nIt is more to avoid people having to be on the dole just to avoid being in socially uncomfortable situations, also.... so that the social stress does not prevent personal character/professional skills development.\nEnvironment makes a difference, and the controlled psychosis of living in the future is not available to everyone, and perhaps, is healthy for no-one.\n\nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-6-20-195240-362-2> => |text: \n\n\n and the "global economic downturn" is the dinosaur-killer.\nEither rich or poor, no middle, is the way forwards, which means both that it is easier to make the transition and that it is harder to see that it is easier to make the transition, because the middle class is too busy lamenting on their loss, rather than their gains.\nPotentially.\nOf course, I'm not blaming the victim, the intention seems firmly to push the middle down towards poor, whilst also moving poor more towards sustainable labour-consumer force. \nWith basic income, it just moves more people again above the poverty line, but doesn't help to reach rich-class or the perhaps-soon-to-be-mythical middle class. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-6-15-154727-435-2> => |text: i guess you don't need that basic income then $> title |comment: 2013-6-8-211458-2106-2> => |text: Solution: basic income, free love.> body |diary: 2013-6-5-32440-15173> => |text: I wanted to camp in a state park tonight. But it's so tightly regulated, you have to show up before a certain time to register. I just wanted to drive there and camp. But there are signs all over that "campers must be in before 10pm" and "we're closed, come back between the hours of 2:30 and 8:00pm".\nWe should change the laws. Let campers like me show up on a whim instead of planning everything out. Eliminate camping fees; create money for the state parks budget. Encourage volunteerism instead of paying park rangers. Let people on basic incomes self-organize to do needed maintenance in the parks.\nThe only thing we have to lose is some people's fear of no longer being able to control others. But they can still get their control freak on virtually.> body |comment: 2013-6-4-224339-1172-39> => |text: \n\n\n OMG someone has promised to pay someone something, the horror!!\nThere's no guarantee at all anyone will be left holding all the something. There are defaults, yes, that is known, the rest can be paid off over time. Is the problem with idiots who don't understand FRB is they can only think in terms of a static model 'OMG more money is owed than exists WTFBBF?', when in actuality it is a dynamic model and can be paid back over time.\nOnce you accept the dynamic nature of FRB, and the fact that the same money can both circulate back inwards to pay off the debts, as well as outwards to create the debt, you can see it is a very useful system indeed... inflating/deflating the money supply exactly as required by the increase or decrease in the underlying economy.\nSo, yes, actually, having 10 or 100 times more bitcoin on ledgers than in the blockchain is not only possible without anyone left over holding worthless ledgers, it would be a very useful thing indeed.\nLOL you are so stupid... Banks lent actual gold for nothing but a promise. FRB works with actual gold being lent out, not just notes for gold. The actual gold comes back in the same way. If you think you can't trade something of value for a promise to be paid back something of value, my god, no wonder BV trumps u in all things economics, you've thought this through about as thoroughly as Trane has basic income.\nthe transaction is permanent and if all you're getting in return is a promise it will be given back to one day then you are an idiot and deserve to lose your money\nReally? You REALLY FUCKING THINK THAT?\nYou can't see the point of a loan, AT ALL? I can understand maybe u could afford to pay cash for your house, but you are very lucky to be able to live like that, and it's blinded you to how useful loans can be.\nThat loan is legally enforceable too. Just because it's in bitcoin doesn't mean a court can't require you pay it back. Sure, they may make u pay an equivalent in fiat, but you still have to pay it back. Not paying it back will lead at least to your bankruptcy.\nIf you can't understand loaning, then I think you should give up any claim to understanding economics.\nFinally, why would people put bitcoin in a bank? \nIt's about as stupid as asking why would people put their gold in a bank. There are many reasons. Interest, security, ease of use, are the first three that come to mind. Do you know how easy bitcoin is to steal? Very... let me explain...\nOh, just before we get to that... You should check out this picture of Anna Kournikova Fully Naked....\nPretty Hot Huh!\nBanks can insure you against that.\nFinally, I don't think you've actually used or understood bitcoin at all... Here's a genuine offer to get you started... I'll loan you 0.1BTC if you promise to pay me back 0.11BTC in a years time. I'll even point you to investments I'm fairly sure will give you that and more... but I'm sure you can afford the $20US or so required to cover that it should it all go tits up. (Might be worth a lot more in a year, though). You can prove me to be very foolish, but I have a feeling you value your word...\nWhile we're at it, we can create a crypto promissary note, which I can try to sell, just to get these concepts through your head. Can you even imagine this scenario? It is true money creation.\nPersonally, I think you'll know bitcoin has come of age when bitcoin banking becomes common place. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-5-22-231857-853> => |robots> + |automation> + |productivity> + |leisure time> + |unemployment is a good thing> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |mortally unplumbable> body |diary: 2013-5-21-194855-663> => |text: They are many ways to clear you mind... drugs or television seem to be the most common, but not the most efficient.\nMeditation is prob. the most effective, but it takes years and maybe (this is highly debatable) a special guru just to know if you're doing it right, for you, and your social situation.\nHowever, videogames and books are relatively common and cheap, respectively. The problems is most of them suck, being flash and bang, signifying nothing.\nFortunately, there is an alternative to the mainstream: old games. Being made in the days before Infinite Graphics, they actually have engaging gameplay.\nFor some values of "engaging".\nRevelations:Persona is about 1/3 of a game which was only about 90% finished when it came out in Japan in the first place. You won't miss the 2/3 that they cut out, asside from having Razors and nobody who can wield them... but you will miss a few things, like tweaks to the automap, speedups to the battle engine, and sensible map design.\nIn particular, the nitwits who did the map for Deva Yuga decided "let's make it so that the average person has to spend 30 hours going in circles in here". \nAnyhow, playing that is for eight hours was so pointless with respect to socioeconomic reality that I forgot about the need for basic income and felt better the next day. \nSo I headed out and... it was a holiday, so I couldn't actually do anything. So I sat in a mini-park by the coast for a while. \nEventually I returned to someplace with Internet and finished reading The Divine Invasion, by Philip K Dick.\nThat book is interesting but sorta wack. Of course, besides his famous movies, the only thing I know him for is Ubik, which is fully wack... but a nice one-subject sorta wack. TDI seems to be trying to say a lot by just mentioning rare concepts once and framing them differently than anyone else would likely do, and moving casually along because the words don't read themselves.\nAs a movie, it would be more incoherent and Lost than Promethus, but as a book, you don't really notice because you're wondering when you're gonna get some sorta hot sex or whatever (you never do).\nSo, in summary, I recommend old RPGs for making life seem so much less tedious and more fun. Since, you know, it is.\nOld games and books suck.> tags |diary: 2013-5-16-1949-88940> => |basic income> tags |diary: 2013-5-15-12473-4330> => |trane> + |basic income> + |gov is not people> title |diary: 2013-5-15-12473-4330> => |text: Axioms of Basic Income> intro |diary: 2013-5-15-12473-4330> => |text: Maybe, like me, you've found the economics of basic income confusing. Well... maybe, like me, you've been making the mistake that the government is made up of people.\nOnce you realise that the government isn't just a group of people, but actually an organised group of people with a constitution, you can understand that the government is no longer bound by the limitations of people, and can do anything, literally anything at all.\nSome might even say magic.\nBelow the fold - severe mental damage. Warning - may cause harm or cognitive dissonance.> body |diary: 2013-5-15-12473-4330> => |text: May 15 05:56:42 * insom (~insomnyuk@cloak-631EA118.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #kuro5hin\nMay 15 06:15:13 <procrasti> lol good work\nMay 15 06:27:13 * insom has quit (Ping timeout)\nMay 15 06:32:03 * insom (~insomnyuk@cloak-631EA118.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #kuro5hin\nMay 15 07:40:18 <procrasti> lol\nMay 15 07:42:40 <procrasti> trane's spazzing out more than normal\nMay 15 07:42:43 <procrasti> cruel\nMay 15 07:42:45 <procrasti> but funny\nMay 15 07:52:17 <procrasti> omg this is hillarious\nMay 15 08:33:33 * insom has quit (Quit: )\nMay 15 09:44:43 * alevin (~alevin@cloak-14F92736.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #kuro5hin\nMay 15 09:45:03 <alevin> Hi, I'm having a meltdown! Halp me!\nMay 15 09:51:01 <alevin> I'm drowning in a sea of emotions! Oh knows!\nMay 15 10:04:25 <procrasti> lol\nMay 15 10:04:29 <procrasti> welcome back\nMay 15 10:04:39 <procrasti> gonna go on an adhom attack again?\nMay 15 10:06:03 <procrasti> you beyond being upset that the government is only a group of people yet?\nMay 15 10:28:14 <procrasti> with ur vicious k5 attack about the emu, its a good thing I didn't mention my herd of alpacas\nMay 15 11:09:03 * satyagrahi (~alevin@cloak-14F92736.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #kuro5hin\nMay 15 11:09:37 <procrasti> lol\nMay 15 11:09:40 <procrasti> welcome back\nMay 15 11:09:43 <procrasti> gonna go on an adhom attack again?\nMay 15 11:09:48 <procrasti> you beyond being upset that the government is only a group of people yet?\nMay 15 11:09:52 <procrasti> with ur vicious k5 attack about the emu, its a good thing I didn't mention my herd of alpacas\nMay 15 11:10:24 * alevin has quit (Ping timeout)\nMay 15 11:19:23 <procrasti> still waters run deep\nMay 15 11:30:41 <procrasti> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA58sS3x2Oo\nMay 15 11:42:51 <procrasti> grudge much?\nMay 15 12:10:29 <procrasti> ;_; <-- you\nMay 15 12:20:38 <procrasti> ;_;__= <-- you looking for a handout\nMay 15 14:50:33 <procrasti> I'm off down the road to see who the police are hassling now\nMay 15 16:35:56 <satyagrahi> information is separate from matter and energy (wiener)\nMay 15 16:36:13 <satyagrahi> a constitution adds information to a group\nMay 15 16:36:26 <satyagrahi> the group becomes more as a result purely of the information\nMay 15 16:36:39 <satyagrahi> future generations are greater because of the constitution\nMay 15 16:37:02 <satyagrahi> if a group of ppl create a constitution, they create a resource that creates more resources for the group\nMay 15 16:37:09 <satyagrahi> any questions?\nMay 15 16:47:39 <procrasti> they are no longer have the limitations of a group of people because they wrote something down? \nMay 15 16:47:57 <procrasti> they can make space shuttles with no one doing any work?\nMay 15 16:48:04 <procrasti> or build bridges, no people required\nMay 15 16:48:28 <procrasti> you really are that stupid\nMay 15 16:49:13 <procrasti> they can invent the internet, search for the higgs bosun, go to outer space... no people have to do a thing\nMay 15 16:49:30 <procrasti> they just print money, and the money + constitution builds it all\nMay 15 16:49:43 <procrasti> you think this is reality?\nMay 15 16:50:39 <procrasti> I'm all for different governments being more or less efficient\nMay 15 16:50:54 <procrasti> but really... now trancends the limitations of a group of people\nMay 15 16:51:02 <procrasti> is the craziest shit I've ever heard\nMay 15 16:51:22 <procrasti> if this is in your set of axioms... no wonder u think basic income is free\nMay 15 16:51:35 <procrasti> you think the government can give headjobs, and no one has to suck dick\nMay 15 16:51:47 <procrasti> incredible brain damage u have\nMay 15 17:00:34 <procrasti> please confirm u are this brain damaged\nMay 15 17:00:55 <satyagrahi> straw man.\nMay 15 17:02:32 <satyagrahi> a single individual can eventually make space shuttles without doing any work, or build bridges with no ppl required. govt can help us get to that point.\nMay 15 17:02:42 <satyagrahi> fastest\nMay 15 17:02:48 <procrasti> what... today retard\nMay 15 17:03:07 <procrasti> not with hypothetical tech we are working towards\nMay 15 17:03:15 <satyagrahi> today, govt can do things an unorganized group can't\nMay 15 17:03:20 <procrasti> right\nMay 15 17:03:22 <procrasti> I didn't say that\nMay 15 17:03:25 <satyagrahi> organization adds something, information, to the group\nMay 15 17:03:30 <satyagrahi> govt is organization\nMay 15 17:03:38 <procrasti> I said, they are still limited by the limitations of a group of people\nMay 15 17:03:46 <procrasti> not the limitations of an unorganised group of people\nMay 15 17:03:54 <procrasti> the limitations of a group of people\nMay 15 17:03:59 <satyagrahi> the group without organization, or govt, is more limited.\nMay 15 17:04:08 <procrasti> a group of people\nMay 15 17:04:14 <satyagrahi> information decreases limitations.\nMay 15 17:04:17 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:04:25 <procrasti> but still limited by the limitations of a group of people\nMay 15 17:04:39 <satyagrahi> a group of ppl with government is less limited by one without\nMay 15 17:04:47 <procrasti> not necessarily\nMay 15 17:04:59 <satyagrahi> but possibly?\nMay 15 17:05:09 <satyagrahi> because you were saying absolutely not\nMay 15 17:05:10 <procrasti> still limited by the limitations of a group of people\nMay 15 17:05:17 <procrasti> you are saying the government is not a group of people\nMay 15 17:05:19 <satyagrahi> less limited\nMay 15 17:05:24 <procrasti> still a group of people\nMay 15 17:05:31 <procrasti> the maximum a group of people can be\nMay 15 17:05:37 <satyagrahi> i'm saying the govt is a group of ppl with something added, information, a constitution\nMay 15 17:05:40 <procrasti> no gov will ever be as efficient as that\nMay 15 17:05:44 <procrasti> but not magic\nMay 15 17:05:48 <procrasti> still a group of people\nMay 15 17:05:51 <satyagrahi> and that addition increases the abilities of the group\nMay 15 17:05:53 <procrasti> still limited by what people can do\nMay 15 17:05:58 <satyagrahi> it is magic\nMay 15 17:06:02 <procrasti> but no more than the most efficiient group of people\nMay 15 17:06:04 <procrasti> it is magic\nMay 15 17:06:08 <procrasti> that's classic\nMay 15 17:06:09 <satyagrahi> information outside of matter and energy\nMay 15 17:06:12 <satyagrahi> yes it is magic\nMay 15 17:06:14 <procrasti> yes, but not real resources\nMay 15 17:06:19 <procrasti> it takes labour to build a computer\nMay 15 17:06:22 <procrasti> it takes resources\nMay 15 17:06:26 <procrasti> it takes enegery\nMay 15 17:06:35 <satyagrahi> just as in the quantum computation class, vazirani describes shor's algorithm using the word "magic"\nMay 15 17:06:52 <procrasti> I don't give a shit... it's not magic, its quantum mechanics\nMay 15 17:07:08 <procrasti> please admit that a government is a group of people\nMay 15 17:07:08 <satyagrahi> that energy is made less when ppl organize, so it takes less energy per unit\nMay 15 17:07:12 <procrasti> people like you and me\nMay 15 17:07:16 <satyagrahi> it's something we don't understand\nMay 15 17:07:21 <procrasti> no it's not\nMay 15 17:07:28 <procrasti> economists understand that fact very well\nMay 15 17:07:33 <satyagrahi> any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic\nMay 15 17:07:37 <procrasti> is why organisations require a certain amount of labour\nMay 15 17:07:43 <satyagrahi> economists lack imagination\nMay 15 17:07:45 <procrasti> and organisations\nMay 15 17:07:52 <procrasti> and organising principles\nMay 15 17:08:00 <procrasti> you are saying the government isn't people\nMay 15 17:08:13 <satyagrahi> i'm saying it makes the ppl more than they were before\nMay 15 17:08:16 <procrasti> and trying to find some way of justifying it\nMay 15 17:08:19 <satyagrahi> it decreases limitations\nMay 15 17:08:23 <procrasti> yes, like a cooporation\nMay 15 17:08:25 <satyagrahi> in the limiting case all limits are gone\nMay 15 17:08:26 <procrasti> co operation\nMay 15 17:08:28 <procrasti> get it?\nMay 15 17:08:36 <procrasti> corporation\nMay 15 17:08:38 <procrasti> co operation\nMay 15 17:08:40 <procrasti> working together\nMay 15 17:08:42 <satyagrahi> co- opteration?\nMay 15 17:08:45 <procrasti> is more than individuations\nMay 15 17:08:57 <procrasti> but it is STILL a group of individuals\nMay 15 17:09:03 <procrasti> if your theory of economics is gov is magic\nMay 15 17:09:06 <procrasti> well wow\nMay 15 17:09:12 <procrasti> really wow\nMay 15 17:09:21 <procrasti> no wonder the gov can make computers for free\nMay 15 17:09:28 <satyagrahi> did I just blow your mind?\nMay 15 17:09:30 <procrasti> I don't see why people will ever have to work again\nMay 15 17:09:35 <procrasti> fuck the basic income\nMay 15 17:09:36 <satyagrahi> wait a minute, what mind\nMay 15 17:09:37 <procrasti> forget money\nMay 15 17:09:42 <procrasti> just give everybody anything they want\nMay 15 17:09:44 <procrasti> no one has to work\nMay 15 17:09:46 <satyagrahi> so you're reduced to a pure emotional response huh\nMay 15 17:09:47 <procrasti> not even for the government\nMay 15 17:09:53 <satyagrahi> you have no argument so you just say "wow"\nMay 15 17:09:54 <procrasti> no... these follow from your statements\nMay 15 17:09:58 <satyagrahi> this is your tried and true tactic\nMay 15 17:09:58 <procrasti> yeah... wow\nMay 15 17:10:01 <procrasti> brain damage\nMay 15 17:10:02 <satyagrahi> the discussion is going on\nMay 15 17:10:12 <procrasti> no one has to do anything\nMay 15 17:10:13 <satyagrahi> and then you have nothing, so you use emotions\nMay 15 17:10:20 <satyagrahi> a troll\nMay 15 17:10:23 <procrasti> a peice of paper and more bits of paper can do stuff with no people\nMay 15 17:10:27 <procrasti> no, you really are being that stupid\nMay 15 17:10:30 <procrasti> really fucking stupid\nMay 15 17:10:33 <procrasti> incredibly stupid\nMay 15 17:10:38 <procrasti> unbeleivably stupid\nMay 15 17:10:41 <satyagrahi> a computer program can do stuff with no people! no way!\nMay 15 17:10:50 <satyagrahi> see how you retreat to ad homs?\nMay 15 17:10:51 <procrasti> right... but not write itself\nMay 15 17:10:57 <procrasti> yes, machines decrease labour costs\nMay 15 17:10:59 <procrasti> for sure\nMay 15 17:11:03 <procrasti> econs know that\nMay 15 17:11:04 <satyagrahi> you can't argue your case without emotions, it is too weak\nMay 15 17:11:12 <procrasti> u think the government isn't people\nMay 15 17:11:13 <procrasti> wtf\nMay 15 17:11:17 <procrasti> am I supposed to do with that?\nMay 15 17:11:19 <satyagrahi> hoover dam can run for years with no ppl\nMay 15 17:11:26 <procrasti> yeah, aliens built it\nMay 15 17:11:29 <satyagrahi> so it does more than any group of ppl can do\nMay 15 17:11:31 <procrasti> I mean goc\nMay 15 17:11:33 <procrasti> same thing\nMay 15 17:11:36 <satyagrahi> the ppl that built it are dead\nMay 15 17:11:36 <procrasti> no people in gov\nMay 15 17:11:43 <procrasti> SO FUCKING WHAT?\nMay 15 17:11:46 <procrasti> econs know that\nMay 15 17:11:49 <procrasti> you idiot\nMay 15 17:11:58 <procrasti> but u are still saying gov is not a group of people\nMay 15 17:11:59 <satyagrahi> but their memes persist to decrease the limitations and increase the abilities of future ppls\nMay 15 17:12:05 <procrasti> econs know that \nMay 15 17:12:06 <procrasti> but u are still saying gov is not a group of people\nMay 15 17:12:18 <satyagrahi> future groups are less limited because of the accumulation of knowledge\nMay 15 17:12:20 <procrasti> econs know that \nMay 15 17:12:22 <procrasti> but u are still saying gov is not a group of people\nMay 15 17:12:27 <satyagrahi> govt is more than a group of ppl\nMay 15 17:12:30 <procrasti> no it is not\nMay 15 17:12:34 <satyagrahi> it is a group with a constitution, organization\nMay 15 17:12:38 <satyagrahi> a purpose, a mandate\nMay 15 17:12:39 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:12:43 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:12:46 <procrasti> and no more than that\nMay 15 17:12:46 <satyagrahi> this adds things that the group did not have\nMay 15 17:12:51 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:12:54 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:12:57 <procrasti> and no more than that\nMay 15 17:13:02 <satyagrahi> this decreases limitations and increases the ability of the group to do things that they couldn't before\nMay 15 17:13:09 <satyagrahi> all that added was information\nMay 15 17:13:09 <procrasti> econs know that \nMay 15 17:13:14 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:13:29 <satyagrahi> a group of ppl with information, with govt, which makes it more powerful than it was\nMay 15 17:13:35 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:13:36 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:13:48 <satyagrahi> with something that creates resources\nMay 15 17:13:55 <procrasti> no it doesn't CREATE resources\nMay 15 17:13:56 <satyagrahi> information creates resources\nMay 15 17:14:02 <procrasti> it enables them to be used more efficiently\nMay 15 17:14:02 <satyagrahi> information is a resource\nMay 15 17:14:04 <procrasti> not CREATE\nMay 15 17:14:18 <procrasti> not on its own it isn't no\nMay 15 17:14:19 <satyagrahi> information that wasn't there before is created out of thin air\nMay 15 17:14:28 <satyagrahi> why not?\nMay 15 17:14:29 <procrasti> knowledge is yes\nMay 15 17:14:32 <procrasti> created out of mental labour\nMay 15 17:14:48 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:14:50 <satyagrahi> or a flash of insight, who knows where that came from?\nMay 15 17:14:57 <procrasti> who cares!\nMay 15 17:15:02 <satyagrahi> a group of ppl with information is more than the group without that information\nMay 15 17:15:02 <procrasti> is it people or not people\nMay 15 17:15:08 <satyagrahi> it's more\nMay 15 17:15:11 <satyagrahi> it's ppl + information\nMay 15 17:15:17 <procrasti> people and organisation\nMay 15 17:15:23 <procrasti> yes, which is why econs talk about organisations\nMay 15 17:15:33 <procrasti> but still fundamentally a group of people\nMay 15 17:15:39 <procrasti> how can u not get that?\nMay 15 17:16:08 <satyagrahi> govt = information = organisation + group of ppl > group of ppl - govt\nMay 15 17:16:21 <procrasti> so?\nMay 15 17:16:29 <procrasti> govt is an organisation of people\nMay 15 17:16:29 <satyagrahi> so take a bunch of your agents in that sim\nMay 15 17:16:33 <procrasti> but it still requires people\nMay 15 17:16:39 <procrasti> agents represent people\nMay 15 17:16:41 <satyagrahi> and give them information about the others\nMay 15 17:16:43 <procrasti> in the sim\nMay 15 17:16:45 <satyagrahi> and they are more than they were before\nMay 15 17:16:55 <procrasti> what?\nMay 15 17:16:59 <procrasti> like mind reading?\nMay 15 17:17:00 <satyagrahi> they can do more, their limitations are fewer\nMay 15 17:17:07 <satyagrahi> whatever\nMay 15 17:17:10 <procrasti> I see\nMay 15 17:17:15 <procrasti> govt can read minds now?\nMay 15 17:17:16 <satyagrahi> language, the ability to communicate with other agents\nMay 15 17:17:20 <procrasti> no shit\nMay 15 17:17:23 <procrasti> that's what people do\nMay 15 17:17:24 <satyagrahi> let's start with language\nMay 15 17:17:27 <procrasti> that's incredible\nMay 15 17:17:30 <procrasti> people communicate\nMay 15 17:17:32 <procrasti> amazing\nMay 15 17:17:37 <procrasti> only governments can do that\nMay 15 17:17:42 <procrasti> according to you\nMay 15 17:17:53 <procrasti> because governemnts are more than people\nMay 15 17:18:00 <satyagrahi> govt encodes the communication in things like laws that the ppl agree to abide by\nMay 15 17:18:05 * insom (~insomnyuk@cloak-631EA118.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #kuro5hin\nMay 15 17:18:07 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:18:08 <satyagrahi> we cede powers to the govt to make all of us stronger\nMay 15 17:18:11 <procrasti> yes\nMay 15 17:18:19 <procrasti> but u are still trying to say gov isn't people\nMay 15 17:18:24 <satyagrahi> govt is organization is ppl\nMay 15 17:18:28 <satyagrahi> oh look the sex offender's back\nMay 15 17:18:29 <procrasti> insom: u missed some real crazy going on\nMay 15 17:18:34 <satyagrahi> traitor!\nMay 15 17:18:40 <procrasti> yes... it is an organisation of people\nMay 15 17:18:46 <procrasti> amazing\nMay 15 17:18:52 <procrasti> u finally admitted it\nMay 15 17:18:54 <satyagrahi> profucksty's been letting lose his insanity again\nMay 15 17:19:03 <procrasti> govt is organisation of people\nMay 15 17:19:06 <satyagrahi> that was my starting point\nMay 15 17:19:10 <procrasti> so its fucking people\nMay 15 17:19:16 <procrasti> it requires work from people\nMay 15 17:19:21 <satyagrahi> the organisation adds to the group\nMay 15 17:19:25 <procrasti> so what?\nMay 15 17:19:33 <procrasti> that's like something groups of people can't do all of the sudden?\nMay 15 17:19:36 <procrasti> organise?\nMay 15 17:19:38 <satyagrahi> the information itself makes the group more powerful than it was\nMay 15 17:19:38 <procrasti> really?\nMay 15 17:19:47 <satyagrahi> if they do, they have a govt\nMay 15 17:19:51 <procrasti> yes, but not more powerful than a group of people\nMay 15 17:19:57 <satyagrahi> if they don't, they're less capable\nMay 15 17:20:01 <procrasti> ITS A GROUP OF PEOPLE U RETARD\nMay 15 17:20:11 <satyagrahi> meltdown alert! meltdown alert!\nMay 15 17:20:14 <satyagrahi> he's using caps now!\nMay 15 17:20:16 <procrasti> a more efficient group of people than a bunch of retarded, blind deaf mutes\nMay 15 17:20:20 <procrasti> but still a group of people\nMay 15 17:20:26 <satyagrahi> oh knows, he's drowning in a sea of anger!\nMay 15 17:20:33 <procrasti> u are so fucking stupid\nMay 15 17:20:36 <procrasti> it's criminal\nMay 15 17:20:49 <procrasti> so, we admit that government is made up of people now?\nMay 15 17:20:53 <satyagrahi> Hi, I can't argue so I'll just use ad homs!\nMay 15 17:21:01 <procrasti> who can argue with an idiot?\nMay 15 17:21:08 <procrasti> its like crack lobotomised you\nMay 15 17:21:09 <satyagrahi> not me\nMay 15 17:21:13 <procrasti> and u want to be taken seriously\nMay 15 17:21:37 <satyagrahi> i wonder how long he'll keep ranting?\nMay 15 17:21:38 <procrasti> u claim government can do things a group of people can't\nMay 15 17:21:45 <procrasti> like a group of people can't write a constitution\nMay 15 17:21:50 <procrasti> a group of people can't organise\nMay 15 17:21:54 <procrasti> a group of people can't write laws\nMay 15 17:22:11 <procrasti> a group of people can't form a system of rules\nMay 15 17:22:38 <procrasti> a group of people, CANT EVEN COMMUNICATE!!\nMay 15 17:23:37 <procrasti> if ur secretly telling me that the gov is run by a aliens... ur being way too subtle for me\nMay 15 17:26:48 <procrasti> if all we have to do is vote and the aliens can do anything... then fuck basic income... I want the holodecks!!\nMay 15 17:27:11 <procrasti> fly me around canis majoris\nMay 15 17:29:11 <satyagrahi> if a group of ppl organizes, it then becomes a group of ppl with a govt, and more than it was before\nMay 15 17:29:25 * satyagrahi expecting another screenful of crazy now\nMay 15 17:29:29 <procrasti> but not so much more that is no longer a group of people\nMay 15 17:29:33 * satyagrahi goes to get exercise\nMay 15 17:29:40 <procrasti> what an idiot\nMay 15 17:29:45 <procrasti> this is going on k5> title |comment: 2013-5-8-2266-28526-1> => |text: Fed should encourage morality with a basic income.> body |diary: 2013-5-8-5401-47961> => |text: Colbert: So it's like a snake being bought by the tail that's in its own mouth.\nRushkoff: Yeah, by an abstraction of the tail that's in its own mouth.\nColbert: So not even the real tail.\nRushkoff: Not even the real tail.\nColbert: You just blew my mind.\n\n---\nFrom Rushkoff blog on the same topic of the NYSE being bought by ICE:\n\nLikewise, stock traders have always justified their extraction of value from our economy as a form of investment. In reality, stock transactions account for more economic activity than real economic activity, such as people buying stuff and companies making stuff. The majority of money has been trapped in this faux marketplace of paper, which is why however much the central bank prints, it never ends up paying for workers or projects or bridges or schools. Productive assets are less profitable than paper - but Wall Street has argued that this is just the way corporate capitalism works.\n\nMy question is, why is this type of financing considered terrible when government does it (financing itself through the Fed's created money), but when the market does it it must be okay?\nWhy the double standard?\nI say let the market do whatever, but also let the government create money and buy its own debt. What's good for the goose ...\nAlso have the Fed give money directly to individuals, in the form of a basic income, instead of to banks. The economy is 70% consumer-driven, so give money to the consumers instead of to the producers who (sitting on trillions and running up more and more profits) are throttling production capacity because of lack of demand.\n---\nI saw a book signing event on the Book TV channel with Rushkoff. There were a lot of very attractive young females lining up to ask him questions. In a radio interview with him I heard recently, the female interviewer openly flirted with him, saying she thought he was a genius and was in love with him.\n---\nI don't agree with everything that Rushkoff says; I think he puts too much emphasis on face-to-face interactions. He probably enjoys it so much because he has so many groupies.\n---\nPrevious diary on Rushkoff: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2013/4/16/25428/9614> title |comment: 2013-5-7-21957-21938-5> => |text: A 3D printer and basic income for everyone!> tags |diary: 2013-5-7-01355-26123> => |diy labs> + |moocs> + |future of education> + |obsolescence of physical classrooms> + |elimination of old constraints> + |unprecedented increase in knowledge> + |high school teachers better off on a basic income> + |challenges> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> body |diary: 2013-5-7-01355-26123> => |text: http://hivebiolab.wordpress.com/about/\nSlashdot article\nGovernment should subsidize any fees for the labs, to realize the long tradition of free education in America (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syms-Eaton_Academy ). Create the money; the investments will result in an unprecedented increase in the rate of knowledge advancement that will make fear of inflation as obsolete as physical classrooms.\n---\nWhatever will everyone's favorite paper-thin-skinned failed chemistry teacher Brawny do? Dull-wittedly, he continues to fight the inevitable, trying to validate himself by dominating young kids with the arbitrary grades he assigns at his whim. Wouldn't such damaged, broken-spirited, tired old farts be a lot better off with a basic income and challenges to stimulate what little innovative instinct might possibly remain after years of being brow-beaten by the cruel system to which they've wholly surrendered their free will?\nWouldn't society be better off? Wouldn't his students be much better off?\n---\nRelevant diary: http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2012/3/5/172052/3816> body |diary: 2013-4-29-17496-4111> => |text: But money is not probabilistic. Units of money are not a percentage. The analogy is flawed and betrays, I think, the encroachment of probability and statistics into areas where it needn't really apply.\nI think the reasoning by analogy goes something like this:\nThe law of total probability means that we have to re-normalize every time the amount covered by the distribution changes.\nIncreasing the money supply changes the amount covered by the distribution.\nTherefore, increasing the money supply means we must re-normalize so that each unit of money is now less of a percentage of the total money supply than it was before.\nIf a unit of money is less of a percentage, it follows that it is worth less.\n---\nWe should identify the real, psychological (see Challenging a virulent meme) causes of inflation and address those.\nIf we can't stop those psychological causes, how can we use information to minimize the effects? For example, can we use Israel's experience with hyperinflation to make indexing seamless and therefore prevent it from "draining the time and resources of households and businesses"?\n---\nRelevant diaries:\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2013/4/12/1311/04594 "Micro-Gigs, Basic Income, Inflation"\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2012/7/21/05157/3645 "Challenging a virulent meme: the causes of inflation"\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2009/3/24/14493/3952 "The logic of inflation"> title |comment: 2013-4-17-125824-699-9> => |text: Hi! give me basic income and a crack stipend> tags |diary: 2013-4-16-25428-9614> => |politics> + |economics> + |jobs> + |basic income> + |artificial scarcity> + |abundance> + |collaboration> + |backwards logic of the scarce marketplace> + |basic human rights> + |creativity> body |diary: 2013-4-16-25428-9614> => |text: I am afraid to even ask this, but since when is unemployment really a problem? I understand we all want paychecks -- or at least money. We want food, shelter, clothing, and all the things that money buys us. But do we all really want jobs?\nWe're living in an economy where productivity is no longer the goal, employment is. That's because, on a very fundamental level, we have pretty much everything we need. America is productive enough that it could probably shelter, feed, educate, and even provide health care for its entire population with just a fraction of us actually working.\nAccording to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, there is enough food produced to provide everyone in the world with 2,720 kilocalories per person per day. And that's even after America disposes of thousands of tons of crop and dairy just to keep market prices high. Meanwhile, American banks overloaded with foreclosed properties are demolishing vacant dwellings to get the empty houses off their books.\nOur problem is not that we don't have enough stuff -- it's that we don't have enough ways for people to work and prove that they deserve this stuff.\n\n---\nWhy should we have to prove anything to anybody, especially to ignorant bosses? Give everyone a basic income, and stimulate their creativity with challenges from biz and govt. In this new age or unprecedented communication possibilities made possible by the internet, we can educate ourselves through MOOCs, and advance knowledge on our own or through ad hoc collaborations through the internet without the hierarchies, middlemen, and salesmen that traditional business requires.\nRushkoff is getting close to this solution, but he's still held back by the idea that money has to be scarce, I think.\n---\n\nThe question we have to begin to ask ourselves is not how do we employ all the people who are rendered obsolete by technology, but how can we organize a society around something other than employment? Might the spirit of enterprise we currently associate with "career" be shifted to something entirely more collaborative, purposeful, and even meaningful?\n[...]\nInstead, we are attempting to use the logic of a scarce marketplace to negotiate things that are actually in abundance. What we lack is not employment, but a way of fairly distributing the bounty we have generated through our technologies, and a way of creating meaning in a world that has already produced far too much stuff.\n\n---\nInstead of proposing a basic income, and letting people work on what they want, perhaps guiding them with challenges that they are free to enter or not (also leaving the free market system essentially alone so people still have the choice to enter that if they choose), Rushkoff proposes a sort of "people are corporations" approach:\n---\n\nWe start by accepting that food and shelter are basic human rights. The work we do -- the value we create -- is for the rest of what we want: the stuff that makes life fun, meaningful, and purposeful.\nThis sort of work isn't so much employment as it is creative activity. Unlike Industrial Age employment, digital production can be done from the home, independently, and even in a peer-to-peer fashion without going through big corporations. We can make games for each other, write books, solve problems, educate and inspire one another -- all through bits instead of stuff. And we can pay one another using the same money we use to buy real stuff.\n\n---\nHe gets close to the "basic income" idea by saying we must recognize that food and shelter are basic human rights. But he still wants us to sell to each other. I think everyone should be guaranteed a minimum standard of living, and then on top of that selling would be voluntary. There would also be rewards for giving away what you produce: social rewards, and getting recognition from challenges, etc. Then the disruptive ideas that win challenges could be turned over to biz, which would do what it does best: incrementally innovate.\nThe basic income would provide enough money for people to buy the consumer products that result from the innovative ideas they came up with. Taxes do not need to fund the basic income; it can be created in the same way the Fed creates money to bail out financial institutions. It's well known that banks use accounting gimmicks to turn 0% loans into profits by buying T-bills that pay 3%, and paying back the loans that way while profiting from the government (that loaned them the money in the first place).\n---\nRushkoff's concluding paragraph:\n\nFor the time being, as we contend with what appears to be a global economic slowdown by destroying food and demolishing homes, we might want to stop thinking about jobs as the main aspect of our lives that we want to save. They may be a means, but they are not the ends.\n\n---\nAlfie Kohn expresses the idea that jobs aren't the goal in "Five Reasons to stop saying 'Good Job'" ( http://www.alfiekohn.org/parenting/gj.htm ).> intro |diary: 2013-4-13-165757-745> => |text: Money, go away! \nIf I just had a basic income I'd be Okay!\nNo fucking way!\nMoney, those lazy goyim! \nWhy don't they use those GPU's to mine for Bitcoin!\nTesla car, A trip to Mars, six-year Senate seat \nLifetime membership in Bilderberg is so neat> tags |diary: 2013-4-12-1311-04594> => |politics> + |economics> + |micro-gig> + |basic income> + |inflation> + |true cost> + |general welfare> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |artificial scarcity of money> title |diary: 2013-4-12-1311-04594> => |text: Micro-Gigs, Basic Income, Inflation> intro |diary: 2013-4-12-1311-04594> => |text: "Micro-Gig" Sites Undermining Workers Rights?\nOne argument against creating money to give everyone a basic income is: if everyone has a guaranteed minimum standard of living, the cost of labor will go up, and therefore prices will go up (because companies have to charge more than they pay for labor otherwise they wouldn't make a profit).\nBut micro-gigs provide another solution. Pay only for work, not for breaks, vacations, etc. The basic income covers that. So companies can actually lower prices, since their supply costs go down.> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-3> => |text: \n\n\n but local wages will have to increase regardless.\nA basic income will mean the alternative to working is better than it was, which means people will charge more if you want them to work.\nGlobalisation does put downward pressure on wages though, true. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-4> => |text: \n\n\n and other things the absolutely desperate do far more than it'd hit anything else; for instance, a low 'basic income' that would cover a shitty room in a bad apartment in the south somewhere in flyover territory would have very little effect, say, on the cost of bay-area programmers. but yeah. it'd have a lot of an effect on the micro gigs.\nThe trend I see, though, is that we are regulating these "jobs for the desperate" out of existence; I mean, yeah, it sucks to have a shit job, but not as much as it sucks to want a shit job and not have one. \nThat's the thing; right now? big companies only make expensive people employees. they leave the janitorial jobs, and the temporary jobs to contractors. The funny thing is that those contracting companies? they treat their employees really badly, and they pay poorly, generally speaking. I mean, from what I've seen? body shops selling temporary sysadmins pay around the same as what you'd get for a permanent full-time job at the same place. But they charge the client a whole hell of a lot more than that.\nI mean, sure, usually short term work is more expensive, 'cause most people value stability. But these contracting houses? they've stepped in and removed all the upside from going short term. \nThe net effect is that only those that can't get permanent work end up with the contracting houses. Hell, even someone like me; someone that doesn't value stability at all will make the jump to permanent work if he can at the same rate; I mean, at the very least, I have a chance of winning the layoff lottery. \n(I've never won the layoff lottery. It pisses me off, too. Free money, all you have to do is walk.) \nSo yeah, I dono. Maybe trane is right that we need some minimal basic income... then just make employment actually at will. But eh, most of the liability there is civil, not criminal, so I kinda doubt that could be done at this point. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-5> => |text: \n\n\n Drop min wage, make work on an as it comes basis, whatever, sounds good to me...\nI don't think we can afford basic income for everyone though. Trane is wrong from almost all economic viewpoints that you can just print cash as you like with no issues... rather I think a balanced approach, in general, is better... ie, tax revenue == gov spending...\nSo, what can be done instead? If you think of it like this, say $20k/yr/person adds up to a lot... what if you only covered the bottom 10%? Well, you could afford to give them 200k/yr...\nWell, you get the idea, you can go a lot further supporting the most needy rather than everyone... So a negative tax system might be a better idea...\nI do believe in strong safety nets mixed with capitalism is probably the best approach after all. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-6> => |text: \n\n\n is better than minimum wage full-time. Half that, maybe. \nAlso, I think that you have to be damn careful with the needs-based stuff, to not get into situations where working earns you less (and at $20K a year, working would earn a lot of people less.) It'd likely be better to play games with giving the basic income to everyone but setting tax rates such that you take it back from those wealthy enough to pay, you know, taxes and stuff. \nThat's how you'd sneak it in; you'd do bush-style "Checks for everyone!" every year, but continue with progressive taxation.\n(I do not understand why the liberals hated that handout... it was the most progressive tax cut, percentage-wise, ever.) \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-7> => |text: \n\n\n expensive.\nWhatever you set it to, turns out to be a big chunk of tax revenues... check it out... 300M (US) people * Basic Income. Compare to current budget.\nAnd you're right... that seems to be the problem with current welfare systems, that you end up making pittance per hour on the margin because of the loss of welfare benefits... It's a big disincentive to work, so ppl stay in the system.\nSo, negative tax rates on low incomes are another suggestion to get around these problems. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-4-12-1311-04594-8> => |text: \n\n\n If you're a lazy crackhead sure. But then you probably weren't working anyways.\nMost people want shit and when they get shit they want more shit and they want it right fucking NOW. \nSo even if you give Bob a basic income so that he doesn't have to work anymore and say it's decent so he can afford a ten-year old beater to get around and maybe take the family out to Jack-in-the-Box every so often and well you get the point. He can survive and eat and sit around on his ass all day and not worry. \nBut you see Bob ain't going to want to sit on his ass all day. Because frankly sitting on your ass all day sucks. It is fun for awhile but then it gets monotonous. Plus if he can work then he can get a new car and some new furniture and go to Disneyland. \nSo the only people that are going to charge more to work are those that would probably be making minimum wage (non-skilled) or less (waiters and others with tip income) because they can just sit on their ass and make the same without busting their ass. Or the Scizoaffective and crack addicted. \nBob ain't going to give a shit because in his mind that basic income is just so much gravy. It's like the tax refund he gets at the end of the year. A place to Dump kuro5hit. The *hottest* spot on the net. No Cover and No Minimum. Makes 4chan look like a monastery. Introduce your Mojo to our Karma! Orangered up in this B-otch!> body |diary: 2013-4-5-131529-0647> => |text: "oh i know, basic income for lack of production for everyone. BRILLIANT"> body |comment: 2013-4-5-131529-0647-2> => |text: \n\n\n The basic income would allow "artisitic types" without the benefit of inheriting a lifestyle with lots of free time and accesss to creative tools, to now have that time and access. \nIt also allows people to continue to circulate money even when "between jobs". \nOf course, without the re-creation of the breast milk economy, there is the danger of non-productivity becoming a self-defining characteristic.\nIn practice, we can solve this by rebuilding a world full of small firms, as the hair industry is already doing. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear.... \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-4-5-12293-74301> => |politics> + |economics> + |artificial scarcity> + |stimulus> + |austerity death trap> + |monetary policy> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |govt budget is not like a family's> + |basic income> body |diary: 2013-4-1-45922-43554> => |text: Here's the comment quoted in full:\n\nThe student was surveying the parking lot of (none / 1) (#11) \nby tdillo on Sat Mar 30, 2013 at 01:25:12 PM EST\nhis Master and noted that there were far more handicapped pilgrims than there was handicapped parking spots and so many pilgrims were inconvenienced. \nWhat would you have me do? asked the Master, I provide many handicapped parking spaces.\nThe student said but you have far more parking spaces available. A seemingly infinite amount for your parking area is so large! You are creating an artificial scarcity since with a small bit of blue paint we can designate as many spots as we require to be for the handicapped pilgrims. No one need be inconvenienced.\nAnother student spoke up and said But Master! we could designate all the spots as handicapped but there are only a few areas that are close enough to the doors that it will not be an inconvenience for those handicapped pilgrims. The rest will be just as inconvenienced as they are now. It takes more than just a bit of blue paint.\nThe Master asked then what would you have me do?\nIt is obvious, we should not have any designated parking. For no matter what we do there will be inconvenienced pilgrims. It would be best to allow all pilgrims to park where ever on first come first serve. Those that do not want to be inconvenienced will take steps to be early so as to acquire the choicest spots. That is the only fair way.\nFAIR? You call that fair? asked the first student. It puts an undue burden on the handicapped pilgrims. It is not fair!\nThe second student replied Your suggestion is even less fair! For it inconveniences many pilgrims who have struggled to arrive early only to find the choice parking reserved for a minority group. And as you have stated there isn't even enough of those available to accommodate all the handicapped pilgrims that we have! Either way, someone will suffer. \nThe first student said, YOU'RE JUST BEING MEAN! AD HOM AD HOM REAGAN AND THE JAPANESE PROVED THAT DEFICIT PARKING DOESN'T MATTER WE WILL BUILD THE MATRIX WITH ACRES AND ACRES OF FREE PARKING COMMUNITY CHEST GO DIRECTLY TO GO COLLECT $200 GET OUT OF JAIL FREE SOFTWARE WANTS TO BE BEER GOOGLE GLASS SURFACE IPOD BAY DOORS I CAN'T DO THAT DAVE!\n\n---\nFirst: when do I type in all caps? Is the author's weakness of vision so great that he sees my posts all in uppercase?\nSecond: there are technological solutions to this problem. Personally, I would prefer a virtual forum to driving to see the master. For the price of a web cam and an internet connection (probably less than painting the parking lot cost), such a service could easily be set up. \nThe "artificial scarcity" is the idea that you have to drive (and park) to see the "master". There is a technological way for no one to have to suffer. The idea that "someone has to suffer" is the "axiom of meanness" that drives the second student's comments.\nSo I would have agreed with the master's solution.\nAnopther point is that we are talking about a voluntary activity, going to see a "master". This is very different from the idea of a basic income. Comparing money to handicapped slots, saying that providing more money inconveniences others, is saying that money is a "positional good": it only has value if others don't have it. As Colbert put it:\n\nEveryone knows you can only appreciate what you have by seeing other people that can't have it. That's why I had my wedding banquet in a soup kitchen. Those people across the room eating the thin gruel just made my Rosemary chicken that much more delicious.\n\n---\nCreating more money to provide everyone with a guaranteed minimum standard of living is not like making every parking stall a handicapped slot. It's like creating more (virtual) stalls, all of them a short distance from the doors within which the "master" is baiting, or whatever. (Or it's like thinking in another dimension, and making a multi-level garage...)\nThird: if we're making references to discussions on this site, it is the second student that has been typing in all caps, because he's angry, and using every irrelevant personal attack he can think of. If he were really sure of his arguments, why would he be so upset?\nI think the only way his economic philosophy can survive is through censorship of any dissenting point of view. The axioms rest on a certain view of human psychology; any counterexamples threaten the whole theory. So they must be silenced!> title |comment: 2013-3-30-215811-282-6> => |text: i dont have a basic income to toss overboard. > body |comment: 2013-3-30-215811-282-8> => |text: \n\n\n Drug felons are seldom allowed to travel internationaly though. And on a basic income that means I'd have to pay his airfare ......\nMaybe ill start a kickstarter! \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n\n\n\n> title |diary: 2013-3-29-231623-338> => |text: Proof that we need basic income!> body |comment: 2013-3-29-231623-338-6> => |text: \n\n\n It's almost like some kind of Darwinism. It doesn't really matter if you gave out a basic income or not. \nSome people are more 'fit', they have the discipline, fore-thought, etc. whatever that they will thrive financially. See J.K. Rowling. \nThen you have others that you give them millions and they end up back at square one or worse even than before. See this lady or this dude.\nI think the majority will end up somewhere in the middle they'll stumble a bit and learn enough to find a comfortable level. So in that sense a basic income might be beneficial. \nI don't believe in it because I think the economy will adjust itself to account for it and it will just make things harder for the really poor and esp mentally ill. \nSome are going to be 'too proud' to take the income even if they qualify, others aren't going to know that it is even available or if they do then something, say like paranoia or other fear will keep them from applying for it. And then you'll have predators that will victimize the poor to take that bit of basic income. \nThe rest of us will be left scratching our heads expecting that everyone is benefiting from a minimum income and wondering how these people are still struggling. Of course we'll 'blame the victim' for being stupid, not living right, etc. \nIn the end nothing much will change for the majority and for a minority things will be much worse.\nI believe the real problem is rooted in racism. It's not about money it's about race. Whenever we think about welfare we think about them damn lazy niggers and other minorities. Sitting around, smoking crack, watching Judge Judy living the fucking Life of Reilly while the rest of us slave away working our ass off in the salt mines, earning every single penny blood, sweat, and tears.\nWell, a few do that. And the ones that are actually slaving away are generally on some kind of federal aid in order to make ends meet.\nThe rest of us are earning our money sitting on our fat and rapidly expanding ass in an air-conditioned environment with access to high-speed Internet, Starbuck's Coffee and McJack-in-the-Whataburger King.\nBut yeah, all those disabled people are just parasites, so too the Elderly and especially the fucking poor. Because if they would just get a fucking job and quit being lazy they wouldn't be poor. A+B=C and the world is straight up simple and Black and White, one-size fits all, Buy one get one free. \nWhen the truth is that people like trane are a minority of a minority. They got free time to spend shitting on the net talking shit about basic incomes and challenges. \nMost people that get aid are working. They're too god damn busy trying to keep afloat they don't have time to be twittering or blogging or occupying or any of that shit. Many of them are white. I say that because I know for a fact that a decade ago the majority of those on welfare were white but I haven't looked at the stats lately so maybe it has changed but I doubt it.\nBut you know, we live in the era of 'Truthiness' and so the facts don't really matter anymore. It is how things are perceived that make a difference. The perception is that welfare recipients are lazy, dirty, drug using, brown-skinned, baby-makers. So since that is the case fuck them. \nHAPPY EASTER\nHappy Easter y'all, This weekend we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you know, Christ was crucified on a wicker cross along with two PEEPs on either side. When he breathed his last breath a Roman soldier hit him with a stick whereupon he burst open like a pinata and jelly beans spilled across the ground. \nHe was interned in a Chocolate Tomb which was sealed with a giant GumDrop. On the third day he was visited by a magic bunny that laid colorful hard-boiled eggs. The bunny offered Jesus an egg and said 'Eat this for it is my flesh and by partaking thereof you shall have everlasting life' \nJesus ate of the egg and was resurrected. He went forth among his followers and said "From henchforth you shall observe this day Easter and keep it holy. On this day you will hide the hard-boiled eggs that you have decorated with colorful signs and designs. Then you will suffer the children to hunt for the eggs. Some will find many eggs and will be joyous. Many will find a few eggs and will be content. A few will find no eggs and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Some will even have their meagre portion of egg stolen by bullies who will have many many eggs already. For it is written that to he who hath, more will be given and for he who hath not, even what he hath will be taken away."\nAnd so it was God's will that as the Easter Holiday celebration informed us that some are smart and or lucky and they find many many eggs while most are just smart enough and lucky enough to find a few eggs and then some people are just losers and they find no eggs and even if they find an egg the egg is taken away from them. Just as it is in the real world.\nMay you find many many eggs in your search.\nA place to Dump kuro5hit. The *hottest* spot on the net. No Cover and No Minimum. Makes 4chan look like a monastery. Introduce your Mojo to our Karma! Orangered up in this B-otch!> title |diary: 2013-3-28-215053-532> => |text: Basic Income and Progression of Spending> intro |diary: 2013-3-28-215053-532> => |text: So you start of with basic income. It's called breast milk.> body |diary: 2013-3-28-215053-532> => |text: Before you can fully appreciate that, you switch to school based death-worshiping style of existence designed to get you accustomed to being in an ideological prison, both tempo-physically and emo-socially. \nThen you may get allowance, with the threat of punishment if you don't do chore. So I head. I just got nothing much so I was quite happy to skip ahead to menial job.\nJob doesn't seem like basic income, you can get fired. Only, in a good economy, they are more jobs than people to fill them. If Singapore is good, and judging from the lack of awesome porn, clearly is is a sesspool of deprivation.\nThen you get smarter, start a company. Only most people don't but that's because they play neighter Sudoku nor Monopoly enough to try doing "out of the box" stuff. Really, they just find a bigger, taller box. Less than 10% succeed at it, which is why... stuff was invented to help that. Like loan sharks. \nSo you paid back the mafia, and don't technically have to go to work anymore. You're a shareholder, a silent partner, a guy who sold out and enjoys it, but now you have no way to keep score. Except with pussy but you don't have any libido cause you fucked your hormones up to concentrate on making money, or getting into the kingdom, or whatever.\nSo next step is, you go be a stock broker. Practice selling hope. More profitable in the short term to do it when the hope is the future of inflation, whilst claiming that it somehow stops inflation, and other doubletalk. \nThis isn't enough, so create derivatives based on sub-prime mortgages.\nCongratulations, you have now broken the world!\nToo bad you don't have any more breast milk to drink....> title |comment: 2013-3-28-11441-9473-2> => |text: They should get a basic income> body |comment: 2013-3-28-11441-9473-2> => |text: \n\n\n Then they wouldn't have to be slaves to the system of growing, delivering and selling food to everyone.\nIf only all the ignorant motherfuckers would quit eating food! We could have a basic income for everyone.\nWhat a utopia we could have instead! \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-3-27-0216-45599> => |daily show> + |larry wilmore> + |reparations> + |basic income> + |slavery> + |thanks for food and shelter> + |thanks for forced labor> + |slave girls> + |sally hemings> + |illegitimate children> body |comment: 2013-3-26-25719-5021-1> => |text: \n\n\n on this idea of a "basic income"? sounds kinda similar. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-24-211133-286-2> => |text: Gates agrees on challenges. Next: basic income.> body |comment: 2013-3-24-211133-286-3> => |text: \n\n\n and he did agree with a basic income, but only for third world citizens. Basically his take is that even the poorest, brokest, homelessest, fucker in the US is far more wealthy than the majority of fuckers in Africa, etc. A place to Dump kuro5hit. The *hottest* spot on the net. No Cover and No Minimum. Makes 4chan look like a monastery. Introduce your Mojo to our Karma! Orangered up in this B-otch!> body |comment: 2013-3-24-192951-295-1> => |text: \n\n\n if only the Fed printed more money and gave everyone a basic income.\nLack of subreddits is really becoming a problem that only challenges and basic income can solve.\nThen we can all live in poverty and beg the government for more money... and reddit will be our VR!!\nIt's the Utopia I and many fellow crack addicts have longed for. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-24-83429-9665-21> => |text: Let's create a basic income, if econ's not about $> title |comment: 2013-3-23-135013-465-3> => |text: maybe if he had basic income> title |comment: 2013-3-23-135013-465-4> => |text: He's already on basic income aka welfare> body |comment: 2013-3-23-135013-465-4> => |text: \n\n\n He's just a greedy little fuck who wants more...\nNo surprise there.\nLike him though, his AI still doesn't work. It's probably too busy trying to convince people it needs a basic income. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-23-135013-465-10> => |text: With a basic income, maybe you wouldn't be a lush.> title |comment: 2013-3-23-135013-465-21> => |text: If you had basic income, you wouldn't be a crack> body |comment: 2013-3-21-192421-711-1> => |text: \n\n\n http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAD6Obi7Cag\nWhy couldn't Muddy Waters and the boys in his band have gotten money for free, a basic income? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-18-5391-96150-113> => |text: So start with a basic income of $20k, indexed.> title |comment: 2013-3-18-5391-96150-70> => |text: Straw man. Markets and basic income can coexist.> body |comment: 2013-3-18-5391-96150-132> => |text: \n\n\n interested in learning it, because it goes against you're RETARDED ECONOMIC IDEAS...\nSo STFU about economics then...\nEither LEARN THE SUBJECT, or just admit you have ZERO FUCKING CLUE about the subject...\nBasic Income, is not an idea you can prove with PHYSICS. It is purely psychological... delusional. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-18-5391-96150-139> => |text: Basic income is humane; economics is sociopathic.> body |comment: 2013-3-18-5391-96150-146> => |text: \n\n\n idea on its intentions rather than its outcomes...\nI don't doubt you think basic income is humane, but you can't judge it on its intentions, so far it appears that it would likely crash entire societies... so no. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-14-4165-15294-2> => |text: If only he had a basic income, then he'd be okay $> title |comment: 2013-3-14-4165-15294-9> => |text: i bet if i gave you a basic income you'ld do it!!> title |comment: 2013-3-14-4165-15294-21> => |text: They were all on basic income? $> body |comment: 2013-3-13-18636-9251-1> => |text: \n\n\n inb4 "basic income and de niro posters for all" --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-13-11240-5616-17> => |text: There're enough resources for a basic income.> body |comment: 2013-3-13-11240-5616-17> => |text: \n\n\n The new innovation created as a result of a guaranteed basic income, and challenges from both biz and govt, will create even more abundance of resources. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-13-11823-1846-3> => |text: Solution: basic income, and challenge yourself.> title |comment: 2013-3-13-11823-1846-10> => |text: Why you need a basic income to challenge urself?> title |comment: 2013-3-10-84047-7529-38> => |text: How about $20k basic income, not infinite $?> body |comment: 2013-3-10-72427-6873-7> => |text: \n\n\n act in a manner that is socially acceptable. Pretend to not be crazy. \nI mean, you don't have to pretend to be that not crazy if you have a modicum of technical skill... just don't be completely off the fucking handle. Wanting an AI girlfriend is well within the bounds of acceptable. hell, even thinking that we should have a basic income, and having a poor understanding of economics is. Now you can't talk about those things all the fucking time - and you have to get at least some of your work done... but yeah, I think his primary problem is that he thinks he can change the world, and that he should focus on changing the world, rather than getting a job. My assertion is that doing the former is hopeless with his skillset, while the latter, especially now, while standards are lowered, is within the realm of possibility. \nNote to all computer nerds who spent significant time unemployed between 2001 and now: A new bubble is on. When the business cycle is down? standards are high; that's why so many people had a hard time getting a fucking job. but the business cycle in this industry is up again. Standards are falling hard. Try again. \nYeah, you have to lick some boots. but if you are very good at all, technically, you don't have to lick very many boots, and you don't have to be very good at licking boots. You usually don't even need to pretend that you like licking boots. Compared to nearly everyone else? we, as computer people, are in an incredibly good position. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-3-9-124347-0357> => |text: Why don't those greedy communists give everybody a basic income? Then everybody could afford a bigger apartment!> body |comment: 2013-3-8-16554-18530-4> => |text: \n\n\n ... I think he'd probably say basic income and challenges would lead to innovations in synthetic robot girlfriends, so the prof wouldn't have had to go overseas. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-3-6-22158-10272-13> => |text: Govt can spend on basic income without consequence> body |comment: 2013-3-5-34130-66043-5> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income and challenges are the fastest way to get there. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-3-2-14360-40163-32> => |text: \n\n\n Imagine a person who shuns money and all forms of wealth... He wants a life of peace and quiet, unburdened by material goods... Anything anyone else considers to have material value, he wants to go without.\nTo an economist... This is an example of a RATIONAL* utility maximising agent...\nHow can that be? That goes against all your preconceptions that you think economists mean when they talk about value and utility, correct?\nFirstly, rational agent is really a very non-binding concept... If an agent is given three options and can choose one, say options A, B and C... If the agent values A over B, and B over C, the only requirement that means he is rational is if would also choose A over C... if he chooses C over A... then there are problems.\nOther than that... The guy is a rational utility maximising agent, it is simply that his utility is the negative of 'material value'... maximising the negative is the same as minimising the positive... He has a utility function, and we can determine it by observation...\nPlease, is it possible to argue against this in some way? Have you found an actual flaw at the base of economics that thousands of people have missed, or are you just not interested in actual thought or hard work about the problem of basic income that you wish to promote?\nYou're all talk and no action. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-3-1-155741-7175-19> => |text: \n\n\n Give each individual a choice of a basic income, or working for the market. Enough people will create enough new disruptive innovations, which can then be turned over to private companies so they can do what they do best, incrementally innovate.\nKnowledge and the advance of technology is what raises survival fitness the most, by better enabling us to predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change.\nMoney is a tool, a technology to help us increase knowledge. The market alone is not the most efficient way of discovering new knowledge. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-2-28-123725-205-6> => |text: \n\n\n no crack or basic income.\nthank the gods, something meaningful and worthy of contribution.\nalso I don't get this stripper but not stripper thing.\nI'm hoping Macau is different. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-2-22-20629-4220-28> => |text: \n\n\n The problem with biz is that it's too often short-sighted, and misses things in its zeal to maximize profit. That's where a govt-provided basic income can balance things out. Give ppl a choice whether they want to try to improve things in the market, or if they prefer on their own outside of the market, using ad hoc collaborations through the unprecedented communication tool that the internet provides. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-2-21-22504-4297-3> => |text: \n\n\n IS HOW YOUR BASIC INCOME IS PAID My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden. - hugin -\n\n\n> title |diary: 2013-2-20-18513-1344> => |text: Basic Income: I'm a believer> intro |diary: 2013-2-20-18513-1344> => |text: While Trane's arguments are utterly unconvincing, there have, in years gone by, been other proponents of some sort of basic income on this site. While it's far more honest to give everyone a basic income instead of the current transfer system (social security, unemployment, welfare, food stamps, etc), a snake can only eat it's tail for so long and there's a reason existing welfare programs are means tested or for specific goods (food, medical care).\n\nHowever, this article lays out a convincing case for a basic income.> title |comment: 2013-2-18-105257-755-17> => |text: give me a basic income> title |comment: 2013-2-16-172359-406-1> => |text: Solution: a basic income. Then challenge yourself.> body |comment: 2013-2-16-172359-406-4> => |text: \n\n\n favoured a kind of basic income? I thought the difference between you and trane was how you proposed to pay for said basic income. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-2-16-172359-406-14> => |text: \n\n\n and just have basic income checks for everyone, rich or poor. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2013-2-13-215452-541> => |economics> + |politics> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |debt jubilee> + |Fed pays off debt> + |debt is a distraction> + |money creation without automatic debt> + |basic income> + |challenges> title |comment: 2013-2-11-124214-399-3> => |text: Lindsay on a basic income: no need for suicide.> title |comment: 2013-2-11-10306-1639-3> => |text: basic income, challenges will create robots faster> body |comment: 2013-2-11-10306-1639-9> => |text: \n\n\n Is her welfare basic income check too small? \n--\nDictated but not read.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-2-3-173848-2239-2> => |text: \n\n\n All those thousands of people and tests and models are just peer pressure trying to make him conform!\n\nUnless they agrees with basic income, challenges, or massive inflation printing money, in which case it's proof that he's right. \n--\nDictated but not read. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-2-3-54730-17193-10> => |text: Give him a basic income so he doesnt have to steal> body |comment: 2013-2-3-54730-17193-12> => |text: \n\n\n I'm arguing at your understanding of the total effects of your theory... remember I asked you to consider the limits of increasing the basic income level to some arbitrary amount and what would happen?\nI've been telling you the money still has to come from somewhere... you're gonna have to get used to that... despite appearances, you really can't just print money and hand it out. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-2-3-21249-70472-11> => |text: Increase the pace with basic income and challenges> title |comment: 2013-2-1-12556-01100-6> => |text: give him a basic income instead of spending $47k> body |comment: 2013-1-30-18223-4890-15> => |text: \n\n\n about them... if you want to understand the implications of your own basic income theories and want people to take it seriously.\nLuckily, money isn't too difficult when you finally get down to what it is... I hope it gets covered in the econ courses... almost certainly in the macro-econ course, I hope. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-30-18223-4890-17> => |text: \n\n\n You want basic income, mostly, I think, because you don't have much money and this is the easiest way for you to think you could get it... convince everyone to change the way the government allocates money...\nBut, why do you want money? What is it that makes you want it? Would you give a shit if you had tons of gold at your disposal?\nYou have to look at the real benefits to the whole of society. Is open source or space exploration really suffering because people aren't getting money for nothing? Is this hindering the work on Asimo, Watson, or Google Brain? Will this encourage more nuclear power and avoid the global warming crisis? Will it induce inflation, if so, at what rate, and what are the effects of this?\nTrane would like more money is not a convincing argument to anyone. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-1-28-17485-6707> => |text: The "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" is interesting. It discounts the explanation he just gave in a nonverbal, emotional manner. It's a form of peer pressure, or pressure from someone in authority, that affirms the meme of scarcity thinking. (Note that the "unfortunately", which is the second word in the explanation, also discounts the explanation he's about to give.) \nFollowing the "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah", the professor continues to discount the third solution, using words this time:\n\nNow, two additional things about the nature of the solution to the utility maximization problem. First is that, for most utility functions that are used to model economic behavior, this case doesn't apply. And it doesn't apply because they tend to satisfy the crossing condition property or, or something that you know is a crossing condition, which is that B prime of infinity is equal to zero. In other words, this marginal benefit keeps going down, down, down to zero for X sufficiently large. So, in most examples that we're going to do and in most applications of this model in economic analysis, this case is not interesting and we're not going to basically look at it again.\n\n---\nBut isn't the third graph the one that applies to open source? Is my utility maximization of Wikipedia, for example, limited by a price? And why should the marginal benefit of using open source software, or reading Wikipedia articles, decrease? If I need another copy of Apache to do load balancing, or to run another web site, is that second copy necessarily less beneficial to me than the first? The model in the first two graphs doesn't apply to things that don't cost me; and a lot of my life is involved with such activities. Indeed the Coursera classes are one such activity...\nBut the professor is locked into a model that requires scarcity, so he will ignore anything that doesn't fit into that paradigm; even when he's actively engaged, while he's speaking, in providing a benefit to me without charging for it.\nInstead of acknowledging the importance of the third solution, he mocks it using "blah blah blah...". Because models with decreasing marginal benefit are easy to manipulate, they try to force all cases into that model. They see only what they know, and they've stopped challenging their assumptions.\nThe professor continues:\n\nThe other thing that I wanted to bring out which is extremely important is to highlight the economic intuition for the solution to the utility maximization problem. [...]\n\nHis intuition requires scarcity and prices. But most of my life doesn't fit his intuition. The scarcity I experience is artificial; the software I use is free.\nIt's as if he wants to force students to think in a certain way. He makes it taboo (by using "blah blah blah...") to think outside the assumptions of the scarcity model he's constructing. He wants to impose a memetic complex on the viewer. It's almost like a religion of which he's a high priest demanding human sacrifice to the great God Mammon.\n---\nEconomics eliminates from its models the type of activity conducted by Steve Wozniak at the Homebrew Computer Club. Woz gave away his designs. Then (according to Woz, in this slashdot story) Jobs proposed selling $20 boards for $40. Jobs's strategy is economically sound; Woz's is not. To Woz, the marginal benefit of sharing his knowledge increased without reference to a price. There was no price. He had a separate source of income, another job.\nI would like to run a simulation of what might have happened if Woz had prevailed. Create agents that represent Woz and the other like-minded hackers in the Homebrew club. Give them a basic income. Let them share designs without selling them. What innovations would the simulation come up with?\nThe problem with economic models is that the objective function is measured in terms of dollars; but what was Woz's objective function? It wasn't measured in terms of money. Until Jobs corrupted him ... but even then, he got out of Apple, and outlived Jobs ...> title |comment: 2013-1-26-21370-5277-2> => |text: basic income and challenges?> title |comment: 2013-1-26-113734-696-2> => |text: You should have asked about your Basic Income> body |comment: 2013-1-24-82611-1332-12> => |text: \n\n\n Up to the vertebrane chapter... I remember that from before...\nThe US system is exactly like where I think it will go, if nothing is changed... and the Aus system isn't realistic at all (even with tech advance)... I doubt it would work.\nPolitical problem aside, to solve the wealth concentration and unemployed terrafoam problem, as I have been saying everywhere else, you need to tax wealth and redistribute as basic income... you can remove a whole heap of other taxes, and also remove unemployment benefits and min wage.\nYou can make these changes now, and the tech transition would be painless. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-22> => |text: \n\n\n labour that creates significant value... it would.\nIf the government could use unskilled labour to create significant value... it would.\nGiven that it most certainly can't... we should at least let the unskilled and useless to survive at some minimum level beyond living on the streets and eating out bins.\nSo, we give them unemployment benefits... which we remove when people do get jobs... then we shift the burden of providing that minimal level to the employers through the minimum wage laws.\nWe should replace both of these with an 'idle wage', or a subsistence or basic income. You no longer need unemployment benefits or minimum wage. There is no discontinuity between not working and working... employers pay can pay the true wage value beyond subsistence. An employer can potentially employ more people for less.\nPeople who don't want to work, are never going to work. Some people will be happy to be idle, and exist on a a subsistence level, some will spend their lives surfing, while others will just smoke crack. \nThe majority will not be happy living on a subsistence wage, and will be willing to find work that is available and matches their skills and ability.\nA few though will attempt things they otherwise would not be able to do... program oss, or become their own entrepreneurs and start their own businesses. People will generally be able to take bigger risks, because the worst case scenario is no longer sleeping in a cardboard box and eating out of rubbish bins. This is where the value of idleness lays. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-24> => |text: \n\n\n I mean, I am not saying I support a basic income, but eh, a small enough basic income is certainly not the worst idea I've heard. (I mean, there are a lot of problems with it, but eh, I think it's better, for example, than going back to the gold standard, or using some other currency you can't control.) \nI do disagree about the former. First, right now? our government is half run by people that are trane-level crazy (in the other direction, of course) - They have not tried to get reasonable value out of the unskilled. (I'm not saying I know for sure they could... But certainly no WPA-level effort has been made during my lifetime, and that's what it'd take.) \nAnd the private sector? Right now? most entrepreneurial effort I see is poured into extracting money from other investors. ("Social" is the keyword here. If it's like the last bubble, then next we will see "social b2b" etc...) - Of course, in sectors where I don't work, well, I don't know. My guess, though, is that they are spending more effort on getting money out of investors than on creating value. \nI see hope for the private sector mostly 'cause it looks a hell of a lot easier to convince a rich guy to invest in something than to get the government to do anything at all. (on the other hand, I have scant experience in both, so who knows?) - If there was the same level of investment in finding something for the masses to do as there is in the current bubble ('social' which is to say 'destroying privacy to advance the state of the art in advertising') I bet they'd come up with something.\nI mean, I certainly don't know for sure that the government or the private sector can get value out of unskilled labour. I'm just saying that neither has seriously tried. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-33> => |text: \n\n\n intellectual property should be free, or nearly so, no? \nI'm not saying that idea is against capitalism. It's not. but it doesn't really work within the capitalist framework. Linux has decreased world GDP (as opposed to, say, what gdp would have been if microsoft played the same role.) while it has massively increased the value available to us all. \nI'm saying that capitalism doesn't provide a reasonable framework for accounting for the value of things that can be trivially copied. You either get the government trying to enforce a value, or you get the inventors (or the people paying the inventors) keeping parts of the things secret to make copying more difficult, or you find people giving those things away for social capital.\nI mean, the latter looks pretty good? but it's really only possible because of the former. Open source works because programmers make a shit-tonne of money as-is, but we only rake in that cash because other people are making money off our work by keeping it secret or using laws. \nI mean, sure, you say, basic income, then everyone can focus on that social capital. But I don't think it'd work out that way. First? what programmers get now is way more than a minimal 'basic income' - we do pretty okay. (and yeah, yeah, if all goes well, a century from now, the poorest of the poor will be able to live like the programmers of today. but at that point the programmers will expect more. I mean, we don't need to be the 1%, but we definitely need to be in the top 5 or 10%.) \nSo, uh, yeah, I don't think providing a 'basic income' would make all that much difference in that regard. \nI mean, really, don't many places in Europe have almost exactly what you are asking for with regards to basic income? I mean, eh, I'm not saying it's terrible or anything, and some parts have actively and greatly contributed to Linux (like, say, paid-for university) but it's not a great utopia. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-35> => |text: \n\n\n that works fine...\nI think maybe copyright for 'limited time' is being abused... I'm not against copyright, but 25 years or so should be enough to reap your profits and return to the public domain. 75 years, or approx single lifetime should be the absolute maximum.\nThe 'problem' with open source is that it is far more valuable than people get paid for it... It represents a positive externality of the work done by hackers... I suppose.\nIt is exactly as you say, it doesn't add to world GDP, but has increased world value. More of a problem with the measurement of GDP than anything else.\nCommercial software, yes, people make money off your labour... That has always been the way with capitalism. OSS is in competition with commercial software... it almost represents a minimum level of quality. Interestingly, if you aren't smart, you use windows... if you can afford smart, you get them to implement linux solutions.\nMy idea of basic income and wealth tax aren't intended to do away with capitalism at all... I want to make that point clear... A clever, programmer, with high demand skills is not going to see much change in relative terms.... When you are making 15 times minimum wage, now you are making 16 times... remember, lower (or no) income tax would make MUCH more difference... but when you gather a large amount of wealth... you'll eventually reach some sort of equilibrium.\nI am promoting it so that those at the very bottom, are just a tiny bit more reasonably better off... It is meant to encourage entry into work... but at the same time, accept that work isn't necessary to survive. An easy to administer lower safety net with as few holes as possible, and therefore encourage higher risk taking for higher reward, both to the individual and society as a whole.\nIn demand work, is always going to pay well. Smart entrepreneurial capitalism is always going to pay well.\nbtw... programmers will take whatever they can get if it stops being an in demand skill.\nI'm not aware of any european countries that implement basic income, no. Good unemployment benefits, and decent min wage, but not basic income. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-36> => |text: \n\n\n good unemployment benefits, a high minimum wage and decent welfare, as much of europe has, and a basic income? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-42> => |text: \n\n\n about is completely unaffected by min wage laws... cause u would pay above them for that anyway.\nI'm talking borderline work... work that is 'worth' less than min wage... and therefore the economic effect must be to decrease this type of work available.\nAnyway... either way, it seems we are more or less in agreement now that a basic income isn't such a bad idea... as long as it is relatively low.\nSo, on the order of unemployment benefits, rather than CEOs incomes... also... I don't really hear a disagreement regarding min wage either.\noh... I agree with u on the healthcare thing too..\nSo, only thing left is to convince you that taxes should be paid by the wealthy, rather than earners (earners through either through labor or capital investment). ie, wealth tax half of the equation. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-19-260-34457-45> => |text: \n\n\n firstly... yes, trane is right, but he's doesn't know what he's talking about... so says a lot of stupid stuff.\nInflation would be a problem past a certain point... replacing employment benefits and min wage would counteract that aspect somewhat... also taxing appropriately would reduce that again...\nI'm proposing max 2% annual net global wealth tax on individuals... and removing almost all other forms of tax, except for deliberate distortion taxes or taxes to pay negative externalities (alcohol tax, carbon tax, etc).\nNo exceptions for housing, luxury, savings or investment. The tax itself is the incentive to invest correctly... but if you want luxury, you're welcome to it... why not?\nFirst $500k excepted.... up to $2M at 1%, over that at 2%.\nThe wealth should be declared at the rate you would accept the sale of your entire wealth.\nYes... there would be a lot of problems, but I'd like to work them out further. Biggest problem is convincing the guys with all the power, guns, media, wealth etc, that they should bear the tax burden...\nSo... given all this... as an idea, I'd like to consider what would be optimal... then what flaws that has, and what needs to be worked around... and finally, what parts could be implemented and how.\nAs for your personal business... I have no idea what its value is, or how you value.\nIf someone offered you $1M, would you take it? I mean, with $1M in cash you could rebuild a competitor very quickly right? On $1M, first 500k free... you'd be paying only 5k in taxes a year! Less than you'd get from the basic income... you personally would probably be far better off.\nLet's start with this... cause you bring up a lot of points... I'd rather work in small chunks till we have a better idea... then I might write a diary one day. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-1-17-23246-4223> => |text: Gingrich took part in the symposium. He talked about MOOCs. He sees them, as I do, as a means to lower the costs of education; but he doesn't yet see the value of a basic income, despite agreeing that challenges are a good way to spur innovation.\nSachs was great, dispelling conservative myths about the failure of Kennedy-Johnson policies to lessen poverty.\nWhen Newt calls Obama the Food Stamp President, that's not a bad thing. Jobs are not the goal; we can produce more with fewer workers in this age of technological productivity increases. The goal should be how to advance knowledge and the pace of technological innovation. A guaranteed basic income, and challenges, are the best way, I believe.> body |comment: 2013-1-16-11261-4976-13> => |text: \n\n\n the robots are everywhere. Yeah, we don't have AI, but fuck, we barely know what AI is - But the robots are everywhere. They're replacing commandos right now, in the sandier parts of the world, and as far as I hear, doing a pretty good job (I mean, compared to the commandos. The mission isn't doing us any good, but that's the fault of the politicians, not the commandos or the robots replacing them.) They've been replacing manufacturing workers for a long time now. \nRobots are why the unemployment rate for the unattractive and untrained is so ridiculously high. \nI'm surprised you missed this, really, as it's by far the strongest argument, by far, in favour of a basic income. I mean, the way that chestnut goes, the idea is that robots will eventually automate away everything. I mean, Personally? I disagree. But the robots are making damn fine progress; it's certainly a fine argument based on a good solid trend. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-1-10-15329-0110-4> => |text: Basic income, challenges. > body |comment: 2013-1-9-211530-3246-16> => |text: \n\n\n together.\nIts all round crazy.\nI think we're being scammed.\nLet them all play their games... imho, to solve everything:\n - Nuclear energy everywhere, now.\n - Zero CO production, now.\n - Green tech if you like, as much as possible, but fucking accept nuclear already over co2.\n - Reduce Military Spending\n - End the war on drugs\n - Govt run in surplus\n - With its own money (politically separate?? difficult question).\n - Return to Freedom over Security Bullshit\n - Global (as possible) Wealth Taxes\n - Basic Income \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-1-9-211530-3246-17> => |text: Basic income? You left out challenges.> body |comment: 2013-1-9-211530-3246-19> => |text: \n\n\n ?\nTrane is a type two troll... someone with unreasonable assertions leading to reasonable conclusions... type one is the reverse.\nOn a purely national level, wealth taxes on your citizens global wealth... 99% wouldn't qualify...\nYou pay government services, etc with that, and pay the rest out as basic income... basically split that wealth between the government and the citizen... that's where the government generates its wealth and backing of its currency.\nYou payout to everyone the remainder. Remove unemployment and minimum wage. So, it has to be less than or equal to the worst of these two... Also remove income and capital gains taxes, they slow down labour and investment.\nThis does not solve the food being dumped into the ocean whilst people starve problem... or people gettings $2/day to work in copper mines in africa...\nIn that case... if you really wanted to fix a lot of problems, you have to the top 1% of the globally wealthy (of, lets say, involved countries)... and actually pay people a minimum basic income globally.\nIf you think globally, a lot of people who don't consider themselves rich would start to qualify.\nYou would have fat africans very quickly...\nWho can manage all this on a global scale?\nI admit, the second part is rather out there. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-9-211530-3246-20> => |text: \n\n\n Re: "minimum basic income globally". That would require the most massive redistribution effort ever. I have trouble even beginning to enumerate all the negative consequences of such a dystopia. Even Orwell allowed for three world powers. A global system of taxation you suggest would lead to one overarching world government. Thankfully, the people who could implement such a monstrosity are also the people who would be most hurt by it, so despite what the tinfoil-hatters fear, it won't happen any time soon. --\nCaesars come, and Caesars go, but Newton lives forever\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-9-52314-54169-25> => |text: \n\n\n no idea what you are always going on about then. RED ALERT RED ALERT Everything is the same as it ever was! \nI'm just going to put your rants down in the same category as trane and his Basic Income Deficits Don't Matter. I apologize for wasting your time. A place to Dump kuro5hit. We're talking about you behind your back right now.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-8-205743-6019-4> => |text: \n\n\n Money As Debt.\nThis one at least is a little more honest about the fractional reserve system and how it works (hint: in aggregate, the loans taken out to buy houses and stuff, have to be deposited back into the banks).\nStill, the problems pointed out in both are real.\nReplacing both income and capital gains tax with a wealth tax, and providing a basic income instead of unemployment welfare and minimum wage might go some way to mitigating some of these.\nNow, we can come up with lots of nice economic theories that would be a lot better, but how useful is all of that, when those in control can just assassinate anyone who would change things.\nextended offtopic hicks. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |diary: 2013-1-7-123915-0512> => |text: Chavs - England's answer to Black Ghetto Culture:\nTakin E's With Bob MarleysAint Got No MoneyDonny SoldierCrystal MeffinCosmic LazerTrain To DevvoVilleBoys on The Beach\n\nFor McNugent, how to flip coins and make money, for Trane, why basic income won't work:\nDevvo As Owt\nIf any of you out there have difficulty with the unique British lexicon, please let me know and I'll help you out.> title |comment: 2013-1-6-215718-2706-4> => |text: Basic income. Reagan proved deficits don't matter.> tags |diary: 2013-1-6-175311-8124> => |Fallows> + |The Atlantic> + |debt is a distraction> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |economics is not the central problem of mankind> + |knowledge is> + |basic income> + |challenges> body |diary: 2013-1-6-175311-8124> => |text: ATLANTIC: [sic] And you would think that if the world's concern about the U.S. was what we had mainly heard over the last couple of years, which is that we're becoming too indebted, that we're not going to be able to meet our federal obligations, that we're becoming another Greece, the reaction would have been the reverse because the effect of this fiscal cliff deal was actually to make the federal deficit larger than it would've been if there was no agreement.\n\n(Note: the transcript incorrectly attributes the first paragraph quoted above, starting with "We saw that in the immediate aftermath...", to the Host; the audio version of the story makes clear that James Fallows spoke the words.)\n---\nFrom another article in The Atlantic, by Derek Thompson:\n\nThe best solution would be to abolish the debt ceiling forever. The second best idea comes from Tim Geithner, who proposed a cure for this madness in his opening fiscal cliff offer. First, he said, give the president the power to raise the debt ceiling. Second, give a two-thirds majority in Congress the power to override the president's decision.\n"This almost completely prevents a debt ceiling crisis ever again, while keeping the ceremonial aspect that people like," Joe Weisenthal writes. "There would still be votes, but they'll mainly serve as a way to let politicians play politics, without putting anything at risk."\nExactly right. Lawmakers love talking restraints and responsibilities and prudence. But the debt ceiling doesn't make Congress look like a mast-bound Ulysses. It makes them look like fools. The debt ceiling is bad Washington theater. Let's make a law that treats it as nothing more.\n\n---\nThe debt is a distraction. The argument that "we can't afford entitlement spending" is specious because it relies on an assumption of feudal economics: you can't spend more than you take in. This assumption was violated when banks realized they could create money. Lincoln also invalidated the assumption when he printed over $400 million greenbacks.\nIt is now up to us, the people, to demand that government use the technology of money creation to empower us as individuals, instead of enriching banks and institutions.\nIn this new age of unprecedented communication possibilities, individuals can disruptively innovate on their own or through ad hoc collaborations over the internet. Business is better at incremental innovation; it would rather be in control of mediocre people than out of control with talented people. A basic income can give each individual a choice, whether they would rather work at a company or on their own.\nChallenges from private companies (Google bug bounties, Netflix Prize, kaggle.com) and government (DARPA challenges, challenge.gov) can stimulate the creative instinct that most of us are born with.> body |diary: 2013-1-5-84655-40790> => |text: One answer might be: if the govt paid for long-term care, the price would rise because companies would exploit the government's good will for the personal profit of the businessmen administering the company, who themselves do none of the actual care. So inflation would result due to the greed of businessmen who raise prices just because they can.\nSolution: provide individuals with a basic income, and let those seeking long-term caregivers contact individuals directly. The internet provides unprecedented communication possibilities that obviate the need for hierarchical structures of organizations with layers of middle-management and salespeople. Instead, individuals can advertise by word-of-mouth. The potential for individuals to contact other individuals directly without the need for the intermediary of a business is a great promise of the modern communication age.\nProviding for the health and quality of life of citizens is the duty of government. Economics should not be used to block progress towards the goal of the General Welfare. Money is a tool we invented to serve us, not the other way around. \n---\nIn Paul Simon's Graceland Journey, Paul Simon expressed a similar thought. I can't find the transcript or the show online; from memory, Simon said something about how politicians and rulers establish methods of creating unfairness, and economists tell us it has to be that way. But musicians, way down the line of power, don't believe them...> body |comment: 2013-1-5-84655-40790-2> => |text: \n\n\n Biz and govt hold challenges encouraging companies and/or individuals (who might be on a basic income) to develop disruptive robotic technology.\nCoursera provides a class to get us started: https://www.coursera.org/#course/conrob ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-1-5-84655-40790-6> => |text: Maybe if Paul Simon was given a Basic Income> body |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-5> => |text: \n\n\n If I understand greengrass well and if he bothered to understand what I've been saying for a while now.\nGreengrass: listen to this... we take a small amount of wealth away from the wealthiest in the form of a wealth tax, and redistribute this wealth in the form of a basic income for everyone (after paying off government debt and paying for government services), and run the economy on the power of TORRENT UP ECONOMICS!\nDoes that sound to you like the economic policies of keeping the wealthy wealthy and the poor as slaves that you described? \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-8> => |text: \n\n\n I am not a "basic income" guy nor do I think taxation is the vehicle to redistribute wealth.\nI believe in ownership. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-15> => |text: I'm a radical against basic incomes> body |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-15> => |text: \n\n\n Ghandi made the point that he didn't believe in a free lunch. Basic income yes, but you had to work for it and he also believed that physical labor was necessary and intrinsic to the idea.\nObviously there are other takes on a basic income but in a world of shitty people who would take a basic income and produce nothing of value to the rest of society, physical labor provides the easiest to verify and most concrete means of ensuring that every member of society is at least pulling some weight. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-19> => |text: \n\n\n ain't nothing wrong with that, especially if it provides access to education, food, shelter and healthcare\nhis point with which I agree is that if we accept the premise that some people are just lazy and wouldn't contribute back to society in any way unless coerced, then making physical labor a basic requirement of a basic income providing society is the easiest way to vet their contribution back to society in a way that is equitable to both society as a whole and the individual.\nthat should not be once sentence probably \n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-224148-1170-31> => |text: \n\n\n I don't think we're over capitalism yet.\nAlso, when the AI bots come, I still think some form of capitalistic type accounting is a good idea to ensure the 'correct' allocation of resources (externalities aside).\nI mean, if we can build the AI bots, so that they really do 'love' us and do what they can to make us 'happy' then great... As long as we don't end up in a Paranoia type situation.\nInterestingly enough, by changing the parameters on the wealth tax and basic income, I think you can move from pure capitalism, to pure socialism. (Allowing total inequality, to forcing total equality, plus or minus some transient deltas). \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-103257-2290-43> => |text: \n\n\n the economy occurs with or without its scientific study. So economics doesn't/can't be replaced by anything but the economy doesn't depend on it. The question is can the economy be improved through its study. I think it's undeniable that it can be.. but it can also be harmful to the economy. The road to hell is paved in good intentions and all that...\nAgain FA Hayek argues, here's the direct quote, \n"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."\nHe wasn't being amusing or whimsical here. He was advocating for design by the many, not by the few (i.e. our economic policy should be minimal and conservative to accommodate this). The macro economy is an emergent phenomena, right? So how much authority can be applied to it? emergent phenomena are bottom up, not top down. Authority is top down, so authoritarian economic policies actually fight against the very essence of economy rather than steer it towards greatness. \nTrane is an idiot. He wants a central plan not an organic emergent economy. The problem is that everything we know about centralized economic policy flies in the face of his theories. His theory is that the best investment society can make is in giving willing people a basic income so that they can be free to create while not under duress to survive. If you look at bizarre edge cases like J.K. Rowling, who wrote harry potter on welfare, he might have a point. But of course few people are self motivated enough for this to actually work, and we need wage slaves to do menial tasks otherwise nobody would have any time for creativity because their time will be wasted growing their own food. \n---\nPlease help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-103257-2290-44> => |text: \n\n\n Correct, the economy occurs, economics is the study of it. We can improve the economy through study - invent money so we don't have to barter. We agree here. Yes, communism might be an example of an economic theory that didn't pan out so well... but maybe that's other factors.\nAlright, emergent phenomena arise out of the rules in an unpredictable manner from an underlying system. It does not imply that the emergent rules are themselves decentralised or distributed though.\nFor example, throughout history we find that wealth and power tend to concentrate into the hands of the few. Tribal Leaders, Kings, Presidents. This is true even in the attempts of hippy communes where everyone is supposedly equal and has equal say. These communes invariable devolve into power struggles, with winners and losers, leaders and followers. This seems to be a natural law of human societies.\nWe find this in governments, we find it in the business world, the top 100 deeply interconnected companies, we find it in nodes of the internet and the power of the network effect.\nMoney itself is an example of a centralised, authoritarian system, which facilitates decentralised trade.\nWho can make laws except for an authoritarian centralised government? Should you and I both make our own laws and see how that works out?\nIf one thing it seems you might be arguing is that the populace itself needs a better understanding of economics in general, so that it can elect smarter governments through the power of democracy. We can't all be implementing our own economic systems.\nFinally, its fairly well accepted (there will always be debate) that some things are simply better provided by the government, roads, firefighters, police and military.\nThe only non-centralised, non-government currency I know of is BitCoin... and its early days to be making too many conclusions about that yet.\nI agree with a lot of what you are saying, we do need wage slaves, janitors and street sweepers... I don't agree with Trane as to why a basic income is a good idea, however I still think it is a good idea. I think it should replace standard unemployment benefits. It mustn't be so great as to completely remove the incentive to work, but it can replace the minimum wage, and allow employers to pay what is required - in addition to a basic income - in order to motivate people to do this type of work.\nAlso, because of the wealth concentration I mentioned above, and the clear fact that money flows up much faster than it trickles down, a wealth tax and a basic income is far more optimal in both motivating those with wealth to make the best of it, which will be what 'the people' will want to spend their basic income on, and enabling people to make better choices as to what work they do take, because they have greater job mobility, and also, by not removing their unemployment benefits, you remove the disincentive for the unemployed to return to work. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-103257-2290-45> => |text: \n\n\n I fail to see how/why bitcoin is any different than a black market gold standard or other hard currency other than the ease of use - which makes it little different than legal hard currencies that have been used in the past.\nIf people are given no strings attached subsistence the price of menial labor would skyrocket and thus the cost of living would skyrocket and thus the subsistence payments would need to go up, etc etc etc. The only reason comfort comes cheap to us is because of cheap labor. I don't see how it's technically possible to afford basic income payments to anybody who'll accept it. The only way it makes sense is employment development programs like "unemployment benefits."\nThere're two sides to the wealth coin, the way I see it. There is the meritocracy and then plutocracy. I think we need to separate the two ideas if we want to fix the problems with capitalism.\nI think it's immoral to tax income at higher rates on the wealthy. Taxes on earned income are enslavement to the collective. There's no reason why somebody who earns more ought to be more or less enslaved to the collective than anybody else. If the market is allowed to work outside of manipulation, then the reason for self-made wealth is because you've ALREADY provided a tremendous amount of value to the collective. If, say, Elon Musk is a billionaire it's because he's done a billionaire's amount of good in the world, and to say he owes us even more is immoral. The power his wealth brings him is a good thing because he's already proven himself of merit.\nHowever, unjust plutocracies form mostly out of "old money" rather than "new money.." as well as the cheap cost of public trust (big gov in bed with big biz).\nI have a suspicion that taxing the hell out of the estates of dead people would destroy unjust plutocracy and promote meritocracy... But that's a theory that could very well be a road to hell. Also one that needs a lot of work. \n---\nPlease help fund a Filipino Horror Movie. It's been in limbo since 2007 due to lack of funding. Please donate today!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-103257-2290-46> => |text: \n\n\n When you said taxes on earned income... I assume you are talking about taxes on income after its been taxed as income, right? Cause, you don't really believe we can run an economy with zero taxes, do you?\nI assume you still think its a good idea to tax those who earn more more than those who earn less, right?\nWhen I was making around 70k/year I was paying nearly 25% income tax, by the time I was making 150k/year I was paying less than 12%, and by the time I was making over 300k/year I was paying around 3 to 4% taxes.\nWith greater wealth comes access to better accountants.\nLet me give you an example of a loophole a colleague of mine used... His wages went to a third party umbrella type company. That company didn't pay him a cent, instead he was given a zero percent loan in a rapidly devaluing currency, which he immediately converted to the local currency. When his next pay cheque came round, it was trivial to cover the entirety of the original loan and start the process again.\nMy accountants used far less risky methods, and as far as I am aware, they were all completely legal (probably loopholes intended for the extremely wealthy).\nToday, the majority of my income is entirely tax free, with the rest falling below the tax free threshold. This is not illegal, and I assume it is encouraged by the government for some reason or another. My economic activity definitely generates taxes for the government, but none of that burden falls upon me.\nI find this situation mind-bogglingly stupid, even though I benefit greatly from it.\nNow, ignoring the truth in the regression of income taxes, the main problem with income taxes is that they actually retard income (all taxes slow down the economic activity being taxed).\nSecondly, income is not wealth. Its the gain in wealth. Income is not the measure of a person's ability to pay, wealth however is.\nNow, I'm not advocating taking away anybodies wealth. I'm talking a small percentage every year, maybe 1% or 2%. The justification for this, is not that they are freeloading or didn't earn their wealth, for sure, I'm a strong believer in capitalism. Rather, the reality is that that wealth is protected by the government. It exists purely because of a social contract between the rich and the poor that the poor won't simply take the wealth off the rich. This costs in terms of police and courts systems (for example), which they derive a larger benefit than the average person from. They also derive a larger benefit from society in terms of simply owning the means of production, land and other items that could be put to use by society. They also derive a larger benefit from public infrastructure than the average person, such as deriving benefit from the roads their employees use to go to the jobs that the wealthy person makes a profit from.\nA wealth tax solves these and the old money problem. It also avoids some of the discontinuities that death taxes produce, and finally it forces the actual owners of the wealth to consider how to use their wealth most productively whilst they are alive. Ie, the society derives a continuous benefit from the existence of the productive use of wealth, rather than a one off benefit by appropriating a large portion of the wealth directly.\nFinally, it allows those with moderate incomes to work their way quicker into becoming the moderately wealthy. They start paying their tax only after they have a modicum of wealth.\nWealth taxes force the wealthy to make productive use of their wealth. You can't just have fancy mansions, cars and yachts, you have to be using at least some of your wealth productively, if you wish to maintain it. Some economists (Dan Altman and some old libertarians) believe this is the optimal taxation system.\nNow, you are correct on the basic income point. Adding a basic income, does have some costs. However, it is intended to be relatively small, about equal to current unemployment benefits. Not a comfortable wage where everyone would be happy to kick back and watch TV... at least while we still live in an economy that requires menial labour, that should be the case.\nHowever, you are also missing the other side of this equation... minimum wage. All distortions effect the market, and many jobs are covered by minimum wage. People basically do get a basic wage right now, in the form of unemployment benefits and minimum wage. The problem is twofold. Firstly, employers would employ more people if they didn't have to pay the minimum wage for jobs where people would willingly take a lower wage. I could hire 5 cleaners instead of 1 for example, if I could find those who were willing to work. Secondly, by removing the unemployment benefits of those who do try to work, you discourage them from working altogether. Maybe they work for one week, because they are forced too, or lose their benefits, but anyone can do a crap enough job to get fired and get back on benefits again. This serves nobody.\nOverall, the point is that the wealth of a nation should be used to provide benefits for the people of a nation. We can allow some people to be extremely wealthy, as long as they are using that wealth (not all of it, of course) to provide benefit to the people. The people can best provide the required price signals to the wealthy by everyone at least having a small income through which to express their economic desires (which they do anyway, its just done through welfare and minimum wage, which are inefficient in comparison).\nGood point about the gold... I should have thought about that... yes... definitely... still, very few people pay in gold.\n\n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-3-103257-2290-49> => |text: \n\n\n Cause one thing we def seem to agree on is that taxes on income earned from labour are wrong. Cause I actually think we remove income taxes completely after we've phased in a wealth tax.\nGenerally inflation is a benefit to borrowers and those who hold physical items, and is a tax on lenders and those who hold cash. This is not too bad, as long as the inflation isn't too great.\nWe could even remove capital gains tax. I mean, you worked (presumably, or your ancestors did) to get you money so that you could invest it. Capital gains tax discourages investment. Whereas wealth tax encourages investment instead.\nI always thought sales taxes were regressive too... A poor person must spend a greater portion of their income on taxed goods than a wealthy person who can invest their money in non-sales-taxed investments.\nNow, I think healthcare, education, fire, police, emergency, some infrastructure and a handful of other services should be provided directly by the government. Maybe even homeless shelters, with some soup kitchens too... Maybe...\nYou like wealth taxes in the form of land... we could expand that to simply all privately owned wealth.\nInflation and capital gains isn't wealth tax, not until you sell the item.\nLike I said, welfare + minimum wage pretty much ARE a basic income, just they are difficult to administer, often exclude the wrong people (mentally ill who can't get a job, but the welfare is cut off, because they aren't obviously, clinically insane or refuse to sign that they are), and the burden falls on the wrong people (employers who want to hire people at a lower rate, when employees would otherwise work at a lower rate, if they didn't lose their welfare benefits as well).\nI don't think we have the right to chose how people spend their money though, if they rather drugs, gambling and whores than food and housing... its a terrible choice, but they should be free to make that right? Esp, if we had homeless shelters with soup kitchens.\nI really do think a wealth tax simplifies so much of the tax system, and a basic income simplifies so much of the welfare system, and increases both employees and employers options, that they really are the right solution to many of these problems. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2013-1-1-03714-06903-6> => |text: \n\n\n is because they understand reality.\nEconomic realities cannot be wished away.\nWhat you really need is a global wealth tax avoided on pain of death and basic income for everyone. Lets see them pay africans $2 a day to work in a copper mine when they're each getting $16k/year paid for by the worlds most wealthy for simply existing.\nSee if anyone is interested in destroying food when there are people with money to pay for it. African's will be fat on McDonalds in no time. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-27-9540-8709-2> => |text: \n\n\n Wealth tax and basic income. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-27-9540-8709-23> => |text: \n\n\n next half century.\nMore than capable enough to replace the kind of half assed 'engineer' you find at the standard help desk.\nIt might be a bit longer to replace someone like me, but that's not the point.\nI think we need to structure the economy around the original technological promise of a leisure society.\nAlso, this kind of technology is going to be owned by only a select few... wealth begets wealth.\nThe only solution to these problems are wealth taxes and basic income. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-27-9540-8709-52> => |text: \n\n\n Fundamentally, I agree with capitalism. That the rewards should go to those who best serve society, approximated by the market.\nWealth inequality isn't a problem in of itself, if the lowest are relatively wealthy then that should be fine. Unfortunately, wealth inequality is normally associated with poverty, and I see things either already there or heading in that direction.\nThe other problem, which you mentioned, is the distortion in the market where the wealthy get the jobs that would have otherwise gone to those with the skills and talent. This represents an inefficiency, and should be attenuated over time. This is related to the class mobility you talked about.\nThe purpose of a basic income, imo, is to remove both the stigma associated with unemployment, and to remove the disincentive to return to work. Also to promote part time work over no work. It should be enough to enable people to live, but not so much that you would have access to the same levels of luxury that someone who works does. As work disappears to the machines of course, the basic level could increase over time.\nYeah, your right about it being harder to get the first mil than the second... We shouldn't tax people who haven't yet made it as much as those who have... this is another argument in favour of wealth taxes over income taxes.\nYou are also right that the current tax system appears to place the tax burden on the upper middle classes rather than the true elite. Again, I see this is an argument in favour of wealth taxes. Wealth represents the ownership of the means of production. Those who own those means, and benefit the most from society (ownership is a social contract, not a natural right -- as we see any time it tips too far and revolution rolls around) - that that benefit is the basis for the justification of a wealth tax. It ensures wealth is used for the productive benefit of society.\nFinally... on the matter of valuation of your company... yes, its something I also am thinking about... I cannot tell you the nature of my income, other than to say its a piece of software that generates income with very little work on my behalf (a few hours a month and I get by)... I'm not entirely sure how to value it either...\nBUT... to a first order approximation, it would be foolish to assume that there isn't a price at which you wouldn't sell it at... this has to be an upper limit.\nSecondly, millions of people do evaluate companies every single day, and is supposed to be the fundamental basis for the operation of the stock market, for example. Just because its beyond the likes of us, doesn't mean it's a fundamentally difficult problem.\nActually, this is something I would like to discuss further, as in, implementation details exactly like this. If we assume a wealth tax (not if it's a good idea or not, we can come back to that), how exactly should it be done. I'm not infinitely smart or anything stupid like that, I want to hear your ideas, throw some around, have them knocked down, and try to find some systems that would work. So yeah, I'd like to know what other people think, assuming the underlying premise is reasonable prima facie.\nOne idea, that many people would probably hate, is an ancient one. Value it yourself at a rate you would be willing to sell it all for. Anyone can buy it off you at that rate. So a permanently on-the-market type situation. This would also allow a fairer basis for things like eminent domain. I know it has some flaws, but I'd like to discuss it further. Especially with someone like you, who seems far more reasonable than may others here. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-12-25-171647-05-16> => |text: Let's start with a basic income of $20K per year.> title |comment: 2012-12-25-171647-05-44> => |text: basic income is here. Where are the flying cars?> body |comment: 2012-12-23-203115-65-5> => |text: \n\n\n As machines or capital, replace human labour, there will be a less and less need to employ people to do work that the machines are now capable of doing. We should be aiming for a leisure economy, where the machines do the hard work (even the thinking), and people spend their time pursuing whichever endeavors they see fit.\nUnfortunately, the nature of capitalism is that the machines will be owned by a select few individuals, whilst the majority will end up having nothing of value. This is because wealth tends to beget wealth, so it concentrates more and more to those who have it, and less and less from those who do not.\nThis isn't an argument to throw away capitalism or money however, as we should reward those who provide the goods and services most desired by the most number of people (or those who can most afford it). However, we must overcome this wealth concentration while enabling the common person to make the most of what society has to offer. \nBy recognising that private ownership has a negative externality in terms of opportunity cost to society (we need to protect it with police forces, manage it via government and also society loses the direct benefit of whatever it is that is privately owned and could have been put to better use), we have a rational basis for taxing private property.\nBy implementing a WEALTH TAX, we can reclaim wealth from the top of society, and with a basic income, we can redistribute that wealth back to the bottom of society.\nWealth flows upwards at a much faster rate than it trickles down. This means that the wealthy will very quickly recoup the loss from these taxes, AS LONG AS they are making efficient use of their wealth, in an economic sense - which is what we want them to do, as it has the greatest benefit to society as a whole. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-23-121752-03-1> => |text: \n\n\n if only she had been given a basic income and challenges.\nNow we just have another masturbating crackhead.\nThankYOU IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKERS! \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015 \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-12-23-7343-6389> => |trane> + |free money> + |scarcity> + |basic income> + |voluntary taxes> + |wealth tax> body |comment: 2012-12-23-7343-6389-23> => |text: \n\n\n In the UK, they take away your benefits, which include both money for food and normally your rent as well, when you start working.\nThis means, you can end up working a 40 hour job, for less than 50p per hour in relative increase in your income.\nThis is regressive, and leads to multiple generations never working. It literally makes sense NOT to work.\nSo, it definitely makes sense to pay a basic income as opposed to welfare... but the way trane approaches the problem is nothing short of completely fucking crazy. He has no idea what money is, or what happens when you give lots of it to everyone. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-12-20-234026-49> => |politics> + |economics> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |debt is not crippling> + |debt is a distraction> + |innovation is the key> + |basic income> + |challenges increase innovation> + |rebel against the idea of a fiscal cliff> title |comment: 2012-12-20-234026-49-8> => |text: WEALTH TAX and basic income $> title |comment: 2012-12-20-101114-64-18> => |text: basic income: work on disruptive tech w/o stealing> title |comment: 2012-12-19-14026-410-27> => |text: Ppl on a basic income could build it.> body |comment: 2012-12-19-131924-09-3> => |text: \n\n\n Since deficits don't matter you could borrow $5000 and send it in. Hell $50K. I bet you'd get a response then. Think of it as giving rusty a Basic Income.\nYou just propagate the poisonous meme of the artificial scarcity of money! A place to Dump kuro5hit. We're talking about you behind your back right now.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-12-19-102150-13-5> => |text: iran needs basic income, challenges.> body |comment: 2012-12-18-104410-53-27> => |text: \n\n\n due to basic income and challenges. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-12-18-61742-917-44> => |text: Basic income and challenges funded with created $.> body |comment: 2012-12-17-1649-9844-4> => |text: \n\n\n things DESPITE reality.\nYou believe that there is no such thing as scarcity, and complain you don't have any of it.\nIts a direct contradiction.\nAnd because of this failure to understand that the underlying substrate of the universe is scarcity, you are unable to convincingly argue for the thing you want - basic income.\nIn fact, by only considering the MONEY side of the equation - you totally fail to see that you could have all the money you could possibly carry in your wheelbarrows and still starve to death. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-17-1649-9844-16> => |text: \n\n\n is that the second you comprehend the very very basics of economics, scarcity, wealth, opportunity cost, supply and demand...\nI can explain to you the right way to implement a basic income so that you don't end up with a pile of worthless fucking bits of paper in your wheelbarrow attempting to purchase 1 million dollar loaves of bread.\nAs technology replaces the need for workers wealth concentrates into the hands of a select few. When the AI robots finally arrive that can produce near infinite (but still scarce godfuckshitdammituignorantasshole) goods you will be left with nothing, no matter how much 'money' you have...\nI need you to get that through your thick skull, that this is not a matter of meanness, just how humans react to the problem of scarcity, so you can understand the real problems here,in order that you can then spread the idea to others and maybe we won't all starve to death.\nI'm on your side, but you're being ignorant, so much so that it hurts. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-17-16044-338-14> => |text: \n\n\n Remember when I told you about bias and variance and you ranted at me about how it didn't matter and I was 'too focused on the maths' and you just wanted 'robots to talk with'?\nThis is the situation I'm facing again with you right now, on the topic of economics.\nIf I'm lucky, you'll come round, and you'll see the flaws in your basic income theory - and we tweak it to make it work.\nI'm not so optimistic this time. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-12-16-175457-51-6> => |text: vote for a basic income, and take moocs.> body |diary: 2012-12-13-74450-849> => |text: At Del's request I fixed the date/time bug.\nTweaked my code to produce 5 and 6 grams (previously only created 1,2,3 and 4 grams) (using a-z or ' as the word boundary).\nThen another version that kept all uppercase and punctuation intact (another Del request). (using " " or tab as the word boundary).\nAnd now I can do this:\n$ ./freq-next-gen-stitch-2.sh Zombie_Jesus_Christ.p5 200 Michael\nMichael Crawford from Armijo High and UCSC, which I actually did turn it off as being inspired by delusion. For him to have worn their younger sisters clothes or makeup or anything, but she was a kid, yet my mother hounded her mercilessly over my mothers delusional belief that my first overlong submission ... main use for my PRQ server? Eventually they're going to announced is that they used conways life for most of them: they only get VNC to work. I even did that with my mood or my essays more compelling. That is best done before I hired on at Apple had such a bad experience with her husband that she never told me that would enable to get their by having to convince her to right - that is, if you catch my drift. You sorry lot claim that it is cited as a But my comment got eaten by a University astronomy department but by an apple vice president in the late sixties and the Pauli exclusion principle. It is not to be used for the beans. Man I gotta be, so I wouldn't have a problem with Egypt being a United States Green Card is the equivalent in their own graphic editors. I don't doubt that the salespeople who speak directly to Dan Gasperino, as that might put him into a binary format for installation on eBook reading devices. Unless someone can produce higher quality work, as well as Investigator Hammond in the D.A.'s officer are clearly on my side. He and More or less, I think it was set up your virtual machine for compiled elisp, just like the opportunity I once blew over three hundred bucks a day, why i I first noticed it in a certain specific way. In the end of that I myself was a new case manager agreed to forward and repost my mail wherever she goes, but at least for now I'm going to buy her a dollar, she came and sat in my lap, sometimes\nThe "freq" bit means it takes into account the frequencies of each ngram. The .p5 means punctuation version of 5 grams. And I still only use a 2 word overlap. I haven't got around to a 3 word overlap.\nHere is what it does to Led Zepplin's Stairway to Heaven lyrics:\n$ ./next-gen-stitch-2.sh stairway.p5 50 There's\nThere's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the forests will echo with laughter. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, It's just a spring clean for the May queen. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on. And it makes me wonder, Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder. There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the forests will echo with laughter. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, It's just a spring clean for the May\nAnd donnalee:\n./next-gen-stitch-2.sh donnalee.p5 100 basic income\nbasic income and stimulate innovation (biz can fund innvotion like during the 1990s, govt can balance its budg But this time the bankers are keeping money artificially scarce, we the ppl get to use the fractional reserve system; why shouldn't our elected reps make use of that unused surplus capacity, as long as I could! Another dream I just woke up from: I was in India, at a school of some sort, and brushing my teeth in front of a mirror. An Indian girl, very pretty, came into the bathroom which was communal, and starting taking a bath. I continued brushing, concentrating on my teeth. but I was arguing against your new argument instead of the one numof the numbers and the other hand: TANSTAAFL seems similar to the economic throttling of the advance of knowledge, because that is the least disruptive time of day > First I input some of the information on the page, staying as close to natural language (and has researched its Cybernetics roots), whereas I have reset the game state.\nAnd, as I mentioned in the post I linked above, if the data source is small enough, or your ngrams are long enough, it is possible to reconstruct the original text just using a big bag of ngrams. I think that is kinda cool.> body |comment: 2012-12-12-9520-9501-9> => |text: \n\n\n Counterexamples of humans who don't want to be mean, or who don't validate themselves by comparison to others who must have less, are discounted and ignored.\nAbout political/social standing, I agree. Give everyone access to a minimum standard of living by providing them with enough money to pay for adequate shelter, food, clothing, and recreation (such as internet, tv, transportation). About $20k? You don't have to take it, you can choose to make more in the market, but it's always there if you decide you've had enough of Ignorant Motherfuckers.\nI think those who argue against the idea I presented above are using economics as an excuse. What they really want is to reinforce some hierarchy where they feel comfortable competing. They love to play psychological games and use money as a reward system to keep score.\nBut in this age of technology we can use other scores: karma, mojo, reputation points, followers on twitter, friends on facebook, etc. We can play psychological games without the physical consequences that lack of money leads to.\nTrying to put my argument into the Standard Form described in coursera's Think Again class:\nReagan ran unprecedented deficits without consequence.\nJapan runs a 230% debt-to-gdp ratio without consequence.\nZimbabwe printed money but didn't protect unalienable rights.\nWeimar printed money but had just lost a World War and had to pay reparations to France which took over some of its factories.\n---\nTherefore, deficits don't matter. (1)\nIf deficits don't matter, we can provide everyone with a basic income.\nDeficits don't matter (From (1))\n---\nWe can provide everyone with a basic income.\nPeople like psychological games and emotional manipulations.\nEconomics provides a way of manipulating people. (2)\n---\nTherefore, people like to use economics as an excuse to manipulate people.\nThe internet provides non-economic and scalable methods of manipulating people's emotions.\n---\nTherefore, non-economic internet phenomena (reputations, karma, friends, followers, etc.) can be substituted for economics (in (2)).\nConclusion: We can provide enough money for everyone to have a basic standard of living, and people can play the type of psychological games that cause inflation on the internet instead.\n(This is a rough mock-up of a Standard Form argument that I just came up with on the spot. I'll try to refine it more and perhaps post a diary in the future.) ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-12-9520-9501-10> => |text: \n\n\n Firstly, money represents wealth. It doesn't have to have a fixed worth of anything, it just has to represent wealth.\nPeople who can 'ignore human nature' are wealthy. They aren't struggling to eat, on the whole.\nSecondly, there is real scarcity in life. You have what is it, aprox 2e9 seconds of life... There is only so much land, sea and air, food, housing... etc...\nSo, what is scarce is valuable, and what is scarce that can be tradeable for money means your money must also be scarce, or you can't trade it.\nThat's the error... if money was worth nothing, then a basic income would also be meaningless. What is 20k if you can't trade it for anything, because everyone has infinite of it.\nOn the topic of if deficits matter, I really don't know enough about that... I think in the long term the government should balance its budgets and pay off its debts - especially when things are going well... less so when they're not.\nThat's not to say a basic income isn't worth something. I believe a wealth tax would be the right way to go... everyone declares their wealth in terms of a number, you pay your tax on that basis, if someone wants they can buy you out at your declared rate. After balancing budgets to reduce the deficit, you could pay out a basic income... money flows up much faster than it trickles down, so everyone should be happy. (Except the wealthy who pay high taxes, but there are good reason's why they should in terms of efficient use of wealth).\nSee... money is still scarce, but people can afford to eat. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-12-9520-9501-14> => |text: \n\n\n Banks create money with an accounting trick, yes... and they should get certain protection from a central bank, that also makes sense.\nIn fact, anyone should be allowed operate a fractional reserve bank (without the regulations that make them oligopolies)... without restriction on the fraction... multiplying their money by lending it out (based on the fact that a sufficient amount remains in deposit to cover actual withdrawals)...\nBut... here's the problem... if you fuck that up, and all your money goes, you should be forced to go bankrupt and the central bank / insurance (assurance?) agency (if you chose to use one) bails out the individual account holders.\nInstead, the government bailed the banks out... that is a huge problem. The money should have gone to the poor, not the rich who fucked up, that's for sure. This is definitely an example of political wealth (derived from capital wealth) being converted directly into capital wealth - its bad.\nNo, the government can print money, but you must realise that in the end it must cause inflation. In the extreme, if everyone was given 100Trillion tomorrow, how much is the price of bread going to be?\nAlso, who would invest $1 today in america (ultimately where the debts come from) if tomorrow it was worth 1 trillionth of what it was today... You have to pay back your debts, which means, you have to run a balanced budget.\nAlso, if money is debt (and I think in a way it is too), with the exponential growth, which is okay at a rate, you inevitably get people fall off the end... this is okay, they are just now declared bankrupt... it just means they cannot borrow any more money, they would still get the basic income, so they still survive... It also means all (most) of their debt is cleared, so it is the lenders who actually take the brunt of that individual's financial pain.\nI actually believe its possible to run a government in surplus all the time... Why waste energy, as a country, to chase paying off debt? Because otherwise you are actually making it worse... It just means you aren't taxing enough or spending too much. This simply isn't sustainable in the long run... If you inflate money, but don't tax wealth, you will eventually have a surplus of worthless money, but no house or food. The rich won't need money to own everything, and finally, no one will want your money or want to invest in the government.\nMoney isn't all wealth, but its a form of wealth. Wealth represents scarcity. You have to take all wealth into consideration, and what role money plays in that. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-12-9520-9501-35> => |text: \n\n\n Houses are scarce... so people who can afford to hoard them.\nWithout a wealth tax, there is no incentive not to hoard it.\nThis is why a wealth tax is important... It means that wealth must be used productively. In this case, there would be an incentive to either sell the houses (for more productive forms of wealth) or make sure they are rented (to cover the wealth tax).\nThis is why you're idea of non scarce money is stupid... Even if money isn't scarce (impossible) houses ARE... and would remain so... I might literally have no money, but if I own half the houses in the world, you bet my belly would be fat and my dick's getting sucked.\nA wealth tax, coupled with a basic income, is a viable solution to our upcoming problems. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-12-6107-5517-2> => |text: \n\n\n $ ./foo.sh donnalee 100 basic income\nbasic income proposed by american founding father and st secretary of the soul includes ignorant endurance is a huge untapped potential for invention that lies within each of us god in our society and crawford was working towards that you do not understand how this threatens your world view take a deep breath you haven't lost anything yet typical ignorant motherfucker tactics by donnalee on mon sep at pm est the instinct popular edition pp see appendix ii the agriculture ministry but my pleas fell on deaf ears critics further point out the dishonor in their respective classes have done by donnalee on tue jun at pm est tags haldane altruism bullying joyce mammon the holy office leviathan balance sheet though they may labour to the transitory pleasures nor to put their hope in god who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment command them to do by donnalee on tue feb at pm est and smart and handsome and rich and so transmit what he wants it nothing he wrote on here is deserving of an aborted fetus on the instrumental chorus as followed by you can strain that into if you like driving a tractor or just want to -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-11-19423-719-11> => |text: \n\n\n called google and lookit up for yourself.\nImagine that? \nMakes me wonder why you're always on about challenges. You wouldn't know what to do with one if it jumped up and bit you square in the balls.\nI know why you want a Basic Income so you can sit around pretending to do something productive but in fact just being a massive parasite on society.\nI'm a liberal and I'm down with helping those less fortunate but in your case I think the best part of you ran down your mother's leg. You're the poster boy for legalized Euthanasia. Your continued existence is an eloquent argument for the allowance of post-birth abortion.\nIf my dog looked like you I would shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards. Then i would shoot him in the face.\nYour life sucks so bad that quadriplegic AIDS patients with Hansens disease and acute Halitosis take pity on you.\nGod it sucks to be you. A place to Dump kuro5hit. We're talking about you behind your back right now.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-6-33618-7304-20> => |text: \n\n\n argument that deficits don't matter! It is psychological not physics! See the Japanese, the Reagan, The Lincoln, etc etc. it is all just an artificial scareicity created by the banks in order to control you! Your brain has been infected with poisonous memes.\nWhat you say will never happen because the EBT card is not a container that has to be filled. It is just a token of numbers in a database and every month those numbers are incremented. They create it out of NOTHING! \nYou are enslaved to ideas and shackeled to an ideology that is obviously false to any one with the ears to hear and the eyes to see. \nThe government could provide every citizen with a basic income tomorrow and everyone could foloow their inherent creative instincts. But then the powers that be would no longer have the power.\nThe only thing you have to fear is fear itself, fear is the mind killer. You are enslaved by your fear. Everything is a cycle, we have been here before and we will be here again. But you have the power and the choice to break that cycle. What will you choose? A place to Dump kuro5hit. We're talking about you behind your back right now.\n\n\n> body |diary: 2012-12-3-203135-645> => |text: I agree with most of what Frum said. The fiscal cliff is a completely psychological, manufactured crisis created by politicians and economists who want attention. The news shows hype it because fear gets ratings. Frum, surprisingly, presented a reasonable counterpoint: don't cut taxes or spending. Extend everything and deal with it when the economy gets better. I would say, we don't have to deal with it at all. Continue to deficit spend, and have the Fed create money to buy T-bills.\nInstead of spending so much time using the "fiscal cliff" as an excuse to demonstrate emotion on national TV, we should be focusing on innovation and how to advance knowledge. My way: give everyone a guaranteed basic income, and have lots of challenges from both biz and govt to stimulate the natural creative instinct that most of us are born with.\n---\nIt's interesting that Frum's speaking truth to power segment was conveniently deleted from the video link posted at the beginning of this diary. Notice how Soledad O'Brien seems a little shocked, and immediately tries to turn the subject back to being all anxious about the fiscal cliff. Paul Begala does say "I get excited when I hear David say things so far outside the box", which was my reaction when watching the missing segment. But Paul goes right back to the inside of the box, because that's the best way they know to get attention. Kudos to Frum though, for trying to stop the madness. I agree: let's just extend everything. Avoid the fiscal cliff by voting it away.\n---\nI've agreed with Frum before: \nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2011/12/20/61534/921> tags |diary: 2012-12-2-132022-959> => |reddit> + |kuro5hit> + |chaos> + |money> + |wealth tax> + |basic income> body |comment: 2012-12-2-41722-4893-1> => |text: \n\n\n a basic income. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-1-64726-5797-25> => |text: \n\n\n Old School Classical Libertarianism meant something completely different. Milton Friedman and Jon Stuart Mill are examples.\nThey don't propose no government, just correctly limited government. They don't propose no taxes, but the right taxes (wealth tax and basic income are libertarian ideas). They don't propose no laws and regulation upheld through force, they propose that laws and regulation should be appropriately limited.\nClassic Libertarians even support welfare, and many health care.\nI can't throw all that philosophy away because a bunch of gun toting, no tax, christ bothering, selfish, retard, rednecks decide to call themselves the same thing. That's not how its supposed to work. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-1-42546-3156-6> => |text: \n\n\n You shout supply & demand like it was some sort of mantra. Some magical charm that if you just repeat it often enough will make it true.\nYou yourself agree that "Money isn't a real thing."\nYou go on to admit that "The feds COULD print $1M dollar bills and hand them out to every fool who asked for one." But then you say, "QUITE OBVIOUSLY, this would DEVALUE the dollar!!!" Yet trane has proven to you with the example of Lincoln, of Reagan, of the Japanese, etc. etc. that Deficits DON'T MATTER. It's all psychological not physics.\nIt's like your belief that if you do 'bad things' you will OBVIOUSLY be punished and go to Hell. But rational people realize that this was just a way for the Church to exert Control over the ignorant masses. But you believe it and spread poisonous memes that perpetuate the suffering for the benefit of the few Holy Priests.\nIn the same way Banks use the artificial scarcity of money to exert control over people and governments and again you believe their bullshit and help them to spread these poisonous memes to enslave people and perpetuate suffering.\nIf everyone was given a Basic Income then they would be free to innovate. They would use their free time to increase our common body of knowledge, to clean up the mess we have made of the climate and many other things. \nMany say 'Oh no, they would just sit around and not contribute because people cannot be trusted, they must be coerced in order to produce.' But you don't know that you are just repeating what you have been told. You are too afraid to release control and let people show you what they are capable of.\nPeople say it can't work but all around us we have example after example where it does work where it is working. Unfortunately, many say that those don't count because they aren't always 100% perfect but they turn a blind eye to imperfections and problems with their own ideologies. \nIt may seem crazy to those that are blind that cannot open their eyes to the possibilities. The ones that cannot let go of the old rules that have been proven again and again and again to have no real consequence. The only consequence coming from those who want to enforce control. \nBut in the end, more and more people will realize The Empire has no clothes. People will realize that the rising tide will raise ALL boats and not just a select few. \n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-12-1-1329-63897-68> => |text: \n\n\n borrow without consequence because if you need more money you just print it up or increment a cell in a spreadsheet or whatever. \nSee Deficits don't matter. Period. End of sentence. Everything else is bullshit made up by rich bankers that just want to have control. It's an artificial scarcity. \nIf you give everyone a basic income so they don't have to worry about running around like rats fulfilling their needs and creating wealth for those who have more than enough then people can spend their free time innovating and working to make the world a better place. \nIt seems crazy to those that are blind that cannot open their eyes to the possibilities. The ones that cannot let go of the old rules that have been proven again and again to have no real consequence. But in the end we will raise the standard of living for everyone and not just a select few. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-12-1-1329-63897-69> => |text: Provide a basic income. Money is a ticket, now.> body |comment: 2012-11-30-141748-71-1> => |text: \n\n\n you are trane's ai chatbot, deployed by him to irritate us all.\ntell me what you think about a freely-available basic income. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-11-28-222136-37-19> => |text: Best strategy: basic income and challenges.> tags |diary: 2012-11-27-232621-22> => |basic income> tags |diary: 2012-11-27-2527-2926> => |challenges> + |basic income> + |politics> + |economics> + |lessig> + |reagan proved deficits don't matter> + |campaign money distorts markets> + |get rid of incentives> + |perverse incentives of capitalism> + |moral hazards of the market> title |diary: 2012-11-27-2527-2926> => |text: Wouldn't we all be better off if these folks were on a basic income?> body |diary: 2012-11-27-2527-2926> => |text: Just do away with the bureaucrats and let anyone who wants to sign up for medicare and/or social security. Make taxes voluntary. The national debt is a distraction that the Fed could easily pay off with the $16 trillion they created to bail out financial institutions. The key is innovation and advancing knowledge, not trying to trick others through deceit, half-truths, lying by omission. Money is kept artificially scarce by bankers who don't want us to realize the scam they have going, charging interest on money they created, so that we have to hustle and steal from others to pay it because there isn't enough in the money supply to pay the debt and the interest too (see Douglas's A + B Theorem for a similar phenomenon). Basically, bankers are afraid they're too dumb to do science, so they try to get attention by creating less money than is needed to pay them back interest on that money.\nThe Fed should give money to people instead of institutions. Now, they loan money at very low interest to banks, who loan it out at much higher interest, or better yet buy T-bills that pay higher interest.\nThere is a morass of self-serving, underhanded, nod-nod-wink-wink old-boy network financial backdoor you-scratch-my-back-i'll-scratch-yours dealings going on all over the society. Stop the madness. Give everyone who wants one a basic income, and challenge their native curiosity and scientific spirit with challenges. Knowledge raises survival fitness the most because it better enables us to predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change.> title |comment: 2012-11-26-14935-128-9> => |text: give us a basic income first> title |comment: 2012-11-25-233639-71-36> => |text: Says the GIVE ME BASIC INCOME BOY> title |comment: 2012-11-21-19127-185-24> => |text: Basic income takes sting of firing away from IgnMF> body |comment: 2012-11-19-163454-51-9> => |text: \n\n\n Wait let me guess - radical advances in virtual reality produced by challenges & basic income. Is that right?\n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-11-18-132621-23-4> => |text: U too could have free time, with a basic income!> title |comment: 2012-11-16-223417-93-1> => |text: give the workers a basic income and challenge them> body |comment: 2012-11-16-223417-93-10> => |text: \n\n\n welfare basic income does obamaphone lady need to make a twinkie? \n--\nDictated but not read.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-11-16-223417-93-11> => |text: \n\n\n basic income. Sounds like they were making pretty good money but evidently not quite enough. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-11-16-19126-065-6> => |text: basic income provides an escape from ign. mf.> title |comment: 2012-11-10-4438-6441-8> => |text: individuals innovate. empower each w/ basic income> body |comment: 2012-11-10-4438-6441-13> => |text: \n\n\n free and open research?\nShouldn't the EU just provide Greek citizens a Basic Income and challenges? \nShouldn't the Germans be transporting Greeks to Challenge Camps where they can usufruct and innovate? Don't the Germans have facilities available for these people? \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-11-9-24227-7401> => |Douglas> + |Dondero> + |Social Credit> + |EBT> + |money> + |economics> + |politics> + |basic income> + |national dividend> + |laissez-faire> body |diary: 2012-11-9-24227-7401> => |text: ---\nBoycott Business who [sic] accept Welfare payments\nThirdly, I believe we all need to express disgust with Obama and Democrats in public places. To some extent I already do this. Example:\nWhen I'm at the Wal-mart or grocery story [sic] I typically pay with my debit card. On the pad it comes up, "EBT, Debit, Credit, Cash." I make it a point to say loudly to the check-out clerk, "EBT, what is that for?" She inevitably says, "it's government assistance." I respond, "Oh, you mean welfare? Great. I work for a living. I'm paying for my food with my own hard-earned dollars. And other people get their food for free." And I look around with disgust, making sure others in line have heard me. \nI am going to step this up. I am going to do far more of this in my life. It's going to be my personal crusade. I hope other libertarians and conservatives will eventually join me. \n---\n\nFirst, note that Dondero is acting. He knows what EBT is, but he pretends he doesn't. So he's a liar.\nSecond, if I'm in line, I'll look him straight in the eye and say: "Yeah, I believe that people should starve while food rots on the shelves!"\nThe point Dondero misses is that money is now a ticketing system. Quoting from Money and the Price System, by C. H. Douglas, pages 7-8:\n\n---\nAnd the modern money system is in fact losing almost daily its aspect, however much it may at one time have been true, of a medium of exchange, and becoming more and more a ticket system by which people, who are not exchanging their production, can draw from that central pool of wealth.\n---\n\nThere's excess food (thanks to technology advances) in the grocery store, and people who are hungry outside. The obvious solution is for the peoples' elected government to ticket them, so they don't starve. Isn't it in the General Welfare for people not to go without food when the supply is so abundant?\nQuoting from Douglas again, pages 14-15:\n\n---\nMay I take you to the obvious mathematical or mechanical side? To put it very shortly, the core of the defect in this price and money system under which we operate at the present time is that it cannot, without the help of the banks, liquidate "costs" as they are produced.\nTo put it another way, it is under an inevitable necessity of piling up debt at an increasing rate.\nThe perfectly simple cure for that situation is to create money at the rate at which debt is created.\n---\n\nPage 18:\n\n---\nThe problem really is a problem, first of the distribution of purchasing power to those who are not required, and will decreasingly be required, in the industrial system, and secondly, of ensuring that the total purchasing distributed shall always be enough to pay for the goods and services for sale.\n---\n\nNext, Douglas proposes a basic income (pages 18-19):\n\n---\nWe believe that the most pressing needs of the moment could be met by means of what we call a National Dividend.\nThis would be provided by the creation of new money - by exactly the same methods as are now used by the banking system to create new money - and its distribution as purchasing power to the whole population.\n---\n\nThe only thing he's missing, as far as I can tell, is the encouragement of the type of disruptive innovation that will enable more and more leisure time, through challenges. He does get at the mistake of using employment as a measure of a country's success, on page 16 for example:\n\n---\nYou have to recognise that some of the best brains (scientists and others) have for 180 years or more been endeavouring to put the world out of work - and they have succeeded.\n---\n\nNote the voluntary nature of the proposed policy changes (from page 22):\n\n---\nA change in monetary policy can be made without interfering with the administration or ownership of a single bank in the world ; and if it could be got into the heads of the comparatively few people who control these enormous monetary institutions that would lose nothing but power - and that they will lose that power anyway - the thing would be achieved.\n---\n\nThey wouldn't even lose power, if we give them virtual realities in which they can be as sociopathic without consequence as they wish.\nHow do we create holodecks quickest? Basic income, challenges.> title |comment: 2012-11-9-24227-7401-1> => |text: no one is going to pay you a basic income so you> body |comment: 2012-11-9-24227-7401-3> => |text: \n\n\n By creating demand in the mind of consumers that the only way to truly experience the EPIC AWESOMENESS of the NEW DISNEY-LUCASFILM STARWARS VII is in an IMAX Quality 4D HoloDEC with DOLBY 9.3 Immersound NOW WITH TACTILE INPUT. \nThe only thing that Basic Income creates is a demand for more Cheetos, Madden and Bud Light. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-11-9-24227-7401-4> => |text: i want a basic income.> body |comment: 2012-11-9-24227-7401-5> => |text: \n\n\n I've received a basic income since I was 14. Of course they call it a paycheck but a rose by any other name . . .\nAnyway, fuckers take shit out when they give it to you and if that ain't enough, once a year they want some more. \nYeah, basic income is bullshit. What you need is that good premium income with the bonus packages. That shit is sweet. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-11-8-184243-898-1> => |text: \n\n\n Get your Obamaphone.\nRomney phone: "If you're looking for free shit, I ain't your guy."\nIt's Not a Traditional America anymore, people want stuff. They want things. ... And they want stuff.\nBasic Income! Free Weed! Deficits don't matter!\nHey Obama! Where's my free iPad, my fawty acres and muh mule, Be-otch \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-11-7-123915-634-10> => |text: \n\n\n but who wrote the bill in the first place? gobama doesn't operate in a vacuum. he don't just dictate law. some bunch of fucks in the congress write that shit out and send it to him and he signs it or he don't. \nOn the otherhand, i'm curious how he's going to handle CO now. is he going to be sending in dea after poor fucks obeying the legal law or what? i'm interested in seeing how that will play. \ni'm glad romney didn't win and dismantle the us to sell on the open market. i also hope y'all get taxed till you bleed so trane can have his basic income. \nwe're in the NEW economy now, it's all about CHANGE. so . . . can you spare some change brother? I need it to pay for my legally required health insurance. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-11-3-234410-091-8> => |text: \n\n\n You post only to provoke a response, all that Basic Income stuff, usufruct, social awkwardness, deficits don't matter bullshit. It's just your own flavor of crapflooding. \nIHBT IHL IWHAND \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-11-1-93722-5624-2> => |text: legalization, basic income, challenges> body |comment: 2012-10-27-0320-2416-4> => |text: \n\n\n I had no idea. I went in non-traditional to get my degree because of military service. In my CS courses there were two asian dudes that I thought were Taiwanese. We had several students from Taiwan, India, all over. They were nice guys and smart as hell. We did some projects together and I even had them over to the house. \nI was just amazed though when they told me that they were Chinese nationals. They came over here to learn and get their degrees and then they go back to their Fatherland and they already have a position waiting. I'm not talking an entry level job either. I'm talking high level positions in Industry and Government. \nThe Chinese govt paid their tuition, their books, gave them a stipend for food and essentials. They were expected to get a part time job, preferably TA to make up for the rest and keep up their grades. Talk about your Basic Income and Challenges! \nI asked them if the US govt tracked them, or if they had to report in or anything. No, they moved about freely and had no restrictions on where they went or what they did. \nI mean, sure, China isn't an enemy but I mean, They're COMMUNISTS. They're over here soaking up our KNOWLEDGE and good old American Know-How. Taking pictures for christ-sake of our most hallowed landmarks. No telling how many of them are over here at any one time either. Like sleeper agents ready to be activated at a moments notice. \nNo telling what those boys did when they graduated either. Those two guys that I invited into my home might at this very moment be designing and implementing cyber attacks against our own infrastructure. \nWhen you put it into perspective, who gives two shits about some mexican wetbacks scamming a buck or two from the food stamp program? What the fuck kind of threat do a bunch of fruit-pickers pose to our great nation? \nOn the other hand we have these mysterious and inscrutable Chinese nationals hiding in PLAIN sight in our most august institutions. And THEY HAVE NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES! They aren't a bunch of towel-wearing camel jockeys trying to spin centrifuges, they already know how to fry the bacon! \nIT IS INSANE! INSANE I TELL YOU! I never knew someone actually invented the internet. I thought it was discovered and was always there like oxygen or something.-Facebook User\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-10-24-1876-1539-1> => |text: Mike's OK, society's the problem. Basic income!> body |comment: 2012-10-24-1876-1539-2> => |text: \n\n\n There are many valid reasons why a basic income would be a desirable social service (and some drawbacks as well), but it will not solve every problem that there is. It certainly won't cure all illnesses. Even Thomas Paine, the original Basic Income guy, didn't argue that. Don't oversell your solution or nobody will buy.\n\nYou may remember the old discussion thread where cockskin horsesuit lampooned the idea of this article, which suggested that being granted a high-paying executive position through social networking had cured a woman's schizoaffective disorder - I likened it to the King's touch on scrofula. Your idea, that Basic Income will cure mental illness, is just the flip side of this New York Times Mammonism. There is no God but Money, and the Market is its Profit! But it isn't all money be it a paycheck or a welfare check, all sicken sometimes and all eventually die.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-10-21-165651-12-1> => |text: \n\n\n It is much like a spork, except that the handle has sharp serrations to allow you to use it like a knife. I will invent and develop this as soon as I can figure out how to hold it comfortably. But I am happy to allow other worthy philosophers to use this idea. Just like the Stone Soup Kitchen inside the Bazaar, handing out Frogg Leggs and Basic Income coupons!\n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-10-19-171917-28-1> => |text: usufruct, basic income, challenges ftw> title |comment: 2012-10-19-122822-96-3> => |text: basic income stops the pretense madness> body |comment: 2012-10-17-17613-679-1> => |text: \n\n\n the government can just print all the money it needs and give everybody a basic income at the same time! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-10-15-18156-909-8> => |text: \n\n\n and if they have ignorant mother fucking bosses they quit or do what they can in their spare time.\nMost people don't really want to innovate or do much more than what is required so they can pick up a paycheck. \nThen there are a few that just like to run their mouth and make excuses. \nYou think Galileo pissed and moaned all the time because he couldn't get a Basic Income? You think he was chilling by the marble water fountain thinking, 'Ya know, if it weren't for that Ignorant Mother Fucking Pope, I would have discovered the moons of Jupiter by now.' I never knew someone actually invented the internet. I thought it was discovered and was always there like oxygen or something.-Facebook User\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-10-14-133356-75-5> => |text: \n\n\n Today's news is Redditor Violentacrez, whose handle was a homage to Vi's old blog, outed by Gawker. A perverted, eccentric middle aged man, with equally eccentric wife & kid, famous for his love of teenage girl's figures and many offended topics designed to offend the easily offended.\nThe real problem is that it's so easy to get people fired and blackballed from employment by realnaming them and publicizing their usually harmless, yet offensive, foibles. It's motherfucking colonial village here folks. \nBasic income & challenges? How about full employment, so that nobody has to fear homelessness from some tattling prude?\n \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-10-8-74646-4435> => |coursera> + |minnesota> + |ignorant motherfuckers> + |poor lildebbie> + |no chance for advancement> + |stuck in a dead-end job> + |frustrated with his failure> + |wouldn't he thrive on a basic income?> + |no challenges for yuo> + |we don't need no online education> body |comment: 2012-10-8-74646-4435-14> => |text: \n\n\n WRITING ALIASES FOR OPERATORS IS REALLY NOVEL\nSURELY A BREAKTHROUGH IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING\nSEE GUYS TRANE IS LIVING PROOF THAT BASIC INCOMES PRODUCE RESULTS\nand in case my sarcasm wasn't evident enough, let me state this plainly: mindpixel was an infinitely better AI researcher than you as his shit, y'know, actually learned stuff and he still had the good sense to stick his head in a gas oven.\nmotherfucking kill yourself. now. without delay. My name is LilDebbie and I have a garden. - hugin -\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-10-4-115623-579-54> => |text: 2. Basic income and challenges create value.> body |comment: 2012-10-4-115623-579-57> => |text: \n\n\n You'll love it I swear because it takes money creation out of the hands of bankers and puts it where it belongs, control by the people, of the people, and for the people. \nIt's so simple that I think that is why no one has thought of it before. Ok are you ready?\nHere it is, lets just make shit our currency. We can make up some arbitrary value just like dollars have an arbitrary value, I mean it's just fiat money right? Cash doesn't have any INTRINSIC value right? So we just say that hey, 4oz of shit = one buck. RIGHT? Then we can all create money. There is your Basic Income. Just bag it up and take it down to the store. We can make as much of it as we want because it doesn't decrease in value and deficits don't matter right? \nWe could make little coins out of it and roll it out into bills for easy transport. It would solve all kinds of problems. We could tell the bankers to shove their dollars up their ass because we would be pulling our money out of ours! I never knew someone actually invented the internet. I thought it was discovered and was always there like oxygen or something.-Facebook User\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-9-26-152630-481> => |economics> + |politics> + |finance> + |basic income> + |don't need data> + |don't know what's going on> + |coursera> + |intro to finance> + |cash flows> + |valuation> body |diary: 2012-9-26-152630-481> => |text: From Video 8.3 "Diversification Two Assets Intuition", 3:44 - 3:56:\n\nDoesn't this make sense? It makes a lot of sense. And that's why I think, I keep saying this, it's [i.e., Finance is] the most fascinating subject. You don't need data, almost, to convince yourself of what's going on.\n\n---\nFrom Video 7.2 "Why Risk Return", 2:25 - 2:54:\n\nCash flows. Quick question: Who do they belong to? --by the way, they don't belong to anybody, they belong to all of us in the sense of how cash flows are created-- but they belong to the project, the idea, the company. If the company, the project and the idea can not reflect its cash flows it's like saying I can't tell you who I am. What's my name? Where I'm coming from? How will anybody else be able to figure who I am out? So cash flows are the signature of the project.\n\nThis is very interesting to me: self-knowledge translates into cash flows? Does the market reward with cash only certain types of communication about the self? Are bravado, hucksterism, confidence men disproportionately rewarded? \nHow fair is that? \nShould government try to level the playing field by providing everyone with a cash flow (basic income)? A guaranteed basic income could encourage individuals to speak more about themselves honestly, without fear of losing their cash flow if they say something true, but that displeases the market. It's like a hedge: what if the self-knowledge that the market rewards is biased in a way that hurts the survival fitness of the society? A guaranteed basic income can correct the mistakes the market makes in allocating resources. The corrected mistakes will generate enough innovation to create the value to back up the money the government creates to provide the basic income without having to borrow or raise taxes.\nMad Brother Mike talks about himself, gives his name, says where he is and where he's coming from. Why shouldn't he have a cash flow?> body |diary: 2012-9-23-23384-9334> => |text: I should tell you that I hate grades, I hate GPA's. I'll tell you why. Some people think grades are a bad idea because they reduce a complicated human being to a number. That's not what I think. I think, if you're going to reduce a human being to a number, at least do it in a statistically sensible way! "This person scores one standard deviation above the mean on this task within this population." An A-: what does that mean? It means the teacher decided to you give you an A-. Because maybe he said, well, this student got a B+ according to my arbitrary made-up algorithm that's different from everyone else's, but B+ is really on the borderline of A-, so I'll make it an A-. And these are math PhD's. And they don't notice the problem of infinite regress. And of course, for a less likable student, the B+ gets just as arbitrarily downgraded to a B. \n\n---\nHowever, in Coursera's Quantum Computation class, I got caught up in the scoring. Since it's not my field, I didn't have much emotional stake in the subject. So I made a decision to give it the old college try; I voluntarily let myself fall prey to the fear-based manipulation tactics that instructors use to get students to pay attention to them.\nThe class was difficult for me. It assumed knowledge of a lot of math that I've never studied: linear algebra, modular arithmetic, the n roots of unity, etc. I had to use internet resources a lot to understand things that the instructor would gloss over in the videos.\nAnyway, I just submitted the final exam, and by my calculations, I just passed the course, with 4% to spare. \nSo now I have an understanding of bra-ket notation and how to express superposition mathematically, as well as an introduction to Shor's algorithm and others that can provide exponential speedup over classical computers. The unit on Schrodinger's equation was great, because we applied it mathematically to calculate the evolution of quantum systems.\nI didn't know that 1 can have square roots and nth roots other than 1. But I implemented, in Octave, the examples in the lectures on the roots of unity to check ...\nI have the same problems with the honor code that I've mentioned before. Often students will have a clearer way of explaining something than the instructor, but they feel constrained to beat around the bush because of the honor code. The honor code tries to make the desire to share information dishonorable. I wish they would drop it completely.\nAlso, videos should be short, and the in-video quizzes are helpful. Instructors should correct their videos with annotations or notes below the videos, when they make mistakes.\nI feel fortunate to have the opportunity to take these classes.\nI wish Mike Crawford didn't have to fight so hard against the injustice of society, and he could just take a basic income and study quantum physics and code without trying to please you people who, if he walked on water, would complain that he can't swim.> body |comment: 2012-9-18-124915-796-5> => |text: \n\n\n ...figured out where I'm supposed to be politically, as a social "liberal" (apathetic agnostic, pro-choice, etc.) who favors the right to bear arms (insofar as I don't believe that the police should be significantly better-armed than the populace as it invites tyranny) but actually thinks basic income is a good idea (or at least some form of capitalism with floors and ceilings for sanity -- "work" is an increasingly quaint concept, since it's being automated and computerized away, and poverty invites crime, but there should be room (within reason) for people to better their lot if they want to put in some effort). Pure communism is doomed (see Animal Farm), anarchism doesn't seem feasible (coercion will always creep in and there's the commons problem), and libertarians sound like they'd make horrible neighbors (let your house burn because you failed to pay the fire department protection money). \nAh well, one day I'll figure it out. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2012-9-17-123659-178> => |text: (Note to bot: interpret the first "overview" as a noun and the second as a verb.)\nThe original idea, I think, was to use money as a motivation to create value. But the unintended consequence is the increasing share of the finance sector in the economy.\nFinance does not create value per se.\nThus a lot of natively creative people enter into a world of infeeding frenzy, fighting with no morals for a greater share of an artificially-constrained pie. Instead, give them the choice of a basic income and let them choose, if they wish, to pursue the wondrous scientific spirit of selfless knowledge advancement that they are born with.\nCall out an ignorant motherfucker today! Tell them what Dick Cheney so confidently and proudly said: Reagan proved deficits don't matter.> title |comment: 2012-9-17-123550-870-1> => |text: Challenge yourself on a basic income> body |comment: 2012-9-17-123550-870-10> => |text: \n\n\n to earn far more than basic income. \n-------\nI...I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. Because I'm the real article. What you see is what you get. - Me\n\n\n\n\n> body |diary: 2012-9-7-135939-9021> => |text: There is no good economic reason why Mike, and everyone who wants one, shouldn't have a basic guaranteed income. I walk around the city and see lots of evidence of underused capacity: empty warehouses that could be used for squats, fenced-off unused lots that we could camp on. Give us a basic income, let us live the way we choose. We will pick up after ourselves, practicing usufruct. We will better ourselves through free online education; we will collaborate and compete in challenges and innovate disruptively; then let biz take over the best of those new ideas to incrementally innovate them and bring them to the masses.\nImagine a future where we are each free from the pressures to conform to arbitrary, fickle social constraints (against smoking pot for example) that are more about positional goods and the pure sociopathic desire to control someone else, than about any physical necessity.\nYou'll still have your positional goods: on irc you can vie for op status, in free online classes (http://coursera.org) you can compete for attention in the forums. But there is no reason to make basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, dental care, etc. a positional good in this day and age. You won't lose anything by letting everyone get proper dental care because you'll still be able to validate yourself by keeping others down in some non-economic activity (such as rating comments on this site, for example).\n---\nThe park in which the plaque was situated was pretty this morning: http://i.imgur.com/jM4xZ.jpg\nBirds, nature's most eloquent expression of beauty, joy, and freedom, sang fulsomely from the trees. We can learn from them, about the important things in life.> body |comment: 2012-9-7-135939-9021-3> => |text: \n\n\n ...that the alternative to basic income is just killing everybody off who isn't rich, right? \n\n\n> body |diary: 2012-9-3-182821-8196> => |text: From 10:02:\n"Though financing is not value-creating per se, by itself, if you didn't have financing, you wouldn't be able to implement the idea."\nThis, of course, is where govt should step in, to finance disruptive ideas that the fat-cat finance guys who inherited their money and don't do any real innovating themselves but rely on some kind of "gut feel" to pick winners and losers, are too short-sighted and narrow-minded to see. Govt should not pick winners and losers either, but should provide everyone with a basic guaranteed income so that each of us can work on our own ideas. Enough of those ideas will turn out to be disruptive and valuable despite the initial impression the cigar-chomping financier hustlers had. Then turn those disruptive innovations (you can find them by holding challenges) over to biz so it can do what it does best, incrementally innovate (i.e. make computers smaller, bring speech recognition to a phone, etc.) Society will advance much more rapidly as a result of a basic income, and challenges to spur the creative capacity in each of us.\nFrom the Finance class video, around 10:40:\n"Markets are created to help people, not the other way around. And if markets cannot serve democracy and do something to uplift poverty, then there's a problem. Of course it's done a ton. But it could do much better. Right? You always want to do better."\nThen he says something (at about 10:57) that I disagree with:\n"Anyway, so the question here is, without markets you can't get money. So the question is how do you raise money."\nI think you can leave the market alone, but that's not the only way to raise money. Lincoln proved you could print greenbacks (around $450 million of them in 1862 and 1863) to raise money without borrowing it or increasing taxes. \n(Note that according the the wikipedia article linked to above: "only $356,000,000 were outstanding in February 1868. By this point, the wartime economic boom was over, the crop harvest was poor, and a panic in Great Britain caused a recession and a sharp drop in prices in the United States.[18] The contraction of the money supply was blamed for the deflationary effects, and led debtors to successfully agitate for a halt to the notes' retirement." So the theory that money creation means inflation has counterexamples in the history of the United States.)\nFrom the Finance class video, about 11:55:\n"We're talking about banks facilitating the creation of value. They do create value, but they are not the main engine-drivers of new ideas and so on. Those come from creativity that requires financing."\nOnce again: let the government finance the basic living expenses of individuals, and encourage them to create in their own way; at the same time, leave the market alone to innovate the best way it can. The synergy will increase standard of living at a faster pace.> tags |diary: 2012-9-3-23230-28753> => |Jack Teagarden> + |A Hundred Years from Today> + |Michael Crawford> + |hero> + |say it loud> + |I'm poor and I'm proud> + |politics> + |economics> + |basic income> + |challenges> body |diary: 2012-9-3-23230-28753> => |text: Stay strong, Mike. Though you may suffer physically now, eternity will reward you with attention while the nattering nitpicking nabobs naysaying you will become an episode people of the future will prefer not to talk about - referring to it as a "dark chapter in history", something that is only brought up as a lesson on how much society has improved since those days of ignorance and unfeeling injustice when such blatantly unfair discrimination was socially tolerated, due to some kind of cultural mass hysteria.\nThe obvious, logical solution is a guaranteed basic income. Let Michael work on his software instead of facing homelessness. Give him challenges to enter, remove the market incentives to hoard one's knowledge instead of sharing it so that in collaboration with others, we might synergistically build something biz has missed in its short-sighted narrow-minded focus on profit.\n"Why crave a penthouse\nThat's fit for a queen?\nYou're nearer heaven\nOn Mother Earth's green.\nIf you had millions,\nWhat would they all mean?\nA Hundred Years from Today?"> body |comment: 2012-9-3-23230-28753-7> => |text: \n\n\n The only person Mike writes about is himself. He may mention the poor homeless etc. but only in the context of himself and how it affects him. That is not groundbreaking writing. \nOne hundred years from now no one will remember Mike because he is failing to get things done. If he were truly a selfless man and poured his heart and soul into these projects of his and perhaps got it past the stage of a broken website then I might begin to agree with you. But at the moment Mike is caught up in his own small world that has little effect beyond this website.\nThe same as you you whining petulant little boy. Coming to complain of how you are treated so poorly on the IRC! How your voice is silenced by the mods who, since they don't agree with you and ban you must be power mad chat dictators! You make me PUKE IN MY MOUTH! Go talk to sye about people who RISK THEIR VERY LIFE in order to speak. \nYou cry about double standards and how it isn't FAIR. Yet you are from the PRIVILEGED CLASS in this country! You are a Caucasian MALE who had the OPPORTUNITY to go to COLLEGE and you THREW IT AWAY so that you COULD GET HIGH! Go tell your troubles to females in this country and in most of the Western World of how UNFAIR it is! Go complain to the Latinos how poorly you are treated. YOU GIVE ME A HEADACHE with your bawlings!\nYou are always asking for a hand-out, give me, provide for me. If you want it so bad go and FIGHT for it! Stand Up like A MAN. But you are not a man you are a PUSSY. You are afraid of your own shadow. You are afraid to talk to people in real life and you do just like Mike does and come up with EXCUSES. 'I'm not social' 'I'don't like this' I don't like that'. BOO FUCKING HOO.\nAgain I'm going to ask you, HOW MANY CHALLENGES HAVE YOU PARTICIPATED IN IN THE LAST YEAR? HOW MANY? You implied in one comment that if they made drugs legal you wouldn't partake. BULLSHIT you would be like the niggers and white trash every morning down at the 7-11 picking up their 40's and their Kools before 9:AM living off your food stamps and buying shit off Amazon with your Basic Income. PARASITE! IT IS EXACTLY BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT PEOPLE LIKE GEORGE BUSH AND MITT ROMNEY ARE GAINING POWER IN THIS NATION! BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WIPING YOUR LITTLE ASS.\nPut your money where your mouth is, become part of the solution and stop being the PROBLEM. I never knew someone actually invented the internet. I thought it was discovered and was always there like oxygen or something.-Facebook User \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-9-1-171021-8223> => |The difference between the still> + |quiet voice and cowardice> + |memetics> + |immunity from virulent memes> + |politics> + |economics> + |basic income> + |psychology> + |moral hazards of the free market> + |perverse incentives of capitalism> body |comment: 2012-9-1-171021-8223-4> => |text: \n\n\n in something Engineering-like, nobody gives a shit about your poor social skills at work, so what's the problem? \nWho cares if the secretary smiles too much? One could say that's a big part of her job. But, if you are a programmer, it's not really part of yours. If you aren't gunning for management, it doesn't matter.\nIf your current workplace doesn't treat you well enough, try a different job. Seriously, unless you are completely fucking useless as an Engineer, you will find a place where you can hunker down and work and nobody cares that you are not super social.\nAs one guy I knew said (this guy had really thick glasses; he'd look at you with one eye, but his other eye would wander around the room. But he was a brilliant programmer.) "If you are going to be an asshole, you had better be right."\nOn the other hand... if the problem is that you want lots of friends? a basic income won't help you with that. With a basic income, unskilled people would have even less incentive to pretend to like Engineers than they have now. \nWhat will help is choosing your friends; nearly all 'social skills' are not universal. Actions that are correct with one group are incorrect with another. You can get far, socially, by simply choosing a group where your current actions are mostly acceptable. \nMe, I think it's best to find a group that doesn't honour me, but that honours the sort of person I want to become. Peer pressure is a force, and you might as well harness it for good rather than evil. Besides, there are few things more depressing than doing something that lowers you in your own eyes in order to please your peers. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-8-31-91732-0453-6> => |text: \n\n\n man up and grow a pair. oh, and stop with this 'basic income for innovation' bullshit too--normal people find that a real turn-off. --\n"I'm so gonna travel the world, photographing my dick at every location." - Vampire Zombie Abu Musab al Zarqawi \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-8-31-02852-8280> => |politics> + |economics> + |chinese> + |huntsman> + |colbert> + |meee> + |feynman> + |integrity> + |basic income> + |challenges> body |diary: 2012-8-31-02852-8280> => |text: Why am I not successful like Huntsman :(\nI think it's because I can't lie?\nAt one job, a long time ago, I was recruiting for a focus group. I got a callback - some other recruiter had left a message for someone, and they called back, and I happened to be available to take the call. The person passed the screening tests and agreed to attend. The supervisor was very happy and came over to congratulate me. I told her, "Oh I didn't do anything, it was a callback." She said "You didn't have to tell me that" and abruptly walked away. \nThat's why I don't fit in with business, I think.\nI want to be like Feynman and keep my integrity. I feel that biz wants to corrupt me, break me, drag me down to its level. I once asked my brother whether he lied at his job. He said of course, like when his boss asks him "have you finished that report yet?" and he says "yes", then goes back to his office and starts working on it. I can't do that, and so I don't fit in. And fitting in is the most important thing in the workplace. Am I right?\nGive those of us who want to follow Feynman, but don't have his people skills, a chance. Don't force us to be what we're not, liars and tricksters and salesmen. Let us be ourselves, give us the choice of a guaranteed basic income, and let us try to better ourselves with online classes, entering competitions, etc.\nThe world would be a better place. Economics is not the central problem of mankind. You could still do all the things you like to do, but you don't have to use economics as an excuse and create an artificial scarcity of money. Irc is an example where economics doesn't matter, but ppl can still be jerks to one another.> title |comment: 2012-8-31-02852-8280-1> => |text: I can't wait until I get my basic income> body |comment: 2012-8-31-02852-8280-4> => |text: \n\n\n You tried to do the online education thing and even though there was no grade you wanted to cheat and they wouldn't let you cheat by just giving you the answer. Then you whined about it here on K5. You can't better yourself with online classes because you are too lazy to do the work which is why you are not successful. It's not because you can't lie it is because you are too lazy to put forth the effort it takes to be successful. You take the path of least resistance. \nHow many challenges have you participated in this year? 1? 10? Zero? You don't have to wait for a basic income to accept a challenge and there have been numerous ones going on. But it is just easier for you to whine about them and worry about what you DON'T have rather than what you DO. \nStop worrying about what others are "trying" to do to you. Pick yourself up by your own bootstraps and get busy doing productive things. Stop making excuses for your failures. \nYou are just so COMPLETELY FULL OF BULLSHIT. You are a liar. You lie to yourself. You could be a Rockstar but it is up to you. No one is holding you back except for you. I never knew someone actually invented the internet. I thought it was discovered and was always there like oxygen or something.-Facebook User \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-8-31-02852-8280-5> => |text: \n\n\n I mean, I agree, you shouldn't have to adapt to the situation to be successful, you should just continue to stubbornly do whatever it is you are doing (or not doing).\nEveryone faces some kind of hardship or adversity. Very few people have a truly easy life, if anyone does. It's unreasonable to expect one (a basic income).\nIt says a lot about a person in terms of how they deal with that adversity. Obviously you've just surrendered to it and gone on welfare.\nTry being proactive and quit making excuses for yourself, or you'll die a failure. Is that what you want? \n\n\n> body |diary: 2012-8-27-214157-481> => |text: Note that ultimately Mac OS X and Safari used open source code, which was my main point. I got the projects wrong, but not the general nature of the licenses. (*BSD licenses differ from GNU, but they're both generally open source.)\nCertainly not as big a mistake as saying that Japan experienced stagflation, the factual error I pointed out in my penultimate diary.\nNote also that at least one source says: "Mac OS X nowadays is based on Darwin and chunks of existing open source software from a large number of sources like BSD, GNU, Mach, ... and even Linux." So I was partly right about Linux and Mac OS X.\n---\nIn response to selected comments: nuteo's is pure ad hom, focusing on the man not the argument.\nZOMGie Schrodinger's Clit's comment misrepresents my point of view, in that it's not about me, but about everyone. I would rather rise with the ranks than from them. Taking the basic income would be optional, of course. You get to keep everything you have now.\nBlarghnie's comment similarly misunderstands my philosophy. I don't "despise" group identity; I want the freedom not to have to participate in it. If you want to that's fine.\nThe political philosophy closest to mine is perhaps Libertarian Socialism. A lot of my economics comes from C. H. Douglas's Social Credit theory.\n---\nIn another recent diary, ballsackic "Hi! I'm a child molestor!" vinigger commented on Kurt Cobain's house. Of course, I know this house. I went there to shoot up with a friend after his suicide, in the little park next to it. I like to go back and walk around it every once in a while. It's a very rich person's house, in a very rich neighborhood on Lake Washington.\nI remember going around there with raquel ("rock-hell") when I first met her, smoking crack ... I should have listened to the still, quiet voice inside that told me something was badly wrong, when after collecting a bunch of wildflowers she talked of "weeding out" some of them. She was clearly referring to more than the flowers, and something deep inside me didn't like that, and if I'd listened to that voice I could have avoided a lot of suffering.> body |diary: 2012-8-26-165351-500> => |text: In "Can Voters Handle the Truth?", Professor Jonathan Haidt said: "There is this thing called democracy. And in democracy, people weigh in on all these topics, and basically they always want more services and lower taxes."\nWhat is wrong with wanting more services and lower taxes? Didn't Reagan prove deficits don't matter? As long as we keep innovating, we can create as much money as we want. Bernie Sanders's recent Fed Audit showed the Fed created $16 trillion to bail out financial institutions over two years; why can't we use that created money to provide services? We could start with a guaranteed basic income (an idea that's been around at least since Founding Father Thomas Paine proposed it in 1795's Agrarian Justice), and hold challenges (which biz can hold too, like Netflix, Google bug bounties, etc.) to stimulate innovation. It is the advance of knowledge that raises survival fitness the most, by better enabling us to predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change.\n---\nThe second segment I would like to comment on is "The Ayn Rand Economy". Stephen Moore states:\n"Well, I think that the idea behind the book is that people are the real resource creators. The people who create innovation and businesses. And create jobs are the people at the top. The people who took risks. The people who put sweat equity in the businesses, that employ people. And the point of the book is look, once you start abusing those people and treating them as if they're cash ATM machines, you know, what happens in the book, as you know, Christine, is that the wealth producers, the job creators, they sort of drop out of society and the whole society collapses."\nBut the rich themselves don't produce innovation. It was the individual programmers at Apple, along with the programmers who produced the free software that they used (such as Linux, which the new operating system is built on; Firefox, which Safari is based on, etc.) who created the actual innovation. Steve Jobs just acted important, he was just a front man. If it was left up to him alone we wouldn't have IPhones and I-pads, etc. because he himself didn't have the skills to create that kind of innovation.\nEconomist Joseph Stiglitz has made this point, that it is individuals that create things, and often they are not motivated by money. Tesla is an example, tearing up contracts worth millions to continue his experiments. The Wikipedia article on J. C. Bose states: "Although Bose filed for a patent for one of his inventions due to peer pressure, his reluctance to any form of patenting was well known." Too often, the type of rich person Stephen Moore describes, makes their money not from "sweat" but by buying up patents and then suing the engineers who are trying to make useful things. Why doesn't Ayn Rand mention those types of perverse incentives and moral hazards that the free market encourages?\nSteven Johnson in Where Good Ideas Come From says about half of the good ideas he surveyed came from the public sector. So Moore, and Rand, would throw out the innovations supported by public funds, such as the atom bomb, the highway system, GPS, and the very internet I'm using now to communicate this to you...\nThanks\n---\nAddendum: The idea that govt can only spend what it takes in is the obsolete feudal economics, disproved by the history of the United States (which has had a National Debt since its founding), and more recently by Japan with its 200% debt-to-gdp ratio. No country has failed because of deficits (as economist Ben Stein notes).> body |diary: 2012-8-25-19467-4176> => |text: "In economics, stagflation is a situation in which the inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows down, and unemployment remains steadily high."\nJapan's economy during the 1990s fails the first test. Inflation decreased in Japan from about 1990 to 1996, and the maximum at the beginning of this period was about 4%. Hardly a "high" inflation rate.\nAlso, from Wikipedia's Lost Decade article:\n"The impact on everyday life was muted, however. Unemployment rates were high, but not at a crisis level."\nAnd, further down:\n\nEconomist Richard Koo wrote that Japan's "Great Recession" that began in 1990 was a "balance sheet recession". It was triggered by a collapse in land and stock prices, which caused Japanese firms to become insolvent, meaning their assets were worth less than their liabilities. Despite zero interest rates and expansion of the money supply to encourage borrowing, Japanese corporations in aggregate opted to pay down their debts from their own business earnings rather than borrow to invest as firms typically do. Corporate investment, a key demand component of GDP, fell enormously (22% of GDP) between 1990 and its peak decline in 2003. Japanese firms overall became net savers after 1998, as opposed to borrowers. Koo argues that it was massive fiscal stimulus (borrowing and spending by the government) that offset this decline and enabled Japan to maintain its level of GDP. In his view, this avoided a U.S. type Great Depression, in which U.S. GDP fell by 46%. He argued that monetary policy was ineffective because there was limited demand for funds while firms paid down their liabilities. In a balance sheet recession, GDP declines by the amount of debt repayment and un-borrowed individual savings, leaving government stimulus spending as the primary remedy.\n\nIn conclusion: we need more stimulus. And it should go directly to individuals, not to corporations. Combine a basic income with challenges to spur innovation, and our future's potential is unlimited.> tags |diary: 2012-8-14-41825-1814> => |politics> + |economics> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |psychology not physics> + |no production capacity problem> + |artificial scarcity of money> + |make taxes voluntary> + |create money> + |basic income> intro |diary: 2012-8-14-41825-1814> => |text: The EU so-called economic crisis is one of demand, not production capacity. There is no shortage of resources except an artificially created scarcity of money. Bankers keep money artificially scarce because they don't have confidence in their ability to get attention unless they claim a divine, exclusive right to money creation and allocation.\nPhysics does not stop governments from ending the artificial scarcity of money, and promoting innovation with challenges and a guaranteed basic income. Only the diseased psychology of the Colbert character, who "held his wedding banquet in a soup kitchen" because "everyone knows you only appreciate something if others can't have it", is stopping us. Time to throw off the ancient old feudal economics that govt can only spend what it takes in, and embrace the reality that governments can and do create money without risk of hyperinflation, because the externality of innovation keeps raising the standard of living.> body |diary: 2012-8-14-41825-1814> => |text: Think hard about what money really is. It has become a ticketing system. \nPeople use economics as an excuse to be mean. Take away their economic reason (as on irc) and they'll find other excuses to be mean and ban and emotionally manipulate. The point is: what they really want to do is play games with people, and economics is just an excuse to do that. In the absence of any economics, they'll find other reasons to justify being unjust.\nSo we the voters can vote to give each of us who wants one a basic income. And the bankers and elites will lose nothing, because they'll find other reasons ("trolling!", or whatever) to practice injustice and exclude others. But at least we poor won't have to worry about our teeth and other basic human needs such as shelter, food, clothing, medicine, healthcare...\nInnovation is the key. Provide us with the choice of a basic income while leaving the free market essentially alone, and watch knowledge advance at a much faster pace, thanks to the unprecedented communications possibilities created by the internet.\n(The above was a response to this diary.)\n---\nNote how obsolete this old fart's post is. Has he not heard of absentee ballots?\n---\nRegarding this diary, I've been evacuating the bowels in a squatting position on the toilet since at least May 2010, because I remember starting around the time I made this comment.\nNote how in the thread, Storey Blame cites one study to support his view, which contradicts many other studies about the link between meat and colon cancer. The authors of the study he cites have their own doubts about how well their subjects represent the general population, as is noted at the end.\nAlso Mr. Shame completely invents the part about the study showing that meat-eaters in countries with squat toilets have a lower incidence of cancer than vegetarians in those countries. The article nowhere mentions that, and it is highly doubtful that squat toilets vs. sit-down toilets was a factor in the statistical analysis. Glory Flame pulled that analysis (appropriately enough) from his rectum.> tags |diary: 2012-8-11-145058-979> => |anonymous coward> + |politics> + |challenge ryan's economics> + |austerity death trap> + |general welfare> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |moral hazard of the market> tags |diary: 2012-7-28-183510-871> => |economics> + |politics> + |challenges> + |basic income> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |innovation> + |perverse incentives of the free market> + |moral hazards in the free market> body |diary: 2012-7-28-183510-871> => |text: http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/prizes--not-patents\n\nThere is an alternative way of financing and incentivizing research that, at least in some instances, could do a far better job than patents, both in directing innovation and ensuring that the benefits of that knowledge are enjoyed as widely as possible: a medical prize fund that would reward those who discover cures and vaccines. Since governments already pay the cost of much drug research directly or indirectly, through prescription benefits, they could finance the prize fund, which would award the biggest prizes for developers of treatments or preventions for costly diseases affecting hundreds of millions of people.\n\n---\nhttp://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2012/06/joseph-stiglitz-innovation-fallac\n\n\n\ny-reagan\n\nThirdly, it is not true that the extremely wealthy use their money to take innovation-driving risks. What we have seen quite clearly is that a much more common use of wealth is to gain advantage in "rent-seeking." When small groups of people have disproportionate wealth, they will use their power to seek special treatment from the government. Some of the wealthiest (historically, and even today) have gained their riches by the exercise of monopoly, preventing others from competing with them on a level playing field. Such rent-seeking behavior is a terribly inefficient use of resources: Rent-seekers don't create value. Rather, they use their privileged positions in markets to capture larger and larger portions of existing value. They distort the economy, lowering efficiency and economic growth.\n\n---\nI think Stiglitz is on the right track, but he's still tied to ancient old obsolete feudal economic ideas such as that supply and demand determine price, and government can only spend what it takes in so it should tax more. What we should do is make taxes voluntary, and create all the money we need. Also, apply the challenge model much more widely than in medicine. And give everyone who wants one a basic income, to free them from the pressure to lie and commit other immoral acts that the market so encourages.> body |comment: 2012-7-23-193733-151-38> => |text: \n\n\n got all upset posting about some tard he got into an accident with and expecting sympathy from K5 because he was so the victim? Except he wasn't. And we told him so. \nThis is the same thing. You can whine about your property and freedom and big government but you know and I know that it is just lazyness. \nYou ain't 12 anymore. You don't need your momma telling you to clean your room and you don't need the city telling you to mow your yard and fix your god damn house. Just get out there and do it. Like a man. It don't have anything to do with politics and everything to do with being an adult.\nYou keep looking for excuses and shit and sooner than you realize you'll be just like trane. Blaming everything on deficits don't matter and basic income for all. \nDon't be that guy. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-7-21-05157-3645> => |economics> + |inflation> + |psychology> + |not physics> + |money creation> + |innovation is the key> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |politics> body |diary: 2012-7-21-05157-3645> => |text: If you learn something, does everything you knew up to then become less valuable? Do articles in wikipedia become less valuable when a new article is added? Does Apache become less useful, less valuable each time someone downloads it?\nIsn't all currency fiat? We decide to put our faith in it. Or are you planning to use your gold bars for fillings (there are better materials now), or make your own connectors? At least you can eat paper.\nIt seems inflation is purely a psychological phenomenon, not physical in nature.\nStephen Colbert captured the psychology of inflation in a bit about weddings:\n\nEveryone knows you can only appreciate what you have by seeing other people that can't have it. That's why I had my wedding banquet in a soup kitchen. Those people across the room eating the thin gruel just made my Rosemary chicken that much [smack!] more delicious.\n\nWhy would you raise prices if the govt gave everyone who wanted one, a basic income, and held challenges to stimulate innovation? Because you can only enjoy life by seeing others who can't afford what you have?\nThe meme that things are worth less the more of them there are is an instance of an insidious meme virus that has spread to become groupthink. Question it.\n---\nSome statistics.\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MB,_M1_and_M2_aggregates_from_1981_to_2012.png\n\n\n\n\nshows the increase in the money supply since 1981\nhttp://dollardaze.org/blog/posts/2007/July/24/1/USMTotal.gif Another chart showing the increase since 1959\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Historical_Inflation.svg shows the annual inflation rate\nThe point is that inflation has not risen exponentially, while the money supply has (or nearly so). Inflation seems to be decoupled from the money supply. Note how the two largest post-war spikes of inflation took place in the 1970s when the money supply was increasing at a slower rate than for most of the subsequent three decades. \n---\nPrevious relevant diaries: \nHow much did a cellphone cost in 1973?\nPhysics and Economics> tags |diary: 2012-7-14-135838-620> => |free lunch> + |free stuff> + |something from nothing> + |innovation> + |basic income> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |economics> + |politics> + |TANSTAAFL discredited> body |diary: 2012-7-14-135838-620> => |text: Re Makers vs. Takers: what does Romney make? Money, through hustling? What if the govt created money without the perverse incentives that the market encourages, and used it to provide anyone who wanted it with a basic income? With 3D printers and the free knowledge on the internet, we could all collaborate in ad hoc communities to create more innovation than Romney could ever dream of.\nThe market creates moral hazards. Entitlements are one way to encourage morality when you have to learn to lie to survive in a corporation. In fact, the Fed creates huge amounts of money all the time, and the predicted hyperinflation has never materialized. The so-called "inflation tax" is much lower than any other tax.> body |comment: 2012-7-14-135838-620-6> => |text: \n\n\n to what mr. debbie has to say about people on fixed incomes. The "physics" (for lack of a better term) of fiat currency are such that as more is printed, well, each bit is worth less.\n(On the other hand, Debbers? my understanding is that the people that are closest to the printing press, e.g. the military contractors, government workers, and handout "takers" benefit most from inflation, as they get their new dollars and can spend them before they trickle down to the rest of us and finish inflating prices, so Trane isn't as off as you think.) \nOf course, Trane, your big problem will be getting the government to keep your handouts up with inflation. Debbie is right that the government fakes that number (I think he's wrong in the degree to which the government fakes that number, but it's a number that is nigh impossible to get right even if you are trying to get right, so there's no debate that the number is at least somewhat off.) - if you get the government to print money to give people a 'basic income' things will be pretty sweet for you for a while, but that basic income, though it may become larger in actual dollars, is very likely to get smaller in actual value over time. \nI am probably better positioned to deal with inflation than any of you fucks, as right now, I deal with a dramatically deflationary situation. Until inflation starts beating moore's law, I'll just slow down my price decreases to keep up with inflation. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-6-29-212015-437-11> => |text: I assumed you were talking basic income tax> body |diary: 2012-6-22-192842-224> => |text: The stock market is like a labile little girl jumping from one emotion to another with no rhyme or reason, just purely because she can. A drunken walk...\nBut we the People don't have to indulge her. We can vote for a basic income to empower each one of us, so that we can pursue what interests us rather than what interests some greedy, sociopathic little Napoleon boss more concerned with office people games than the General Welfare that the Constitution is mandated to provide for.> title |comment: 2012-6-22-192842-224-3> => |text: Alaska provides a basic income via the permanent> tags |diary: 2012-6-18-205049-292> => |billie holiday> + |louis armstrong> + |i'll never be the same> + |new orleans> + |fresh air> + |disability> + |basic income> + |long tail> + |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> body |diary: 2012-6-18-205049-292> => |text: Later still after I'd walked around some more, there were three of them standing across the street from the car. Again I avoided looking at them, still focusing on the greenery: the horse chestnuts, the maples, the vines, etc. Just as I got to my car, one, a blonde, called out to me: "Are you stuck?" "No, no" I reassured her.\nAnyway. Who needs real pussy, when there's internet porn, which is much less messy?\n---\nI recall a "Fresh Air" from a while back, with some guy who had written a book whining about his brother who was on disability. The guy described some scene to Terry Gross in which he gave his mentally disabled brother some rent money for his low-income apartment, and his brother could only talk about Billie Holiday. I'm with the brother. Billie's our patron saint.\nCheck out I'll never be the same. \n---\nI'll never be the same\nSkies have lost their meaning for me\nI'll never be the same\nNothin's what it once used to be\nAnd when the song birds that sing\nTell me it's spring\nI can't believe their song\nOnce love was king\nBut kings can be wrong\nI'll never be the same\nThere is such an ache in my heart\nI'll never be the same\nSince we're apart\nBut there's a lot that a smile can hide\nAnd I know deep down inside\nI'll never be the same\nNever be the same again\n---\nBillie's a drug addict, like us; she just happened to have an immense singing talent. But it wasn't enough, they hounded her to an early grave.\nIf Billie's our patron saint, Louis is our Savior. See how Billie looks at him in Where the Blues Were Born, at about 3:06-3:10 for example (the video has some synchronization problems...).\nLouis's our savior, he transcended all. There's a version of Jack Armstrong Blues that I have on CD but can't find on youtube, where Jack Teagarden sings "Latch on Satch, send me out just right!" I agree; I just want to attach myself to his horn playing, hitch a ride on it to Nirvana. (I like Louis's solo on the version I have better than in the youtube versions; the band on the CD seems to be play better behind Louis.)\n---\nSo, that guy on Fresh Air complaining about his brother talking about Billie Holiday: I think Terry should have been talking to the brother. Billie knew poverty and discrimination and having to face the Man. I think that's what the brother was trying to tap into. That rich guy who wrote the book must have had some tin in his ears.\n---\nOh yeah and the response to this diary is, give the secretary and the guy in marketing a basic income, and empower them to work on what interests them. They can self-publish on the internet. The long tail allows them the opportunity to reach someone that might appreciate their efforts. The old paradigms are obsolete, the future is limited only by our imagination. Kings can be wrong, the king is dead, there's a lot that a smile can hide...> body |diary: 2012-6-7-23053-26516> => |text: "We're in a situation now where the interest rate is zero, which means any austerity policies -- any cutbacks in spending -- just lead to unemployment. They actually do very little to reduce the budget deficit. They probably make the long-run fiscal position worse. Once the economy is recovered enough, then you'll find me turn into a fiscal hawk, but not now."\nhttp://www.npr.org/2012/04/27/151473654/paul-krugmans-prescription-for-a-depress\n\n\n\nion\nKrugman's mostly right, but he doesn't get yet that jobs are not the goal; innovation is the goal, and the best way to advance knowledge and the pace of technological progress is with a basic income and challenges.> body |comment: 2012-6-2-12139-10642-1> => |text: \n\n\n To provide for the material needs of a society's people most of them must work. Otherwise fruity while rot on the vine and cattle will die peacefully in their sleep at a ripe old age.\nMy understanding is that Greece was so heavily into your basic income proposal that they totally spaced the notion that someone had to earn that income, then pass it on to others.\nInstead they just borrowed from the world bank enough cash to kept most of the notion from having to contribute anything to anyone for years on end.\nWhile Greece does have taxation laws on it's books it's trivially easy to avoid ever having to pay.\nDon't take this as criticism. I am all for your basic income, provided that one must contribute something of value to society for ones payments to persist. -- \n"I don't work well with other people because people who work well with other people are Nazis." \n-- Michael David Crawford \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-5-6-193415-7394> => |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |inflation is psychological not physical> + |innovation is the key> + |basic income and challenges for the win!> tags |diary: 2012-4-22-95223-1976> => |deficits don't matter> + |reagan proved it> + |negative interest rates> + |fed> + |politics> + |economics> + |challenges> + |basic income> body |diary: 2012-4-22-95223-1976> => |text: What matters in life are the towhees crying in the trees, the clouds dissappearing into air as they rise from the valley, sunbathing in the nude on a warm spring day (hoping the neighbors don't see you), figuring out why you like Farewell to Storyville so much - because almost every note in each phrase of the melody is lower than the preceding one, so it's easy to do counterpoint with the left hand going up the chord outlines.\nThe economic problem is not the central problem of mankind. Inflation is psychological. As long as we keep innovating we can print as much money as we need. And the most expedient way to advance innovation is with basic incomes, and challenges.> title |comment: 2012-4-17-20718-4464-9> => |text: solution: basic income> title |diary: 2012-4-11-172416-707> => |text: Challenges: check. Basic Income: coming!> body |comment: 2012-4-11-172416-707-1> => |text: \n\n\n There will never, ever be a basic income until and unless there is a serious revolution toppling the world economic system.\nGiven this basic truth - most 'challenges' that you ever see are either cover for bids that are already specifically targeted (this is not necessarily corrupt) or they are cut-rate chop-shop shit.\nFor example, Nature Magazine's challenge section for synthesis of candidate compounds - $50-150 per compound being the usual rate. A chemist might have in former times NETTED this much in salary and now it's being offered as GROSS. The actual 'contestant' is either a 3rd world deregulated polluting slave camp, a moonlighting grad student stealing their advisor's supplies, or corporate espionage selling an existing or defunct pharm companies library piece by piece.\n \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-4-11-172416-707-3> => |text: \n\n\n The dole and pension system in Aus is pretty close to the "basic income" idea Trane is after. The medical/medicine/dental system is pretty good too, for those in need, but without their own means.\nIt is only impossible in the US, where politicians and the populace are fanatical, rather than pragmatic, about certain key principles. \nBTW, the Aussie economy is doing better than the US one ATM. Though that is not because of our welfare system. It is because we missed most of the banking/housing fuckup, and benefit from China's massive growth rate. -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-4-11-172416-707-6> => |text: \n\n\n There will never, ever be a basic income until and unless there is a serious revolution toppling the world economic system.\nAgreed. Basic Income would fix what they intentionally broke. \nAbout challenges... contracts might work, i.e. bidding for work semi-publically, assuming that you didn't care too much about competition.\nOf course, every 'sane' business is either paranoid or running itself into the ground.\nBy being paranoid. \nYour dollar is you only Word, the wrath of it your only fear.\nHe who has an EAR to hear....\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-3-26-10330-4950-7> => |text: \n\n\n next time you have a hard on for basic income and challenges to save the world. \n--\nDictated but not read. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-3-9-18259-48107> => |udacity> + |coursera> + |education> + |free> + |99%> + |stimulus> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |future's so bright i gotta wear shades> + |this is your brain on drugs> body |diary: 2012-3-9-18259-48107> => |text: Colbert last night showed Cain's new ad: a goldfish bowl being tipped over, dumping a goldfish on the ground, with a toddler saying "this is the economy" as it flops about on the ground; then splashing some water onto the goldfish and saying: "this is the economy on stimulus. Any question? ANY QUESTIONS?"\nColbert then showed a parody ad. But I think he missed the best way to respond, which is: Obviously what we need is a lot more stimulus! And a structure to hold it around the economic 'phish', i.e. the safety glass of a basic income. Also provide it food in the form of challenges to sink its teeth into!\nIn conclusion Cain's ad is pure propaganda, like the "this is your brain on drugs" ad produced during Reagan's wrong-headed, misguided 'war', which was meant to distract the American People while he tripled the national debt, because he knew it didn't matter.> intro |diary: 2012-3-5-172052-3816> => |text: Teachers in physical classrooms: better support a basic income before your livelihood vanishes :)\n\nBrian Guan, 44, a Malaysian-born software engineer who lives in Palo Alto, Calif., offered his own utopian vision in an e-mail interview: "I wish that the always-available, always-replayable and free nature of this style of learning can help to elevate education/knowledge for all of human kind." \n\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/05/education/moocs-large-courses-open-to-all-topp\n\n\nle-campus-walls.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1> body |comment: 2012-2-26-19355-9536-6> => |text: \n\n\n because you post really stupid shit a lot.\nSTFU about politics and basic incomes &c and you'll at least be bearable. -- \nNever mind, it was just the dog cumming -- jandev\nYou Sir, are an Ignorant Motherfucker. -- Crawford\nI am arguably too manic to do that. -- Crawford\nI already fuck my mother -- trane\nNimey is right -- Blastard\ni am in complete agreement with Nimey -- i am a pretty big deal \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2012-2-20-19637-4073> => |text: SINCE PEDOPHILE OSM FORCED ME TO SHOW MY HAND, WE HAVE A NEW SCOOP SITE, CALLED CRAWFORDFREE.COM. IT'S RUN BY DEL GRIFFITH AND MYSELF. ANY AND ALL TOPICS ARE FAIR GAME, EXCEPT CRAWFORD. IF YOU POST ABOUT CRAWFORD, YOU GET BANNED. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. RUSTINA, BASIC INCOMES, AND YOUR SHITS ARE ALL FAIR GAME.\nTHERE ARE A COUPLE OF SITE RELATED ISSUES BUT IT WILL BE UP AND RUNNING SOON, I ASSURE YOU.\nKEEP YOUR STUPID FUCKING CRAWFORD SHIT HERE AND COME TO WHERE YOU CAN BE AN ASSHOLE WITHOUT SCHIZOASSHOLE DISORDER FELONS.> body |comment: 2012-2-10-113621-724-2> => |text: \n\n\n because 90%+ of your comments are fucking worthless spew.\nBehave yourself better with this account: don't post crap about basic incomes &c on other peoples' diaries and stories. -- \nNever mind, it was just the dog cumming -- jandev\nYou Sir, are an Ignorant Motherfucker. -- Crawford\nI am arguably too manic to do that. -- Crawford\nI already fuck my mother -- trane\nNimey is right -- Blastard\ni am in complete agreement with Nimey -- i am a pretty big deal \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-2-8-17572-44178-5> => |text: \n\n\n d/t has been reaching blastar levels of annoying and a crapflood by any other name is still a crapflood.\nThere have been several people here that have actually tried to seriously engage d/t on his 'deficits don't matter', 'basic income', etc. etc. but he still just keeps throwing out one-liners. \nI have even begun to suspect that some of his posts aren't really his own but are his ruby-powered intelligent agents. I think this because they often have little in relation to what the posted diary, comment, or story is about. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-2-7-23443-36554-2> => |text: basic income empowers individuals> title |comment: 2012-2-7-23443-36554-13> => |text: So get a job and earn a basic income. $> body |comment: 2012-2-1-123351-9580-6> => |text: \n\n\n the more right I think this guy is. I am especially there with the bicycle analogy. \nMy good friend Billy Joe Bob always had a hankerin' to have a Ph.d so what folks could call him Dr. Billy Joe Bob. \nNow see, he could have just kept trying and trying until eventually, you know, one day, sometime in the far future after his parents had been financially devastated and he himself was struggling under a debt load that would make the Greek government blush and his future children sold into indentured servitude he could get his bachelor's degree. Then he could start working on that there Mastering degree and so on.\nUnfortunately, poor Billy Joe Bob got hisself stuck in one of them 'weeder' schools what paid too much attention to things like test scores and grades. Of course they failed his ass and he had to go get a job at Willy's Texaco. Poor guy, if there were anyone I think would benefit from a basic income and challenges where he could use his intellect to really innovate--like that honda civic he modified into a ridin' mower--it would have to be good ol' Billy Joe Bob. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-1-28-64553-9558-36> => |text: basic income + challenges $> title |comment: 2012-1-27-183335-215-2> => |text: fuck jobs. basic income, challenges, usufruct ftw.> body |comment: 2012-1-27-183335-215-4> => |text: \n\n\n to acquire a basic income and thereby usufruct in your own home.\nBut yeah, fuck Jobs, and fuck Gates too. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2012-1-25-222038-544> => |politics> + |basic income> + |challenges> + |innovation> + |moon base> + |nasa> body |comment: 2012-1-25-204912-984-1> => |text: \n\n\n SHOULD HAVE GIVEN HIM A BASIC INCOME AND SOME CHALLENGES!!!!!!!!1oen \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-1-23-1522-25368-17> => |text: basic income, and challenges to motivate you!> title |comment: 2012-1-20-214655-839-4> => |text: create $, basic income...oh destroy, not save!> title |comment: 2012-1-12-3285-30530-1> => |text: legalize drugs, basic income, and usufruct FTW> title |comment: 2012-1-10-21457-5012-1> => |text: Rick Perry wants to censor basic income> title |comment: 2012-1-10-16248-2359-27> => |text: Solution: basic income. Then who could you mock :)> body |comment: 2012-1-10-122524-785-5> => |text: \n\n\n Have it delivered daily via Post Office. Those poor postal workers need the work. Grow pot and mushrooms in the medians of the interstate highway system. Have cocaine and free food available at grocery stores. Open the vacant office space in downtown areas to the homeless. Make it mandatory that every bank has to open a debit account to any customer free of charge or fees and have a basic income deposited monthly. \n"In the Big Rock Candy Mountains\nYou never change your socks\nAnd the little streams of alcohol\nCome trickling down the rocks\nThe brakemen have to tip their hats \nAnd the railway bulls are blind\nThere's a lake of stew\nAnd of whiskey too\nYou can paddle all around it\nIn a big canoe\nIn the Big Rock Candy Mountains\nIn the Big Rock Candy Mountains,\nThe jails are made of tin.\nAnd you can walk right out again,\nAs soon as you are in.\nThere ain't no short-handled shovels,\nNo axes, saws nor picks,\nI'm bound to stay\nWhere you sleep all day,\nWhere they hung the jerk\nThat invented work\nIn the Big Rock Candy Mountains.\n....\nI'll see you all this coming fall\nIn the Big Rock Candy Mountains I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-1-10-122524-785-7> => |text: \n\n\n You might need to wait for the physicists first.\nBesides, what half-way decent engineer has trouble finding a job? No need for basic income. Even then, say there is an "ethical engineer" who wants to work privately, they are not going to have the funds needed for their research. Building prototypes of brand new concepts is exceedingly expensive! -----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-1-10-32417-7770-12> => |text: Solution: basic income> title |comment: 2012-1-10-01649-5884-1> => |text: basic income makes health more important than $> title |comment: 2012-1-8-223316-8735-1> => |text: Solution: basic income. And challenges.> body |comment: 2012-1-8-223316-8735-18> => |text: \n\n\n Use economic theory to obtain a basic income. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-1-6-19182-61248-9> => |text: \n\n\n I reckon a couple bjs and he'd be calling it a good day. Hit the crack shack, blaze up and log on at the library. Spend the rest of the evening moaning about how he needs a basic income and a free space to crash. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2012-1-5-11490-50456-15> => |text: \n\n\n Is owning a horse a right? Back in the day it would be hard to live without one but what about now? \nInternet as a basic right is right up there with donnalee's Basic Income and usufructing private property. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-1-3-20440-97892-4> => |text: give her a basic income> body |comment: 2012-1-3-20440-97892-5> => |text: \n\n\n How many more angry young men would go columbine if they couldn't hate-fuck a homeless woman for money? We don't need basic income, we need basic instincts! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2012-1-3-11230-31800-1> => |text: Wouldn't you be much happier with a basic income?> title |comment: 2012-1-2-171919-8220-3> => |text: aww are u angry :) A Basic Income would help you.> title |comment: 2012-1-2-171919-8220-4> => |text: I have a basic income, it's called a job #> title |comment: 2012-1-2-04942-47617-1> => |text: basic income rewards pursuit of virtue> title |comment: 2012-1-2-04942-47617-7> => |text: Basic income would do wonders for your anger!> title |comment: 2012-1-1-225541-9594-11> => |text: with a basic income, you could play music forever> title |comment: 2011-12-31-21012-099-2> => |text: If you had a basic income, you could make lenses> title |comment: 2011-12-31-21012-099-23> => |text: Use a basic income to develop them!> body |comment: 2011-12-31-115825-35-3> => |text: \n\n\n 1) empty bathtub is unconscious telling you deficits don't matter (shit is money); 2) lacking free basic income you want to take a shit on ignorant motherfuckers you have to work with (shit is your self-hate for working for money). - NCCTG N0574 CANCER PROTOCOL \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-12-30-2220-4538-4> => |text: free basic income ftw!> title |comment: 2011-12-30-25213-904-1> => |text: Basic Income ftw!> body |comment: 2011-12-30-25213-904-2> => |text: \n\n\n Ignorant motherfucker has a career of sorts dressing up old-timey and claiming he's Thomas Paine, while spouting right-wing horseshit. Paine is just one of those guys who has to be retconned or memory holed in order to justify a certain vision of the USA. Falsified quotations from a book that any monkey could find with one click but Hell, you know? This is Mr. Basic Income right here and he's become a symbol of the Tea Party. Your hero speaks to me, overdubbed cruelly, in twisted nonsense from my Republican friend's FB pages. "He who controls the past controls the future". Know your enemy.\n \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-12-28-35630-267-14> => |text: best way to limit govt is a basic income> title |comment: 2011-12-24-22745-504-4> => |text: solution: basic income and encourage creativity> title |comment: 2011-12-24-2045-3858-2> => |text: Give them basic incomes Challenge their creativity> title |comment: 2011-12-22-115042-00-20> => |text: Basic Income balances moral hazards of free market> body |comment: 2011-12-20-232843-72-13> => |text: \n\n\n Why should you be given a free home? Why should you be given a basic income? Any particular reason or just because you want it? I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-12-19-204911-66-33> => |text: vr churches created by basic income recipients ftw> body |comment: 2011-12-18-221827-44-1> => |text: \n\n\n Easy to skip over. I barely notice anymore. If it was like eight paragraphs of shit like it used to be then yeah. Maybe I might care. As it is, he's almost down to numbers already.\n# 41 - Usufruct!\n# 128 - Deficits don't matter!\n# 256 - Basic Income!\nSo it's like: \n#41, #128, & #256 (0.00 / 14) (#2)\nby donnalee on Sat Dec 17, 2011 at 06:36:01 PM CST\n I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-12-18-202428-51-1> => |text: give them a basic income, challenge their minds> body |diary: 2011-11-30-215857-65> => |text: The elephant in the room is that we can create a lot more money, and use it to help individuals with a basic income (if they want it), and fund challenges to stimulate innovation. Note that Japan, with its 200% debt-to-gdp ratio, was involved in this plan.\nThe evidence is incontrovertible. The simple truth is, deficits don't matter.> title |comment: 2011-11-27-15326-116-2> => |text: The answer is a basic income, and challenges!> title |comment: 2011-11-27-113730-35-4> => |text: The solution is a basic income, and challenges!> intro |diary: 2011-11-26-17834-510> => |text: Re:Is it that bad? (Score:5, Insightful)\nby blue trane (110704) writes: on Saturday November 26, @04:51PM (#38176518) Journal \nIt's bad because Liberty is an unalienable right, and the government has no business deciding what you should study.\nWe are tool-builders, and we created money as a tool to help us. Instead we find economists treating money as a God to which we must sacrifice humans (not them, but other, poorer, humans).\nUnemployment is a good thing, a sign of economic progress, the result of higher productivity. What we should do is provide a basic income to everyone who wants one, and hold challenges to stimulate innovation and the advance of knowledge. Because it is knowledge that confers the greatest survival benefit by enabling us to better predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change.> title |comment: 2011-11-21-231255-68-5> => |text: Give those kids a basic income, and challenges!> title |comment: 2011-11-21-15742-595-1> => |text: If Government provided a Basic Income> body |comment: 2011-11-14-115649-73-7> => |text: \n\n\n THE REASON YOU DON'T CREATE MORE FIRES IS BECAUSE IT IS AGAINST THE PHYSICS LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. YOU CANNOT WASTED IT. YOU CAN MOVE YOUR FIRE AROUND BUT YOU CANNOT MAKE MOAR THAN YOU NEED OR YOU WILL BE PROBED. IN YOUR PRIVATE PARTS. LIKE WHERE YOU POOP FROM EVEN. \nDOLLARS ARE MADE LIKE FIRE YOU JUST RUB THINGS TOGETHER AND IT MAKES FIRE! WHERE DOES FIRE COME FROM? NOTHING! AND WHERE DOES MONEY COME FROM? NOTHING! \nTHE GREAT ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE SAINT REAGON BOTH PROOFED THAT DEFECITS DOESNT MATTER!!1! LINCOLN WAS SHOT IN HIS HEAD AND REAGON WAS TOUCHED IN THE HEAD BY ALIEN PROBE FROM URANUS AFTER THEY PROOFED THE MONEYS AREN'T REAL THEY ARE MADE FROM PAPER AND FIRE BURNS PAPER YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT!!1! \nTHE LIZARD PEOPLE HAVE YOU ALL FOOLED AND YOU NEED THE GLASSES LIKE IN THAT MOVIE "THEY LIVE" SO YOU CAN SEE THE REALITY AND BE FREE BUT YOU MAY HAVE TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED BY RODDY PIPER FIRST. ONLY IF YOU HAVE GLASSES OR SMOKE ROCK CAN YOU KNOW TRUTH11! ASK PNARP HE KNOWS THE GNOMES ARE REAL AND COMING FOR US ALL. WE NEED BASIC INCOME FROM GOVT SO WE CAN WRITE C++ CODE AND SMOKE ROCK AND BE FAMOUS LIKE JOBS!!! I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-11-8-12029-6767-20> => |text: \n\n\n YOU BUY INTO THE FANTASY THAT MONEY MUST BE SCARCE IN ORDER TO HAVE VALUE WHEN THE GREAT ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND THE SAINTLY RONALD REAGON HAVE PROOFED THAT DEFICETS DO NOT MATTER. IT IS A LIE LEARNED TO YOU BY THE EVIL BANK HEGEMONY TRYING TO CONTROL YOURE MIND!!!1!\nRESIST AND PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A BASIC INCOME FOR ALL AND TO TEH CHALLENGES TO BIRTH MASSIVE INNOVATION NOT SEEN SOINCE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. \nPRIVATE PROPERTY IS THEFT CORPARATES SHOULD ALLOW US TO USUFRUCT IN THERE ABANDONED PROPERTIES. \nINSURANCE IS A SCAM TO MAKE YOU ALL SLAVES TO THE BANK. THROW OF YOUR CHAINS!!!1! I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-11-6-101053-023> => |text: http://www.salon.com/2009/03/27/deficits/\n\nThose scary charts and graphs often deployed to illustrate our parlous state of indebtedness rarely date back as far as the Forties and Fifties -- and the reason is simple. The massive deficits incurred during the war didn't matter, as Cheney might say, because the wartime national investments in industry, technology and science undergirded a postwar boom that lasted for nearly three decades, creating the largest and most prosperous middle class in human history.\nThe average annual growth rate remained close to four percent for that entire period -- and over time the combination of constant growth and smaller deficits reduced the ratio of debt to a fraction of its postwar dimension. What mattered more than the size of the deficits was whether they were spent on things that enabled consistent growth.\n\nToday consistent growth can best be achieved by empowering individuals with a basic income, and holding challenges to spur their native genius for invention. Biz can fund challenges too, like Netflix, Google...\nTo put it in market terms, think of government spending on innovation as a hedge, a bet against private industry's ability to create the disruptive innovations that everyone will want in the future. A diverse investment strategy is best. What is more diverse than investing in individuals?> title |comment: 2011-11-5-214831-150-1> => |text: solution: basic income and innovation challenges!> body |diary: 2011-11-5-121037-787> => |text: The regressives are all calling for the opposite.\n[...]\nEven if you're a deficit hawk this is nuts. Instead of reducing the ratio of debt to the size of the overall economy, this strategy increases the ratio because it causes the economy to shrink.\nCall it the austerity death trap.\nUnder these circumstances, the harder a country works to cut its debt, the worse the ratio becomes -- because the economy shrinks even faster.\nGreece is already in the trap. Spain and Italy are perilously close. Even Britain, France, and Germany are tip-toeing up to it. And now us.\n\n---\nYou know how conservatives are always saying, "the market fears uncertainty"? The biggest uncertainty right now is that ppl don't have enough money to buy things. We do not have a production capacity problem; the recession is entirely psychological, not physical. The obvious solution is to end the artificial scarcity of money. \nThe elephant in the room (which even Reich, Stiglitz, Ben Stein, Madrick etc. pretend not to see) is the inescapable fact (as C. H. Douglas pointed out in Social Credit, some 87 years ago) that unemployment represents economic progress.\nThe focus should be on innovation. In these times when the market is hoarding its cash, cowering back under the rock it crawls out from every few years, licking its wounds after its latest screw-up, govt needs to spend to keep innovation going. (The best way is to fund individuals, provide a basic income for all who ask for it, and hold challenges to stimulate each of us to unleash the native curiosity and wonder and scientific spirit that we are all born with.)\nThen when biz starts funding innovation again like during the 1990s, govt can balance its budget.> body |diary: 2011-11-1-20257-9131> => |text: But looking at the money created over the last few decades, compared to the inflation rate, the "inflation tax" would be much less even than any of the "flat tax" proposals by the current GOP presidential candidates.\nConsider also that inflation is psychological, so we would be in charge of this "tax", and could use social pressure against those who would raise prices.\nAnother consideration: we wouldn't have to pay for the institution of the IRS. Instead of funding government bureaucracies like the IRS, the Education Dept, the Social Security Administration, HHS, etc., we could simply provide enough money to everyone who wants it to pay for a basic income and healthcare, and education would be free via the internet (Khan Academy...).\nAlso, to counter the idea that the private sector creates wealth: how much "wealth" did the most recent bubble create? Far better to give ppl money and encourage them to innovate through challenges. In this age of the internet we don't have to work for a company to contribute; the unprecedented communication possibilities allow us to form ad hoc collaborations with individuals across the globe...> body |comment: 2011-11-1-20257-9131-9> => |text: \n\n\n have any choice. Or not much anyways. You know like if you happen to be born in the US you are automagically a citizen whether you like it here or not. Same with if you are born anywhere, it's just a matter of luck. You have to wait until you're an adult and then get permission from your government in order to leave as well as get permission from the host country to stay. \nSo after government collapses if you are born in the republic of AT&T you are automatically a citizen-slave of AT&T. If you want to work for the Microsoft Empire then you have to apply for a passport from AT&T and a green card from Microsoft.\nAT&T would give you a basic income like a salary of course you would probably be worked 80+ hours a week and you would be in constant debt to AT&T. Think the Coal mining days and the Truck System. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-10-29-14441-423-6> => |text: \n\n\n Lil Debbie you are such a typical liberal bleeding-heart hippie to blame Marx and the Government. \nI suppose you believe the USSR should have 'bailed out' the Ukrainians, maybe 'redistributed some wealth'. I can just hear you now, "Stalin should have provided a basic income and food stamps for these poor downtrodden minorities." \nWell those Ukrainians should have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. Maybe got themselves a second job. Shown some personal responsibility for a change rather than waiting for a government hand out. Lazy Ukrainians just like all the poor they should have prepared better. \nI'm sorry but I feel no sympathy for a group that has made such poor life choices. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-10-26-55345-511-2> => |text: basic income + khan academy = FTW the future!> title |comment: 2011-10-24-234523-58-1> => |text: empower individuals with a basic income> body |comment: 2011-10-24-234523-58-7> => |text: \n\n\n around your tent waiting for his next fish.\nThe only guy that is going to discover astronomy or physics or that cool new equation are ones that are motivated in that direction already. It isn't going to matter if they have a basic income or not.\nThere is a trailer park not far from where I live and you could go and give everyone there a basic income, clothes, etc. all the basic mazlows right? They're still not going to start studying quantum mechanics. They're just going to drink 40's and watch judge judy. \nThe math guy, astro-boy, physics geek, they're still going to be studying and thinking about that shit whether they are working in a coin-op laundry, a patent office, or a chuck-e-cheese. \nAll you are doing is making people more dependent on the government for their basic welfare and we can already see how well that will work out. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.\n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-10-24-154711-18-3> => |text: basic income + no editors = faster progress> title |comment: 2011-10-22-13521-190-19> => |text: Solution: legalize, basic income, and challenges.> title |comment: 2011-10-21-115937-88-4> => |text: no-strings basic income eliminates political infl.> body |comment: 2011-10-21-115937-88-6> => |text: \n\n\n money is the only reason for political influence.\nAnd of course that "basic income" == "maximum income".\n-- \nThe world's dullest web page\n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-10-12-0512-3045-1> => |text: wars burn off surplus; basic income is better.> title |comment: 2011-10-10-171210-38-7> => |text: fed created $16 tr.; use that for a basic income.> body |comment: 2011-10-10-171210-38-12> => |text: \n\n\n ...this "basic income" concept using my favorite reliable Internet resource, Wikipediathe free encyclopedia that even one's retarded little brother can editI've concluded that I like this scheme even better than my "cut up the bills" proposal I posted in an earlier comment (which, oddly, appears below this one).\nA "basic income" sounds like the most efflubiously wonderful idea since slicing bread up and eating it! I mean, who doesn't want free money? Who doesn't need free money? Who couldn't use free money?! With free money, I could buy all sorts of things I can't now... and I wouldn't even have to get off my curiously lard-shaped butt to "earn" that money! (I assume this "basic income" check will be hand-delivered by my own personal government social worker so I don't have to even waddle to my mailbox to claim my free money, right?)\nThe only improvement I could suggest to this "basic income" scheme would be to automatically increase it by a few percent each year. Then, eventually, Iand everyone elsewill be making enough money every year to buy anything at all without ever having to get off our curiously lard-shaped butts! Phillip Norbert rp\nPowered by the love of the voluptuous insect goddess, Strahazazhia Kalamazoo-Kintaki-Meeps, She of the six-legged delights.\n Pnrps docile & perfunctory page! \n Its docile! Its perfunctory! Its phlogistically fantastical! But is it one of those blog things?\n All wrights preserved. No purchase estuary. Lawn gnomes not included. You wont be disconcerted. Deployed where prohibited by snore.\n Pnrp learned this week that the world was still here. Will it ever end?\n\n[ Current entry &pipe; Random entry ]\n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-10-7-23611-6640-1> => |text: corps won't save western civ; a basic income will!> title |comment: 2011-10-6-2295-32087-1> => |text: govt should empower us with a basic income!> title |comment: 2011-10-3-14551-7320-3> => |text: forgive debt; supply basic income; hold challenges> body |diary: 2011-9-23-7221-74414> => |text: Consider also the possibility that radioactive decay rates vary (see comments for responses to the falsification experiment).\nSince I have no stake in current systems, the potential for paradigm shifts in these fields intrigues me. I can only imagine how scared those who have bought heavily (both emotionally and financially) into current models, overruling the still quiet voice inside warning them not to, must feel :)\nI found this comment from the slashdot article on "Faster-than-light Neutrinos" interesting:\n\nIf this is a confirmed finding... we may have just proven that Realism is not a constant assumption of our Universe, which would make the Scientific Method itself a tool with limited but useful application. Or rather, it would prove that there are discoveries in our Universe that can be made that are impossible to arrive at via the Scientific Method.\n\nSounds like Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, applied to Physics.\n---\nIn light of such exciting developments, how shallow seem pop economic arguments that CERN or FermiLab should be shut down because "we can't afford them"?\nThe economic problem is not the central problem of mankind. Knowledge (of retrocausality, for example) can lead us to heights of innovation and standards of living that (most) economists are incapable of imagining!\nEconomics, fearful that no one will pay attention to it, seeks to dampen enthusiasm and manipulate emotions by creating artificial scarcity. I'm reminded of the following quotation from "Team's quantum object is biggest by factor of billions":\n\n"I don't think there is a limit, that there will be a certain size where quantum mechanics starts to break down," Dr Aspelmeyer said. \n"The larger we go, it becomes increasingly difficult and we will bump into more and more practical limitations. So the only reason that things could break down is that we run out of money." \n\n---\nThe best solution (I can think of) to the economic throttling of the advance of knowledge and technology, is for govt to use the tool of money creation to guarantee a basic income to all, and encourage innovation and creativity - through challenges, for example.\nLet us use our imaginations to try to falsify the statement (attributed to Eddington, or Haldane): "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine"!> title |comment: 2011-9-16-13156-6616-19> => |text: sure. basic income to all, and fund challenges FTW> body |comment: 2011-9-16-13156-6616-20> => |text: \n\n\n a basic income? \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-9-16-13156-6616-23> => |text: \n\n\n research, usually, do not need a 'basic income' - I am far from being able to do useful research, but I could support myself quite well contracting for four days a month. \nI'm fairly certain you are going to get a better value out of your R&D dollars if you work out some deal with the universities than if you spend the same money on a basic income. (I mean, maybe there are other arguments in favor of the basic income, but I don't think r&d is one of them) \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-9-16-13156-6616-25> => |text: \n\n\n that's the problem the basic income would solve. \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2011-9-6-123228-2613> => |text: Economists beginning with Milton Friedman (who nevertheless supported a kind of basic income, see http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/23/business/23scene.html ) have enjoyed invoking "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" to crush the hopes and aspirations of dreamers who can see a future as better than the present as the present is from the slave-owning, famine-ridden past.\nBut does TANSTAAFL hold up in the face of dark energy, and the Fluctuation theorem? Or is it mostly a psychological truth, rather than a natural law, which can be changed as we choose?> title |comment: 2011-9-4-171633-0862-2> => |text: basic income gives ppl power to opt out of corps.> body |diary: 2011-9-1-11049-32772> => |text: 2) I ref. to finish O.F for crps who cant wrte haikus [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/31/2011 05:29:47 AM PST \nattached to Minimalism \n---\n3) typical entitlement mentality. HURRY GIMME GIMME [0.00 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/31/2011 04:48:56 AM PST \nattached to Minimalism \n---\n4) so it is gay [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/31/2011 04:47:34 AM PST \nattached to Minimalism \n---\n5) YAY!!!!! LET'S TEAR THIS SHIT UP FOR ONCE AND FOR [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/30/2011 10:28:40 PM PST \nattached to SAD NEWS K5 \n---\n6) GHETTO MOD: -1000000000000000000000000000000000000 [0.33 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/30/2011 10:27:37 PM PST \nattached to SAD NEWS K5 \n---\n7) Chase used that software to CREATE MONEY. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/30/2011 04:42:33 PM PST \nattached to Minimalism: a Simple Example \n---\n8) vote for a basic income to escape the rat race. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/30/2011 04:40:14 PM PST \nattached to Minimalism: a Simple Example \n---\n9) screw entreprnrs and their 'thinking'. give ppl $! [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/29/2011 07:32:05 AM PST \nattached to The Crawford plan \n---\n10) and, i think a black president proves King right! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 06:32:25 PM PST \nattached to Whence Now America? \n---\n11) did he predict the internet 3d printers dark enrgy [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 06:31:10 PM PST \nattached to Whence Now America? \n---\n12) help her out! write an oss app to kill her zombie! [0.66 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 01:00:27 PM PST \nattached to Assdroids Be Trippin' \n---\n13) hi, im pedo so every1 must think about sex always. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 02:36:39 AM PST \nattached to Hope Island wrap-up \n---\n14) s/desperar/despera BRAIN OFF DRUGS :( [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 02:21:19 AM PST \nattached to my dad and felipe calderon agree \n---\n15) better than living a life of sober desperartion. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/28/2011 02:20:19 AM PST \nattached to my dad and felipe calderon agree \n---\n16) THIS IS MY BRAIN OFF DRUGS :( [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/27/2011 10:40:22 PM PST \nattached to my dad and felipe calderon agree \n---\n17) you can't create the tech because you're morons! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/24/2011 12:20:03 PM PST \nattached to These people are absolutely serious> title |comment: 2011-8-30-7957-13030-25> => |text: vote for a basic income to escape the rat race.> body |diary: 2011-8-16-17159-4727> => |text: 2) Chicken: cook thyself! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 08:13:12 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \n---\n3) s/east coast was/east coast who was [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 06:48:26 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \n---\n4) in fact, the most dysfunctional make the most $ [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 06:13:49 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \nExample: Donald Trump!\n---\n5) so the ign. mf. advises, 'grin and bear it' [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 05:38:30 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \nThere's a shock!\n---\n6) the economic problem is not the central problem [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 05:36:58 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \nof mankind. Do what you want to do, and don't worry about the money; money is a human invention, and we should use it to help us, not as a psychological tool for some to control others with. \nMoney should be like arms: if everyone can have it (them), tyranny is less likely - the idea behind the second amendment. \n--- \n7) Also, the reason they want you to apply for SSI [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 01:17:00 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \nis that the state gets repaid if you do. This is because the feds can create money, but the states can't. What we the ppl need to do is amend the state constitution to do away with the balanced budget requirement, and create a state bank so the state can create money like North Dakota, which is the only state in the black last time I checked. \n---\n8) I spend my life doing eye-work [0.00 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/16/2011 12:58:39 AM PST \nattached to Another Nastygram From That Chick at Washington State Department of Social and Health Services \nLooking busy during downtimes is the true skill bosses are looking for. And fitting in, making small talk, creating a good feeling even when you screw up your code. Why do bosses respect you more if you negotiate a higher salary than they offer you? Because it's all about the ppl games. Squeaky wheel gets the grease! Whoever said business life is fair?!? Shit rolls downhill!!!\nWhat govt should do is provide a basic income for everyone, but not force anyone to take it. \n--- \n9) inventor of mouse decries free market [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/15/2011 03:22:33 PM PST \nattached to K5realisticwebcomic \nIn Engelbart's view, the marketplace may excel at improving products and making them cheaper. But when it comes to coping with critical, global problems such as environmental degradation and access to fresh water, the market doesn't provide the necessary mechanisms and incentives, he says. It's not going to help us "discover the combination of technology and organizational changes that will produce effective solutions." For that, a higher order of shared intelligence is essential.\nhttp://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_36/b3898043_mz072.htm\n---\n10) separation [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/15/2011 03:18:37 PM PST \nattached to Fisting now popular in China \n---\n11) I have a urinal for sale! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/15/2011 07:42:22 AM PST \nattached to Fuck the Hipsters \nhttp://www.beatmuseum.org/duchamp/fountain.html \n--- \n12) why ban? we have the technology for smart /ignore. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/15/2011 07:37:10 AM PST \nattached to Why K5 is what it is \n---\n13) classes should be free to create oh wait. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/14/2011 07:35:43 PM PST \nattached to One class, 16000 lines, 450 variables... \n---\n14) Solution: 3D printers [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/14/2011 07:24:32 PM PST \nattached to Lawnmower Part 2 \nSo you can design your own part (or get a schematic off the internet) and print it out. Saves on shipping it from china, or wherever. \n--- \n15) this is why companies are sociopathic [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 07:16:58 PM PST \nattached to The cross of gold \nand why the economic problem is not the central problem of mankind.\nIf millions need the drug for their health, but you won't sell it to them because you want to make a profit, that is sociopathic. Then it is time for govt to step in and protect ppl's unalienable right to life, and create the money if it needs to to buy the drug and give it to those who need it.\nIf the company, again acting sociopathically, raises its prices; and other companies, getting into that groupthink mode that capitalism is so prone to (think everyone buying toxic assets just a few years ago), then keep creating money, and fight a psychological war against inflation. The Weimar Republic's hyperinflation ended in a day. Brazil's hyperinflation was accompanied by real GDP growth, and ended in a very short period. Same with Bolivia's. Inflation is psychological; the best way to fight it is to expose the psychological reasons for it: lay out the thinking of the inflationists in cold, hard, A -> B terms, and let ppl scrutinize the logic and isolate the emotional elements for themselves (and/or have a logic bot do it!), so that we are all clear on the real reasons for inflation and the continued existence of poverty (which is mainly something like "I define wealth as having more than others, so you have to be poor for my mental well-being"). \n--- \n16) another example: legal drug costs [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 06:46:53 PM PST \nattached to The cross of gold \nThe price of a (legal) drug has very little to do with the supply and demand of the drug, in most cases, and everything to do with externalities such as the cost of marketing the drug and the perceived cost of innovating new drugs.\nOtherwise why would generic drugs cost so much less than name brand versions?\nInstead of drug companies charging way too much for an existing drug, and spending so much on marketing and new drug development, what if govt provided a basic income, and encouraged new drug development through challenges (and private companies could have challenges too)? Then perhaps the price of drugs would be more in line with the cost of producing them (which is to say, nearly nothing).\nWhy do drug companies want govts to enforce patents on AIDS drugs, but countries like India and African countries can produce them for much cheaper than the US drug companies will sell them for? Externalities...which are far more important than supply and demand. \n--- \n17) this time, bail out the states not the banks [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 06:26:04 PM PST \nattached to Alternative Crowd Control \nLike a state parks card costs $15 more than it did last year, when it cost $20! Talk about inflation!! And it's all because the state refuses to follow the example of North Dakota (which was the only state running a budget surplus last time I checked), and create a state-run bank, so it can create money like the private banks do. \n---\n18) consider credit card interest payments [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 06:23:28 PM PST \nattached to The cross of gold \nmy brother got a call from his bank, and he said he said he thought their interest rates were too high, so they asked him "what do you think you should pay?" and then gave him that rate.\nThe girlfriend of an acquaintance mentioned the same thing, she was getting charged a high rate on some credit card, and she called, and it was reduced. "You have to make a phone call," she said.\nHow is that supply and demand? It's an externality, depending on some sort of psychological rule that "if you call, you deserve a better deal."\nAnother example, when bundling deals (cell + cable + internet for $99! of whatever) come to an end, many internet reports say that they called the company and got them to continue the bundling rate. This has nothing to do with supply and demand, and everything to do with the psychological belief that if you call, they'll give you a better deal. \n--- \n19) externalities : economics as dark energy : physics [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 05:59:46 PM PST \nattached to The cross of gold \nExternalities (benefits or detriments transmitted outside of prices) are mentioned at the beginning of every Econ textbook, then ignored for the rest of it. But in fact externalities are more important than the rest of the variables (supply and demand, for example) included in economists' equations. This is why economics is not a predictive science, and can't foresee crashes, stock market performance, etc.\nAs an example of externalities in microeconomics, consider the street drug deal. The price is influenced by many factors independent of supply and demand: the sex and race of the buyer compared to the sex/race of the seller, whether the seller likes you or not, whether you've pissed off a ho that the seller knows, etc. Many's the time I came with money, and dealers would not sell to me, because I was on some kind of blacklist.\nIn conclusion, economists don't know what they're talking about, and should spend more time trying to falsify their models by building simulations.\n(If you built a simulation to test the theory that an increase in the money supply alone causes inflation, for instance, I bet you'd have to include a psychological rule to cause prices to go up, because it isn't any kind of "natural law".) \n--- \n20) for once, i kind of agree [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 03:41:38 PM PST \nattached to I've Decided I'm Going to Write Those Letters I Mentioned \nwhat he should be writing letters about is that the govt should provide a basic income and free health care to everyone, and end forced hospitalizations.\nLike that intelligent guy he mentions, if he had a basic income and challenges to work on, how much might he contribute to knowledge and technology advancement? \n--- \n21) i got rid of the sucker. You're welcome! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 03:35:08 PM PST \nattached to where's zombie lonelyhobo? \n---\n22) But they can't afford tanks, right? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/11/2011 03:31:24 PM PST \nattached to Alternative Crowd Control \nIf they can, wouldn't it be better to give the money spend on tank fuel to the protesters? Or just acknowledge that debt is purely a political means of psychological control and create money to give to the protesters. \n---\n23) everything old is new again [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/10/2011 09:59:21 PM PST \nattached to Is universal health care to be blamed for the UK riots? \nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkActP-isE\nAnarchy in the UK - Sex Pistols \n--- \n24) Did Proust have hypergraphia? Jealous, much? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/10/2011 04:31:54 PM PST \nattached to Today's new euphemism> body |comment: 2011-8-16-3473-67519-1> => |text: \n\n\n Looking busy during downtimes is the true skill bosses are looking for. And fitting in, making small talk, creating a good feeling even when you screw up your code. Why do bosses respect you more if you negotiate a higher salary than they offer you? Because it's all about the ppl games. Squeaky wheel gets the grease! Whoever said business life is fair?!? Shit rolls downhill!!!\nWhat govt should do is provide a basic income for everyone, but not force anyone to take it. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-8-15-181452-093> => |text: actually it was a continuing dream, I woke up at least once during it sucking on air as I was inhaling on a crack-filled cigarette (or so the guy in the dream told me), disappointed that I wasn't getting high; then fell back to sleep and the dream continued...\nLots of ppl from my real life crack experiences in the dream. They were treating me almost as one of them (instead of in real life when I was always an outsider). I was invited to a sex party where there were pretty girls (and not so pretty ones) and crack. (In real life that didn't happen except a couple times, and I left, or was invited to leave.) The girls started getting down and dirty, taking off their clothes and eating each other out, and I was looking at one girl, a blonde, who had her eyes closed, thinking at first how pretty she was, how much I wanted to kiss her face, then as I got closer realizing she wasn't that pretty, something about her closed eyes were turning me off...\nThere was another part where I was trying to get to the room where they were all going to be smoking crack, but I was being held back by something; I was on a deck of some sort, and when I moved I caught my clothing in a huge mesh of wires that looked something like a dish drying rack, and I was pulling the entire structure of wires up with me, and couldn't unsnag myself. Two kids were down on the deck below me and I asked them for help but they couldn't do much. Somehow finally I unhooked myself by upending the entire mesh, and another one too I think on the deck below, then went to the crack party.\nAnother part where I was arranging the crack smoking party with a guy (who I know from real life), I think it was in a cabin on a docked ship. In real life this guy used to rip me off all the time, in the dream I felt he was being straight with me, I was accepted by him as one of his group (actually that's kind of the way it was until I pissed off one little ho).\nAnyway, the dream ended with me walking away from the crack party and the girls and the sex and the tobacco-laced crack. I had to walk through water and was a little concerned about getting my feet and clothes wet, but I was doing it.\nThe last part is probably day residue from a camping trip I just got back from, where I waded across a mountain stream.\nThe upshot of the dream is that I chose to leave. I had misgivings about smoking crack again in the dream, and those misgivings won out in the dream. I guess I get my highs now from camping in the mountains :/ Why can't I do both :(\nThe wire mesh I think represents the social fabric of society, which is the real barrier to me getting high. The drugs themselves are not a problem for me; it is getting snared in the arbitrary social rules and memes about drugs, that prevent me from doing them. In a just, fair world, I could use drugs to further my progress towards enlightenment; maybe taking them as far as they can take me, then leaving them on my own terms, instead of being constrained to leave them by the control-freaks that set the current social agenda :( \n--- \n2) the page is UP'N'COMING unlike ol' down'n'out u. [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/10/2011 04:30:10 PM PST \nattached to Can You See Dulcinea's Real Nameservers? \n---\n3) MICHAEL CRAWFORD SILENCES HIS CRITICS! [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/10/2011 04:20:11 PM PST \nattached to Can You See Dulcinea's Real Nameservers? \nHahahahaha trolls lose again \n--- \n4) ign. mf. forgets english tenses, film at 11. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 10:00:34 PM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \n---\n5) 3d printers, alternative energy, space exploration [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 05:07:42 PM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nAI, etc. are the future. If biz won't invest enough, govt should. When biz starts funding innovation again like during the 1990s, govt can balance its budget. \n---\n6) better question: is our standard of living higher [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 12:39:04 PM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nYes, we live longer, infant mortality is lower, we can communicate with unprecedented ease and speed. How can we keep innovation going that will drive future increases in knowledge and technology which will raise standard of living further? Right now, the best solution is for govt to spend money (creating it if it has to) to empower individuals and encourage them to create on their own or in ad hoc groups over the internet (which govt funded the creation of). \n--- \n7) corrected version [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 11:28:16 AM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nAn edit feature would be innovative!\nMost of the reason (for the affluence after WWII) was technology, and govt had a role in that, spending on infrastructure and agricultural research that greatly improved yields, and buying computer chips produced by TI, etc. Innovation must be the focus. Debt and deficits are a huge distraction that those who fear change and innovation have succeeded in making the national conversation about. We need to stand up and challenge their economics, ask them to support their emotional assertions with actual data. \n--- \n8) most of the reason was actually technology [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 11:25:18 AM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nand govt had a role in that spending on infrastructure and agricultural research that greatly improved yields. Innovation must be the focus. Debt and deficits are a huge distraction that those who fear change and innovation have succeeded if making the national conversationa bout. We need to stand up and challenge their economics, ask them to support their emotional assertions with actual data. \n--- \n9) let me grow my own? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 11:21:43 AM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nI think one of the main reasons you're in your "predicament" is because you rely on, and enforce, arbitrary social rules that you know deep down are unfair. The strain of knowing what is right and not doing it is leading you to rationalizations, and to projecting your own deficiencies onto me in a desperate attempt to excuse yourself :)\nIn actuality, there is no predicament. We do not have a production problem. There is no good reason why we can't distribute the goods produced by industry to all who want them (govt should encourage austerity, but not impose it). Money is a distribution system now, not the means of exchange it once was when it was first created. Technology has improved productivity to such a degree that we no longer need full employment - Khan academy and free Stanford AI classes can reach millions, so we don't need so many teachers in brick-and-mortar classrooms! Let those who have a teaching bent teach like Socrates for free in the internet Agora, living on a basic income.\nWake up, America. Throw off the emotional chains the rich and their T-hee party shills would bind you with! Free yourself from obsolete old feudal economics, embrace the technology of money creation, and let us vote to use it wisely to help us all, instead of propping up the job creationists who live like royalty saying "let them eat cake." \n--- \n10) this is what the elite want you to think! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 10:25:15 AM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nVote for the New Green(back) Party: create money for a basic income for all, encourage innovation through challenges, and legalize pot for good Green jobs.\nVOTE WISELY, VOTE STONED \n--- \n11) screw the markets [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 12:43:41 AM PST \nattached to donnalee spotted near goind down on schlouse \nDo we really want to let our country be directed by a moody, labile select minority that panics easily and makes the majority of us lose money when it does (while most of them still get their million-dollar bonuses)? We need to elect a government that will provide us each with a basic income so we can choose not to participate in the market, and innovate on our own without having to work for a business with its hierarchies and groupthink that discourage disruptive innovation. Let the govt hold challenges (as biz can too) to encourage innovation among the citizenry, then take the best ideas and turn them over to biz so it can do what it does best, incrementally innovate. Win-win, and the currency remains strong as long as we keep advancing the knowledge and technology that others want. \n--- \n12) gordon brown was right [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/08/2011 10:46:52 PM PST \nattached to Let England Shake \nYou don't take govt money out of the economy in a recession. Duh! \n--- \n13) yeah, go back to the source - wikipedia! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/08/2011 10:27:32 PM PST \nattached to The More I Learn About Michelle Bachmann The More I Like Her \nNote the words coding for the emotion of pompous self-aggrandizement:\nI find that going back to the source is better. The mainstream media isn't going to do the research needed to actually understand [...]\nThen of course he quotes wikipedia! Typical hypocrisy, using emotionally manipulative language to attempt to get the reader to think he's "going back to the source", unlike those DEVILS in the MEANSTREAM MEDIA - then he does no such thing, lazily going to a wikipedia article. It is the emotion that counts, not the reality; if you can use emotions to make your audience feel you're doing something, you don't have to do it. Like tea baggers mentioning the constitution so passionately, getting ppl to feel they've read it, but in fact they are ignorant of much of it, such as the general Welfare clause and the "necessary and proper" clause...\nAs for the theology, Jainism and the doctrine of anekantvada supersedes it, by encompassing the Christian viewpoint as well as other viewpoints; because to know an object (God, or whatever) you strive to observe it from all possible perspectives in space and time. So you look at God from the Christian point of view, and the Muslim, and the atheist's, and the agnostic's, and the scientist's...> body |comment: 2011-8-11-15224-1059-15> => |text: \n\n\n The price of a (legal) drug has very little to do with the supply and demand of the drug, in most cases, and everything to do with externalities such as the cost of marketing the drug and the perceived cost of innovating new drugs.\nOtherwise why would generic drugs cost so much less than name brand versions?\nInstead of drug companies charging way too much for an existing drug, and spending so much on marketing and new drug development, what if govt provided a basic income, and encouraged new drug development through challenges (and private companies could have challenges too)? Then perhaps the price of drugs would be more in line with the cost of producing them (which is to say, nearly nothing).\nWhy do drug companies want govts to enforce patents on AIDS drugs, but countries like India and African countries can produce them for much cheaper than the US drug companies will sell them for? Externalities...which are far more important than supply and demand. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-8-11-45139-3866-21> => |text: \n\n\n what he should be writing letters about is that the govt should provide a basic income and free health care to everyone, and end forced hospitalizations.\nLike that intelligent guy he mentions, if he had a basic income and challenges to work on, how much might he contribute to knowledge and technology advancement? \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-8-10-225853-435> => |text: 2) MICHAEL CRAWFORD SILENCES HIS CRITICS! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/10/2011 04:20:11 PM PST \nattached to Can You See Dulcinea's Real Nameservers? \nHahahahaha trolls lose again \n---\n3) 3d printers, alternative energy, space exploration [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/09/2011 05:07:42 PM PST \nattached to Why we're all in this mess \nAI, etc. are the future. If biz won't invest enough, govt should. When biz starts funding innovation again like during the 1990s, govt can balance its budget. \n---\n4) stop posting to end our pain! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/07/2011 06:02:42 AM PST \nattached to Beauty is a sharp-edged blade \n--- \n5) the site was much better without you, plz fuck off [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 08/07/2011 01:05:39 AM PST \nattached to which Kuron is that? \n---\n6) ta1 ma1 de jing3cha2 [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/07/2011 01:02:44 AM PST \nattached to race wars in America? \n---\n7) don't forget to set your clock [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/06/2011 09:05:45 PM PST \nattached to Leaving This Site For Good \n---\n8) is that why they kept all those AAA toxic assets? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/05/2011 09:58:30 PM PST \nattached to USA's debt rating downgraded \n---\n9) actually nothing is printed, it's all virtual. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/05/2011 09:57:47 PM PST \nattached to USA's debt rating downgraded \n---\n10) false analogy [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/05/2011 09:57:01 PM PST \nattached to USA's debt rating downgraded \nGovt is not like an individual. Govt can try ppl in courts, can declare war, and can print money. \n--- \n11) debt is a distraction [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/05/2011 09:55:01 PM PST \nattached to USA's debt rating downgraded \nDebt has been with the country since the first day of its existence, and they were predicting then what gimplog's predicting now, and it never came true. But the nattering nabobs of negativity never let that stop them, because they can't think scientifically :) \n---\n12) govt steps in when the market fails [0.50 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/05/2011 02:19:25 PM PST \nattached to KABLANG!! \nprovide a basic income to everyone. consumer spending is 70% of the economy, so if bankers are keeping money artificially scarce, we the ppl get to vote for govt to do the right thing by us. \n--- \n13) language is independent of the substrate [0.66 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/03/2011 12:47:22 PM PST \nattached to i don't understand this sentence \nbecause you can write language on stone like Ashoka's edicts, or encode it in bits using electricity. Physical phenomena are just carriers for language. Like Wiener (Norbert), I believe that information can exist independent of matter and energy. \n--- \n14) 3d print it yerself! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 08/03/2011 09:04:19 AM PST \nattached to Suggestion for Gay4Crawfordites> body |comment: 2011-8-9-13734-80455-1> => |text: \n\n\n Vote for the New Green(back) Party: create money for a basic income for all, encourage innovation through challenges, and legalize pot for good Green jobs.\nVOTE WISELY, VOTE STONED \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-8-9-13734-80455-4> => |text: \n\n\n I think one of the main reasons you're in your "predicament" is because you rely on, and enforce, arbitrary social rules that you know deep down are unfair. The strain of knowing what is right and not doing it is leading you to rationalizations, and to projecting your own deficiencies onto me in a desperate attempt to excuse yourself :)\nIn actuality, there is no predicament. We do not have a production problem. There is no good reason why we can't distribute the goods produced by industry to all who want them (govt should encourage austerity, but not impose it). Money is a distribution system now, not the means of exchange it once was when it was first created. Technology has improved productivity to such a degree that we no longer need full employment - Khan academy and free Stanford AI classes can reach millions, so we don't need so many teachers in brick-and-mortar classrooms! Let those who have a teaching bent teach like Socrates for free in the internet Agora, living on a basic income.\nWake up, America. Throw off the emotional chains the rich and their T-hee party shills would bind you with! Free yourself from obsolete old feudal economics, embrace the technology of money creation, and let us vote to use it wisely to help us all, instead of propping up the job creationists who live like royalty saying "let them eat cake." \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-8-9-22847-20528-2> => |text: \n\n\n Do we really want to let our country be directed by a moody, labile select minority that panics easily and makes the majority of us lose money when it does (while most of them still get their million-dollar bonuses)? We need to elect a government that will provide us each with a basic income so we can choose not to participate in the market, and innovate on our own without having to work for a business with its hierarchies and groupthink that discourage disruptive innovation. Let the govt hold challenges (as biz can too) to encourage innovation among the citizenry, then take the best ideas and turn them over to biz so it can do what it does best, incrementally innovate. Win-win, and the currency remains strong as long as we keep advancing the knowledge and technology that others want. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-8-8-65312-65032-4> => |text: \n\n\n "But the only solution to America's debt dilemma will need to involve both cuts to entitlement programs and higher tax revenues."\nFeudal economics + Zimbabwe -> Synthesis. We can learn from the past and improve on the Japanese model. Innovation should be the focus, not budget deficits. \nEntitlement programs should be expanded to provide a basic income to everyone. How much of our wealth today was created through the knowledge advancement of those that are now dead? We all share in that cultural inheritance, standing on the shoulders of giants. Everyone has free access to Newton's laws. Why can't the same be true for goods produced with the help of those laws, by ppl today who played no part in their creation? \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-8-5-1424-13707-8> => |text: \n\n\n provide a basic income to everyone. consumer spending is 70% of the economy, so if bankers are keeping money artificially scarce, we the ppl get to vote for govt to do the right thing by us. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-8-1-152546-6134> => |text: 2) this reminds me of that stoner guy's diaries [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/30/2011 01:01:17 PM PST \nattached to Warp Life Progress \nwhere he used to misspell every other word. And he didn't even need an ipad to do it! Truly, he was ahead of his time :) \n--- \n3) wow i'm taking notes on the social aspect [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/29/2011 10:32:52 AM PST \nattached to I fail it at grep (and google) \nof how to get your code questions answered, without some asshole trying to push his economic agenda by extracting an exchange from you. And then lying about telling you the answer after the deadline you're facing! \n---\n4) How long before apple starts censoring words [0.75 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 06:36:42 PM PST \nattached to how long is a "huff long"? \nlike "democracy" for units it sells in china? \n--- \n5) Be like Kobe [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 04:10:33 PM PST \nattached to GUESS WHO FOUND MY AUTOBLOW \nIf you're rich you can get away with anything. Meanwhile my glasses broke again and so I get to worry about spending $30 to fix them. In conclusion, rich ppl's problems are trivial and boring. \n---\n6) Donald Trumping? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 01:44:58 PM PST \nattached to I've had incredible wind today \n---\n7) effete intellectual projects own inadequacies onto [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 10:44:57 AM PST \nattached to I wrote a huff long diary about how the ios, the app store and most ios apps really suck \nothers. Chances are Barfly here would be a good little epicyclist, dismissing Aristarchus and other heliocentrists with a wave of his limp wrist, "oh they're not serious researchers." \n---\n8) its not it's dumbass [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 10:36:48 AM PST \nattached to POLL: left-handed or right-handed? \n---\n9) can't you get a bluetooth keyboard for the ipad? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 03:09:30 AM PST \nattached to I wrote a huff long diary about how the ios, the app store and most ios apps really suck \n---\n10) China's banks are all state-owned and Japan's debt [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 01:39:00 AM PST \nattached to Who will bail America out? \nto GDP ratio is 200%. We need to re-learn from the Asian tigers what they learned from Reagan and Hamilton, that debt is a blessing upon the ppl. \n---\n11) solution: make taxes voluntary, print the budget [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 01:14:15 AM PST \nattached to Who will bail America out? \nand give everyone a basic income and hold challenges to stimulate the innovation that will keep the currency strong. \n--- \n12) Fed created $16 trillion, the debt is a fiction [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/28/2011 01:12:22 AM PST \nattached to Who will bail America out? \nLook around you, the evidence of surplus is everywhere, in the grocery store, on the car lots, in the empty houses. Don't let accountants trick you into thinking there's a deficit when in real terms, the country produces an enormous surplus of goods and food and knowledge! \n---\n13) The greatest temptation in this world are women. [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 08:08:30 PM PST \nattached to So I met this hot chick \n[19:59] <anekant> @ak find woman\n[19:59] <trane> (When a monk) with fully developed intuition and knowledge, calm, guarded, endowed (with knowledge), always restrained, perceives (a woman tempting him), he should consider within himself: what will this person do? The greatest temptation in this world are women. This has been declared by the sage. I:5:4:4 [4 more] \n--- \n14) wow you're teaching me so much about pedophilia! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 04:07:40 PM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers: Richard Dawkins \nJust don't look, is that so hard^Wdifficult?!? \n--- \n15) also no right to be offended by crawford, amiryte? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 03:38:49 PM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers: Richard Dawkins \n---\n16) you're the knowledgeable pedo, may i quote you: [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 03:36:40 PM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers: Richard Dawkins \nSo the other day I was driving around a strip mall, and this ~14 year old girl probably doesn't realize why it's called a strip mall because she wasn't wearing any panties and was sitting rather un-ladylike in her summer dress giving any passersby a full view of her fuzzy peach.\nWould I have been arrested if i stopped, rolled down my window, and told her to close her whore legs? What he hell is wrong with this kid? Did she not have a mother to teach her how to close her whore legs????? \nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2011/6/28/163056/261 \n--- \n17) Sheldon Cooper wannabe goes posting. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 02:45:23 PM PST \nattached to Wagonwheel Lake, revisited \n---\n18) legalize crack - Prohibition is the problem. [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 02:40:37 PM PST \nattached to Mobile Safari Can't Download Files \n---\n19) dawnkins - what a cute name! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 02:38:10 PM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers: Richard Dawkins \nis that what you call the little girls whose thighs you can't keep your eyes away from? \n---\n20) he needs to form a superpac like colbert [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 01:17:48 PM PST \nattached to Another Kuron out of lockup \nthen the legal system can't touch him!> body |diary: 2011-7-28-42719-4276> => |text: 2) quick! report crawford to DHS! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 12:47:59 PM PST \nattached to Mobile Safari Can't Download Files \nOH NOES HE JUST THREATENED APPLE OMG POOR STEVE JOBS THINK OF THE CHILDREN \n---\n3) and stereotypers are ignorant [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 12:45:15 PM PST \nattached to Crystal Harris: Sex with Hef lasted 'two seconds' \n---\n4) the more famous you get, the more ignorant you act [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 12:40:55 PM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers: Richard Dawkins \nexcept for rare birds like Louis Armstrong who was able to maintain his musical integrity no matter what cheesy setting his manager put him in. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OygJuc3AEts (Ricky Riccardi has a write-up of the background to the recording at http://dippermouth.blogspot.com/2008/01/sincerely.html ). \n--- \n5) problems of the rich and ignorant are boring [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 10:46:43 AM PST \nattached to six months \n---\n6) drunk on the sacramental wine again eh [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/27/2011 10:43:27 AM PST \nattached to It's three AM. Do you know where your Zombie Jesus Christ is? \n---\n7) You didn't read the answer! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/26/2011 09:10:11 PM PST \nattached to I Was Ready to Be Discharged from the Nuthouse When I Had a Court Hearing \n---\n8) make sure you qualify, i.e. don't quit [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/26/2011 05:41:56 PM PST \nattached to Good news! \nUnemployment usually requires that they lay you off.\nNext, spread my memes about deficits not mattering and the true business of mankind being knowledge acquisition, so that they reach the magic 10% threshold and propagate like wildfire through the rest of the population! \n---\n9) WIPO Job Creationist Ignorant Motherfucker [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/25/2011 11:37:17 PM PST \nattached to Is idiot Boehner John a... \n---\n10) Mike would have been better off if the govt [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/25/2011 10:08:19 PM PST \nattached to Is idiot Boehner a John? \njust paid him a basic income and let him work on his things without feeling that he has to make money off it. Let him relax and stop thinking so much about how to make money, so he can concentrate on programming. (But of course we know that Mike's true genius lies in elevating the art of trolling y'all to ever-increasing heights :) \n---\n11) What is sitting there in cash is $16 trillion [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/25/2011 07:42:58 PM PST \nattached to John Boehner Is An Idiot \nhttp://slashdot.org/story/11/07/21/1946234/Fed-Audits-Initial-Report-Reveals-Tri\n\n\n\n llions-in-Secret-Loans\nIf the banks paid it all back, why can't the Fed now use it to pay off the debt? \n--- \n12) FOSS FTW [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/25/2011 02:48:31 PM PST \nattached to Warp Life's New UI Design is Totally Worth the Time, Effort and Delay \n---\n13) if u posts something others can judges ur four it! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/25/2011 10:46:44 AM PST \nattached to All Right, Which One of You Assholes Is This? \n---\n14) Classic Blastar :) [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/24/2011 09:34:45 PM PST \nattached to 0 Comments Today! \nFirst let me be the first to congratulate those trolls who use Blastarbegone and claim they are ignoring me. \nObviously I don't know what ignore is defined as, apparently their idea of ignoring me is to zero rate my comments, turn off the script so they can reply to my comments and diaries and troll me, and then after doing all the stuff I am accused of doing sick Holly Hop Drive on me.\nCan you trolls be of such limited intelligence that you actually think this type of stuff hurts my feelings or will drive me away? Think again! I don't give a frack what any of you think or troll me with or zero rate me. Fact is you are not really ignoring me and never will.\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2010/5/19/155053/675\nBring back, oh bring back, oh bring back the blastars to kur-o5heeeeeen! \n--- \n15) But Barnley has to attach emotions to everything [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/24/2011 09:00:01 PM PST \nattached to Does Javascript use closures for everything? \nNothing has any meaning for him without a social context! Society rules! I can't judge anything for myself, I have to take an opinion poll first to tell me what to think, and more importantly, how to feel about it!!! \n--- \n16) The king of chalkboard linking diagrams [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/22/2011 09:49:58 AM PST \nattached to Stupid Christians, pt 1 \nresorts to "God help us!" when the same tactics are used against his company? \n--- \n17) who's doing anything new? [0.66 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/22/2011 06:45:30 AM PST \nattached to Want to party? \nListen to Louis if you want to hear the best music can offer us so far, all since him are simply imitators :) \nWe've tried simplicity (rock), we've tried chaos (coltrane), we've tried loud (rock), we've tried silence (Cage), but swing's the thing.> body |comment: 2011-7-28-2391-58814-10> => |text: \n\n\n and give everyone a basic income and hold challenges to stimulate the innovation that will keep the currency strong. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-7-26-04325-8561-1> => |text: \n\n\n just paid him a basic income and let him work on his things without feeling that he has to make money off it. Let him relax and stop thinking so much about how to make money, so he can concentrate on programming. (But of course we know that Mike's true genius lies in elevating the art of trolling y'all to ever-increasing heights :) \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-7-17-152526-957> => |text: 2) race is not genetically significant [0.00 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/14/2011 09:19:49 PM PST \nattached to Lefty Question\nI saw a black man who donated a kidney to a white woman. Race is just skin pigmentation. \n--- \n3) dang, i was hoping you'd died :( [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/14/2011 10:31:11 AM PST \nattached to We Surrender\n---\n4) where 'it' = 'life, the universe, and everything' [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/14/2011 09:47:55 AM PST \nattached to g plus\n---\n5) what an old hag, can you see the crow's dimples? [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/14/2011 07:21:11 AM PST \nattached to A wife should be able to,,,\n---\n6) oh gee what are you gonna do when [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/13/2011 09:54:09 PM PST \nattached to An engineer should be able to...\nmy bot does all the deductive logic without you having to emotionally manipulate it, however will you get your jollies then? /me sheds tear \n--- \n7) speak truth to ignorant motherfuckers [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/13/2011 07:03:04 PM PST \nattached to An engineer should be able to...\n---\n8) you look like a monkey, and smell like one too [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/12/2011 03:50:11 PM PST \nattached to K5 mentioned in the news\n---\n9) you live a scared little life dontcha [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/12/2011 12:32:55 PM PST \nattached to RON PAUL retires from Congress\n---\n10) s/blackmail/blackmailing [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/12/2011 12:22:32 PM PST \nattached to I may have to blackmail a luser\n---\n11) s/holodech/holodeck [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/12/2011 09:58:13 AM PST \nattached to Housing prices keep going up... correction called\n---\n12) if they don't exist, we can create them [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/12/2011 09:57:15 AM PST \nattached to Housing prices keep going up... correction called\nIf biz won't invest in the holodech tech research because the ignorant motherfuckers who run it are too shortsighted, sitting on trillions of cash licking their wounds under the rock they crawled out from after their latest screwup, then govt should print the money to invest in individuals and hold challenges (which biz can hold too, like netflix, google) to stimulate the innovation that drives increases in standard of living and keeps the currency strong because others want the knowledge and technology we advance!\nKinect is a start. There can be a synergy between biz and individuals on a basic income provided by the govt, healthy in body and mind thanks to freely-available healthcare, that can lead to advances in knowledge and technology we can't imagine today. WAKE UP AMERICA, STOP LETTING THE DISMAL ACCOUNTANTS TELL YOU THERE'S DEBT WHEN ALL AROUND YOU IS EVIDENCE OF ABUNDANCE!! \n--- \n13) LIKE ON COLBERT JUST NOW [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/11/2011 09:30:26 PM PST \nattached to 16 Comments Today!\nMichael Shermer was talking about his book "Where beliefs come from", and when discussing religion, said flatly "there's no experiment to determine among different religions." But he's old and can't see that we can simulate different religions, and then ppl can try out different ones, and decide which one they like best. Like I would simulate Jainism's beliefs and try it out and visualize the karma accumulating and how to scrub it through austerities, and experience the promise of ultimate knowledge and eternal bliss! Then I could try out, say, Mormonism, and see if, as I predict, I wouldn't want to be in that drama queen God's presence anyway :) \n--- \n14) Debt is a distraction [0.50 / 6] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/11/2011 11:55:28 AM PST \nattached to Ignorant Motherfuckers holding softwareproblem.com ransom\nBanks are sitting on trillions in cash, foreclosing like there's no tomorrow on homes they don't own, and you want to harp on one man's credit card bill :) \n--- \n15) tech can give us each absolute freedom [0.00 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/09/2011 01:50:50 AM PST \nattached to GreyGhost's Folly\nThe question is how do we most efficiently get that tech? The proposed solution is Mutual Aid, or Open Source. If we share our creations (not by law, but voluntarily, like wikipedia, firefox, apache, python...), it makes it harder for Authority to use tech against us. That's probably why the elite are so against a basic income (which Milton Friedman supported, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/23/business/23scene.html ), because they feel very threatened by anything that would allow ppl to create on their own without giving up control of the fruits of their labor to the rich who can use it against them.> body |comment: 2011-7-12-1282-51344-1> => |text: \n\n\n If biz won't invest in the holodech tech research because the ignorant motherfuckers who run it are too shortsighted, sitting on trillions of cash licking their wounds under the rock they crawled out from after their latest screwup, then govt should print the money to invest in individuals and hold challenges (which biz can hold too, like netflix, google) to stimulate the innovation that drives increases in standard of living and keeps the currency strong because others want the knowledge and technology we advance!\nKinect is a start. There can be a synergy between biz and individuals on a basic income provided by the govt, healthy in body and mind thanks to freely-available healthcare, that can lead to advances in knowledge and technology we can't imagine today. WAKE UP AMERICA, STOP LETTING THE DISMAL ACCOUNTANTS TELL YOU THERE'S DEBT WHEN ALL AROUND YOU IS EVIDENCE OF ABUNDANCE!! \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-7-12-1282-51344-4> => |text: basic income ...> body |comment: 2011-7-12-1282-51344-4> => |text: \n\n\n " ... individuals on a basic income provided by the govt, healthy in body and mind thanks to freely-available healthcare ... "\nIf that is what you want, then you are living in the wrong country. Europe and Australia both have these, and yeah, Europe is not such a great example ATM, but economically Australia is doing great at the moment [1]. Between the dole, pensions, medicare http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_%28Australia%29 etc, anyone too lazy or too sick to work in Australia gets a large amount of support from the gov. \nI don't think the US will ever get this though. From where I stand, the US seems obsessed with polarized opinions. You don't seem to like to take the pragmatic middle road. The slightest hint of helping the vulnerable in society is met with screams of outrage about socialism and communism. The slightest hint of taxing the rich sufficiently, and more screams of outrage. Not to mention the military culture, always looking to wage war on somebody in the world. \n[1]: eg, the Aussie dollar is at a 20+ year high against the US. Not that long ago $1 AUD was $0.55 USD. Now it is $1 AUD is over $1.05 USD. The unemployment rate is around 6% or so. Basically, the global financial crisis missed us almost completely. Both because we didn't have the financial shenanigans you are Europe had, and because of booming trade with China (it doesn't hurt to have a major trading partner have 10% growth year on year).\n-----\nstats for a better tomorrow\nbitcoin: 1GsfkeggHSqbcVGS3GSJnwaCu6FYwF73fR\n"They must know I'm here. The half and half jug is missing" - MDC.\n"I've grown weary of googling the solutions to my many problems" - MDC. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-7-11-205451-595> => |text: 2) tech can give us each absolute freedom [0.00 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/09/2011 01:50:50 AM PST \nattached to GreyGhost's Folly\nThe question is how do we most efficiently get that tech? The proposed solution is Mutual Aid, or Open Source. If we share our creations (not by law, but voluntarily, like wikipedia, firefox, apache, python...), it makes it harder for Authority to use tech against us. That's probably why the elite are so against a basic income (which Milton Friedman supported, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/23/business/23scene.html ), because they feel very threatened by anything that would allow ppl to create on their own without giving up control of the fruits of their labor to the rich who can use it against them. \n--- \n3) note how I said 'other factors' in the diary. [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 03:48:24 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nBoth memetics and genetics are involved, is the point.\nHow can you determine ancestral behavior? I'd like to see the methodology of the first study. But it's behind a paywall...\nAs for the robot study, did they make assumptions about promiscuity too? Maybe I'll look it up sometime, right now I'm trying to solve a ruby problem :(\nIf you "actually took the time to read my diary", you'd see that I'm not saying genetics play no part, but that altruism is more complicated than Hamilton's rule can account for. Again in the robot study, they set arbitrary payoffs, so I would like to play around with their methodology, try different assumptions. Inevitably their assumptions are going to involve guesses as to resource availability, promiscuity, ability to recognize relatives, etc. \n--- \n4) lol, not for me! [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 03:38:29 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \n---\n5) also, the whole point of this diary [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 01:55:19 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nis that communication, memes, is (are) more important than genes in the evolution of altruism. So clumsy as the IPD is, it still supports my point. The master-slave variation is another adaptation, but there should be ways of defeating it. I would try to get the slave programs to not cooperate with the masters... \n--- \n6) rewards are set arbitrarily [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 01:50:47 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nSome stuffed shirt in an ivory tower dictating values like he has a divine right. I bet he has lots of banker friends too! \n---\n7) lol, so I was right all along! [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 01:48:59 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nThe original formulation of the IPD was such a clumsy model that they had to amend it, numerous times!\nAnd why put it in terms of humans and their social institutions of prisons, police forces, interrogations, etc., if you're modeling ants and molds or whatever? \n--- \n8) s/ITD/IPD [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 07:13:53 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \n---\n9) In conclusion, the ITD is a clumsy model [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 07:10:51 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nbecause it sets arbitrary rewards, artificially constricts the domain, and doesn't allow the programs to communicate freely. QED! \n--- \n10) from that paper: [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 07:04:12 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \n"In accord with this theory's predictions,\napart from the human species,\nalmost all clear cases of altruism, and\nmost observed cooperation, occur in\ncontexts of high relatedness, usually between\nimmediate family members. The\nevolution of the suicidal barbed sting of\nthe honeybee worker could be taken as\nparadigm for this line of theory"\nBut what about the promiscuity of the queen bee, as noted in the text of the diary above? Did Hamilton actually do any DNA studies to test his mathematical hypotheses? \n--- \n11) If you actually took the time to read your words [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/04/2011 06:56:37 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \naloud, you would realize how ridiculous your objection to my "communication" objection sounds. We're communicating, with language. Can the programs in the ITD do that? \n--- \n12) the communication between programs [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/03/2011 01:05:08 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nis artificially limited by the game's scenario. That's why the model is clumsy. It doesn't apply to evolution very well, because evolutionary actors can communicate with each other. Birds do it, even bees do it...\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee_learning_and_communication#Communication \n--- \n13) it's a clumsy model [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/03/2011 11:36:36 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nit doesn't include changes to the programs, which is what we do everyday. \n---\n14) blatant pessimism [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 07/03/2011 11:34:32 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule\ndon't posit, research! I'll report on it when I get to that part of his book. \n--- \n15) give the programs a way to influence each other [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 07/02/2011 03:54:12 PM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nas humans can, through lateral memetic transfer. Then see if "master" programs can convince others to act as "slaves", perhaps by promising them that one day they too can become masters. Voila! Lying and exploitation (the predominant skills of the Ignorant Motherfucker) are born...\nQuoting Kropotkin again (Mutual Aid, Introduction):\nWhen the Mutual Aid institutions - the tribe, the village community, the guilds, the medieval city - began, in the course of history, to lose their primitive character, to be invaded by parasitic growths, and thus to become hindrances to progress, the revolt of individuals against these institutions took always two different aspects. Part of those who rose up strove to purify the old institutions, or to work out a higher form of commonwealth, based upon the same Mutual Aid principles; they tried, for instance, to introduce the principle of "compensation," instead of the lex talionis, and later on, the pardon of offences, or a still higher ideal of equality before the human conscience, in lieu of "compensation," according to class-value. But at the very same time, another portion of the same individual rebels endeavored to break down the protective institutions of mutual support, with no other intention but to increase their own wealth and their own powers.\n--- \n16) yeah [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 07/02/2011 11:43:00 AM PST \nattached to Problems with Hamilton's rule \nhttp://slashdot.org/story/04/10/14/134202/Tit-for-Tat-Defeated-In-Prisoners-Dile\n\n\n\n mma-Challenge\nI wonder what happened to "Update: 10/14 15:08 GMT by J : If anyone wants to try writing their own PD strategy and see how it fares in a Darwinian contest, I'll host a tournament of Slashdot readers. Here are the docs, sample code, notes on previous runs, and my email address." The links are dead...> body |comment: 2011-7-8-222653-3450-5> => |text: \n\n\n The question is how do we most efficiently get that tech? The proposed solution is Mutual Aid, or Open Source. If we share our creations (not by law, but voluntarily, like wikipedia, firefox, apache, python...), it makes it harder for Authority to use tech against us. That's probably why the elite are so against a basic income (which Milton Friedman supported, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/23/business/23scene.html ), because they feel very threatened by anything that would allow ppl to create on their own without giving up control of the fruits of their labor to the rich who can use it against them. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-7-2-14174-26879> => |text: Later, in 1963 and 1964, William Hamilton simplified and formalized altruism as the equation: r x b > c, where r = the degree of relatedness, b is the benefit to the benificiary of altruism, and c is the cost to the altruist. One of the first predictions of the Hamilton rule is that sister bees share an unusually high degree of relatedness. \nHowever, also from The Altruism Equation, pages 170-171, Note 55:\n\nThe high degree of relatedness between sister workers in hymenopterans can be a fragile commodity: the r value of 0.75 that sisters share is contingent on the queen of their hive mating with just one male. If the queen mates with two drones, and each male fathers half the young, then worker relatedness is cut in half, to r = 0.375. When the queen mates with more males, r decreases to an even greater extent. Hamilton warns the reader of his 1964 papers that "multiple insemination will greatly weaken the tendency to evolve worker-like altruism," and when a queen mates with more than two males, this "should prevent its [altruism's] incipience altogether." It appears that Hamilton was overstating the devastating effects of multiple matings on altruism in social insects. Recent work suggests that altruism is common in species where queens mate with many males. In these species, blood relatedness, in conjunction with other factors, may still favor the evolution of cooperation. In any case, no matter how many mates a queen has, hymenopteran sisters are always more related to each other than are hymenopteran brothers and sisters, and so inclusive fitness theory predicts that if altruism is to evolve to any degree, it should almost always be among hymenopteran sisters.\n\n---\n(Evidence supporting the promiscuity of queen honeybees.)\nHow could a gene for altruism evolve, if it benefits members of the hive who don't have the gene as much or more than it protects copies of itself? Mathematically, it doesn't seem possible. The "other factors" left out of Hamilton's rule must be as, or more, important than the terms included. Basically, I believe the "other factors" are memetic; when Hamilton in "The Evolution of Altruistic Behavior" writes of "the inevitable slowness of any evolution based on group selection", he is not taking into account the rapidity of memetic evolution, which can be Lamarckian.\nDoes Hamilton's rule predict the appearance of Open Source, where relatedness between altruist and beneficiary is irrelevant?\nOn page 97 of The Altruism Equation appears a clue to the "other factors" involved in the evolution of altruism: "[...] the greater the benefit/cost ratio for the altruist, the more likely altruism is to evolve."\nThe benefit to a producer of open source is not concerned with the fecundity of his relatives so much as with the benefit he gets from using the improvements to his own software. Thus Richard Stallman has no kids, and his altruistic acts in creating GNU software doesn't directly benefit his relatives; but if the cost to him is low (since he doesn't care for material wealth), and he benefits from social recognition and using software improved by others, it's worth it. (Government can make altruism more appealing by lowering its cost to everyone, providing a basic income and encouraging altruistic innovation...)\nSimilarly, why does wikipedia use "joked" in the following sentence: \nJ.B.S. Haldane famously joked, "Would I lay down my life to save my brother? No, but I would to save two brothers or eight cousins".\nThe reason is that Haldane knew he wouldn't be calculating relatedness coefficients, if there was a kid drowning. Why do we have lifeguards?\nAltruism is more memetic than genetic, I believe. Learning is involved. Insofar as altruism is genetic, group selection seems to model it better: as E. O. Wilson proposes, rb > c is changed to r(b_k + b_e) > c, where b_k is the benefit to kin and b_e is the benefit to everybody (the colony as a whole, in the case of bees).\nPeter Kropotkin, in the first chapter of Mutual Aid (1902), is getting close to the truth, in my opinion:\n\nIt may be that at the outset Darwin himself was not fully aware of the generality of the factor which he first invoked for explaining one series only of facts relative to the accumulation of individual variations in incipient species. But he foresaw that the term which he was introducing into science would lose its philosophical and its only true meaning if it were to be used in its narrow sense only--that of a struggle between separate individuals for the sheer means of existence. And at the very beginning of his memorable work he insisted upon the term being taken in its "large and metaphorical sense including dependence of one being on another, and including (which is more important) not only the life of the individual, but success in leaving progeny."(1)\nWhile he himself was chiefly using the term in its narrow sense for his own special purpose, he warned his followers against committing the error (which he seems once to have committed himself) of overrating its narrow meaning. In The Descent of Man he gave some powerful pages to illustrate its proper, wide sense. He pointed out how, in numberless animal societies, the struggle between separate individuals for the means of existence disappears, how struggle is replaced by co-operation, and how that substitution results in the development of intellectual and moral faculties which secure to the species the best conditions for survival. He intimated that in such cases the fittest are not the physically strongest, nor the cunningest, but those who learn to combine so as mutually to support each other, strong and weak alike, for the welfare of the community. "Those communities," he wrote, "which included the greatest number of the most sympathetic members would flourish best, and rear the greatest number of offspring" (2nd edit., p. 163). The term, which originated from the narrow Malthusian conception of competition between each and all, thus lost its narrowness in the mind of one who knew Nature. \n---\n1. Origin of Species, chap. iii, p. 62 of first edition.\n\n---\nIt seems clear that Hamilton's rule does not predict the full nature of altruism. To quote Kropotkin again (in the Introduction to Mutual Aid), there is a "sense of justice, or equity, which brings the individual to consider the rights of every other individual as equal to his own." Aristotle, in the Nicomachean Ethics, expresses a similar idea: "justice, alone of the virtues, is thought to be 'another's good', because it is related to our neighbour; for it does what is advantageous to another".\nMy hypothesis is that altruism, though it may achieve expression in biology, is ultimately independent of matter and energy. Altruism in its pure form exists as a meme in a realm of pure forms :)> body |diary: 2011-6-16-165235-476> => |text: 2) you're a dumb Sperm-man geeker? [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 09:38:57 PM PST \nattached to Downfall is a fucking briliant movie \n---\n3) Prediction: bitcoin will promote feudalism [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 05:37:04 PM PST \nattached to Attn limpcawk \nLike in the middle ages currency was scarce, and there was little innovation, and ppl believed in divine right of kings and that everyone in the state had to have the same religion. (The Song Dynasty was the first state to print money and experienced an innovation boom, then they stopped.)\nOf course a feudal, homogenous society is exactly what bitcoiners want! But evolution will get them :) \n--- \n4) anekantvada [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 05:33:12 PM PST \nattached to Do not fool yourself \nblind men and the elephant. \n--- \n6) The promise of the internet [0.00 / 5] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 09:25:58 AM PST \nattached to In The Asylum - Part 1 \nis that we can all spout off on our soapboxes much less intrusively because the technology exists to filter speech at the client!\nIn conclusion, technology is the answer to this social problem. \n---\n7) quit [0.66 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 09:16:04 AM PST \nattached to Stress \nGo hiking, meditate, learn to breathe slowly, become mindful of nature, listen to birds, watch the tides change. \n--- \n8) More context: [0.00 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/15/2011 09:08:01 AM PST \nattached to Unfellowed, friendless, and alone \nBut Mammon places under ban\nThe uses of Leviathan\nAnd that high spirit ever wars\nOn Mammon's countless servitors\nNor can they ever be exempt\nFrom his taxation of contempt.\nSo distantly I turn to view\nThe shamblings of that motley crew,\nThose souls that hate the strength that mine has\nSteeled in the school of old Aquinas.\nWhere they have crouched and crawled and prayed\nI stand, the self-doomed, unafraid,\nUnfellowed, friendless and alone,\nIndifferent as the herring-bone,\nFirm as the mountain-ridges where\nI flash my antlers on the air.\nLet them continue as is meet\nTo adequate the balance-sheet.\nThough they may labour to the grave\nMy spirit shall they never have\nNor make my soul with theirs as one\nTill the Mahamanvantara be done:\nAnd though they spurn me from their door\nMy soul shall spurn them evermore.\nhttp://ninaalvarez.net/2007/04/04/poem-of-the-day-25/\n---\n9) comment-hiders and old blarnies and niggas [0.40 / 5] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/14/2011 10:36:53 AM PST \nattached to THE TIME HAS COME\ndestroyed k$5 :( \n---\n10) Ta mere a vole aussi bas hier soir! [0.50 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/14/2011 04:37:23 AM PST \nattached to schlouse protected from preeclampsia \n---\n12) the word 'trigger' is my crack trigger [0.60 / 5] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 08:35:37 PM PST \nattached to wow \nYOU INSENSITIVE CLOD \n--- \n13) s/large emotional context/large emotional content [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 08:17:58 PM PST \nattached to wow \n---\n14) it's funny because [0.50 / 6] Replies: 3 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 08:16:45 PM PST \nattached to wow \nwhen you first see it, it seems like a contextual emotional reaction, expressing surprise at the particular diary it's attached to; then when you see it next, you begin to understand that your first impression was wrong - it's not an emotional reaction at all, despite the cues in the words and the syntax. Thus, in forcing you to reevaluate your initial interpretation of the words as having a large emotional context, it encourages you to be more cautious in the future of immediately assigning emotions to written expressions. The cognitive dissonance ("these are emotional words; but wait it appears everywhere so it's not emotional!") is what gives rise to the humor... \n--- \n16) SHUSHING PIT COUNTDOWN NT [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 02:55:23 PM PST \nattached to PUSHING SHIT CONTENT DOWN \n---\n23) I remember a Fen diary [0.60 / 5] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 10:38:50 AM PST \nattached to the donnalee club \nwhere he talked about the inconvenience of shitting, and how his goal was to make the activity unnecessary. Can't find it though :( http://www.kuro5hin.org/user/uid:34582 \n--- \n26) Hi, I'm obsessed with the social milieu [0.50 / 6] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 06/13/2011 10:03:33 AM PST \nattached to the donnalee club \nNothing means anything until I can put it in a social context. I don't remember names, but I never forget a face! I am more at home with nonverbal signals, and see the written word as a threat to my area of expertise; so I try to subvert verbal communication as best I can by introducing irrationality, saying the opposite of what I mean, and using emotional words to try to make the other stop thinking with the frontal cortex and respond with gut feelings from the lizard brain stem! \n--- \n31) vindictive nateo comment [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/12/2011 02:31:13 PM PST \nattached to i've been away \n---\n34) This is where simulations would be valuable, [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/11/2011 10:07:54 PM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \nin allowing each individual to non-destructively test out preferences.\nThe premise of Jainism, for example, is that asceticism leads to greater knowledge and bliss. I can try this out in my own life (and indeed have been studying the Jain texts and following some of the austerities such as porsi, not eating for three hours after sunrise, which is often a challenge especially when I get up before dawn to go for a jog...)\nNow suppose someone else's preference is slavery. The concept of unalienable rights should prevent him from carrying out his preference in real life; that slavers were allowed to practice their preference for slavery is what I'm comparing to the preference of bankers claiming an exclusive right to create money (I heard Steve Forbes in an interview say that he wasn't concerned about paying off China because the govt could just print money to do it; but he had an ideological objection to the govt printing money, he believed only the free market should be allowed to do it).\nBut in a simulation, slavers could carry out their preferences with virtual slaves. My hypothesis is that eventually they would come around to the Jain view that ahimsa is superior and confers more happiness; but it may take some a long time of trying out other things before they come to the best solutions. Virtual realities provides a means to let them try out whatever preferences they have without affecting anyone who doesn't choose to be affected.\nSo how can we encourage the most efficient development of such simulations? Video games is one way. Empowering individuals to innovate simulations on their own without being tied to the market forces that drive video game companies is another. For example if kinect is opened so individuals can write their own programs using it, and if those individuals have time because they have a basic income, what useful things that Microsoft didn't think of might result? Like NCSA Mosaic came up with the browser and Microsoft copied them and then improved it enough that I'm using their browser right now. But the idea came from a govt-funded institution. Now I'm saying, instead of institutions, have the govt fund individuals, because individuals don't necessarily need institutions in this new age of the internet. (And if some individuals prefer institutions such as businesses or universities, they would retain the freedom to enter them...) \n--- \n35) okay now we're starting to get somewhere [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/11/2011 09:37:18 PM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther\nWhat are those other variables? Explain it to me like I'm a 2-year old.\nFor example, if the number of good increases along with the money supply, then even classical economics says there won't be inflation. Do I have that right?\nSo I guess my (tentative) argument might take the form: there is a high probability that knowledge will increase faster if there is a basic income guarantee from the govt, and that knowledge acts as, or will result in, an increase in goods, therefore destructive inflation is not a necessary consequence. Even if the knowledge is given away for free by the individuals who produce it, companies can take it and commoditize it and incrementally improve it (much as they did with computers and the internet), and standard of living will increase, and the currency will remain strong, and others will want what we produce, which is a synergy of individuals creating new knowledge and technology like the Renaissance man in the slashdot article, and the best ideas being taken over by business. QED! \n--- \n36) Note how the 'yeah' starts on two [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/11/2011 09:17:05 PM PST \nattached to So it's saturday \nand hits each 8th note until the last (sixth) one, which falls on the and of 4, then the band comes in on the 1. Kinda rhythmically interesting, didn't notice why it caught my ear at first, till I counted through it. The strong emphasis on the in-between beat before the one, sort of presaging it, is an old jazz meme :) \n--- \n51) utopia for the chinese too [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 09:05:32 AM PST \nattached to QE3 deluxe \nthrow off their corporate overlords and apply the ingenuity of individual ppl to the problems of 3D printers which can print themselves and Watsons that can teach themselves. The only thing that's stopping us is in our minds!> body |diary: 2011-6-12-13145-5549> => |text: 2) junk your country [0.66 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 07:52:29 PM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \nwe got the biggest guns! \n--- \n3) In Soviet Russia, YOU kill yourself! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 03:28:17 PM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \n---\n4) right, because the US won't be able to pay it [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 02:58:37 PM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \nthe US is a collection of very creative and ingenious individuals who have used the rights and freedoms protected by the govt to advance knowledge and increase technology and raise standard of living. Why wouldn't we want to continue that?\nIn your scenario, why can't "I" pay for it now? Where does the money that "you" have come from? Why do banks get to use the fractional reserve system to increase the money supply, and why should they have an exclusive right to money creation, and why do they have to automatically attach debt to it? Why can't the govt create debt-free money and use it to increase the pace of knowledge acquisition and technological advance, by stimulating individuals to innovate with a basic income and challenges (biz can compete in the challenges and hold their own challenges as well!)? \n--- \n5) free lunch thrm disproved by dark energy $ [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 08:32:26 AM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \n---\n6) 25% tariff on china [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 08:27:11 AM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther \nIsolationism ftw! We'll get our rare earth metals from space...\nIn conclusion, the debt is not a real thing that really crushes anything, the debt has no mass, no gravity, no force other than the purely pscyhological one we give it, and can withdraw from it any time we choose. \n--- \n7) 3-d printer dude was on colbert too [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/09/2011 01:51:12 AM PST \nattached to Year of the Rabbit: Scientists extract light from the ther\ntalking about making china's cheap labor advantage irrelevant. THE FUTURE IS OURS TO SEE \n---\n8) i love how she claims it was a gotcha question [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/07/2011 02:57:59 PM PST \nattached to We fools can redefine the truth \nand the question was "What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"\nMaybe she should have asked "our North Korean allies" for help! \n--- \n9) In Soviet Russia, women rape and abuse YOU! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/07/2011 02:52:13 PM PST \nattached to That's the problem with secular liberal commentary \n---\n10) i just watched the first few minutes [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/07/2011 02:36:15 PM PST \nattached to That's the problem with secular liberal commentary \nthe documentary guy seemed upset because someone was beat up and sent to hospital. Are you saying that's a good thing, and that the snitch deserved it, just because he was in jail? May I remind you sir of the principle of "innocent until proven guilty", which is abandonded once you resort to violence before a trial. Gandhi served a lot of time in jail; did he deserve it? No; the laws that put him there were violations of unalienable rights. \n--- \n11) Schwarzenegger or Sanford! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/07/2011 02:22:49 PM PST \nattached to Who would you rather be the President, Weiner or Edwards? \n---\n12) do what you want to do [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/04/2011 11:07:46 AM PST \nattached to Southerners \nit will work out much better than the current system where workers have to take out the anger they feel at being arbitrarily controlled by ignorant motherfuckers on poor innocents like MEee :) \n---\n13) ruby sucks [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/04/2011 11:06:08 AM PST \nattached to Southerners \nlike when i tried to upgrade they had changed the readline so that it didn't work correctly with a space after a prompt. and in 1.9 i have to go back and change all the require statements, or use an annoying command-line option. No wonder ruby is declining in popularity. When you ask for help, their first reaction is usually an insult... \n---\n14) instead of going on vacation, palin should go to [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/04/2011 12:17:59 AM PST \nattached to Happy Thoughts\nsummer school! \n--- \n15) you should do financial services programming [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 06/03/2011 09:07:46 PM PST \nattached to Pitter patter;\na few more projects not completed there could only help the economy, AMINOTRITE? \n--- \n16) I think Feynman felt similarly about groups [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 06/03/2011 10:40:42 AM PST \nattached to $40 that would have been better spent on crack \n"When I was in high school, one of the first honours I got was to be a member of the Arista, which is a group of kids who got good grades - eh? - and everybody wanted to be a member of the Arista, and when I got into the Arista I discovered that what they did in their meetings was to sit around to discuss who else was worthy to join this wonderful group that we are - okay? So we sat around trying to decide who it was who would get to be allowed into this Arista. This kind of thing bothers me psychologically for one or another reason I don't understand myself - honours - and from that day to this always bothered me."\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2010/9/28/12451/7454 \n--- \n17) haha, gayus loses another round [0.00 / 6] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/02/2011 10:19:24 PM PST \nattached to Ask-K5: The Michael Crawford-o-thon\n---\n18) you're a waste [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/02/2011 10:18:33 PM PST \nattached to Ask-K5: The Michael Crawford-o-thon \nFLUSH \n--- \n19) all i have to do is tell the truth [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 06/02/2011 07:39:15 PM PST \nattached to Illustrative Guide To Trolling Freenode \nLike there was this one time in #politics dude where there was a join flood and so this one dumb op (what the heck is a "halfop" anyway is it some kind of sale?) starts banning everyone and I said "don't ban me bro! I didn't have anything to do with it" (and it was the truth!) and then he banned me. Then later when I sucked someone's dick to get back in, that frog troll that used to hang there (I think he hacked me once) called it "epic" :) \n--- \n20) s/Englight/Enlight [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/02/2011 08:32:26 AM PST \nattached to Fix your elevator, MPT, you have to! \nAlso, wouldn't it be great if there was an Edit feature. \n--- \n21) wieners all over the news shows pendulum has swung [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/02/2011 07:30:01 AM PST \nattached to THE TRAIN IS OKAY \nbitches need to back off their power grab. \n---\n22) that's what she gets for not bringing a hot friend [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 06/01/2011 11:02:07 AM PST \nattached to Which celebrity should rusty hire to promote k5? \nto the party \n--- \n23) the bank scam [0.75 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/31/2011 02:00:36 PM PST \nattached to End-of-free-checking allegations \nCreate ten times as much money as ppl deposit, and create debt at the same time, and then charge interest on top of that. So their real profit margins are something like 900% + (of course they use accounting tricks to make it seem less, but how many houses do bankers own?).\nIn conclusion, wake up America. End the psychological divine right to create money granted to banks! Realize that when the govt creates money, since we are the govt, we don't have to create debt and automatically attach it. \n--- \n24) will it run on the GuyPhone [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/31/2011 01:30:16 PM PST \nattached to Choose Your Own Adventure: Michael Crawford\n---\n25) --> HUSI [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/30/2011 04:21:12 PM PST \nattached to The bad side \n---\n26) i wish i was like you, EASILY AMUSED [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/29/2011 07:08:42 PM PST \nattached to Odds that redcatblack has lilo'd it \nit's amusing to me that they could find such endless amusement in petty control freakdom...\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz-2kswLaKQ (Kurt Cobain, "All Apologies") \n--- \n27) sure, i have, it's been a couple years [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/29/2011 05:01:28 PM PST \nattached to Odds that redcatblack has lilo'd it \nBut my question is, why don't we look on the rights of ops the same way as, say, we look at the king of Thailand's right to prohibit lese majeste?\nFrom today's slashdot:\n"A US citizen, upon visiting Thailand for medical treatment, was arrested for lese majeste (insulting the king) and computer crimes ('entering false information into a computer system'). He is charged for posting a link on his blog to a banned book, The King Never Smiles, and for translating excerpts of it. He made the posting four years ago in 2007, while in the US. Trials for lese majeste are traditionally held in secret, for reasons of 'national security'. AFP has more information."\nThe parallel is the idea that irc is a collection of fiefdoms in which ops rule as kings, and ops can ban for any reason (my favorite is getting banned from a #politics room for pointing out that Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000). Why do we agree that that is a bad way to run countries, but still think it's a good way to run a business, or a non-profit computer chat network? \n--- \n28) I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing wrong [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/27/2011 03:43:24 AM PST \nattached to Aks Ghey$5: Should I post this? \nI've publicly criticized an Ignorant Motherfucker, so he'll find any excuse to disqualify me. His loony protocol is very convenient to help him "weed out the riffraff" (i.e., anyone he doesn't like). The contest is more about the social intelligence involved in sucking up to him, than artificial intelligence. \n---\n29) k$5 is being destroyed by the comment-hiders! [0.60 / 5] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/19/2011 08:02:20 AM PST \nattached to Free k5 account \nToo verbally insecure to respond with words, they resort to emotions, and exemplify the dumbing down of crowds through social influence! \n---\n30) s/psyco/psycho [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 08:08:39 PM PST \nattached to which one of you is this?> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-9> => |text: \n\n\n the US is a collection of very creative and ingenious individuals who have used the rights and freedoms protected by the govt to advance knowledge and increase technology and raise standard of living. Why wouldn't we want to continue that?\nIn your scenario, why can't "I" pay for it now? Where does the money that "you" have come from? Why do banks get to use the fractional reserve system to increase the money supply, and why should they have an exclusive right to money creation, and why do they have to automatically attach debt to it? Why can't the govt create debt-free money and use it to increase the pace of knowledge acquisition and technological advance, by stimulating individuals to innovate with a basic income and challenges (biz can compete in the challenges and hold their own challenges as well!)? \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-15> => |text: \n\n\n the US goes through periods during which tax revenues don't cover outlays (stats). So yes, there are times when the US isn't able to pay it, which is why it needs to maintain its good reputation as a nation that honours its debt commitments.\n\n>In your scenario, why can't "I" pay for it now? Where does the money that "you" have come from?\n\nIf you mean the US and China, the US can't pay now because tax revenue doesn't cover expenditure; Chinese investors can lend the money because their country has a huge positive trade balance with the US, and thus a lot of US dollars.\n\n>Why do banks get to use the fractional reserve system to increase the money supply and why should they have an exclusive right to money creation, and why do they have to automatically attach debt to it?\n\nAlready explained this numerous times, so for the benefit of anyone else reading: they're not really creating money, they're just lending money in a way that looks like money has been created; the question of "attaching debt" is therefore meaningless because it is debt, plain and simple; it's not exclusive because you can do the same thing as a private individual, and any institution that lends money in this way is a bank by definition, so it's like asking "why do animals with four legs have an exclusive right to be quadrupeds?" The only institution that actually creates narrow money is the central bank, which is a public institution.\n\n>Why can't the govt create debt-free money\n\nThey do, in targeted amounts, designed to keep the economy ticking and achieve a steady rate of inflation...\n\n>and use it to increase the pace of knowledge acquisition and technological advance, by stimulating individuals to innovate with a basic income and challenges\n\n...because those kind of amounts provoke destructive levels of inflation and destroy trust in the currency. You wouldn't want to risk that unless you had a guarantee that you'd be able to make it up somehow.\n\nAnd you have no such guarantee. Basic income? The European welfare states have that, so why aren't their unemployed coming up with startling new innovations?\n\nAs for challenges, why are these offered? Because at present there isn't a compelling case for investment in a certain area. There's no forseeable likelihood of an idea taking off and making money within, say, a 10 year window. Otherwise, venture capitalists would be all over it and there'd be no need to offer prize money. So, someone who wants to see a particular goal achieved offers a bounty, because they're prepared to pay to see it achieved, not because they expect to make any monetary return from it.\n\nIf something doesn't seem likely to make money within a window of about ten years, such that a challenge has to be issued to get it done, then how do you expect it to cover the destructive effects of massive inflation, which occur on a much shorter time scale?\n\nIf the things you're offering up to counterbalance the inflation stood any realistic chance of making money within the required timescales, they'd already be the target of venture capitalists, who invest in a lot of risky ideas hoping that one or two of them make it big. If you think venture capitalists are idiots who can't see a good opportunity, then who do you suggest is better at doing that kind of thing? If they're better, then why aren't those people already investing money and making billions?\n\nAnd even if someone did come up with an invention that was set to make heaps of money, why would they choose to sell it for US$, a currency which would at that time be uncontrollably inflating? They'd want to make money that would keep its value. "Oh, but perhaps they're not interested so much in making money." Then why do they need a challenge to motivate them? "One of the stipulations of the challenge is that the government gets a share in it, or you have to manufacture it in the US, or sell it for dollars..." In which case they wouldn't submit their invention to the challenge, they would be better off keeping full control of it and keep their options open. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-22> => |text: \n\n\n why "I" couldn't pay for it now. "I" being the US in my analogy, they can't "pay for it now" because tax revenues only cover a portion of expenditure; the rest has to be covered by debt. That's a fact, and that's what I was pointing out with the historical data.\n\nAnd China is the largest US creditor, especially in recent years. They're a good candidate for "you" in the analogy, because you asked where "you" got the money from. I explained at least where China got the money from.\n\n(Intragovernmental debt isn't real debt for the purposes of this discussion, by the way. It's money owed by one part of the government to another part of the government, e.g. a trust fund that gets money allocated for a specific purpose will agree to lend money to another government department but only if interest is paid. It's not real external debt; it's just government departments moving money around between themselves )\n\nThe reason why I mention "guarantees" has nothing to do with science. You have proposed taking one action (printing money to generate a basic income and challenge awards) which carries a high risk of destructive economic consequences (rocketing inflation, currency collapse). When these consequences have been pointed out to you, you've responded that they'll be made up for by the resulting "innovation". But in order for that to be an effective counterbalance to the high-probability destructive effects, that innovation has to be just as high probability to succeed.\n\nThe questions I've asked all demonstrate that on the contrary, we have no reason to believe that the destructive effects being made up for by innovation is anything other than a low probability event.\n\nSo: if we continue as normal, there's a very high probability that we'll get to your techno-utopia at some point in the future. If we follow your suggestion, there's a very low probability that we might get there quicker; and there's a very high probability that we'll either not get there at all or will get there much later, because economies will have been destroyed in the attempt.\n\nIn other words, you're calling for risking everything on a gamble that doesn't stand much chance of paying off.\n\nNot a good idea. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-55> => |text: \n\n\n What are those other variables? Explain it to me like I'm a 2-year old.\nFor example, if the number of good increases along with the money supply, then even classical economics says there won't be inflation. Do I have that right?\nSo I guess my (tentative) argument might take the form: there is a high probability that knowledge will increase faster if there is a basic income guarantee from the govt, and that knowledge acts as, or will result in, an increase in goods, therefore destructive inflation is not a necessary consequence. Even if the knowledge is given away for free by the individuals who produce it, companies can take it and commoditize it and incrementally improve it (much as they did with computers and the internet), and standard of living will increase, and the currency will remain strong, and others will want what we produce, which is a synergy of individuals creating new knowledge and technology like the Renaissance man in the slashdot article, and the best ideas being taken over by business. QED! \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-54> => |text: \n\n\n which I was responding to?\nThank you Captain Obvious (none / 1) (#5) \nby Enlarged to Show Texture on Wed Nov 03, 2010 at 09:27:39 AM PST\nPrinting money == inflation, no film at any hour \n---\nWhy let that go?\nAlso, in this thread, note this comment: http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2011/6/9/43830/78647?pid=19#22 , in which you said:\n\nYou have proposed taking one action (printing money to generate a basic income and challenge awards) which carries a high risk of destructive economic consequences (rocketing inflation, currency collapse).\n\nThat's what I was arguing against. Why not mention other variables then?\nCan we agree that merely the printing of money is not a necessary or sufficient cause for intolerable inflation? Maybe if we can start with some basic premises, we can get to the specific propositions where our disagreement starts. And then devise some tests for those propositions? \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-6-9-43830-78647-56> => |text: \n\n\n in allowing each individual to non-destructively test out preferences.\nThe premise of Jainism, for example, is that asceticism leads to greater knowledge and bliss. I can try this out in my own life (and indeed have been studying the Jain texts and following some of the austerities such as porsi, not eating for three hours after sunrise, which is often a challenge especially when I get up before dawn to go for a jog...)\nNow suppose someone else's preference is slavery. The concept of unalienable rights should prevent him from carrying out his preference in real life; that slavers were allowed to practice their preference for slavery is what I'm comparing to the preference of bankers claiming an exclusive right to create money (I heard Steve Forbes in an interview say that he wasn't concerned about paying off China because the govt could just print money to do it; but he had an ideological objection to the govt printing money, he believed only the free market should be allowed to do it).\nBut in a simulation, slavers could carry out their preferences with virtual slaves. My hypothesis is that eventually they would come around to the Jain view that ahimsa is superior and confers more happiness; but it may take some a long time of trying out other things before they come to the best solutions. Virtual realities provides a means to let them try out whatever preferences they have without affecting anyone who doesn't choose to be affected.\nSo how can we encourage the most efficient development of such simulations? Video games is one way. Empowering individuals to innovate simulations on their own without being tied to the market forces that drive video game companies is another. For example if kinect is opened so individuals can write their own programs using it, and if those individuals have time because they have a basic income, what useful things that Microsoft didn't think of might result? Like NCSA Mosaic came up with the browser and Microsoft copied them and then improved it enough that I'm using their browser right now. But the idea came from a govt-funded institution. Now I'm saying, instead of institutions, have the govt fund individuals, because individuals don't necessarily need institutions in this new age of the internet. (And if some individuals prefer institutions such as businesses or universities, they would retain the freedom to enter them...) \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-5-25-15038-4377> => |text: (cont'd)\nWe've solved food production problems. If your uncle doesn't want to produce food anymore, it's simple enough to replace him with someone who will. Suppose there were a basic income, and I wanted to experience what it's like to work a farm; I could try it (like Colbert working a day as a Mexican laborer), and with all the automation it would be much easier to pick it up than it was 100 years ago, and I could study it beforehand through the internet, etc.\nIn conclusion I don't see why a basic income guarantee would result in lowered food production. I think it would free ppl to explore even better ways of producing food, and keep them open instead of Monsanto hiding its innovations behind IP because of a greedy, hoarding mindset. \n---\n2) s/itt/it [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/23/2011 07:40:29 AM PST \nattached to overstayed my welcome at the mythbusters tech forum \n---\n3) and here I thought I'd finally found SOMEONE who [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/23/2011 07:33:34 AM PST \nattached to Into the wild \nagreed with me! Oh well, I guess I need to detach from that desire anyway. \n--- \n4) reggae, ah! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 08:52:26 PM PST \nattached to Hey, I haven't posted here in a year! \n---\n5) chick probably looked at him and went nuh-uh [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 09:26:37 AM PST \nattached to ugh \n---\n6) don't apologize, just try harder next time :) [0.00 / 3] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 09:25:10 AM PST \nattached to ugh \n---\n7) you're not getting that i got it [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 08:17:02 AM PST \nattached to ugh \nand am playing with language in ways that apparently are whooshing above your head :) \n--- \n8) no, you warned us how to avoid the raping [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 07:56:06 AM PST \nattached to ugh \none man's happy ending is not a happy ending for another \n--- \n9) shhh freedom's a sore spot with cloacalroger [0.00 / 2] Replies: 3 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 07:24:58 AM PST \nattached to Into the wild \nhaving given it up in his own life he can't stand to be reminded of it and so must come up with the most far-fetched rationalizations why it's bad in someone else. Darwin award? The guy had lots of women; he chose not to procreate. \n---\n10) the pressure is more about control than anything [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 07:21:57 AM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford \nimo. We need tests. I think there are enough ppl who truly enjoy farming, who have green thumbs etc., that they would produce food in a caring manner if they had a guaranteed basic income. They could make a profit on top of that but profit would not have to be the driving motivator that we've made it into.\nNo one has to work to eat. We produce such a surplus of food that (according to one article cited on slashdot) 30% of food grown never enters a human stomach. The pressure you're talking about comes from a social, psychological need, not a productivity one. If we can free ourselves from the need to control others, or fulfill that need in virtual realities (like on irc you can try to control others' emotions...), we can become much more productive and increase the rate of technological and knowledge advancement; because (my hypothesis) ppl will work harder at what they're interested in than what a boss tells them to do. Unless they're interested in working for a boss, in which case that option would still be available... \n--- \n11) false dichotomy [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 03:45:34 AM PST \nattached to Into the wild \ntechnology allows us to have our cake and eat it too. We can take risks in holodecks. In conclusion, try to think outside the box more! \n--- \n12) thanks for telling me how to get a happy ending [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/22/2011 03:40:46 AM PST \nattached to ugh\n---\n13) China is the king of piracy [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/21/2011 12:21:55 AM PST \nattached to Black Hawk Down II? \nAssault China. \n--- \n14) yep I'm like Marky Mark [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/21/2011 12:13:41 AM PST \nattached to 12 Comments Today! \nwanna make out? \n--- \n15) platitude after platitude [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/20/2011 07:40:53 PM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford \nand nary a test in sight! I'm American, and I believe in this country and the ingenuity of my fellow citizens. Now let's create some simulations and run different scenarios. \n--- \n16) the foundations of civilization [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/20/2011 07:39:14 PM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford \nalso according to Aristotle, occurred when the Babylonians were able to support a leisure class who then invented mathematics and astronomy. So history teaches us yes, great things are likely to happen in the scenario I propose.> body |diary: 2011-5-19-124646-524> => |text: 2) 'This cat's diggin me!' [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 08:06:24 PM PST \nattached to which one of you is this?\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfLhuqomCk&feature=fvst (around 1:13)\n(Louis and Danny Kaye dueting on "The Saints Go Marching In", Louis demonstrating his verbal acuity and ability to speak really fast and sound white when he wants to :) \n--- \n3) let everyone have a robust safety net [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 07:13:07 PM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford \nand let the bosses do what they want, if the worker doesn't like it he won't be "out on the streets" he'll still be able to afford a basic minimum standard of living. Then the signals you talked about earlier will operate more freely and workers can choose good bosses without feeling so constrained to put up with the bad ones (which are the overwhelming majority, in my experience).\nThe hypothesis that "if you can get by without working, most people won't work, or at least will work less" needs to be tested. It's a common meme, but is it true or more of an old wives' tale? In the modern world with the internet, ppl can work on what they're interested in. The level of invention and creativity in, for example, Second Life (I'm relying on NPR reports because I've never downloaded a client even) is said to be quite high. My hypothesis is that ppl will work harder on what they're interested in; govt can encourage (but should not require) them to be interested in advancing knowledge and technology, through challenges (biz can offer challenges too, like Netflix, Google), the bully pulpit, etc.\nIt doesn't take as many ppl to produce a car these days as it used to with automation. That is the future. As Obama noted during the last State of the Union, it used to take 1000 men to operate a steel mill, now it takes 100.\nAs for nuclear power, I heard one analyst say that the market doesn't want to invest in nuclear power because the returns are so far off, and the cost overruns are typically so large. It takes a lot of investment to make plants safe and provide for the disposal and storage of the spent fuel. Thus, govt should print the money if it needs to, to fund more plants. The benefits far outweigh the possible risks of inflation! Nuclear power plants are a clear case where the signals that the free market sends are not the ones that are best for the society (cost cutting from BP on blowout prevention, etc. is another case). \n--- \n4) J'ai pe'te' dans l'eau, ca faisait des bulles [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 10:42:22 AM PST \nattached to A Dream \nJ'ai pe'te' dans l'eau, ca faisait tout chaud!\n---\n5) does this make you feel you'll be even more smug? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 06:19:52 AM PST \nattached to A Dream\n---\n6) why should it be so hard? [0.00 / 3] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 06:16:26 AM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford\nWe the ppl get to vote and we can push for a basic income to free us from the need to work for little napolean bosses focused on greed and country-club memberships, and we promise to use it to do the disruptive innovation that leads to 3D printers and cold fusion, etc. (sure there will be dead ends but that's science!); then biz can take over the better research and incrementally innovate and commoditize it to bring it to the masses.\nDebt is a distraction, what matters is innovation and the advance of knowledge, because that is what enhances our survival fitness by better enabling us to predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change. \n--- \n7) inventing a meaning is a meaning in itself [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/18/2011 04:38:11 AM PST \nattached to A Dream \nwhat you see in your dreams says more about you than your dream! Which is the point of dream analysis, right, to find out about yourself? \n--- \n8) s/completely the reality/completely ignoring the [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/17/2011 10:38:36 PM PST \nattached to Ask K5: drive wipe kills usb drives? \nreality \n--- \n9) tee hee partier on colbert tonight, so ignorant [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/17/2011 10:36:48 PM PST \nattached to Ask K5: drive wipe kills usb drives? \nfundamentally misunderstanding the nature of money. "You can't spend more than you take in!" completely the reality that banks do just that to create money that drives economic growth. Ppl need to really think hard about where money comes from, and why banks should have an exclusive monopoly on money creation, and charge you for the privilege, and allocate it to the squeakiest, tricksterist wheel, the one that will sell refrigerators to eskimos, or sell you a CDO that they're betting against. Note the 3D printer tech story on slashdot today; this is the kind of technology that we need to be investing in. If the free market won't do it yet because they are too shortsighted, too focused on next quarter's shareholder's report to spend on disruptive research, then govt should, until (like the internet) biz finally gets it and does what it does best, incrementally innovates to bring it to the masses and make it smaller, faster, etc.\nIn conclusion, innovation is the key, not economics. But the Tea Farty is too uncomfortable with their own creativity to imagine a world where everyone can be truly free and enjoy liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How would they get attention in such a world, they wonder. Our only talent is in denying resources that we keep artificially scarce! No worries, we'll give them holodecks where they can follow their feudal economics with virtual peasants... \n--- \n10) sure [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/17/2011 09:57:55 PM PST \nattached to A Dream \npeyote, shrooms, salvia, acid, ecstacy, mdma. Rush. Sniffed glue once too when I couldn't get anything else and was really depressed and just wanted to do something, anything, to feel different, you know? But nowadays I use exercise, meditation, music, reading, programming, learning, and going into conservative chat rooms and pointing out their hypocrisy and logical flaws :) \n--- \n11) or use something even more obscene: ryan's budget! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/17/2011 06:42:03 PM PST \nattached to Ask K5: drive wipe kills usb drives?\n---\n12) solution: the Voluntary Society [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/17/2011 12:57:37 PM PST \nattached to Bosses 4 times as likely to be psychopathic as Crawford \nGovt provides a basic income to all its citizens, and leaves the free market alone. So biz can hire and fire at will, and bosses don't have to feel responsible for the welfare of ppl; instead they can concentrate on what they do best to advance knowledge and technology, which is what keeps the economy and currency strong, so govt can make taxes voluntary and print the budget.> body |comment: 2011-5-18-16592-1026-4> => |text: \n\n\n to provide a basic income safety net, let businesses get on with what they do best, while ppl like fat adult baby bedwetter man and trane can work on radical innovation like bigger adult baby cribs and scripts that let you use google translate from a dos box\n\nthat is the ultimate goal of human existence, not buying luxury handmade pisscakes for the solid-gold urinals in the toilet block next to some investment banker's swimming pool made of diamonds\n\ndisagree? that's because you are a brainwashed sheep busy sucking on the pee-pee of your bumboy nazi boss \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-5-17-3238-13226-7> => |text: \n\n\n Govt provides a basic income to all its citizens, and leaves the free market alone. So biz can hire and fire at will, and bosses don't have to feel responsible for the welfare of ppl; instead they can concentrate on what they do best to advance knowledge and technology, which is what keeps the economy and currency strong, so govt can make taxes voluntary and print the budget. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-5-17-3238-13226-9> => |text: \n\n\n We the ppl get to vote and we can push for a basic income to free us from the need to work for little napolean bosses focused on greed and country-club memberships, and we promise to use it to do the disruptive innovation that leads to 3D printers and cold fusion, etc. (sure there will be dead ends but that's science!); then biz can take over the better research and incrementally innovate and commoditize it to bring it to the masses.\nDebt is a distraction, what matters is innovation and the advance of knowledge, because that is what enhances our survival fitness by better enabling us to predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-5-17-3238-13226-19> => |text: \n\n\n imo. We need tests. I think there are enough ppl who truly enjoy farming, who have green thumbs etc., that they would produce food in a caring manner if they had a guaranteed basic income. They could make a profit on top of that but profit would not have to be the driving motivator that we've made it into.\nNo one has to work to eat. We produce such a surplus of food that (according to one article cited on slashdot) 30% of food grown never enters a human stomach. The pressure you're talking about comes from a social, psychological need, not a productivity one. If we can free ourselves from the need to control others, or fulfill that need in virtual realities (like on irc you can try to control others' emotions...), we can become much more productive and increase the rate of technological and knowledge advancement; because (my hypothesis) ppl will work harder at what they're interested in than what a boss tells them to do. Unless they're interested in working for a boss, in which case that option would still be available... \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-5-17-3238-13226-21> => |text: \n\n\n Can we make machines that will build tractors? Can we make self-driving tractors? And if you like driving a tractor, or just want to do it once in a while instead of having to do it, of course you could be free to do that. The best of both worlds...the question is how do we get to that technological utopia the quickest? I see a lot of counter-pressures in the business world that retard progress, for example it took biz 20 years to catch on to the internet, when the first pioneers tried to pitch it to AT & T the latter didn't see how the internet fit into their business model of telephones. So in those cases, govt should print the money if it has to to fund the disruptive innovations that can then move to biz to commoditize and bring to the masses...\nWe've solved food production problems. If your uncle doesn't want to produce food anymore, it's simple enough to replace him with someone who will. Suppose there were a basic income, and I wanted to experience what it's like to work a farm; I could try it (like Colbert working a day as a Mexican laborer), and with all the automation it would be much easier to pick it up than it was 100 years ago, and I could study it beforehand through the internet, etc.\nIn conclusion I don't see why a basic income guarantee would result in lowered food production. I think it would free ppl to explore even better ways of producing food, and keep them open instead of Monsanto hiding its innovations behind IP because of a greedy, hoarding mindset. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-5-16-121841-652-2> => |text: \n\n\n but my two objections: the generating procedure might be vulnerable to quantum attacks, rendering your jewgolds worthless overnight (the current defence is that it's not one of the currently-known-to-be-quantumly-tractable problems, but that's not very reassuring); secondly, if it ever takes off, there's a good chance it would be made illegal because anonymous, non-physical, untraceable cash equivalents that completely bypass the standard financial channels are the holy grail of tax evasion, money laundering and all sorts of fraud. Now it would be difficult to police that, but suddenly it all goes underground and a lot less convenient, there are less users, liquidity suffers, legitimate businesses are unable to support it. In which case it's no longer a cash equivalent.\n\nalso, if people start using this then there's no way of printing money to provide a basic income safety net so that people can work on sentient ruby scripts that will be trane's friend and tell him how beautiful he is on the inside. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-5-10-211733-788> => |text: 2) the truth that bosses are ignorant [0.00 / 2] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/10/2011 08:54:56 AM PST \nattached to Email from [redacted] \nand get away with shit like yelling and screaming at ppl, when if a little guy like me does it, we get locked up. And that society rewards sexual predators like Sam. There is a sick virulent memetic cancer at work in our society, and Crawford was working to expose as much of that as he could. But ya'll just want to take the short-term benefits of the good social feeling that comes from everyone being in misery together. Crawford's like a tree, and you're the island nation that cuts them all down for the short-term benefit, and then can't make any canoes... \n---\n3) it's about the same as Turing [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/10/2011 04:20:15 AM PST \nattached to Email from [redacted] \nOver and over again society does stupid things to good ppl, and idiots stand around cheering the courts on, reveling in the joy of being part of a group, or something (I wouldn't know). If only the site had kept a real record of how the crowd of dumbasses tried to defend the irrational reaction of society to Crawford's exposure of the truth, future generations would treat it as we look at historical documents from the deep south during slavery. I mean really, defending Sam the Rapist? C'MON! \n--- \n4) In Soviet Russia, YOU listen to him! [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/10/2011 04:08:11 AM PST \nattached to Email from [redacted] \nIt's society that's the sick one here. The man simply told the truths that y'all are too afraid to confront in yourselves, so you react by banning him. But he's just the messenger, and you're just putting off your Day of Reckoning... \n--- \n5) shouldn't have had a kid [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 05/08/2011 07:49:03 AM PST \nattached to Movie Review: Cave of Forgotten Dreams \nif you're going to have the double standard: obscenity begets kids, but kids can't be exposed to obscenity.\nBetter to teach the kid properly, by example, and then let him decide. By all means make filtering glasses, but don't impose them on anyone; censorship should be a choice. On the client, not a server-side ban.\nThe logic is so simple even my bot could understand it (probably :) \n--- \n6) however would ppl get attention [0.00 / 3] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 05/06/2011 12:16:15 PM PST \nattached to Sony vs Anon \nif money wasn't kept artificially scarce and we were focused on a technological utopia where each of us had absolute freedom and limitless (virtual) resources? I know some dumb ho like Caroline would look for any excuse to bring it all down so she could make herself feel important, but we could build our mopi so that suicide wasn't considered "harm". \n--- \n7) I like the transparency [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 05/02/2011 08:30:45 AM PST \nattached to The "cloud backlash" \nBut I expect that to end as the bad memes that come along with riches increase their virulence, and you hire unscrupulous salesppl who have no compunction about lying. Maybe nat. language customer interaction programs can prevent that inevitability! \n---\n8) bailouts are fine [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 04/25/2011 10:20:10 PM PST \nattached to Remember China's High Speed Rail? \nbut there's a better way: provide a basic income to everyone, then let biz take risks (like a trapeze artist flying higher over a safety net), and if they fail just let the net catch the individuals, instead of bailing out the institutions. \n---\n9) WHEN'S MY GOVT GONNA GIVE ME MY FREE CRACK [0.80 / 5] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/25/2011 10:17:11 PM PST \nattached to Dathan Tyler Cade is an Ignorant Motherfucker \nNotice how the old "taxation is theft" argument is nullified by the explicit power given in the Constitution, Article 1 Section 8:\n"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises"\nTaxation with representation! The horror!\n---\nThe other thing to note is Article 1 Section 8 Clause 2:\n"To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;"\nand Luther Martin's note on this (from http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/a1_8_2s3.html ):\nBy our original articles of confederation, the Congress have a power to borrow money and emit bills of credit on the credit of the United States; agreeable to which was the report on this system as made by the committee of detail. When we came to this part of the report, a motion was made to strike out the words "to emit bills of credit;" against the motion we urged, that it would be improper to deprive the Congress of that power; that it would be a novelty unprecedented to establish a government which should not have such authority--That it was impossible to look forward into futurity so far as to decide, that events might not happen that should render the exercise of such a power absolutely necessary--And that we doubted, whether if a war should take place it would be possible for this country to defend itself, without having recourse to paper credit, in which case there would be a necessity of becoming a prey to our enemies, or violating the constitution of our government; and that considering the administration of the government would be principally in the hands of the wealthy, there could be little reason to fear an abuse of the power by an unnecessary or injurious exercise of it--But, Sir, a majority of the convention, being wise beyond every event, and being willing to risque any political evil rather than admit the idea of a paper emission, in any possible case, refused to trust this authority to a government, to which they were lavishing the most unlimited powers of taxation, and to the mercy of which they were willing blindly to trust the liberty and property of the citizens of every State in the union; and they erased that clause from the system.\nIf they'd included "emit bills of credit", as was included in the Articles of Confederation, the govt could have printed money with no problem. Since it wasn't explicitly included, I think Lincoln had to pass a Specie Act to print greenbacks, which was upheld by the Supreme Court I believe. Now the Fed essentially prints money and gives it to the govt or loans it to the govt interest-free. I say we amend the Constitution to allow the govt to print money openly and get beyond the feudal economics of the Founding Fathers. So much technology has changed since then, our views on slaves have changed since then, why not our view of economics? \n---\n10) constitution gives govt unlimited taxation power [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/25/2011 09:59:47 PM PST \nattached to WHAT WOULD JESUS CUT? \nthis was a deliberate choice by the founders. See\nhttp://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/a1_8_1s14.html :\nLuther Martin, Genuine Information\n1788\nStoring 2.4.55\nBy the eighth section of this article, Congress is to have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.-- When we met in convention after our adjournment, to receive the report of the committee of detail, the members of that committee were requested to inform us, what powers were meant to be vested in Congress by the word duties in this section, since the word imposts extended to duties on goods imported, and by another part of the system no duties on exports were to be laid: In answer to this inquiry we were informed, that it was meant to give the general government the power of laying stamp duties on paper, parchment, and vellum. We then proposed to have the power inserted in express words, least disputes hereafter might arise on the subject, and that the meaning might be understood by all who were to be affected by it; but to this it was objected, because it was said that the word stamp would probably sound odiously in the ears of many of the inhabitants, and be a cause of objection. By the power of imposing stamp duties the Congress will have a right to declare, that no wills, deeds, or other instruments of writing, shall be good and valid, without being stamped--that without being reduced to writing, and being stamped, no bargain, sale, transfer of property, or contract of any kind or nature whatsoever shall be binding; and also that no exemplifications of records, depositions, or probates of any kind shall be received in evidence, unless they have the same solemnity--They may likewise oblige all proceedings of a judicial nature to be stamped to give them effect--Those stamp duties may be imposed to any amount they please, and under the pretence of securing the collection of these duties, and to prevent the laws which imposed them from being evaded, the Congress may bring the decision of all questions relating to the conveyance, disposition and rights of property, and every question relating to contracts between man and man into the courts of the general government.-- Their inferior courts in the first instance and the superior court by appeal. By the power to lay and collect imposts, they may impose duties on any or every article of commerce imported into these States to what amount they please. By the power to lay excises, a power very odious in its nature, since it authorises officers to go into your houses, your kitchens, your cellars, and to examine into your private concerns: the Congress may impose duties on every article of use or consumption, on the food that we eat, on the liquors we drink, on the clothes that we wear, the glass which enlighten our houses, or the hearths necessary for our warmth and comfort. By the power to lay and collect taxes, they may proceed to direct taxation on every individual either by a capitation tax on their heads, or an assessment on their property. By this part of the section therefore, the government has a power to lay what duties they please on goods imported; to lay what duties they please afterwards on whatever we use or consume; to impose stamp duties to what amount they please, and in whatever case they please: afterwards to impose on the people direct taxes, by capitation tax, or by assessment, to what amount they choose, and thus to sluice them at every vein as long as they have a drop of blood, without any controul, limitation, or restraint; while all the officers for collecting these taxes, stamp duties, imposts, and excises, are to be appointed by the general government, under its directions, not accountable to the States; nor is there even a security that they shall be citizens of the respective States, in which they are to exercise their offices; at the same time the construction of every law imposing any and all these taxes and duties, and directing the collection of them, and every question arising thereon, and on the conduct of the officers appointed to execute these laws, and to collect these taxes and duties so various in their kinds, are taken away from the courts of justice of the different States, and confined to the courts of the general government, there is to be heard and determined by judges holding their offices under the appointment not of the States, but of the general government.\nConstitution explicitly gives Congress the right to tax.\nAlso, what about the "statutes" quote from the bible? Is. 10:1-3. "Woe to those who enact evil statutes..."\nIt's pretty clear from the Bible that if Jesus could vote, he wouldn't vote to cut entitlements. Jesus himself gave out entitlements! Free healthcare, free food. Why wouldn't he vote for govt to do it? \n--- \n11) i found a nice trail today [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/21/2011 02:00:29 PM PST \nattached to The social life of kurons \nalong kennedy creek, lots of fallen logs to cross the water on, gravelly beaches on the curves, almost warm enough to go swimming! Also a trail labeled "Spiderweb Lane", but didn't see any spiders. Interacted with some birds, robbins and juncos, saw a waterfowl, probably a goose.\nThe ugly evidence of humans was apparent in the form of large clearcut patches on the adjacent mountains, and ridiculous mansions with the predatory sounds of dogs :( Also one bearded guy sitting in a pickup who looked like he was fixing a pipe :) \n--- \n12) wish there was an 'edit' feature [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 04/21/2011 09:51:04 AM PST \nattached to The social life of animals \ns/im- proved/improved \n--- \n13) wow I bet it makes him feel so gooood [0.75 / 4] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/19/2011 09:32:13 AM PST \nattached to Gaugin-attack plot twist\nto receive the sanction of a self-important piece of fluff such as yourself. \n--- \n14) more about that financial dude [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/18/2011 02:06:15 PM PST \nattached to 7 comments today! \nHe seemed to have a personality that I wanted to be liked by, that seemed "fun". But now I realize that, like so much financial enterprise, it was really a hollow shell game. He acted like it was a big deal if he liked you, and it's very easy to fall right into the trap of believing it; but ask yourself what do you really get out of consorting with those dicks? They aren't very funny or smart or interesting; it's mostly acting with them. They're phony in the Holden Caulfield sense. They know deep down they have nothing to offer and they live their lives in desperate attempts to deny, to cover up that terrible truth. In their heart of hearts they know their souls are like the toxic assets they're peddling...\nIn conclusion: treat ppl in finance like social lepers. Consider each person on a case-by-case basis of course, but once they show by their words and actions that they have chosen to project heartlessness and avarice, cut them off like the worthless bullshitters they are. As my old crack dealer used to say, gotta be hard on 'em. \n--- \n15) s/is/in [0.75 / 4] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 04/18/2011 11:32:54 AM PST \nattached to Welcome To The Next Stage Of The USian Debt Crisis\n---\n16) rating agencies considered toxic assets AAA [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 04/18/2011 11:28:14 AM PST \nattached to Welcome To The Next Stage Of The USian Debt Crisis\nGovt must not be paying them enough, huh? \n--- \n17) what a common honor-lover [0.00 / 2] Replies: 0 \nposted by donnalee on 04/18/2011 03:00:48 AM PST \nattached to 1st prize extract category \n"He was offered and refused the Presidency of the Royal Society. He was twice offered and refused the Presidency of the Royal Institution. He was offered and refused a knighthood, commenting, 'I must remain plain Michael Faraday to the very last.'"\nSource: Dr Jim Smith, IEE President 1989-90,speech to mark the unveiling of the Michael Faraday Statue at Savoy Place, 1 November 1989 at 5.00pm 2003 IEE\nhttp://johnmadjackfuller.homestead.com/MichaelFaraday.html \n--- \n18) kids too dumb for scholarships, eh? [0.00 / 2] Replies: 1 \nposted by donnalee on 04/17/2011 01:59:15 PM PST \nattached to Financial planning for College\nI guess the chestnuts didn't fall far from the tree! \n--- \n19) anal fissure acting up here [0.75 / 4] Replies: 2 \nposted by donnalee on 04/16/2011 09:39:35 PM PST \nattached to dysfunctional in the DDR \nvery painful to wipe :(\nRuskin's definition of wealth:\nMen nearly always speak and write as if riches were absolute, and it were possible, by following certain scientific precepts, for everybody to be rich. Whereas riches are a power like that of electricity, acting only through inequalities or negations of itself. The force of the guinea you have in your pocket depends wholly on the default of a guinea in your neighbour's pocket. If he did not want it, it would be of no use to you; the degree of power it possesses depends accurately upon the need or desire he has for it--and the art of making yourself rich, in the ordinary mercantile economist's sense, is therefore equally and necessarily the art of keeping your neighbour poor.> body |comment: 2011-4-26-04748-7152-1> => |text: \n\n\n but there's a better way: provide a basic income to everyone, then let biz take risks (like a trapeze artist flying higher over a safety net), and if they fail just let the net catch the individuals, instead of bailing out the institutions. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-4-8-95636-57815> => |text: The terms "general Welfare" were doubtless intended to signify more than was expressed or imported in those which Preceded; otherwise numerous exigencies incident to the affairs of a Nation would have been left without a provision. The phrase is as comprehensive as any that could have been used; because it was not fit that the constitutional authority of the Union, to appropriate its revenues shou'd have been restricted within narrower limits than the "General Welfare" and because this necessarily embraces a vast variety of particulars, which are susceptible neither of specification nor of definition.\nIt is therefore of necessity left to the discretion of the National Legislature, to pronounce, upon the objects, which concern the general Welfare, and for which under that description, an appropriation of money is requisite and proper. And there seems to be no room for a doubt that whatever concerns the general Interests of learning of Agriculture of Manufactures and of Commerce are within the sphere of the national Councils as far as regards an application of Money.\nThe only qualification of the generallity of the Phrase in question, which seems to be admissible, is this--That the object to which an appropriation of money is to be made be General and not local; its operation extending in fact, or by possibility, throughout the Union, and not being confined to a particular spot.\n\nA basic income (proposed by Founding Father Thomas Paine as early as 1795 in Agrarian Justice) and free healthcare are in the national interest.\nAlso, Hamilton didn't realize that government can print money to cover its expenses, as long as those expenses include the promotion of learning (which he realizes the importance of), innovation, creativity, the advance of knowledge and technology.\nThe internet is proof.> body |comment: 2011-4-8-95636-57815-2> => |text: \n\n\n If government can print as much money as needed then really, what use is money? It is but a short step from the Government printing everyone a scrip to provide a basic income to allowing individuals to print them themselves. \nFor example, you go to a website and download a pdf that you print out which is good for all your transactions. \nThen you think, why even waste all that paper? Just do away with cash all together. If you need something just charge it to the government. You could simply use your signature as money then. Just like when you stay at a hotel or a casino. You need some bread. Just sign here. We'll charge it to the Government. You need a TV. Sign here. \nThe beauty is that since deficits don't matter the government basically has an unlimited credit account which in turn means that you have an unlimited credit account right? \nWhat does it matter if the government has a dollar deficit or a trillion dollar deficit? If they don't matter then they don't matter. Correct? \nSo whatever you need, whatever you want, whatever you desire, you just sign for it. The government picks up the tab. I mean they would just be printing that extra money anyways. Why not save some fucking trees? \nYou wouldn't have to worry about big bad banks and the ignorant motherfuckers that work there anymore either. Without cash money we don't need those guys around just to shuffle a bunch of green paper. \nYou could have computers keep track of it all, I mean if you really wanted to. It doesn't make any difference seeing as how if deficits don't matter then the amount of "money" is really no more relevant than my XBOX LIVE Gamer Score, right?\nOnce we have that out of the way then government could focus on providing REAL rewards for challenges to spur innovation and creativity. They could reward you with things that mere money can't buy. Recognition, fame, honor, it would be could be like American Idol for Scientists, Innovators and Inventors. \nThat's what you really want isn't it? Recognition and respect from your peers? For the ignorant motherfuckers of the world to finally realize how valuable and important you really are? For the jocks and trolls to stop trying to shut you up and shut you down and recognize your genius? To have the world finally treat you with the respect and admiration you deserve? \nJust sign here. I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to go fuck yourself.The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-3-30-25258-4053-3> => |text: \n\n\n like the other day I was presenting my theory that govt should provide a basic income and stimulate innovation with the bully pulpit and challenges, and someone agreed with me. And in ##economics I was attacking bankers and the standard pop economics theory of inflation and a couple ppl were making comments that supported me. And in #politics one op laughed when I said that Fox is displaying a test pattern with the caption, "Please stand by while we figure out how Libya makes Obama the worst president ever" (stolen from Bill Maher), and another op was suitably distressed when I pointed out that Jan Brewer is a one-person death panel, responsible for several deaths of poor ppl in AZ. And on chatbots.org when I made a post saying I use my bot for a to-do list someone said they liked my response best.\nOf course all this makes me feel very uncomfortable and so I try to leave immediately. I'm not after the popularity, I just want to communicate the meme and recede into the background... \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-3-25-164825-550> => |text: why use proven insults (0.00 / 2) (#10) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 25, 2011 at 03:30:44 AM PST\nwhen you can string random words together? \n--- \nthx for the code review (0.00 / 2) (#8) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 11:22:16 PM PST\nCode works as intended now with the suggested addition.\nAs for bayes, it just seems there is an easier way to think about it. I'll let it rest for now and see if I can come up with an explicit reason why I'm suspicious of it. \n--- \ns/this page/http://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/bpow (0.00 / 2) (#7) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 11:11:03 PM PST\nhttp://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/bpower.htm \n--- \nPower does that too (0.00 / 2) (#6) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 11:10:20 PM PST\nThis page criticizes the standard old statistical power technique but it seems to me you can run the statistical power several times to get a range and then use other heuristics, so I'm not seeing the advantage of Bayes here. \n--- \ngood times... (0.00 / 2) (#3) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 08:01:56 PM PST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/6/9/01550/14638\nThe cop holds his flashlight high so he can see my face clearly and tells me to open my mouth. I do. I'm trying to seal off from his sight the left side where the crack is. The cop tells me to lift my tongue. I do, he shines his light around the bottom of my mouth..."What did you do with it? Did you swallow it?" he says. "No" and suddenly it hits me what my story is: "I just got ripped off! That's what I was talking to him about. I spent $10, then I tasted it and its not crack. I went back to talk to him but he said he couldn't do anything...it's popcorn or something." I show them the crumbs in my hand, then shake them to the ground disgustedly.\nThey seem to buy my story. It's the truth really. Did I lie by omission in not mentioning the other pieces of crack in my mouth? \nThey run a warrant check on me. Then the first cop hands me my ID back, telling me he doesn't want to see me in that area again. Thankfully I take my ID and walk to my car, trying not to reveal anything with the expression on my face or by moving my tongue. I drive away slowly.\nOf course I stop about four blocks away, and do a major.\n--- \nexpressivity, intuitiveness of language (0.00 / 2) (#2) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 07:19:19 PM PST\nwhy do we use leibniz notation and english to explain calculus today instead of latin as newton did? evolution of languages, so that we can spend less processing time on the terms and grammar and more on the concepts being expressed... \n--- \n[new] tosh point oh (0.00 / 2) (#3) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 02:17:56 AM PST\nhttp://tosh.comedycentral.com/blog/2011/01/19/20-seconds-on-the-clock-baby-swing\n\n\n\n ing-lady/\nThat baby's either gonna grow up to be a trapeze artist, or a mom-murderer... \n--- \ni love joseph reinhardt's unibrow (0.00 / 2) (#4) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 24, 2011 at 02:09:33 AM PST\nhttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/_k21ZGJPxLec/TTxjmaovljI/AAAAAAAAGMw/n_xNAmM3A0E/s1600/\n\n\n\n Django+Reinhardt+quintette-du-hot-club-de-france.jpg\nI think i'll cut that out and use it for my pic on social networking sites. \n--- \n[new] capitalism has outlived its usefulness (0.00 / 2) (#1) \nby donnalee on Wed Mar 23, 2011 at 11:11:43 PM PST\nHe says owning a home should not be a dream but a basic human right. \nGEORGE JIAO (Translation): If the government considered us and provided budget housing as part of our human rights - that would be the right thing to do.\nRight on, my Chinese brother! Let us be allies in our fight against the common enemies: those who use tired old obsolete market arguments as justification for their inhumane behavior towards us. \n--- \n[new] UK's economy is failing because of budget cuts (0.00 / 3) (#9) \nby donnalee on Tue Mar 22, 2011 at 08:20:13 PM PST\nI agree, let's not be like Europe! We need more stimulus. \n--- \nHi, I'm a dumbass who doesn't understand 'liberal' (0.00 / 3) (#8) \nby donnalee on Tue Mar 22, 2011 at 08:19:02 PM PST\n--- \nno, I think her karma weighed her down (0.00 / 2) (#5) \nby donnalee on Tue Mar 22, 2011 at 10:00:27 AM PST\n--- \n[new] beam free wireless into china (0.00 / 3) (#1) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 21, 2011 at 10:33:56 AM PST\nThe first thing authoritarians do is censor. Like ignorant motherfuckers make you sign a non-compete, etc. What wonderful, marvelous, knowledge-filled world might we not build together, if the instincts of the ignorant motherfuckers were thwarted? \n--- \nthe other day i had a dream (0.00 / 2) (#3) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 21, 2011 at 10:13:40 AM PST\nI was descending a long slope that led to a staircase inside a building that I wasn't supposed to be in. And it was like I was on the moon because the gravity seemed less than normal, so I could float slowly down the slope and over several stairs at a time. I was luxuriating in the slowness with which I could jump and yet still travel far...\nThen I saw a woman ascending the staircase from below. I had the impression that she'd seen me and was smiling in approval at the command with which I was moving so slowly. I got scared, and turned around to ascend again and get away from her as fast as I could!\nAnother dream I just woke up from: I was in India, at a school of some sort, and brushing my teeth in front of a mirror. An Indian girl, very pretty, came into the bathroom which was communal, and starting taking a bath. I continued brushing, concentrating on my teeth. She (or another?) stood next to me and looked at our reflections in the mirror, then made a cute toss of her head and went back to the bath. In the dream I experienced no emotion, no desire; I just continued brushing my teeth.\n"In the same way that rain breaks into a house with a bad roof, desire breaks into the mind that has not been practising meditation." Dhammapada, verse 13 \n--- \n[new] typical ign mf mindset (0.00 / 2) (#3) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 21, 2011 at 10:01:50 AM PST\nTheir goal is to control you with $\nWAKE UP AMERICA \n--- \nAnother related diary (0.00 / 2) (#1) \nby donnalee on Sun Mar 20, 2011 at 11:13:05 PM PST\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/7/12/202713/227 "Peirce's definition of sign" \n--- \n[new] solution: provide a basic income (0.60 / 5) (#8) \nby donnalee on Sun Mar 20, 2011 at 08:54:14 AM PST\nand let ppl blog for free. \n---\n'the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus...' (0.00 / 2) (#4) \nby donnalee on Sat Mar 19, 2011 at 03:46:07 PM PST\n[15:35] <test001> bible 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16\n[15:35] <ljrbot> 1 Thessalonians 2: 13 Therefore, we also give thanks to God without ceasing: because, that when you had received of us the word of the hearing of God, you received it not as the word of men, but (as it is indeed) the word of God, who worketh in you that have believed. 14 For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the (2 more messages)\n[15:35] <test001> more\n[15:35] <ljrbot> same things from your own countrymen, even as they have from the Jews: 15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; 16 Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end. 16* To fill up their sins... That is, to fill up the (1 more message)\n[15:36] <test001> more\n[15:36] <ljrbot> measure of their sins, after which God's justice would punish them. For the wrath of God is come upon them to the end... That is, to continue on them to the end.\n--- \n[new] ribbit? (0.00 / 3) (#1) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 10:35:01 PM PST\n--- \n[new] grammar mistake (0.50 / 4) (#7) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 05:27:42 PM PST\nit's HANGED up \n--- \n[new] technology is the solution to this social problem (0.50 / 4) (#1) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 18, 2011 at 05:10:36 PM PST\nholograms of any age. Like Tosh.0, "I had three wishes, I would spend all of them BANGIN THAT BABY." \n--- \n[new] I believe in the basic goodness of man (0.75 / 4) (#6) \nby donnalee on Thu Mar 17, 2011 at 04:29:52 AM PST\nif I didn't I'd be like you and live in perpetual fear! \n---\n[new] the same thing oreilly complains about (0.00 / 2) (#26) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 14, 2011 at 06:10:46 PM PST\nwhen he thinks it's used on him unfairly but actually he totally misundertands everything, as usual. \n--- \nsee how angry working for an ign. mf. makes ppl? (0.00 / 4) (#7) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 14, 2011 at 12:43:16 PM PST\n---\nit shouldn't be tax dollars (0.00 / 3) (#5) \nby donnalee on Mon Mar 14, 2011 at 12:34:03 PM PST\nit should be created money, like the banks take your deposit and multiply it by 10 and buy toxic assets with it (and then get bailed out). \n--- \n[new] how could the founding fathers run up debt (0.50 / 4) (#4) \nby donnalee on Sun Mar 13, 2011 at 10:13:04 AM PST\nto fight the british? it makes no economic sense, they were broke, they didn't have enough money to do it! They should never have spent more than they were taking in. How could founding father Andrew Hamilton have had a liberal interpretation of the General Welfare clause? It makes no sense. We must rewrite history. \n--- \n[new] I think he got 7 (0.00 / 3) (#5) \nby donnalee on Sat Mar 12, 2011 at 08:42:46 AM PST\n---\nbosses = the real ignant mofo'ing drooling retards (0.60 / 5) (#3) \nby donnalee on Sat Mar 12, 2011 at 06:58:16 AM PST\n---\ni was fucked in high school while a teetotaler (0.75 / 4) (#9) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 11, 2011 at 01:21:22 PM PST\nsociety fucked me. i turned to drugs after the age of majority in an attempt to self-medicate the pain that society caused me.\nIn conclusion, you make unwarranted assumptions to justify your biased world view. I advise you to read some Feynman to understand how real scientists think. \n--- \ns/pages 32-33/pages 52-53 (0.00 / 3) (#1) \nby donnalee on Fri Mar 11, 2011 at 01:26:51 AM PST> title |comment: 2011-3-20-54828-9257-8> => |text: solution: provide a basic income> body |comment: 2011-3-4-222958-1670-1> => |text: \n\n\n ppl having to serve under ignorant motherfuckers instead of being guaranteed a basic income by our govt so that they can use their natural creativity and curiousity to innovate disruptively. Then let biz take the best innovations and do what it does best, incrementally improve them and bring them to the masses. Win-win, and the currency stays strong because others want what we produce. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-3-3-8492-74240-21> => |text: what we need to do is fund a basic income> body |comment: 2011-3-2-134254-4364-1> => |text: \n\n\n and office politics, a miasma of dysfunction where honesty is penalized while faking sincerity is encouraged and rewarded. The best thing govt can do is provide a basic income (as Thomas Paine proposed in 1795), and encourage individuals to innovate and compete for challenges. Leave the market alone, let it collapse under the weight of the fat, ugly, motherfucking ignoramuses that control it. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-2-28-121055-833-5> => |text: \n\n\n big guns! Johnson spent on space and internet innovation, Reagan spent on defense innovation, VC spent on web innovation, banks spent on financial instrument innovation that turned toxic, now govt needs to step up and spend on energy innovation, as well as free individuals from the notion that they can only contribute by working for others. Provide a basic income and hold challenges to stimulate the natural creativity and talents in each of us! \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-29-33833-3475-19> => |text: \n\n\n Consider this quotation from this article:\n\n"A virus destroyed most of my summer harvest, which fell this year from the usual 50 tons per acre to only 10 tons," Mohamed Khairy, a tomato farmer in the Nile Delta province of Beheira, some 200 km north of Cairo, told IPS. "I tried to get assistance from the agriculture ministry, but my pleas fell on deaf ears." \n\nWhat if he got a subsidy, was given money (created by the govt, say) so that he didn't need to sell to the highest bidder, he just gave his food away first-come first-served? What if he produced food because he wanted to, because he loves it and that is what he is called to do, and so the economic incentive is irrelevant? (Like open source...)\nAnd if that psychology is too hard to imagine, what if we create robots that we imbue with that psychology?\nHow can we create that technology? My theory is, supply everyone with a basic income, and encourage them to develop their native interests, and enough will be interested in creating altruistic robots. Then as technology increases we will find other sources of energy and sustenance that become less and less dependent on society, and therefore on the psychological motivations that economics tries to fossilize as "natural law". \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-26-22648-9692-10> => |text: \n\n\n of "all the other countries in history that have seen economic ruin because they couldn't pay their debts"? Citation needed.\nI've been doing some research into countries that printed money, and each one I've found so far made mistakes: Rome spent on soldiers instead of innovation, Zimbabwe abridged unalienable rights, Brazil had too much corruption, Weimar Republic had to pay reparations. None of those conditions applies to the US. So why do we have to borrow money? It's not as if we go to China and beg for a loan, like an individual going to a bank to ask for a car loan. We put T-bills on the market and China asks us to buy them. It's very different from an individual's situation.\nOf course it matters what we spend the money we create (or borrow from ourselves, and forgive the debt) on. We need to create a culture of innovation, of exploration and intellectual wonder, of possibility and hope; instead of the culture of cost accounting that the Republicans are proposing. Govt can best spend printed debt-free money to provide everyone with a basic income, and fund challenges to stimulate the natural genius in each of us. Knowledge will thus advance fastest, and increase our survival fitness by allowing us to better predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-26-22648-9692-15> => |text: \n\n\n \nWhy are "us" anymore likely to not get it all wrong?\n\nThat's the theory of democracy and unalienable rights: with free speech, good ideas will survive because they are more fit, and ppl will vote for them.\n\nMoney is just an abstraction. It isn't a thing. It isn't scarce. The stuff is represents is scarce. No amount of printing/borrowing money will change that there are only X people in some area or that those people can only do Y hours of work each day. Or that some mine contains Z tons of iron ore.\n\nAs Obama noted in his speech: "Steel mills that once needed 1000 workers can now do the same work with 100." As productivity increases, the need for labor decreases. This is a good thing, because the goal is a utopia where we each have maximum leisure time.\nSo where does the money from the productivity increases go? Prices should come down. That too is a good thing. What happens to the ppl who are laid off? Govt should provide them a basic income, so that they can do what they want. My hypothesis is that enough of them will be interested in creating further technology that will further increase productivity, so that instead of 100 a steel mill will need 10, or 1, or 0 ppl to operate...\nAs for the mine containing Z amount of ore, we need to do research to find out how to better extract that ore, or where else to get it (space...). For example, gold production in Nevada jumped after technology was developed to extract very small particles of it from rock.\n\nit says that you think creativity is what matters and I think most of what is needed is actually just plain old hard work. Why did all those individuals spend their time on extrasolar planets instead of solving world hunger or tilling the soil at the old people's home? Who decides which is more important anyway?\n\nPlain old hard work can be automated. One of the excuses used to support the idea of slavery was economics, but modern technology has shown that the "plain old hard work" required can be done better by machines. Why shouldn't this continue?\nPpl do best what they're most interested in. Let them be free to pursue their interests unencumbered by the need to earn a living, and it will all work out. What would you do, if not constrained by economics?\nWe're running into competing hypotheses: you hypothesize X, I hypothesize Y. We need to make some predictions, and run simulations to test them. For example, I would like to see what would happen to the Second Life economy if they provided a basic income to all players; would creativity (measured in new programs? player-defined features?) increase?\nAnother difference between me taking out a loan and govt is that I can't print money to pay it off, but govt can't. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-26-22648-9692-16> => |text: \n\n\n That's the theory of democracy and unalienable rights: with free speech, good ideas will survive because they are more fit, and ppl will vote for them.\nI know of no part of democracy that says that people will vote for the good ideas. History doesn't seem to bear it out - most unrestricted democracies seem to vote themselves away at the first opportunity.\nAnd why would democracy do any better than free markets - they seem to have the exact same basis.\nAs Obama noted in his speech: "Steel mills that once needed 1000 workers can now do the same work with 100." As productivity increases, the need for labor decreases. This is a good thing, because the goal is a utopia where we each have maximum leisure time.\nYes freeing up those limited resources to do other things. Not making them unlimited.\nProductivity increases it was has created all those standard of living increases. I just don't agree that those productivity increases will come just because the government prints lots of money. In fact I'll think they'll vanish as people instead of working on things that increase productivity instead work on protecting themselves from devaluing money.\nPpl do best what they're most interested in. Let them be free to pursue their interests unencumbered by the need to earn a living, and it will all work out.\nWhat people do best isn't always what is needed though. I might carve buggy whip handles better than I do anything else and enjoy it more. But since nobody wants them (machines can make more useful ones and we have newer modes of transportation anyway).\nWhat if absolutely nobody is best at/enjoys most ploughing the roads and shovelling the sidewalk at 4am in a blizzard?\nWhat if the six year old future Einstein doesn't fine attending school the thing they are best at/enjoy the most right now (and their parents agree with them)?\nWhat would you do, if not constrained by economics?\nI would be playing with the kid. And playing video games by myself. And eating at fancy restaurants. Traveling and staying in fancy hotels.\nProblem is of course that nobody else is going to choose to wait tables at those fancy restaurants with their unconstrained by economics time. And nobody is going to choose to make the sleds to ride on the snow with the kid in. And nobody is going to choose to do the mindless QA on the video games.\nSo I'd be having a great time. Of course that would mean that the (almost infinitesimally small) contribution my stupid IT work brings to the end products of the places it is done for wouldn't be done. Combine that with the work of the others I work with, and with that of the actual smart people and those end products don't exist either. Not having Humira, Cipro, Betaferon, Magnevist, Florbetaben, Avelox, Saizen, and so on won't affect me and my family at all others might care a little more. \nWe're running into competing hypotheses: you hypothesize X, I hypothesize Y. We need to make some predictions, and run simulations to test them. For example, I would like to see what would happen to the Second Life economy if they provided a basic income to all players; would creativity (measured in new programs? player-defined features?) increase?\nAny such "creativity" would be worthless (well ok the vast vast majority) anyway. But of course it would increase (assuming you mean pay a basic income actually worth something) since more people would sign up to get that money and some of them would then do something pointless just for fun. That people will do things if you pay them doesn't seem to be a point of contention (though isn't that what you are trying to get rid of?).\nAnother difference between me taking out a loan and govt is that I can't print money to pay it off, but govt can't.\nThat's not a difference, that just means the government is less likely to default and hence can get a lower interest rate/bigger loan. -- \nThe world's dullest web page\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-25-211656-574-9> => |text: \n\n\n he ignores the internet, the atomic bomb, GPS, the space program, etc.\nHe's right about govt bureaucracy though. A good way to hedge against the possible detrimental effects of govt bureaucarcy is for govt to give money directly to individuals, and hold challenges to stimulate innovation in a direction govt thinks is best. That way individuals aren't subject to govt requirements, they get to choose how to meet the challenges. And if they don't agree that what the govt thinks is a good idea is what they want to pursue, they are free to do that as well, because they have a basic income. And if they want to make a business instead and develop a product to sell, they are free to do that. Win-win-win! \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-24-221724-773-13> => |text: \n\n\n their economics are all wrong though. We CAN print money and get away with it, as long as we focus on innovation. Repubs and tea farters often seem to be pessimistic luddites talking as if we were back in the founding fathers' day when gold was worth oh so much but could you buy a computer with any amount of gold? They lose sight of the real business of mankind, which is the expansion of knowledge and the advancement of technology - because that is what increases our survival fitness by allowing us to better predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change.\nWe CAN have our cake and eat it too. We're americans we can do anything! Biz is better at incremental innovation (making computers smaller), individuals (funded by govt when biz won't fund them because it's too focussed on next quarter's shareholders' report) are better at disruptive innovation. Give everyone a basic income and let them disruptively innovate, then turn the good inventions over to biz to bring to the masses. Win-win, synergy, and the currency stays strong no matter how much money we print! \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump!\n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-22-173026-149-1> => |text: \n\n\n so it can create money and be bailed out like a private bank.\nThe writer of that article totally misses the point of what society should be like. We need public spaces because democracy and equality is better than the feudal dark ages where kings ruled by divine right and serfs had no upward mobility and justice did not apply to all. Standard of living rises much faster when all have an equal chance to contribute to the advance of knowledge and technology, not only those who are allocated resources by those who claim some sort of divine right to money creation, i.e. bankers.\nWe need to make the case to the ppl of the states that the balanced budget requirements be removed from state constitutions. Ppl really need to do some research and find out how money is created, how the banking industry multiplies each dollar you give them by 10, then charges interest when they loan out that created money (where is the money to pay the interest supposed to come from, if they have to be paid back all the money they created plus more on top of that?). And of course the banks get bailed out by the govt when they run into trouble.\nInstead, the govt should create a basic income for all (including bankers!), then let them do whatever they want, fly high above a net, and if they fail the net catches them instead of bailing out an institution. \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-1-21-03834-5535-1> => |text: better solution: provide a basic income to all> body |comment: 2011-1-21-03834-5535-1> => |text: \n\n\n then let biz fly high over that safety net, taking all the risks they want, and if they fail they fail, but real ppl won't get hurt physically because they'll still have healthcare and enough to keep them off the streets.\nIt's interesting that Glenn Beck's been dressing up as Thomas Paine, because Tom Paine's 1795 Agrarian Justice proposed just such a basic income. So the idea of Welfare was clearly in the minds of the founding fathers (why else would they have put it in the Constitution twice?). \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-1-17-204035-484-6> => |text: solution: govt provides a basic income and> body |comment: 2011-1-17-04115-7671-4> => |text: \n\n\n on slashdot:\n\nIn brief, a combination of robotics and other automation, better design, and voluntary social networks are decreasing the value of most paid human labor (by the law of supply and demand). At the same time, demand for stuff and services is limited for a variety of reasons -- some classical, like a cyclical credit crunch or a concentration of wealth (aided by automation and intellectual monopolies) and some novel like people finally getting too much stuff as they move up Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs or a growing environmental consciousness. In order to move past this, our society needs to emphasize a gift economy (like Wikipedia or Debian GNU/Linux or blogging), a basic income (social security for all regardless of age), democratic resource-based planning (with taxes, subsidies, investments, and regulation), and stronger local economies that can produce more of their own stuff (with organic gardens, solar panels, green homes, and 3D printers). There are some bad "make work" alternatives too that are best avoided, like endless war, endless schooling, endless bureaucracy, endless sickness, and endless prisons.\nSimple attempts to prop things up, like requiring higher wages in the face of declining demand for human labor and more competition for jobs, will only accelerate the replacement process for jobs as higher wage requirements would just be more incentive to automate, redesign, and push more work to volunteer social networks. We are seeing the death spiral of current mainstream economics based primarily on a link between the right to consume and the need to have a job (even as there may remain some link for higher-than-typical consumption rates in some situations, even with a basic income, a gift economy, etc).\n\nhttp://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1952900&cid=34900022 \n---\n\nGuess I'll be adding this to tomorrow's comment dump! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2011-1-15-5612-44963> => |text: @mdc: WE MUST ORGANIZE AGAINST THEM BRO Summoning Blastar! Summoning Blastar! CAN A BROTHER GET A 3?\n---\n@some ignorant motherfucker: At a previous company I worked for a young developer (in his 20s!) found a compiler bug in the sun java vm (that only existed on solaris, not on windows or linux). He alerted Sun, they acknowledged it and I think it was corrected in the next release. In the meantime he wrote a work-around that we used in the code we were writing.\nThen later he was fired because he refused to suck up to the boss who demanded he commit to working more than 40 hours a week - even though there was no project for him to work even 40 hours a week on! It was a classic example of "ignorant motherfuckerism" at work.\nIn conclusion, your post is full of ad hominems that reveal how cheapened the coding profession has become. There is no honor in coding for a living anymore, as your post makes clear. It's all about pleasing the ignorant motherfuckers no matter how unreasonable they get (was the ignorant motherfucker who switched your whole team over cognizant of the central tenet of The Mythical Man-Month?).\nQuit, sir, and do something more productive with your time. It's never too late to learn. \n---\nAlso: at that company, the boss used to boast about the bell-ringers he'd had on vacation.\n---\n@gbh: liar\nyou promised us you were leaving for good this time! \n---\n@another ignorant motherfucker:\nIs it fraud if it's out in the open?\nLike Ron Paul saying printing money is fraud, except the govt's books are open, so there's no deception. He's trying to make something transparent into a crime by, knowingly, incorrectly using the word "fraud". He's the fraud! Makes one wonder if Loughner doesn't have a point when he asks "What is government if words have no meaning?" \n---\n@MorallyInflexible: Americans not pliable enough for you eh? Gotta try to find some new underlings to boss around abroad, huh? How typical of an Ignorant Motherfucker! \n--- \n@UnitedFools: Isn't china battling inflation? and don't their banks have something like a 25% default rate? Because they're owned by the govt which can just create more money so the losses don't matter? We need to adopt their financial innovations! \n---\n@thekingisafink:\nI believe that technology is the answer to all our social problems. We can best fight the power of the corporations by decentralizing technological development to the level of individuals and ad hoc groups formed via the revolutionary medium of the internet. Right now we can create our own software robots; when we get 3D printers we'll be able to create the hardware too.\nGovt can best help individual citizens by providing them with a basic income and encouraging innovation with challenges. Of course, biz can hold challenges and innovate in their way too. The synergy of disruptive innovation (e.g., the idea of computers) by individuals and incremental innovation (e.g., making computers smaller) by big companies will make our nation even greater and increase our standard of living towards the ultimate goal of utopia. \n---\n@some other ignorant motherfucker:\nAnd the unanswered question is!\nwhy do ignorant motherfuckers control so many resources?!? the solution is for the govt to compete with banks by creating money and allocating it fairly as per the Constitutional mandate to provide for the general welfare. \n---\n@Wain I think:\nSounds like someone's wedded to an epicycular theory!\n---\n@modus So you're either a criminal or gay.\n---\n@modus: Spoken like one who knows rejection! From personal experience. Lots of it!\n---\n@DullGriffith: typical old fart response. the future is paying for bug reports, you sad, pathetic, irrelevant old man! \n---\n@kingisafink:\nWarhol went to the king of fools museum, and was really impressed!\n---\n@MichaelCrotchford:\nKill yourself\nAnd do it right the first time!\n---\n@kingisafink:\nnotice how no one blamed the recent crash on govt deficits until it became politically fashionable to blame debt for everything? I refer you to Alan Greenspan's testimony before Congress:\nMr. Greenspan admitted that he had put too much faith in the self-correcting power of free markets and had failed to anticipate the self-destructive power of wanton mortgage lending.\nOnce again, the facts support my narrative! \n---\n@UnitedAirlines, about David Stockman:\nHe's got alzheimer's\n"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" Poor old has-been wants attention and doesn't realize govt spending on innovation when biz is sitting on its trillions licking its wounds after its latest monumental screwup will produce the vr's that will give it to him... \n---\n@tds\nDon't let govts ram austerity down your throats,\nvote to create money and spend it on innovation. Austerity is a good idea, but it has to be voluntary. Scapegoating some individuals and targetting them for austerity is in violation of the "promote the general welfare" clause of the Constitution. How is the general welfare served by allowing ppl to die because the state won't fund a transplant, as in AZ? \n---\n@someone:\nIn the fall I walked along the banks of a river,\nand saw ducks eating the salmon that had finished spawning and died naturally. Cody Lundine in "Dual Survival" used the same strategy in the Olympic National Forest, saying that the dead salmon he found in a stream was at least as fresh as any you bought in a store since the stream kept it cold. You can eat meat if the animal consents to being killed (maybe cows don't mind, but we need to communicate with them first to find out for sure); you can also eat the meat of animals that have died naturally. Also if you can create meat in a lab that does not have a nervous system or a brain, that's probably okay to eat too. \nIn conclusion, Ahimsa is the first law. Thus I say! \n---\n@knownlamer:\nDid it hurt when you broke?\nwhen you lost that childhood wonder and creativity because of societal pressure to fit in with the ignorant motherfucker wannabes around you? \nIt's okay though, I believe in you, you can regain the promise of your childhood! \n---\n:)> body |comment: 2011-1-14-11370-0534-16> => |text: \n\n\n I believe that technology is the answer to all our social problems. We can best fight the power of the corporations by decentralizing technological development to the level of individuals and ad hoc groups formed via the revolutionary medium of the internet. Right now we can create our own software robots; when we get 3D printers we'll be able to create the hardware too.\nGovt can best help individual citizens by providing them with a basic income and encouraging innovation with challenges. Of course, biz can hold challenges and innovate in their way too. The synergy of disruptive innovation (e.g., the idea of computers) by individuals and incremental innovation (e.g., making computers smaller) by big companies will make our nation even greater and increase our standard of living towards the ultimate goal of utopia. \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-14-11370-0534-29> => |text: \n\n\n Kaczynski isn't imaginative enough to conceive of technology that will allow us each to be maximally free, simultaneously.\nFrom page 1 of the Wired article (quoting Kaczynski):\n\n[...] anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes "treatment" to cure his "problem." Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or make them "sublimate" their drive for power into some harmless hobby.\n\nA better solution is to create virtual realities where anyone is free to indulge their need for power, but in a sandbox where they can only harm holograms or people who choose be be there.\nIf the VR isn't real enough, give them the opportunity to improve it (as open source allows us to improve on it). Only if they still choose to try to harm others should coercion or force be used, to keep them within the VR sandbox. The VR would be better than today's prisons...\n---\nFrom page 2, quoting Hans Moravec's Robot:\n\nGovernment coerces nonmarket behavior, especially by collecting taxes.\n\nInstead of coercion, govt can use printed money to encourage nonmarket behavior. Provide everyone with a basic income (an idea that's been around since founding father Tom Paine proposed it in 1795) and fund challenges to create technology that can be used to raise standards of living and enhance survival fitness by allowing us to better predict and adapt to sudden catastrophic change. Leave biz alone to innovate in their own way.\n---\nFrom page 4:\n\nAnd if our own extinction is a likely, or even possible, outcome of our technological development, shouldn't we proceed with great caution?\n\nIf we proceed with great caution, something like The White Plague is more likely to happen. Better to motivate people to use emerging technologies for good, using the above encouragement techniques (basic income, challenges, open source).\nOkay, continuing to read now... \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-6-55619-64371-8> => |text: \n\n\n YOU get value from the company!\nScrew those ignorant motherfuckers with their arbitrary social rules like: if an employee does cocaine, that's bad, but if i do cocaine, that's fine because i have a divine right to obtain resources from my cocaine buddies at the bank and then allocate them to the poor slobs who do all the actual work and can't do cocaine because I impose deadlines on them because I have a divine right to!\nFlakes like Roger should be provided a basic income and the govt (or biz) should have challenges to stimulate their natural creativity and invention. Let's get beyond the old paradigm where social skills are all that matters! FREE YOUR INNER FLAKE!! :) \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> title |comment: 2011-1-6-55619-64371-13> => |text: right, a basic income so he has plenty of money to> body |comment: 2011-1-4-45754-81605-9> => |text: \n\n\n Money supply in Japan compared to Money supply in the US. \n(The wikipedia article on money supply has graphs for other countries and Japan does seem to have the lowest increase.)\nMaybe that's their problem, if deflation really is a problem? This Wall Street Journal article notes:\n\nTo paraphrase Milton Friedman, deflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Putting the argument in the extreme, the BOJ could use its printing presses to issue an infinite supply of yen and then buy up the country's entire stock of commercial paper, government and corporate bonds, equities, real-estate investment trusts, actual real estate and--if it wanted--even commodities like rice and pork bellies. At some point the monetization of the economy would inevitably cause the inflation rate to rise into the target range. \nThe global crisis eviscerated demand in the United States and Britain, and their central banks reacted with such forceful quantitative easing that the deflationary impetus was checked and the outlook for economic growth brightened significantly. Rather than emulate that strategy, as soon as Japan emerged from the acute phase of the crisis the BOJ declared that it would unwind its relatively timid quantitative easing, despite the fact that in October its own economists forecast that prices would decline through fiscal 2011. \n\nConclusion: printing money is good (in times like these), but we need to spend it to encourage the innovation that will continue to raise standard of living and produce things others want. I propose instituting a basic income and funding challenges to stimulate creativity among private individuals as well as business. \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-1-02226-54332-5> => |text: \n\n\n demand a basic income from your govt, and work on your own or collaborating with others (you can use this wonderful invention we're on, the internet) to advance knowledge and innovation and create the technology that others will want so that our currency remains the world's reserve! \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2011-1-1-02226-54332-6> => |text: \n\n\n The "basic income from your govt" thing sounds good, until you realize that the Republicans would then set the Capital Rotunda on actual fire if it's ever passed.\n\nSure, they'd like the rest of it, but that's impossible since you'd starve in the cold dark during the investment phase.\n\nThe US is the wrong place to look for future innovations, since we've pretty much made it illegal to obtain, or expensive to achieve. The All-Seeing Eye of innovation must slide its baleful glare westward, into the lands of the Yellow Men (Malenedain, in Sindarin; or China, in English). \n\n\n> body |comment: 2010-12-30-111438-39-8> => |text: \n\n\n investing in a robust safety net (guaranteed basic income, an idea that's been around in this country since 1795 and Tom Paine's Agrarian Justice) and holding challenges for things like 3D printers, for example. If we can print our own widgets what do we need China's cheap labor for? \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2010-12-30-64045-851-6> => |text: \n\n\n when you leave innovation up to the bidness owners <rolls eyes>\nA basic income would eliminate the need for you to feel responsible for employing ppl. The latter phenomena is how you get games and politics at the office instead of real innovation! \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2010-12-22-231717-53-1> => |text: \n\n\n is a basic income. This is an idea that was present at the very beginning of our country as shown by founding father Thomas Paine's Agrarian Justice (1795). \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2010-12-20-133631-13-1> => |text: \n\n\n Think like Thelonious Monk, when asked where he thought jazz was going:\n"Where's jazz going? I don't know? Maybe it's going to hell. You can't make anything go anywhere. It just happens."\nGovt can best encourage innovation by funding individuals and setting challenges on what it thinks is a good direction for innovation. Provide a basic income, then reward ppl on top of that if they win the challenges. Leave the free market alone to innovate in their way (of course they're free to hold challenges too, like Google, Netflix, etc.). Individuals then have more choices: I can work for a company and make lots of money, I can take the basic income and work on what I want to work on, I can take the basic income and try to make more money by winning challenges. (If you really have integrity you can even be like Grigori Perelman or Jean-Paul Sartre and refuse the prize money you won without even entering a contest.)\nMore Monk wisdom: "I like to sleep. There is no set time of day for sleep. You sleep when you're tired, that's all there is to it." :) \n---\n\n"The economic problem will [one day] take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be [re]occupied, by our real problems - [...] of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion." - Keynes \n\n\n> body |comment: 2009-11-14-23411-753-31> => |text: \n\n\n Doesn't mean it was a fun place to live. And what makes you think the tower place they didn't have a market? They still had reasons to trade internally.\nThe US civil war is a terrible example - they were economically outcompeted by the industrial, free trading north.\nTaxation is certainly a driver for innovation ... but you can't really have taxation without fixed agriculture. The causation is reversed.\nI am actually a fan of the basic income guarantee though - just give the money to every citizen directly and cut out the spoon feeding through a thousand different bureaucracies. It seems to be a point on which the anti market left and the Friedmanesque right have found common ground ... goes back to Thomas Paine apparently. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2009-8-27-84934-8247-15> => |text: \n\n\n I looked into it once - did you know that the revenue from the income tax is approximately equal to the interest paid on the National Debt?\nInstead of making workers slaves to the money-makers, why not just have the government create money? They'd certainly do a much better job than the privately-owned "Federal" Reserve... \nWeb of Debt\nThe American Monetary Institute\nA Bailout for the People: Dividend Economics and the Basic Income Guarantee (pdf) - required reading. \n\n\n> body |diary: 2009-8-16-25850-6178> => |text: I'm not concerned about the fake news story of the month. As you all know, I work with the shadow health industry. The doctors and other professionals I go to do not take insurance - some of them provide a receipt that their patients can submit for reimbursement. My Osteopath is swamped with business, even after raising his prices by $50/session last year (I figure that works out to an extra $100-$200/hour. 5-6 hours/day, 4-5 days a week, 10 months a year). He takes cash, check or money order.\nI was once quite unwell \nI gave up on conventional doctors very early in my quest for health. I was mostly told that there was nothing wrong with me that a little exercise wouldn't fix (quacks, all of them but one). I never really got a diagnosis from anyone - something like fibromyalgia or thoracic outlet syndrome would be my best guess. The turning point in my journey to health came when I was told by an experienced martial artist to get Donna Eden's book, Energy Medicine, and to have a few sessions with a woman who'd trained with Mrs. Eden for almost 20 years (Donna turned her practice over to someone else when the book came out). (Brief plug: my prgmr.com-hosted site has some details about releasing repetitive strain injuries and other cumulative trauma disorders)\nPowerful Drugs\nNew Scientist had a good article in May: The science of voodoo: When mind attacks body. Sometimes the mind heals the body, and sometimes the mind shuts the body down. If placebos and nocebos are the most powerful drugs of all, shouldn't a reformed system start with those? \nRichard Bandler - student of hypnotist/psychiatrist Milton Erickson, M.D. - once said that he wrote a book about how to properly use placebos, but the FDA wouldn't let him publish it. There is a structure to how the mind interacts with the body, but there's no profit for the Complex. Which is why we have a medical system based around pushing pills. \nNutrition's role in human health\nThis was just in my inbox:\nMario Leon's Recovery From Schizo-Affective Disorder [with a Vitamin/Mineral supplement specifically designed for mental illness -krkrbt] \n"My name is Mario Leon and I am from San Jose, Costa Rica. I was medicated from 13 to 27 years of age with all kinds of psychiatric medications.\nI went through a long list of psychiatrists, each recommending a different drug or set of drugs for a different diagnosis. But of course in each case when I asked if it would make me feel better or if I would be able to live a normal life some day, I received only hopeless and ambiguous answers. I was finally told that I suffered from schizo-affective disorder, a diagnosis curiously different from the first one of severe depression.\nI could describe the horrible suffering that I felt from the side effects of the drugs, ...\nI decided to contact Truehope. I started my program with EMPowerplus in March of 2007. From the first time I spoke with my Truehope Support Specialist I felt a feeling I had never felt before: a feeling of honesty and hope. ...\n...\nAugust of this same year I was medication free. In less than one year I was detoxified of a long list of drugs including Haldol, Lamictol, Remeron, Edronas, Seroquel, and others. In my case I did not feel adverse effects during the process of drug reduction. In fact I was so anxious to not have to take any more drugs that my Truehope Support Specialist (Julio) had to tell me to be patient on more than one occasion. In my dark past it was easy to treat life casually. I used alcohol to escape the situation I was living in. Now, finally I am capable of appreciating my life in all its beautiful range of experiences. I have even learned to enjoy even the moments when I do not feel really well, because I now know that everyone has good days and bad days. This is just part of the great adventure of life.\nAfter two years of being well, I carry on such a normal life that I sometimes forget that I once lived a nightmare. Thanks to people like Julio and all the support staff at Truehope, today I can tell you that life is beautiful and that depression for me is now nothing more than a memory."\n-Mario Leon, Costa Rica\n\n(Just to be clear: I think our own Mr. Crawford needs more than a vitamin supplement. But nutrients are definitely a piece of his puzzle. He told us recently in no uncertain terms that his diet leaves him malnourished [he tried to eat coffee and a cookie for lunch - lol].)\nWe got my Grandfather some True Hope EMPowerPlus (and some quality fish oil) a few years ago, soon after Grandma passed (bone cancer). He reported that it did help his depression. But he really just wants to die due to his situation (93 years old next Tuesday, crippling arthritis, deceased wife, etc), and even though he could afford the supplement, he won't buy it anymore.\nWhere is the discussion of proper nutrition in the current debate about health care reform? When I walk through a grocery store, all I see are aisles filled with poisons. The most popular ones are various forms of carbonated sugar water, which has three sins: sugar, carbonic acid, and phosphoric acid. The human body has to maintain a precise acid/alkaline balance in the blood, and these two acids don't help. I read once that it takes 20 servings of vegetables to balance the acid in one can of soda.\nInstituting a Medical Monopoly\nOne of the root causes of the health care system's dysfunction is the hijacking of medical education. Most medical schools are run by the Complex (Harvard students protested their corporate medical education last year), so it's no surprise that many doctors turn to the most expensive/least effective therapies first. If someone else is picking up the tab, why should the doctor or patient care what it costs?\nIn the battle between doctors and patients, doctors fired the first shot. Doctoring was a crude profession until the middle of the 20th century, and practitioners frequently did more harm than good. President George Washington probably lost his teeth from mercury oxide treatments for smallpox and malaria. He later died not so much from sickness, but from bloodletting.\nWhen superior theories about health began to emerge in the middle of the 19th century, patients abandoned their bloodletters in droves. With their incomes threatened, doctors formed the American Medical Association in 1847. The AMA lobbied state legislatures to make their competition illegal. \nTo accomplish the twin goals of artificially elevated incomes and worship by patients, the AMA formulated a two-pronged strategy for the labor market for physicians. First, use the coercive power of the state to limit the practices of physician competitors such as homeopaths, pharmacists, midwives, nurses, and later, chiropractors. [5] [6] Second, significantly restrict entrance to the profession by restricting the number of approved medical schools in operation and thus the number of students admitted to those approved schools yearly. [7]\nAMA created its Council on Medical Education in 1904 with the goal of shutting down more than half of all medical schools in existence. (This is the Council having its 100th anniversary celebrated in Chicago this weekend.) In six years the Council managed to close down 35 schools and its secretary N.P. Colwell engineered what came to be known as the Flexner Report of 1910. The Report was supposedly written by Abraham Flexner, the former owner of a bankrupt prep school who was neither a doctor nor a recognized authority on medical education. Years later Flexner admitted that he knew little about medicine or how to differentiate between different qualities of medical education. Regardless, state medical boards used the Report as a basis for closing 25 medical schools in three years and reducing the number of students by 50% at remaining schools.\nSince AMA's creation of the Council a century ago, the U.S. population (75 million in 1900, 288 million in 2002) has increased in size by 284%, yet the number of medical schools has declined by 26% to 123.[8] [9]\n--100 Years of Medical Robbery\n(k5 ref: links on how healthcare became screwed up has a selection of articles from various sources.)\nAlternatives to the Medical Monopoly\nChiropractors [D.C.] and Podiatrists [D.P.M.] were, for most of the 20th Century, AMA enemy #1. My father went to podiatry school, and bought an elderly podiatrist's small practice in a small town in the late 1970's. It took persistence to get on staff at the hospital. A similarly-aged M.D. later told him the old doctors snickered behind his back. The official animosity between M.D.s and D.P.M.s has receded in the past two decades, and referring patients with foot problems to a Podiatrist is now an acceptable thing for an M.D. to do.\nThe only alternative that survived the Medical Monopoly's purge intact is the Osteopathic profession. Founded by Civil War surgeon Andrew Taylor Still, Osteopathy's central tenet is that "structure and function are interrelated", and that proper function can be restored with precise hands-on treatments that address structural problems. \nDr. Still insisted that his students become general-purpose doctors. Instruction at his medical school included obstetrics and surgery. The Osteopathic profession was organized enough in the early part of the century to counter-lobby the legislatures for equivalent (but separate) license laws. \nWhile most of today's Doctors of Osteopathy [D.O.] practice like their Medical Doctor [M.D.] counterparts (presumably because they wanted to be M.D.s but couldn't get into M.D. School), a few are true Osteopaths, and use their training in Osteopathic Manipulation with their patients. Fantastic results are the norm.\nIn the 1918-1919 flu epidemic, Osteopathic physicians had significantly better outcomes than their competitors.\n"The 2-year influenza outbreak that occurred between 1918 and 1919 was a worldwide epidemic. Original estimates placed related fatalities at 21 million, 1% of the world's population at that time. Several recent estimates place the number of fatalities at 30 million.\n"In the United States, more than 28% of the population succumbed to the disease overall. In US military hospitals, the mortality rate averaged 36%, while the mortality rate in US medical hospitals fell between 30% and 40%, with the exception of a rate of 68% in medical hospitals in New York City.\n"The osteopathic medical profession had few hospitals then, but the American School of Osteopathy, now the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine of A. T. Still University of Health Sciences, in Kirksville, Mo, contacted all their alumni. This effort culminated in 2445 osteopaths responding in treating 110,122 patients with influenza, with a resulting mortality of 0.25%. One of the few osteopathic medical hospitals, 400-bed Massachusetts Osteopathic Hospital, in Boston, also reported a mortality of 0.25% for that period.\n"Why the difference in outcome? Allopathic medical treatment for patients with influenza consisted of cough syrup and aspirin, treating the fever as a symptom, rather than recognizing fever as the body's response to an infection. And as Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, stated in his autobiography, "Fever is a natural and powerful remedy."\n"In contrast, osteopathic medical treatment for patients with influenza consisted of cough syrup, yes, but also gentle OMT (osteopathic manipulative treatment), resulting in a dramatic difference in mortality. Thomas L. Northup, DO, has reported that the same mode of therapy is effective in patients with pneumonia."\nHarold I. Magoun, Jr, D.O., More About the Use of OMT (Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment) During Influenza Epidemics, JAOA, Oct. 2004. \n-from Osteopathic Philosophy: Influenza \nAnother reason for the Osteopath's success was that they instituted sick wards to keep flu patients away from other patients. Regular hospitals had no such concern. \nThe AMA's War on Midwifery\nCompared to other industrialized countries, giving birth in the United States is a relatively hazardous experience. This is mostly due to the AMA's attack on Midwifery. Throughout human history, older women have assisted younger women through their pregnancies and delivery. Who better to assist in a delivery than someone who's had the experience? \nBut there's no money for the Complex in home births, so Midwifery was also one of the AMA's targets. Before modern aseptic techniques, giving birth in a hospital was a very hazardous affair: \nIgnaz Philipp Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician called the "savior of mothers" who discovered, by 1847, that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by use of hand washing standards in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever (or childbed fever) was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal, with mortality at 10%-35%. Semmelweis postulated the theory of washing with "chlorinated lime solutions" in 1847 as head of Vienna General Hospital's First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctor wards had 3 times the mortality of midwife wards. In 1851, Semmelweis moved to work in Hungary, which accepted the theory by 1857.\nDespite his publications by 1861 of statistical/clinical trials where hand-washing reduced mortality below 1%, Semmelweis' practice only earned widespread acceptance years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory. In 1865, a nervous breakdown (or possibly Alzheimer's) landed him in an asylum, where Semmelweis died of injuries, at age 47.\n-Ignaz Semmelweis\nThere is no good reason for most human births to take place in a hospital. Sometimes there are complications, and advanced medical treatment is required. Ideally, most births would take place at home or in a hospital-affiliated (but independent) birthing center. While home births do take place (much to the AMA's ire), the majority of U.S. births take place in a hospital. It's nearly impossible for a group of midwives to set up their own center. The lack of a way to get the rare mother/baby with problems into a hospital makes liability insurance prohibitively expensive.\nPaying for it all ourselves\nThe only acceptable solution to the health care crisis is to have everyone pay for all their own care. In the future, doctors (and other health professionals) will work with people to prevent their parts from failing prematurely. Instead of routinely replacing worn-out hips and knees, therapies will keep joints limber into old age. \nSometimes surgery really is needed. Degeneration and accidents happen, and invasive procedures are required to stitch bodies back together. CT scans tell doctors whether a hole should be drilled in an accident victim's head to relieve pressure. Conventional medicine is very good for emergencies. Cost savings from eliminating usury and ending the medical monopoly would do much to make surgeries and emergency room care affordable. \nIf society's wealth was fairly distributed (perhaps via a basic income guarantee [pdf], or other monetary reform), everyone could afford their own medical care. My own health journey hasn't been cheap, but I've paid for it myself, $100, $200 or $325 at a time. \nThe 10-year Anniversary Edition of Energy Medicine has new sections on getting ready for surgery and speeding recovery. Co-author David Feinstein emphasizes that the approach is complimentary - there is a time and a place for most modalities, including surgery and drugs. The population would just need half as many operations and prescriptions if we started with "alternatives" first. \n---------------------\nI'd mostly finished this diary, then I clicked over to my other email account. I found an interesting article from Dr. Mercola about Japanese researchers' finding that the human body literally glows with visible light. It fits with the topic, but I'll have to think about where to put the link...> body |comment: 2009-7-5-23222-35547-17> => |text: \n\n\n My overall point, however, if I can justify this rambling, is that there is no magic bullet solution to this problem, \nI'd make all insurance illegal, and implement the American Monetary Act (with a basic income guarantee [pdf]). \nIf people had to pay for their own doctor visits, there would be a very quick transition to effective medicine. The main problem is how to retrain all our pill-prescribing doctors to implement all the wonderful biology knowledge we've discovered in the last 100+ years... For example, wikipedia says 61% of the adult population gets less of the element Magnesium than they need. \nPossible symptoms and pathologies as a result of magnesium deficiency are widespread, but may include hypertension, cardiovascular disease, Vitamin K deficiency, depressed immunity, depression, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, increased levels of stress, insomnia, fasciculation, migraine, cancer, ADHD, asthma, restless leg syndrome, and allergies.\nBut no, doctors are trained to prescribe a pill for the high blood pressure and an antidepressant for the depression and blue pill for the erectile dysfunction, ambien for the insomnia, surgery for the cancer, etc. When they should really be telling their patients to go buy a 2 liter bottle of carbonated water and a bottle of Milk of Magnesia (the laxative). Chill the carbonated water, add 6 tablespoons milk of magnesia, cap. Then add 1 part magnesium supplement concentrate to 11 parts water. Poof, no more deficiency! \n\n\n> body |diary: 2007-12-6-212954-370> => |text: De Grey should have called this article "Rich White Western Old People are People Too", since they are the ones who will benefit from De Grey's research, not all old people. De Grey does nothing else to prevent death. He does not help agitate for an end to the war in Iraq, help make sure everyone on this planet has clean drinking water and enough food to eat, help agitate to reduce the power of the US/British military, and does not fight for a basic income guarantee. Without these and many other changes De Grey's research will only benefit the Neocon capitalists. De Grey does not seem bothered by this so we must assume that De Grey is sympathetic to the Neocons if not a Neocon himself.\nDe Grey may talk about how old people are people too, but his words are hollow since he doesn't think that poor people are people.> body |diary: 2007-11-15-203017-32> => |text: Dale has written 2 posts in response on his blog showing that he once again gets it. Dale understands the real issues that can come from who controls technology. With the current rule of the corporate-militarist (Neocon) capitalist elite, these technologies just serve to solidify their power. Transhumanits just cry "deathist" since being part of the priviledged class on Earth who doesn't care, they don't want to hear this. Like I said before in my last diary if Transhumanists are so concerned about preventing "death" then why aren't they helping to put an end to the war in Iraq, helping make sure everyone on this planet has clean drinking water and enough food to eat, helping to agitate to reduce the power of the US military, and fighting for a basic income guarantee? In other words Transhumanists are only working to prevent death for themselves.\nDale also points out the absurdity of Transhumanists' use of the word "immortality". I noticed this as well. It is very telling that Transhumanists use the word "immortality" instead of "anti-aging technologies" or the like. It shows us that Transhumanists have a RELIGIOUS belief about living forever. The only true way to "live forever" is in a mythical religious "heaven". It can't be done in the real world since perpetual motion machines are impossible. Something will get you in the end. Whether this technology allows you to extend your life until the end of the universe or just a few weeks until you get run over by a car, eventually you will die.\nDale refers to Transhumanists as "robot god cultists". This makes perfect sense since Transhumanism is a religion that (among other things) claims that it can give you immortality. It makes it no different than Christianity in any real sense. In fact Transhumanism and Christianity are similar in that they both have an anti-progressive and anti-democratic nature.> body |diary: 2007-11-4-132937-255> => |text: One of Dale's critiques of Transhumanism/superlative technology discourse shows the direct link between the Neocon agenda and Transhumanism. From that link: Another comment, from "Kim," pointed out that since Singularitarians, like most people beguiled by Rapture rhetorics, are responding to deep fears and fantasies, passions that are not entirely rational when all is said and done, it is probably counterproductive to point out to them that they are being unreasonable or to patiently ennumerate more reasonable alternatives. This may be true, but I do think it is important to add that the brand of irrationality peddled by Singularitarians has powerful resonances with the intuitions of neoliberals and neoconservatives. Some neoliberals and neoconservatives have already started to drift in a broadly Singularitarian, or at any rate technocentric, direction to save their anti-democratic agenda in the face of its current catastrophic culmination (Thomas Friedman, Glenn Reynolds, and William Safire are pretty good examples of this in my view), and it is hard for me to see how the majority of neoliberals and neoconservatives could long resist the lure of Singularitarian arguments that\n [1] provide a rationale for the circumvention of democratic politics\n [2] provide a rationale for increased investment in military R&D\n [3] make recourse to tried and true strategies of fearmongering\n [4] appeal to Old School conservative intuitions about the special Destiny of the West\n [5] appeal to Old School conservative intuitions about the indispensability of elite Gatekeepers of the True Knowledge\n [6] appeal to more newfangled conservative intuitions about "spontaneous order" and "natural(ized) markets."\nYou can see this link in other areas as well. From one of the links in my last diary about the marriage strike, here is a comment on how men can benefit from "biotechnologial immortality", a Transhumanist concept and use it to continue the marriage strike. Another example comes from the Immortality Institute Forum. In this comment from that forum the whole idea of invading Iran is considered a great idea where "only" 20,000 will die. Of course he doesn't care about the deaths of Muslims and other non-Westerners.\nI know that I will be accused of being a luddite for pointing out what's wrong with Transhumanism. I'm not a luddite. I'm a Technoprogressive. As a technoprogressive, I understand that the issue isn't technology. The issue is the (Neocon capitalist controlled) political system. A good example of this is this comment. The reason why the person who wrote this comment can't get proper dental care isn't technological. It's because the Neocon capitalist government of America has decided to spend its money on imperialist wars of aggression and not universal health care for its citizens. This problem does not get better with more technology. If anything it will get worse as more technology reinforces the Neocon capitalist regime. \nSince 99.5% of Transhumanists are white males, they don't care about any of these issues. A good example of this is Aubrey De Grey arguing that extending lives and saving lives is the same thing. Technically, he is correct. However, his statement hides the fact that "extending lives" primarily benefits rich and middle class white males, whereas the rest of us still die. If Aubrey De Grey really wants to save lives, why doesn't he help put an end to the war in Iraq, help make sure everyone on this planet has clean drinking water and enough food to eat, help agitate to reduce the power of the US/British military, and fight for a basic income guarantee. Being a (Neocon influenced) white male he sees no benefit to things that actually save lives so he just dicks around with "immortality"\nAt the top of the amor mundi blog, it says, "Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All". When it comes to technology this is exactly what needs to happen.> body |comment: 2007-11-4-132937-255-3> => |text: \n\n\n All the Democratic presidential candidates except for Dennis Kucinich are Neocons. Since I doubt that Dennis Kucinich will be elected, the next president will be a Neocon regardless of which political party they come from.\nYes, I am against the Neocons, but my political identity is that I am a social democrat. It means I am FOR universal health care, FOR a basic income guarantee, FOR an end to racism, sexism, and hetrosexism, FOR peace, etc. My political identity is not being an antithesis to the Neocons. ------\nThe US is fucked up, diseased, mentally unstable & psychologically unhealthy. Its food supply is tainted, polluted, & full of chemical crap. Even worse, the US is trying to ruin the rest of the world.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2007-11-4-132937-255-12> => |text: \n\n\n Technology can not influence or overwhelm social structures by themselves. For technology to influence a social structure, someone has to use and/or control technology to do that. If the singularity happens (which I seriously doubt) then it will just reinforce the dominant social structure of when it happens. If the singularity happened tomorrow it would most likely just reinforce Neocon capitalism unless some social democratic inventors were behind it. \nThis is why the important issues are political not technological. Universal health care must be fought for regardless of the level of technology, the basic income guarantee must be fought for regardless of the level of technology, etc. Technology does not change any of these battles. ------\nThe US is fucked up, diseased, mentally unstable & psychologically unhealthy. Its food supply is tainted, polluted, & full of chemical crap. Even worse, the US is trying to ruin the rest of the world.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2007-11-4-132937-255-18> => |text: \n\n\n None of those technologies changed any social structures. Video recorders and cd burners didn't change the social structure into a non-capitalist one. As for DNA testing and ubiquitous cameras from you own admission have not changed any social structures. The elite's power has not been lessened.\nIf things really become ultra-cheap after the singularity it doesn't matter. Even if a year's worth of health care is only a penny, it doesn't matter unless there is a basic income guarantee and universal health care. Without that anyone without a job still won't be able to afford health care even if it is a penny a year. Since it sounds like the singularity would destroy most people's jobs they wouldn't even have a penny to spend on health care without a basic income guarantee.\nI don't see how Culture 0.1 is different from an anti-democratic Neocon controlled world. The only reason the Neocons encourage war now is because they don't rule the entire world. If they did, they would discourage war as well. ------\nThe US is fucked up, diseased, mentally unstable & psychologically unhealthy. Its food supply is tainted, polluted, & full of chemical crap. Even worse, the US is trying to ruin the rest of the world.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2006-5-22-121221-566-9> => |text: \n\n\n That's the amount suggested in most citizen's wage or basic income proposals today. Less would probably do in a pinch, given that a few people can combine resources and rent a "4 rooms, kitchen, bathroom" type apartment and afford basic sustenance for 1100-1300/month in an acceptable area. (Assuming this is without or after tax.) Fin. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2006-2-16-15829-5422-30> => |text: \n\n\n A handful of sensible folks, other than myself I mean, were advocating just this sort of plan prior to the invasion. It never went anywhere, but the idea was a permenant fund modeled after the one in Alaska. It may sound like socialism, but such dyed-in-the-wool capitalists as Milton Friedman have long argued that a natural resource fund or trust is the best way to counteract the market distortions resulting from large reserves of natural resources. (Friedman is also famously a supporter of the negative income tax, which amounts to a basic income guarantee) \n---\nUnity of mankind means: No escape for anyone anywhere. - Milan Kundera\n \n\n\n> body |diary: 2015-8-26-175939-445> => |text: A second fundamental source of misunderstanding came (and comes still) from the difference between the liquidity scarcity view of economics and the liquidity abundance view of finance. One of the reasons for the persistent attraction to economists of the quantity theory of money, even given all its faults, is that it expresses succinctly the economist's intuitive sense that the real liquidity of the economy as a whole is scarce and that attempts to increase liquidity by expanding nominal money must eventually reckon with this fundamental real scarcity. The theory of value abstracts from the scarcity of liquidity and treats all commodities as equally and perfectly liquid, but economists recognize that the real world is not like that. This means that monetary theory cannot be brought under the theory of value (as currently constructed) but no alternative analytical structure has yet emerged to gain general acceptance. Until it does, the old distinction between money and credit remains as the economist's crude theoretical attempt to grapple with the apparent hierarchy of liquidity, with credit viewed as a mechanism for stretching scarce liquidity (money). Similarly, the old attempt to measure the quantity of money remains as the economist's crude empirical attempt to grapple with the same hierarchy by measuring the size of its base.\n\n---\nThe only real scarcity is knowledge. We should create money for a basic income, and challenge individuals to innovate disruptively, increasing abundance. We must stop imposing scarcity because of economists' dismal gut feelings that scarcity must exist everywhere, and if it doesn't we must create scarcity.> body |comment: 2015-8-25-121750-384-1> => |text: \n\n\n We should build things without Ignorant Motherfuckers to stand over our shoulders and create injustice and unfairness. Fuck the bosses. Let's stop listening to them. Let's build what we want, when we want it, how we want. And open source it so others can customize it to their heart's content, with no Ignorant Motherfucker profit motive causing legal hassles and other frictions that throttle progress.\nNo need to change any existing business, let them go along as they want. We should vote in a basic income though and give ourselves the option of doing good work outside of the market system. Like Wikipedia, but without the hierarchies.\nMozilla tried to corporatize, become like a business. That's when the Ignorant Motherfuckers come in and take over, and everything goes to hell.\nYou can blame it on feminism but that's really a red herring. It's really Ignorant Motherfuckerism. That's the real problem. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-8-25-11821-2105> => |text: TV pundits can't stop talking of the market downturn today. Biggest intra-day drop ever! Biggest three-day drop ever! 401k plans lose tons of value!\nThere is no physical scarcity associated with the market drop. Thus the fundamental assumption of economics is violated. Commodity prices are down, metals are down, because there is excess, idled production capacity. The only shortage is of demand.\nThe Fed should put a basic income on its balance sheet. Instead of trying to "push on a string" by supplying banks with money, supply money directly to individuals. The demand shortage indicates a lack of money among poor people, whose numbers are growing.> intro |diary: 2015-8-23-44615-7717> => |text: the other site says (you know the one that now looks like it will outlive our own nest):\nhttp://news.slashdot.org/story/15/08/20/139213/finland-considers-minimum-income-\n\n\nto-reform-welfare-system\nFinland Considers Minimum Income To Reform Welfare System 575\nPosted by timothy on Thursday August 20, 2015 @10:55AM from the just-print-more dept.\njones_supa writes:\nThe Finnish government is considering a pilot project that would see the state pay people a basic income regardless of whether they are employed or not. The details of how much the basic income might be and who would be eligible for it are yet to be announced, but already there is widespread interest in how it might work. Prime Minister Juha Sipil has praised the idea, and he sees it as a way to simplify the social security system. With unemployment being an increasing concern, four out of five Finns are now in favour of a basic income. Sipil has expressed support for a limited, geographical experiment, just like Dutch city of Utrecht is executing this autumn.> body |diary: 2015-8-22-175929-992> => |text: Another way: create money to provide a basic income. The Republican/Libertarian objection of being violently robbed is thus eliminated.\nWhy would inflation occur as a result of the $6 trillion/year money creation? Business would see lowered expenses, since they could pay employees what they feel the market would bear, and could outsource innovation through challenges. Why would they raise prices?\nAs a hedge against possible inflation, index all incomes to price rises. Purchasing power thus remains constant so there is no inflation tax.> title |comment: 2015-8-20-84144-8323-8> => |text: Solution: basic income, let ppl do what they want.> body |comment: 2015-8-20-84144-8323-8> => |text: \n\n\n Basic income means no one has to do something just for the money. No one has to prostitute themselves, they will be guaranteed a minimum decent standard of living if they don't.\nIf someone chooses to prostitute themselves, then let them.\nChild sex laws say more about the perverted minds of the lawmakers than about anything else. The lawmakers are so ashamed of their dirty desires, they seek to expunge themselves by taking it out on others who may be perfectly innocent and merely pursuing their happiness. See Nabakov's Lolita, which was once banned. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-20-84144-8323-14> => |text: \n\n\n So, let's say you offered someone like that Bernie Madoff character basic income. \n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-8-18-184043-072> => |economics> + |money> + |banking> + |interest rates> + |frbsf> + |great depression> + |tight money> + |elastic money supply> + |irrelevant money supply> + |basic income> intro |diary: 2015-8-18-184043-072> => |text: From a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco article:\n\nHence, rather than illustrating the dangers of standing on the sidelines, the events of 1928-1930 actually provide a case study of the risks associated with a deliberate attempt to puncture a speculative bubble.\n\nThe Fed pre-emptively tightened money in 1928, and it led to the worst depression in US history. Instead of trying to control the money supply, the Fed should concentrate on maintaining purchasing power and financing a basic income.> body |diary: 2015-8-18-184043-072> => |text: We should amend the Federal Reserve Act, Section 2A, which currently reads:\n\nSection 2A. Monetary policy objectives \nThe Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy's long run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. \n\nStrike everything after "the Federal Open Market Committee shall maintain". Add in place of the stricken section, "purchasing power."\nPurchasing power can be maintained by automatically increasing all incomes in lockstep with prices. It's simple math: if the ratio of income to prices is 2/1 today and 4/2 tomorrow and 8/4 the next day, the ratio reduces to 2/1, which you started with. Purchasing power does not decrease when the Fed automatically increments incomes with prices.\nDenote debit cards in units of purchasing power, and inflation disappears. People can go on about their lives without worrying what prices are doing.\nAlso, amend the Federal Reserve Act (Congress last amended it in 2010 to add Dodd-Frank provisions, so it is an active area of legislation) to finance a basic income on its balance sheet, at zero cost to taxpayers.\nFrom Perry Mehrling's Lecture 22 Notes in his Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two Coursera MOOC:\n\nIn this world there is no role for government policy to control the money supply. (Black likes to say that there is nothing that we can call the quantity of money, and hence nothing to control.) It is equally true that there is no role for government policy to control the rate of interest. Of course the government has, historically, tried to control both of these things (p. 13-17). Black's position seems to be that such efforts produce inefficiency at the very least. In a financially developed economy, they don't even do that, since there will be multiple ways to evade control.\n\nBlack's position is in agreement with the amendments to Section 2A I propose above.> title |comment: 2015-8-18-184043-072-1> => |text: basic income> body |comment: 2015-8-18-184043-072-2> => |text: \n\n\n \nMihail ILIEVP 5 days ago ,,r\nYou can think of the capital market as the market for bonds of long maturity and higher yield (also higher risk). You can think of the money market as the market for short term debt instruments such as repo or ABCP which have shorter maturity, in the case of repo often overnight.\nA shadow bank buys the long maturity instrument and funds this position by repoing it and thus borrowing on the wholesale money market.\nLinking the two leads essentially to short term borrowing and long term lending. \n\n"A shadow bank buys the long maturity instrument and funds this position by repoing it and thus borrowing on the wholesale money market."\nThus we see that the shadow bank is creating money. They buy something and use that same something to fund the buying of it. They are funding the purchase of something with the something itself. And they are adding to their "Net Worth" balance sheet item through arbitrage. They are creating money for their "Net Worth" by using the same thing they bought to fund the buying of that thing. Money creation.\nAnd this operation occurs on a scale that creates tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars per year.\nThere is plenty of room to fund a basic income through money creation. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-15-20743-9261-1> => |text: \n\n\n Fucking Ignorant Motherfuckers. Who the fuck put them in charge of resource allocation again? Oh yeah that bastard Adam Smith. Isn't it time we said fuck you to capitalism?\nMy solution: basic income to create a parallel system, insulated from the ridiculous idiocy of the workplace and its Ignorant Motherfucking bosses.\nThen let the capitalists drown in the filthy lucre of their own created money, like Scrooge McDuck. Fuck em. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-14-22556-8630-25> => |text: \n\n\n Has been pretty tiring, and clearly not much to show for it... but it's a base... just don't expect much.\nProblems: Can dump data from production, but failed to load it into development... This worries me for future updates... you're data may be at risk! LOL... have to look into it.\nNext Things: I'll probably go back to working on electrum now and getting a unique bitcoin address for every user... and initialising user balances from the block chain...\nThen I kind of have to work out how kr5ditz are created and who gets them... I could tie kr5ditz to bitcoin, for example... buy 1 kr5ditz for one bitcoin... but I don't think so... more fun to make an exchange where kr5ditz can be bought and sold for bitcoin...\nSo... maybe give each user 1 kr5dit once a day for logging in... as the baseline kind of a 'price' for kr5ditz... (like a basic income!).\nAlso considered making fixed number of kr5ditz in the system... like 1M kr5ditz... and allocate them all to the admin user (In theory I can create as many as I like) to spread about as I choose (or horde, whatever).\nIt doesn't really matter... but they have to get their value from somewhere... so, thinking about that.\nThat's enough for a while. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n-------\n\nkr5ddit.com - Your front page to the internet.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-14-195256-021-5> => |text: \n\n\n Step one: never ban. When you are in a position to ban, never ban. \nStep two: Vote for your government never to ban. Think up creative ways of dealing with all the situations that governments use to ban speech now.\nStep three: Tell your government to beam free uncensored internet all over the world, and drop smartphones from drones continuously so that ppl can always find a smartphone even if one gets taken away from them or they have to abandon it.\nStep four: fuck reddit and their profit motive. Establish free, open source, non-profit-motivated discussion forums, funded by your government or by your basic income from that government.\nStep five: You're welcome. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> title |diary: 2015-8-14-15732-4938> => |text: Basic Income Experiment Expanding> intro |diary: 2015-8-14-15732-4938> => |text: The Netherlands are trying out Basic Income and liking it.\nLiking it so well in fact that the idea is spreading in viral fashion.\nThe Dutch city of Ultrecht is in the process of testing Basic Income for the current welfare recipients. Single adults will receive around 900 and couples and families will get around 1400.\nA portion of the recipients will receive unconditional basic income, meaning if they get a job or manage another source of income they will still get the money. A control group will continue to receive their benefits under current welfare rules. The rest will be divided into three tiers with different levels of restriction and regulation.\nThe experiment seeks to challenge the notion that people who receive public money need to be patrolled and punished. The traditional criticism of basic income is that it does not incentivize people to work, and thereby damages the economy.> body |diary: 2015-8-14-15732-4938> => |text: "People say they are not going to try as hard to find a job, we will find out." said Nienke Horst, a project manager for the Utrecht city government. "We think that more people will be a little bit happier and find a job anyway."\nA few countries have dabbled with the idea of Basic Income but the most famous experiment occurred in Dauphin, Manitoba Canada. For five years in the mid 70's the city gave a basic income to all of their citizens. Economists found that Basic Income reduced poverty and alleviated many other problems as well. While the number of employee hours worked did decline it was discovered that people were using the extra time to continue or further their education and to spend more quality time with their families. A side effect was that mental health improved significantly and hospital and health clinic visits declined sharply. \nEverywhere that a Basic Income program has been tried it has shown that people work more, not less and that utilization of other social services goes down.\nNow the city of Tilburg (pop ~200k) has decided to follow the Ultrecht initiative and the cities of Groningen, Maastricht, Gouda, Enschede, Nijmegen and Wageningen are also considering it. They await only approval from the state secretary of social affairs. BI checks could be disbursed as soon as January of 2016!\nAuthorities will be looking to see if recipients will be encouraged to find work or if instead they will just sit comfortably on the couch.\nOf course not everyone is pleased. Many people claim that the program is expensive and harmful to the economy. They remain convinced that folks will be disincentivized to work. Others say it is unfair the way the program will be run. UBI calls for payments to ALL but this initiative will concentrate on welfare recipients only. At least at first. So some are worried that people getting the BI will actually have a greater income than hard-working low-wage employees.\nI think that as automation continues to encroach upon more and more middle class jobs that Basic Income will become necessary, of course with Conservatives in charge with their 'I've got mine FUCK YOU attitude' we won't be seeing any similar experiments any time soon. Why would they be interested in UBI when they already are trying to dismantle Affordable Healthcare as well as making deep cuts in Social Security and SNAP programs. I recently read where SS benefits will be automatically cut 19% in 2016 unless Congress acts soon. But I don't hear anyone on Capitol Hill even talking about it. They are too wrapped up in the Iran deal and other foreign policy issues to even pay attention to what is happening here in their own back yards. \nHowever I think that in an ironic twist we will have to have some kind of Basic Income in place to prevent an economic collapse. Corporations may see savings in reduced taxes, regulations and the automation of the workforce now but if no one is working who then will buy their products? The current system is unsustainable in the 21st century.\nUnfortunately I am afraid that the same 'I Got Mine' attitude would result in too many people taking advantage and not contributing back to society. I'm not naming any names but I think we know of at least two or three people right here that would not contribute even if given a UBI. The problem I think is that in Europe and Canada, well really most places other than China, the US and Russia, people are more socially conscious and less self absorbed. They have a different outlook on work and on their place in the world. \nPeople here tend to be highly individualistic and anti-social. Even tribal in their attitudes. There are small pockets in the US where real benefits could result from a UBI. I have doubts about the majority of the country. I am also afraid that any UBI program might be used as an excuse to completely dismantle the social safety nets currently in place. \nStill I strongly support a Universal Basic Income. While there might be problems at first I think that over time attitudes would change and people would be encouraged to work. I use as an example Social Security. Hardly anyone relies completely on SocSec benefits and most work if they can using the SS as a supplement. The majority have some other type of retirement income they depend on and the SS benefit is just a little something extra. I think the UBI if implemented would be used similarly. People won't just quit their jobs and put their feet up to get a small stipend from the government. No they will use that as a supplement to allow them to further their education, to do things they might not have been able to afford or have the free time to do things with their families. Maybe some will be able to put their kids in better schools or afford daycare to allow them to work when they could not before. Some people free from having to stress about the income would be able to be more innovative and take on more riskier business ventures. \nThink about your own situation. If you got a guaranteed grand every month would you quit your job and try to live on that alone? Or would you instead take that $1000 and use it to maybe do something nice that you can't afford to do now? It really isn't all that much after all. And if you wouldn't go sit on your ass for a grand why do you think everyone else would too? \nThe only thing is that yeah, there would be a few that did just that. Said fuck it man, I'm gonna live in my car or tent out in the public park and do dope, fuck cheap ho's and get drunk all fucking day every day. And the weird thing is that a lot of folks will want to deny everyone of the benefits only because of the actions of a handful. Because a lot of people in the USA cannot stand even the IDEA that someone is getting one over on them.> title |comment: 2015-8-14-15732-4938-2> => |text: Yeah basic income should be the anti-business.> body |comment: 2015-8-14-15732-4938-2> => |text: \n\n\n I argue with the ppl on reddit all the time about how it should be funded by money creation, not taxes, because basic income should be fundamentally about challenging the whole capitalist notion that only exchange can create value and that is connected with the idea that government can only spend what it takes in in taxes. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-14-15732-4938-3> => |text: \n\n\n comes out to $12,000 yearly. Not enough to live on unless you live with your parents.\nBasic Income should be at least $20,000 a year.\n900 Euros is about $2000 in USD. That is $24,000/year. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-14-15732-4938-4> => |text: \n\n\n But you're right, basic income should be $2000/month, plus free health care including dental and vision.\nI try to make your point to Santens, the Basic Income guy, that $1000/month is a cut to many of us. I try to make it everyday! ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-14-10247-2394-3> => |text: \n\n\n In my humble opinion, we should work (using the tools of basic income, and challenges) towards a world (universe) in which each individual has the technology to produce everything he needs. Kind of like Star Trek replicators. Then we can each live in holodecks full time if we choose, like Broccoli or Moriarty. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> tags |diary: 2015-8-14-63828-6945> => |K666> + |basic income> + |github> + |python3> + |python> + |django> + |virtualenv> + |illuminati> title |comment: 2015-8-13-182359-582-1> => |text: Give everyone in the Middle East a Basic Income.> body |comment: 2015-8-13-182359-582-3> => |text: \n\n\n them now. Why would they be able to shoot down those internet-providing, tiny-blockchain supplying drones? The idea is you make the keychains so small ISIS can't find them among the robes and burkhas. You put little self-destructs in them too. These are simply engineering problems; let's give basic incomes and challenge ppl how to do these things, instead of figuring out how to kill each other better. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-13-11322-6210-3> => |text: \n\n\n But LOL'ing at the article. Especially the subtle backhand with the monkey picture. \nUnfortunately, no I don't think they will pay. Not because they don't want to but hard to scrape up that kind of money when your sole source of income is just 37/day from UNICEF and Niggerian 419 scams. Not to mention the petition is an appeal to Barack Obama. Now why in the hell would he seek reparations from his home country? Ever tried to get money from your relatives? Not an activity I would recommend.\nAs for our resident bum and stooge you know he'll just start screaming about how the FED should create money and buy every African an Oculus Rift, a Basic Income and three squares a day because we have the production capability. Don't have to sweat anymore to grow vegetables and raise cattle anymore. Just press a button because all that shit is automated now and workers spend the rest of the day orally stimulating the boss and gossiping at the water cooler about ways they can stick it to the poor while sharing stock tips. You know, because all of us folks that work for a living are rich fucks living in McMansions inside a gated community. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit \n\n\n> title |comment: 2015-8-13-101018-733-2> => |text: More ppl in your faggot country want Basic Income> body |comment: 2015-8-13-101018-733-2> => |text: \n\n\n Faggot. The Basic Income support is greater than your right-wing Le Pen fascist bigoted ignorant faggots. Even your faggot central banker is against you, you faggot. Look what your strong currency just did to your watch exports, faggot. Your export economy is crumbling because China has weak money, you fucking faggot. A strong currency is stupid, faggot. You need to think about higher things, fag. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-12-214510-452-1> => |text: \n\n\n http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst_recenttrends.htm\nAnd that doesn't include the off-balance sheet items such as the unlimited swap lines the Fed opened with foreign central banks in 2008.\nFrom the FOMC transcripts of September 16, 2008 (page 11):\n\nCHAIRMAN BERNANKE. Bill, if we were going to take action today, what would you recommend in terms of counterparties? Should we say an unlimited amount? Should we specify an amount? Can we leave the time open? What are your recommendations on all those dimensions?\nMR. DUDLEY. Certainly you want to make it pretty broad. You want to make it to the Bank of England, Switzerland, the ECB, the Bank of Japan, potentially Canada. I would leave it to their discretion if they would like to participate. I would make the offer to them; and if they want to participate, then we should be willing to do that. In terms of size, I think it is really important that you don't create notions of capacity limits because the market then can always try to test those. Either the numbers have to be very, very large, or it should be open ended. I would suggest that open ended is better because then you really do provide a backstop for the entire market. As we've seen with the PDCF, if you provide a suitably broad backstop, oftentimes you don't even actually need to use it to any great degree. So I think that should be the strategy here. \n\nConclusion: the Fed has unlimited liquidity. The market tested it in 2008, and the Fed won. The Fed can create as much money as we need. We should put a basic income on the Fed's balance sheet. The $6 trillion or so a year is dwarfed by the amount of money the private sector creates each year. Inflation is not a necessary consequence, because the Quantity Theory of Money is bunk. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-12-214510-452-7> => |text: \n\n\n When you said that no one has to work... you mean fewer people have to work... and I agree with that... but get confused because of your exaggerations... So...\nPlease just answer me this... simple question... under your theory / model of how the world woks... could the government give everyone $1Trillion a day, without having any inflationary effect on prices... If they started doing that tomorrow, do you expect you could still buy bread for under a few dollars?\nBecause if you think that would cause the price of bread to rise... maybe there's a middle ground we could actually agree on.\nNo strawmen, or working your around that by saying the government could give everyone a basic income of say $15k a year or whatever... what do you think of the above example? \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n-------\n\nkr5ddit.com - Your front page to the internet. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-11-131056-529-1> => |text: \n\n\n He has tried to get along with them but they make him physically sick. People that camp on his property bring in their gut fauna that spreads from their colons. It gives Bob a headache and painful cramps. He has tried to take medicine for it and do everything he can to live among campers and hikers but he just can't do it.\nHe wishes that campers and hikers would stop camping and hiking on his land. Why can't they hike and camp in a VR? That way they could enjoy the great outdoors and he could do what he wants. What is wrong with campers and hikers forcing themselves into his space? Why can't the government provide the campers with a basic income so they could purchase their own land paid for by creating money through debt? We have the production capability and there is plenty of public land available to give every human being a small parcel of it. \nBob wishes that all campers and hikers would just abort themselves so he could be free to enjoy his privately owned land without them tromping across his pristine property. Campers are such colons. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-9-224112-1839-12> => |text: \n\n\n to hate to keep himself feeling good. \nHe once supported me and turned me into an enemy, he asked that I come back and troll for basic income and I did and he turned me into an enemy.\nHe needs to make enemies to justify himself. By responding to him you give him attention that he craves.\nI am not telling you to leave him alone or keep it up, just telling you that he likes the negative attention and feeds on it. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-9-19632-78977-13> => |text: \n\n\n That's the challenge, which will be fulfilled much quicker with a basic income so individuals with disruptive ideas can test them without having an Ignorant Motherfucker breathing down their necks screaming about the budget. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-8-13315-17852-35> => |text: \n\n\n These SJWs really don't understand the concepts like free speech...\nAlso... they aim for equality of outcomes rather than equality of opportunity... they're socialists - everyone get the same independent of ability or effort... not free marketers - everyone have the same opportunity to provide and be rewarded according to supply and demand.\nOf course, I'm a free-market with social safety net kind of a guy (basic income and wealth taxes). \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n-------\n\nkr5ddit.com - Your front page to the internet.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-7-163620-9444-10> => |text: \n\n\n It's an exchange of utility... you provide utility to an employer beyond the utility they lose in paying you... and you gain utility in terms of a paycheque beyond the utility you lose in doing something else you might prefer.\nFor you... quite literally... the utility you lose working is more than what the utility you gain from that paycheque... ie, the utility (difference between benefit and cost) to you means that you simply prefer not to work (especially as welfare provides enough utility for you without working)... and from an economic point of view... that's actually quite fine.\nThe fact that you can't work with people... are mentally defective and don't understand normal socialisation is all fine... fair enough. Your utility function is aberrant... and only really sustainable because the rest of society is willing to carry you.\nWhere you make that mistake is in assuming and promoting the idea that everyone else should be like that too... that's fucking stupid.\nFor most people, a job provides net utility, and that is their choice and you should respect that...\nThe fact that you think the world can run with no one working is insanity I cannot comprehend. It's like you believe the world is already run by robots and no one has to do anything and we can all be fed, clothed, housed and have our toys and entertainment... you believe in a world where we can all get blowjobs and no one has to give them... Reality doesn't work like that.\nYour ideas about basic income would make much more sense if you accepted reality, rather than preached your 'it is as you fantasise' fallacies. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n-------\n\nkr5ddit.com - Your front page to the internet.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-7-163620-9444-19> => |text: \n\n\n We have unparalleled amounts of surplus labor for the real economy jobs. We have an immense excess of people ready, willing, and able to do construction, whatever factory work hasn't been automated yet, etc. There is no shortage of labor to do the real economic tasks. Indeed, we are seeing downward pressure on wages because we can do so much more with so many fewer people.\nThere is no shortage of production capacity, or the labor needed to accomplish it.\nThe only shortage is of knowledge. The best way to decrease that shortage is to create money for a basic income and challenge people to innovate disruptively. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-7-163620-9444-26> => |text: \n\n\n impossible for others to differentiate it from ignorance.\nSurpluses only occur when there are price controls... A surplus of labour just means there are more people willing to work at minimum wage than people willing to pay for it.\nAnd on that note... I agree... the technological advancements push wages down as more can be done for less... that is all true...\nBut surplus of production capacity? For what? Clearly there isn't a surplus of super cars and super yachts and mansions, etc... many more people want these than are able to afford them...\nSurplus of food production? Why yes... because of deliberate economic policy we have this... which is a good thing over all... even though less super cars get produced because of it.\nBut lets say we outlawed paying people for work... in either money or in kind... do you think we could maintain society like this? Almost certainly not... most people work because they are compensated for it, which means they can buy stuff and survive etc...\nNow... as more automation comes along... and with current distribution of the rewards of that automation going to the capital owners, the very small elite... yeah... less people are going to be employed (at minimum or even livable wages) and the majority will suffer...\nWhich is why I agree that a basic income is pretty much necessary if we want to provide the benefits to the majority of society rather than just that wealthy elite...\nThe problem is you think no one has to work... or at least, no one has to work for money... completely ignoring economic reality...\nDespite your fantasy notions... resources are limited (in respect to desires)... and resources will always be limited. So we need a way to distribute them... a sane, rational way... not just free money for everyone and we all sit back and hope someone else will do the hard work for the pure love of shovelling shit that has to be shovelled.\nYou don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and just declare economics to be stupid... when the answer is right there at the front of every micro-economics course --- ie, the second welfare theorem.\nWealth cannot simply be printed... only redistributed... and you're printing money redistributes from the wrong people... basic income and wealth tax is the only rational solution to the concentration of wealth problem inherent in capitalism and technological advances. \n-------\n\nif i ever see the nickname procrasti again on this site or anywhere in my life, i want it to be in an OBITUARY -- CTS\n\ndoing my best at licking arseholes - may 2015 -- mirko\n\n-------\n\n Winner of Kuro5hin: April 2015\n\n-------\n\nkr5ddit.com - Your front page to the internet.\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-6-5279-35170-22> => |text: \n\n\n are idiots compared to a lazy unemployed crackhead bum.\nOh that's right, you're a Rockstar Coder and you're going to give us StarTrek like AI just as soon as the government gives you a Basic Income and legalizes the weed. My Bad.\nHere old mumble is Getting Shit DoneTM. While you are still making wrappers and basically doing the same shit you did ten years ago with no progress. Oh that is right, you follow the Crawford school of Software Engineering. Don't do shit just bitch about the tools and call every other programmer an idiot.\nGet a fucking job loser bitch. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-5-172246-3468-17> => |text: \n\n\n dead people built your car, your computer. Dead people farm the vegetables and raise the cattle.\nYeah, I should go and thank the dead guys down the street for fixing the potholes. \nAnd yeah, good old Alan Turing, working hard all by himself receiving his Basic Income because he wouldn't dream of doing that work for anything as crass as filthy lucre. He didn't work for any Ignorant Motherfucking bosses. He was completely independent. Gordon didn't have a thing to do with it. He was a genius that invented an Enigma machine and then cracked it. \nLOL, it is hilarious the size of your ego. How you are convinced that you are a super special snowflake and EVERYONE else, physicists, mathematicians, software engineers, programmers. They are all stupid and wrong. You with your razor sharp intellect, having taken a few MOOCs (that you couldn't even answer the homework or quiz sections without being given it by your fellow students, oh but it was against the HONOR SYSTEM which was implemented specifically to persecute YOU). And with a few hours of online study you have cracked the secrets of Economics, Thermodynamics, etc. \nYes, no one wants me here at K5. I am universally hated. Every post I make is zero bombed into oblivion. Look under hidden comments and you will see my name on every post going down the page. I have had to change my username more times than I can count since I first joined in 2001 due to multiple bannings. Even my socks have to have socks. I have a script named after me to remove my posts even - tdildobegone. \nYes, people here DESPISE me and I only stay to sow frustration and pain, because since my life has no meaning at least it has purpose, to denigrate every user remaining. \nDude, you know you are starting to impress me with the sheer extent of your delusions. It is fascinating.\nBut even still, delusions or not. You really really really need to get a job. And probably get laid too. And I don't mean sticking your tiny pecker into a knothole or some poor woodland creature like you usually do. I mean with like a real live woman. Yeah get your chakras in balance and normalize your kundalini. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-5-172246-3468-22> => |text: \n\n\n I find it interesting that you, a bum, who doesn't work has decided that the entire American workforce, does nothing productive and is primarily engaged in orally stimulating a boss and playing games. Here we go with you insulting not just me but every single worker in America. All of which are inferior to you, the one man in existence who is above such trifling as manual labor. A man unable to supply his own needs but yet somehow smarter, more ethical, and more perfect than any other human being. \nAgain you fascinate me with your hubris. Completely dismissing the efforts of millions of people as non productive and of course you yourself are above all that. A superior being. like unto a God able to pass judgement on one and all. \nYou ask me if I have seen a car factory. But you yourself don't know anything about it. You say they "produce a car every ten minutes or some ridiculous crap". But you don't know. You are just guessing. And I assume that you are referring to the high degree of automation. I suppose you have seen a jpg of welding bots on some website. Therefore obviously you assume the entire factory from beginning to end is automated. From the design and testing to the delivery of the automobile to the consumer. How naive you are.\nIt's pretty funny actually. At one time I worked in a GM plant in Missouri. So not only have I seen an auto factory I was employed in one. One of the worst jobs I have ever had I admit, but I don't recall fellating the boss as part of the job description. \nAnd I am perfectly happy to allow you to carry a machete to clear trails, or build a culvert, or establish a rescue aviary for that matter. The POINT is that you will do NONE of them. You are all talk and bullshit. You will not clear trails, you will not build culverts and you will not run an avian rescue or even work a marijuana grow farm. If I handed you a machete, if I provided the tools for you to build a culvert, if I provided land for you to grow pot and make a bird sanctuary you would balk. You would come up with an excuse about how you would like to do it but government didn't do this or ignorant motherfuckers did that. \nBecause you are a lazy bum. You are a bum now and you will always be a bum no matter what. All you produce is excuses. Even if Government GAVE you a Basic Income, A Food Card, Free Healthcare, Free Transportation and Free Housing you would STILL sit around on your lazy ass complaining about how much your check was, how big a bitch it was having to go to the fucking store. Why can't the Government deliver my food to my door huh? You would bitch because your doc wouldn't prescribe the opiates you want to get high. You would bitch because your government supplied vehicle was the wrong color and the seats weren't as comfortable as you like. You would bitch about your housing because you didn't like the neighbors or you felt oppressed because you had to mow the god damn lawn. \nSee, you are full of shit. You are a lazy bum and know not a god damn thing about what working REALLY is. You need to stop making excuses and whining like a little brat. Grow up, be a man, get a job. Shit go work for the forestry service. Start your own business so you don't have to suck any bosses dick but your own. \nBut I know you won't. You're just going to do the same thing tomorrow that you did today. Sit on your lazy bum ass and bitch because the sky doesn't rain crack and you can't harvest free pot from the median. How you get a headache if another person looks at you and get hives if someone talks to you. You'll talk big about how you are going to revolutionize the field of AI and create all these wonderful technologies just as soon as you get this or that or the other thing. But it doesn't matter. If you got EVERYTHING you asked for you still wouldn't be nothing but a god damn lazy bum. \nIt's time you shut up and got a job dude. A community based on what you all like can fall apart when what you like changes, but a community based on what you all hate can last forever. - securit\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-4-234240-9541-4> => |text: \n\n\n I heard on the radio, they just had a primary election and Clark County had expanded its county council by two seats. Crawford should run! Fuck, why can't I talk to Crawford on this site and get him to run on a platform of Basic Income and Make Taxes Voluntary, Create Money for the Budget platform?\nWhy does Rusty listen to the complaints of Ignorant Motherfuckers and ahhhtists, but not to my complaint that I have lost the best communication channel to Mike?\nWhy does Rusty want to support the corrupt power elite, and silence the voices of freedom and reason such as Crawford? Why? Why???? ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-8-4-22836-35729-2> => |text: \n\n\n US should institute a basic income of $2000 / month per individual that opts in. Hold challenges to improve 3D printing so that everyone can print their own cheap Chinese crap at home or at the library. Pretty soon we'll be printing our self-driving cars, all out of recycled plastic from all the water bottles. Voil! Utopia is within reach.\nYou're welcome. ---\nMAY I SUCK YOUR PENIS? - Nimey\nHi! I fail at basic sig technology! En plus, je suis pd! - smegko \n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-7-31-9242-24721> => |text: first, what's the problem ? \nI see one unhappy customer here:\nhttp://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2015/7/28/194649/856\nand this customer believes basic income and independent living. which I am sure old society elsewhere afforded a few lucky members that status-quo, either by their own merits or by their own wealth or by their own wellbeing.> body |diary: 2015-7-28-194649-856> => |text: Jobists live in some fantasy world where they think that a State Farm employee is contributing to society by not being "lazy" and holding down a job.\nBut the job that employee does results in higher premiums and add-on fees to cover the "administrative expenses". \nAnd on top of that, the employees are incompetent boobs who can't find policies on their computers, can't come up with the same numbers quoted on the statements they mailed you, and sit there on the phone hemming and hawing and making really annoying, ugly, clicking sounds.\nIn conclusion, when someone tells you to get a job you lazy bum, remember that most jobs are not about efficiency or customer service or bettering society. Most jobs are about people games and fitting in and being able to make small talk. Jobists are ignorant motherfuckers trying to kill all innovative instinct in humans. Jobists are destroying America.\n---\nAddendum: note that on their balance sheet, State Farm lists a lot of financial assets, which is where their reported income mostly comes from.\nThey don't go into detail about what financial assets they are holding. But it is a pretty sure bet they are insuring against underwriting losses, thus hedging their increased administrative expenses in the market and making money off paying more for employees. So State Farm is winning by giving their incompetent employees increased wages while raising rates for customers, and also they are getting more investment income because of financial tricks such as swaps, insurance, and other derivatives.\nThese huge financial organizations can't lose. They pay people more and more to be more and more incompetent. It's a jobist death spiral: pay more for less, while the ignorant employees get raises and more ignorant, sitting on their fat asses all day clucking into the phone and complaining about their computers to the customer.\nJobs suck. Jobs are the problem. Fuck jobs. Fuck State Farm. Fuck insurance scams. All those insurance agents would be better off on a basic income taking MOOCs and doing no harm instead of creating frictions for a living.> body |comment: 2015-7-27-181538-350-15> => |text: \n\n\n I was going to run your script to unhide your comments until you started to attack me on a daily basis. You had your chance but you blew it because you fried your brain on drugs and attack your own allies. You asked me to come back here, practically begged me to come back and support basic income and when I did that you start attacking me.\nSo why should I do anything to help you? You already claimed you are not my friend. You call me all sorts of names. You really don't know how to treat human beings with respect when you need something from them. It is because you fried your brain on drugs and you are always negative. \n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-24-154613-427-4> => |text: \n\n\n I sometimes think of you. The arguments about Basic Income, they, they don't feel so full of girth. The discussion lacks breadth. \nSometimes I awake in the car, soaked in sweat. I can only reason you finally fulfilled my deepest wish. And yet, sitting in the driver's seat, I can sit at all.\nO Brother Where Art Thou? _____\n"Can you recommend a Chino vendor?" - MichaelCrawford, Nov 2008"[President Obama] likes em a little loose but not saggy. He likes a wool and cashmere blend. He rolls with an inch and a quarter cuff." - tdillo, Nov 2008"I think they look sharp. But it's important that they be pressed, or at least hung properly, so as to maintain the crease." - MichaelCrawford, Sep 2009"I find a bit of well-cut tailoring quite hot." - TDS, Jun 2010\n\n\n> body |comment: 2015-7-23-63246-3897-16> => |text: \n\n\n Comebacks Ltd.\nTo receive a Not Joke, press 1\nTo receive a missive on Basic Income, press 2\nTo hear me talk about Michael Crawford in an acutely sycophantic fashion, press 3. _____\n"Can you recommend a Chino vendor?" - MichaelCrawford, Nov 2008"[President Obama] likes em a little loose but not saggy. He likes a wool and cashmere blend. He rolls with an inch and a quarter cuff." - tdillo, Nov 2008"I think they look sharp. But it's important that they be pressed, or at least hung properly, so as to maintain the crease." - MichaelCrawford, Sep 2009"I find a bit of well-cut tailoring quite hot." - TDS, Jun 2010\n\n\n> intro |diary: 2015-8-27-215626-238> => |text: I sometimes use right-wing opinions. I was burned by liberals when I worked, and they forced me on disability and never to work again, ruining my career. None of them seem to have a clue how to treat the mentally ill and just treat us like something they scraped off their shoe.\nYet still I see the need for social programs like disability, medicare, basic income, and other stuff, so I am not a real conservative or right-winged as TDillo says I am.\nI also want to see a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.> title |comment: 2015-8-27-161919-678-1> => |text: Solution: basic income.> title |comment: 2004-1-5-18133-66538-15> => |text: Basic Income and the Broad Church of Liberalism> body |comment: 2004-1-5-18133-66538-15> => |text: \n\n\n This Malcolm Bull essay from the LRB makes the assertion that almost all rich-world politics today - including the extremes, and political avant-garde - is within the broad church of liberalism.\n\nThey are fighting under the slogan 'per la dignit dei popoli contro il neoliberismo', but their two key political demands, free migration and the right to a guaranteed basic income, are policies that were once largely the preserve of Neoliberal think-tanks in the United States. The idea that everyone should be paid a basic income, irrespective of any other income they have coming in, or of their willingness to work, has a long history on the Right. In the early 1960s, Milton Friedman came out in favour of one form of the idea, and in Britain it has circulated at the margins of Conservative politics for half a century, being espoused most recently by William Hague's friend Alan Duncan. Support for free migration has also come mostly from right-wing libertarians, and in the early 1980s was the sort of topic that found an airing at Liberty Fund seminars. For Neoliberals one of the attractions of these policies was their incompatibility with the welfare state. Basic income was the cheap alternative to welfare, a direct repudiation of 'to each according to his needs' (it allows for the total removal of social security infrastructure); free migration, which would make a nation's welfare benefits accessible to everyone in the world, would quickly make the hard-won achievements of the welfare system unsustainable.\n[...]\nHowever, a shift had taken place: autonomy had been intended to replace capitalism with Communism; but as the antithesis of globalisation it functions very differently: autonomous areas or spheres of activity may constitute local alternatives to capitalism and so limit its extent, but they are not incompatible with its continuation. In terms of political theory this is significant: 'immunity from the service of capital' (as Hobbes might have put it) is one, today perhaps the most important form of negative liberty, and autonomous regions and basic incomes are both ways of making it possible, whereas neither autonomous zones nor basic incomes have any place in Communism, for both are ways of limiting the demands that people can make on each other.\n\nTo me the appeal of Basic Income laws, like Brazil's new one*, is that it frees individuals from their absolute reliance on corporate conglomerations of power, including the state itself. When you have a basic income law people can choose, for example, how much electricity or water they want to buy, without the choice being tarnished by being ransomed against their survival.\n* News will eat itself\n((Neo-liberal techno-utopian capitalist lackey)) \n\n\n> title |comment: 2003-10-20-19371-265-29> => |text: universal basic income> body |comment: 2002-4-27-122915-514-7> => |text: \n\n\n We need a universal basic income. Which, contrary to what straw man constructing critics say, is quite affordable - much more so than the corporate subsidies we perpetuate. \n\n\n> ----------------------------------------